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Morrowind Disaster Narrowly Avoided!

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Robert P Holley

Jun 12, 2002, 12:53:08 PM6/12/02
If any of you are familar with PSO on the Dreamcast and/or use to hang out
in the Sega newsgroup last summer, you might have remember reading this
horror story of mine about losing a PSO character.

Anyway, my stepson once again came to visit us for the summer (starting
Saturday) and I almost suffered the same faith as last year. After putting
in close to 30 hours into Morrowind since last week I came home from work
yesterday to start my game again only to find that my save file called
"Robert" now had a new game saved over top of it. This save file was none
other than my stepson's Morrowind game. He had accidently saved his game on
my game and overwrote it. I couldn't believe it. I was steaming. Twice
now he had "erased" a game save where I had put a lot of hours into!

Memories of last year flashed in my mind as I recalled how I was ready to
ring his neck last year. If any of you are familar with PSO you know how
time comsuming the game is and how hard it is to find rare weapons and that
character he erased last year had lots of rare wepaons I had handed down
from my other characters. Morrowind is just as time consuming.

Anyway, I was in shock. Two summers and two erased files. It was almost
funny in a way but the irony was sickening. Luckily I must of had a moment
of brilliance a few days earlier because the actual day that I brought him
home from the airport I decided that I was going to create a backup of my
Morrowind game. So each time I finished playing for the evening, I'd save
my game first and then create a new save and title it "Robert Backup". So
thank God I didn't lose a single thing because I did have the smarts to back
it up.

Needless to say he is now grounded from playing Morrowind and my blood
pressure has fallen back down to acceptable levels.


Jun 12, 2002, 1:29:33 PM6/12/02
On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 12:53:08 -0400, "Robert P Holley"
<> wrote:

>my game and overwrote it. I couldn't believe it. I was steaming. Twice
>now he had "erased" a game save where I had put a lot of hours into!

LOL, and I thought I was only one that had this problem with my 11
year old son nuking my gamesaves ! When he starts playing MW
i'm going to start making about 4-5 different saves for my charactor,
damnit it's NOT gonna happen this time !


Robert P Holley

Jun 12, 2002, 2:01:17 PM6/12/02
"Scurvydog" <> wrote in message

How odd. My stepson is 11 year old also. Sounds like a second-rate, made
for television movie..."Attack of the Eleven Year Olds: Gamesaves Erased"


Jun 12, 2002, 2:22:25 PM6/12/02

"Robert P Holley" <> wrote in message

> Luckily I must of had a moment
> of brilliance a few days earlier because the actual day that I brought him
> home from the airport I decided that I was going to create a backup of my
> Morrowind game. So each time I finished playing for the evening, I'd save
> my game first and then create a new save and title it "Robert Backup".

Was worried about the same thing, so I use the console to copy my MW saves
from HD onto a memory card. Silly me, I believed the salesguy when he said
I "needed" one so yes, I have one! And so far this is ALL I've used it for,
backing up game saves like Halo and MW where you spend so much time getting
anywhere. So, even though technically you don't "need" a memory card, in
this case, I'm glad I have one! I'm not planning on it, but if my Xbox
fails at least I have my important game saves on something I can keep and
use with the next one!

Robert P Holley

Jun 12, 2002, 2:35:39 PM6/12/02
"OwnEmBoth" <> wrote in message

> "Robert P Holley" <> wrote in message
> news:ae7u9l$4k93b$
> ---snip---
> > Luckily I must of had a moment
> > of brilliance a few days earlier because the actual day that I brought
> > home from the airport I decided that I was going to create a backup of
> > Morrowind game. So each time I finished playing for the evening, I'd
> > my game first and then create a new save and title it "Robert Backup".
> Was worried about the same thing, so I use the console to copy my MW saves
> from HD onto a memory card. Silly me, I believed the salesguy when he
> I "needed" one so yes, I have one! And so far this is ALL I've used it
> backing up game saves like Halo and MW where you spend so much time
> anywhere. So, even though technically you don't "need" a memory card, in
> this case, I'm glad I have one! I'm not planning on it, but if my Xbox
> fails at least I have my important game saves on something I can keep and
> use with the next one!

Good idea. I might just purchase one just for this purpose. Thanks for the
heads up.

Dethlar Lesnar

Jun 12, 2002, 5:57:13 PM6/12/02
I would seriously put some thought into "losing" your stepson on a camping

"Robert P Holley" <> wrote in message

Kevin Sullivan

Jun 12, 2002, 6:54:00 PM6/12/02

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 12:53:08 -0400, "Robert P Holley"
<> wrote:

>If any of you are familar with PSO on the Dreamcast and/or use to hang out
>in the Sega newsgroup last summer, you might have remember reading this
>horror story of mine about losing a PSO character.

Hehe, I do remember that. I don't know how you kept yourself from
heaving the kid out the window:)

>Anyway, my stepson once again came to visit us for the summer (starting
>Saturday) and I almost suffered the same faith as last year. After putting
>in close to 30 hours into Morrowind since last week I came home from work
>yesterday to start my game again only to find that my save file called
>"Robert" now had a new game saved over top of it. This save file was none
>other than my stepson's Morrowind game. He had accidently saved his game on
>my game and overwrote it. I couldn't believe it. I was steaming. Twice
>now he had "erased" a game save where I had put a lot of hours into!
>Memories of last year flashed in my mind as I recalled how I was ready to
>ring his neck last year. If any of you are familar with PSO you know how
>time comsuming the game is and how hard it is to find rare weapons and that
>character he erased last year had lots of rare wepaons I had handed down
>from my other characters. Morrowind is just as time consuming.
>Anyway, I was in shock. Two summers and two erased files. It was almost
>funny in a way but the irony was sickening. Luckily I must of had a moment
>of brilliance a few days earlier because the actual day that I brought him
>home from the airport I decided that I was going to create a backup of my
>Morrowind game. So each time I finished playing for the evening, I'd save
>my game first and then create a new save and title it "Robert Backup". So
>thank God I didn't lose a single thing because I did have the smarts to back
>it up.
>Needless to say he is now grounded from playing Morrowind and my blood
>pressure has fallen back down to acceptable levels.

Damn dude. Smart move with the backup. I would've locked all my
systems up. How old is this kid? Don't most games default to save in
the slot you loaded from. Wouldn't he have to go out of his way to
overwrite yours? I don't have an Xbox so I'm not sure how saving works
with the hard drive...

I usually save my games in the second or third slot if available to
avoid defualt overwrites to the first slot.

Thank God for your backup though, it probably saved your marriage and
from the sounds of it, definitely your stepson's life:)

I don't know if you'll be playing FFXI but you can rest easy knowing
that the character information is saved on the server!

Kevin Sullivan

Jun 12, 2002, 6:56:08 PM6/12/02

They just dropped the price of them recently too. They used to be
$35-$40 but I think they are $25 now. I would run out and get one


Jun 12, 2002, 7:08:47 PM6/12/02
You should have punched the little bitch right in the face. It's not
like he's your real kid.

Robert P Holley

Jun 12, 2002, 11:14:34 PM6/12/02
"Kevin Sullivan" <> wrote in message

> On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 12:53:08 -0400, "Robert P Holley"
> <> wrote:
> >If any of you are familar with PSO on the Dreamcast and/or use to hang
> >in the Sega newsgroup last summer, you might have remember reading this
> >horror story of mine about losing a PSO character.
> >
> Hehe, I do remember that. I don't know how you kept yourself from
> heaving the kid out the window:)

So you can appreciate how time consuming PSO was as a game and how gut
wrenching it would be to lose something like that then. This time I
remained calm because I knew I backed everything up, but last year I was
royally pissed.

> >Needless to say he is now grounded from playing Morrowind and my blood
> >pressure has fallen back down to acceptable levels.
> >
> Damn dude. Smart move with the backup. I would've locked all my
> systems up. How old is this kid?

He will be 12 in August.

> Don't most games default to save in
> the slot you loaded from. Wouldn't he have to go out of his way to
> overwrite yours? I don't have an Xbox so I'm not sure how saving works
> with the hard drive...

The way Morrowind for the Xbox works is like this. All saves are label with
the character's name with the latest save always jumping to the top of the
list. So obviously since I saved my game last (from the previous night) it
was resting right on top, just ripe for him to overwrite it.

> I usually save my games in the second or third slot if available to
> avoid defualt overwrites to the first slot.

I do that too, when available but with this game the last save jump to the
top. If I remember correctly, Baldur's Gate for the PS2 does the same thing
(as we've had some close calls when playing that game last winter)

> Thank God for your backup though, it probably saved your marriage and
> from the sounds of it, definitely your stepson's life:)

That's where "accidents" come into play. haha

> I don't know if you'll be playing FFXI but you can rest easy knowing
> that the character information is saved on the server!

I won't be playing FFXI but I will definitely be playing PSO on either (or
both) the Xbox and the GC.

Robert P Holley

Jun 13, 2002, 9:13:25 AM6/13/02
"stinky" <stankonia@stunkt·> wrote in message

> You should have punched the little bitch right in the face. It's not
> like he's your real kid.

Better yet, how about I just give him a Gamecube. That will cause him to
eventually turn "gay" as you say and I will have my ultimate revenge. I'm
surprised you didn't suggest that Stinky.

Yash Vaibhav

Apr 2, 2023, 3:46:34 AM4/2/23
On Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 6:43:25 PM UTC+5:30, Robert P Holley wrote:
> "stinky" <stankonia@stunkt·> wrote in message
> news:3d07d89f$1...@nopics.sjc...
> > You should have punched the little bitch right in the face. It's not
> > like he's your real kid.
> Better yet, how about I just give him a Gamecube. That will cause him to
> eventually turn "gay" as you say and I will have my ultimate revenge. I'm
Random stranger on the internet here to invite nostalgia and leave
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