I'm glad you added this part. From my studies of the information, I find it
kindof unlikely that this rumor will come to pass. From my understanding, the
deal that THQ has made with the WWF has already been finalized as well as the
deal between EA and the WCW (isn't the game already in production?). Whether
this information is true or not, I understand that ECW is very capable of
finding a party to make the game even if THQ won't do it. I guess we'll have
to wait and see (that should be my new tag line).
Black Dragon
Subscribe to PWD: dia...@cryptic.org
Visit my tape trade at: www.angelfire.com/md/blackdragon (cool pics, tape
trade, good commentary and my wrestling resume)
I got two words for ya READ THIS!!
Whos' Better Than Kanyon?NOBODY!!
cWo Chevrolet World Order!!
Metal Mania 4 eternity!!
3 is the Magic Number-Earnhardt
Ron Turner wrote:
> I just read this somewhere this morning, but rumor has it that the ECW
> game has run into some problems. See the rumor was that EA had signed
> WCW to a deal when in fact THQ and WCW are still in negotiations to
> bring out even more WCW videogames. And this is where the problem is
> because THQ was rumored to be making the ECW game all along and as we
> know THQ will follow the trail of green($$$) which will lead to WCW. So
> where would this leave ECW?!? I mean they could try to work out a deal
> with EA, but what are the odds of that? Again this is all just a rumor,
> but it's alot of food for thought...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
"Can you dig it?"
Tony <der...@erols.com> wrote in article <36D8DA...@erols.com>...
I dont know where you stumbled across this info....but it is incorrect.
JAKKS has the WWF license for toys, not video games. THQ has the rights to all
WWF video games. You were right able the EA and WCW part though.
Actually, Jakks does also hold to rights to any WWF Video games produced. It
doesnt mean they make them, but they pretty much pay for everything and are a
big sponser. And I dont even think there will ever be an ECW game, and if there
is, it will more than likely suck (Unless ported from a Japanese game)
"Just when you think you've got ALL the answers, 6MS Changes the Questions"
WWF Games Jakks
ECW Game(s) THQ
WCW Games EA
That's it!
"Up the Irons"
Im da Icon <imda...@aol.com> wrote in article
The following is all from Dave Scherer. Visit 1wrestling.com for more
great news.
There is an old saying that it is often darkest before the storm ends.
If that metaphor holds true anywhere, it would in Extreme Championship
Wrestling were in the matter of a week, the company went from the direst
of straits, to a position where they are on solid footing again.
It's no secret that the company has run through rough financial waters
lately. Stories were everywhere about bouncing checks and the
speculation was that the company was going out of business.
Making the jump from a house show company to a PPV entity required a lot
of up front capital that the promotion never needed to tie up for an
extended period before. The average PPV can require at least a $250,000
investment. And even though PPV is seen as a financial windfall, while
the current level of buys does bring a nice chunk of money into company
coffers, there is a waiting period of up to a year before the company
gets the money they have due to them for said buys. ECW is currently
owed more than a million dollars from PPV buys but that money does them
no good if it can't be spent. It's not like ECW could sell that debt to
anyone, because Viewer's Choice does not know the exact the amount of
money due to the company. They have a good idea, but until the exact
amount of the money is known, they won't put it down on a piece of
paper. It's not like they could sell an estimated figure that Viewer's
Choice wouldn't corroborate to any broker or bank.
So, ECW was put in a position where they may have never made it to the
Living Dangerously PPV on 3/21. They very well could have gone out of
business this past weekend had it not been for the events of this past
According to sources in the gaming industry, on 2/16 Paul Heyman and his
management team made a calculated business gamble and flew to California
to trade on one major chip they had in the possession: the rights to the
ECW Video game.
ECW signed a deal last year with THQ to market and create their video
game. At the time, they were offered $100,000 and they took the deal. It
was almost regretted by the company from the start since it became
obvious after they did the deal that they could have gotten far more
money, and it became an albatross around Heyman's neck.
Here's a little background to get you up to speed, from sources in the
know. THQ manufactures the WCW video games. Their contract expires this
year and the word is that WCW will jump to EA Sports. THQ signed ECW for
about $100,000. Acclaim, who also makes video games, lost the rights to
the WWF games to Jakks toys. Recently, THQ began working with Jakks on a
project with some of the WWF licensed products. The WWF went to them and
said basically that THQ couldn't double dip and do both them and ECW,
since their deal was with Jakks, not with them. The WWF made a
counter-offer to THQ where they made it clear they would not be adverse
to a deal with THQ where they would license and sell ECW products. THQ
took it to ECW. Paul Heyman did not like that the fact that it would put
him at risk, since he would be at the mercy of the WWF. While he had not
animosity with the WWF, it did concern him that if he were to do
something to piss them off the WWF, they could, if they chose to, bury
his product and ruin the worth of his licenses. Were he to say the wrong
thing, there was always a possibility that the WWF could bury ECW's
THQ then was in a position to make money off of the deal, and wanted ECW
to do the deal, since they could make money off of the deal with Jakks
as well. That deal was turned down by ECW. So, ECW was still unable to
sell the rights to its most lucrative deal, and it came at a time when
they needed to make a deal in the worst way. Paul Heyman decided to take
a calculated gamble.
On 2/16, ECW's management team met with THQ and basically told them that
they needed to change the deal they had with them or, in essence, THQ
may be holding onto a license fee for a dead company. They said the deal
had to be re-done, since THQ go it at way under market value. Were THQ
to not go for it, ECW could counter that they were holding a potential
lawsuit, since they could allege that THQ was "in cahoots" to work with
Jakks when they made the deal with ECW. ECW knew that Acclaim and other
video game companies were interested in marketing their game.
So, THQ and ECW did what was right for business and agreed to work
together. The sides got together and put together a list of demands that
they wanted for each side, both THQ and ECW. They sent out these demands
to every interested video game company and they would have until 2/22 at
5 p.m. PST to make their bid for the rights to the game. As of 2/21,
they have 8 offers on the table. It appears certain that the deal will
save the company, and in fact put them in a very solvent situation. They
think the new video game will be a go within a few weeks.
Meanwhile, as my entertainment sources told me, starting with an
upcoming PPV, Buena Vista Entertainment, which is a subsidiary of
Disney, has agreed to underwrite the company's up front costs for the
PPVs. They will pay up front costs and earmark an undisclosed figure to
market and promote the PPVs, since the more money it makes, they more
money they make. When the money starts coming in after the show, they
get their money off of the top, and they will split the remaining profit
with ECW in an undisclosed fashion.
In addition to that, Heyman managed to sell off some of the money owed
and will be able to make good on many of the bounced checks starting
Monday. All signs point to ECW being, if not out of the woods, well on
the trail.
Paul Heyman had no comment about at this time regarding the video game.
All he would say is, "It would be improper for me to discuss, to confirm
or to deny, any of these stories until the deals are signed, sealed,
delivered and begin to directly benefit our company, our employees, and
those who have stuck with us through this period in our company's
This news article is (c) 1999 WrestleWorld.com; Please credit
WrestleWorld.com's AFR and our reporter Reptile347 when using this piece
elsewhere! Thanks for visiting and please come again!
THQ manufactures the WCW video games. Their contract expires this
year and the word is that WCW will jump to EA Sports.
Oh really?? "Word is that they will jump ship to EA" huh? That is odd
considering that EA has already stated that they have obtained the WCW license.
They have a rumored title as WCW/NWO Mayhem. They have registered the web
address and set a release date of Fall 99. The reason is because EA and WCW is
a done deal...has been for about the last 3 months or so. Scherer knows his
stuff....but obviously not when it is game related.
see: http://www.ign64.com/news/7099.html
This is the first I have ever heard of Jakks owning any part of the WWF "video
game" license.
If I am wrong.....then thanks for correcting me :)
My point was about THQ/ECW and Jakks/WWF.
"Play violently, live peacefully!"