I wonder if there is anyone who could explain how the xp is divided
a group. One factor is the level difference but then somebody said
that which classes that group also have a wide impact in how much
one gains xp.
The way I understand it is that experience is divided according to who
has more experience. The more experience you have, the more you get.
Certain class/race combos require more experience to level than others
(troll shadow knights at one end of the extreme taking the most, and
halfling warriors at the other end of the spectrum, taking least)... so
the classes and races who suffer experience penalties are the ones who
take the most experience. A good resource to see how who requires how
much experience to level can be found at
Level is not a direct factor in determining how much experience a
person takes, except that it serves as an indication of how much
experience they have accumulated... a level 15 human warrior obviously
has less experience than a level 16 warrior... but no huge "leap" in the
amount of experience a person takes occurs as soon as they level. A
level 15 human warrior who is one kill away from level 16 does not take
notably less experience than a level 16 human warrior who just hit level
16 in the last kill.
Also, on pets: Pets do not take any experience unless they outdamage
the entire group (including other pets in the group)... if pets
outdamage the party, they take 50% experience, and the other 50% is
divided normally amongst the group.
There may be some weird, uncommonly occurring exceptions to some of
the things I've stated above, but I believe that it is mostly accurate.
Somebody will correct me if I am wrong.
1 - you have to be within 66% of the highest level to even get exp. (I.e.
34th level can group with a 50 and get SOME exp).
2 - All the levels in the group are added up and the exp of the MOB is
divided by those levels and the amount is then applied back to the team
members based on their levels. (e.g. You have 2 level 10s kill a MOB
with 100xp. 100/(10+10) = 5xp per level. So each person would get 50xp.
Example 2 - You have a level 15 and a level 10 fighting the same MOB.
100/(15+10) = 4. The level 10 person gets 40xp and the level 15 person
gets 60xp. That's the simplified version, but there are also changes to
account for exp penalties for the various classes, etc.
The moral of the story is to group as close to your level as possible
although after 45 grouping with anyone is totally acceptable and not
Day-glow Orange Dragon
Slight correction: The pet must do 51% of the damage, not simply outdamage
the mage. If a passerby tossed a nuke at the critter it's entirely possible
for the pet to outdamage the mage and yet the mage would get 100% of the
Kay? Have you rejoined us? I kinda doubt it, this is a newbie question and
you're not new, but hey. :)
The answer is: What everyone else said, plus the added fun later on when
you're allowed to group with folks 10+ levels higher than you and you kill
something that's green to them, you don't share that experience with them.
Generally right.
>Tukka Yoot wrote:
>> if pets
>> outdamage the party, they take 50% experience, and the other 50% is
>> divided normally amongst the group.
Definitely right. Even if the party is a party of one.
When this happens, though, doesn't the share of exp which would go
to the higher level party members just go into the bitbucket?
I have been assuming that was the case, and it makes sense that
it would work that way, but maybe I assume wrong. Anyone know
for sure?
Ray Rocker
I don't know FOR SURE because I'm not a gamer geek (computer geek yes) who
loves to break down boring stuff like this but it sure does seem like it.
MY theory is that if you're grouped with someone lower who is blue to you
and are fighting something green to you (but blue to them), they will get
all the experience.
If you're grouped with someone green to you then the experience is
completely thrown away. This would prevent what would be the easiest way to
powerlevel someone.
Yes. Otherwise it'd be too open for abuse.
Joe D
I got everybody to pay up front...
Then I blew up the planet.
a) What are the penalties when grouping with different classes ?
Does some classes suck up more xp or is it evenly divided only
on level basis?
b) when grouping with a full team, does one get xp bonus then
somebody said 25% ?
"Day-glow Orange Dragon" <rac...@austin.rr.com> wrote in message
> In article <mgQL5.3356$QH2.3...@newsb.telia.net>,
> {removethis}gan...@pc.nu says...
> 1 - you have to be within 66% of the highest level to even get exp. (I.e.
> 34th level can group with a 50 and get SOME exp).
> 2 - All the levels in the group are added up and the exp of the MOB is
> divided by those levels and the amount is then applied back to the team
> members based on their levels. (e.g. You have 2 level 10s kill a MOB
> with 100xp. 100/(10+10) = 5xp per level. So each person would get 50xp.
> Example 2 - You have a level 15 and a level 10 fighting the same MOB.
> 100/(15+10) = 4. The level 10 person gets 40xp and the level 15 person
> gets 60xp. That's the simplified version, but there are also changes to
> account for exp penalties for the various classes, etc.
See my reply, and the link contained within. Some classes do suck
more exp, and level is not a direct factor. The amount of experience
each character has is the factor. A level 20 troll shadow knight would
be taking roughly the same amount of experience as a level 24 halfling
> b) when grouping with a full team, does one get xp bonus then
> somebody said 25% ?
My understanding is that every member of the group gets an extra 2% of
the experience from a kill. So if two people with the exact same amount
of experience were grouped, and they kill a mob which yields 1000
experience, both people would get 52% experience for the kill (520 exp
per person.) Let's say two more people join that group (and for the
sake of simplicity, these two people also have the same amount of
experience as the other two people,) then each person gets 27%
experience for the kill (25% per person, plus the 2% group bonus)... and
they kill the same 1000 exp mob... each person gets 270 experience for
the kill.
So there is a slight group bonus, but there is no special bonus for a
full group.
There is no group bonus
There is no exp based distribution of exp
There is no lvl based distribution
For a group its th exp from the mob / number of players on the group. Pets
in the group get NO exp......
This has been done to death elsewhere on the NG if you look for it. Exp is
apportioned according to your total xp. INT casters have a 10% penalty so a
level 10 Wizard will have 10% more exp than a level 10 Cleric (of the same
race) and thus get slightly more exp-per-kill. The big xp-penalties for
classes are applied to Hybrids and Bards (25% I think). For races Trolls and
Iksar have the highest penalties (15% I think, so a Troll SK has a 40%
>b) when grouping with a full team, does one get xp bonus then
>somebody said 25% ?
Totally untrue. There is no bonus, or one so small as to be negligible.
> There is no group bonus
There is, but it's very small.
> There is no exp based distribution of exp
Yes there is.
> There is no lvl based distribution
> For a group its th exp from the mob / number of players on the group.
> Pets in the group get NO exp......
Joe D
If fire fighters fight fires, what do freedom fighters do?
There is, but so negligible as to not matter, especially when one considers
that the 2% bonus (absolute max bonus you can get from grouping) can be far
offset by eating half of a troll shadowknights 50%+ exp penalty.
>There is no exp based distribution of exp
Oh there most definitely is. Make a halfling rogue and group with a troll
shadowknight and watch that exp crawl.
>There is no lvl based distribution
Oh there most definitely is. Make a halfling rogue and group with a troll
shadowknight five levels higher and watch that exp _CRAWL_.
>For a group its th exp from the mob / number of players on the group. Pets
>in the group get NO exp......
Even Verant no longer makes these claims. Pets in a group shouldn't get any
exp, but it is possible for them to do so in the right conditions. The
basic equation _is_ (exp = mob / number of players) but there are lots of
modifiers, mostly negative.
Correcting myself a bit. This isn't _really_ level based, but just a factor
of how much exp a higher level has. It's "experience total" based, but
since that grows with level it is easy enough to consider it level based and
you'll generally make the right assumptions.
I play at the moment 2 chars 45 barb warrior and 31 DE cleric, but the
interesting part is this...
I play with a friend RL so I play a lot with him he is lvl 39 DE Necro
when my warrior was 38 and he was 31 for every bubble I got he got one too
now that he is 41 and my cleric is 31 and he is 39 for every bubble he got
last night I got one too.
Fact : Barb warrior has the lowest exp requirements of any class/race
Casters(int or wis) have higher exp then melee(non dual)
The Point I guess you and the SK just don't do too well. It might be the
rate of pulls or the type of mobs or You might be in 20/25/30/35/40/45/50+
lvls( known as hell lvl)
We fought with pet and with out the exp is the same.
Way back I talk to a developer about group exp, sorry NO extra, you get
synergy that should be enough.
Mob exp is Mob_lvl *Mob_ lvl * Mob_modifier
Your exp for the lvl is lvl * lvl * lvl* modifier (modifier is where the
hele lvl comes up)
The Exp is mob Exp / number of players NOTE: if you too high or too low you
take exp from the group but you don't get any.
modifier is
1.0 to start
1.1 at 20 -24
1.2 at 25 - 29
1.3 at 30 -34
1.4 at 35 - 39
1.5 at 40 - 44
1.6 at 45 - 49
1.7 at 50
1.8 at 51 ...
modifier is
1.0 to start
1.1 at 20 -24
1.3 at 30 -34
1.7 at 50
1.8 at 51 ...
"Jeremy Music" <re...@darkstar.qx.net> wrote in message
I'm going to go with the assumption that you are replying to me, though you
don't quote _nor_ do you include a header that allows me to check for the
parent article (either/or is fine, but neither/nor is bad).
>Fact : Barb warrior has the lowest exp requirements of any class/race
Fact : You are wrong. It's halfling warrior (or was that rogue with warrior
a very close second?). Regardless, it isn't barbarian warrior.
>We fought with pet and with out the exp is the same.
_Generally_ a pet won't take exp in a group. They can though. All it takes
is for the pet to do more than 50% of the damage to a mob. This is rare in
a group, not nearly so rare solo.
>Way back I talk to a developer
Did he tell you alchemy was working too?
>The Exp is mob Exp / number of players
Patently not correct. I could go into how the snipped out parts of your
post regarding you and a different level player leveling at the same rate
while grouped itself proves this wrong, but I'll let you go back and figure
that out yourself.
Goober <javam...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>Sorry bud but your group with the SK just has to be no so good...
>I play at the moment 2 chars 45 barb warrior and 31 DE cleric, but the
>interesting part is this...
>I play with a friend RL so I play a lot with him he is lvl 39 DE Necro
>when my warrior was 38 and he was 31 for every bubble I got he got one too
>now that he is 41 and my cleric is 31 and he is 39 for every bubble he got
>last night I got one too.
>Fact : Barb warrior has the lowest exp requirements of any class/race
>Casters(int or wis) have higher exp then melee(non dual)
>The Point I guess you and the SK just don't do too well. It might be the
>rate of pulls or the type of mobs or You might be in 20/25/30/35/40/45/50+
>lvls( known as hell lvl)
Or I might just be right. Imagine that.
Untrue. Barbarians recieve a slight experience penalty, as opposed to
the several races which can be warriors which have no penalty, including
halflings who have a bonus. Warriors do have the lowest experience
requirements for advancement, however.
> Casters(int or wis) have higher exp then melee(non dual)
I assume by "non dual" you mean non-hybrid, but you'd still be wrong.
Monks suffer a higher experience penalty than both wisdom and
intelligence casters.
This is all assuming the information at
http://www.geocities.com/orderoftheblackdagger/EQexp2/ is correct, and I
have never heard any convincing argument that it isn't.
2) thats why there was a second post
> >Fact : Barb warrior has the lowest exp requirements of any class/race
> Fact : You are wrong. It's halfling warrior (or was that rogue with
> a very close second?). Regardless, it isn't barbarian warrior.
barb warrior is as low exp requierment as they come, since warrior has NO
special skills it is the lowest exp requierment rack you could debate , how
ever since barb got no regen night vision or great stats they made them low
cry if you must but its just so.
...">"blah, blah blah ...
pets take no exp in a group, has nothing to do with dmg, this was made so
support players don't add negativly to a group...if a nec/mag and a cleric
grouped and pet fights while cleric heals that would give a group exp drop.
Thats why the pets have get no exp in a group. soleing they do
> Patently not correct. I could go into how the snipped >out parts of
your...blah blah blah...
Don't be silly, I didn't mention (thought that was no need) that in hell lvl
(40/35/30) I got 1/2 for each of his and so on. And when I say a bubble each
I mean damn close not to the last pixel and if you look at the exp formula
you will see that the exp needed per lvls isn't that far a part. So I guess
you just wrong some more
"Jeremy Music" <re...@darkstar.qx.net> wrote in message
So be it. You refuse to acknowledge what most everyone else, including
those that did not want to, has accepted as fact.
If you honestly don't care about exp and advancement, don't worry about it.
If you do, don't argue so hard that you are right about something
(especially something that _no one_ has ever said "barb warrior is as low
exp requirement as they come") and go out and do the investigating that all
the rest of us have done when this subject has come up previously.
>pets take no exp in a group, has nothing to do with dmg, this was made so
>support players don't add negativly to a group...if a nec/mag and a cleric
>grouped and pet fights while cleric heals that would give a group exp drop.
>Thats why the pets have get no exp in a group. soleing they do
So be it. You refuse to acknowledge what most everyone else, including
those that did not want to (says the magician), has accepted as fact.
>> Patently not correct. I could go into how the snipped >out parts of
>your...blah blah blah...
>Don't be silly, I didn't mention (thought that was no need) that in hell lvl
>(40/35/30) I got 1/2 for each of his and so on. And when I say a bubble each
>I mean damn close not to the last pixel and if you look at the exp formula
>you will see that the exp needed per lvls isn't that far a part. So I guess
>you just wrong some more
So be it... But I won't be the one convinced of all the wrong things at the
end of the day.
Guess what? You have just given evidence that exp not evenly split.
If it was evenly split, the L 31 char would gain bubbles _faster_ than
the 38/39 char when grouped. Why? Because bulbs of xp are a percentage
of the xp required to get to the next level. Higher level characters
need more xp to get to the next level. So, 1 bulb of xp for a higher
level character is more xp than 1 bulb of xp for a lower level char.
Dispite this, the higher level char is getting blubs at the same rate
as the lower level char. Hence, the higher level char is getting more
xp than the lower level char.
And, ey is getting it in purportion to the xp difference between the levels.
So, this means the xp is divided between players roughly based on the
square of their level (difference of sequential cubes is roughly x^2).
Hmm. Total xp is based on the cube of the level. This is an unexpected
result. So, based on your experience, xp is divided as follows:
Let Weight(person) = person's xp / person's level
XP_GAINED_BY_PARTY * Weight(you)
-------------------------------- = XP_GAINED_BY_YOU
Sum of Weight(each party member)
Or so. This create the effect that everyone gains bubbles at the same rate.
(modulo hell levels), in a party.
As opposed to the conventional wisdom of:
---------------------------- = XP_GAINED_BY_YOU
Which creates the effect that players gain bubbles in a ratio roughly
purportional to their level, in a party, modulo hell levels.
Adam_Nevraumont at uwaterloo.ca The problem with the Big Blue Room is
'Nemo enim fere saltat sobris, the daily 8 hour reboots.
nisi forte insait.' -- Cicero
Hi. Im the signature immune system. Why dont you copy me into your .sig?
Sure not the best gear in the game but the cleric has Cleric quest bracers
and chard shield, +6 wis rings and nice earings. Warrior got hero , crafted
, scaveneing mirth staff and earth blade, casters have stains and nice
robes...maybe at the end of the day as you put it I did get it right
"Jeremy Music" <re...@darkstar.qx.net> wrote in message
Goober <javam...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>I got warrior lvl 45 where played == 15 days NOT all that bad, since this
>is my main that spend the time making money to get all the gear for him
>self, a cleric , necro, wiz , sk and shamy.
>Sure not the best gear in the game but the cleric has Cleric quest bracers
>and chard shield, +6 wis rings and nice earings. Warrior got hero , crafted
>, scaveneing mirth staff and earth blade, casters have stains and nice
>robes...maybe at the end of the day as you put it I did get it right
So you have a level 45 warrior, and are going to wield that as a claim to
authority that "maybe at the end of the day you did get it right."
I have two characters above 50. I have one more above 40. I have one more
above 20.
Congrats on the 45 warrior, but it holds no weight of authority in the face
of facts and personal experience (the one above 40 is a ranger with a quite
noticeable experience penalty). I have grouped and soloed at every level
range and in nearly every zone in the game. I have been in a TR1 group in
Cazic Thule and had the level 34 halfling warrior leave and the 34 troll
shadowknight join. I _know_ the penalty and the way it is dealt with in
I don't let it affect my gameplay much. But I don't blind myself to the
facts either.
More with the multiple characters as a basis for authority. Here, let me
help you out _again_.
I have two accounts. I have a 50+ character on _each_ of those accounts. I
have a 50+ character on Rallos Zek (means nothing, but you seemed to think
it does). I have a ranger, complete with exp penalty that is undeniable and
readily apparent. I have, on multiple occasions, created a level 1 halfling
warrior and a level 1 troll shadowknight, one on each account, and had them
fight the _exact_ same things. On each and every one of these occasions,
most of them the result of someone needing proof, yet again, the troll
shadowknight takes nearly double the number of kills to gain second level.
I have also created 2 halfling warriors and grouped them, then created 2
troll shadowknights and grouped them, then created a halfling warrior and a
troll shadowknight and grouped them, and all supported the way exp works as
I have said. How can you possibly argue with that? It is _incredibly_ easy
to test for yourself. Go do it and find out how much of a fool you really
>Lets end this now cause it becomes spamming with you offering no evidnce
>except my mother told me so.
>So this will be the last of the silly posts , I do hope (for your sake) you
>will see the light
You are such a Goober. Allow me to share some of my seen light with you:
Go read up on the facts. A lot of this information was gleaned from a cheat
tool that collected information (such as experience gained for a kill,
experience required to hit the next level, etc.) that Verant didn't want let
out. The facts are pretty much indisputable (except by Goobers), though
there are some finer points still in contention like why do rangers and
shadowknights only get 50% exp for a kill if their DoT does over 50% of the
I didn't believe some of the information, or thought perhaps it had been
misinterpreted, and so I ran the tests I mentioned above. I _know_ how exp
and exp-division works now. Maybe someday you will too.
I suggest some serious research through the message boards at the second
link above. You have to wade through all the other Goobers that just want
to spout without actually having any figures to base it upon. Then you can
admit you are wrong, apologize for being a Goober, and get on with life
secure in the knowledge that you are _finally_ aware of how things actually
work. Or, you could just slink away, never to be seen again, as has been
the case with quite a few people in the past who ventured down this very
Lets end this now cause it becomes spamming with you offering no evidnce
except my mother told me so.
So this will be the last of the silly posts , I do hope (for your sake) you
will see the light
"Jeremy Music" <re...@darkstar.qx.net> wrote in message
You are very confused. Warrior is the class with the lowest XP
requirement, but Barbarians have a small racial XP penalty. The
class/race with the lowest XP requirement is Halfling Warrior.
>Casters(int or wis) have higher exp then melee(non dual)
Your 38 warrior had a lot more total XP than his 31 cleric. You get
bubbles at the same rate because XP is divided proportion to existing
XP. If it were divided equally like you think it is, the 31 cleric
would have gotten more bubbles than you.
>modifier is
>1.0 to start
>1.1 at 20 -24
>1.2 at 25 - 29
>1.3 at 30 -34
>1.4 at 35 - 39
>1.5 at 40 - 44
>1.6 at 45 - 49
>1.7 at 50
>1.8 at 51 ...
Wrong again. The modifier is 1.0 to 29. The change to 1.1 is at 30
(the first "hell" level). Changes are then at 35, 40, and 45. 50 is
not a hell level. 51 and above are.
--Tim Smith
Tim Smith wrote in message ...
>On Thu, 02 Nov 2000 18:31:01 GMT, Goober <javam...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>I play at the moment 2 chars 45 barb warrior and 31 DE cleric, but the
>>interesting part is this...
>>I play with a friend RL so I play a lot with him he is lvl 39 DE Necro
>>when my warrior was 38 and he was 31 for every bubble I got he got one too
>>now that he is 41 and my cleric is 31 and he is 39 for every bubble he got
>>last night I got one too.
>>Fact : Barb warrior has the lowest exp requirements of any class/race
>You are very confused. Warrior is the class with the lowest XP
>requirement, but Barbarians have a small racial XP penalty. The
>class/race with the lowest XP requirement is Halfling Warrior.
>>Casters(int or wis) have higher exp then melee(non dual)
>Your 38 warrior had a lot more total XP than his 31 cleric. You get
>bubbles at the same rate because XP is divided proportion to existing
>XP. If it were divided equally like you think it is, the 31 cleric
>would have gotten more bubbles than you.
>>modifier is
>>1.0 to start
>>1.1 at 20 -24
>>1.2 at 25 - 29
>>1.3 at 30 -34
>>1.4 at 35 - 39
>>1.5 at 40 - 44
>>1.6 at 45 - 49
>>1.7 at 50
>>1.8 at 51 ...
I didnt want to start a long thread though :)
"Tukka Yoot" <tu...@prodigy.net> wrote in message
Nope, Warriors have a multiplier of 9.00, Rogues have 9.05. It's not a
big enough difference to worry about, I suppose...when the HFL WAR dings
to 60, a HFL ROG with the same kills would have his 59 bar in that "I
can't believe that last kill didn't ding me!" state. Looking just at
level 59, the Rogue needs about two more kills (out of around 300) to
reach 60.
--Tim Smith