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Eric Harris's LAST Doom WAD is here

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Storm Bear Williams

Apr 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/22/99
I managed to snag a few gif's and this WAD off his web site. Actually he had
one site that was spread over four different screen names over on AOL..

I grabbed this WAD, only one I saw under any of his screen names so I am
assuming that it is his last custom WAD. 1.7m zipped.

I haven't played it yet, just read the readme.txt so let me know.

Anyway, it can be found at...

Be a kind soul a drop a note off in the Forum if you snag a copy.

Storm Williams


Apr 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/22/99
"Storm Bear Williams" <> wrote:

>I managed to snag a few gif's and this WAD off his web site. Actually he had
>one site that was spread over four different screen names over on AOL..

>I grabbed this WAD, only one I saw under any of his screen names so I am
>assuming that it is his last custom WAD. 1.7m zipped.

>I haven't played it yet, just read the readme.txt so let me know.

I just snagged a copy and tried it out today, and there didn't seem
to be any indication of this kid going nuts. The wad file, was
even above standard (as much as I hate prasing a killer's work).
The readme, was a bit disturbing, even for a Doom wad discription
(where joks like this are sometimes made. Here's what it says, if
anyone is interested:

Title : U.A.C. LABS
Filename :
Author : Eric Harris
Email Address :
Misc. Author Info : Whatsup all you doomers out there! REB here,
bringin you another kick-ass doom2 wad! This
one took a damn long time to do, so send me some
bloody credit man! Sorry the file is so damn big, but you
know how it is when you change sprites...well,
you should know if you've every made wads like this.
Enjoy the new death frames, made em all myself!
=WILL CRASH DOOM2. so dont do it, man. =
Description\Story : OK, here goes: After defeating
the demons on Earth, you learn of a new terror. Phobos,
where this hellish battle all began, has been taken over
again! When you were fighting hell on Earth, the
demon back-up crew decided to pay a visit to Phobos
again. No problem, right? All the installations
where already destroyed by you and the first attack
right? Yeah, that parts right, but half the
surviving humans from earth took refuge there!
We just re-did the structures to fit our needs,
and moved in again. Bad idea. Those gates were
still active. Sooo aah, chalk up another kill for
the demons. After the 2nd attack on phobos, only
99% of the human population is left. Once you
emerged from hell, you took the first ship you
could to phobos. Once again, there were no
survivors. Now its PAYBACK TIME! Those godamned
alien bastards are gonna get one helluva BFG blast
up their FREAKIN ASS! You land on the other side
of phobos. Where the humans landed for the 2nd
time. Your mission is to destroy the 2 main gates,
and destroy the platoon of demons at the main
teleporter from phobos to Earth. Use the maps,
you'll need them to find all the hidden secrets and
doors. Beware of the 2 gates, the ARE still active,
and more demons might come through any second.
The platoon guarding the teleporter out is VERY
large, so beware. Good luck marine, and dont forget,
Additional Credits to : The creators of Edmap, Wintex, BSP, and

Episode and Level # : map01 and 2 ONLY!
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, very fun. challenging too!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : yep
Difficulty Settings : well, just stick with ultra violence.
New Sounds : yep
New Graphics : yep
New Music : yep
Demos Replaced : nope

Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Edmap, BSP, and WINTEX
Known Bugs : Well, I can't find any yet. e-mail me if
you come across one!

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You may NOT change a damn thing with this WAD, if you do, i will blow
you up.
And it will be cool.

FTP sites:

BBS numbers:?

Other: Well, probably where you got it from. duh. Or email me and
ask for it.
-note Ask for my awesome PATCH called,!!!!

The 2nd half of the readme seems to indicate that this kid was
messed up in the head for years.

>Anyway, it can be found at...


>Be a kind soul a drop a note off in the Forum if you snag a copy.

>Storm Williams


Remove all of the junk in my address and change Q to C
to reply via e-mail


Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
just what in particular did you find disturbing in this readme? a perfectly
sane text with a healthy dose of true doom spirit. i failed to find anything
wrong except a few typos.
i doubt it very much he "was messed up in the head for years". if anything,
his head works better than yours or mine --> custom sprites.
don't be afraid to praise a killer's work. a job well done is a job well

«Doom shall never die, only the players»
Balanco wrote in message <7fo8sj$3ja$>...
:"Storm Bear Williams" <> wrote:
: I just snagged a copy and tried it out today, and there didn't seem


Magic Cloud

Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99

Storm Bear Williams wrote in message ...

>I managed to snag a few gif's and this WAD off his web site. Actually he had
>one site that was spread over four different screen names over on AOL..
>I grabbed this WAD, only one I saw under any of his screen names so I am
>assuming that it is his last custom WAD. 1.7m zipped.
>I haven't played it yet, just read the readme.txt so let me know.
>Anyway, it can be found at...
>Be a kind soul a drop a note off in the Forum if you snag a copy.
>Storm Williams

I played it. The maze is well done, but it seems he made it so the
player can't win. Pressing 'iddqd' should improve on it.

I think Harris' death has given the game a deeper meaner. A kind
of symbol for Doom.


Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
"[DN]Never_Again" <> wrote:

>just what in particular did you find disturbing in this readme? a perfectly
>sane text with a healthy dose of true doom spirit. i failed to find anything
>wrong except a few typos.

I guess it's because of the rampage, and what was found in
the peorson's AOL profile, but the "KILL 'EM AAALLLLL!!!!", and
the "You may NOT change a damn thing with this WAD, if you do, i
will blow you up. And it will be cool" did seem a bit disturbing to
me. I've played hundereds of wads by now, and this did seem
a bit unusual to me, even for a Doom wad discription.


Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
I did download and play the wad. it was a thoroughly average, wad, and
worth the time to play it

I think you are shocked at the text file because you know what this person
has done. I would have paid no mention to this, had I just found the wad
on the internet, and played it. It is all psychological. You knew this
person was sick, so you could infer this from the writing. I did the same
thing, but knew that I would do this ahead of time.



Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
"ruiner" <ruiner_9in@(nospam)> wrote:

>I did download and play the wad. it was a thoroughly average, wad, and
>worth the time to play it

>I think you are shocked at the text file because you know what this person
>has done. I would have paid no mention to this, had I just found the wad
>on the internet, and played it. It is all psychological. You knew this
>person was sick, so you could infer this from the writing. I did the same
>thing, but knew that I would do this ahead of time.

I guess you are right. However, I did download hois
other wads from alt.binaries.doom, which came
before this one, and none of the readmes were
written this way. It makes me wonder if what was
said in the readme of his last file might have
been an indication of his insanity.


>> I guess it's because of the rampage, and what was found in
>> the peorson's AOL profile, but the "KILL 'EM AAALLLLL!!!!", and
>> the "You may NOT change a damn thing with this WAD, if you do, i
>> will blow you up. And it will be cool" did seem a bit disturbing to
>> me. I've played hundereds of wads by now, and this did seem
>> a bit unusual to me, even for a Doom wad discription.


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
I would have been alot eerier if it took place in a school


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Admit it, you would have thought nothing of this text file if you didn't know
that the person who wrote it later went on a killing rampage. The worst part
thing about this text file is the grammar, if you think of it in terms of other
Doom WAD text files.

>You may NOT change a damn thing with this WAD, if you do, i will blow
>you up.

>And it will be cool.
>FTP sites:
>BBS numbers:?
>Other: Well, probably where you got it from. duh. Or email me and
>ask for it.
> -note Ask for my awesome PATCH called,!!!!
> The 2nd half of the readme seems to indicate that this kid was
>messed up in the head for years.

>>Anyway, it can be found at...
>>Be a kind soul a drop a note off in the Forum if you snag a copy.
>>Storm Williams


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
that's backward thinking, you know. i think i ran in "kil them aaaallll!"
more than once in wad readme's, it only was spelled differently. besides,
"kill them all" is just the title of an early metallica album, and nobody
made a big deal out of it in the last 15 years.
"and it will be cool" seems disturbing? heck, this way you can call beavis
and butthead serial killers :)
sorry for these ripostes balanco, but it's a shame to see you give in a bit
to the now fashinable wave of "getting disturbed".

«Doom shall never die, only the players»
Balanco wrote in message <7fqhp7$cfr$>...

:"[DN]Never_Again" <> wrote:
:>just what in particular did you find disturbing in this readme? a
:>sane text with a healthy dose of true doom spirit. i failed to find
:>wrong except a few typos.
: I guess it's because of the rampage, and what was found in

:the peorson's AOL profile, but the "KILL 'EM AAALLLLL!!!!", and
:the "You may NOT change a damn thing with this WAD, if you do, i
:will blow you up. And it will be cool" did seem a bit disturbing to

:me. I've played hundereds of wads by now, and this did seem
:a bit unusual to me, even for a Doom wad discription.


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

«Doom shall never die, only the players»

ruiner wrote in message ...
:I think you are shocked at the text file because you know what this person



Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
well him being insane is a moot question. if you read steven king's "rage",
you'll remember the part where the main character, the kid who shot his lady
monster of a math teacher at the class, is sitting at her desk and one girl
asks him:
--are you crazy?
--well, i guess so. anyone who kills another person must be crazy, at least
in my book.

«Doom shall never die, only the players»

Balanco wrote in message <7fqnod$v9r$>...

.. It makes me wonder if what was

Storm Bear Williams

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99

I have gotten some email that suggests that Harris did build a WAD based on
the floorplan of the school with sprites fashioned like kids, teachers and
SWAT cops.

I haven't seen such a WAD and cannot validate the truthfullness of these
reports. However, I think Harris was a good enough game builder that he
could have done it easily.

Also, I finally figured out a way to finish Harris' UAB Labs without using a
cheat. The large outdoor arena with the central 'stonehenge' structure can
be defeated with wise use of ammo.

The door that opens into the arena is safe to shoot from, as well as the
area just outside the door. The demons will not come near the door, but will
surround the lighted area. Play it a time or two and you will see what I

I just open the door, turbo out to the structure and back straight up and

Good hunting,

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
"Kill them all and let god sort them out" is a phrase that comes from the
Vietnam War. the idea was that the US soldiers had difficulty discerning
innocent civilians from the Viet Cong. This phrase is 30+ years old.
Metallica and Megadeth both borrowed imagery from the Vietnam war.

In article <>,

"[DN]Never_Again" <> wrote:
> that's backward thinking, you know. i think i ran in "kil them aaaallll!"
> more than once in wad readme's, it only was spelled differently. besides,
> "kill them all" is just the title of an early metallica album, and nobody
> made a big deal out of it in the last 15 years.
> "and it will be cool" seems disturbing? heck, this way you can call beavis
> and butthead serial killers :)
> sorry for these ripostes balanco, but it's a shame to see you give in a bit
> to the now fashinable wave of "getting disturbed".

> --
> [DN]Never_Again
> «Doom shall never die, only the players»
> :

> Balanco wrote in message <7fqhp7$cfr$>...
> :"[DN]Never_Again" <> wrote:
> :
> :>just what in particular did you find disturbing in this readme? a
> perfectly
> :>sane text with a healthy dose of true doom spirit. i failed to find
> anything
> :>wrong except a few typos.
> :
> : I guess it's because of the rampage, and what was found in
> :the peorson's AOL profile, but the "KILL 'EM AAALLLLL!!!!", and
> :the "You may NOT change a damn thing with this WAD, if you do, i
> :will blow you up. And it will be cool" did seem a bit disturbing to
> :me. I've played hundereds of wads by now, and this did seem
> :a bit unusual to me, even for a Doom wad discription.
> :
> :
> :
> :_____________________________________________________________
> :
> : Remove all of the junk in my address and change Q to C
> :to reply via e-mail
> :

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
actually the phrase dates back to the 13th or 14th century france

«Doom shall never die, only the players»
: wrote in message
:"Kill them all and let god sort them out" is a phrase that comes from the


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
to wrote:
> "Kill them all and let god sort them out" is a phrase that comes from the
> Vietnam War. the idea was that the US soldiers had difficulty discerning
> innocent civilians from the Viet Cong. This phrase is 30+ years old.
> Metallica and Megadeth both borrowed imagery from the Vietnam war.

It was old even then. I first heard it as something that came out of the
Napoleonic Wars, and they probably got it from the Crusades.



Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
[DN]Never_Again wrote:
> just what in particular did you find disturbing in this readme? a perfectly
> sane text with a healthy dose of true doom spirit. i failed to find anything
> wrong except a few typos.
> i doubt it very much he "was messed up in the head for years". if anything,

If not for this noteriety, none of us would have given that textfile a
second glance -- it reads no differently than hundreds of others from
folk with more enthusiasm about their new WAD than literary talent.
Practically every deathmatch WAD's textfile exhorts you to go forth and
frag your buddies, and we don't think of their authors as "sick"!!

> his head works better than yours or mine --> custom sprites.
> don't be afraid to praise a killer's work. a job well done is a job well
> done.

That's true. Good work should not be unfairly tainted by bad work.

BTW someone asked where to get, there are a bunch of ZIPs off
Ignore the sensationalism :/

The WAD that was linked off some news page the other day, UACLABS, isn't
bad. Not great, but certainly entertaining, with good internal logic,
and the start of some real design talent, albeit more in DM than solo


Sir Robin

Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 21:29:34 GMT, wrote:

>"Kill them all and let god sort them out" is a phrase that comes from the
>Vietnam War. the idea was that the US soldiers had difficulty discerning
>innocent civilians from the Viet Cong. This phrase is 30+ years old.
>Metallica and Megadeth both borrowed imagery from the Vietnam war.

Also Dead Kennedys used "Kill them all and let god sort them out" in
one of their songs.

- Sir Robin, Member of Falling Star Productions and TeamTNT
E-Mail: - ICQ: 15207181
DooM page:
Hemp page:

... As I said before, I never repeat myself.


Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
thanks a lot rez!
quite a bit of sensationalism there, to be sure; but also wealth of real

«Doom shall never die, only the players»

Rez wrote in message <>...

:BTW someone asked where to get, there are a bunch of ZIPs off



Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
good taste in music, sir robin :º)
joy division and cure anyone?

«Doom shall never die, only the players»

Sir Robin wrote in message <>...:
:Also Dead Kennedys used "Kill them all and let god sort them out" in
:one of their songs.

Sir Robin

Apr 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/29/99
On Tue, 27 Apr 1999 07:09:20 -0400, "[DN]Never_Again"
<> wrote:

>good taste in music, sir robin :º)

I know :)

>joy division and cure anyone?

Nope, not me...

>Sir Robin wrote in message <>...:
>:Also Dead Kennedys used "Kill them all and let god sort them out" in
>:one of their songs.

- Sir Robin, Member of Falling Star Productions and TeamTNT
E-Mail: - ICQ: 15207181
DooM page:
Hemp page:

... "He's probably one of those people that thinks Elvis is dead"-Mulder


May 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/1/99
[DN]Never_Again wrote:
> thanks a lot rez!
> quite a bit of sensationalism there, to be sure; but also wealth of real
> data

Yeah. (Look, now I'm talking to myself, lock me up before I shoot me! :)
I think it's wrong to try to pretend these kids didn't have lives too,
by removing online evidence of their existence. So it's good that
someone is preserving it, even if the motives aren't all they could be.

As to the WADs, the two solos are okay, some fun parts, some lame, tho
UACLABS map01 could easily be given much better gameplay with some
simple changes. The DMs are nothing special except for BRICKS which I
found intriguing even tho I don't do DM -- I walked around in it for a
long time imagining all the ways it can be played.



May 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/2/99
Rez <> wrote:

>[DN]Never_Again wrote:
>> thanks a lot rez!
>> quite a bit of sensationalism there, to be sure; but also wealth of real
>> data

>Yeah. (Look, now I'm talking to myself, lock me up before I shoot me! :)
>I think it's wrong to try to pretend these kids didn't have lives too,
>by removing online evidence of their existence. So it's good that
>someone is preserving it, even if the motives aren't all they could be.

I have to agree. Same with tv, they often censor and hide things,
and I hate it when they do that.

>As to the WADs, the two solos are okay, some fun parts, some lame, tho
>UACLABS map01 could easily be given much better gameplay with some
>simple changes. The DMs are nothing special except for BRICKS which I
>found intriguing even tho I don't do DM -- I walked around in it for a
>long time imagining all the ways it can be played.

I thought it was OK, but it didn't seem like anything special
in terms of level design.


John Miller

May 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/5/99

I found the, but can not find any of the other WADS.
Is there a web page with all of Eric Harris's Doom2 WADS
on it? From reading your message, and the other one here, it sure looks like
you all found a site with all the Harris WADS. There was a Doom2 patch he
made too, I believe it was new sounds only. I saw it on CNN, the monsters
cry out (actually Eric Harris's voice), "Oh god, what did I do to deserve
this!". There is a patch mentioned at the ending credits of UACLABS, called
Realdoom. He said that it could be obtained only by E-mailing him. I wonder
if that one can be found



May 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/6/99
"John Miller" <> wrote:

>I found the, but can not find any of the other WADS.
>Is there a web page with all of Eric Harris's Doom2 WADS
>on it? From reading your message, and the other one here, it sure looks like
>you all found a site with all the Harris WADS. There was a Doom2 patch he

Actualy, the wads were posted to alt.binaries.doom a couple
weeks ago. Your ISP's usenet server may or may not have it
(some servers delete posts that are around 14 days old).
If they are not there, you can always ask
for them to be reposted, or they may be on
The zip files names of his wads were:

They are all doom2.wads

If was e-mail only, it may or may not be

>made too, I believe it was new sounds only. I saw it on CNN, the monsters
>cry out (actually Eric Harris's voice), "Oh god, what did I do to deserve
>this!". There is a patch mentioned at the ending credits of UACLABS, called
>Realdoom. He said that it could be obtained only by E-mailing him. I wonder
>if that one can be found



Nov 8, 2020, 2:10:53 PM11/8/20
hi how did i get here

Austyn Polanco

May 29, 2023, 4:20:56 PM5/29/23

D.G. Wright

Jun 16, 2023, 7:38:40 PM6/16/23
On 29/05/2023 16:20, Austyn Polanco wrote:
> hellooo



Jul 3, 2023, 10:43:04 AM7/3/23
czwartek, 22 kwietnia 1999 o 09:00:00 UTC+2 Storm Bear Williams napisał(a):
> I managed to snag a few gif's and this WAD off his web site. Actually he had
> one site that was spread over four different screen names over on AOL..
> I grabbed this WAD, only one I saw under any of his screen names so I am
> assuming that it is his last custom WAD. 1.7m zipped.
> I haven't played it yet, just read the readme.txt so let me know.
> Anyway, it can be found at...
> Be a kind soul a drop a note off in the Forum if you snag a copy.
> Storm Williams


Jul 3, 2023, 7:55:56 PM7/3/23
Had it not been for the notoriety of the author, these wads would've been lost and forgotten amongst the thousands of other PWADs released over the past 30 years. I played through them and they were OK as your typical PWAD of that era. There are no reskinned monsters made out as students who can't fight back, nor is there the halls and classrooms of Columbine as I heard claimed over the years. If such a fabled wad existed, it was never released on the net and went away forever when the Feds came and took his computer equipment.

Ryan Badowski

Oct 17, 2023, 4:28:36 PM10/17/23
Very interesting, kind of a like a relic from a bygone era.
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