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Do you have any characters that've slipped off your radar?

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25.11.2011, 02:20:5225.11.11
As I was working through my third Mass Effect 2 campaign the other
day, I was reminded of my first play through Mass Effect 1 in which I
had painstakingly developed the perfect version of Commander Shepard.
I lost that first save game file, unfortunately, and had to play
through ME1 again in order to set myself up for a character import
into the sequel. Alas, for some reason, I have never been able to
recreate perfectly the masterpiece that was my first Shepard.

I also have a character on WoW that I no longer play, the loss of
which distresses me greatly. I created this character, a blood elf
gunter, shortly after The Burning Crusade came out. I loved my
hunter's name scheme, as he and all his pets had the word "Blood-"
prefixed to their names. At that time, I had just begun to play with a
group of RL friends who attended the same college I did. The five of
us would all bring our laptops to one guy's room and play late into
the night. We leveled quickly, each filling one of the roles necessary
for running 5-man content. It was a blast, but unfortunately it ended
when they graduated.

Eventually I began to play with new people who were committed to the
opposite faction. They were already active on a different realm, so I
switched and left my beloved hunter behind. I've missed him ever
since. Sometimes I think about transferring him to my new realm, but
all my characters are Alliance and I don't know anyone on the Horde
side. And how could I change him into a night elf or some other race
when he is perfect just the way he is?

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