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Pets and exp?

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Sep 11, 2000, 6:13:07 AM9/11/00
I searched for a while and couldn't come up with a conclusive answer to this
question so I thought I would post it here see what everyone says:

How much experience does a pet take in each of the follow scenarios?

Caster is solo:
1) Caster does more than 50% of the damage and gets killing blow.
2) Caster does more than 50% of the damage but the pet gets the killing
3) Caster does less than 50% of the damage but gets the killing blow.
4) Caster does less than 50% of the damage and the pet gets the killing

Caster is grouped:
1) Pet does more damage than any group member but does not get killing
2) Pet does more damage than any group member and gets killing blow.
3) Pet is out damaged by at least one group member and does not get the
killing blow.
4) Pet is out damaged by at least one group member but still gets the
killing blow

Indebek - Dwarf Rogue - Druzzil Ro

John M Clancy

Sep 11, 2000, 5:59:06 AM9/11/00

"Indebek" <> wrote in message

Killing blow doesn't matter in any case.
If pet does more than 50% of the damage pet gets 50% of the exp.
Grouped or solo.

Bert Ulrich

Sep 11, 2000, 10:01:32 AM9/11/00
I'm going to soon start spamming this NG with an FAQ...or at least, the top
10 questions that get asked (and answered) repeatedly. May help the folks
incapable of using their search feature *shrug*.

Aamen Palantir
Fennin Ro

"Your foes seem endless, their tales unknown."

Indebek <> wrote in message


Sep 11, 2000, 10:12:57 AM9/11/00
Pet gets about 1 % if in a group, no matter how much damage he does.


Sep 11, 2000, 12:06:23 PM9/11/00
In my experiences, and i've been soloing for about twenty levels now out of
my 42. If i let my pet get the killing blow, I dont get but about half of
the exp i would normally get. In fact, in level 39, i killed only rhinos in
the overthere, which all seem to give me a static amount of exp. I made one
bubble of exp with me getting the killing blow on every one of them, and i
only had to kill 16 of the buggers. Then for the next bubble of exp, i let
my pet get the killing hit for all of them (mind you my tactic is
dark/fear/VoS/SoP once/med). for me to get a full bubble of exp that way, it
took me 25 kills.
After level 20 (when i first heard about the pet taking exp) I have
always tried my best to get the killing hit, and am pretty convinced by my
recent experiment that this is still true. It seems that mine was taking
right around 40% exp if it got the killing hit. I know for sure that I am
doing more damage than the pet too, just calculating how much damage the pet
is doing vs my DoT's and nuking.

I dont know, that is just my own opinion.

"Indebek" <> wrote in message


Sep 11, 2000, 2:15:02 PM9/11/00
I specifically said I searched but couldn't come up with a conclusive
answer. Read before posting!

"Bert Ulrich" <> wrote in message


Sep 11, 2000, 2:32:08 PM9/11/00
> Killing blow doesn't matter in any case.
> If pet does more than 50% of the damage pet gets 50% of the exp.
> Grouped or solo.

I'm really curious what the basis for this theory is? I have a hard time
believing it is accurate when nothing else in the game works this way. If a
group and an individual player attack the same mob the experience will only
be awarded to the group if at least one group member is able to out damage
the individual player. I realize pets are a completely different matter but
I suspect that this example hints at how experience tracking works
internally. Where does this 50% rumor come from? is there any data to
support it? Is there a claim from Verant to support it? If there is a
statement from Verant in this regard is there any reason to believe it?


Sep 11, 2000, 2:36:14 PM9/11/00
I have heard the 1% answer nearly as often as the 50% answer. I am much
more inclined to believe this answer. It's the kind of hard coded fix
Verant would apply to there code base to keep pet casters from being shunned
by everyone else. It also seems to be the more accurate from my personal
experience, but again where does this rumor come from? Is there any data to
support this?

"Bob" <> wrote in message

Joe D

Sep 11, 2000, 1:29:49 PM9/11/00
Indebek <> wrote:
> I'm really curious what the basis for this theory is? I have a hard time
> believing it is accurate when nothing else in the game works this way. If a
> group and an individual player attack the same mob the experience will only
> be awarded to the group if at least one group member is able to out damage
> the individual player. I realize pets are a completely different matter but
> I suspect that this example hints at how experience tracking works
> internally. Where does this 50% rumor come from? is there any data to
> support it? Is there a claim from Verant to support it? If there is a
> statement from Verant in this regard is there any reason to believe it?

It's no rumor or theory. It's fact.

The ShowEQ folks have revealed the hard numbers. How much EXP a kill is
worth. How much of that EXP you get. Stuff like that.

From what they say, and from what other users of the program say, if the pet
does over 50% of the damage, the pet gets 50% of the exp. If the pet does
less than 50%, the pet takes no exp. Whoever gets the killing blow is

Joe D
Illa non era domina. Illa erat mea uxor.


Sep 11, 2000, 7:10:55 PM9/11/00
In article <788v5.2$>, "Indebek"
<> wrote:

I suspect that in grouping, the pet gets so little exp simply because he
does more than 50% of the damage on a mob so rarely, not due to any
coding by Verant. The chances that your pet (which is almost always
several levels lower than you) is going to outdamage you and everyone
else in the group combined is pretty unlikely unless it's a blue and
everyone else is fighting some other mob that's more dangerous (in which
case nobody's going to notice the exp loss to the pet and be happy that
the pet kept the trash off their backs).

"Ninety percent of everything is crap." - Theodore Sturgeon
There is now over 550 billion pages of info on the World Wide Web.
Therefore, there are 55 billion web pages that are not crap.
[Revision 2.0 of this sig. New to 2.0 - Ted's quote has been corrected.]


Sep 11, 2000, 9:27:42 PM9/11/00
Yep the 50% rule holds true for solo casters.

A solo human necromancer with out pet needs to kill 10 snakes to achieve
level 2, the base line.
A solo human necromancer with pet, who out damages his pet and gets the
killing blow needs to kill 10 snakes to achieve level 2.
A solo human necromancer with pet, who out damages his pet but allows it the
killing blow needs to kill 10 snakes to achieve level 2.
A solo human necromancer who allows his pet to do 100% of the damage needs
to kill 20 snakes to achieve level 2.

I started to do a little "while grouped" testing, but I have not been able
to get any of the ShowEQ formulas to work as reported. In one test where 2
level necromancers were grouped and 1 pet was created it took 27 snakes to
level both casters with the pet doing 100% of the damage on all 27 snakes.

As soon as I get the "while grouped" numbers worked out I will post it here.

Michael Short

Sep 11, 2000, 8:44:35 PM9/11/00
Indebek wrote:

> I have heard the 1% answer nearly as often as the 50% answer. I am much
> more inclined to believe this answer. It's the kind of hard coded fix
> Verant would apply to there code base to keep pet casters from being shunned
> by everyone else. It also seems to be the more accurate from my personal
> experience, but again where does this rumor come from? Is there any data to
> support this?

The 1% figure was a comment from Abashi on the official website forums some
months back, in response to ShowEQ results that were running contrary to other
Verant comments at the time. The value is good, but only because they heavily
qualified it. The argument went along the lines that if you had a full group,
all participating, then the odds that the pet would out damage the entire group
as a whole was small, about 1%. Abashi maintained that each individual's damage
was compared only to the group's aggregate damage. So, in a highly unique
situation, the 1% holds.

On the otherhand, in the average group where not everyone is hitting all the
time (except the pets), it's easy for a pet to often tote up the highest damage
score. In that case, it does indeed (according to ShowEQ) get a much larger
share of the experience than 1%.

As to the "Killing Blow" theory, that's a by-product of how damage in a fight is
tracked. Verant has let information pass (most notably when discussing Ranger
aggro problems) that indicates that the tracking of damage inflicted upon a MOB
in a battle, a tally done by the system, is limited to the last few seconds.
That is, it doesn't have a long memory of who inflicted how much.

Makes sense, considering the system has to be adaptable for fights ranging from
a few seconds up to minutes in length. So, if a Mage burns early and hard, and
the fight is over quickly, the Mage's damage will be well represented in the
damage tracking system. Same if a Mage burns moderately, but spreads it over
the length of the fight.

However, if a Mage burns only at the beginning of a battle, even doing 50%+ of
the damage, in a long fight the damage from the pet will predominate in the
systems "memory", the pet will be seen as having done the most damage, and the
pet will get a larger share of the experience. That's why the "Killing Blow"
myth is so hard to test and substantiate or disprove -- the actual timing of the
delivery of the damage makes all the difference. ShowEQ showed that, for a
player doing damage quickly throughout a fight, there was no "Killing Blow"
award. Just to make it more confusing, Verant itself had been hinting there was
such a bonus, till ShowEQ showed it didn't exist. Verant then back tracked with
more double-speak and hand-waving, just like in the first question about pets
and experience.


Sep 11, 2000, 10:47:38 PM9/11/00
After doing some testing ( I'm not done yet ) it's obvious that pets can
incur more than 1% experience penalty while grouped. I've seen them take as
much as a 23% of the experience in a 2 person group, but I still can't nail
down a formula that works.

The popularly reported ShowEQ formulas are:

mob_experience_value = mob_level ^ 2 * zone_modifier * ( 1.0 + ( 0.2 *
group_members ))


your_experience += ( group_experience_points / your_experience_points ) *

With none pet classes these formulas seem accurate. Unfortunately the
formulas don't take into account pets?

"Indebek" <> wrote in message



Sep 11, 2000, 10:52:07 PM9/11/00
Thanx for the post, I was hoping to get a little history on where some of
the numbers people throw around came from.

"Michael Short" <> wrote in message


Sep 11, 2000, 9:54:40 PM9/11/00
Let me try to expend your result:
Assume pet get its share of exp. That mean You should totally kill 30
snakes to level 2. But you got 10% group exp bonus. So, got level 2
after 27 kills.

Please test: 2 NEC group together with no pet. Will you kill 18 snake
to reach level 2?

Bert Ulrich

Sep 12, 2000, 2:26:56 AM9/12/00
Did you do a search on this NG? I'm figuring no, since this question gets
asked (and answered, to the best of our ability) about once per week.

Maybe your newsreader only goes back 5 days? May want to check that out
too. Maybe your newsreader doesnt have a search feature? I'd find that
hard to believe though.

Maybe you did search this NG, found the answer not to your liking, so you
asked the same people the same question, basically. That's possible
too...many folks do that. Some even want the answer emailed to them (!).

Oh yes, I did read your post. Twice actually. All 8 of your questions are
answered in this NG...somewhere <G>.

Aamen Palantir
Fennin Ro

"Your foes seem endless, their tales unknown."
Indebek <> wrote in message



Sep 12, 2000, 3:17:24 AM9/12/00
Sorry but I can't believe you managed to reach lvl 42 and still believe the
old killing-blow superstition.

ShowEQ has PROVED that if a pet does 50% or more damage it will take 50% of
the exp. If it does less than 50% damage if will not take any exp at all.
It's that simple (in a solo situation).

"Aaron" <> wrote in message


Sep 12, 2000, 1:24:04 PM9/12/00
I spent 40 minutes searching Deja News to find that this question had NOT
been answered. Then I spent another 40 minutes searching through pain in
the butt web forums on sites related to ShowEQ. Same story there, nothing
but conflicting answers!

I created this thread because I want the answer. If you don't, not my
problem, go away!

"Bert Ulrich" <> wrote in message


Bert Ulrich

Sep 13, 2000, 1:42:17 AM9/13/00
Hmm...perhaps I was mistaken. Rather than continue shouting the sky was
falling, I went to, did a power search on the phrase "pets
and xp". I got 200 hits.

Granted, there was a lot of discussion there, but I found several threads
that had good conclusions based on empirical evidence which seemed to
coincide with my observations playing a magician.

This took me about 5 minutes.

Regardless, if you're that concerned about a, IMO, minor xp hit due to a
pet, then perhaps a pet class isn't for you. Good luck either way.

Aamen Palantir
Fennin Ro

"Your foes seem endless, their tales unknown."
Indebek <> wrote in message



Sep 13, 2000, 1:39:21 PM9/13/00
Never said I was plyaing a pet class or for that matter even grouped with
one. I just want to know the answer.

"Bert Ulrich" <> wrote in message


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