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Why MK2 died... ?

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Michael K Patterson

Jul 20, 1994, 3:32:08 PM7/20/94

Personally, I am of the opinion that the move from 2.1 to 3.1 killed MK2.
It was removing the ability to do anythign other than a straight bablity or

Babalities and friendships by themselves were ok. they were neat when we found
them. Then people found out you could do both, and then that you coudl mangle
babies. Everyone loved this, and ate it up.

When they changed this, they took away a toy that everyone enjoyed. They fixed
something, sure, but they took away a fun point of the game. It lost some of
it's excitement.

This, of course, isn't the only reason taht MK2 fell down, but it seems to have
been the major dissapointment from 2.1 to 3.1, the time when MK2 started to
die. Any other comments are welcome, because I'm interested in other reasons
people feel it died.

Michael "Dirk The Daring" Patterson
MK/MK2 player: You can rate 'em, but don't restrict 'em! [Magic? what's that?]

Jeff Tatarek

Jul 20, 1994, 4:28:49 PM7/20/94
In article <> (Michael K Patterson) writes:

>Personally, I am of the opinion that the move from 2.1 to 3.1 killed MK2.
>It was removing the ability to do anythign other than a straight bablity or
>Babalities and friendships by themselves were ok. they were neat when we found
>them. Then people found out you could do both, and then that you coudl mangle
>babies. Everyone loved this, and ate it up.
>When they changed this, they took away a toy that everyone enjoyed. They fixed
>something, sure, but they took away a fun point of the game. It lost some of
>it's excitement.

I kinda have to agree with that. While I didn't constantly try ot crash the
machine by doing multiple babalities (though it was fun when I was bored)
I really enjoyed playing Kitana, doing a babality, then her friendship. What
could be more appropriate than giving a newborn baby a birthday cake? (grin)

I also think the new computer AI, and the fact that it ignores the 'rules'
on legal moves also killed it for me. I've been frustrated time and again
by seeing Kitana jump and -immediately- throw a fan. Mileena can pop off
her sais that quick, but no way can Kitana do that. Other examples:

-Baraka doing blade fury the nanosecond you jump at him.
-Sub-Zero laying down an ice puddle, then firing off one (or more) iceballs.
-ANY character throwing you when you attempt to sweep.

When I heard that there'd be no more upgrades from Midway, I drastically
cut down my playing. Quirks like those above weren't going to be fixed?
To hell with that.

I suppose other reasons would include the apparent lack of anything new
being found in the game. I don't mean little quirks like being able to
nut-punch the women or spazzing out the palette by doing the ice grenade
fatality on a frozen victim. All of the moves have been found, so far as
I know. The fact that no one can legitimately claim to do anything
concerning Kano, do an animality, etc etc etc...I'm just getting tired of it.

I'm also getting -real- tired of all the rumors and flamebait about moves
that don't exist. Half of that garbage is almost enough to throw my hands
up in disgust.
M. PYTHON|---------------------------------------------------------------
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(NO ONE WOULD -WANT- MY OPINIONS!)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Mei-Ling L. Liu

Jul 20, 1994, 6:18:42 PM7/20/94
In article <> (Michael K Patterson) writes:
>Personally, I am of the opinion that the move from 2.1 to 3.1 killed MK2.
>It was removing the ability to do anythign other than a straight bablity or
>Babalities and friendships by themselves were ok. they were neat when we found
>them. Then people found out you could do both, and then that you coudl mangle
>babies. Everyone loved this, and ate it up.
>When they changed this, they took away a toy that everyone enjoyed. They fixed
>something, sure, but they took away a fun point of the game. It lost some of
>it's excitement.
>This, of course, isn't the only reason taht MK2 fell down, but it seems to have
>been the major dissapointment from 2.1 to 3.1, the time when MK2 started to
>die. Any other comments are welcome, because I'm interested in other reasons
>people feel it died.

The reason MK2 has died or is dyeing is the same reason all games
die. It's getting or is already old. People want challenge and
fun. MK has neither of them anymore. This is of course why
you see more people at VF than MK. But around here, MK2 is played
equally as much as TSSF2 which shows you how much TSSF2 sucks.


Michael Bahr

Jul 21, 1994, 3:38:53 AM7/21/94
In article <>,

Mei-Ling L. Liu <> wrote:
>In article <> (Michael K Patterson) writes:
>>Personally, I am of the opinion that the move from 2.1 to 3.1 killed MK2.
>>Babalities and friendships by themselves were ok. they were neat when we found
>>them. Then people found out you could do both, and then that you coudl mangle
>>babies. Everyone loved this, and ate it up.
>>When they changed this, they took away a toy that everyone enjoyed. They fixed
>>something, sure, but they took away a fun point of the game. It lost some of
>>it's excitement.
>The reason MK2 has died or is dyeing is the same reason all games
>die. It's getting or is already old. People want challenge and
>fun. MK has neither of them anymore. This is of course why
>you see more people at VF than MK. But around here, MK2 is played

Good points one and all. I think, however, that even though MK2
featured a play engine that I don't thinkl many people tapped fully (I
have REALLY explored a lot of it, as have some constant players, and
found real depth to even the simplest move sequences, done at certain
time or times) I think it was still too shallow. The play engines to
Samurai Shodown and Virtua Fighter are IMHO the finest in gaming today.
The SF2 engine is excellent, but they've done absolutely nothing with it
since except balance and flash, and as a result it's being surpassed. I
also think Fatal Fury Special had something good going... originally,
Fatal Fury had a VERY shallow depth of play. MK1 and 2 are damn near
even, with 2 getting the nod for different hit areas on many characters.
This is why I think SS and VF will have the longest "shelf lives" of any
of the games since SF2:CE.

- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -
Mike/ Dog of Prismatic Force Designs/
Mortal Kombat II - Where is Smoke? Where is Jade? Is Kitana available? :)
- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -

will irace

Jul 21, 1994, 4:31:23 AM7/21/94
If MKII died, it's because it's too damn hard for ordinary people. I go
in to play periodically, and I always leave feeling pissed off, and like
I'll never play against the bastard cheating AI again. Maybe it's just
that I can't learn not to use the techniques I mastered in MKI. MAYBE THE

Seriously, it used to be that when you play against a computer and you
lose, it's your fault cause you're not practiced enough, or at least
that's the feeling you get. The only feeling I get from playing MKII is
that I'm being ripped off.

Not to mention that Kano and Sonya just SIT there. Shit.

Will Irace <>

Christopher Hopkins

Jul 21, 1994, 5:52:31 AM7/21/94

First off, easy way to beat the computer. Play a ninja, Cage, Jax, Shang Tsung
or Liu Kang. The first couple opponents, you can do all sorts of combos on
(like TK, spear, uppercut while playing Scorpion) because they are a little
slow. However, after the third opponent they get a little "smarter" Just
wait for them to walk toward you, then jump back. They will jump after you
but won't attack in the air. Then, it's play time for all kinds of stuff.
Here are some things I like to do: (do these as opponent is coming down from
their jump)

Hop kick, back breaker (if you can charge earthquake, do it after this)
Gotcha grab

Hop punch, air throw
Hop punch, teleport punch
2 high punch, spear, uppercut
(And if you are really good)
2 high punch, spear, roundhouse (immediately jump toward them),
jump kick them low to the ground, spear, uppercut. (Yes, this works -
except when playing against Kitana)

2 high punch, shadow kick
High punch, shadow uppercut
Shadow uppercut
(timing is tough here)
Nut punch, Axe kick _or_
Nut punch, Uppercut

All of them can either do a standing high kick, roundhouse, or uppercut
depending on your mood.

Well, the list goes on. You can cheese the computer and get all the way to
the round before the question mark. I usually then get to Jade and choose
Shang Tsung after I win/lose. Then morph to Kitana to beat Kintaro (after
killing Shang Tsung of course) and you're all the way to the top. Couldn't be
any easier.

The real reason for this post was that I have the same problem as the original
poster does, but for me it's SSFII. That game kicks my butt. I played
yesterday and couldn't get by the second opponent. Oh, well. I guess I know
where my talent lies. (Even if it is a useless one)

- Chris
"Life is like a Ferrari. It costs too much and goes too fast."
- unknown Scotsman
Chris Hopkins
The above is not the opinion of me, myself or I.


Jul 21, 1994, 6:25:05 PM7/21/94
In article <> (Michael K Patterson) writes:
>This, of course, isn't the only reason taht MK2 fell down, but it seems to have
>been the major dissapointment from 2.1 to 3.1, the time when MK2 started to
>die. Any other comments are welcome, because I'm interested in other reasons
>people feel it died.
MK2 has hardly died. I STILL see more people playing it at every arcade
I go to than games like VF. Most of them say they don't see anything
impressive in VF as well as me. I go to arcades quite often. Usually
I see a crowd of 4-7 around MK2, and maybe one or two around VF. Even at
the smaller arcades, MK2 gets the most play out of ANY game there. You
have tp realize that just because everything apparently has been found
doesn't mean the game is dead. Some people don't think it makes any
sense to bother dumping quarters in until they have a nice complete
FAQ in hand to skip the part of figuring out the moves and get to the
REAL fun of the game.....playing!


Stephen Karstensen

Jul 21, 1994, 8:48:05 PM7/21/94
MKII died for three reasons, in my opinion/

1) once all the hidden secrets were found, who cared?
although I ran into a huge crew at work today who clustered around the
game as I proceeded to pound the snot out of an insistant dude who wouldnt
realize he was outclassed (sort of. he wasn't bad enough to be a scrub..
they were some close fights, but I never lost. Anyway...) and
none of 'em knew even half the special maneuvers, so the info doesnt
circulate well. Still, once you learn how to do everything, who cares?

2) the paradox of fighting games
players were quickly separated into two groups. the black belt masters
who quit once they become unbeatable, and the rest, who give up out
of either inability to get better, or frustration.

3) the piss-poor AI of the computer which makes the game horrible to
play by yourself.
leap back, roundhouse kick! repeat. end of fight.
face it, on side one, nuttin' else works.

Henry Francis Kong

Jul 22, 1994, 2:21:23 AM7/22/94
Everything that's been said in this little thread has been
absolutely correct, and I agree 100%. Wierd also seeing almost no
dissension in the views presented here. Anyways, if blame were to be
placed on anybody, I think it would have to be placed equally on Midway
and Boon/Tobias. As I've said before, I seriously believed they dropped
the ball on what was one of the most anticipated sequel games ever.
I just hope they get MK3 right, but I'm not expecting anything
special. However, I DO hope Boon & Tobias is reading this thread... It'd
do them some good! ^_^

Max Sterling

Jul 22, 1994, 3:40:22 AM7/22/94
In article <>, (Mei-Ling L. Liu) writes:

> The reason MK2 has died or is dyeing is the same reason all games
> die. It's getting or is already old. People want challenge and
> fun. MK has neither of them anymore.

Sure, if you play with Shang Tsung. Try beating the game with Liu Kang.
There's none of that dipshit jump back jump kick cheeze there, or any
dipshit computer walking. You need some *real* skills if you want to get
anywhere. Oh yeah, you also can't morph into whoever you want
(obviously). IMHO, putting Shang Tsung in as a playable character was
probably the stupidest thing Midway could have done. L8r.

--> Max <--
"The only true wisdom consists of knowing that you know nothing." - Socrates.
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill and Ted.


Jul 22, 1994, 2:41:01 PM7/22/94

> The reason MK2 has died or is dyeing is the same reason all games
> die. It's getting or is already old. People want challenge and
> fun. MK has neither of them anymore.

The main reason it's dying around here is the 1 token price at ungoldly
hard level. No one around here wants to play MK1 by shelling out $2 (10
tokens) to just get past the second guy on the mountain. Plus, some of us
are bored with the cheesing...we've all seen Kitana's and shang Tsungs
endings WAY too many times.

We ain't feminine, ya say? Don't make us prove it!

Mei-Ling L. Liu

Jul 22, 1994, 4:12:55 PM7/22/94
In article <> (Max Sterling) writes:
>In article <>, (Mei-Ling L. Liu) writes:
>> The reason MK2 has died or is dyeing is the same reason all games
>> die. It's getting or is already old. People want challenge and
>> fun. MK has neither of them anymore.
>Sure, if you play with Shang Tsung. Try beating the game with Liu Kang.
>There's none of that dipshit jump back jump kick cheeze there, or any
>dipshit computer walking. You need some *real* skills if you want to get
>anywhere. Oh yeah, you also can't morph into whoever you want
>(obviously). IMHO, putting Shang Tsung in as a playable character was
>probably the stupidest thing Midway could have done. L8r.

But, I'm not talking about using Shang Tsung. I'm talking
everyone. I agree that it is harder to beat the game without
using jump back cheeze. But not exactly the hardest thing to do.
If you want a real challenge, try beating VF with Jeffery.


Todd Sinclair

Jul 22, 1994, 4:20:00 PM7/22/94
> die. Any other comments are welcome, because I'm interested in other reas
> people feel it died.

I think it died because of the combos. There's no strategy to
playing anymore, just who has the longest combo. Sure, MK1 had some
bad ones too, but only Cage and Raiden had the ones that could take
half your energy away (that I've seen anyway), and not many people
could do those. There also weren't as many counters in MK1.... you
couldn't roundhouse or uppercut to stop a jumpkick all the time.
MK1 just had more gameplay... it depended more on timing than a
pre-set pattern of moves that always worked (not counting playing
against the computer). Lastly, the computer in MK1 just wasn't as
hard as on MK2... if the level's too low in MK2, it's too easy.
Raise it, and the computer starts to cheat.

* TLX v4.00 * Police tagline. Do not cross.

* MegaMail 2.10 #0:

Stephen Karstensen

Jul 23, 1994, 3:47:24 PM7/23/94
Henry Francis Kong <> writes:

>special. However, I DO hope Boon & Tobias is reading this thread... It'd
>do them some good! ^_^

I spoke to John a long time ago by phone, and regarding the Net, he said:
"I...THINK Ed may have an account, but I don't."
I think the biggest problems were the combos and the AI. I still play it,
versus my's really FUN when the two of your are equally

Stephen Karstensen

Jul 23, 1994, 3:48:48 PM7/23/94
Max Sterling <> writes:

>(obviously). IMHO, putting Shang Tsung in as a playable character was
>probably the stupidest thing Midway could have done. L8r.

not necessarily. Try morphing while someone is pounding on your head.
And if you can't morph, you're in biiiig trouble.


Dec 2, 2020, 9:30:47 PM12/2/20
It was easy to find the ticks and patterns of the AI. And a lot of people came to the consensus that because MK was turning into such a quarter munching juggernaut for Arcades, that a lot of the establishments were dip switching the game to hard mode. But I agree- out of all the MK's, MK2 was definitely the toughest to figure out AI tactics and strategy. MKT for the PSX and Saturn doesn't count because it that was a whole different galaxy of cheap and lazy AI programming.
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