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EQ's Most sought after items.

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Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
In order to better understand the trade market, I was thinking of posting a
question here:

Which item are you most likely to fork over your money for?

In other words, what item do you think is the hottest trade or the hottest

Please reply!

Ilmanien of Bristlebane 22 Rogue


Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
Flowing Black Robe
Green Silken Drape
Robe of the Oracle
Staff of Writhing
Rubicite Armour
All jewelerly that gives stat bonuses
Stein of Moggok
Bronze Armour
Dragoon Dirk

That's what I can think of now.

Sean S. -:- ICQ: 1826323
Zap small files with Zap `Em -
Visit a 100% quality search engine
EQ Log Renamed:
(Email: sunymoon <AT> GeoCities >DOT< com )
"I tell you, there's nothing we're afraid to nerf. :)" - Brad McQuaid;
Everquest Producer

Ilmanien wrote in message <7v4b71$16b0$>...


Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
If you care to know, myself, I think that these are pretty good also:

Flowing Black Robe
Oracle Robe
Rubicite Armor
Langseax of the Wolves
Class Specific Armor
Screaming mace (ITS NO LONGER LORE!)
Bladed Thulian Claw
Lizardscale Cloak and mantle
Stiletto of the Bloodclaw
Exec Axe
Black Pearls
Dragoon Dirk

You'll never get stuck with these items. Auctionning them usually means
tell-flooding or an on-auction war of bids.

James Noll

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
No one seems to want my screaming mace. Been trying to sell/trade it on the
Veeshan server for days. I was asking 125pp. Is this too much?


Ilmanien <> wrote in message

Gordon Chapman

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 11:04:42 -0400, "James Noll"
<> wrote:

>No one seems to want my screaming mace. Been trying to sell/trade it on the
>Veeshan server for days. I was asking 125pp. Is this too much?

Depends, where are you selling it ?

Try Najena, or the Karanas, or anywhere else you'll find a mid-level
cleric, or any other mid-level players who like 1hb.

The price is about right from what I've seen.


Software engineering is an ongoing battle between software
engineers constantly striving to create bigger and better
idiot-proof programs and the Universe constantly striving to
create bigger and better idiots.

Right now the Universe is winning.

Gordon W. Chapman
--Lead Artist
--Climax Group


Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
haste sash, impskin gloves, mithiril anything, fishbone ear ring, ykesha



Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 09:45:18 -0400, "Ilmanien"
<> wrote:

>In order to better understand the trade market, I was thinking of posting a
>question here:
>Which item are you most likely to fork over your money for?
>In other words, what item do you think is the hottest trade or the hottest
>Please reply!

The items that you simply can't get, no matter how high you are,
unless you do loads of camping or have fantastic items to trade for
them- such as:

Paw of opalla - Involves camping a mummy in befallen for a platinum
ring which will be a hard camp or a line. Then worse yet camping
princess mitty which will yield no xp for you at the level where you
can do this ok ( due to the area) and you are not likely to have a
group since you could camp her for a week 6 hours a night and still
not get the gold ring (the rare, you will get the rest several times
over) I heard of a paw going for 10,000 plat, if you have the money
that is a bargain. (plus 10 wis, held in either hand)

Shaman armor helm- New item.
A super price gouge item, like the paw you'd only have
to be around level 30 to possibly get it, but this time the rare
is one of the spawns, the glacier bear. This "camp from hell"
you could wait 16 hours for and NOT SEE ONCE. Plus 5 wis
helm for shaman, dang good.

Rubicite breastplate- This item is gone, and is the
only regen item for chest .. or any area that I know of really.
It is especially useful to non regen casting classes
and doubly useful to a class like the shaman, who with
cannabalise and regens plus the breastplate can get
back mana loads faster. I see bidding on them
at around 350 bucks real life money on ebay.

I guess that list is fairly shaman centric ; )
You could add to it virtually any of the new
class specific armor quests since they all
have problems, especially the paladin ones.
Non warriors sold lots of crafted armor, but many
pieces are very, very, very easy to get the stuff for.
I don't know a single piece of shaman armor that
the things you need to get are easy - not due to
difficulty but rather rarity. Paladin armor is
similar and you must have very high smithing
too, yikes.


Gordon Chapman

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 15:22:04 GMT, dstep <> wrote:
>Paw of opalla - Involves camping a mummy in befallen for a platinum
>ring which will be a hard camp or a line. Then worse yet camping
>princess mitty which will yield no xp for you at the level where you
>can do this ok ( due to the area) and you are not likely to have a
>group since you could camp her for a week 6 hours a night and still
>not get the gold ring (the rare, you will get the rest several times
>over) I heard of a paw going for 10,000 plat, if you have the money
>that is a bargain. (plus 10 wis, held in either hand)

I was in Befallen the other day and this guy spawned, I didn't know he
carried the ring for the paw quest, how pissed off am I now that
someone else got him? (about an HOUR later - Befallen was EMPTY at the

>Shaman armor helm- New item.
>A super price gouge item, like the paw you'd only have
>to be around level 30 to possibly get it, but this time the rare
>is one of the spawns, the glacier bear. This "camp from hell"
>you could wait 16 hours for and NOT SEE ONCE. Plus 5 wis
>helm for shaman, dang good.

Clerics have to camp the same bear for our shield, but at least the
rest of your armour (bar the grizzleknot breastplate) isn't too hard
to get, 90% of our quests are either spectacularly tedious (kithicor
stump watch '99) or spectacularly rare mob (someone APPARENTLY saw
Zahal the Vile ONCE) or camped to hell by other classes (Bilge in
Dagnor's Cauldron not only drops the cleric armour icon - for a
spectacularly worthless breastplate - but also drops a +5 wis belt AND
a +18 wis totem, good god, what were the thinking ? oh wait they
weren't that's right)

The simple fact is these aren't quests, quests require you to actively
DO stuff, not sit around a kill a weakling every 6 hours until you get
what you're after.


Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
This is a difficult question to answer.
I believe the answers to you question will vary depending on the level
and class of the person responding.

IMO I belive the next hot trade item will be Fishbone Earrings -due to
the imminent itemization of Kedge Keep Zone. In additiion, Black Silk
Mithril 2h sword, SS of Yecksha are going to be hot trade items for
Melee classes
as the bulk of the population on the original servers are getting to
the level
appropriate to use them. For casting classes, I would say the Shiny
Metallic Robe.


Ilmanien wrote:
> In order to better understand the trade market, I was thinking of posting a
> question here:
> Which item are you most likely to fork over your money for?
> In other words, what item do you think is the hottest trade or the hottest
> seller!
> Please reply!

Sammy Gordon

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
Don't forget Molten cloaks


Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
dstep <> wrote:

>Paw of opalla - Involves camping a mummy in befallen for a platinum
>ring which will be a hard camp or a line.

Yes, waiting in line for Gynok would suck. I drop in every time I'm in
the area, but I'm not going to camp the bastard. Not worth the time.

>Then worse yet camping princess mitty which will yield no xp
>for you at the level where you can do this ok (due to the area)

A partner and I worked this site for an evening. We managed to spread
things out such that Mitty spawned at a different time than her
immediate priestesses, so we were able to keep things fairly well
under control (as a L20 druid and an L21 ranger). We got some
experience, but not anything even close to what we would have gotten
working countless other places.

>and you are not likely to have a
>group since you could camp her for a week 6 hours a night and still
>not get the gold ring

We must have had a lucky night. We picked up two complete sets of
rings (not the plat, obviously, but the other three). Had the entire
zone to ourselves, too, except for the occasional hapless Erudite
newbie that wandered in to feed the cats.

>I heard of a paw going for 10,000 plat, if you have the money
>that is a bargain. (plus 10 wis, held in either hand)

No way, no how, is that paw worth that much to me! Maybe to some
folks, but there are a lot of other things that kind of money could
buy. Like the entire city of Erud.


Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
I would have to say an FBSS (haste sash) and a couple of ykeshas. Me being
a melee class those are the items i look for, but i bet that casters look
for other stuff. And ofcourse, there are better items out there like no
drop PoF items or the incredible droppable weapons from dragons or gods. But
i dont consider them because no one in their right mind would ever
sell/trade one of those.

Sultar McWeiser
35th Winter Barbarian Warrior /p~31
the Rathe

Ilmanien <> wrote in message


Random User

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
Burned out light stones....
I can't go a session of play with out one...

Clare Rogers

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
Wu gloves

Ilmanien <> wrote in message

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
screaming mace is crap.

James Noll wrote:

> No one seems to want my screaming mace. Been trying to sell/trade it on the
> Veeshan server for days. I was asking 125pp. Is this too much?
> Jim

> Ilmanien <> wrote in message

> news:7v4fcs$2rbi$
> > If you care to know, myself, I think that these are pretty good also:
> >
> > Flowing Black Robe
> > Oracle Robe
> > Rubicite Armor
> > Langseax of the Wolves
> > Class Specific Armor
> > Screaming mace (ITS NO LONGER LORE!)
> > Bladed Thulian Claw
> > Lizardscale Cloak and mantle
> > Stiletto of the Bloodclaw
> > Exec Axe
> > Black Pearls
> > Dragoon Dirk
> >
> > You'll never get stuck with these items. Auctionning them usually means
> > tell-flooding or an on-auction war of bids.
> >

> > Ilmanien of Bristlebane 22 Rogue
> >
> >

> > Ilmanien wrote in message <7v4b71$16b0$>...

Jeff McClain

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
One person's Crap, is another's treasure...SM would be a dream to me. Also, you may not understand that SM is about one of the BEST weapons a Druid can ever get (sure oaken schimitar and obsidian mace also, but that is about it).

I can't seem to get the BoB to complete the quest (have a dwarven mace I traded Crush's Tunic for a LONG time ago). Maybe you forgot what it was like to fight with NORMAL weapons in Lavastorm?

Jhondra of The Rathe (17 Druid) wrote:
> screaming mace is crap.

Joseph M Leonard

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
Fanged skull stiletto, cloak of flames, golden efreeti boots, scimitar of
the mistwalker, cloak of shadows, bone razor, dragon claws.

Maelfyn Sinifay 43rd ranger Fennin Ro

Sam Schlansky

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
NO....@WILL.SEE.THIS (Sean) wrote in

>Flowing Black Robe

Worth MAYBE 50 plat on mature servers. Worthless.

>Green Silken Drape

Decent item, but there are lots of 'em.

>Robe of the Oracle

Decent item, but there are lots of 'em.

>Staff of Writhing

Almost worthless. It's a common drop off a fairly common mob. I get one of
these almost every day and have to sell it so I can get another one.

>Rubicite Armour

Only the breastplate, and that's almost BEYOND value now.


Worth a helluva lot now that they're no longer dropping.

>All jewelerly that gives stat bonuses


>Stein of Moggok


>Bronze Armour


>Dragoon Dirk



>Ilmanien wrote in message <7v4b71$16b0$>...
>>In order to better understand the trade market, I was thinking of
>>posting a question here:
>>Which item are you most likely to fork over your money for?
>>In other words, what item do you think is the hottest trade or
>>the hottest seller!


/| Sam Schlansky <sam[at]operation3d[dot]com>
/| I speak for myself only unless noted otherwise.
/| PGP Key ID: 0x63A9D707
/| News With Perspective!
/| Taking Your Machine To The Third Dimension!
/| Remove "deletethis" to email.


Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
Perhaps you did not read the subject of the original poster's post?

In case you missed it:
"EQ's Most sought after items."
Think, then re-read my reply to his post. He did not ask value of the items,
he asked which ones were wanted.

Sean S. -:- ICQ: 1826323
Zap small files with Zap `Em -
Visit a 100% quality search engine
EQ Log Renamed:
(Email: sunymoon <AT> GeoCities >DOT< com )
"I tell you, there's nothing we're afraid to nerf. :)" - Brad McQuaid;
Everquest Producer

Sam Schlansky wrote in message <8E6BCA3C6vi...@>...


Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99


Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
In article <>, dstep
<> wrote:


> over) I heard of a paw going for 10,000 plat, if you have the money

> that is a bargain. (plus 10 wis, held in either hand)

10,000 plat for a +10 wis item?!? I'll sell my Testament of Vanear for
5,000 plat to anyone on Fennin Ro who wants it. It is +10 wis, +10
mana. Or just get it yourself for a few plat (buying all those damn
cards waiting for the jester) and an hour of travel time. I hear the
guard with page 30 is sometimes camped, though, so your milage may
vary, however he was just standing around when I got him.


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Billy Shields

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
Gordon Chapman <> wrote:
: On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 11:04:42 -0400, "James Noll"
: <> wrote:

:>No one seems to want my screaming mace. Been trying to sell/trade it on the
:>Veeshan server for days. I was asking 125pp. Is this too much?


: Depends, where are you selling it ?

: Try Najena, or the Karanas, or anywhere else you'll find a mid-level
: cleric, or any other mid-level players who like 1hb.

: The price is about right from what I've seen.

For this level of item I've found that the Oasis, Unrest and South
karana are ideal places to sell.

Billy Shields

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
Jeff McClain <> wrote:
: One person's Crap, is another's treasure...SM would be a dream to me. Also, you may not understand that SM is about one of the BEST weapons a Druid can ever get (sure oaken schimitar and obsidian mace also, but that is about it).

Nonsense. Heres a list of better druid weapons:

Cold Iron Morning Star. 1hb 9 35
Well Balanced Scimitar. 1hs 5 21
Enamelled Black Mace. 1hb 8 28
Obsidian Scimitar. 1hs 7 27 +6 agi
Silvery Scimitar. 1hs 6 22
Ruined Falchion. 1hs 11 34

They're pretty much listed from cheapest to most expensive and none
are ultra-hard to get (like PoF or Nagafen or anything). The CIMS
you can camp at level 20 (its actually the common drop of the goblin
preacher in Permafrost) and sells for 150-250 plat (last I saw).

: I can't seem to get the BoB to complete the quest (have a dwarven mace I traded Crush's Tunic for a LONG time ago). Maybe you forgot what it was like to fight with NORMAL weapons in Lavastorm?

If its a magic weapon you need just bite the bullet and buy a
Combine Scimitar.

As for the BoB. Don't even think of camping it. Its a complete
and utter waste of time. Just buy it. You could easily make the
money you paid for it in the time it would take to camp it.


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
You'd pay 10,000 plat for the city of erud? why? Can't imagine how it'd be
worth that much....


Lokari <> wrote in message

Billy Shields

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
Deosyne <> wrote:
: In article <>, dstep
: <> wrote:

: <snip>

:> over) I heard of a paw going for 10,000 plat, if you have the money
:> that is a bargain. (plus 10 wis, held in either hand)

: 10,000 plat for a +10 wis item?!? I'll sell my Testament of Vanear for
: 5,000 plat to anyone on Fennin Ro who wants it. It is +10 wis, +10
: mana. Or just get it yourself for a few plat (buying all those damn
: cards waiting for the jester) and an hour of travel time. I hear the
: guard with page 30 is sometimes camped, though, so your milage may
: vary, however he was just standing around when I got him.

I think the advantage of the paw is that you can put it in your
primary hand (which I don't think you can do with the testament).

That paw is definitely getting camped though. Some entrepeneurial
souls out there seem to be doing a / all druid and asking people
if they want to buy a xxxx ring. Its happened to me a few times.

Personally I refuse because I'd rather wield a weapon and theres
only so much mana you need anyway.

If however I was to get a Pearl Kedge Totem then that might be a
different story. :-)


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
In article <3816a8ed$0$>, Billy Shields
<> wrote:

> I think the advantage of the paw is that you can put it in your
> primary hand (which I don't think you can do with the testament).
> That paw is definitely getting camped though. Some entrepeneurial
> souls out there seem to be doing a / all druid and asking people
> if they want to buy a xxxx ring. Its happened to me a few times.
> Personally I refuse because I'd rather wield a weapon and theres
> only so much mana you need anyway.
> If however I was to get a Pearl Kedge Totem then that might be a
> different story. :-)

Geez, still. 10k plat for +10 wis; that's insane. When I wield the
Testament, my mana bar only inches up a couple of pixels; maybe enough
for a minor heal or courage. That's why I usually end up wielding my
SBS, instead. Now the Totem... :)

Matt Frisch

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
On 26 Oct 1999 19:19:57 -0500, (Joseph M
Leonard) scribed into the ether:

>Fanged skull stiletto, cloak of flames, golden efreeti boots, scimitar of
>the mistwalker, cloak of shadows, bone razor, dragon claws.

The thing I find amazing is that the stiletto, which is one of the few
piercers that is actually rogue only, seems to be one of the highest
demanded items, when rogues are (by FAR) the least represented class.

Go fig.

Sam Schlansky

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
NO....@WILL.SEE.THIS (Sean) wrote in

>Perhaps you did not read the subject of the original poster's
>In case you missed it:
>"EQ's Most sought after items."
>Think, then re-read my reply to his post. He did not ask value of
>the items, he asked which ones were wanted.

Right, I realize that. People want that which is valuable. That which is NOT
valuable, they have already.

But thanks for playing.


Billy Shields

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
Deosyne <> wrote:
: In article <3816a8ed$0$>, Billy Shields
: <> wrote:

:> I think the advantage of the paw is that you can put it in your
:> primary hand (which I don't think you can do with the testament).
:> That paw is definitely getting camped though. Some entrepeneurial
:> souls out there seem to be doing a / all druid and asking people
:> if they want to buy a xxxx ring. Its happened to me a few times.
:> Personally I refuse because I'd rather wield a weapon and theres
:> only so much mana you need anyway.
:> If however I was to get a Pearl Kedge Totem then that might be a
:> different story. :-)

: Geez, still. 10k plat for +10 wis; that's insane. When I wield the
: Testament, my mana bar only inches up a couple of pixels; maybe enough
: for a minor heal or courage. That's why I usually end up wielding my
: SBS, instead. Now the Totem... :)

Personally I think 10k is overstating it slightly but its not just
about +10 wis. You have to look at this way:

1) What is the best item I can get for THIS SLOT?

2) How hard is it to get that item?

Thats the real determinant of value. Take the mammoth hide cloak.
Incredibly tedious, long and boring camp. But the stats are only
7ac 4wis. Nothing to write home about but it sells for THOUSANDS
(8000 plat is the highest I've seen or heard of). Why? Because
on top of it being tough to get there is no better (except the
molten cloak but that makes little difference to healer types).

In the end, level of creatures that hold an item are unimportant.
The only critical element is how long it takes to get.


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
People want what is useful to them. Just because the silken green drape is
worthless doesn't mean everyone who wants one has one. The same is true for
the other things on the list, too. There are no novelty items in this
game - there is no room for them.

Sean S. -:- ICQ: 1826323
Zap small files with Zap `Em -
Visit a 100% quality search engine
EQ Log Renamed:
(Email: sunymoon <AT> GeoCities >DOT< com )
"I tell you, there's nothing we're afraid to nerf. :)" - Brad McQuaid;
Everquest Producer

Sam Schlansky wrote in message <8E6C3FDE7vi...@>...


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
"harlequin" <> wrote:

>You'd pay 10,000 plat for the city of erud? why? Can't imagine how it'd be
>worth that much....

Tear down the library, put in a couple of strip joints and some
casinos, and I think we'd have a serious money maker.

Sam Schlansky

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
to (Matt Frisch) wrote in

That's probably because the fanged skull stiletto is in fact NOT


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
>Geez, still. 10k plat for +10 wis; that's insane. When I wield the
>Testament, my mana bar only inches up a couple of pixels; maybe enough
>for a minor heal or courage. That's why I usually end up wielding my
>SBS, instead. Now the Totem... :)

The Paw is +9wis +9agi +5stam +5mana -5 charisma and -5 sv vs disease.
Oh and its a light source.

And you can hold it in your secondary or primary hand ie Paw and
Testament, Paw and Guardian Shield, Paw and weapon

The testament is off-hand only and no-drop - and just doesnt look as
nice :)

Sure the testament has fractionally more mana (its +10wis +10mana) but
as someone who is finding that I am a better player when dropping some
minor +wis items for major +agi/dex ones, I prefer the Paw (case in
point - I've stopped wearing a BI medallion - wis 176 is quite
sufficient and the black pearl choker is +7agi +7dex. With wolf fur
slippers and the paw my unbuffed agility is 123. I get missed a lot

Daggeniel Windancer lvl 37 druid

Growing old is mandatory;
growing up is optional.

Joseph M Leonard

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
Matt Frisch ( wrote:
: On 26 Oct 1999 19:19:57 -0500, (Joseph M

: Leonard) scribed into the ether:
: >Fanged skull stiletto, cloak of flames, golden efreeti boots, scimitar of
: >the mistwalker, cloak of shadows, bone razor, dragon claws.
: The thing I find amazing is that the stiletto, which is one of the few
: piercers that is actually rogue only, seems to be one of the highest
: demanded items, when rogues are (by FAR) the least represented class.
: Go fig.

Not true, fanged skull stiletto can be used by any piercing class.

Sam Schlansky

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
NO....@WILL.SEE.THIS (Sean) wrote in

>People want what is useful to them. Just because the silken green
>drape is worthless doesn't mean everyone who wants one has one.
>The same is true for the other things on the list, too. There are
>no novelty items in this game - there is no room for them.

I didn't say the green silken drape was worthless; in fact it's a
rather nice item and not everybody has one yet, just like Ykesha

There are a TON of Ykesha blades out there, yet I don't have one.
They still have great value-- people try for weeks to get one.

Things like oracle robes and PGT's though? Please.


>Sam Schlansky wrote in message
>>NO....@WILL.SEE.THIS (Sean) wrote in
>>>Perhaps you did not read the subject of the original poster's
>>>In case you missed it:
>>>"EQ's Most sought after items."
>>>Think, then re-read my reply to his post. He did not ask value
>>>of the items, he asked which ones were wanted.
>>Right, I realize that. People want that which is valuable. That
>>which is NOT valuable, they have already.
>>But thanks for playing.


John Henders

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99

>Tear down the library, put in a couple of strip joints and some
>casinos, and I think we'd have a serious money maker.

You'd have to offer regular discounted druid flights from Kelethin, or
the place would die.

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
GAT d- -p+(--) c++++ l++ u++ t- m--- W--- !v
b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*

David D.

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 09:45:18 -0400, "Ilmanien"
<> wrote:

>In order to better understand the trade market, I was thinking of posting a
>question here:
>Which item are you most likely to fork over your money for?
>In other words, what item do you think is the hottest trade or the hottest

>Please reply!
>Ilmanien of Bristlebane 22 Rogue

Shiny Metallic Robe
Flowing Black Silk Sash
Mammoth Hide Cloak (Not exactly super rare or on a super hard mob, but
I have seen people trade their first born for these.)
Rubicite Breastplate
Short Sword of the Ykesha
Guise of the Deceiver(Not tradeable, but everyone wants one.)
Mana Stone
Box of Abu-Kar
Golden Efreeti boots
Paw of Opolla
Black Pearls
Runed Mithril Sword
Cloak of Shadows
Lupine Gauntlets

David D.

Matt Frisch

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
On 27 Oct 1999 10:13:19 -0500, (Sam
Schlansky) scribed into the ether:

> (Matt Frisch) wrote in

>>On 26 Oct 1999 19:19:57 -0500,
>>(Joseph M Leonard) scribed into the ether:
>>>Fanged skull stiletto, cloak of flames, golden efreeti boots,
>>>scimitar of the mistwalker, cloak of shadows, bone razor, dragon
>>The thing I find amazing is that the stiletto, which is one of the
>>few piercers that is actually rogue only, seems to be one of the
>>highest demanded items, when rogues are (by FAR) the least
>>represented class.

>That's probably because the fanged skull stiletto is in fact NOT

*ponder* Hmm, which piercer was it that I saw that *was* rogue only...

Maybe the PoF one, don't recall the name.

Joseph M Leonard

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
Matt Frisch ( wrote:
: *ponder* Hmm, which piercer was it that I saw that *was* rogue only...

: Maybe the PoF one, don't recall the name.

Bone razor


Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 09:45:18 -0400, "Ilmanien"
<> wrote:

>In order to better understand the trade market, I was thinking of posting a
>question here:
>Which item are you most likely to fork over your money for?

none , anything i want i perfer to go get myself . No one ever trades
because items require alot fo camping and money cant buy the amount of
time needed. unless you are in the business of suppling such items.

That said in my mind theres probably only 1 item i did fork money off
for.( even tho i have one already)

Rubicite Breastplate.

"I can picture in my mind a world without war , a world without hate . And I can picture us attacking that world because they'd never expect it. " -Jack Handey


Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
Serrated bone dirk is rogue only. 8 Dam 27 Del engulfing darkness for an

In article <3817f8ef.3858699@news>, says...

>On 27 Oct 1999 10:13:19 -0500, (Sam
>Schlansky) scribed into the ether:

Sam Schlansky

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
to (Matt Frisch) wrote in

>On 27 Oct 1999 10:13:19 -0500, (Sam
>Schlansky) scribed into the ether:

>> (Matt Frisch) wrote in


>>>The thing I find amazing is that the stiletto, which is one of
>>>the few piercers that is actually rogue only, seems to be one of
>>>the highest demanded items, when rogues are (by FAR) the least
>>>represented class.
>>That's probably because the fanged skull stiletto is in fact NOT

>*ponder* Hmm, which piercer was it that I saw that *was* rogue
>Maybe the PoF one, don't recall the name.

Bone razor.



Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:37:27 GMT, (Sam
Schlansky) wrote:

>Things like oracle robes and PGT's though? Please.

Once again, Sam, he said "most sought-after".

If you count the "wtb" messages on the auction channel, by far the
most "sought-after" item on my server is your "worthless" Dragoon
Dirk. By far.

Jeesh, that's a lot of quotation marks.

Joe C.

Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99

Sam Schlansky <> wrote in message

> NO....@WILL.SEE.THIS (Sean) wrote in
> <m7jR3.2925$>:
> >Flowing Black Robe
> Worth MAYBE 50 plat on mature servers. Worthless.

I play on Tarew Marr, which qualifies as a mature server I would think.
FBR's go for 200+ plat, easy. At the player run baazar, they go for 250+
(way overprices). It used to be that you could waltz into Najena and get a
Najena key from the bootcampers. Since Drelzna isn't dropping them, its a
lot harder to get the key.

> >Green Silken Drape
> Decent item, but there are lots of 'em.
> >Robe of the Oracle

Very sought after, even on mature servers. People pay through the nose.
The next step up is the metallic robe, which is, IMO, ugly as hell and a
complete pain in the ass to get.

Joe C.

Oct 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/29/99
Jeff McClain <> wrote in message

> One person's Crap, is another's treasure...SM would be a dream to me.
Also, you may not understand that SM is about one of the BEST weapons a
Druid can ever get (sure oaken schimitar and obsidian mace also, but that is
about it).

I play a Druid...could you please explain why a screaming mace is one of
the "BEST" weapons a druid can get? I'm just curious.

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