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Ryu Hayabusa is still a bad ass

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Hank the Rapper

Sep 25, 2005, 11:12:52 PM9/25/05
The level 2 boss is still a pain to fight and Chapter 5 is still a bitch to
play. Took me four hours today. I never got around to finishing Ninja Gaiden
the first time around. Let me take a wild guess and say Murai is Doku. You
know, that Rachel has some really big breasts. I tried using that line on
Teri Hatcher but it didn't work.

Jim S.

Sep 26, 2005, 1:28:55 AM9/26/05

I skipped it the first time around because I heard it was so hard. I
picked up NGB since it had a lower difficulty level. I am having a
blast with it; it is such a well designed game. But damn, it's still
hard (for me, anyway). I just got to the end part of Chapter 6, where I
have to fight the dino skelly. I have only 1 partial health vial left
and I got killed, so I quit for the night. It may be hard getting past
that with limited health available. I am hoping I can make it out of
that chapter alive so I can stock up at the shop/blacksmith. Otherwise
I may be screwed.

If you think chapter 5 was hard (and it was), wait til you get a load of
chapter 6. My gosh, there is one prolonged stage where you have to
outrace a boulder - good luck! It took me about 20 tries. Luckily it
loads up immediately to that part again if you get killed, so you don't
have to wait for long loading times.

It's interesting how each enemy has a weakness that takes time to figure
out. The sorcerers were kicking my but until I got used to them.

Good luck, Hank. Keep me posted.
Jim S.


Sep 26, 2005, 2:29:52 AM9/26/05
In article <>,

How far did you make it in the first game? It seems like most people who had
trouble with it only made it to the second boss.


Sep 26, 2005, 4:16:10 PM9/26/05

"MS#1Fanboy-JoJo" <> wrote in message

Personally I found the bridge boss very easy, got him on my second try......
I've been stuck against atma (was that her name?, the purple flying bitch)
for a couple months and I've all but given up now :(

unbelieavable game nonetheless



Sep 26, 2005, 5:03:54 PM9/26/05
In article <dh9kue$nsp$>, a@b.c says...
Are you going to try it with Ninja Black. You could probably get by with the
easy mode it has.

Hank the Rapper

Sep 26, 2005, 7:28:54 PM9/26/05
MS#1Fanboy-JoJo wrote:

> How far did you make it in the first game? It seems like most people
> who had trouble with it only made it to the second boss.

I think to chapter 11. It was right before an underwater section. I didn't
quit because it was too hard, I stopped playing because I didn't have the
time and never bothered to go back. I figured I had lost too much of my
skills and would have to start over. I can't want to fight the
mummies/undead again. That was my favorite part. I don't look forward to
fighting Alma.


Sep 27, 2005, 9:35:11 AM9/27/05

"MS#1Fanboy-JoJo" <> wrote in message

I doubt it, if I didn't have Live I would definetly consider it, but all I'd
get out of the Black version is the easy mode I believe..... plus, I've
already gotten more than my 20$ worth out of this game which is how much I
payed for it :o).

IF they implemented a save anywhere feature in Black, then I'll pick it up
right away. One of my biggest peeves about where I'm stuck in the game is
that I've got about 15 minutes of fighting before I can even make another
attempt at Atma and that reallllllllly drives me nuts. But I'll stop here
before this becomes a
oders" rant :)



Sep 27, 2005, 11:12:13 AM9/27/05
In article <>, says...
Damn dude... you should have kept at it. As I recall the game only had a few
more levels than that. I'm thinking of getting Black to see the extra modes
and stuff they added in.

Hank the Rapper

Sep 27, 2005, 9:54:49 PM9/27/05
MS#1Fanboy-JoJo wrote:

> Damn dude... you should have kept at it. As I recall the game only
> had a few more levels than that.

It was months until I could go back. I tried one evening and gave up because
I was getting my butt kicked. Plus there was an underwater level and I hate
underwater levels.

> I'm thinking of getting Black to see
> the extra modes and stuff they added in.

It's worth it playing again for the staff. I bought the game to play the
mission mode but you can't unlock it until you beat the game.

Hank the Rapper

Sep 27, 2005, 9:55:56 PM9/27/05
Jim S. wrote:
> But damn, it's still
> hard (for me, anyway). I just got to the end part of Chapter 6,
> where I have to fight the dino skelly. I have only 1 partial health
> vial left and I got killed, so I quit for the night. It may be hard
> getting past that with limited health available. I am hoping I can
> make it out of that chapter alive so I can stock up at the
> shop/blacksmith. Otherwise I may be screwed.

I was in the same situations except I had a full health vial. I got sick and
tired of trying so I went back to the last save and replayed that section.
don't have to fight the undead in the hall after the Holy Grail room. You
also don't have to fight the undead in the room with the spiral stairs. It
saved enough health potions so I could easily beat the fossil. He isn't hard
to beat, he has a tale for every move. It just takes a lot of health because
the flying bones take a lot out of you.

Jim S.

Sep 29, 2005, 1:24:17 PM9/29/05

Jim S.

Jim S.

Sep 29, 2005, 1:26:02 PM9/29/05
Hank the Rapper wrote:

Yeah, I got by him a few days ago. He was one of the easier bosses so far. I
somehow managed to beat Alma on my first try, too. I am on level 10, I think.
Just got to the aqueducts. Great frigging game so far.
Jim S.


Sep 29, 2005, 2:50:41 PM9/29/05

"Jim S." <> wrote in message

Reading that you beat that purple bitch on your first try makes me wanna
reach through the screen and slap you upside the head...... been stuck there
for months

Andrew Ryan Chang

Sep 29, 2005, 4:10:21 PM9/29/05
In article <dhbhqg$jfp$>, Wurm <a@b.c> wrote:
>IF they implemented a save anywhere feature in Black, then I'll pick it up
>right away. One of my biggest peeves about where I'm stuck in the game is
>that I've got about 15 minutes of fighting before I can even make another
>attempt at Atma and that reallllllllly drives me nuts. But I'll stop here
>before this becomes a
>oders" rant :)

It's 'Alma', and if memory serves you can go fight some ninja in
the upper room of the church, **go back down the elevator and save in the
save point you have to swim through a tunnel to get to** and then those
ninja won't be back when you return or load that save.

"Ed is the standard text editor."

Ed, the greatest WYGIWYG editor of all.
-Patrick J. LoPresti


Sep 29, 2005, 4:56:11 PM9/29/05

"Andrew Ryan Chang" <> wrote in message

hrm, I know just what youre talking about. I had read that I had access to a
closer save point in a walkthrough but I guess I misread as to where it was.
I'll give it a shot sometime tonite

thanks for the info :o).


Jim S.

Sep 29, 2005, 5:41:25 PM9/29/05
Wurm wrote:

> Reading that you beat that purple bitch on your first try makes me wanna
> reach through the screen and slap you upside the head...... been stuck there
> for months

Hehe. Don't take it hard; I AM using the new Ninja Dog difficulty level. If
you've been stuck there for months then you are not playing Ninja Gaiden BLACK
(seeing as it just came out) and you don't get to have that lower difficulty

Apparently you see her twice. I am talking about the first encounter with her
at the end of chapter 7.

Good luck!!!
Jim S.

Hank the Rapper

Sep 29, 2005, 6:31:11 PM9/29/05
Jim S. wrote:

> Apparently you see her twice. I am talking about the first encounter
> with her at the end of chapter 7.

On normal difficulty during the first game it took me 7-8 hours to beat

Jim S.

Sep 29, 2005, 9:02:39 PM9/29/05
Hank the Rapper wrote:

Good Lord, thank goodness I am not playing on normal!!!
Jim S.


Sep 30, 2005, 9:55:38 AM9/30/05

"Jim S." <> wrote in message

Yeah, I'm playing the original version on normal difficulty..... you make a
single mistake and its half your life bar. The thing that drives me nuts
about this game is how perfect you always have to be, there have been a few
times where I've *almost* beaten her, one more combo and she would have been
toast. So I reload and try again and I could go 5 more attempts without even
laying a hand on her, hell, sometimes I don't even make it to her!.

I think games over the years have gotten easier and easier, so when we're
faced with an "old-school" difficulty game like NG we dont know what the
hell to do anymore. For example, I picked up the MegaMan collection on Xbox
when it came out, and back when I was kid playing these when they first came
out I could beat most of them only dying once or twice, now, after owning
the game since its release I still haven't beaten a single one of the games
on the disk, wayyyyy too damn hard.

Still a great game though


Jul 27, 2015, 6:33:38 PM7/27/15
Let's just wait for Ryu to get cut up by a buzzsaw! WHY NOT?
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