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Grouping and exp question

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Apr 10, 2002, 1:46:17 AM4/10/02

Let's say you are partnering with another person who is higher level
than you. You and your partner kill the mob, who cons green to your
partner but blue to you. Would you get full exp from the mob as if
you were soloing? Or does the game first split the exp as normal but
then not award exp to your partner after realizing it was a trivial
mob to him? In such situations I've been told that I should have
gotten all the exp from the mob, but wondering if this is really true.

Similarly, what if a level 1 and a level 60 were grouped. The level
60 kills a mob blue to him. Would the level 60 get full exp?


Apr 10, 2002, 2:44:24 AM4/10/02
Hello writes:
> Let's say you are partnering with another person who is
> higher level than you. You and your partner kill the
> mob, who cons green to your partner but blue to you.
> Would you get full exp from the mob as if you were
> soloing?

No. The exp is divided between you two. The portion of the
exp that goes to the character who cons the mob as green is
thrown away. Then you receive exp based on the level of the
mob, the zone experience modifier, and hybrid correction
penalties, which cannot exceed (I think) 1/11 of the total
exp required for your current level.

> Similarly, what if a level 1 and a level 60 were
> grouped. The level 60 kills a mob blue to him. Would
> the level 60 get full exp?

If the level of the lowest character in the group is not at
least 2/3 the level of the highest character in the group
(or higher), the lowest character does not receive exp from
the kill, regardless of what was killed. Members of a party
who meet or exceed the 2/3 limit receive experience. (If a
mob is light blue to one or more of the party members, the
exp awarded to this character is halved.)

Experience for blue+ mobs is divided among a party based on
their level (some say level+5, but I have yet to see
definitive proof). So if a level 60 and a level 40 were
grouped, the level 40 character would receive 40% of the exp
for each kill, and the level 60 would receive 60% of the exp
(or 59.090% and 40.909%, if you believe the +5 theory). This
is the extreme example because this is the most levels that
can separate two characters who both receive exp for a kill.
Again, if any of the kills were green to the 60, that
portion of the exp is allocated out and then thrown away.
-Kalanar <Arete>, 60 Cleric, E'ci Server

Willy B.

Apr 10, 2002, 5:18:49 AM4/10/02
"Kalanar" <> wrote in message

Uh, no? The first part of the feedback is accurate in saying that the level
1 and 60 don't work, you have to be 2/3d's difference or less. However,
from "my" experience when trying to Powerlevel someone without a druid (/em
chuckle) If i have a character that is red to the low person but they still
get experience, then they get all the experience from a blue mob that was
green to the high character. My experience is mostly done with forest
giants in warsliks woods. I have hunted there with almost all my characters
and am very familiar with how far the experience bar moves while solo'ing
and while grouped. The experience bar will move the same while soloing as
it will when someone is grouped with my that cons the giants as green, but I
can get experience. I can test this myself because i have two computers and
two accounts. The other thing to remember is that there is a max amount of
experience you can receive from a kill after level 20 (that might not be the
correct level but it is around there). The max becomes 2 blue bubbles. No
matter how red the creature is, you can only get so much increase on your
experience bar.

If all this is sounding like a person on pot then let me know why I am wrong
because I would hate to believe something just because of the empirical
evidence I have gathered.


Apr 10, 2002, 5:38:08 AM4/10/02

"Willy B." <> wrote in message

> Uh, no? The first part of the feedback is accurate in saying that the
> 1 and 60 don't work, you have to be 2/3d's difference or less. However,
> from "my" experience when trying to Powerlevel someone without a druid
> chuckle) If i have a character that is red to the low person but they
> get experience, then they get all the experience from a blue mob that was
> green to the high character.

I would agree with this. when I used to hunt with my druid and warrior and
druid was some 5 levels lower, his exp would move much faster if the Warrior
wasn't getting an exp message, or at least it appeared that way.


Ben Sisson

Apr 10, 2002, 5:25:27 AM4/10/02
On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 06:44:24 GMT, "Kalanar" <> (if
that IS his real name) conspiratorially whispered:

>Hello writes:
>> Let's say you are partnering with another person who is
>> higher level than you. You and your partner kill the
>> mob, who cons green to your partner but blue to you.
>> Would you get full exp from the mob as if you were
>> soloing?
>No. The exp is divided between you two. The portion of the
>exp that goes to the character who cons the mob as green is
>thrown away. Then you receive exp based on the level of the
>mob, the zone experience modifier, and hybrid correction
>penalties, which cannot exceed (I think) 1/11 of the total
>exp required for your current level.

There haven't been hybrid exp penalties in ages. Youze way behind the
times senor.


Ben Sisson, also dubbed (by others):

"Grand Poobah of Interpreting the Designer's Intent Regardless of
Anything They or Anybody Else Might Have to Say"

Jim Monk

Apr 10, 2002, 7:20:30 AM4/10/02
Ben Sisson wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 06:44:24 GMT, "Kalanar" <> (if
> that IS his real name) conspiratorially whispered:
> >Hello writes:
> >> Let's say you are partnering with another person who is
> >> higher level than you. You and your partner kill the
> >> mob, who cons green to your partner but blue to you.
> >> Would you get full exp from the mob as if you were
> >> soloing?
> >
> >No. The exp is divided between you two. The portion of the
> >exp that goes to the character who cons the mob as green is
> >thrown away. Then you receive exp based on the level of the
> >mob, the zone experience modifier, and hybrid correction
> >penalties, which cannot exceed (I think) 1/11 of the total
> >exp required for your current level.
> There haven't been hybrid exp penalties in ages. Youze way behind the
> times senor.

I think that he meant that the xp you receive is effected by the
correction for the hybrid penalties (he said hybrid correction
I.E. he explicitly mentioned the fix/change that you mention.

He did however forget the "smoothing" modifier from the Remove hell
levels change if you are below 50, but so did you senor.


Ben Sisson

Apr 10, 2002, 7:32:26 AM4/10/02
On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 12:20:30 +0100, Jim Monk <>

(if that IS his real name) conspiratorially whispered:

>Ben Sisson wrote:
>> On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 06:44:24 GMT, "Kalanar" <> (if
>> that IS his real name) conspiratorially whispered:
>> >Hello writes:
>> >> Let's say you are partnering with another person who is
>> >> higher level than you. You and your partner kill the
>> >> mob, who cons green to your partner but blue to you.
>> >> Would you get full exp from the mob as if you were
>> >> soloing?
>> >
>> >No. The exp is divided between you two. The portion of the
>> >exp that goes to the character who cons the mob as green is
>> >thrown away. Then you receive exp based on the level of the
>> >mob, the zone experience modifier, and hybrid correction
>> >penalties, which cannot exceed (I think) 1/11 of the total
>> >exp required for your current level.
>> There haven't been hybrid exp penalties in ages. Youze way behind the
>> times senor.
>I think that he meant that the xp you receive is effected by the
>correction for the hybrid penalties (he said hybrid correction
>I.E. he explicitly mentioned the fix/change that you mention.

Perhaps (maybe probably) he meant it that way but that's not very
obvious. Why mention something that is a null effect. Had he left that
part out you wouldn't *assume* there were nonexistant hybrid

>He did however forget the "smoothing" modifier from the Remove hell
>levels change if you are below 50, but so did you senor.

I forgot nothing. There's plenty of things he didn't mention I could
have, but I wasn't the one being the expert.

Jim Monk

Apr 10, 2002, 7:40:20 AM4/10/02

True (that it is not clear)

> Why mention something that is a null effect.

So that people don't think that he has forgotten it ? :-/

> Had he left that
> part out you wouldn't *assume* there were nonexistant hybrid
> penalties.

Well if I relied on hear say, and didn't read all of the patch messages
and had only just joined / re-joined this ng, then I may have.

> >
> >He did however forget the "smoothing" modifier from the Remove hell
> >levels change if you are below 50, but so did you senor.
> I forgot nothing. There's plenty of things he didn't mention I could
> have, but I wasn't the one being the expert.

You are now :-P

I'm glad that we cleared that up.


Ben Sisson

Apr 10, 2002, 7:38:52 AM4/10/02
On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:38:08 +0100, "Freeman"
<> (if that IS his real name)
conspiratorially whispered:


I have also suspected it was this way, though I've never empirically
tried it to test it deliberately.

Someone should try this - get a L60 warrior or rogue in top notch
gear, group em with a 41 or 42 or so. They can get exp together (kill
something blue to the 60 to test it if you need to). Then let the 60
go on a rampage somewhere full of L35 mobs, say deep Mistmoore or SolB
if its not crowded, or perhaps echo caverns which is NEVER crowded.

The L60 can tear those mobs up, going through several a minute
(hopefully their partner can snare :-p ). It might be a nice alternate
way of powerleveling someone.

Jeremiah Kristal

Apr 10, 2002, 8:56:17 AM4/10/02
Ben Sisson <> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:38:08 +0100, "Freeman"
> <> (if that IS his real name)
> conspiratorially whispered:

>>I would agree with this. when I used to hunt with my druid and warrior and

>>druid was some 5 levels lower, his exp would move much faster if the Warrior
>>wasn't getting an exp message, or at least it appeared that way.

> I have also suspected it was this way, though I've never empirically
> tried it to test it deliberately.

> Someone should try this - get a L60 warrior or rogue in top notch
> gear, group em with a 41 or 42 or so. They can get exp together (kill
> something blue to the 60 to test it if you need to). Then let the 60
> go on a rampage somewhere full of L35 mobs, say deep Mistmoore or SolB
> if its not crowded, or perhaps echo caverns which is NEVER crowded.

> The L60 can tear those mobs up, going through several a minute
> (hopefully their partner can snare :-p ). It might be a nice alternate
> way of powerleveling someone.

I did just this in Mistmoore with a long-time friend just last week. I'm
not sure if I was taking 56% of the experience or not; I do know that my
Pally friend went through a large chunk of 46 in the 90 minutes we were
there. Hmmm, I suspect that I'm ally to Gorenaire again too.


Casey Webster

Apr 10, 2002, 9:59:24 AM4/10/02

"Kalanar" <> wrote in message


> Experience for blue+ mobs is divided among a party based on
> their level (some say level+5, but I have yet to see
> definitive proof).

the level + 5 is there to balance out exp at the lower levels and between
people whose levels differ to the extremeties of the range, and has a
negligable effect once you level up a bit. I wrote some of the older
exp calculating code in showeq, and this (along with some other
things) were the cause for some error in the calculated numbers and
the authoritave data the server sent. It still wasnt perfect, due to the
servers using more precise values for class and race modifiers than
we did. I might also add that level + 5 wasnt my idea, but someone
who would know that would probably rather remain nameless, and
with his word plus the research i did into it, i can say it is the correct

Dan Day

Apr 10, 2002, 7:53:42 PM4/10/02
On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 05:46:17 GMT, wrote:
>Similarly, what if a level 1 and a level 60 were grouped. The level
>60 kills a mob blue to him. Would the level 60 get full exp?

In the same vein, I wonder if group members who are
out of the zone where the kill occurs get "counted"
for exp-splitting purposes. Is their share just
discarded, or are they treated as if they're
not in the group?

Jim Monk

Apr 11, 2002, 5:25:16 AM4/11/02

Also I think you can be "out of range" for xp.
E.g. you at one end of the zone and the rest of the party hunting at the
other end.

Do you count then and just loose the xp ?

Then after we have answered all these we could bring pets up again <G>


Apr 11, 2002, 10:18:20 PM4/11/02
On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 06:44:24 GMT, "Kalanar" <>

>> Similarly, what if a level 1 and a level 60 were
>> grouped. The level 60 kills a mob blue to him. Would
>> the level 60 get full exp?
>If the level of the lowest character in the group is not at
>least 2/3 the level of the highest character in the group
>(or higher), the lowest character does not receive exp from
>the kill, regardless of what was killed. Members of a party
>who meet or exceed the 2/3 limit receive experience. (If a
>mob is light blue to one or more of the party members, the
>exp awarded to this character is halved.)

Ok, what I wanted to know is if by say, putting a level 20 bard (mana
song) in group with a level 47 spellcaster, would the level 47 get
less exp because the level 20 is in the group? I understand that the
level 20 won't get any exp. When I've tried this, it seemed the
higher level got less than if just soloing but it's hard to tell with
the random level variation in the kind of mob I was fighting.


Apr 12, 2002, 2:59:45 PM4/12/02
Hello writes:
> Ok, what I wanted to know is if by say, putting a level
> 20 bard (mana song) in group with a level 47 spellcaster,
> would the level 47 get less exp because the level 20 is
> in the group?

First, to those who replied to me, I apologize that my post
wasn't clear. (I was tired.) Second, all the replies so far
(mine included) are somewhat speculative --- pieced together
from measurements made with ShowEQ, and posts and replies
that Verant has made about how grouping works over the past
3 years.

That said, I don't think there is a definitive
Verant-sanctioned answer to your question, but I would
tentatively say, "Yes, the level 47 will get less exp when
grouped with the Bard."

In general, Verant isn't in the habit of giving free rides
on exp. In almost every other case mentioned (in which only
a subset of the group is getting exp for a kill), Verant has
usually answered that the exp is divided out and then thrown
away for the people who can't receive it. I can't imagine
this situation being any different (i.e. being "rewarded" by

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