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Trade Routes

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Kieron Dunbar

Jul 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/4/98

Does anyone know why the game doesn't try to produce optimal trade routes?
I produced a silver freight in a city which demanded oil, and took it to a
city which demanded silver and produced oil. It created a silver trade
route in the direction I sent the freight, but a /coal/ route in the other
direction, making less money.

I could probably reload that saved game until it produced the right sort of
trade route, but it's annoying that the computer doesn't use a little bit
of intelligence when creating trade routes...

Then there's the way the computer sometimes decides to make a unit moved
with goto take a route over roads or open countryside when there's a
perfectly good railroad leading along the route...

kwaheri, Kieron For mail address, rotate the username

David Hore

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

Kieron Dunbar wrote in message

>Does anyone know why the game doesn't try to produce optimal trade routes?
>I produced a silver freight in a city which demanded oil, and took it to a
>city which demanded silver and produced oil. It created a silver trade
>route in the direction I sent the freight, but a /coal/ route in the other
>direction, making less money.

As far as I understand the manual, this should not be a problem. The amount
of trade produced by a trade route once it is up and running is not affected
by the type of items traded, and the amount of trade gained when the trade
route is initially established only depends on the demand in the destination

Of course it is possible that I have misread things. I'm sure someone will
be able to correct me.


Derek Schott

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

This is one aspect of the game that I think the manual really neglects. It
does not really cover trade routes in detail. I know this much: A) desired
products by the receiving city increases the route value, B) distance between
trade cities increases route value, C) Trade overseas increases route value,
D) Trade with another civ increases route value, and E) Trade with enemy
increases route value.

Questions unanswered: A) why sometimes does a city desire a product, and when
your caravan gets there, it no longer does? Does unseen civ sneak in before
you? B) When one civ sends a caravan to another city, does that count as a
trade route to both cities? Does this limit each city to three routes of send
and receive, or three of send, and three of receive. C) Does Uranium really

Any other trade secrets?

Derek Schott
Albany, OR, USA DOD 313f^3


Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

In article <6npsvc$5v4$>, says...

> Questions unanswered: A) why sometimes does a city desire a product, and when
> your caravan gets there, it no longer does? Does unseen civ sneak in before
> you?

I think it's just random occurances.

> B) When one civ sends a caravan to another city, does that count as a
> trade route to both cities? Does this limit each city to three routes of send
> and receive, or three of send, and three of receive.

I believe it does. On the positive side, I believe the 3 most valuable
routes are kept.

> C) Does Uranium really exist?

Yes, I have seen it exactly once in the 6 or 7 games I've played.
Because it's in such high demand it's easy to set up a trade route with

> Any other trade secrets?

If you're not opposed to stragey guides, the book "Sid Meyer's
Civilization II -- The Official Strategy Guide", by Prima is very good.
It has just a few pages on trade. Formulas for the value of trade plus
bonus's are included. I haven't verified these particular formula's,

There is another strategy guide available. DON'T BUY IT, it's worse than
the manual. Truely a waist of money.

I like to play the Mongols, because who want's them as an opponent.

Michael J. Solomon

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

>There is another strategy guide available. DON'T BUY IT, it's worse than
>the manual. Truely a waist of money.

If you are referring to Civilization 2: Strategies and Secrets, then
yes, definitely do NOT buy this book. The manual has _a lot_ more info
than this book. There were no strategies in it at all! The damn thing
took an entire chapter to explain every option in the menu bars!!
Pathetic! It mentioned only one thing that I found useful. If you
start the game with two settlers or with more than just the standard
civ advances, that supposedly means there is another civ close by. I
have not tested this out though. Other than this, this book is the
absolute worse 'strategy guide' I ever bought. And I have a lot of


Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

>This is one aspect of the game that I think the manual really neglects. It
>does not really cover trade routes in detail. I know this much: A) desired
>products by the receiving city increases the route value, B) distance
>trade cities increases route value, C) Trade overseas increases route
>D) Trade with another civ increases route value, and E) Trade with enemy
>increases route value.

Should we read "Trade with enemy" as trade with other civ??? If so, then
already covered that. If not, then I believe you are in error. I am fairly
sure that
being at war, peace, or allied with another civ has no effect on the trade
established. The booklet I've got says that the initial bonus, the money
you receive
when the route is established, is modified by the distance between the
whether they are connected by roads, railroads or not at all, are on
continents, if the establishing unit is a freight unit, and the demand for
the goods.
(I am probably missing some of the components in calculating the initial

>Questions unanswered: A) why sometimes does a city desire a product, and
>your caravan gets there, it no longer does? Does unseen civ sneak in before

>you? B) When one civ sends a caravan to another city, does that count as a

>trade route to both cities? Does this limit each city to three routes of

>and receive, or three of send, and three of receive. C) Does Uranium really

A) The demand in the city has changed to a new commodity.
B) Yes. You can continually update/upgrade your trade routes by building
caravan/freight units and sending them to different cities.
However, you will
only get the benefits of the three most profitable routes for each
C) Uhhhhmmmm, yes??? :-)

A Long Hard Knight

Brian Bowling

Jul 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/6/98

Derek Schott wrote:

> This is one aspect of the game that I think the manual really neglects. It
> does not really cover trade routes in detail. I know this much: A) desired
> products by the receiving city increases the route value, B) distance between
> trade cities increases route value, C) Trade overseas increases route value,
> D) Trade with another civ increases route value, and E) Trade with enemy
> increases route value.

You've left out one of the most important factors - city size. The larger each
city is - the home city of the caravan and the city receiving it - the higher the
initial and continuing trade value. I've found it's usually better to send a
commodity to a large city that doesn't particularly demand it than it is to send
it to a small city that wants it.

> Questions unanswered: A) why sometimes does a city desire a product, and when
> your caravan gets there, it no longer does? Does unseen civ sneak in before
> you?

Again, this seems to be tied to city size. Only the smallest cities crave the
first few trade items on the list, such as hides, beads and cloth. Larger cities
want more exotic or elaborate trade goods. If the city grows significantly
between the time you make the caravan and the time it reaches the city, it's
demands will have changed.

> B) When one civ sends a caravan to another city, does that count as a
> trade route to both cities? Does this limit each city to three routes of send
> and receive, or three of send, and three of receive.

Apparently. Whenever a foreign caravan enters one of my cities, I can see by the
display that I now have a trade route. Of course I didn't get the bonus, which
means the other civ has more pocket change for buying wonders, emergency
improvements, bribes, etc.

> C) Does Uranium really
> exist?

Others swear it does, but I've never run across it.

> Any other trade secrets?

> ************************************************************************
> Derek Schott
> Email:
> Albany, OR, USA DOD 313f^3
> ************************************************************************

Don't tie a large percentage of your trade to a city you're likely to invade.
While the trade routes will remain, their value will drop once you own both
cities. If you're barely breaking even, this can force you to slack off on
research at a critical moment.

Since demand seems to be tied to city size, you might want to plan ahead when
picking a commodity. Instead of picking the commodity the city currently wants,
move further down the list for one it's likely to want when you reach it. Even if
you have to wait a few extra turns for it to grow, the payoff might be worth it.
On the other hand, sending a caravan into the city guarantees some return while
having it wait outside tempts the more belligerent civs into a sneak attack.



Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98
to (Ann) wrote:

>In article <6npsvc$5v4$>, says...

>> C) Does Uranium really exist?

>Yes, I have seen it exactly once in the 6 or 7 games I've played.
>Because it's in such high demand it's easy to set up a trade route with

I'm playing my first game, and I did actually see Uranium once so far,
as I recall.

>> Any other trade secrets?
>If you're not opposed to stragey guides, the book "Sid Meyer's
>Civilization II -- The Official Strategy Guide", by Prima is very good.
>It has just a few pages on trade. Formulas for the value of trade plus
>bonus's are included. I haven't verified these particular formula's,

I've tried precalculating a few trade routes with the formulas given
in the book just before setting them up, and came out with numbers
higher than what the game gave me. So either I'm doing it wrong, or
they missed something in the book formulas, or both. If anybody has
experience with this, I'd like to hear it.

>There is another strategy guide available. DON'T BUY IT, it's worse than
>the manual. Truely a waist of money.

I took a look through it at the bookstore; I kept finding errors, and
I barely knew the game!

Never go on an adventure without a hat!
floorplans, campaign material, more!

Hound Fan

Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98

On Mon, 06 Jul 1998 06:54:40 GMT, (Derek Schott)

>Questions unanswered: C) Does Uranium really

Yes, and I had one game where there was too much of the damn stuff
around -- I couldn't find any place to get rid of it! This was near
the end of a spaceship-for-score game, when most of my large cities
had almost every conceivable improvement. I think it starts to show
up once you start to build nuke plants, or maybe when you discover
fusion power.

Reply to address ROT-13'd

Kieron Dunbar

Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98
Once upon a time, David Hore wrote thus:

>Kieron Dunbar wrote in message
>>Does anyone know why the game doesn't try to produce optimal trade routes?
>As far as I understand the manual, this should not be a problem. The amount

Thanks. I would have known that if I'd attempted to find the manual

Jarno Hellstrom

Jul 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/8/98

> > Any other trade secrets?

Nope. But I'm curious to know what is the maximum value of a single trade.
So post here your best trade value. Mine is 1650 gold.

Jarno Hellstrom

Jul 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/8/98

> > C) Does Uranium really
> > exist?

> Others swear it does, but I've never run across it.

I'll second that. I've been trading uranium in several games on several levels.


Jul 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/9/98
My record for a single trade route was between a city of 36 (mine) and my
biggest enemy, the zulu's.

An uranium caravan went into his capital (23) and I didn't know what I saw.
I got 2154 Gold. Since I didn't have a lot of money I tried it again
sometimes, but then it never gave me more then 900 gold.

Jarno Hellstrom heeft geschreven in bericht ...

Jul 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/9/98
In article <>, (Jarno Hellstrom) wrote:
> > > Any other trade secrets?
> Nope. But I'm curious to know what is the maximum value of a single trade.
> So post here your best trade value. Mine is 1650 gold.

Wow! Could you please describe the size of both cities the trade route
was, was this an internal or extrnal trade route, was it on the same or
different island / continent, how far way the cities were, and anything
else that contribited to such a high value; that's about 2 1/2 times
my record, but there's still plenty of time left in my game to try
to beat my record.

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Jul 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/10/98

> > Nope. But I'm curious to know what is the maximum value of a single trade.
> > So post here your best trade value. Mine is 1650 gold.
> >
> Wow! Could you please describe the size of both cities the trade route
> was, was this an internal or extrnal trade route, was it on the same or
> different island / continent, how far way the cities were, and anything
> else that contribited to such a high value; that's about 2 1/2 times
> my record, but there's still plenty of time left in my game to try
> to beat my record.

I was doing a lot of trading in that game, but here are few things I do
-I played Empire on a large world map
-I was trading Oil and it was the 20th century
-The route was from cize 10 city in Korea (just captured) to a size 20
city in southern Africa
-I was Russian (Fund) and the destination was a Viking city (Rep), and
there was a war going on between us
-I remember that there were around dozen trades with similar profit
-Needless to say, the Vikings were cashed away from the surface of the planet

Jul 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/11/98
a Long Hard Knight wrote:
>Should we read "Trade with enemy" as trade with other civ??? If so, then
>already covered that. If not, then I believe you are in error. I am fairly
sure that
>being at war, peace, or allied with another civ has no effect on the trade

I read somewhere - I thought it was in the manual - that trading with the
enemy Does give you a higher value/more points trade route than trading with
a civ with whom you are at peace. But I've wondered if you get more points
for trading with a civ that you've established a peace treaty with, than if
you trade with a civ with whom you simply have "contact." Anybody know?


Simon Leo Barber

Jul 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/16/98
In article <>, Flrois
<> writes

>My record for a single trade route was between a city of 36 (mine) and my
>biggest enemy, the zulu's.
>An uranium caravan went into his capital (23) and I didn't know what I saw.
>I got 2154 Gold. Since I didn't have a lot of money I tried it again
>sometimes, but then it never gave me more then 900 gold.
As far as I can see, the first time you send a caravan of anything the
city demands, you get a bonus - after that, it settles down.
>Jarno Hellstrom heeft geschreven in bericht ...
>>> > Any other trade secrets?
In several games, if the Barbarians have captured a city of mine on an
island, I'll leave it there and trade with it. If you put your caravan
on land and try to drive it in, it might be attacked. Solution ? Get the
transport ship just outside the city, Activate the Caravan, and it can
drive straight into the hostile city !
Hmm, amphibious landing caravans. I wonder if you could call
them the "Merchant Marines" ? 8)

Simon Leo Barber


Jul 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/16/98
Poster: Simon Leo Barber <>
Subject: Trade Routes

>>An uranium caravan went into his capital (23) and I didn't know what I saw.
>>I got 2154 Gold. Since I didn't have a lot of money I tried it again
>>sometimes, but then it never gave me more then 900 gold.
>As far as I can see, the first time you send a caravan of anything the
>city demands, you get a bonus - after that, it settles down.

Yeah, I've found that. I sent a caravan with silk or something from my
capital (7) to the enemy capital (6) early in the game. Then much later
I sent a Uranium freight from my capital (35) to the enemy capital (18)
while at war... I only got $300 for that, but a gems caravan between two
cities half the sizes of them in much less favourable conditions got me
more than twice that amount...
James Webley
"My whole life just flashed before my eyes - and it looked like a junk food
commercial." - Garfield
Random sig message using EasySign98:
I will accept spam e-mail for proof-reading. I charge $5 for every e-mail I
receive. Sending of spam e-mail is proof of receipt of this message, and
therefore compliance with this agreement.


Jul 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/17/98
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 17:24:55 +0100 was when Simon Leo Barber
<> babbled:

> Hmm, amphibious landing caravans. I wonder if you could call
>them the "Merchant Marines" ? 8)

Hmm, just like with Stlh. Fighter, you might need to abbreviate that.


Answers: $1, Short: $5, Correct: $25, dumb looks are still free.
remove "spa" to email

Jul 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/23/98
A Long Hsard Knight wrote:
>Do you try to place your cities to maximize land area coverage or for
>resource usage? In other words, if you could place a city and leave a two
>square strip not within a city radius but have four special resources
>available to the city you're placing, would you do it or would you move it
>over to have the city radius cover that two square strip? I typically go for
>the special resources early in the game and go for land area coverage later in
>the game (when the raging hordes of barbarians are popping up every turn in
>any area that has more than a couple of unclaimed squares .

I prefer to go for the maximum resource squares early on but my main
consideration is the defensive situation. I don't want another civ to come in
and set up shop in between my cities so i like to keep my towns close together
as much as possible. I only started playing that way recently and it has
improved my game.


Jul 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/23/98
>>Should we read "Trade with enemy" as trade with other civ??? If so, then
>>already covered that. If not, then I believe you are in error. I am
>sure that
>>being at war, peace, or allied with another civ has no effect on the trade
>I read somewhere - I thought it was in the manual - that trading with the
>enemy Does give you a higher value/more points trade route than trading
>a civ with whom you are at peace. But I've wondered if you get more points
>for trading with a civ that you've established a peace treaty with, than if
>you trade with a civ with whom you simply have "contact." Anybody know?

Not sure, here. I do know that the size of the city is not the determining
for how many trade icons you get for the trade route, it's the number of
icons in the source and destination cities that determines how many trade
you get for the route. I've sent caravans to cities size 5 and 6 that had
special resources for trade and gotten more trade than with a larger city
didn't have the special resources.

Now I've got a question for all of you . . . :-)

Do you try to place your cities to maximize land area coverage or for
usage? In other words, if you could place a city and leave a two square
not within a city radius but have four special resources available to the
city you're
placing, would you do it or would you move it over to have the city radius
that two square strip?
I typically go for the special resources early in the game and go for land
coverage later in the game (when the raging hordes of barbarians are popping
up every turn in any area that has more than a couple of unclaimed squares .

. .)
I've also gotten to the point that I typically follow this order of
construction when I
found a new city:
I am running in a Republic, have the Michelangelo's Chapel wonder, J.S.
Cathedral wonder, and have a musketeer/rifleman build and ready to support
the city when I found it. I juggle the resources being used around, after
the settlers/engineers, so that the city doesn't grow too fast for me to get
all of the
above done. Oh, yeah, I'm playing on warlord level. That gives me three
routes and the library to boost science. *I* think I'm doing pretty good.
want to comment or shoot down my ego??? :-)

A Long Hard Knight

Robert Lancaster

Jul 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/23/98

ALHK wrote in message <>...

>Not sure, here. I do know that the size of the city is not the determining
>for how many trade icons you get for the trade route, it's the number of
>icons in the source and destination cities that determines how many trade
>you get for the route. I've sent caravans to cities size 5 and 6 that had
>special resources for trade and gotten more trade than with a larger city
>didn't have the special resources.

Trade = (trade of caravans home city + destnation trade +4) /8 modified as

Both cities are yours -50%
Unit is a Freight (not caravan) +50%
Cities connected by road or rail +50%
Both cities have Airports +50%
Source city has superhighways +50%
Cities are on different continents +100%

This gives you the per turn value of the trade route.

The one off payment is as follows

Bonus = ((distance between cities +10) x (sum of trade of both cities)) / 24

modified as follows for items demanded by the destination city.....

Uranium X2
Oil X1.5
Silk, spice, gems, gold X1
Silver, Cloth, Wine X.5
other items X0

The final figure is (distance bonus X2) +demand bonus if both cities are
and (distance bonus + demand bonus) X2 if they are not.

This final figure is then modified as follows.....

During first 200 game turns or until both Navigation AND Invention are
discovered X2
After Railroad discovered X .67
After Flight X.33

You get this bonus in cash and the equivalent number of science icons.



Jul 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/23/98
>Trade = (trade of caravans home city + destnation trade +4) /8 modified as
>Both cities are yours -50%
>Unit is a Freight (not caravan) +50%
>Cities connected by road or rail +50%
>Both cities have Airports +50%
>Source city has superhighways +50%
>Cities are on different continents +100%
>This gives you the per turn value of the trade route.

Yeah, I've got the same formulae in the guide that I've got, but I was just
trying to explain it easily for whomever first asked the question and the
others that were debating how it was figured and all that. I think it also
says that connected by road is plus 50% and connected by rail is plus 50%
and that all of those are cumulative that can be. Right?

>The one off payment is as follows
>Bonus = ((distance between cities +10) x (sum of trade of both cities)) /
>modified as follows for items demanded by the destination city.....
>Uranium X2
>Oil X1.5
>Silk, spice, gems, gold X1
>Silver, Cloth, Wine X.5
>other items X0
>The final figure is (distance bonus X2) +demand bonus if both cities are
>yours, and (distance bonus + demand bonus) X2 if they are not.
>This final figure is then modified as follows.....
>During first 200 game turns or until both Navigation AND Invention are
>discovered X2
>After Railroad discovered X .67
>After Flight X.33

But is it x2 until game turn 200 or the discovery of Nav and Inv whichever
first or whichever is last??? I usually have Railroads *real* early in the
as it is the third target tech, following Inv and Explosives.

Robert Lancaster

Jul 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/24/98

ALHK wrote in message <>...

>>This final figure is then modified as follows.....
>>During first 200 game turns or until both Navigation AND Invention are
>>discovered X2
>>After Railroad discovered X .67
>>After Flight X.33
>But is it x2 until game turn 200 or the discovery of Nav and Inv whichever
>first or whichever is last??? I usually have Railroads *real* early in the
>as it is the third target tech, following Inv and Explosives.
My version doesn't make this clear, but I would guess whichever is first.

My tech targets almost match yours except I go for Monotheism between
Invention and Explosives.


Jul 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/24/98
In article <>,
> >This final figure is then modified as follows.....
> >
> >During first 200 game turns or until both Navigation AND Invention are
> >discovered X2
> >After Railroad discovered X .67
> >After Flight X.33
> But is it x2 until game turn 200 or the discovery of Nav and Inv whichever
> is
> first or whichever is last??? I usually have Railroads *real* early in the
> game
> as it is the third target tech, following Inv and Explosives.

Myself my major goals are:

1. Monarchy
2. Republic (Science)
3. Philosophy (free tech)
4. Democracy (We are number 1 in science)
5. Gunpowder (We have the best army as well)
6. Industrialization (Factories!)
7. Electronics (Hoover Dam!)
8. Miniaturazation (Offshore Oil)
9. Space Flight (Apollo Program)
10. Stealth (Punish our enemies if we can't bribe them)

Tom Walmsley

Jul 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/24/98
> Myself my major goals are:
> 1. Monarchy
> 2. Republic (Science)
> 3. Philosophy (free tech)
> 4. Democracy (We are number 1 in science)
> 5. Gunpowder (We have the best army as well)
> 6. Industrialization (Factories!)
> 7. Electronics (Hoover Dam!)
> 8. Miniaturazation (Offshore Oil)
> 9. Space Flight (Apollo Program)
> 10. Stealth (Punish our enemies if we can't bribe them)

I tend to go for:

1. Bronze working
2. Construction
3. Monarchy
4. Philosophy
5. Invention
6. Gunpowder

and then depending on how my game seems to be going I'll then either go for
leadership or railroads followed by espionage.

When it gets to the later stages of the game I don't really have any set
pattern, preferring to just see what seems best at the time.


Samuel Hogarth

Jul 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/25/98
In article <>, Robert Lancaster
<> writes

>Uranium X2
>Oil X1.5
>Silk, spice, gems, gold X1
>Silver, Cloth, Wine X.5
>other items X0

What, so if Uranium is demanded the number is actually multiplied by 3,
and if Oil is demanded the number is multiplied by 2.5?


Robert Lancaster

Jul 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/25/98

Tom Walmsley wrote in message <01bdb758$15251a00$de3163c3@default>...

>> Myself my major goals are:
>> 1. Monarchy
>> 2. Republic (Science)
>> 3. Philosophy (free tech)
>> 4. Democracy (We are number 1 in science)
>> 5. Gunpowder (We have the best army as well)
>> 6. Industrialization (Factories!)
>> 7. Electronics (Hoover Dam!)
>> 8. Miniaturazation (Offshore Oil)
>> 9. Space Flight (Apollo Program)
>> 10. Stealth (Punish our enemies if we can't bribe them)
>I tend to go for:
>1. Bronze working
>2. Construction
>3. Monarchy
>4. Philosophy
>5. Invention
>6. Gunpowder
>and then depending on how my game seems to be going I'll then either go for
>leadership or railroads followed by espionage.
My major targets are.....

1. Invention (Leos workshop)
2. Monotheism (Mikealangelo)
3. Explosives (Settler upgrade)
4. Railroad
5. Industrialization
6. Electronics (Hoover Dam)
7. Computers
8. Robotics Man. Plant and Howitzer)
9. Space Flight


Jul 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/26/98
In article <>,

"Robert Lancaster" <> wrote:
> Tom Walmsley wrote in message <01bdb758$15251a00$de3163c3@default>...
> >> Myself my major goals are:
> >>
> >> 1. Monarchy
> >> 2. Republic (Science)
> >> 3. Philosophy (free tech)
> >> 4. Democracy (We are number 1 in science)
> >> 5. Gunpowder (We have the best army as well)
> >> 6. Industrialization (Factories!)
> >> 7. Electronics (Hoover Dam!)
> >> 8. Miniaturazation (Offshore Oil)
> >> 9. Space Flight (Apollo Program)
> >> 10. Stealth (Punish our enemies if we can't bribe them)
> >
> >I tend to go for:
> >
> >1. Bronze working

I often get this for free is a goody hut or via a trade.

> >2. Construction

I've never needed Construction that early, so I discover
it between Republic and Philospohy.

> >3. Monarchy
> >4. Philosophy
> >5. Invention
> >6. Gunpowder
> >
> >and then depending on how my game seems to be going I'll then either go for
> >leadership or railroads followed by espionage.
> >
> My major targets are.....
> 1. Invention (Leos workshop)

Only reason I didn't list this by itself above is it's the
direct prereq to Democracy on my list above. Leos is a
must have in my game.

> 2. Monotheism (Mikealangelo)
Sometimes I trade for Monotheism, other times like me current I
discovered it after Philosphoy but before Democracy.

> 3. Explosives (Settler upgrade)

I discover that shortly after Industriatilization.

> 4. Railroad

Only reason I didn't list this is it being the direct
prereq to Industrialization.

> 5. Industrialization
> 6. Electronics (Hoover Dam)
> 7. Computers

I discover computers as part of my advance to Space Flight

> 8. Robotics Man. Plant and Howitzer)

I discover this right after space flight. I start building these
plants as soon as I discover it so when my Apollo Program is complete
I can quickly build SS parts.

> 9. Space Flight
> Rob

Peter Coleman

Jul 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/26/98
The first things I aim for are Writing and Trade (appropriately for the
original thread title). With diplomats and caravans I don't need too much in
the way of military units. The caravans generate the money and the diplomats
say if you can't beat 'em bribe 'em (or steal tech). On the way to trade
Currency gives you Marketplace, perhaps the most useful city upgrade, given
the length of its use.

I also rate Ceremonial Burial highly as the Temple improvement allows bigger
cities for little cost, but I usually get that as one of my starting techs. wrote in message <6pb39k$hl$>...

Robert Lancaster

Jul 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/26/98
to wrote in message <6pe3l2$lhm$>...

>> 3. Explosives (Settler upgrade)
>I discover that shortly after Industriatilization.
IMO, the Settler upgrade is the most important thing Leos workshop does, and
I would
always build Leos even if that was all it did.


Jul 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/27/98
In article <>,
I guess this is a matter of style, but to me the most imporant
thing is all the Pikemen and serveral other units become
Musketters when Gunpowder is discovered, so I don't have to
take time out improving cities to build them. However, I place
the upgrade of settlers to enginners as the next most
important upgrade, a definate must-have.


Jul 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/27/98
Mon, 27 Jul 1998 16:55:29 GMT was when babbled:

>I guess this is a matter of style, but to me the most imporant
>thing is all the Pikemen and serveral other units become
>Musketters when Gunpowder is discovered, so I don't have to
>take time out improving cities to build them. However, I place
>the upgrade of settlers to enginners as the next most
>important upgrade, a definate must-have.

Against the AI, it isn't always vital to upgrade those units. There
have been repeated instances when I left things alone (without owning
the wonder). The result? While most of my relevant cities had riflemen
and APC's patrolling, a few still had a bunch of guys with swords and
shields standing around. Amusing, I guess.


Power corrupts. Absolute power is really kind of neat.


Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98
>1. Invention (Leos workshop)
>2. Monotheism (Mikealangelo)
>3. Explosives (Settler upgrade)
>4. Railroad
>5. Industrialization
>6. Electronics (Hoover Dam)
>7. Computers
>8. Robotics Man. Plant and Howitzer)
>9. Space Flight

I have to jump in here, again I think, to say that your list mirrors
mine, for the most part. I don't usually go for Monotheism until
after I have Explosives and Railroad and usually after I have
Industrialization. Once I get Hoover Dam, I sort of just start
wandering this way and that in the tech tree. :-)

A Long Hard Knight

Frank van Unen

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98

This is not really what I consider Target Techs except for Leo's
Invention. I for myseld favour Democracy, because of the Statue.
The other techs are that late in the game that there are hardly any
opponents woth speaking of.
Of couse I want the Explosives, Railroads etc, but what counts in my
opinion is things like:
1. Bridge Building, (because of the road net)
2. Currency (Marketplace)
3. Horseback Riding (Horsemen)

Usually I try to keep a balance between military and other Techs. I am
not a man for just plain warfare. Although when I switch to
Fundamentalism, there is not much left to do than just that.

Frank van Unen

Samuel Hogarth

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
Is there anyone else who doesn't work to a specific tech path but just
picks things up along the way? Like, if I get to Banking and I still
haven't discovered Feudalism (this is off the top of my head - I haven't
worked out the likelihood or possibility of this), I'll just say, yeah,
I should probably have that by now, and research it.



Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
Fri, 31 Jul 1998 11:36:52 +0100 was when Samuel Hogarth
<> babbled:

That's what I do. I try and go for something that I want, say to get
me the Great Library or Magellan's, but if I get sidetracked, no
problem... (unless the competition is extremely fierce.... <g>)


A feature is a bug with seniority.

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
In article <>,

Samuel Hogarth <> wrote:
> Is there anyone else who doesn't work to a specific tech path but just
> picks things up along the way? Like, if I get to Banking and I still
> haven't discovered Feudalism (this is off the top of my head - I haven't
> worked out the likelihood or possibility of this), I'll just say, yeah,
> I should probably have that by now, and research it.
> SH

There are a few techs that I pick up when I think I need it at the
time and several early techs I usually acquire via trade, goody hut,
or GL.
Sanitation is one of those outside my planned path. I wait to research that
until I notice my first size 12 city. Theology is another one that I
vary a lot, I discover that one either after the AI builds the Oracle
or I've completed building Mike's Chapel. Both Feudalism and
Bank are in my planned path (Feudalism well before Banking), athough
sometimes I acquire Feudalism via the goody hut.


Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
alright just gotta jump in for my $0.02, i find the idea of not considering
Monotheism a key tech a grave mistake.

personally i develop thus
1) Monarchy
2)Bronze Working(If i dont start with it)
3)Pottery(Hanging gardens...i lovem...helps me more than pyramids)
4)Literacy(Great Lib. and a start on #4)
5)Philosophy(Free Tech. adv.)
6)Monotheism(Mike's chapel)

ny the time i get mono. i'll have built the GL... probably have gotten
construction from it along the way. Rush build Mike's(always have a couple
of cities on wonders to change onto it)

7)Invention(Leo's a must)

once i've got mike's i'll change to a republic...but i usually have inv. ny

i don't get gunpoweder till i'v got mikes, once i've got the muketeers i can
be sure nobody is going to barge in and take it from me(exception: if
somebody else gets it so do i...does anyone else think the ai is
ridiculously slow in researchin invention and gunpowder? even with the tech
run to mono. i usually have gunpowder before anyone else has invention)

9)economics(adam smiths) or gunpowder(depending on leo's and the other civs)

as a democracy with adam smiths, my science can usually hit 70% with 20%
luxeries, which allows size 3&4 cities to celebrate up to 5&6s without
markets, and also allows me to conduct wars as a democracy without to much

at this point my science begins to go nuts, and i go from being moderately
dominant to being unstoppable.

i then do the bridge building explosives railroad thing, and once i've got
railroad i use cannons to kill anyone without gunpowder(or if a civ with
gunpwder is not all that large...but nearby, i'll build a sufficient no. of
cannons to kill them anyway:)

once i've knocked off a civ it's merely a matter of time befor i
win(assuming everything has gone to plan:)

Frank van Unen wrote in message <>...

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