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Apr 4, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/4/98

You all are weak as smotherfuckers who can't even take on your
You guys are such punks, All you do is CRY all day instead of
Fighting back!
You view pk's as GODS, and so you jsut let them kill you without
You don't have fun becuase you get pk'ed and feel the world is
What you really need to do is take a class at my "PK Hunting
101" course
There you will learn how to hit running pk's,How to see which
pk's are weak and dumb, How to notice if your butt is dying , How to
run faster than the Flash or just faster than the pk chasing you:)
You will learn to be a hardass pk butt kicker!!
you'll have many pk head sin your vendor to display with favor txt
descripting how and where he died.
You will be the MAN! Jus tlike ME!
The Bitches will love you, The men will Kiss your ASS.. And you'll
ahve tons of vanquishing weapons in your bank like me!
You'll be so good you'll get bored with killing pk's all the
time and just want to go TAME creatures again.

Apr 4, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/4/98


Apr 4, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/4/98

In article <>, wrote:
> You all are weak as smotherfuckers who can't even take on your

You Junior, are full of shit. If you really wanted to help people against
pk's, you would POST something tangible. All you do is blow smoke up
your own behind. Put up, or shut up.

Jim Clarke

Del Boy

Apr 4, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/4/98
to writes

> You all are weak as smotherfuckers who can't even take on your

Back under your bridge, troll.

Customs and excise tell us that for every kilo of drugs they sieze,
three times that gets through. Well ideally they should sieze none
all, because three times nothing is nothing.
DEL BOY (Remove nodamnspam) Awight my son? Lovely...

Apr 4, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/4/98

On Sat, 04 Apr 1998 09:58:22 GMT, wrote:

<mindless drivel deleted>

Exactly where is it written that we HAVE to fight the pkers? I for
one don't want to lower myself to their level. I try to roleplay,
and while I'm not the greatest at it, I do my best. I am not in the
game to try to kill my fellow game player, if I wanted to do that,
I'd be playing Quake or some other mindless game.

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

On Sat, 04 Apr 1998 10:15:18 GMT, (foamy) wrote:

>> You all are weak as smotherfuckers who can't even take on your

>You Junior, are full of shit. If you really wanted to help people against
>pk's, you would POST something tangible. All you do is blow smoke up
>your own behind. Put up, or shut up.
>Jim Clarke

You couldn't beat a pk'er even if he let you since your such a
sacred punk you'll jsut run!
Put up what? I killed mor epk's than most pk's had killed
newbies!! I can even show you the heads of half the pk's i killed in
my vendor if you play on chesaphke i can work something out and gate
you to my tower and let you see for yourself!!! Is that good enough to
put up?

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

Jonathan Long

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98
to wrote in message


OK. Should PK'ers be allowed in UO? Yes. Should it be much harder to be a
PK'er than a virtuous roleplayer? Yes. It boils down to this: PK'ers _do_
make the game more realistic. If you want a hardcore, realistic RPG, then
there have to be the unscrupulous, evil elements as well as the virtuous
ones. All this whining and crying about how PK'ers do this and PK'ers do
that is a waste of bandwidth. If you don't like it, do something about it.
Sitting there and complaining just makes PK'ers that more intent to kill you
again. I guarantee you that if everyone who complained about PK'ers took
the time they spent whining and used it to build stats and skills, PK'ers
would be on the run. They wouldn't sit outside dungeons(or anywhere else)
waiting for you if there were patrols hanging out there watching for them.

If you don't want to fight them, don't. If you sit there and say how much
seriously enjoying UO. I've only been playing for about a month, been PK'ed
twice and been robbed a few times too, but it makes it more realistic for
me. I'm not bitching about how rediculous it is that someone is allowed to
kill me. I'm instead putting my time to good use, because I want to
eventually do something about PK'ers. Like kill them.

Atlantic Shard

P.S. That wasn't me who set that damn trap chest in the middle of
Britain...I got killed too. And thank you to the virutous gentlemen who
provided for me in my time of need. =)
P.P.S. Quake isn't as mindless as you think, sir. Get beneath the surface
of it, and it is 90% strategy, 10% reflexes.


Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

On Sat, 04 Apr 1998 23:38:36 GMT, wrote:

>On Sat, 04 Apr 1998 09:58:22 GMT, wrote:
><mindless drivel deleted>
>Exactly where is it written that we HAVE to fight the pkers? I for
>one don't want to lower myself to their level. I try to roleplay,
>and while I'm not the greatest at it, I do my best. I am not in the
>game to try to kill my fellow game player, if I wanted to do that,
>I'd be playing Quake or some other mindless game.

HEY! if your not complaing then leave me alone:P i only want
complainers ok!! OK!! OK!!???

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

You got that rite!!!
When i was a newbie i got constantly killed by groups of PK's like a
fish bait:P
But i swear tha tone day they'll pay and at that time i knew
they all suxed ass and alli need was higher skills to whip their
Now i totally Destroy groups of pk's by myself, I am so happy
I hav efun being a nice guy in UO who enjoys killing pk's:P and
then cutitng off their heads for my collection:)
Damn it if i wrote down my UO player name on this post i bet
most of the pk's in Chesaphke will reply and call me a TROLL:P

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

On Sat, 4 Apr 1998 22:37:33 +0100, Del Boy
<> wrote:

> writes

>> You all are weak as smotherfuckers who can't even take on your

>> You guys are such punks, All you do is CRY all day instead of
>>Fighting back!
>> You view pk's as GODS, and so you jsut let them kill you without
>> You don't have fun becuase you get pk'ed and feel the world is
>> What you really need to do is take a class at my "PK Hunting
>>101" course
>> There you will learn how to hit running pk's,How to see which
>>pk's are weak and dumb, How to notice if your butt is dying , How to
>>run faster than the Flash or just faster than the pk chasing you:)
>> You will learn to be a hardass pk butt kicker!!
>>you'll have many pk head sin your vendor to display with favor txt
>>descripting how and where he died.
>> You will be the MAN! Jus tlike ME!
>>The Bitches will love you, The men will Kiss your ASS.. And you'll
>>ahve tons of vanquishing weapons in your bank like me!
>> You'll be so good you'll get bored with killing pk's all the
>>time and just want to go TAME creatures again.
>Back under your bridge, troll.

Which bridgE? brooklyn bridge?? what?? twinkle bridge???


Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

More evidence of "YourMOMMA's" tribal belief system. Quaint, in fact...
Tell me, "YourMOMMA," are you going to be shrinking those heads anytime
soon? They may start to get a bit gamy if you don't.

BTW, if I follow your vernacular, shouldn't it be, "YoMOMMA?"
Pompous, Arrogant, Over-bearing Atlantean Wind Bag wrote in article

Del Boy

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98
to babbles:

Ooh, don't tempt me. Sod it.

How about London Bridge, you know, the one that's not actually in London
anymore? ;)

Here's a small selection of 'yo mama' 'jokes' :)


Yo' mama's so fat, she had to stop wearing her Malcolm X shirt because
helicopters kept trying to land on her.

Yo' mama's so fat, when your daddy finishes making love to her, he can
roll over twice and still be on top of her.

Yo' mama's so fat, when she haul ass she gotta make two trips.

Yo' mama's so fat, when she dances she makes the band skip.

Yo' mama's so fat, when she was diagnosed with the flesh eating disease
the doctor gave her 18 years to live.

Yo' mama's so fat, she put mayonnaise on aspirin.

Yo' mama's so fat, her cereal bowl came with a lifeguard.

Yo' mama's so fat, her high school graduation picture was an aerial

Yo' mama's so fat, her driver's license says "Picture continued on other

Yo' mama's so fat, she has to iron her pants on the driveway.

Yo' mama's so fat, back of her neck looks like a pack of hot dogs.

Yo' mama's so fat, all the restaurants in town have signs that say:
"Maximum Occupancy: 240 Patrons OR Yo Mama"

Yo' mama's so fat, when she ran away, they had to use all four sides of
the milk carton.

Yo' mama's so fat, instead of Levis 501 jeans, she wears Levi's 1002's.

Yo' mama's so fat, when she gets in an elevator, it HAS to go down.

Yo' mama's so fat, she was born with a silver shovel in her mouth.

Yo' mama's so fat, she sell shade.

Yo' mama's so fat, when she crosses the street, cars look out for her.

Yo' mama's so fat, people jog around her for exercise.

Yo' mama's so fat, I ran around her twice and got lost.

Yo' mama's so fat, she gets runs in her jeans.

Yo' mama's so fat, her blood type is Ragu.

Yo' mama's so fat, when she goes to a restaurant, she don't get a menu,
she get an estimate.

Yo' mama's so fat, if she got her shoes shined, she'd have to take his
word for it!

Yo' mama's so fat, she has to put her belt on with a boomerang.

Yo' mama's so fat, she can't even jump to a conclusion.

Yo' mama's so fat, she broke her leg and gravy dripped out.

Yo' mama's so fat, she went to the movies and sat next to everyone.

Yo' mama's so fat, she's got smaller fat women orbiting around her.


Gleaned from alt.humour. None of them are mine, so don't flame <me> :)


Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

And just what IS your problem, troll-boy? You know, you have not uttered
one word of truth yet in this newsgroup.

Wake up! You have no "bitches." No woman could stand to look at you much
less spend ten minutes actually TALKING to you.

The bridge to which he refers, just so an illiterate, trash-talking (insert
foul word of choice here) like yourself will understand, is from the fable
"Billy Goats Gruff." In this story, a troll threatens to eat goats if they
attempt to use "his" bridge to cross a river. The parallels would be
eerily similar but for the simple fact that I think I heard the goats
laughing about what an ineffectual boob you are.

Pompous, Arrogant, Fed-up, Over-bearing Atlantean Wind Bag wrote in article


Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98
to wrote in article

> You all are weak as smotherfuckers who can't even take on your
> grandmother!

I dont condone PKing. I think it makes the game more exciting. When 10
of them are attacking me, it gets my adrenylin pumping. I usually pray
that my hiding kicks in or I can recall out of there. The only think I
hate about PK's is the fact that they always travel in packs, shout CORP
POR all of the time (like those damn hell hounds) and pick on the lone
player. Its almost never a 1 on 1 battle.... I don't call that weekness on
our part!

Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

On 5 Apr 1998 17:43:26 GMT, "wonderwoman" <>

hey man!! running is a hero's best weapon:) i run alot from pk's
but then i also run alot back to them when they think i left and
surprise them geeks!
Pk's in pack sacred the shit out of me becuas ei have exp.
fighting against packs and i know 100% 10 pks will destroy me in a few
secs.. The point is to be smartt, be fast, and be a major PAIN! in
their asses!! i ahve ran itno battle against 20 pk's many times alone
and jsut annoy them all the time that they ar ein the dungeon or the
spot their hunting at:P
I like to waste their time and mana on me:) hehehe

But then again, UO is laggy and crashes you alot, so if you die of
crash or lag then that's your problem:P, no one asks you to go back
for pain, when you know pain is waiting for you:)
aslo watch out for pk's who spell you at the same time if you get hit
by more than 2-3 offensive spells at once your 100% gurannteed to be
lagged totally or jsut crash sometimeS:)

Oh and Black Adder is my bitch:P

Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

On 5 Apr 1998 15:25:53 GMT, "Blackadder" <>

>More evidence of "YourMOMMA's" tribal belief system. Quaint, in fact...
>Tell me, "YourMOMMA," are you going to be shrinking those heads anytime
>soon? They may start to get a bit gamy if you don't.
>BTW, if I follow your vernacular, shouldn't it be, "YoMOMMA?"

<cough> Homo! <cough>

>Pompous, Arrogant, Over-bearing Atlantean Wind Bag
> wrote in article

Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

On 5 Apr 1998 17:24:25 GMT, "Blackadder" <>

>And just what IS your problem, troll-boy? You know, you have not uttered
>one word of truth yet in this newsgroup.
>Wake up! You have no "bitches." No woman could stand to look at you much
>less spend ten minutes actually TALKING to you.

Hey!1 BITCH!! your talking to me!!! Now SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!
Bitch...... Next time i'll ahve to beat and bitch slap you!!

>The bridge to which he refers, just so an illiterate, trash-talking (insert
>foul word of choice here) like yourself will understand, is from the fable
>"Billy Goats Gruff." In this story, a troll threatens to eat goats if they
>attempt to use "his" bridge to cross a river. The parallels would be
>eerily similar but for the simple fact that I think I heard the goats
>laughing about what an ineffectual boob you are.

>Pompous, Arrogant, Fed-up, Over-bearing Atlantean Wind Bag
> wrote in article

Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

Hhehehe it's so funny:P i am keeping a txt file of this:)..oh and
keep it on boy! the more the betteR:)


Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98
to wrote:
> <cough> Homo! <cough>

Geez. YourMOMMA seems to have an obsession with calling other people
homosexuals. I've often heard about underlying feelings that drive
someone to do this but I won't discuss them here.

-Magnus (Ocllo, Catskills)
Semi-roleplayin' Adept Tank Mage who will probably be called "queer" for
this post.


Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98
to wrote:
> Hey!1 BITCH!! your talking to me!!! Now SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!
> Bitch...... Next time i'll ahve to beat and bitch slap you!!

I just love the way he uses the possessive 'your' for the contraction
'you're'. This is yet another intelligent response. I'm not really sure
what to think of this guy. Either a) he's a moron with some sort of
psychological disorder or b) this is all some sort of really bad joke.

-Magnus (Ocllo, Catskills)
Semi-roleplayin' Adept Tank Mage who usually doesn't flame but is making
an exception in this case. Quoth Remy Martin, "Vas Flam on."

Talon Karrde

Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

Tis odd. How I recall you posting tons of messages about how OSI should
make a non-pk server. Times certenly do change.


Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

On Mon, 06 Apr 1998 14:17:11 GMT, Magnus <> expressed the

> wrote:
>> <cough> Homo! <cough>
>Geez. YourMOMMA seems to have an obsession with calling other people
>homosexuals. I've often heard about underlying feelings that drive
>someone to do this but I won't discuss them here.

Be careful, Magnus! I am quite certain that homosexuals would be offended at
your suggestion that YourMOMMA is one of them! They would never allow one so
tacky to be among their ranks!

Lord Xendar,
Grandmaster Archer
Vesper, Great Lakes Shard

Jonathan Long

Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

bizbee wrote in message <>...

>On Sat, 04 Apr 1998 09:58:22 GMT, wrote:
>> You all are weak as smotherfuckers who can't even take on your
>> You guys are such punks, All you do is CRY all day instead of
>>Fighting back!
>> You view pk's as GODS, and so you jsut let them kill you without
>> You don't have fun becuase you get pk'ed and feel the world is
>> What you really need to do is take a class at my "PK Hunting
>>101" course
>And we'll be looking forward to your self-esteem seminar too.

Actually, I was kind of looking forward to his Advanced Composition and
Public Speaking seminars.

Atlantic Shard

Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

On 6 Apr 1998 02:49:28 GMT, "Talon Karrde" <> wrote:

>Tis odd. How I recall you posting tons of messages about how OSI should
>make a non-pk server. Times certenly do change.

Oh i still think they should have a non pk'server:)
I mean it's good to have options when your paying for it:)
if i was a business and 1/2 of all my customers are comparing about
PK's then i as a smart business man must do something!!!!

Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

On Mon, 06 Apr 1998 18:15:27 GMT, (bizbee)

>On Sat, 04 Apr 1998 09:58:22 GMT, wrote:
>> You all are weak as smotherfuckers who can't even take on your
>> You guys are such punks, All you do is CRY all day instead of
>>Fighting back!
>> You view pk's as GODS, and so you jsut let them kill you without
>> You don't have fun becuase you get pk'ed and feel the world is
>> What you really need to do is take a class at my "PK Hunting
>>101" course
>And we'll be looking forward to your self-esteem seminar too.

If i wanted to baby-sit people, I'd ask you for your phone number
so they can call you and ask you dumbass things like how do i equip a
weapon to fight PK's

Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

On Mon, 6 Apr 1998 20:42:48 -0400, "Jonathan Long" <>

>bizbee wrote in message <>...

>>On Sat, 04 Apr 1998 09:58:22 GMT, wrote:
>>> You all are weak as smotherfuckers who can't even take on your
>>> You guys are such punks, All you do is CRY all day instead of
>>>Fighting back!
>>> You view pk's as GODS, and so you jsut let them kill you without
>>> You don't have fun becuase you get pk'ed and feel the world is
>>> What you really need to do is take a class at my "PK Hunting
>>>101" course
>>And we'll be looking forward to your self-esteem seminar too.

>Actually, I was kind of looking forward to his Advanced Composition and
>Public Speaking seminars.
>Atlantic Shard

Why do i hate anal people like you so much? is it because you
bitch about one word or letter being wrong?? is that the best a smart
educated boy like you can come back with?
YO! wipe your butt and comeback with something i can really get
upset about, not this crap, becuase i am not getting any fun reading
your replys, they jsut boring......

Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

On Mon, 06 Apr 1998 14:21:20 GMT, Magnus <>

Obviously magnus is a very bright boy, too bad your such a geek
and a jew..Yes that's rite your a JEW! hehehe


Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

On Tue, 07 Apr 1998 07:45:42 GMT, expressed the following:

> Obviously magnus is a very bright boy, too bad your such a geek
>and a jew..Yes that's rite your a JEW! hehehe

Ouch! A Jew? Damn, son, that's a mighty strong insult you've come up with
there! Shame on you! Now, put your footed pajamas on and scoot on back to
bed before your parents find out you're up playing with the PC after 8:00!


Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

On Tue, 07 Apr 1998 07:49:02 GMT, expressed the following:

> Why do i hate anal people like you so much? is it because you
>bitch about one word or letter being wrong?? is that the best a smart
>educated boy like you can come back with?
> YO! wipe your butt and comeback with something i can really get
>upset about, not this crap, becuase i am not getting any fun reading
>your replys, they jsut boring......

Why would one waste time insulting this person when his own posts do it with
such alacrity?

It seems to me that all one must do to make this one seem foolish is entice
him to keep posting his responses.

Kevin Mayville

Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

Xendar wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Apr 1998 07:45:42 GMT, expressed the following:
> > Obviously magnus is a very bright boy, too bad your such a geek
> >and a jew..Yes that's rite your a JEW! hehehe
> Ouch! A Jew? Damn, son, that's a mighty strong insult you've come up with
> there! Shame on you! Now, put your footed pajamas on and scoot on back to
> bed before your parents find out you're up playing with the PC after 8:00!

YM should note that while being able to use the big-boy potty all by
yourself is considered mandatory by women, in and of itself it doesn't
count for much. :)

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

Jealousy can really make the weak ugly......


Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

On Tue, 07 Apr 1998 19:44:13 -0400, Kevin Mayville
<> expressed the following:

>YM should note that while being able to use the big-boy potty all by
>yourself is considered mandatory by women, in and of itself it doesn't
>count for much. :)

How true! There really isn't much that's impressive about a male human who
can stand in front of a porcelain pot with his "tool" in hand, yet those like
YM seem to think that this ability makes them "men."


Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 15:37:59 GMT, expressed the following:

>>YM should note that while being able to use the big-boy potty all by
>>yourself is considered mandatory by women, in and of itself it doesn't
>>count for much. :)

> Jealousy can really make the weak ugly......

Didja hear that, Kevin? It was the sound of a rapier wit piercing your
envious heart! ;-)

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

>On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 15:37:59 GMT, expressed the following:

>> Jealousy can really make the weak ugly......

Man, I'm going to have to remember this insult for the next time I
spot the Lamers Anonymous convention, that way I'll be able to
communicate with the idiots like this little immature person.

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Don't hate me because i am beautiful.......

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 14:17:51 GMT, (Xendar) wrote:

>On Tue, 07 Apr 1998 19:44:13 -0400, Kevin Mayville

><> expressed the following:

>>YM should note that while being able to use the big-boy potty all by
>>yourself is considered mandatory by women, in and of itself it doesn't
>>count for much. :)

>How true! There really isn't much that's impressive about a male human who
>can stand in front of a porcelain pot with his "tool" in hand, yet those like
>YM seem to think that this ability makes them "men."

when i let you touch my "tool" you will ahv eno

Jack Rogers

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98
to wrote:

> >>On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 15:37:59 GMT, expressed the following:

> Don't hate me because i am beautiful.......

I don't suppose that it's possible to simply ignore this moron is it? all you do is
incourage him.

Maybe after no-one has replyed to it for a month, little billy no mates here will
rethink his little his attitude.

I mean realy, this guy must have a serious problem in the head somewhere, he's
talking just like some black homey out of a brookland slum movie.

And to date I can't think of a post that he's written that my 4 year old cousin
couldn't have written ( minus the profanity ).

Just let his virtual carcas rot in a corner


All views expressed are not necessarily those of my employer.
Under no circumstances is my true e-mail address to be used.


Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 09:14:02 +0100, Jack Rogers <> expressed the

> wrote:
>> >>On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 15:37:59 GMT, expressed the following:
>> Don't hate me because i am beautiful.......
>I don't suppose that it's possible to simply ignore this moron is it? all you do is
>incourage him.
>Maybe after no-one has replyed to it for a month, little billy no mates here will
>rethink his little his attitude.
>I mean realy, this guy must have a serious problem in the head somewhere, he's
>talking just like some black homey out of a brookland slum movie.
>And to date I can't think of a post that he's written that my 4 year old cousin
>couldn't have written ( minus the profanity ).
>Just let his virtual carcas rot in a corner

Yes, Jack, you have a point. I was rather enjoying enticing him to further
embarrass himself by encouraging his responses, but now I've grown tired of
him and have added him to my 30-day kill file. If he's still spewing after 30
days I will be forced to reevaluate my position.


Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 05:49:14 GMT, expressed the following:

> when i let you touch my "tool" you will ahv eno

Heh, on that poorly spelled, grammatical nightmare I will bid you farewell,
boy. My kill-file is dying to have you...

Del Boy

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98
to employs a thousand monkeys to work at a thousand
typewriters to say:

> Don't hate me because i am beautiful.......

*sigh* this has gone beyond a joke, STFU

Yo' mama is so stank she make Speed Stick slow down and Right Guard turn
Yo' mama so nasty she put on Secret deodorant and it told on her.
Yo' mama so fat, she got hit by a parked car.
Yo' mama so fat, she fell in love and broke it.

Fill your mind with this knowledge, since it is very empty:

Confucius say:
Man who lose key to girlfriend's apartment get no new-key!

Man who jump off cliff jump to conclusion!

Man who sit on tack get point!

Man who runs behind car gets exhausted!

Man who stand on toilet, high on pot.

Man who go to bed with itchy bottom, wake up with smelly finger.

He who farts in church sit in own pew.

Man who eat crackers in bed wake up feeling crummy!

Man with hand in pocket all day not crazy, just feeling nuts.

He who sleep in bed of nails is holy.

Do not drink and park, accidents cause people!

Man who put pea in soup is very unclean.

Passionate kiss like spider web, lead to undoing of fly.

Man who run through airport sideways is going to Bangkok.

Boy who go to sleep with sex problem on mind wake up with solution in

Squirrel who runs up woman's leg not find nuts.

Man who has money to burn makes an ash of himself.

Baseball very strange game... how can man with 4 balls walk?

Man who fishes in another woman's well, often catches crab.

Man who lay woman on ground, get peace on earth.

Man who gets kicked in testicles, left holding the bag.

Man who kisses girl's behind, gets crack in face.

Man with holes in pants pockets, feels cocky all day.

Man who fight with wife all day, get no piece at night.

Woman who goes to man's apartment for snack, gets titbit.

Woman who fly plane upside down have hairy crack up!

Virginity like balloon--one prick, all gone.

Girl who rides bicycle, peddles ass all over town.

Passionate kiss like spider web--lead to undoing of fly.

Man who live in glass house, dress in basement.

Kotex not best thing on earth, but next to best thing.

Man with penis in peanut butter jar is fucking nuts.

Man who walk through airport door sideways is going to Bangkok.

Man who drop watch in toilet, bound to have shitty time.

Man who take lady on camping trip, have one intent.

When lady say no, she mean maybe, When lady say maybe, she mean
yes, When lady say yes--she no lady!

Is good for girl to meet boy but better for boy to meat girl.

Man who drop watch in toilet have shitty time.

Man who finger girl having period may get caught red handed.

Man trapped in pantry have ass in jam.

Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.

Woman who pounce on dead rooster go down on limp cock.

Man who buy drowned cat must pay for stinking wet pussy.

Virgin like balloon one prick, all gone.

Man who meows ate pussy!

Man with hand in pocket is having a ball.

Those who quote me are fools.

Baseball wrong man with four balls cannot walk!

Panties not best thing on earth, but next to it.

Work to become, not to acquire.

Show off always shown up in showdown.

Put rooster in freezer to get a stiff cock.

Man with no legs bums around.

Man who pull out too fast leave rubber.

Baby ill-conceived in automatic car shiftless bastard.

A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose.

Find old man in dark, not hard!

Confucius say too God damn much!

Man who smoke pot choke on handle.

Ok for shit to happen will decompose.

When in doubt, whip it out.

A man with his hands in pockets feels foolish, but a man with holes in
pockets feels nuts.

Woman who wear G-string, high on crack!

War doesn't determine who's right, war determines who's left.

Man who put head on Rail Road track to listen for train likely to end up
with splitting headache.

Girl who marry detective must kiss dick.

Girl who is wallflower at party is dandelion in bed.

Girl who go to bachelor pad for snack get tit-bit.

Man have more hair on chest than woman - but on the whole
woman have more.

Girl laid in tomb may soon become mummy.

Sailor who gets discharged from navy leave buddies behind.

No difference between man and mouse - both end up in pussy.

Woman is like jazz music, 3/4 jazz time and 1/4 rag time.

Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat house.

Secretary becomes permanent fixture when screwed on desk.

Man with hand in bush not necessarily trimming shrubs.

Man who fight with wife all day, get no piece at night!

If you park, don't drink, accidents cause people.

Man with athletic fingers make Broad Jump!

House without toilet is uncanny.

Many men smoke but Fu Manchu.

He who crosses the ocean twice without washing is a dirty double

While others are inside sitting down, you will be outstanding.

Is good to learn how to masturbate, may come in handy!

Man who tell one to many light bulb jokes soon burn out!

It takes many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it.

Never raise hands to angry child, it leave groin exposed.

Woman who cooks carrots and peas in same pot is unsanitary.

Man who go out with flat chested woman feel shallow.

Man that have sex with hole in ground have piece on earth.

Man who eat many prunes, sit on toilet many moons.

Man who bounce woman on bed spring this spring have offspring next

Woman with bleached blonde hair have black hair by cracky.

Man who masturbate into cash register, soon come into money.

Wife for life is better than wife for strife.

Man who sink into woman's arms soon have arms in woman's sink.

Man who drive like hell bound to get there!

Girl with little red bike peddle ass all over town!

Man who keep feet firmly on ground have trouble putting on pants!

Girl who slides down banister nude gets splinters by crackey!

Rape no good, woman run faster with dress up, than man can with pants

Man who go to bed with sex on mind wake up with solution in hand.

Better to sleep with chicken than to choke it.

Now you have read this, your INT must have risen to the point where you
no longer need watering, YourMOMMA.

Now STFU ;)

Apr 11, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/11/98

You won't do it, becuase you love me...........admit it!! don't
deny your true feelings...

Apr 11, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/11/98

NO!!! you SHUT THE FUCK UP:P hehehehe
Come and KISS me BABY!!! OHHHHHHH YEA!!!!!!!!

Michael Niemeck

Apr 12, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/12/98

> If i wanted to baby-sit people, I'd ask you for your phone number
>so they can call you and ask you dumbass things like how do i equip a
>weapon to fight PK's


I just hopped into this group to see if I should really go on and try
UO out. Glad I did!! Now I'll wait patiently for U9 and keep RPing in
MUSHes, where sane people gather really to roleplay.

Again, WOW! I have never seen so many deeply disturbed people all
concentrated in one person.

______ __
__(___ / __ /
/|/ /| / Technical University of Vienna
/ | / |\/
(______ /_/|/ |/_
(________/ / _|_

John Eccker

Apr 12, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/12/98

Amen, my friend! The best cure agains this disease is prevention. DON'T EXPOSE



Maxi Rose

Apr 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/15/98

In article <>,

Magnus <> wrote:
> wrote:
>> <cough> Homo! <cough>
>Geez. YourMOMMA seems to have an obsession with calling other people
>homosexuals. I've often heard about underlying feelings that drive
>someone to do this but I won't discuss them here.
>-Magnus (Ocllo, Catskills)
>Semi-roleplayin' Adept Tank Mage who will probably be called "queer" for
>this post.

What's terribly fun and unnerves jerks on UO to no end, is this:

I wear armor and such but am a female paperdoll/character, because I'm female
RL. In fact, my doll looks sorta like me. My color hair. My poinytail.
I just don't wear all green so as to hide amongst the trees in Toronto to
avoid being PKed. ;D ANYWAY... Wearing all of this, I look like a guy.
You can't see breasts when you put on leather armor. (We need female plate
armor! Not that sick Vargas/Boris Villejo skimpy female armor!)

I get called sir and dude all the time. So when some jerk comes along trying
to taunt me into getting mad at him, he'll call me a fag, gayboy, homo,
etc. What makes this funny, is I'm bisexual, RL. So I am indeed "gay".
I tell them, "I'm not a faggot! I'm a lesbian! Get your insults straight!"
They stop where they stand and say, "Uh... if you say so." They just stand
there for a few seconds. It's priceless!

-Maxi of Catskills Shard

@}>-`--,-- @}>-`--,-- @}>-`--,-- {{@}} --,--'-<{@ --,--'-<{@ --,--'-<{@
Maxi Rose Ghost of a Texas Lady | Anime: FY, MB, KOR | Bab5, Goth
Maxi the Southern Dragon (UDIC) | Anthropomorphics, Bisexuality, Jim | Jim @


Apr 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/15/98

Verily! I am a lesbian, trapped in a man's body!!! Oh the fun we can have
with the sexually skittish...
Abbadon the Fallen


Apr 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/15/98

Maxi Rose wrote in message <6h25u5$>...

>What makes this funny, is I'm bisexual, RL. So I am indeed "gay".
>I tell them, "I'm not a faggot! I'm a lesbian! Get your insults straight!"
>They stop where they stand and say, "Uh... if you say so." They just stand
>there for a few seconds. It's priceless!

Ha ha. They are probably just standing there wondering what a Lesbian is.
But now look what you may have started. They are going to go to their
mommies and ask them what a Lesbian is and their mommies won't tlet them
play UO anymore. Hey,, wait... thats not a bad idea. Maybe, if we promote
this kind of activity, all the little testoseroney <new word> kids will not
be allowed to play UO.


Apr 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/15/98

On 15 Apr 1998 07:33:25 -0400, (Maxi Rose) expressed the

>I get called sir and dude all the time. So when some jerk comes along trying
>to taunt me into getting mad at him, he'll call me a fag, gayboy, homo,

>etc. What makes this funny, is I'm bisexual, RL. So I am indeed "gay".

>I tell them, "I'm not a faggot! I'm a lesbian! Get your insults straight!"
>They stop where they stand and say, "Uh... if you say so." They just stand
>there for a few seconds. It's priceless!

LOL. I've done similar things to them when they've attempted to insult me
with sexual orientation slurs! One "little boy" was trying to goad me into
attacking him by calling me a "ring mail queen" and "fag", so I just turned
toward him and said, "Yes, and don't you have a nice ass, boy! Come over here
and let daddy spank your firm, young butt!" Needless to say he was struck
speechless for a time! :-)

The Great Lord Xendar,


Apr 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/15/98

In, on Wed, 15 Apr 1998 06:15:34
-0700, George said:

:Ha ha. They are probably just standing there wondering what a Lesbian is.

:But now look what you may have started. They are going to go to their
:mommies and ask them what a Lesbian is and their mommies won't tlet them
:play UO anymore. Hey,, wait... thats not a bad idea. Maybe, if we promote
:this kind of activity, all the little testoseroney <new word> kids will not
:be allowed to play UO.

They talk about these sexual things around the lunch table all day,
but they aren't prepared when they meet the genuine article.

Welcome to the Internet! Do you know where your children are?


"It is an honor to serve thee! Please accept this 25% overcharge!"


Apr 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/15/98

In, on Wed, 15 Apr 1998 15:03:17 GMT,
Xendar said:

:LOL. I've done similar things to them when they've attempted to insult me

:with sexual orientation slurs! One "little boy" was trying to goad me into
:attacking him by calling me a "ring mail queen" and "fag", so I just turned
:toward him and said, "Yes, and don't you have a nice ass, boy! Come over here
:and let daddy spank your firm, young butt!" Needless to say he was struck
:speechless for a time! :-)


Ganor's first day in the game, I found some great female plate armor
and put it on over my pink shirt.

Then I made myself a blue skullcap and set out for the dungeon. I was
so stupid, I didn't realize it was FEMALE armor. I just saw the words
PLATE MAIL and snatched it up.

So here I came, Ganor the newbie Warrior, in my female plate, pink
shirt and skullcap, wandering around the dungeon.

I come upon a tough guy who looks at me and says, "You're the gayest
thing I've ever seen.

Only at that point did I realize it was female armor.



Apr 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/15/98

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998 11:34:30 -0500, (Jaffo) expressed the

>Ganor's first day in the game, I found some great female plate armor
>and put it on over my pink shirt.
>Then I made myself a blue skullcap and set out for the dungeon. I was
>so stupid, I didn't realize it was FEMALE armor. I just saw the words
>PLATE MAIL and snatched it up.
>So here I came, Ganor the newbie Warrior, in my female plate, pink
>shirt and skullcap, wandering around the dungeon.
>I come upon a tough guy who looks at me and says, "You're the gayest
>thing I've ever seen.
>Only at that point did I realize it was female armor.

I've heard a sad rumor that cross-dressing is no longer allowed in UO and I
think this is a travesty! A friend of mine used to enjoy wearing his fancy
dress when out for a night on the town in Trinsic. What is the world coming
to when Lord British won't allow even the smallest perverted pleasures within
the kingdom? *sigh*


Apr 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/15/98

George wrote:
> Maxi Rose wrote in message <6h25u5$>...
> >What makes this funny, is I'm bisexual, RL. So I am indeed "gay".
> >I tell them, "I'm not a faggot! I'm a lesbian! Get your insults straight!"
> >They stop where they stand and say, "Uh... if you say so." They just stand
> >there for a few seconds. It's priceless!
> >
> Ha ha. They are probably just standing there wondering what a Lesbian is.
> But now look what you may have started. They are going to go to their
> mommies and ask them what a Lesbian is and their mommies won't tlet them
> play UO anymore. Hey,, wait... thats not a bad idea. Maybe, if we promote
> this kind of activity, all the little testoseroney <new word> kids will not
> be allowed to play UO.

testeroney? Isn't that a new pasta from Chef Boyardee?

-Magnus (Ocllo,Catskills)
Semi-roleplayin' Adept Tank Mage who thinks testeroney sounds nasty


Apr 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/15/98


Maybe, if we promote
>> this kind of activity, all the little testoseroney <new word> kids will not
>> be allowed to play UO.
>testeroney? Isn't that a new pasta from Chef Boyardee?
>-Magnus (Ocllo,Catskills)
>Semi-roleplayin' Adept Tank Mage who thinks testeroney sounds nasty

Hahahah--now that's funny. I believe it's made with Fallopianey Tube pasta.

Jim Clarke
Roleless, clueless, wuss archer.


Apr 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/16/98

Jaffo wrote:
> So here I came, Ganor the newbie Warrior, in my female plate, pink
> shirt and skullcap, wandering around the dungeon.
> I come upon a tough guy who looks at me and says, "You're the gayest
> thing I've ever seen.

I *hope* you got a screen shot of that. That one's good enough
for the scrapbook. :) I can't stop chuckling.

"Hi boys, I'm here. Now wear are those hideous monsters with
big strong muscles."

Sypher, Adept Miner / Expert Smith
[Email Me If Your Guild Needs a Smith]
Napa Valley


Apr 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/16/98

In, on Thu, 16 Apr 1998 00:47:03
-0400, Sypher said:

:Jaffo wrote:
:> So here I came, Ganor the newbie Warrior, in my female plate, pink
:> shirt and skullcap, wandering around the dungeon.
:> I come upon a tough guy who looks at me and says, "You're the gayest
:> thing I've ever seen.
:I *hope* you got a screen shot of that. That one's good enough
:for the scrapbook. :) I can't stop chuckling.
:"Hi boys, I'm here. Now wear are those hideous monsters with
:big strong muscles."

Sadly no. I'm tempted to re-create the costume and take a screenshot
now that Ganor is a Grandmaster Warrior.

Apr 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/16/98

I am a major big lesbian too:( 100% lesbian!!!! i confess!!! i am
a LESBIAN!! do with me as you plz people!!!!


Apr 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/16/98

Oh dear lord, now the OTHER troll is agreeing with me! What have I done to
deserve this? Thou hast forsaken me...

Abbadon the Fallen

_______________ wrote in message

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