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2 Nov 1999, 03:00:0002/11/1999
Someone set up an EverQuest emulator and only allow people who roleplay on.
Also, make changes in the game based on player votes, only allow a certain
amount of people to join (so there is no camping!), and tell me when you do
it! ;)


3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999
Unfortunately, that has been tried and was immediately (some would say
rightly as well) crushed by the legal might of Sony Interactive/Verant.
Theft of artiistic investment, I think was one of the main points.

Anon wrote in message ...


3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999
Then Verant might want to get is act together and inforce a bit more
roleplaying in the game. Or they
shouldn't sell it as a massively multiplayer roleplaying game... :)

none wrote in message ...

3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999
In article <7voqki$p5j$>,

"Val" <> wrote:
> Then Verant might want to get is act together and inforce a bit
> roleplaying in the game. Or they

> >Anon wrote in message ...

> >>Someone set up an EverQuest emulator and only allow people who
> on.
> >>Also, make changes in the game based on player votes, only allow a
> >>amount of people to join (so there is no camping!), and tell me when

> >>it! ;)
> >>
> >>Being relatively new to the game,I'm still trying to figure out
what the majority of player's ideas of role playing are.For instance,I
play a gnome necromancer on Brell and although I am quite polite I am
in fact role playing.I may be pretending to be polite so I can gain the
trust of do gooders so that I can manipulate them or maybe I have gone
irrecoverably insane because of my dabbling
in the dark arts.I mean the truth of the matter is I'm new to this game
and I want very much to make friends to adventure with.I'm sorry if I
am ranting off topic a bit.It just seems to me that the phrase "Role-
Playing" is so open to interpretation that it is incomprehensible.
I haven't made my name purple even though I do role play,does that
mean that I will miss out on interacting with some players?I would be
grateful for everyone's views on the subject because I have been
wondering about this for awhile now.
> >
> >

Sent via
Before you buy.

Alasdair Allan

3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999
to wrote

> I haven't made my name purple even though I do role play,does that
> mean that I will miss out on interacting with some players?I would be
> grateful for everyone's views on the subject because I have been
> wondering about this for awhile now.

Purple name = kewlio.

They are best avoided.

Alasdair Allan, Ibrox, Glasgow |England - Country where Marx developed | the basis of Communism
X-Static's Rangers Webzine |Scotland - Country where Smith developed | the basis of Capitalism


3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999
I don't think enforceing any kind of roleplaying is practical, if possible
at all. With a game like this, involving this many people, there will
always be groups of people who choose not to "roleplay". They might just
enjoy the game for a game, instead of an enviroment. While I, along with
the majority of people I'm sure, do "roleplay" sometimes, I do not do it all
the time. While I enjoy RPing there are sometimes I just want to pretend im
in a shooter with levels. Stand, Cast, Kill, Med, and Repeat. This doesn't
last long and I normally return to RP, but for some people that IS fun.

Val wrote in message <7voqki$p5j$>...

> Then Verant might want to get is act together and inforce a bit more
>roleplaying in the game. Or they

>shouldn't sell it as a massively multiplayer roleplaying game... :)
>none wrote in message ...
>>Unfortunately, that has been tried and was immediately (some would say
>>rightly as well) crushed by the legal might of Sony Interactive/Verant.
>>Theft of artiistic investment, I think was one of the main points.

>>Anon wrote in message ...
>>>Someone set up an EverQuest emulator and only allow people who roleplay
>>>Also, make changes in the game based on player votes, only allow a

>>>amount of people to join (so there is no camping!), and tell me when you
>>>it! ;)


3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999
Most people will base there idea of "roleplay" on an aquired veiw of how an
average character of each class is supposed to act. Most of these are
aquired through materials that where around before EQ. Things such as
Dungeons and Dragons, various fantasy novels, and even a historical
reference. While just as with real life, there will be a variety of
personality types in any group of people sharing the same occupation, there
is normally a stereotype of what they will be/act like. The same with
characters in EQ. You assume a Paladin will be good and holy, constantly
seeking to banish darkness from the land. You know that drow shadowknight
will gladly watch you die for the chance that he might get you loot. These
are just basic assumptions, and what most people base their idea of
"Roleplay" on. Ah well hope that helped a bit. wrote in message <7vp0ce$hg4$>...

>In article <7voqki$p5j$>,
> "Val" <> wrote:

>> Then Verant might want to get is act together and inforce a bit
>> roleplaying in the game. Or they

>> >Anon wrote in message ...
>> >>Someone set up an EverQuest emulator and only allow people who
>> on.
>> >>Also, make changes in the game based on player votes, only allow a
>> >>amount of people to join (so there is no camping!), and tell me when

>> >>it! ;)
>> >>
>> >>Being relatively new to the game,I'm still trying to figure out
>what the majority of player's ideas of role playing are.For instance,I
>play a gnome necromancer on Brell and although I am quite polite I am
>in fact role playing.I may be pretending to be polite so I can gain the
>trust of do gooders so that I can manipulate them or maybe I have gone
>irrecoverably insane because of my dabbling
>in the dark arts.I mean the truth of the matter is I'm new to this game
>and I want very much to make friends to adventure with.I'm sorry if I
>am ranting off topic a bit.It just seems to me that the phrase "Role-
>Playing" is so open to interpretation that it is incomprehensible.

> I haven't made my name purple even though I do role play,does that
>mean that I will miss out on interacting with some players?I would be
>grateful for everyone's views on the subject because I have been
>wondering about this for awhile now.
>> >
>> >


3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999

Alasdair Allan wrote in message <01bf2609$7ee10320$c70201c0@dell40>...
> wrote

>Purple name = kewlio.
>They are best avoided.

Actually purple named residents are usually the best to group with since
they actually play the game it was meant to be played (this doesn't include
people who use /roleplay becuase their too lazy to use /anonymous).
Roleplayers are generally alot less annoying since their too busy trying to
stay in character.

I've tried roleplaying but I can't do it - since it usually means there's
even LESS chance of my character progressing in any useful fashion. Verant
has nerfed the game to the point where anyone with a full-time job and a
life can hope to reach level 50 sometime in 2001.

I've had the game for 3 months and my highest character stalled at lvl 14 ..
started a twinked Shaman to lvl 9 .. now i'm usin a naked Wizard .. i'm sure
i'll start a new one after a couple thousand more fizzles and resists.

Asuna / Aalandar / Antheus


3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999
Alasdair Allan wrote:
> wrote

> > I haven't made my name purple even though I do role play,does that
> > mean that I will miss out on interacting with some players?I would be
> > grateful for everyone's views on the subject because I have been
> > wondering about this for awhile now.
> Purple name = kewlio.
> They are best avoided.

Er... Which orifice did you happen to pull that one out of?


Hanrahan, Druid in Fennin Ro, Griffin Snack.

"Remember, you reap what you SoW."


3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999
i go by that rule as well.

they always seem to by the ones that walk backwards when you inspect them
since they are majorly twinked.

they seem to be the ones in a group that when ever you kill something, they
are always first to loot it, always tell you "it only had a rusty weapon",
and always seem to be the first to leave a group just because they "gotta
go" after a kill.

how many people have i seen with a purple name that role play? ZERO.

i have seen some people role play, but they didnt set their switch. a switch
doesnt make you a roleplayer..


Wood Elf Druid, Kiwi Starphire - Level 21
Human Ranger, Dondie - Level 18
WebMaster -

Shrike <> wrote in message


3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999
Xenomorph wrote:
> i go by that rule as well.
> they always seem to by the ones that walk backwards when you inspect them
> since they are majorly twinked.
> they seem to be the ones in a group that when ever you kill something, they
> are always first to loot it, always tell you "it only had a rusty weapon",
> and always seem to be the first to leave a group just because they "gotta
> go" after a kill.
> how many people have i seen with a purple name that role play? ZERO.
> i have seen some people role play, but they didnt set their switch. a switch
> doesnt make you a roleplayer..

Hm... I've soloed my druid all the time so far, so I haven't really had
a lot of interaction with either roleplayers or kewlios. I can imagine a
kewlio setting his switch just for the "being an asshole" factor, but
why would a roleplayer NOT set it? It's the first thing I did as soon as
the switch became available... /e shrug.


3 Nov 1999, 03:00:0003/11/1999

Flagging yourself as a role player is great in concept. Unfortunately,
that flag also turns you anonymous, which greatly hampers role playing.
None of the people I have met who role play well have purple names.



4 Nov 1999, 03:00:0004/11/1999
Come find my latest character on The Rathe. Purple name and all he's the
goofiest little bard you're ever gonna meet. I roleplay (not exclusively,
but I do my best) and I'm not twinked (unless you're a diehard and count
knowledge and gifts from kind strangers as twinking). At level six, he's
made the treck from kelethin to halas and back eight or nine times because
he doesn't like the human towns but loves the snow.... If you're ever in
the neighborhood, his name's Farrix. He'll sing you a tune if you get him
to sit still long enough.


Xenomorph <> wrote in message


4 Nov 1999, 03:00:0004/11/1999
Wait a sec.... You mean.. this is a GAME??
And here I thought that nine tae five job my mun goes to everyday was a game
and Norrath was my home..
/em sighs softly and trudges back tae her hobbit hole to contemplate the
meaning of life..

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