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Masonic Psychiatry and Doctors Can Repent!

閲覧: 27 回

2005/12/29 0:56:412005/12/29
If they abandon their proffessions and turn to YEHOVAH.

There are a total of 17 links in this post. If there isn't then your
ISP filtered them out so you should switch services to someone who
supports freespeech.

Psychiatry in the USA was founded by the Freemason named Benjamin Rush
one of the signers of the USA constitution. Benjamin Rush is called
today "The Father of Psychiatry". Benjamin Rush invented a restraint
chair with straps on it that he named "The Tranquilizer". Psychiatry
and Psychology is a Masonic Craft or Art to identify YEHOVAH's sheep
and suppress and kill them while goats they call "normal". Freemasons
will even due black magick rituals to call on demons to attack people
they want targeted so that these people appear insane to others. They
will also put implants in them either by abduction or through the
medical and psychiatric system and then track them where ever they go
via the cellular phone towers and or the GPS satelite tracking system
and if they become a "problem" they will target them with mind numbing
microwave transmitions, or they will torture them with microwave lazers
called mazers from satelites (same thing used to make the crop circles)
or even beam them with high powered x-ray and gamma ray lazers from
satelites called xazers and gazers respectively. If they just want to
watch the person they view them by spy satelite because they know your
exact location via triangulation using the GPS satelite tracking system
which is a network of satelites and it takes three at a time to track
something through triangulation. The celluar phone towers also can
track you with the triangulation apperatus at the top of it. The
Freemason Benjamin Rush also invented the "straight jacket". Although
the first link is run by an organization run by Scientology it does a
good job exposing these people. Freemasons are responsible for Aleister
Crowley and the OTO and his law of thelema and the OTO (Ordo Templi
Orientis) is responsible for the church of scientology. This is the
synthosis of scientology - Knights Templar ---> Freemasons ---->
Scottish Rite Freemasonry ----> Ordo Templi Orientis -----> The Church
of Scientology

The American Psychiatric Association and Psychology Associations are
actually Masonic Orders. Psychiatry and Psychology are Masonic Arts or
Crafts. Yes Freemasons have their secret Masonic Order of Psychiatry
and Masonic Order of Psychology.

See all the links below.
See the posts on this link by this poster. See all the posts by

Bill Clinton's name adds up to 666 in both Hebrew and Greek. Check out
the link above and be sure to archive it.

In ASCII charector computer values "al gore" adds up to 666 when
spelled in all lower case and if you include the space charector. ASCII
stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange". This
code was invented by the USA military during world war II. Original
IBM, Apple and Atari computers used the ASCII code.

Bill Cinton was president during the years 1998, 1999 and 2000.
666+666+666=1998 . 1999 upside down is 6661 and 2000 devided by 3 is
666.6666666666666 into infinity. They were planning on making their
holocaust in 2000 with the Y2K but their plans falled apart. The Galieo
space probe to Jupiter's fuel was enriched plutonium and it had far
fuel then it needed to power the probe. They had planned that when the
stalite entered the atmosphere of Jupiter that when the plutonium
reached the center of the gassious planet that the weight of the
atmosphere would created an atomic reaction and the gassious planet
would ignite forming a new star that they had planned on naming
"Lucifer". Jupiter is another name for Zeus. The milenium celibrations
were suposed to usher in the new age and they had planned on putting a
golden capstone by helecopter lift on the Great Pyramid of Giza time as
Jupiter ignited. As you know Egypt backed out of agreeing to let the
USA do this hearing rumers that this was a Zionist Masonic ritual. I am
the one who started that with the post I posted to the internet on entitled "Mountain of Meating on the Back of the USA
one dollar bill". The mountain of meeting can be found in the same
location of the Holy Scriptures where it speaks of Lucifer.

Here are some things to think about.

If A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 and so on all the way to Z in multiples of 6 then
these things add up to 666.

"SSNUMBER"(Social Security Number)
"NEW YORK" (Home of the United Nations)
"VACCINATION" (You would be amazed at the filth that goes into these
injections. For instance the Rubella vaccinine actually has the tissue
of aborted fetuses in it)

There are many things that add up to 666 with the method above for
forward through the alphebet and backwards through it. Also many things
in ASCII that add up to 666. You may try reversing the order of the
ASCII code to unveal hidden obscure 666 numberings. Bill Gates real
name is William Gates III but he is better known as Bill Gates. "BILL
GATES 3" adds up to 666 in ASCII. Amazing because Bill Gates was not
even born yet when the ASCII code was invented!

YEHOVAH is making these demonic plans of the Illuminati fall apart
because their plans do not fall in line with the prophesies of
Revelation that false religion the Harlet Babylon the Great would be
stripped naked, devoured and burned by fire by the Scarlet Colored Wild
Beast that she is riding because the Illuminati is Babylon the Great.
Real servant of the Almighty Father YEHOVAH and His Male Offspring
YEHOSHUVAH don't have anything to fear from these people because the
United Nations Beast will turn of the Harlet that is riding her
promoting it as God' political expression of His Kingdom on Earth. The
Vatican also promotes the U.N. as God's political expression of His
Kingdon on Earth so you can see she is also part of the Harlet.

Don't worry if you already have a VACCINATION or a SSNUMBER because in
the days of the early Christians there were 6 different denominations
of Roman Coins and they were 500,100,50,10,5 and 1. As you can see they
add up to 666 but that didn't stop early Christians from spending the
money nore did they view spending it as having the Mark of the Beast.
These things that add up to 666 must simply be a trick of Satan who the
Holy Scriptures says is really ruling the world right now. In Japan the
currency is 500,100,50,10,5 and 1 also.

Bill Clinton was a Masonic Demolay during his youth but today he is a
member of the Ordo Templi Orientis a follower of foul Satanist Aleister
Crowley who was also a 33rd degree Freemason being awarded this level
by the 33rd degree Freemasons who originally controlled the OTO. L. Ron
Hubbard was Aleister Crowley's "right hand man". Jack Parsons was
Aleister Crowley's "left hand man". Aleister Crowley was a Bisexual and
practiced sex magick with these two men. These men literally consumed
each other's bodily fluids. Yuk!!!!!!!!!!! L Ron Hubbard left the OTO
and formed the Church of Scientology. There are many movie stars in
holywood who are Scientologists. Jack Parsons was Americas most
important rocked scientists because he invented the solid fuel rocket
engine that made it possible to make intercontinental balistic missles
and put things into orbit and probes to other planets. The followers of
Aleister Crowley hate Scientology because they feel L Ron Hubbard
betrayed them.

Anyway the real reason Jupiter did not ignite during the year 2000 is
because it is not a gassious planet but actually has a surface. The red
spot of Jupiter has always been said by scientists to be a perpetual
storm but what it actually is a huge volcano on the surface that is
continually belching smoke. Satan duped the Scientists in the

Although I would not get a vaccination you can use a computer even
though it adds up to 666 as long as you are serving the interests of
the Almighty Father YEHOVAH since the Holy Scriptures says to "make
friends in the heavenly places with the unrighteous riches so when
these fail they may recieve you into the everlasting dwelling places".

Oh you should know that YEHOVAH used me to tip off William Cooper that
the UFOs and Aliens were a hoax and why but I told William Cooper not
to promote militias and gun ownership but to put his trust in YEHOVAH.
I kept telling him that YEHOSHUVAH ('jesus') said that those who live
by the sword will die by the sword" but he kept saying "Putting your in
God did not save anyone from Hitler did it?" I even mailed William
Cooper literature of YEHOVAH's Witnesses including the book "Revelation
its Grand Climax is at Hand" which would explain why he links the
League of Nations with the United Nations. Well because William Cooper
would not listen to me and put his trust in YEHOVAH and not a gun he
was shot dead by a Masonic deputy. What happend was that William Cooper
told a neibor that was harrassing him to stay off his property while he
was holding his gun. Later a warrent was issued for his arrest. A buch
of young deputies rode up in a pick up truck immitating a bunch of
rowdy teenagers comming to terrorize him. So he came out and pointed
his gun at them to get them to leave. But one of the deputies shot at
him and William Copper shot back grazing the head of one of them and
then the deputies shot back and William Cooper was dead. Yes William
Cooper was shot dead by Masonic deputies. Willaim Cooper read my post
to parascope that aliens were the product of human guinia pig research
with genetic engineering but later I posted there that originally it
was not genetic enginering but was the result of exposing successive
generations of children to radiation and toxins of all kinds. The so
called "Grey Aliens" are actually just humans. :-)

For many truths of YEHOVAH's Word start with YEHOVAH's Witnesses. - These people can repent!!!!!!!!!!

2005/12/29 1:02:282005/12/29

2005/12/29 1:03:502005/12/29

http://87r http://
bygt675t6 tinyu
guitg87t87 /7tnv3

Put the peices above on the right side together if you did not see the
whole link.

Look up the word "Goof Ball" in the Webster's Ninth New Collegiate
Dictionary. It means a drug like a tranquilizer which is what Freemason
Gene wants me to take. The second definition of Goof Ball is an
incompitent bungling fool. That is what Masons want to do to true
Christians like me. Turn them into Goof Balls with their Goof Balls!
The Freemasons psychiatric antipsychotic drugs actually disable a
person not enable them. The person who started psychiatry in the USA
was a Freemason named Benjamin Rush one of the signers of the USA
constitution. He is called "The Father of Psychiatry". He invented the
straight jacket and also the restraint chair which he called "The
Tranquilizer" which is where this word originated. The electric chair
today is a modification of this Masonic invention. The American
Psychiatric Association is an Order of Freemasonry and all
psychiatrists and psychologists are trained in the "art" of identifying
sheep and persecuting them and killing them and letting goats free and
calling them "normal". Freemasons are EVIL to the core. But you can
repent! - For a start at learning the truth
but they are wrong on many accounts.

2005/12/29 1:05:032005/12/29

To Bush, the Souls of Humans are just stepping stones to world empire

2005/12/29 5:49:292005/12/29

<> wrote in message

Your Jehovah's Witness. You need to repent.



2005/12/29 6:36:492005/12/29
On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 10:49:29 GMT, "To Bush, the Souls of Humans are
just stepping stones to world empire" <> typed

>Your Jehovah's Witness. You need to repent.

Thank you very little for so kindly for reposting all 200+ lines of
this person's ramblings. I'm sure those on dial-up are so pleased that
you cost them an extra few cents on their internet bill just to read
your one line at the bottom of all of that repetition. After all they
had already downloaded it or, if the author was killfiled, they didn't
want to read it anyway but you forced them to download it. You really
are so considerate of others in that you try to ensure that all this
idiocy is just spread so far and wide that nobody can avoid it.

BTW you should have used "You're" as I'm sure the original poster
doesn't own the JW organisation.
David Simpson (Remove "farook" to reply)
(Unattached MM. Victoria, Australia)
Bad manners should not be a capital crime ...
for a first offence.
Paraphrasing Robert Heinlein,
Note New Address: justdas at iinet dot net dot au

Frank Arthur

2005/12/29 9:27:202005/12/29
You are insane!

<> wrote in message

Jay T. Beatty

2005/12/29 15:23:382005/12/29

<> wrote in message

> http://87r http://
> bygt675t6 tinyu
> guitg87t87 /7tnv3
> Put the peices above on the right side together if you did not see the
> whole link.
> Look up the word "Goof Ball" in the Webster's Ninth New Collegiate
> Dictionary. It means a drug like a tranquilizer which is what Freemason
> Gene wants me to take. The second definition of Goof Ball is an
> incompitent bungling fool. That is what Masons want to do to true
> Christians like me. Turn them into Goof Balls with their Goof Balls!

It appears as though someone already did.

2005/12/29 15:59:042005/12/29
To: wrote:
> If they abandon their proffessions and turn to YEHOVAH.

Sorry, I don't believe in religion and think ALL religions are forms of
mind control.

> There are a total of 17 links in this post. If there isn't then your
> ISP filtered them out so you should switch services to someone who
> supports freespeech.
> Psychiatry in the USA was founded by the Freemason named Benjamin Rush
> one of the signers of the USA constitution. Benjamin Rush is called
> today "The Father of Psychiatry". Benjamin Rush invented a restraint
> chair with straps on it that he named "The Tranquilizer".

I do believe psychiatry is a "tool of the devil" for many reasons.
What more information or dirt have you got on psychiatry?
But psychiatry is something that was invented in the 1940s or 50s,
wasn't it? Benjamin Rush is some sort of historic personality, wasn't

> Psychiatry
> and Psychology is a Masonic Craft or Art to identify YEHOVAH's sheep
> and suppress and kill them while goats they call "normal". Freemasons
> will even due black magick rituals to call on demons to attack people
> they want targeted so that these people appear insane to others. They
> will also put implants in them either by abduction or through the
> medical and psychiatric system and then track them where ever they go
> via the cellular phone towers and or the GPS satelite tracking system
> and if they become a "problem" they will target them with mind numbing
> microwave transmitions, or they will torture them with microwave lazers
> called mazers from satelites (same thing used to make the crop circles)
> or even beam them with high powered x-ray and gamma ray lazers from
> satelites called xazers and gazers respectively. If they just want to
> watch the person they view them by spy satelite because they know your
> exact location via triangulation using the GPS satelite tracking system
> which is a network of satelites and it takes three at a time to track
> something through triangulation. The celluar phone towers also can
> track you with the triangulation apperatus at the top of it. The
> Freemason Benjamin Rush also invented the "straight jacket".

Where do you get all this information from. Its interesting if its

> Although
> the first link is run by an organization run by Scientology it does a
> good job exposing these people. Freemasons are responsible for Aleister
> Crowley and the OTO and his law of thelema and the OTO (Ordo Templi
> Orientis) is responsible for the church of scientology. This is the
> synthosis of scientology - Knights Templar ---> Freemasons ---->
> Scottish Rite Freemasonry ----> Ordo Templi Orientis -----> The Church
> of Scientology

What is wrong with Scientology ie the original scientology, not what it
has become these days?

Ron L. Hubbard says that scientology was infiltrated and taken over,
that there was a campaign to discredit it since the 1950s which was due
to its opposition to psychiatry, which he claimed was a tool to
infiltrate and suppress the west.

Where do you get the above synthesis of scientology from?


Jay T. Beatty

2005/12/29 17:04:332005/12/29

> Where do you get the above synthesis of scientology from?
> Carole

The link to the conspiracy web site is awesome, so damn funny. Thanks.

2005/12/30 7:58:062005/12/30
The Freemasons have claimed many many times that they are from the
Knights Templar. After the 3rd degree of Freemasonry you can join
either Scottish Rite Freemasonry or York Rite Freemasonry. The highest
levels of York Rite are called the Knights Templar degrees. The highest
levels of the Scottish Rite are 32 and 33rd degrees. The 32nd degree is
called the Northern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the
33rd degree is called the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite
Freemasonry. Albert Pike was the one time leader of the Scottish Rite
being a 33rd degree Freemason. He started the KKK and got it organized
and was also the master midn behind the assasination of Abraham
Lincoln. Albert Pike actually had to hide in Canada for many years
because he was trying to avoid being prosecuted in the USA. The
occultic orders are loyal to the Royal Family of England. The Duke of
Kent is the Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of England and the
Grand Lodge of Scottland is over the Grand Lodge of England. The Ordo
Templi Orientis was started by a group of 33rd degree Scottish Rite
Freemasons. They were facinated by Aleister Crowley and took him in and
gave him a 33rd degree in the Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Later Aleister
Crowley became the leader of the OTO and reorganized it and L Ron
Hubbard was his right hand man and Jack Parsons was his left hand man.
Those three men were the inner circle of the OTO at one time. Aleister
Crowley was a bisexual who tought sex magick which is consuming bodily
fluids such as semen. Aleister Crowley tought his followers that semen
was "living water" and that if you consume it you will live forever or
have an immortal soul that survives death. He called semen mixed with
menustration cought right after intercource "the elixer" and promoted
its consumption. Aleister Crowley even sold little wafers with his own
semen in them. The three men in the original inner circle of the OTO
consumed each other's bodily fluids in acts of perversion. This is the
secret past of L Ron Hubbard. L Ron Hubbard formed the Church of
Scientology as you know. Aleister Crowley called consuming semen
"spermo-gnostics". Go to and see all the posts I
left on that group starting last Oct with the message entitled; "A
Friendly message for Freemasons from a JW" and then read all messages
left by me untill now.

You say you do not believe in religion but at the same time say you
believe in the Devil. Never the less you can be on your way to learning
the truth by reading all the publications of this group; - But there are some errors in that organization
though. I am a member of that org in good standing but i have advanced
thanks to the Almighty Father YEHOVAH. You need to say the prayer that
i left for the Freemasons on alt.freemasonry by going to

2005/12/30 8:08:462005/12/30
There are no aliens. Read this link by the late William Cooper.

2005/12/30 8:11:502005/12/30
Goof Ball means someone that is bungling and abesent minded and always
making mistakes and can not take care of themselves. I don't have any
of those problems. The other definition of Goof Ball is a drug that
makes you sleep a lot like an anti-psychotic drug. That is what those
drugs will do to a person. Turn them into a goof ball while they are
taking them.


2005/12/30 10:24:042005/12/30
To: wrote:

> The Ordo
> Templi Orientis was started by a group of 33rd degree Scottish Rite
> Freemasons. They were facinated by Aleister Crowley and took him in and
> gave him a 33rd degree in the Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Later Aleister
> Crowley became the leader of the OTO and reorganized it and L Ron
> Hubbard was his right hand man and Jack Parsons was his left hand man.

The Hubbard and Crowley connection would be very interesting if true,
where does it come from? Any source or link, please.


2005/12/30 10:57:212005/12/30
Sammy wrote:

>The Freemasons have claimed many many times that they >are from the Knights Templar.

No, everyone else is trying to prove this theory.

He also wrote:

>The 32nd degree is called the Northern Jurisdiction of >Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the 33rd degree is called the >Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite

Here, you once again prove your ignorance, both the Northern & Southern
Jurisdictions confirm the 32nd Degree upon their candidates and both
give out the honorary 33rd Degree.

It would be appreciated if you would, just once in a while, check your
facts before putting your absurd statements into this newsgroup.

George K.


2005/12/30 11:53:402005/12/30
_/Beaverfolk <> wrote\_

> wrote:
>> Crowley became the leader of the OTO and reorganized it and L Ron
>> Hubbard was his right hand man and Jack Parsons was his left hand man.
> The Hubbard and Crowley connection would be very interesting if true,
> where does it come from? Any source or link, please.

Hubbard deffinately was awestruck by Crowley, but Crowley didn't
reciprocate the admiration. In Crowley's words:

"Apparently Parsons and Hubbard or somebody is producing a moonchild. I
get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts."

Does that sound like something one would say about their right and left
hand men? Take everything Sam says with a grain of salt.


Jay T. Beatty

2005/12/30 12:06:162005/12/30

<> wrote in message

> Goof Ball means someone that is bungling and abesent minded and always
> making mistakes and can not take care of themselves. I don't have any
> of those problems.

Are you sure about that?

>The other definition of Goof Ball is a drug that
> makes you sleep a lot like an anti-psychotic drug. That is what those
> drugs will do to a person. Turn them into a goof ball while they are
> taking them.

Check your meds

Jay T. Beatty

2005/12/30 12:08:152005/12/30

<> wrote in message

> There are no aliens. Read this link by the late William Cooper.

Lol, another good one.

Jay T. Beatty

2005/12/30 12:10:382005/12/30

"KIV11" <> wrote in message

These types of people don't check facts, just give them a wacky theory and
watch them run with it.


2005/12/30 12:17:332005/12/30
_/Jay <> wrote\_

> These types of people don't check facts, just give them a wacky theory
> and watch them run with it.

A lot of them use sources such as to base their arguments,
ignorant of the fact that the webmasters will write just about anything
to get more hits.


Jay T. Beatty

2005/12/30 12:45:092005/12/30

"slunky" <> wrote in message

I like conspiracy sites, they make me laugh.

Alan Harding

2005/12/30 14:47:012005/12/30
In message <>, writes

>There are no aliens.

I must tell that one to my family back on Alpha Centauri. They'll laugh
their trousers off.

The opinions given above may be mine. They might also
just be what I feel like saying right now, okay?

2005/12/30 16:48:172005/12/30
To: wrote:
> There are no aliens. Read this link by the late William Cooper.

Thanks for that.
I've also been reading William R Lynne's 'Pentagon Aliens', where he
says that aliens were invented by the Pentagon, ie the same thing.

Makes you wonder though, why there wouldn't be life forms on other
planets who may be more highly evolved technically, doesn't it? Lynne
claims that space travel is impossible, I think that's what he's saying
- should reread it. He says that the high speeds involved would cause
too much turbulence in space. Apparently space isn't totally empty but
has some sort of atoms however far apart and spread out they are.

On the other hand many people who have ever read the books of Lobsang
Rampa would be familiar with the his story about the Gardeners of the
Universe who watched the earth form and planted life here. They turned
up in their space ships and planted life here.

So if there aren't any actual aliens at all, where did life come from?
Perhaps there are aliens but the Pentagon wanted to produce their own
version, so they could control the masses with their made up stories


2005/12/30 17:11:522005/12/30

Thanks for all that info. However, I don't know how seriously to take
information on Scientology and LRH because I think there is a lot of
disinformation out there about the religion. For one thing Scientology
claims it has been persecuted almost from the time it began, and there
is a global conspiracy to enslave the planet. Scientology exposed the
Alaska Mental Health Bill presented to congress in the 50s and claims
psychiatry is a tool to undermine the west. These days Scientology has
been infiltrated by the global enslavers and the teachings have been
modified somehow from the original, so the story goes.

> Go to and see all the posts I
> left on that group starting last Oct with the message entitled; "A
> Friendly message for Freemasons from a JW" and then read all messages
> left by me untill now.
> You say you do not believe in religion but at the same time say you
> believe in the Devil. Never the less you can be on your way to learning
> the truth by reading all the publications of this group;
> - But there are some errors in that organization
> though.

OK. I went there and read some of your message - the following snippet
is an example.

" I am an anointed Yehovah's Witness (Jehovah's Witness)
The Almighty Father gave me this chapter in the Holy Scriptures
especially for Freemasons. How did he give me this chapter you may ask?

Yehovah gives me answers to questions when I pray to Him using His Holy

Name Yehovah through the real name of His Male Offspring ("Son")
Yehoshuvah ("Jesus"). All I have to do is pray and ask the question and

allow Yehovah's Holy Spirit to lead me and I just open the Holy
Scriptures and the answer will be on those pages and if the Holy Spirit


Sorry, your words fall on infertile ground. I don't believe in Yehovah
and don't think god talks to people personally, and I don't believe in
Jesus or the holy spirit. I think all religions are man made
concoctions to subjugate the masses.

> I am a member of that org in good standing but i have advanced
> thanks to the Almighty Father YEHOVAH. You need to say the prayer that
> i left for the Freemasons on alt.freemasonry by going to

Maybe every religion has some truth and some disinformation.
No, I don't believe in religion. What is the purpose of believing in
religion? I believe in science, the laws of nature, the laws of cause
and effect but we live in a very subjective world and we all have
limited consciousness. How can a person work out the meaning of life
under such circumstances, let alone decide what is the nature of god?
Yes, there was probably a first cause, a creator, but we can't ever
understand the nature of eternity because to us everything has a
beginning and an end, what is the use in trying to work such things


Gene Goldman

2005/12/30 20:39:372005/12/30
KIV11 wrote:

> It would be appreciated if you would, just once in a while, check your
> facts before putting your absurd statements into this newsgroup.

Brother George,
I know it's the wrong season, but I am reminded of a phrase we hear
every year - Why should that post be different from any other?

|O| Be well. Travel with a light heart. - Goldman 3:16

Brother Gene .*.
past Master of two (2) Black Lodges
Blackmer #442 and Black Mountain #845
Regular 1,765 degree Mason
Chief Intellectually Lazy, Cynical, Sarcastic, Smarmy, Defensive,
Ignorant-Heckling and Bad-Attituded Nitwit
Named member of the Bennie-Goldman Jive-Talk Team
Machiavellian Prince, The Master Of Greatest Machinations
Apparition Who Still Rattles Around The Inside Of Freemasonry
First Official Recipient of the Order of the Fish Taco
Most Wonderful Grand High Exalted Imperial Omnipotent Mystic Regal
Stomper, and Wearer of the Official Purple Underwear
Hyram Award 2004
ICQ #503060
"Are you guys ready? Let's Roll!!"
Todd Beamer, Flight 93

"In theory, Communism works! - Russian saying.

Version: 3.1
GCM/CC/TW/O d--(++) s:,s++ a+ C+(++++) U--- P! L-- E! W++ N+++ o-- K-
w++++ O---- M--(+) V? PS+++ Y+ PGP-- t* 5 X- R* tv+++ b++ DI+++ D G e*
h---- r+++ y++++
Remember: Your Masonry may be different from someone else's.
Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.

Any Mason may use the contents for any valid Masonic purpose, permission
may be granted to others upon request.

Doesn't everyone love rhetorical questions?
Objects in this post are funnier than they appear
Be seeing you

And in case I don't see ya' - Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!


2005/12/30 22:28:592005/12/30

Ah yes, it's gotta be the clams. Unless the JWs are in
on the 'harass psychiatry' racket (just because they post JW
literature doesn't make them JWs).

I know that the clams also subscribe to some paranoid
conspiracy theories - I think they buy into the 'illuminati'
and 'freemasons' are threatening bs.

Why else would they xpost to manic depression groups?

Anyway, it's bs. Freemasonry is part of the enlightenment
tendency in the US and Europe.

> Freemasonry upholds the principles of "Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth" (or in France: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"). It teaches moral lessons through rituals. Members working through the rituals are taught by degrees. Freemasonry is also widely involved in charity and community service, as well as providing a social outlet for their members. There is, in theory, considerable variance in the emphasis on these different aspects of Masonry around the world. In Continental Europe, the philosophical side of Freemasonry is emphasized, while in Britain, North America, and the English-speaking parts of the world, charity tends to be emphasized by Masonic Lodges. Nevertheless, philosophy and esoteric knowledge remains a deep interest to many Freemasons in the English-speaking world, though, as the term, 'esoteric' surely implies, it is not immediately accessible to the beginner. Rather, in Britain and America, etc., the philosophical aspects of the 'Craft' tend to be discussed
privately by the most dedicated Masons, sometimes in formal, and sometimes informal, organizations. Although non-Masons often regard Freemasonry as a "secret society," Freemasonry is neither a unified society (there being several groups not in a relationship with one another), nor are the secrets of Freemasonry secret. These have been published countless times, and can be found in many good libraries. Moreover, Freemasons themselves frequently reprint the "secrets" in scholarly studies that are available to the public, even though the "obligation" of Freemasonry technically prohibits this. Indeed, one of the least championed, though most important aspects of Masonry is its dedication to scholarly exploration of the "Craft".
> Freemasonry as an organisation does not involve itself in politics. Thus, to quote the second rule or 'charge of a FreeMason', published by James Anderson in 1723, "A Mason is a peacable Subject to the Civil Powers, wherever he resides or works, and is never to be concern'd in Plots or Conspiracies..." It has been argued that some of its members have, over the centuries, supported political movements that in some way express notions similar to those of Freemasonry, e.g., the American Revolution. It is certainly true that some on the revolutionary side (such as George Washington) were Freemasons, though Freemasons were also present in the British and loyalist camps.

'Brotherly love'. God forbid.


2005/12/30 22:34:112005/12/30

Hitler on Freemasonry:

> Hitler too had been aware of the power of occult symbols and
> rituals. Speaking of Freemasons, he said "All the supposed
> abominations, the skeletons and death's head, the coffins and the
> mysteries, are mere bogeys for children. But there is one
> dangerous element and that is the element I have copied from
> them. They form a sort of priestly nobility. They have developed
> and esoteric doctrine more merely formulated, but imparted
> through the symbols and mysteries in degrees of initiation. The
> hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic
> rites, that is to say, without bothering the brain by working on
> the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult, all this
> has a dangerous element, and the element I have taken over. Don't
> you see that our party must be of this character...? An Order,
> the hierarchial Order of a secular priesthood." (98)

You conspiranoid folks are in good company!!

2005/12/30 23:05:272005/12/30

Jay T. Beatty wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > Goof Ball means someone that is bungling and abesent minded and always
> > making mistakes and can not take care of themselves. I don't have any
> > of those problems.
> Are you sure about that?

I am quite sure. Look up goof ball in the Webster's Ninth New
Collegiate Dictionary. The second difinition is "a goofy person" and
then look up the word "goof" and you will see the difinition fits
closely with what I said above. My definition is more detailed however.


2005/12/30 23:09:212005/12/30
If you are going to reply to this, please delete the other groups...

<> wrote in message

2005/12/30 23:11:142005/12/30
You people here should know that the real UFOs are simply top secret
USA aircraft and satelite testing of dirrected energy weapons and the
so called real "men in black" were simply CIA who threatened witnesses
into keeping silent abou what they had seen. The CIA even threatened to

kill the person and his family if they did not keep silent. As you know

the CIA spy plane the "black bird" of area 51 has already been
declassified. They have aircraft today far more advanced then that
however. The so called "grey aliens" are nothing more then the result
of degenerative pleomorphism of human beings of Nazi human gunia pig
research that was continued by imported Nazi scientists under project
PaperClip after world war II. Remember that many of these Nazi
scientists when to work at area 51. Humans were exposed to numerous
toxins and radiation of all kinds to study the results on reproduction.

After many generations the people looked liked these so called "greys".

Imagine a world so polluted and defiled and people living in it that
look like these so called "greys" all with unhappy looks on their
faces. That would be the result of the human race if the Almighty
Father YEHOVAH did not send His Male Offspring YEHOSHUVAH ("Jesus") to
intervene in human affairs. Drugs or medications can also pass on
destructive genetic changes to your offspring. Many of the toxins these

"greys" were exposed to were the very pharmacuticals you are consuming.

Now they are genetically enginering these people to change them
further. They are using the DNA of other life on this planet to alter
these people further. That is the sad truth. See: --- I however do not endorse

physically fighting these people and bearing guns like William Cooper
who is now dead advocated. My warfare is simply spiritual in nature.
These people can even repent and turn to YEHOVAH in true forgiveness
and YEHOVAH would actually forgive them if they are sincere. That is
the truth.

2005/12/30 23:14:322005/12/30
Do some research. It is true. Try entering this into
--- +Hubbard +"Aleister Crowley" ---- Also try: +Hubbard +Jack
+"Aleister Crowley" ----- Try entering the same things into and and any other search engines you know

2005/12/30 23:19:492005/12/30
Hubbard was in the OTO and he was Crowley's right hand man in his brach
of the illuminati. Jack Parsons was his left hand man. Maybie what
Slunky is saying is that Crowley and Hubbard never actually engaged in
homosexual sexual relations but I am quite sure they did. The OTO hate
Scientology because they feel Hubbard betrayed them when he left the
OTO and formed Scientology. All occultists can repent!

2005/12/30 23:22:532005/12/30
You are full of borit. The highest level of level of York Rite
Freemasonry is called the Knights Templar degrees. FACT. The OTO
branched of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the OTO call themselves
"Oriental Templars".

Actually you are the one spreading the disinfo. What I said was true
about Northern and Southern Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

2005/12/30 23:22:532005/12/30


2005/12/31 0:28:122005/12/31
_/ <> wrote\_

Because as we all know, search engine queries are the ultimate source
for authoritative information! Want to verify something? Google it, and
tell us how many results come up! Of course the more results, the more
correct the statement! Take "Jesus was born under water" for example,
Google returns 364,000 sites and alltheweb returns 210,000 hit so it
must be true! Search Results prove it!



2005/12/31 0:34:102005/12/31
_/ <> wrote\_

> Maybie what Slunky is saying is that Crowley and Hubbard never
> actually engaged in homosexual sexual relations

Once again, your assumptions are wrong. That's not what I'm saying. I
was saying that Crowley wouldn't have Hubbard as a right hand man. If
anyone was a right hand man to Crowley, it would definately not be L.
Ron Hubbard. You're trying to tie everything into one grand conspiracy,
and it's not working.

> but I am quite sure they did.

Maybe you should see someone about your absurd sexual fantasies.

> The OTO hate Scientology because they feel Hubbard betrayed them when
> he left the OTO and formed Scientology.

The OTO hates Scientology? I wasn't aware then organisations had



2005/12/31 0:52:462005/12/31
_/Jay <> wrote\_

> I like conspiracy sites, they make me laugh.

Me too. The funniest thing I've heard today is that "The Qabala is
really only Babalonian Satanism."


Alan Harding

2005/12/31 2:37:572005/12/31
In message <>, writes

>You are full of borit.

Could you translate 'borit' into English please?

2005/12/31 6:11:112005/12/31
Slunky said; "Once again, your assumptions are wrong. That's not what

I'm saying. I
was saying that Crowley wouldn't have Hubbard as a right hand man. If
anyone was a right hand man to Crowley, it would definately not be L.
Ron Hubbard. You're trying to tie everything into one grand conspiracy,

and it's not working."

I saw it on the OTO web-sites themselves that the inner circle of the
OTO was L Run Hubbard , Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons. I have seen the
admission on multiple OTO web-sites in the past. The OTO members hate
Scientology which would explain why Slunky does not want people to
believe the truth just like the Freemasons don't want people to know
that Dick Cheney is a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. ------ Occultists can repent!

2005/12/31 6:15:392005/12/31
I saw it on the OTO web-sites themselves in the past and thos searches
will probably turn up many web-sites run by Thelemites.

Do some research. It is true. Try entering this into

+Hubbard +"Aleister Crowley" Also try: +Hubbard +Jack +"Aleister

Crowley" ----- Try entering the same things into and and any other search engines you know of.

Google has a histery of censorship of genuine information "dangerous"
to the status quo. FACT.

Occultists can repent!

2005/12/31 6:17:462005/12/31
Could you translate 'borit' into English please?

Use your imagination.

2005/12/31 6:24:522005/12/31

Science is the result of the original sin and all technology is
destroying the earth. Science is the result of Adam and Eve eating from
the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad. It is a poison knowledge
that is leading man to self destruction. The Holy Scriptures says that
it is not for man who is walking even to direct his own step. Read the
link above.



2005/12/31 8:15:082005/12/31
OK I will be nice. It is a Cebuano word that means hemoroids that is
also used when replying to someone when they are telling you lies. For
instance if it were the 4th of July and there were many fireworks and
firecrackers and someone were telling you there was a war and that you
should hide then you could reply; Borit! I just say in English; "You
are full of Borit!". The idea is that the lies comming out of the
person's mouth is like the hemoroids that are comming out of a person's

Interesting Note that Bor sounds like Bore a male swine an unclean
animal unfit for consuption under the Mosaic law and the original
consort of Bel Marduke was Belit. Satanists liars worship a
hermaphordite so Borit is a cross between Borit and Belit. Just my
inside thoughts.

2005/12/31 8:16:112005/12/31
OK I will be nice. It is a Cebuano word that means hemoroids that is
also used when replying to someone when they are telling you lies. For
instance if it were the 4th of July and there were many fireworks and
firecrackers and someone were telling you there was a war and that you
should hide then you could reply; Borit! I just say in English; "You
are full of Borit!". The idea is that the lies comming out of the
person's mouth is like the hemoroids that are comming out of a person's


Interesting Note that Bor sounds like Boar a male swine an unclean


2005/12/31 9:58:322005/12/31
Sammy wrote:

>That is
>the truth.

Those the same people that gave you all that 'information' about the
Scottish Rite?

George K.


2005/12/31 10:07:532005/12/31
You are a comedian doing or praticing your schtick right?

Or you are typing from the hospital or for REAL! LOL

Jay T. Beatty

2005/12/31 14:06:322005/12/31

<> wrote in message

I think this is going way over your head here. The implication here isn't
that your wrong about the drugs, its that you are a goof ball. Not the
brightest bulb on the tree are ya?


2005/12/31 14:15:402005/12/31
_/ <> wrote\_

> I saw it on the OTO web-sites themselves that the inner circle of the
> OTO was L Run Hubbard , Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons.

And which OTO websites were these? Official ones like or
conspiracy ones?

> The OTO members hate Scientology which would explain why Slunky does
> not want people to believe the truth

Just to clarify, I am an associate member of the OTO, I have never been
initiated into this order. I don't mind people knowing the truth, and in
fact if you would PROVE something yoou could change my mind completely,
but I have yet to see you back up any information. Search engine results
and conspiracy bulletin bboards don't count as authorative to me.

> Occultists can repent!

True, if you're Christian, but I don't see why an occultist would need
to repent.



2005/12/31 14:20:362005/12/31

slunky wrote:

> _/Beaverfolk <> wrote\_
>> wrote:

> "Apparently Parsons and Hubbard or somebody is producing a moonchild. I
> get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts."
> Does that sound like something one would say about their right and left
> hand men? Take everything Sam says with a grain of salt.

Not too worry, apart from his 'you may repent' which I took very
seriously, dropped on my knees and still waiting for farther
instructions before I get up, all is fine. :-)

Alan Harding

2005/12/31 11:41:322005/12/31
In message <>, writes

>Could you translate 'borit' into English please?
>Use your imagination.

If I did that, I'd probably come up with a conspiracy theory about
Jehovah's Witlesses and the Internet.


2005/12/31 14:44:062005/12/31

Thanks. I see, all but Google search. No wonder I didn't like it from
the beginning. :-)

John Nelson

2005/12/31 21:38:442005/12/31
In article <>, says...
> The Freemasons have claimed many many times that they are from the
> Knights Templar.

Really? Please cite your source for this.



> After the 3rd degree of Freemasonry you can join
> either Scottish Rite Freemasonry or York Rite Freemasonry. The highest
> levels of York Rite are called the Knights Templar degrees. The highest
> levels of the Scottish Rite are 32 and 33rd degrees. The 32nd degree is
> called the Northern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the
> 33rd degree is called the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite
> Freemasonry.

Er..., no. Not even close.


2005/12/31 21:36:422005/12/31

"John Nelson" <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> says...
> > The Freemasons have claimed many many times that they are from the
> > Knights Templar.
> Really? Please cite your source for this.

Another weirdo gets plonked.


2006/01/01 5:39:522006/01/01
OK I will be nice. It is a Cebuano word that means hemoroids that is
also used when replying to someone when they are telling you lies. For
instance if it were the 4th of July and there were many fireworks and
firecrackers and someone were telling you there was a war and that you
should hide then you could reply; Borit! I just say in English; "You
are full of Borit!". The idea is that the lies comming out of the
person's mouth is like the hemoroids that are comming out of a person's


Interesting Note that Bor sounds like Bore a male swine an unclean

2006/01/01 6:42:102006/01/01
An occultists needs to reconsise that what they are doing is wrong and
turn to the true "God" Elohim YEHOVAH in prayer. That is repentance.


2006/01/01 13:08:172006/01/01
_/ <> wrote\_

> An occultists needs to reconsise that what they are doing is wrong and

And what exactly are we doing wrong? Sam needs to realize what he's
doing is retarded and repent to for the



2006/01/01 13:29:252006/01/01

<> wrote in message

> Science is the result of the original sin and all technology is
> destroying the earth.

It is the misuse of science that is a bad thing. The proper use of science
is good and helps grow food, provide housing, cure disease and so on.

> Science is the result of Adam and Eve eating from
> the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad. It is a poison knowledge
> that is leading man to self destruction. The Holy Scriptures says that
> it is not for man who is walking even to direct his own step. Read the
> link above.

I don't believe the bible is the word of god as many fanatics insist.
Put it this way, the Jews believe the Torah is the word of god, the chinese
believe confucius, the muslims believe their book and the hari krishnas
believe the bagdad gita (sp?). All different writings and all exclusive to
their little club. Besides there are many inconsistencies in the bible and I
can supply more information on that if you like.

Tell me, what is your definition of a religious fanatic?
Do you think religious fanatics are rational?


Benny Hinn

2006/01/01 20:28:182006/01/01
Carole wrote:

Jesus is the true way, the only way.
He died for our sins.

A fanatic is one that will lie and cheat and kill in the name of their


2006/01/01 21:28:142006/01/01
Hi Benny,
I don't quite understand what you are trying to say? Can you
elaborate? Are you saying that your against Masonic Psychiartry and
Doctors and that they should change there ways.. seek Jesus?

Benny Hinn

2006/01/02 4:41:372006/01/02
To: wrote:


I detest religious fanaticism in any form.

The great religions of the world all have some very good ideals. Some
are not consistent with my beliefs.

Fanatics tend to take things out of context and use religions for their
own misguided purposes.

I pray that there will be peace. I pray that those involved with Masonic
Psychiatry also find peace.

Jesus died for all of our sins.

An interesting link to this Masonic Psychiatry debate:



2006/01/02 6:26:282006/01/02

Common lies Christians tell that are ABSOLUTELY FALSE!

I deal with Christian lies on a daily basis. These lies range from
the myth that Einstein was a theist, to the claim that there is
conclusive evidence for Jesus’ existence. I had to make this page so
that I could collect some common lies told and present the truth
behind the matter. There are hundreds of things I feel compelled to
discuss but I shall limit it to a top five list. The top five lies
Christian’s tell:


2006/01/02 9:21:592006/01/02
On Mon, 2 Jan 2006 04:41:37 -0500 (EST), "Benny Hinn"
<> wrote:

>I pray that there will be peace. I pray that those involved with Masonic
>Psychiatry also find peace.

And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may
be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will
do it. (John 14:13-14 NAB)

Defeaty those evil KKKonservatives, Jesus!

2006/01/02 12:51:552006/01/02

Did he really?
This is what the CHURCH tells us but there is no reason to believe a
historical person called Jesus ever existed.

Firstly, there doesn't appear to be any historical record of a person
called Jesus EXCEPT in the bible. Historians should be able to dig up
something on his life but apparently not.

There is a book called "The Christ Conspiracy" and the author Acharya
makes the case that there was no actual person named Jesus, but that
several characters were rolled into one mythic being inspired by the
deities Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysus and many others of the
Roman Empire. She demonstrates that the story of Jesus, as portrayed in
the Gospels, is nearly identical in detail to those of the earlier
saviour-gods Krishna and Horus, and concludes that Jesus was certainly
neither original nor unique, nor was he the divine revelation. Rather,
he represents the very ancient body of knowledge derived from celestial
observation and natural forces.

Secondly, the idea that man is born in sin is also questionable and was
probably invented by the priests to control people.

Thirdly, that sacrifice is required to remediate sin is a pagan concept
and illogical.

Fourthly, the bible isn't the word of god or inspired by god because it
contains errors and inconsistencies.

> A fanatic is one that will lie and cheat and kill in the name of their
> religion.

Or, is the definition a little closer to home?
How about a fanatic is a person who believes something without any
logical evidence.


> Benny


2006/01/02 8:11:542006/01/02

How about:

"a fanatic is a person who can't change their mind and won't change the

I heard that quoted on NPR and it was attributed to Winston Churchill.

jHam PM You have the time, they might not:
White River #90 Feed the hungry with a click of your mouse:
Royalton (Bethel), Vt.

2006/01/02 16:36:352006/01/02
To: wrote:
> > Jesus is the true way, the only way.
> > He died for our sins.
> Did he really?
> This is what the CHURCH tells us but there is no reason to believe a
> historical person called Jesus ever existed.

Ask some professional scholars. They will tell you different. If your
religious position depends on stuff like this, you're in trouble.

> There is a book called "The Christ Conspiracy" and the author Acharya
> makes the case that there was no actual person named Jesus, but that
> several characters were rolled into one mythic being inspired by the
> deities Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysus and many others of the
> Roman Empire.

'The "Christ Conspiracy" is a random bag of (mainly recycled)
eccentricities, some few of them worth considering, most dangerously
shaky, many outright looney. If one has the time, it is fun trying to
sort them out. But no one whose disquiet with traditional Christian
faith is based on solid fact or credible theorizing will want to
recommend this book, much less appeal to it as justification for
one's own doubts.' (Robert M. Price, Infidel apologist)

All the best,

Roger Pearse
> Secondly, the idea that man is born in sin is also questionable ...

You imagine every criminal is created by his environment? Why not find

> Thirdly, that sacrifice is required to remediate sin is a pagan concept
> and illogical.

Your qualifications for having an opinion?

> Fourthly, the bible isn't the word of god or inspired by god because it
> contains errors and inconsistencies.

Theological statement noted. Your qualification to pronounce on
matters of theology?

> How about a fanatic is a person who believes something without any
> logical evidence.

Most atheists fit this definition nicely. Anyone can throw stones at
others. But I have yet to meet an atheist who even understands his own
religious position -- conformity to some subset of the temporary
societal values of the period and land he lives in -- let alone have
anything to say for it! Who cares what 'logical evidence' people have
not to believe in things they hate? What I want to see is these people
producing some logical evidence for what they do believe in.

All the best,

Roger Pearse

2006/01/07 8:05:182006/01/07
Don't you remember that someone posted here that I was great theropy
for his manic depression and i really chered him up? Don't you
remember? The thing people labeled mentally ill need to recover is a
breath of fresh air truth so they can escape from the satanic air of
mind control that is all around them so they can see clearly. I can
tell you honestly that when YEHOVAH Elohim lifted my blinders it was
like all my worries were gone. That is what everyone on the depression
groups needs.

Rev. 11D Meow!

2006/01/07 12:01:212006/01/07
How odd.

I definitely recall your having been shunned 111% in
ALL your crossposts to the support.depression groups,
Mr. Moser.

<> wrote in message

2006/01/12 6:03:502006/01/12
If anyone knows of any "inconsitencies" in the Holy Scriptures then go
to and write to them at one of their
addresses and they will prove to you that there are really no
inconsistencies at all and that the reader just doesn't have a deep
understanding of the book.

Rob Wilkens of Levittown, NY

2006/01/12 20:23:062006/01/12
You mean they will lie, twist, and bend the truth to fit what they want.

My favorite is where I think Jesus says to call no holy man 'father' and the
catholic church calls their priests by that title.


<> wrote in message


2006/01/12 20:24:442006/01/12


2006/01/13 11:25:382006/01/13
I have yet to see any so called inconsistencies not be able to be
explained. There are some "difficult" scriptures. But you have to
first go to the clear scriptures to understand...then you can look at
those "difficult" scriptures in the right light. Peter even said about
Paul's writings (where most people point to inconsistencies) "He speaks
about these things in all his letters, in which there are some matters
that are hard to understand. The untaught and unstable twist them to
their own destruction, as they also do with the rest of the Scriptures.

> My favorite is where I think Jesus says to call no holy man 'father' and the catholic church calls their priests by that title.

Yes! The Catholic also forbids priests to marry...but the bible states
" heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, ...
forbidding to marry..." and that it is better to marry than to "burn
with passion"...which we have seen with the priests.

But this is not inconsistencies with the's the catholic
church not abiding by it...They keep the Sabbath on Sunday...but Bible
is clear Jesus and apostles kept it on Saturday. They will even admit
that they had the power to change it to Sunday...huh?

This love rules guy just doesn't have a good understanding of the
scriptures and is giving a bad name for the Bible.

Did you know there are some very detailed prophecies that are in the
Bible that came to pass hundreds of years later (before our
time)...that are not disputed by scholars? Doesn't this give some
creedence to the Bible?

I don't usually do is not the practice of our church to
proselytize. I promise I will only give this link once: With all this talk, I couldn't resist.
There is a ton of literature online...and all print literature is free
(no obligations whatsoever). You'll find information and understanding
(all backed up by scripture) that you won't find anywhere else.

I think they have a booklet or article entitled "proofs of the Bible".
After reading it, you'll have a hard time saying that the Bible wasn't
inspired. Anyway...I promise I won't turn into a religious fanatic
poster...this is just my two cents.

Rob Wilkens of Levittown, NY

2006/01/13 18:53:292006/01/13
Perhaps my catholic upbringing is what has tainted me, then. I don't hate
God or the idea of celebrating life.. I very much appreciate Pastor Joel
Osteen's church messages on Sunday TV (I've even given money, sometimes in
exchange for resources, because I believe in the power of his message).

I've bookmarked the lcg church site, and I will look at the content on that
site -- maybe later tonight.

If you see me here occasionally badmouthing the religious, I only do it when
I see ignorant church-folk bashing things they clearly don't understand. At
the same time i bash it, I maintain some amount of faith on the side -- and
talk to God regularly.


"Matt" <> wrote in message

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