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(Rant) The state of video games, and the ESRB

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Aug 31, 2000, 2:45:56 AM8/31/00
As I wait for RE:Survivor to be released I begin to wonder what else the ESRB
can do to ruin our gaming experence as a whole, I think the reason we have been
waiting for Survior is it because of the buts made by the ESRB? and why loose
the title "Gun Savoir" AS IF removing the word gun from an RE title or anyother
title will lessen the amount of violence in the world, I wonder what RE1.5
would have looked like after the ESRB was through with it, what right do they
have to tell video game makers to remove this, that, or the other? the way I
feel IS if the makers of the video games want to remove it they can, I mean
there's no reason to remove a certain couple things from a game to lower the


Aug 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/31/00
I understand your point but I point the finger squarly at Capcom. They made
the decisions on this one. Sure the esrb can rate a game as M and give it
the nastly little lines saying it's unfit, but the game got that anyway just
like other RE titles. The esrb can raise a stink all they like but the Duke
Nukem franchise is still going strong with at least 3 whole new games in the
works. Capcom disapointed us with their decision to remove gun support.

I personally never saw any reason as to why. We've all listened to the video
game magazines rumors but never has Capcom said that. Capcom on their
website said that the Gun was removed to make the game better. Now I ask
everyone in the group, does that make sense? Sure they might feel that the
game is better with the dual shock but why remove the choice? Do they think
we are so dumb that we'll hate the game without even thinking to use the

Lastly, I wanted to add that Senator Leberman (sp) is one of the censorship
advocates. He feels that we aren't smart enough to control our violent urges
and that the only way to help us it through censorship. He may be right
though, because whenever someone tries to tell me what I can and can't buy I
do indeed get very violent. I don't like Bush or Gore anymore than the
other, but I dislike Gores choice of a VP.

"JShaw71753" <> wrote in message


Aug 31, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/31/00

<< I understand your point but I point the finger squarly at Capcom. They made
the decisions on this one. Sure the esrb can rate a game as M and give it
the nastly little lines saying it's unfit, but the game got that anyway just
like other RE titles. The esrb can raise a stink all they like but the Duke
Nukem franchise is still going strong with at least 3 whole new games in the
works. Capcom disapointed us with their decision to remove gun support.

I personally never saw any reason as to why. We've all listened to the video
game magazines rumors but never has Capcom said that. Capcom on their
website said that the Gun was removed to make the game better. Now I ask
everyone in the group, does that make sense? Sure they might feel that the
game is better with the dual shock but why remove the choice? Do they think
we are so dumb that we'll hate the game without even thinking to use the

Lastly, I wanted to add that Senator Leberman (sp) is one of the censorship
advocates. He feels that we aren't smart enough to control our violent urges
and that the only way to help us it through censorship. He may be right
though, because whenever someone tries to tell me what I can and can't buy I
do indeed get very violent. I don't like Bush or Gore anymore than the
other, but I dislike Gores choice of a VP.

Capcom should keep the violence and gore that we all love. I doubt that a gun
in RE:S or head popping in RE:CV is going to get an AO. Why do they take this
out if it is still M? They're not going to make it an M- or something between
M and Teens.


Aug 31, 2000, 1:59:10 PM8/31/00
I actually got a reply today from Capcom about the issue. They said that the
development team converting the game for the US market decided the Gun
wasn't worth keeping. Kind of ambiguous though. I would have liked a clear
answer but I think we all know Capcom better than that. No matter what you
ask you get a foggy answer.

"FlashhFire" <> wrote in message

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