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XP Gain, FACTS please!

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Sep 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/6/99
I would like to get to the bottom of how XP is gained in EQ. My main
concern is that it is preventing some people from grouping with me as
they feel that they will lose out due to being sometimes only a level
below mine (I am a level 17 Dwarf Paladin). Other times, I sit in a
group all day and my XP seems to not budge. Here are a few topics that I
would like to be discussed:

At identical level, do all classes and races gain the same amount of XP
from killing the same monsters?

If there are differences, what are they (hybrid races or certain classes
apparently loose out)?

In a group of 2 identical level, class and race characters, say the
creature killed is worth 100 XP points, how do these points get
ditributed? 50 points each? 100 points each? or 60% of total each ie
60 points each?

Does the number of people in a group matter to the above? I have heard
that UP TO 3 players the XP is split evenly (33.3 points each) but over
3 players then everyone gets 60% ?! Also what is the deal with the 6
player XP bonus? 25% each?

At what level does a 1 level diffrence between two players become
irrelevant to xp share, then 2 levels, 3 levels...Anyone come up with a

Any other relevant points on xp would be appreciated.

My motivation is not that of a powerleveler that is looking for the
fastest way to gain xp. Rather, I enjoy playing teamed up with a couple
of friends and I am worried that because we cant always play at the same
time our levels will diverge and that this will be exacerbated when we
team up again with the highest level of us hogging all the xp. I am
looking for guidelines as to level spreads (ie a 20, 21 and 22 get
roughly identical xp share say...) that are irrelevant to xp
distribution as well as race/class explanations as one of my friends is
a half-elf.


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Sep 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/6/99

We don't have real formulas, but I will give you my best guess.

Your character has an experience-level chart that might look like
this: (These numbers are completely fictitious.)
Level XP
1 1000
2 2250
3 3750
4 5500

Each monster gives a fixed XP reward.

When you kill a monster, you get an XP reward adjusted for your
level relative to the monster level. Something like: Green no
XP, Blue or White normal, Yellow +25%, Red +50%.

If you are in a group and you kill a monster, the fixed XP reward
is split between you according to how much XP you currently have,
so if you are levels 2, 2, and 3 and you have 2300, 2700 and 5000
XP respectively, the first character will get 23% =
2300/(2300+2700+5000), the second will get 27% and the third will
get 50% of the experience for the kill.

That experience is then adjusted according to it's level, so if
the monster killed by this group was level 3, the level 2
characters would get an experience bonus for killing something
above them in level and the level 3 character would get no bonus.

Some races and classes have an experience penalty or bonus,
meaning they take more or less experience to gain a level. As
long as all of the characters in the group are the same level,
they will advance at roughly the same rate. If one of the
characters has an experience penalty, the group as a whole will
advance marginally slower. Similarly, if one has a bonus, the
group will advance slightly faster. If the characters are all
around the same level, this is not a huge effect.

We've been told that there is no experience reward for a group,
so if two people with exactly the same total experience kill a
monster as a group, each will get 50% of the XP for the kill.

As for when a one level difference becomes irrelevant, I would
say a one level difference is pretty irrelevant at around level
10 and a difference of 2 levels is not too critical at around
level 20. The change is continuous, so there is no absolute


Cynthia Rivers

Sep 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/6/99

Morgan wrote in message:

>We've been told that there is no experience reward for a group,
>so if two people with exactly the same total experience kill a
>monster as a group, each will get 50% of the XP for the kill.
>As for when a one level difference becomes irrelevant, I would
>say a one level difference is pretty irrelevant at around level
>10 and a difference of 2 levels is not too critical at around
>level 20. The change is continuous, so there is no absolute

I don't know where I saw it...but I think I vaguely remember that an
official at Verant said that there is not really a 6 person group reward,
but a cumulative group reward. I believe it is +5% for each person after
the first, so a group of 6 gets a cumulation of +25% exp. Thus, if two
people of the exact same class, level, and race kill something as a group,
they'll each get 52.5% of the exp that creature would give solo.

Also, from a less numerical point of view...I person have found that as you
rise in levels the level spread where each member will get relatively good
exp goes up rather dramatically. At level 17, I could group with level
20ish people and still get good exp. I would personally suggest that from
level 1-10 there be no more than 1 level difference from the group average,
10-20 no more than two, 21-30 no more than 3, and after that it's optional.
By very high levels, the spread can be quite large and everyone will still
get exp.



Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
to wrote in message <7r05bi$eq7$>...

>I would like to get to the bottom of how XP is gained in EQ. My main
>concern is that it is preventing some people from grouping with me as
>they feel that they will lose out due to being sometimes only a level
>below mine (I am a level 17 Dwarf Paladin). Other times, I sit in a
>group all day and my XP seems to not budge. Here are a few topics that I
>would like to be discussed:
>At identical level, do all classes and races gain the same amount of XP
>from killing the same monsters?
Hybrids get a 25% exp cut... (shudder)

>If there are differences, what are they (hybrid races or certain classes
>apparently loose out)?

cause verant (stupidly) things there stronger..i can see paladins..they get
ligh heal at 22 and they got good undead spells but not rangers..we blow

>In a group of 2 identical level, class and race characters, say the
>creature killed is worth 100 XP points, how do these points get
>ditributed? 50 points each? 100 points each? or 60% of total each ie
>60 points each?

I THINK its 50/50

>Does the number of people in a group matter to the above? I have heard
>that UP TO 3 players the XP is split evenly (33.3 points each) but over
>3 players then everyone gets 60% ?! Also what is the deal with the 6
>player XP bonus? 25% each?

There are many myths but heres what im told.. ANY group gets some kind of
bonus so says verant. However what is not sure i think a group of 6 gets the
exp of a group of 4 (so the monster is givin 150% exp instead of 100 =))

>At what level does a 1 level diffrence between two players become
>irrelevant to xp share, then 2 levels, 3 levels...Anyone come up with a

At lv18 i group with a lv19 ranger and a lv17 druid..we all get same exp and
its not hindered one bit... Howver at lower lvs u wanna stick to 1 above or

>Any other relevant points on xp would be appreciated.

Ya no matter what it says if your a melee class no way in hell are you
soloin many blues at lv18 im a ranger and i die to some blues..cept for like
gnoll reavers...a vblue grifffawn..will own me no problem...Never trust the
con if u solo

Titanis aka Tinanen of Rodect Nife
For Surefall and for Karana!

>My motivation is not that of a powerleveler that is looking for the
>fastest way to gain xp. Rather, I enjoy playing teamed up with a couple
>of friends and I am worried that because we cant always play at the same
>time our levels will diverge and that this will be exacerbated when we
>team up again with the highest level of us hogging all the xp. I am
>looking for guidelines as to level spreads (ie a 20, 21 and 22 get
>roughly identical xp share say...) that are irrelevant to xp
>distribution as well as race/class explanations as one of my friends is
>a half-elf.

Bryan Youmans

Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99

> >At what level does a 1 level diffrence between two players become
> >irrelevant to xp share, then 2 levels, 3 levels...Anyone come up with a
> >table?
> At lv18 i group with a lv19 ranger and a lv17 druid..we all get same exp and
> its not hindered one bit... Howver at lower lvs u wanna stick to 1 above or
> 2

I am no expert, but I can relate my recent experiences. Over the last
couple of nights my group has been hunting in the Beholder's Maze, and
has consisted of: me a lvl 20 barbarian warrior; a lvl 19 barbarian
warrior, a lvl 20 lvl barbarian shaman, a lvl 16 wood elf ranger, and a
lvl 13 dwarf cleric. Usually there was someone else in the group, but
this slot varied from a lvl 21 bard, to a lvl 18 warrior, to a lvl 14
enchanter. Now that's a pretty hefty range of levels, and very top
heavy to boot. However, in just 2 (maybe 3) nights of adventuring there,
I gained a level, the other warrior gained a level, the ranger gained,
and the cleric gained as well, and is about to again. So, originally I
was worried the higher level characters would "eat up" all the exp and
the poor little lvl 13 cleric would not get any, but apparently this is
not the case as you get higher. The common perception is that too wide a
gap = no exp for the lowest levels. But apparently not. There does
seem to be some sort of restriction if the lowest char is under lvl 10,
or so I have read in many places - that may be a myth too, I havent
tried verifying it. Anyway, just my $0.02.


Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
I am not posetive that these are all facts but these are some things that
are fairly commonly said in the groups I've been in and just things I've
noticed in general:

-if a mob is green to the highest but blue or better to anyone else, usually
the exp is divided ONLY between the people who can gain any exp from the mob

-The higher the level, the wider the exp cap gets. I'm not sure but I think
it's kind of like a ratio. If this is the case, then while the lower levels
aren't getting as MUCH of the exp, they also have less exp to gain for the
next level so the gain is quite noticable if it's not as noticable as on the
higher levels. If they got the same amount as the higher levs then they
would be gaining levels faster, not at the same speed or slower. I think
this was the whole point of the cap, to reduce power hunting to twink
someone to your level with a much higher character.

-I've hunted with level 35s as a level 26 or 27 and gained great exp because
we were hunting mid to upper 30 mobs that were super red to me.

-I've heard people talking about grouping with people in their upper 40s-50
at high 20s to mid 30s and getting exp from the mobs mostly because the 40s
and 50s weren't getting exp for them. And I mean a LOT of experience, which
seems to defeat the purpose of the level cap if this is true. My friend, lev
39 necro grouped with a lev 50 necro and killed the avatar of fear over and
over and he got the exp.

Also, I know for a fact that it's a REALLY bad idea to group at lower levels
(below 10) if there's any more than 2 or 3 levs difference. Better off

Bryan Youmans <> wrote in message


Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
I currently have a level 32 Shaman on the Xegony server, and have spent the
past few nights grouped with a level 46 Barb Sham and a level 45 Erudite
wizard. We have been fighting seaclops fury's in OOT, and as the lowest
member in a party of 5, I gained two full bubbles of exp in about 4 hours.
Now, to some, that may not sound like a whole lot, but keep in mind, with
that level spread, that is not bad. So, as you reach the higher levels you
can fight with people as much as 10-15 levels higher than you and still make
pretty decent experience. I have done it on more than one occasion and
usually make better experience in these groups than I do in groups of people
within a 5 level difference of me. I usually tend to stay with no more than
12-13 levels higher than myself as a self rule however. With that level
spread, the exp in Sol B and OOT has been great, and is inching me ever
closer to that coveted level 50!

Korfie Iceshine
Xegony server.

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