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Do you beat your Norns

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Apr 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/26/98

Do you beat your norns or do other things to terrorize them. COME on I KNOW
some of you must have some worlds dedicated just to pain for the little devils.
I have all kinds of Norns for the HANNsters if they want what's left of their
mangled little bodies. No I don't mean this as mean as it sounds, hey you have
to know what the limits of a Norns body and psyche is to help the norns you
love. Yes I have a normal norn world too, but I also have one in which some
norns are tortured for the betterment of others, but I would be willing to send
the HANN group some of my norns to see if they can be rehabilitatered. Email
me if you also have worlds like mine, I'll keep you email secret. And by all
means send me some of your tortured norns, we can trade.



Apr 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/26/98

I don't torture my norns by any means. Sometimes I get angry if they
KEEP disobeying and slap them a bit too much but never torture them. I
also like challenges, so if you could send me your group of tortured
norns, I'd like to see if I could fix the little buggers.

Proud Maker of the World's First Norn Doll!
Proud Maker of the World's First New Albia!
Just plain proud!
If a little kid asks you why it's raining, tell them that God is crying.
If they ask why God is crying, tell them, "Probably because of something
you did!"
Albert Einstein flunked math, so remember kids, eat your vegetables,
wear clean underwear, and always put milk in the refrigerator.

Apr 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/26/98

In article

lyz <> wrote:
> I don't torture my norns by any means. Sometimes I get angry if they
> KEEP disobeying and slap them a bit too much but never torture them. I
> also like challenges, so if you could send me your group of tortured
> norns, I'd like to see if I could fix the little buggers.
> -

That's kind of what I do when they keep on slapping other norns. I slap them a
few times, and then take them to the ocean and let them stay there for a few
minutes...This is only what I do if they won't stop slapping each other.

Why did I post this? I have no idea.

~BananaNorn (Rachel)

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading


Apr 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/26/98
to Nornbasher

Nornbasher wrote:

UGHH! DON'T KILL THEM! Gosh, if you hate norns so much, send them to
someone. I'll gladly accept your norns! But don't do that! That is just
plain....wrong. I mean, their virtual, but that just enough. No more of
these torture norn postings... or someone is going to get you.


Apr 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/27/98

Dana <> wrote in article <>...
> Nornbasher wrote:


> UGHH! DON'T KILL THEM! Gosh, if you hate norns so much, send them to
> someone. I'll gladly accept your norns! But don't do that! That is just
> plain....wrong. I mean, their virtual, but that just enough. No more of
> these torture norn postings... or someone is going to get you.

watch out out or ill get you at night while you
are sleeping and ill ram your sick mind through your nose and down your
throat while its on fire, not to mention ill ram burning incense in your
ears while im screaming "Norn stop nornbasher doo!!!!!!!"

you are the lowest excuse for a Naven Boy.

Spoon of NORN, Head of General Weirdness
ICQ: 6655017

"de omni re scibili et quibusdam aliis."

Apr 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/28/98

In article <>, (Nornbasher) wrote:

WHOA! OK who is with me? I'm getting a group together, we're gonna go remove
some crucial parts from this guy so he can't have children.

"We're doing this out of love, darling child of mine"



Mira'r Phoenix

Apr 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/29/98

Nornbasher wrote:

> Do you beat your norns or do other things to terrorize them. COME on I KNOW
> some of you must have some worlds dedicated just to pain for the little devils.

Of course not! I very rarely even slap them as punishment, then only in dire
circumstances. I find that they are very trainable using only pleasure. My norns
like me, and come to my hand. The worst "torture" they ever endure is my nagging
them when they won't eat. And that is only to keep them alive and well.

> No I don't mean this as mean as it sounds, hey you have
> to know what the limits of a Norns body and psyche is to help the norns you
> love. Yes I have a normal norn world too, but I also have one in which some
> norns are tortured for the betterment of others,

How exactly does this benefit other Norns? I don't torture, I have over 100 norns
and have only had about five die and three be mentally handicapped. The
overwhelming majority of my norns are happy, healthy, well adjusted creatures that
play and kisspop to their hearts content. They come to me, and ask me to tickle
them. They are good norns.

> but I would be willing to send
> the HANN group some of my norns to see if they can be rehabilitatered.

If you cared for them properly, they wouldn't need to be.

> Email
> me if you also have worlds like mine, I'll keep you email secret. And by all
> means send me some of your tortured norns, we can trade.

You (and anyone else into torturing norns) are not invited to download any of my
norns from my website to use in your torture worlds. They are for the good people
of this newsgroup who are mature enough to give them proper care and attention.


Cardinal Mountain Mama
Come to the Mountain...
Then again, if you are going to be like Basher, don't.

Tux welcomes Mozilla to world domination.

Jocab Reedy

Jul 7, 2021, 9:25:59 PM7/7/21
On Sunday, April 26, 1998 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, Nornbasher wrote:
> Do you beat your norns or do other things to terrorize them. COME on I KNOW
> some of you must have some worlds dedicated just to pain for the little devils.
> I have all kinds of Norns for the HANNsters if they want what's left of their
> mangled little bodies. No I don't mean this as mean as it sounds, hey you have
> to know what the limits of a Norns body and psyche is to help the norns you
> love. Yes I have a normal norn world too, but I also have one in which some
> norns are tortured for the betterment of others, but I would be willing to send
> the HANN group some of my norns to see if they can be rehabilitatered. Email
> me if you also have worlds like mine, I'll keep you email secret. And by all
> means send me some of your tortured norns, we can trade.
> Bash
you still alive?


Aug 20, 2022, 3:53:27 AM8/20/22
they probably are dead torturing norns in hell
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