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Norn 'bibble' talk

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Al Maggs

Jun 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/22/98

Hey, I'm working on a new feature for my site and need to know what are the
orginal words that Norns originally say?? (eg. Bibble, Boop, Dis) - does
anyone know? Or, could anyone hatch a norn and keep a list :>). Thanks

ICQ: 13458055

ALBIA 2000:
||| C2 ||| 5 NEW COBS! ||| ESSEX NORNS ||| 1st NORN SITCOM
||| DJN |||TOBY SHRINE!|||


Lis Morris

Jun 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/22/98

Don't forget flib and oogh...
I love the way newly hatched norns say 'Eem oogh', because oogh sounds so
odd in norn talk.. like ya-ee-coch. Before anyway says, yes I know it means
they're bored.. obviously hatching is not very much fun!

Nutter wrote in message <>...

>On 22 Jun 1998 20:16:42 GMT, (Al Maggs) wrote:
>>Hey, I'm working on a new feature for my site and need to know what are
>>orginal words that Norns originally say?? (eg. Bibble, Boop, Dis) - does
>>anyone know? Or, could anyone hatch a norn and keep a list :>). Thanks

>Dis and dat for things they don't recognise. Some of the others:
>Probably others as well. I have a feeling that any infant uses a
>subset of available nornwords. Never seen a norn say Bibble though,
>strangely enough.

Brad Fermanich

Jun 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/22/98

Al Maggs wrote:
> Hey, I'm working on a new feature for my site and need to know what are the
> orginal words that Norns originally say?? (eg. Bibble, Boop, Dis) - does
> anyone know? Or, could anyone hatch a norn and keep a list :>). Thanks
> Ali

Hatch an egg, export the baby, and edit its .EXP file. You will see all
the words in there somewhere...


EagerBevar Hunter of Sarcastica,
First to Answer, Last to be Heard!
Prime Minister of Kingdomality

Morghana: Don't wear any cement kilts!

Emy S.:How come I've never said anything quotable?

ICQ: 5690051

Version: 3.1
GCS/M d-(++) s-:+ a C++$ !UC-(--) P? L--?>--- E--? W++>$ N++ o--? K--?
w+$ !O--->---- !M-- V+++$ PS+() !PE Y? PGP-? t+>+++ !5- !X(+) R+>+++$*
tv+ b++ DI++(++++)>$ !D----> G?>+ e++ h---- r+++ y++++

Jason LeBouef

Jun 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/23/98

Al Maggs wrote:
> Hey, I'm working on a new feature for my site and need to know what are the
> orginal words that Norns originally say?? (eg. Bibble, Boop, Dis) - does
> anyone know? Or, could anyone hatch a norn and keep a list :>). Thanks
> Ali
> ICQ: 13458055
> ALBIA 2000:
> ||| C2 ||| 5 NEW COBS! ||| ESSEX NORNS ||| 1st NORN SITCOM
> ||| DJN |||TOBY SHRINE!|||
> Http://

The words vary from norn to norn. That is, it's the same set of words,
but they're in the different 'slots' for their meanings. Like 'flib'
may mean 'push' to one norn while 'foo' may mean 'push' to another.

One's I remember are: flib, foo, dat, dis, bibble, goo, oogh, coo, doo,
eem, me, ca(?), oogle(I think that's a grendel one).


Jun 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/23/98

Jason LeBouef wrote in message <>...

>The words vary from norn to norn. That is, it's the same set of words,
>but they're in the different 'slots' for their meanings. Like 'flib'
>may mean 'push' to one norn while 'foo' may mean 'push' to another

Yeah. This is why I do not recommend starting up creatures, going
downstairs, noticing everyone's watching one of your fave movies (Far and
Away), and sitting down to enjoy it as well while forgetting your 4 norns
are running around Albia without proper supervision.

Ended up having 3 adults and 3 babies that spoke baby bibble and 1 adult
that was hiding out on the desert isle with a 20% life force. =)

>One's I remember are: flib, foo, dat, dis, bibble, goo, oogh, coo, doo,
>eem, me, ca(?), oogle(I think that's a grendel one).

You forgot boop.


Don't forget to remove the Z from my email to reply!!
UIN: 1530587
AOLIM: Indigo3721

Iguana R

Jun 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/24/98

>Yeah. This is why I do not recommend starting up creatures, going
>downstairs, noticing everyone's watching one of your fave movies (Far and
>Away), and sitting down to enjoy it as well while forgetting your 4 norns
>are running around Albia without proper supervision.

I highly highly don't recommed doing that, I tried leaving my Norns alone
overnight once, and when I woke up, it was a desserted island, everyone had
died plus two new baby norns that were born while I was asleep.
But That's probably because I pamper my Norns and serve their every need.
"Bibble boop"
"I'm Coming, Drazil!"

~Iguana King


Jun 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/24/98

Iguana R <> wrote in article

> I highly highly don't recommed doing that, I tried leaving my Norns
> overnight once, and when I woke up, it was a desserted island, everyone
> died plus two new baby norns that were born while I was asleep.
> But That's probably because I pamper my Norns and serve their every
> <sigh>

I've found that overnight is OK (perhaps because I don't sleep enough) but
during the day is a killer, literally. I was AFK for about 10 hours and got
back to find all my norns had died, including 4 infants who'd been born.
And I didn't even have pictures of them. It was *so* depressing I haven't
repeated the experiment since.


Jason LeBouef

Jun 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/24/98

Indigo wrote:
> Jason LeBouef wrote in message <>...
> >The words vary from norn to norn. That is, it's the same set of words,
> >but they're in the different 'slots' for their meanings. Like 'flib'
> >may mean 'push' to one norn while 'foo' may mean 'push' to another
> Yeah. This is why I do not recommend starting up creatures, going
> downstairs, noticing everyone's watching one of your fave movies (Far and
> Away), and sitting down to enjoy it as well while forgetting your 4 norns
> are running around Albia without proper supervision.
> Ended up having 3 adults and 3 babies that spoke baby bibble and 1 adult
> that was hiding out on the desert isle with a 20% life force. =)
LOL! That's always true. Always the one that's messed in the head
because it was a punching bag for the grendel. I had a male on the
desert island. Scared, in pain, hungry, sick. The grendel was
mercilessly torturing him. I beat the grendel senseless and then
brought the norn to the underwater tube. Through the shee city. Fed
him 4 or 5 cheeses and he was smiling real big and giggling. Whew!
That was close.
> You forgot boop.

I had a whole group of norns saying 'goo' all because of one baby.

Jason Westman

Jun 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/24/98

And here's what Jason LeBouef sez, with a mouth full of PEZ!

>One's I remember are: flib, foo, dat, dis, bibble, goo, oogh, coo, doo,
>eem, me, ca(?), oogle(I think that's a grendel one).

One of my norns' first words was 'coco'. (I don't know if he was affected by
hearing another norn before he said that or not.)

His name is Kakao now ;-)

=> Jason!
What if God is a green leafy vegetable... wouldn't the vegetarians be upset
with their lifestyle choice then? ..."Lettuce" pray... where do you think
that came from?

Spamblocked, remove passion to reply!


Jun 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/25/98

>>One's I remember are: flib, foo, dat, dis, bibble, goo, oogh, coo, doo,
>>eem, me, ca(?), oogle(I think that's a grendel one).
>You forgot boop.

All norns name themselves something containing the letter "m" and "e" (I

Brad Fermanich

Jun 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/25/98

Ive seen Bub.

Shelly Poole

Jun 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/26/98

Brad Fermanich wrote:
> Mermaid wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >>One's I remember are: flib, foo, dat, dis, bibble, goo, oogh, coo, doo,
> > >>eem, me, ca(?), oogle(I think that's a grendel one).
> > >
> > >You forgot boop.
> >
> > All norns name themselves something containing the letter "m" and "e" (I
> > think...)
> Ive seen Bub.

And I've seen a Doh once or twice ;o)

*Shelly Poole @-}- *
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ICQ# 13314012

My Page!:-

Version Number: 1.2
AST d(+) s: a--- x- t+:+ C+ rC rc+ rB-- rN- rE1+,2-,3-,4-,
5?,6+,7+,8?,9-/O+:++/o+:,NornFamile,NornHistory A S+
gQ++/W1,2---,3+,4++,5-,6--- W+ P++ Gd-:,MDK,Doom2,/S--:,
Settlers/p--/o:DarkForces,JediKnight WormsUnited, Theme

Megan Swingler-Hill

Jun 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/26/98

I've always been fond of coo and oough. Recently I had a Norn come up with a
word all on her own. She was the first norn I ever had play with the train set
(I forget from where). I said, "Imri push bigtoy," and she replied, "choo choo."
These aren't exactly baby words I know - but WHERE did she get them from?

Which brings me to another question. All those spaces in the encyclopedia
nornica set are for words right? Even the ones that say AAA and BBB, how do I
teach my norns to make use of all these word spaces?

Quisquarles Meglyn Alpha Plieadese-Pimor
aka Madame Mim
aka Sarax (trader on SB Omega)
aka Megan <>

"Pardon me for living, I'm sure."
(Mort) Terry Pratchett

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not
sure about the former."

Q: How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Two. One to hold the giraffe and the other to fill the bathtub with
brightly colored machine tools.
I've always rumba'd to the tune of a different bongo.
-these stolen from signature of Jason Westman an subscriber


Jun 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/26/98

>And I've seen a Doh once or twice ;o)

LoL! My newborn norns call me Bobo first thing (all of them do before
I teach them, isn't that strage??) and the first word that the newborn
Tonight said (right before my Creatures decided it would stab me over
and over until I couldn't play) was 'eem'. She's a true a.g.c.
patriot, eh? <g>

>*Shelly Poole @-}- *

Another Sad/Happy Message from the O'Rocket File
Please Remove <SweetSweet> for a Valid e-mail address
Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain. And
most do.
Offended? UIN: 12717164


Jun 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/26/98

You haven't seen a norn say bibble?????? Good God, you haven't

On Mon, 22 Jun 1998, Nutter wrote:
>Probably others as well. I have a feeling that any infant uses a
>subset of available nornwords. Never seen a norn say Bibble though,
>strangely enough.

As I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Jun 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/26/98

In article <>, wrote:
> I've always been fond of coo and oough. Recently I had a Norn come up with a
> word all on her own. She was the first norn I ever had play with the train set
> (I forget from where). I said, "Imri push bigtoy," and she replied, "choo
> These aren't exactly baby words I know - but WHERE did she get them from?

She said "choo choo" because of a command in the cob's script- the say$
command thingie. The command looks like this: say$ [choo choo] The donuts
from the donut vendor use it, too, to make the norn say "Mmm...Donuts..."
when he/she eats the donut.

I hope I explained that right

BTW, Steerpike made the train set :)

~BananaNorn (Rachel)

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading

Lis Morris

Jun 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/26/98

Megan Swingler-Hill wrote in message <>...

>I've always been fond of coo and oough. Recently I had a Norn come up with
>word all on her own. She was the first norn I ever had play with the train
>(I forget from where). I said, "Imri push bigtoy," and she replied, "choo
>These aren't exactly baby words I know - but WHERE did she get them from?

>Which brings me to another question. All those spaces in the encyclopedia
>nornica set are for words right? Even the ones that say AAA and BBB, how do
>teach my norns to make use of all these word spaces?

I suspect that you could teach a norn a new noun, if you had a cob of that
class... I'm no cobber though, but I should think is could be done...
Lis Morris,

Get your hippy norns and grorns here!

Argh it's a geekcode!
Version: 3.12
GS d- s+:- a-- C++ U! P L- E? W+++$
N++ o? K? w++ O? M- V? PS+ PE- Y+ PGP--
t++ 5++ X- R* tv-- b+++ DI-- D-- G++ e++(++++)*
h!>- r*% z-*

"When you've got your back to the wall, the only thing
you can do is turn around and fight"

Megan Swingler-Hill

Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

> She said "choo choo" because of a command in the cob's script- the say$
> command thingie. The command looks like this: say$ [choo choo] The donuts
> from the donut vendor use it, too, to make the norn say "Mmm...Donuts..."
> when he/she eats the donut.
> I hope I explained that right
> BTW, Steerpike made the train set :)

Well that answers 2 questions. Thanks for explaining where that word came from. I
didn't think I had a linguistic genius on my hand, but you never know *G*

Megan Swingler-Hill

Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

> I suspect that you could teach a norn a new noun, if you had a cob of that
> class... I'm no cobber though, but I should think is could be done...
> Lis Morris,

There you go all you cobbers (oops bad word for an Aussie to be using). Here's a
new and involving task for you. Think up some new classes of objects and make
them so I can have norns that use all their slots.

Which kinda brings me to another question. Does anybody know if Norns can
differentiate between different colours. It would be so much help if I could
type "push blue plant" "get green drink" rather than pointing and hoping.

There's another one! Norns say dis and dat for things they don't know when they
hatch is there anyway to get a norn to understand a conversation that goes "Lucy
push this lift"?

Martha Brummett

Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

Megan Swingler-Hill <> wrote:

>There you go all you cobbers (oops bad word for an Aussie to be using). Here's a
>new and involving task for you. Think up some new classes of objects and make
>them so I can have norns that use all their slots.

I have thought about this a good deal. The object categories are
quite broad, so it's hard to think of a new one that would not
overlap. One I have come up with as a possibility is "structure",
which could apply to both new buildings which could be made, and
perhaps overlaid on existing ones, as an example the greenhouse. A
cob could be made to alter it, using the new class number and a copy
of that park of back.spr as the sprite. It would be a simple object,
and "push" would ask the Norn to enter and "pull" to exit.

No! It would have to be a compound object, wouldn't it, which is
probably why I haven't tackled it...

Then, modifications would have to be made in the appropriate lobe
genes to allow the Norn to use the concept....

>Which kinda brings me to another question. Does anybody know if Norns can
>differentiate between different colours. It would be so much help if I could
>type "push blue plant" "get green drink" rather than pointing and hoping.

No...perhaps in C4 :-)

>There's another one! Norns say dis and dat for things they don't know when they
>hatch is there anyway to get a norn to understand a conversation that goes "Lucy
>push this lift"?

No. It's frustrating, isn't it? I tell the Norn, "Kiss the
norndoll", but it wants to bounce the ball.... Apparently C2 will
differentiate "eat" from other verbs, which should be a great help.
Will be a hassle for whoever converts The Carrot Beetles, Cabbage,
etc., though.

Martha Brummett
Bonadrey Nornery

Megan Swingler-Hill

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

> I have thought about this a good deal. The object categories are
> quite broad, so it's hard to think of a new one that would not
> overlap. One I have come up with as a possibility is "structure",
> which could apply to both new buildings which could be made, and
> perhaps overlaid on existing ones, as an example the greenhouse. A
> cob could be made to alter it, using the new class number and a copy
> of that park of back.spr as the sprite. It would be a simple object,
> and "push" would ask the Norn to enter and "pull" to exit.
> No! It would have to be a compound object, wouldn't it, which is
> probably why I haven't tackled it...

I don't fully understand the problem, but then again the last programming I did was
reading aloud while my brother typed into iour C64 so . . . but how about rooms as
simply a place to recognise - ie "Sami come garden" or a group of objects called
see-ers ie telescopes an altered tv, whatever.

Is hoping to inspire people so she can reap the rewards of their labour. *eg*

Mike Davisson

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

Megan Swingler-Hill <> wrote in article

> I don't fully understand the problem, but then again the last programming
I did was
> reading aloud while my brother typed into iour C64 so . . . but how about
rooms as
> simply a place to recognise - ie "Sami come garden" or a group of objects
> see-ers ie telescopes an altered tv, whatever.

C-64! :) Me and my brother used to do that all the time. Remember the
with all those DATA statements?! Argh!

Martha Brummett

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

Megan Swingler-Hill <> wrote:
>I don't fully understand the problem, but then again the last programming I did was
>reading aloud while my brother typed into our C64 so . . .

From magazines? I did that too, that's how I learned, using Debug
instead of MASM (before I got ASM), and also translating from MS Basic
into the (really superior) dialect used by the Sanyo 550.

>but how about rooms as
>simply a place to recognise - ie "Sami come garden"

That would be useful, and could be perhaps helped by the room numbers
(which I know nothing about).

> or a group of objects called
>see-ers ie telescopes an altered tv, whatever.

The telescope isn't categorized, I don't think, and the TV and VCR
could be changed. That sounds very workable.

Megan Swingler-Hill

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

Mike Davisson wrote:

> Megan Swingler-Hill <> wrote in article
> <>...

> > I don't fully understand the problem, but then again the last programming
> I did was

> > reading aloud while my brother typed into iour C64 so . . . but how about
> rooms as
> > simply a place to recognise - ie "Sami come garden" or a group of objects

> called
> > see-ers ie telescopes an altered tv, whatever.

> C-64! :) Me and my brother used to do that all the time. Remember the
> programs
> with all those DATA statements?! Argh!

Actually no *g*. It was my job to (in the beginning) either read or type a
program out of a book, and later one my brother had written. I have the soul of
a clerk (somebody has to) if I know what I'm looking for I'm quite happy to
spend hours on end searching for it line by line. I think those were the last
days my brother and I got on - ie before he discovered he was God. *sigh*
Siblings, can't live with 'em - can't shoot em.

Quisquarles Meglyn Alpha Plieadese-Pimor
aka Madame Mim
aka Sarax (trader on SB Omega)
aka Megan <>

"Pardon me for living, I'm sure."

(Mort) Terry Pratchett

Thank heaven for little girls - without them what would little boys do? - Mimi

Megan Swingler-Hill

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

I've had another thought. Is their a way to overlay one cob on another (like the hive
upgrades etc) except this would change the class so that we could say "push carrot"
"get hooch" "yes girl"? I mean, all those spaces going to waste and norns can't even
tell if what they're putting in their mouths is an apple or a hamburger.

Mike Davisson

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

I know. All that poking and peeking. Hmm. . . . . . . . . . . .

eric leif <> wrote in article
> In article <01bda30e$c8dae420$>,
> says...

> > Megan Swingler-Hill <> wrote in article
> > <>...

> > C-64! :) Me and my brother used to do that all the time. Remember
> > programs
> > with all those DATA statements?! Argh!

> That was machine code being manually poke'd into memory. Those were the
> good old days.

Martha Brummett

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

Megan Swingler-Hill <> wrote:

>I've had another thought. Is their a way to overlay one cob on another (like the hive
>upgrades etc) except this would change the class so that we could say "push carrot"
>"get hooch" "yes girl"? I mean, all those spaces going to waste and norns can't even
>tell if what they're putting in their mouths is an apple or a hamburger.

Actually, they _can_ tell, because each (example: food) species number
is different and has different characteristics. Put a Norn in with
some jars of Strained Carrots and some blocks of cheese. The Norn may
pick up the cheese and drop it, but will not (except very rarely) eat
the cheese until all the carrots are gone. I've seen this many times.

They know the difference, but can't articulate it.

I expect that in C2, genus categories will be narrower.

Jason Westman

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

And here's what Martha Brummett sez, with a mouth full of PEZ!

>> or a group of objects called
>>see-ers ie telescopes an altered tv, whatever.
>The telescope isn't categorized, I don't think, and the TV and VCR
>could be changed. That sounds very workable.

The telescope is a major relic of the Shee... it is what inspired them to leave
Albia. If you got the norns to use it, then,... <shudder>

=> Jason!
Before you find your handsome prince, you've got to kiss a lot of frogs.

Jun 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/30/98

On 29 Jun 1998 22:40:13 GMT, matan...@starplace.compassion (Jason
Westman) wrote:

>The telescope is a major relic of the Shee... it is what inspired them to leave
>Albia. If you got the norns to use it, then,... <shudder>

To boldly go, etc, etc?

What does the telescope do to the norns anyway? My norns
and grendel sometimes spend a lot of time around there. Does
it decrease boredom or something?

Mae Tang
(replace "nospam" with "nu-it" for a valid e-mail address)

Shaun McKinster

Jul 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/10/98
to wrote in message

>What does the telescope do to the norns anyway?
the telescope is a background image not an object. there is no object class
and no scripts unless you have a specific COB installed. Jasons comments
were from Cyberlifes mythistory.
Note: there is nothing in the original room except one cheese.

KLaYmAn Oo

Jul 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/10/98

Why would they add and extra room for nothing? Well, maybe for sick norns...


Shaun McKinster

Jul 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/11/98

KLaYmAn Oo wrote in message
>> wrote in message

>Why would they add and extra room for nothing? Well, maybe for sick

So the creatures can go somewhere and the user can put something in it<COB>.

Feb 16, 2014, 5:19:46 AM2/16/14
Yeah, i just started playing C1, I taught my first one, Amy, all the verbs, made sure she said all of them right, taught her 'toy' 'food' 'drink' 'lift' 'button', even 'mover', and my name, made sure she said all of those right, told her how to call and use the lift, which she quickly did, and as soon as she went into the garden she said 'Amy bibble'... i cannot figure out what she was trying to say for the life of me... she didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular... then I made a male, Alex, did the same stuff pretty much, and he did the same exact thing... 'Alex bibble' when he walked out into the garden... I really wish I knew what the heck they were talking about, I'm worried they were trying to tell me they were sick or hungry or something

Alex is cute though, a little while after that he asked me to tickle him by saying 'Alex get good' a few times while pushing the hand. I couldn't figure out how he figured out to say that, I didn't teach him 'good', and i didn't think 'get' was even a word in the game... I think I like the C1 norns behavior more than the c3 ones though, they seem more interesting for some reason.
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