-Mark Everson
I have not only the approximate formula for the cost to bribe an
enemy city, I have the exact one. It is:
Cost = ( ( Enemy Cash + 1000 ) / ( Distance + 3 ) ) x Citysize
Enemy Cash = amount of gold an enemy has
Distance = 32 if the enemy hasn't got a palace, divide by 2 if
the city has a courthouse. If the enemy is a comunism the
max. distance is allways 10.
Other factors:
City in dis-order cost = Cost / 2
No units in city cost = Cost / 2
The city is yours but taken by an enemy cost = Cost / 2
A spy is bribing cost = Cost x 0.84
A veteran unit is bribing cost = Cost x 0,67
These factors are cumulative, if you bribe a city which is in
dis-order and has no units inside the cost = Cost / 4
I hope this helps.
Daniël Proost
ICQ 25652054
>I have not only the approximate formula for the cost to bribe an
>enemy city, I have the exact one. It is:
>Cost = ( ( Enemy Cash + 1000 ) / ( Distance + 3 ) ) x Citysize
>Enemy Cash = amount of gold an enemy has
>Distance = 32 if the enemy hasn't got a palace, divide by 2 if
>the city has a courthouse. If the enemy is a comunism the
>max. distance is allways 10.
>Other factors:
>City in dis-order cost = Cost / 2
>No units in city cost = Cost / 2
>The city is yours but taken by an enemy cost = Cost / 2
>A spy is bribing cost = Cost x 0.84
>A veteran unit is bribing cost = Cost x 0,67
>These factors are cumulative, if you bribe a city which is in
>dis-order and has no units inside the cost = Cost / 4
>I hope this helps.
>Daniël Proost
>ICQ 25652054
How does this fit into the formula:
When trying to buy an enemy city, the price differs depending on the angle
of "attack" of the spy!?
Happy new year
>How does this fit into the formula:
>When trying to buy an enemy city, the price differs depending on the
>of "attack" of the spy!?
The only thing I can think of that the spy is blocking the
most direct way between a city and its capital, therefore
making the distance between them a little bit bigger. I
don't know for certain if this is the case, but it is the only
thing I can think of. (BTW I have never noticed this myself,
that the angle has an influence.)
If you change the angle of approach on the same turn, the cost should be the
same. I know of no modifiers for terrain in the bribe formula. If,
however, the change of angle occurs on seperate turns it is highly likely to
get a different cost as that civs statistics change. This city could have
grown in that turn. The civ could have stockpiled more gold. A change of
government may have ocurred. So on and so forth...
Those are the rules. I don't live by 'em, I just make 'em up.
No. The cost for bribing a city actually depends on where the spy is in
relation to the city and the capital of the nation it is bribing. (I've checked
many times by moving a spy around a city on the same turn and seeing how much it
costs from each angle.) I believe this is because the distance that is measured
is from the spy, not from the city.
--Daniel Giaimo
Remove nospam. from my address to e-mail me. | dgiaimo@(nospam.)ix.netcom.com
Version: 3.1
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>The only thing I can think of that the spy is blocking the
>most direct way between a city and its capital, therefore
>making the distance between them a little bit bigger.
This is probably right. Before, when I've had the enemy capital surrounded
(but unable to take the blasted thing) I noticed that bribing was *very* easy.
Distance is probably calculated by the position of the spy, I imagine.
'Wake up! You're just having a nightmare - of course,
we are still in hell.' (to reply, replace 'up' with 'down')
I don't have a formula but from observation:
1. A city in disorder is much cheaper to bribe from.
2. Barbarian cities are dirt cheap to bribe.
3. Smaller cities are cheaper to bribe than larger cities.
4. Low forms of govt (Republic, Monarchy, and especially Despotism)
are cheaper to bribe than Fundamenalism and Communism.
5. The larger the civs tresury, the more costly it is to bribe cities from.
6. In most forms of govt, the further the city is from the capital, the
cheaper it is to bribe.
7. If the civilization has no capital, it's dirt cheap to buy their cities.
Jon Nunn
Friends Don't Let Friends Do Cobol
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