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XP loss on death nowadays?

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Tim Smith

Aug 15, 2003, 12:49:28 PM8/15/03
Before they did all the smoothing out of levels, eliminating hell levels,
death was a fixed percentage of the amount of XP the previous took (about
12%, if I recall correctly). It worked out to about 2.9 blue bubbles in
most levels, half that in hell levels (because the bubbles meant about
twice as much in hell levels), and and a bit more in the level after a hell

Anyone know what it is now, after the level changes? My last death was in
58, and I lost 8% of the level (2 blues).

In particular, I'm 60 now, and am wondering how much I've got to get into 60
to not lose the level on death?

Evidence Eliminator is worthless:
--Tim Smith

Chris Monster

Aug 15, 2003, 1:12:50 PM8/15/03

"Tim Smith" <> wrote in message

i have a 55 char who loses 10% on death

i have a 35 char who loses more than 10%, but i can't say if it's ~12%

i have a 62 char who loses less than 8%, but i'm not sure by how much

none of them are exp modified

Graeme Faelban

Aug 15, 2003, 1:14:39 PM8/15/03
Tim Smith <> wrote in

> Before they did all the smoothing out of levels, eliminating hell
> levels, death was a fixed percentage of the amount of XP the previous
> took (about 12%, if I recall correctly). It worked out to about 2.9
> blue bubbles in most levels, half that in hell levels (because the
> bubbles meant about twice as much in hell levels), and and a bit more
> in the level after a hell level.
> Anyone know what it is now, after the level changes? My last death
> was in 58, and I lost 8% of the level (2 blues).
> In particular, I'm 60 now, and am wondering how much I've got to get
> into 60 to not lose the level on death?

Quite a bit compared to what you are used to. 60 is a trivial level
compared to the 50s, and to the rest of the 60s, so the percent xp loss
is pretty large. OTOH, the xp moves very fast in 60. You are talking
about unrezzed deah I take it? I seem to recall it was something like 3
or 4 blues, but, my memory is kinda fuzzy regarding that. In level 65 it
seems to be right around 6%.

On Erollisi Marr in <Sanctuary of Marr>
Venerable Graeme Faelban, Barbarian Prophet of 65 seasons
Tainniel Fleabane, Halfling Warrior of 30 seasons
Giluven, Wood Elf Druid of 25 seasons
Graeniel, High Elf Enchanter of 25 seasons
On Test
Emgraeme, Gnome Wizard of 25 seasons


Aug 15, 2003, 1:54:42 PM8/15/03
Aye the experience loss at level 60 is in the area of 4-5 blue. However,
from 61 up the exp level is about 1 blue per death (without a res). It is a
serious bonus to jump through 60 especially since it is such a truncated
level .

"Tim Smith" <> wrote in message

John Henders

Aug 15, 2003, 3:07:19 PM8/15/03

>Before they did all the smoothing out of levels, eliminating hell levels,
>death was a fixed percentage of the amount of XP the previous took (about
>12%, if I recall correctly). It worked out to about 2.9 blue bubbles in
>most levels, half that in hell levels (because the bubbles meant about
>twice as much in hell levels), and and a bit more in the level after a hell

At least according to the people who parsed the datastream with showeq
back before the experience changes, the death penalty was based on
something like 10% of the experience a human warrior needed for the
previous level. This is why the level after hell levels gave you such a
huge exp hit when dying, because the previous level's exp was so huge.

>Anyone know what it is now, after the level changes? My last death was in
>58, and I lost 8% of the level (2 blues).

My recollection was they specifically stated death experience wasn't
touched with the adjustment formula, just like any bonuses in place
weren't touched.

>In particular, I'm 60 now, and am wondering how much I've got to get into 60
>to not lose the level on death?

60 is particularly bad for exp loss or it was when it was the top level,
which was the last time I was 60. If I recall right it's almost 10% per
unrezzed death in 60, as it takes very little experience to fill your
bar at 60. 65 on the other hand is 5% per unrezzed death. Has anyone
passed through 60 lately? Was this changed with the addition of 61-65
levels. It certainly didn't look like the 61-65 levels were smoothed
into the regular experience curve when PoP came out.

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
GAT d- -p+(--) c++++ l++ u++ t- m--- W--- !v
b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*

Graeme Faelban

Aug 15, 2003, 3:29:21 PM8/15/03
to (John Henders) wrote in

It's more like 16% to 20% per unrezzed death in 60, somewhere in the
neighborhood of 4 to 5 blue bubbles.

Adam Russell

Aug 15, 2003, 4:43:01 PM8/15/03

"John Henders" <> wrote in message

Up till 59 I counted on 10% xp loss before res. At L59 that changed to 6%.
Got a ways to go to get 60 still.

Dan Harmon

Aug 15, 2003, 5:20:41 PM8/15/03

"Tim Smith" <> wrote in message
> Before they did all the smoothing out of levels, eliminating hell levels,
> death was a fixed percentage of the amount of XP the previous took (about
> 12%, if I recall correctly). It worked out to about 2.9 blue bubbles in
> most levels, half that in hell levels (because the bubbles meant about
> twice as much in hell levels), and and a bit more in the level after a
> level.
> Anyone know what it is now, after the level changes? My last death was in
> 58, and I lost 8% of the level (2 blues).
> In particular, I'm 60 now, and am wondering how much I've got to get into
> to not lose the level on death?

At 60 I lost a full yellow. That may not be exact, but how close do you
need it to be when you hear that? <g>

At 64 I lose about 6% but it takes me a few 96% rezzes to drop down a
percent in post-rezz experience. But with a 96% rez you really only need to
kill about 1 dark blue critter to get back all lost experience so I really
pay little attention to it (I just die often enough, so I do notice it
eventually :p ).

Dan Day

Aug 15, 2003, 5:24:39 PM8/15/03
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 17:12:50 GMT, "Chris Monster" <>

>i have a 62 char who loses less than 8%, but i'm not sure by how much

At level 65 I lose about 5.5% of level upon death (and get most of
it back when rezzed, of course).

David Navarro

Aug 15, 2003, 5:47:55 PM8/15/03
Strangely enough, Tim Smith wrote:

> Anyone know what it is now, after the level changes? My last death
> was in 58, and I lost 8% of the level (2 blues).

Can't speak for other levels, but at 65 you lose almost exactly 5%.

Baron Hanrahan, Storm Warden (Human), Fennin Ro

An Apple a day keeps Microsoft away.

Chris Monster

Aug 15, 2003, 11:04:01 PM8/15/03

"Dan Day" <> wrote in message

so exp loss per death decreases......amazing

Jekke, Just Jekke

Aug 15, 2003, 11:38:08 PM8/15/03
On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 03:04:01 GMT, "Chris Monster"
<> wrote:

>"Dan Day" <> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 17:12:50 GMT, "Chris Monster"
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >i have a 62 char who loses less than 8%, but i'm not sure by how much
>> At level 65 I lose about 5.5% of level upon death (and get most of
>> it back when rezzed, of course).
>so exp loss per death decreases......amazing

XP loss as a percentage of level decreases. Whether it decreases
numerically has yet to be proven here.

Playing on Torvonilous
Venerable Sheava Ebonrezzor (Dark Elf Cleric, 65)
Veteran Moulin Khmer (Dark Elf Rogue, 65)
Qiin Dred (Iksar Necromancer, 55)

Tim Smith

Aug 16, 2003, 3:09:08 AM8/16/03
In article <Bah%a.77930$>, Chris Monster

> so exp loss per death decreases......amazing

That's as a percentage of level. As a general rule, higher levels take more
XP than lower levels, so 5.5% of 65 could be a lot more XP than 8% of 62.

However, higher level people tend to fight higher level mobs, giving more XP
per mob, making it so that outside of hell levels (which have been pretty
much eliminated) and anti-hell levels (which 60 seems to be), each level
takes approximately the same number of kills as the previous level, so
percent of a level is often a good way to compare things in terms of time,
which is really what matters to most people.

There are a couple ways the actual XP loss at 62 and 65 could be compared.

(1) ShowEQ. Sony changed things a long time ago so that the client is only
given percentage updates, making this hard, but when you zone, the client is
given the actual XP value, so people with ShowEQ could still figure out was just a bit more inconvenient. I don't know if this is still
the was the last time I checked the ShowEQ forums, to see if the
latest rumor of Sony finally permanently breaking ShowEQ was true (it
wasn't...a few days after that story circulated, the ShowEQ people had
everything working again). (My theory is that Sony doesn't want to actually
break ShowEQ...just make is annoying enough that casual players won't be
able to use it. A few well placed ShowEQ users on raids can keep
frustrations down, which probably keeps the need for customer support down).

(2) When for some reason, you have to eat an XP death, count how many mobs
it takes to get the XP back. Then switch to 100%AA, and kill the same mobs.
See how much AA that gives. Since AA is the same for all levels, that gives
a comparison of the actual XP.

Graeme Faelban

Aug 18, 2003, 8:56:39 AM8/18/03
"Jekke, Just Jekke" <je...@REMOVEALLinsidejoke.tvCAPS> wrote in

> On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 03:04:01 GMT, "Chris Monster"
> <> wrote:
>>"Dan Day" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 17:12:50 GMT, "Chris Monster"
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >i have a 62 char who loses less than 8%, but i'm not sure by how
>>> At level 65 I lose about 5.5% of level upon death (and get most of
>>> it back when rezzed, of course).
>>so exp loss per death decreases......amazing
> XP loss as a percentage of level decreases. Whether it decreases
> numerically has yet to be proven here.

As I understand it, it increases numerically. It is a percentage of the
amount of xp required to gain your current level. This is why, when you
are level 60, you lose close to one yellow of xp, as levelling from 59 to
60 takes a huge amount of xp, and leveling from 60 to 61 takes a fairly
small amount of xp. The amount of xp you lose when you die in level 61
is very small, due to how little xp is required to go from 60 to 61.


Aug 18, 2003, 8:18:45 PM8/18/03
On 18 Aug 2003 12:56:39 GMT, Graeme Faelban
<> wrote:

>"Jekke, Just Jekke" <je...@REMOVEALLinsidejoke.tvCAPS> wrote in
>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 03:04:01 GMT, "Chris Monster"
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Dan Day" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 17:12:50 GMT, "Chris Monster"
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >i have a 62 char who loses less than 8%, but i'm not sure by how
>>>> At level 65 I lose about 5.5% of level upon death (and get most of
>>>> it back when rezzed, of course).
>>>so exp loss per death decreases......amazing
>> XP loss as a percentage of level decreases. Whether it decreases
>> numerically has yet to be proven here.
>As I understand it, it increases numerically. It is a percentage of the
>amount of xp required to gain your current level. This is why, when you
>are level 60, you lose close to one yellow of xp, as levelling from 59 to
>60 takes a huge amount of xp, and leveling from 60 to 61 takes a fairly
>small amount of xp. The amount of xp you lose when you die in level 61
>is very small, due to how little xp is required to go from 60 to 61.

Wouldn't that make Lvl60 the best place to power out some AA's? If
not, what is?


Lance Berg

Aug 18, 2003, 9:24:23 PM8/18/03

sugarman wrote:

Not as such, no. XP per AA point isn't based on your level, its a constant,
the amount needed to level from 51 to 52. So the fact that it takes little
exp to get from 60 to 61 isn't relevant.

What is relevant is how much raw XP (not as a fraction of your regular XP bar,
which does change from one level to the next) you can generate per hour.
Shortly after the release of POP, 61 was the ideal level for many people to
get AA in, as there were easily killed mobs in the tier one POP zones you
could go thru like butter with the vendor buyable level 61 spell in your
arsenal; after 61 these easy mobs turned cyan and the exp dropped quite a
bit. I could also make a case for 62, but with the reduction of POP ZEMs, the
opening up of POP zones without needing flags, the change to group xp, the
increase in level range of exp mobs for the post 60 set...well the changes are
too numerous and I haven't been thru my 60s since that change, so I really
can't say.

I can say that as you level up from 51 to 60 each level's increase in xp
generating power makes getting AA in that level easier than the level before.



Aug 18, 2003, 10:33:33 PM8/18/03
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 01:24:23 GMT, Lance Berg <>

Kay. Questioned answered. From an in game conversation with my first
RL friend to make 50 the other day, I thought getting an AA was the
same as getting your current level. I understand I was wrong.

>What is relevant is how much raw XP (not as a fraction of your regular XP bar,
>which does change from one level to the next) you can generate per hour.
>Shortly after the release of POP, 61 was the ideal level for many people to
>get AA in, as there were easily killed mobs in the tier one POP zones you
>could go thru like butter with the vendor buyable level 61 spell in your
>arsenal; after 61 these easy mobs turned cyan and the exp dropped quite a
>bit. I could also make a case for 62, but with the reduction of POP ZEMs, the
>opening up of POP zones without needing flags, the change to group xp, the
>increase in level range of exp mobs for the post 60 set...well the changes are
>too numerous and I haven't been thru my 60s since that change, so I really
>can't say.
>I can say that as you level up from 51 to 60 each level's increase in xp
>generating power makes getting AA in that level easier than the level before.



Frank E

Aug 19, 2003, 10:57:26 AM8/19/03
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 00:18:45 GMT, sugarman
<> wrote:

>Wouldn't that make Lvl60 the best place to power out some AA's? If
>not, what is?

Argueably, 61 would be. ... assuming you don't want to go straight to
65. Mainly because dying at 61 is probably the least painful (going by
loss of exp) of any lvl post 51.

Rgds, Frank

Graeme Faelban

Aug 19, 2003, 9:39:00 AM8/19/03
sugarman <> wrote in

Level 65. You can most easilly kill the highest level mobs, yielding the
most xp. Given that the amount of xp needed to gain an AA is constant,
that means the more xp over time you can get the better for gaining AAs.
Also, at level 65, death is not as much of a concern, as even with just a
few blues into the level, rezzed deaths will keep you at level 65 for
quite some time.

Graeme Faelban

Aug 19, 2003, 9:40:48 AM8/19/03
Lance Berg <> wrote in

I am soloing mobs for 5% of AAXP per kill at level 65. At level 60 to 62
or so, I was soloing mobs for about 1%, maybe 1.5% of AAXP per kill.
Difficulty, and time, for me to kill the mobs is about the same.

Frank E

Aug 19, 2003, 1:48:20 PM8/19/03
On 19 Aug 2003 13:40:48 GMT, Graeme Faelban
<> wrote:

>I am soloing mobs for 5% of AAXP per kill at level 65. At level 60 to 62
>or so, I was soloing mobs for about 1%, maybe 1.5% of AAXP per kill.
>Difficulty, and time, for me to kill the mobs is about the same.

Have you found any good places to solo at 65? Not that I solo much any
more, seems like there's always at least one person I know that's
around and looking to at least duo. Still, finding a spot in Tier3 PoP
(which I assume since you're talking 5% AA per kill) that even your
average duo can take without having to split mobs seems pretty
difficult. HoH seems impossible to reliably pull singles, BoT is a
madhouse. ... Tactics maybe if you hunt the ogres? They mitigate slow
but BoS and Ulthor make rotting viable again, much as I hate it after
soloing for 60 lvls IN TEH FACE. <g>

Droga might be another option. Given the right camps, exp there seems
every bit as good as HoH or BoT. One AA in a bit less than 2 hours. I
did try ChardokB recently, solo'd for maybe 45 minutes while waiting
for the rest of the group to get online and down there but it would've
taken be about 5 hours to get an AA there, hardly efficient.

Rgds, Frank

Graeme Faelban

Aug 19, 2003, 11:35:57 AM8/19/03
Frank E <> wrote in

At 65, I have soloed in various nonpop zones, going after dark blue mobs
only. Droga, Nadox, Torgiran's, OS are all places I have soloed, and
that are easy to solo in. I was not impressed with the xp over time

Until recently, I still soloed dark blues in PoN, which is where I get 1
to 1.5% AAXP per kill. I recently discovered that the Crystalline Golems
in PoV are just as soloable as the PoN yard trash, and yield about 5%
AAXP per kill. I have not had any trouble single pulling, and never get
adds while killing them. I most definitely do not melee them at all, and
I don't use my pup. I did use him on my first golem, but I was fighting
in tight quarters that time, and even so, ended up having to let him die
due to being lom, when the mob was down to about 8% health. My pup had
the mage haste mask, hp belt, and a pair of the proccing +hp weapons.
Since then, I have gone back several times, and just used root and rot to
kill them. Kill speed is not very high, will have to time it to get an
idea how long it will take to get one AA level.

I have been told of a couple of spots in HoH, but, like you, I have yet
to see a good way to reliably single pull there.

David Navarro

Aug 19, 2003, 1:49:24 PM8/19/03
Strangely enough, Graeme Faelban wrote:

> Until recently, I still soloed dark blues in PoN, which is where I get
> 1 to 1.5% AAXP per kill. I recently discovered that the Crystalline
> Golems in PoV are just as soloable as the PoN yard trash, and yield
> about 5% AAXP per kill.

How do they compare with the suits of armor in HoH? I can do those
reliably, but it takes a full mana bar to root/rot one down.

Venerable Hanrahan, Storm Warden (Human), Fennin Ro

"Man, we're talking *weird* here."

Frank E

Aug 19, 2003, 4:55:38 PM8/19/03
On 19 Aug 2003 15:35:57 GMT, Graeme Faelban
<> wrote:

>At 65, I have soloed in various nonpop zones, going after dark blue mobs
>only. Droga, Nadox, Torgiran's, OS are all places I have soloed, and
>that are easy to solo in. I was not impressed with the xp over time

I consider most of OS a money camp at 61+, the fact that most of the
mobs at Bugs or Necro are deep blue again is just a nice fringe
benefit <g>. I don't recall anything dark blue in Torigans Mines even
before I hit 65. Droga might well be the best bet though, especially
if you invis in deep enough to fight the lvl 61 mobs.

Assuming we get that magic based DoT with LDoN, Veksar would probably
move close to the top on my list of places to solo. Burn some IVU
potions to get in deep and there's decent exp, a shot at good loot and
single pullable mobs.

>Until recently, I still soloed dark blues in PoN, which is where I get 1
>to 1.5% AAXP per kill. I recently discovered that the Crystalline Golems
>in PoV are just as soloable as the PoN yard trash, and yield about 5%
>AAXP per kill. I have not had any trouble single pulling, and never get
>adds while killing them. I most definitely do not melee them at all, and
>I don't use my pup.

Is that the camp right past the castle in PoV? Hadn't thought about
that one but you're right. No roamers, single pulls and mobs that
don't summon. Has the potential to be a pretty nice spot.

Rgds, Frank

Graeme Faelban

Aug 19, 2003, 2:26:55 PM8/19/03
David Navarro <> wrote in news:20030819184354872+0100

> Strangely enough, Graeme Faelban wrote:
>> Until recently, I still soloed dark blues in PoN, which is where I get
>> 1 to 1.5% AAXP per kill. I recently discovered that the Crystalline
>> Golems in PoV are just as soloable as the PoN yard trash, and yield
>> about 5% AAXP per kill.
> How do they compare with the suits of armor in HoH? I can do those
> reliably, but it takes a full mana bar to root/rot one down.

Have not done the suits, so I don't know. Or I should say, I have not
soloed any. The graveyard is always taken when I go there, and I have not
really searched for a good safeish spot elsewhere in the zone to do that.
I end with 40% or more mana, 80% or so health.

Graeme Faelban

Aug 19, 2003, 2:31:46 PM8/19/03
Frank E <> wrote in

> On 19 Aug 2003 15:35:57 GMT, Graeme Faelban
> <> wrote:
>>At 65, I have soloed in various nonpop zones, going after dark blue
>>mobs only. Droga, Nadox, Torgiran's, OS are all places I have soloed,
>>and that are easy to solo in. I was not impressed with the xp over
>>time really.
> I consider most of OS a money camp at 61+, the fact that most of the
> mobs at Bugs or Necro are deep blue again is just a nice fringe
> benefit <g>. I don't recall anything dark blue in Torigans Mines even
> before I hit 65. Droga might well be the best bet though, especially
> if you invis in deep enough to fight the lvl 61 mobs.

There are lots of dark blues in the buildings in Torgirans, and, for that
matter, I believe deep in the mines as well. Droga is almost all dark
blue, I usually work my way in from the Nurga zone line, crawled as far
as the jail cell area, where there are higher level mobs. The problem
there was the crowding, so it was not a very viable spot. Damned shaman
was casting Malo and Pox there.

> Assuming we get that magic based DoT with LDoN, Veksar would probably
> move close to the top on my list of places to solo. Burn some IVU
> potions to get in deep and there's decent exp, a shot at good loot and
> single pullable mobs.
>>Until recently, I still soloed dark blues in PoN, which is where I get
>>1 to 1.5% AAXP per kill. I recently discovered that the Crystalline
>>Golems in PoV are just as soloable as the PoN yard trash, and yield
>>about 5% AAXP per kill. I have not had any trouble single pulling,
>>and never get adds while killing them. I most definitely do not melee
>>them at all, and I don't use my pup.
> Is that the camp right past the castle in PoV? Hadn't thought about
> that one but you're right. No roamers, single pulls and mobs that
> don't summon. Has the potential to be a pretty nice spot.

The golems spawn in that whole area after you go through the castle,
across the ramp/bridge, and out the other castle. I choose a nice quite
spot that has no roamers, and root and rot there.

John Muir

Aug 19, 2003, 2:51:22 PM8/19/03
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 17:49:24 GMT, David Navarro <>

>Strangely enough, Graeme Faelban wrote:
>> Until recently, I still soloed dark blues in PoN, which is where I get
>> 1 to 1.5% AAXP per kill. I recently discovered that the Crystalline
>> Golems in PoV are just as soloable as the PoN yard trash, and yield
>> about 5% AAXP per kill.
>How do they compare with the suits of armor in HoH? I can do those
>reliably, but it takes a full mana bar to root/rot one down.

I'd say PoV Golems, PoS Frogs and HoH suits (other than Protectors,
those are a little better xp) are all about the same level of xp
(4-5% solo) and HPs (20-odd thousand). Innate Camo and Harmony are
fabulous tools in HoH.

Razorfiends are also perfectly solo-able but perma camped on

Hunter Schadenfreude
Forest Stalker
Bristlebane server

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