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Blues or Yellows for XP?

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Jan 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/12/00
I'm sure this question has been asked here a million times, but
is it better XP-wise to take a lot of blues, or a smaller number of

Joe D

Jan 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/12/00

XP-wise, there is no difference, since (depending on the number of mobs you
kill) you will wind up with the same amount of XP.

Joe D
Cogito ergo spud: I think therefore I yam.


Jan 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/12/00
what are you? level 3?

Yellow gives more exp, but gives more downtime.
Blue gives less, and offers less down time.

Its always best to take on blues.. Since you kill more of them, your skills
will rise faster.. The downtime/exp ratio is almost equal for blue/yellow,
but you get more attacks in on many weak creatures than one strong one.

You also get exp faster in a group (because of less downtime still)... Get
in a small group of your peers (2-3) and kill stuff that cons even to you.


Hack the Planet

MirrorSaw <> wrote in message

Mason Barge

Jan 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/12/00
>MirrorSaw <> wrote:
>> I'm sure this question has been asked here a million times, but
>> is it better XP-wise to take a lot of blues, or a smaller number of
>> yellows?
>XP-wise, there is no difference, since (depending on the number of mobs you
>kill) you will wind up with the same amount of XP.

I'm not sure that Verant has answered this or that anyone can give a definitive

I would say blues if solo, though, assuming you are a class that can solo
higher mobs. The downtime and danger of soloing higher mobs makes it a poor
choice for xp.

In groups, you often don't get much of a choice. However, I would prefer to
hit yellow and red mobs in a good group, simply because the loot they drop is
so much better and it's so much more fun.

"If this is coffee, please bring me some tea. If this is tea, please bring me
some coffee."
- Abraham Lincoln

Dorian Brytestar

Jan 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/12/00
In my experience, the ton of blues more than makes up for the added amount of xp you
get per creature if you have less downtime between the different types of creatures.
Dorian Brytestar
Lvl 45 High Elf Cleric of Tunare

"MirrorSaw" <> wrote in message
: I'm sure this question has been asked here a million times, but


Jan 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/13/00
a lot of blues are better xp for some reason i dont know why. actually i
believe that if you killl mobs a lot higher than you, you will not be given as
much xp because its a check kinda on twinkers and to prevent people from
gaining a bubble of xp for one kill :D.

Billy Shields

Jan 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/13/00
Xenomorph <> wrote:
: what are you? level 3?

: Yellow gives more exp, but gives more downtime.
: Blue gives less, and offers less down time.

Not necessarily true. For instance, some groups find casters far
more damaging than a similar non-caster of the same level (compare
a festering hag to a greater dark bones skeleton for example).

: Its always best to take on blues.. Since you kill more of them, your skills

: will rise faster.. The downtime/exp ratio is almost equal for blue/yellow,
: but you get more attacks in on many weak creatures than one strong one.

Its never "always best". Thats a gross exaggeration. Its *often*
better to take on many blues but not always. You have to assess
each situation individually depending on the nature of the monsters
and the composition of your group.

: You also get exp faster in a group (because of less downtime still)... Get

: in a small group of your peers (2-3) and kill stuff that cons even to you.

Personally I've found a group of two to be the almost optimal
way of getting exp. Bigger groups though necessary tend to be
unwieldy and often can't find enough to kill to justify their


Jan 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/13/00
A lot depends on level an such. At low levels while you can solo
yellows/evens with ease, the EXP over down time is much better. As you get
closer to 20, the ratio drops. After 20, you more or less need to get in a
group (the smaller the better), and kill what gives the best "flow". That
is, very lttle time looking for the next kill.

"Mason Barge" <mason...@aol.comnospam> wrote in message

> >MirrorSaw <> wrote:
> >> I'm sure this question has been asked here a million times, but
> >> is it better XP-wise to take a lot of blues, or a smaller number of
> >> yellows?
> >

Spike, The Lobster

Jan 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/13/00
On Wed, 12 Jan 2000 10:17:42 -0800, "Dorian Brytestar"
<> wrote:

>In my experience, the ton of blues more than makes up for the added amount of xp you
>get per creature if you have less downtime between the different types of creatures.

...and all the cash they're carrying... ;o)

Spike, The Lobster


Jan 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/13/00
In article <>, (MirrorSaw) wrote:
> I'm sure this question has been asked here a million times, but
> is it better XP-wise to take a lot of blues, or a smaller number of
> yellows?

There is an excellent experiment which someone did and is currently
posted in one of the druid boards at

He killed the guard McKluskie starting at level 31 and counted how many
kills it took to get a bubble of experience. The results were:

Level 31 - 6-6.5 (red)
Level 32 - 7-7.5 (yellow)
Level 33 - 8 (yellow)
Level 34 - 8.5 (white)
Level 35 - 19.5-19.75 (blue)
Level 36 - 10.5-10.75 (blue)
Level 37 - 11.5-11.75 (blue)
Level 38 - 12.5-12.75 (blue)
Level 39 - 13-13.5 (blue)
Level 40 - 28-29.5 (blue)
Level 41 - 15-16 (blue)

(It is interesting to note that the hell levels appear to take twice
the expected experience.)

It could be that you can assume that the experience given would be
similar when fighting any sort of reds/yellows/whites/blues.


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Kay-Yut Chen - remove ABC in email to reply

Jan 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/14/00
>Personally I've found a group of two to be the almost optimal
>way of getting exp. Bigger groups though necessary tend to be
>unwieldy and often can't find enough to kill to justify their

It depends on the level and depends on what you hunt and also how many
people are in the zone.

For example, in cazic temple, I found that soloing is the best xp
particular at prime time since you have to wait for the next pull (not
enough spawn to support the population.) Even with groups of two,
there is often either not enough to kill or have to spend time to

Groups are good in mob heavy situation. The ideal case (in group) is
to constant pull high blues or yellows. There are some yellows that
can be killed easily.

When solo .. i will do hard/medium blues and basically i am limited by
my mana regen rate.


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