What does it do?
Oh yeah, my bad. It lets you cancel any normal move with any special move.
And it lets you cancel any special move a super combo. It is really fun to
Do you mean that you only have 7 master downloads in america? The UK
version(which has FINALLY come out BTW) has a master download for every
character, although the first three seem to be missing :(
> > > Just go to internet mode on your SFA3 disc. If you have defeated all
> the
> > > other master characters up until now, after you defeat the third master,
> you
> > > should be at GD 1. If you reach that level, then you learns a new ism
> plus:
> > > Supreme Alpha Cancel!
What happens if you allready have all 6 ISM+'s?
Do you delete an old one?
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
If you have 6 isms or more, it just adds abother page. Also, other secret
isms can be obtained by defeating Arcade mode on 8 star difficulty using
only one continue (use your world tour character). Another one can be
obtained by finishing Arcade Survival with your world tour character.
Yes, sadly we only have 7 master characters. And now the webpage won't even
come up! At least Sega is still updating their Sonic Adventure webpage!