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freemasonry created the mafia and there busy creating another one

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Feb 13, 2006, 1:51:55 PM2/13/06
they are trying to do the same here in the U.S and CANADA!!!

18 May 1996

17 May 1996 David Moore [] This is the first reference
I have heard to the fact that Pat Buchanan is a member of the Knights
of Malta. Much information has been posted on that subject. What
follows are all of the posts in my files pertaining to Buchanan and the
Knights of Malta.

* * * * *
>From Who's Who in America, 1995 Edition, p. 496: -- excerpts:
Buchanan, Patrick Joseph, journalist. b. Washington, Nov. 2,
1938:.....Named Knight of Malta, 1987......

* * * * *

==> From: An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences,"
etc. by Albert G. Mackey, M.D., Thirty-Third Degree, Volume I,
published by the Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, & London,
1925, Volume One, pp. 392-95:
"This Order, which at various times in the progress of its history
received the names of Knights Hospitalers, Knights of St. John of
Jerusalem, Knights of Rhodes, and lastly, Knights of Malta, was one of
the most important of the religious and military orders of knighthood
which sprang into existence during the Crusades which were instituted
for the recovery of the Holy Land. It owes its origin to the
Hospitalers of Jerusalem, that wholly religious and charitable Order
which was established at Jerusalem, in 1048, by pious merchants of
Amalfi for the succor of poor and distressed Latin pilgrims....
[big section on its history over nine centuries]

"The Organization of the Order in its days of prosperity was very
complicated, partaking of both a monarchial and a republican character.
Over all presided a Grand Master, who, although invested with extensive
powers, was still controlled by the legislative action of the General

"...There are now two bodies-one Catholic and the other Protestant, but
each repudiates the other....
"The degree of Knight of Malta is conferred in the United States as "an
appendant Order" in a Commandery of Knights Templar. There is a ritual
attached to the degree, but very few are in possession of it, and it is
generally communicated after the candidate has been created a Knights
[end of quote]

The Knights of Malta are the militia of the Pope, and are sworn to
total obedience by a blood oath which is taken extremely seriously and
to the death. The Pope as the head of the Vatican is also the head of a
foreign national power.

This has virtually nothing to do with the Roman Catholic religion, and
everything to do with being a participant in one of the four major
"player-organizations" for world domination-those players being British
Freemasonry, French Freemasonry, International Zionism, and the

As a member of the Knights of Malta, and by virtue of your blood oath
of obedience to the Pope, you are required to support to the death the
desires of the head of the Order of the Knights of Malta-in this case,
Pope John Paul II-over and above any other allegience you may feel or
pretend to feel toward any other loyalty-such as a loyalty to the
Constitution for the united States of America.

Those who are presently members of the Knights of Malta must on penalty
of death support those policies advocated by the Vatican. It is not
hard for them to do this. They BELIEVE in these policies and
principles. The polices which are espoused and proclaimed by Pope John
Paul II are as follows:
1. End of sovereignty for the United States and other countries.
2. End of absolute property rights.
3. End of all gun rights.
4. The new international economic Order (world government).
5. The redistribution of wealth and jobs.
6. Calls for nations to trust the United Nations.
7. Total disarmament.
8. Promote the United Nations as the hope for peace.
9. Promote UNESCO, the deadly educational and cultural arm of the
United Nations.
10. Promote interdependence.
11. Support sanctions honoring Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin-the
New Age Humanist Priest.
12. Support the belief that the economic principle of traditional
Christian or Catholic social doctrine is the economic principle of
13. Promote the Pope as the acting go-between for the United States and
the Soviet Union.

It doesn't really matter what kind of a face Buchanan puts on his
campaign. It doesn't matter what he tells the press or the public.
Since 1987 he has been obligated by his blood oath of obedience to
follow the political lead of the Vatican and he will do so to his dying
breath-as all good Knights of Malta do.

Mr. Buchanan may be a very nice man and speak highly of everything you
want to hear him say. But he could NEVER fulfill one word of the
patriotic sentiments he propounds if they even once contradicted the
orders he receives from the Vatican.

The secret society members in the high levels of political and economic
power-if they are not the actual decision-makers-are OWNED by others.
They are compromised-by the freedom of their will. They chose to
believe what they believe. And Buchanan is not a decision-maker. He is
a member in service to that Order and under complete and total
obedience to the Vatican's political ambitions.

If you wish to stake the future of our country, our freedoms, and our
liberty on such a man of truly questionable loyalties and obligations,
you certainly have that right to vote for the candidate of your choice.
But you did ask about the significance of my earlier comment, and I
hope this has been some help in explaining the situation. I do
understand that not everybody knows, and that's why I submit this note
for general viewing.
Thank you for your thoughtful attention to these matters.

* * * * *
The "Knights of Malta" are the militia of the Pope. In the book "Behold
a Pale Horse" you will find research into this. It is one of the NWO
SECRET SOCIETIES that are determined to trample on the gool old USA.
The Pope is not innocent of this either. I'm roman-Catholic by birth,
but no longer listen to the Pope because of what I found out. The Pope
wants to be the leader of the world by 2000. He meets with world
leaders to promote "peace" as his means of public acceptance. In WWII,
Pope John Paul II sold cyanide gas to the NAZI's for their use in
Auschwitz. (Behold a Pale Horse). Also, the Italian MAFIA answers to
this man (Pope). It's a conspiracy of darkness.

Once the overall picture is examined, everything is a lot clearer. This
NWO conspiracy is far-reaching and goes very deep. Fortunately we have
people like William Cooper to expose all the behind-the-scenes
political agenda. Pat Buchanan says when he's elected, "that new world
order comes crashing down" and similar statements. HE IS ATTACKING the
American patriot movement. He is corrupting the minds of true patriots
by telling them what they want to hear. At least he's saying something
about the existence of the NWO. But, I believe that Buchanan is using
this tactic SIMPLY because of public exposure of the NWO by people like
William Cooper. The very fact that we even have someone campaigning
"against" the NWO does nothing but PROVES that CAJI's messages **ARE**
reaching MANY people, and that is good. I hope I helped you out a
little more...

· Besides, Buchanan's statement "that new world order comes crashing
down" can mean two things. Either what WE want to happen to it, or it
will "come crashing down" on/against the American people. I kind of
think the latter is his true intent.

* * * * *
What I wanted to convey is that you certainly have the right to vote
for any candidate you wish. I would take issue with your reasons stated
above. Of course you do not have to use any other reason should you
desire not to do so. In my opinion the choice of whom to vote for
should be based upon fact and solid research into the candidate, his
history, and what he propounds. Of course what someone says he/she will
do is not as important today than it was may years ago. Candidates
today say one thing and then when in office do quite another. I am
afraid that if everyone voted for the reasons you cite this country
would never have lasted for 50 of its first years.
I might remind you that there are four forces at work in the world. All
want world government. The Zionists, whom you rightly condemn, are
sided with British Freemasonry and want to install an oligarchy.

The Vatican is aligned with French Freemasonry and want to install a
benevolent dictatorship under the Pope. I might also remind you that
the history of the Vatican and the Pope is to first torture his enemies
and then burn them at the stake. Religion in command of government is a
terrible thing and that is why our Founders forbid our government to
"make any law respecting an establishment of religion." They knew the
history of the church... all churches. I would recommend you read the
history of the inquisition to start. If you want something close to
home examine the history of "Blood Atonement" as practiced by the
Mormon Church right here in America until it was outlawed. Then
research the allegations that it is still practiced in secret even unto
this day in Utah.
I respect your right to choose and vote for whomever you wish and I
respect your right to use any reason you wish. I do wish it were based
upon more solid information and sound reasoning.
Thank you for being so kind in the face of all this information that is
apparently new and shocking to you.

* * * * *

Membership in the SMOM denotes an allegiance to a foreign power in the
form of the nation of Malta and the Pope. The allegiance is in the form
of blood oaths of ABSOLUTE allegiance to both which allegiance
supercedes all other allegiances or oaths. The SMOW headquarters is in
Rome and covers a sizable piece of real estate. It is recognized as a
sovereign nation by all nations and the United Nations. All members of
the SMOW are issued and carry a DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT which exempts them
from prosecution under the laws of all nations save Malta. The passport
also denotes an official of a foreign government who is performing in
the interest of Malta first and foremost.

Further... the SMOW is the MILITIA of the POPE. In times when the Pope
is threatened the Swiss mercenaries that guard the Vatican are
dismissed and the Knights of Malta take station as the elite Militia
and guardians of the Pope. The Knights are also sworn to instantly
forsake everything and everyone and hasten to the aid of the Pope
should they be called. They are sworn to absolute and total obedience
to the Pope forsaking all other allegiances or duties or obligations
whatsoever. Now understand I am not talking Catholic here... no
American Catholic that I know of owes any allegiance to any foreign
power or Pope through any blood oath of any kind whatsoever... and no
American Catholic that I know of carries a Diplomatic Passport from a
foreign nation.

Could such a man serve as our President when the Pope is openly calling
for a world government and has stated that he will be the head of that
government by the year 2007?
Could such a man serve as our President when he carries a Diplomatic
Passport of a foreign nation to which he owes absolute allegiance and
serves that national interest above all others?
Could such a man serve as our President when he can be called upon at
any time by Malta or the Pope to serve them at their whim?

Did you know that the "Knight of Malta" is one of the high degrees of
Freemasonry? Did you know that Freemasons descend from the "Knights
Templar". Did you know that the Knights of Malta were successfully
taken over by the Knights Templar during the "Peasants Revolt" as an
act of revenge for the Knights of Malta accepting the property of the
Templars after the Pope, on orders from King Phillip of France,
destroyed the Templars? Did you know that the Templars have sworn
revenge against all Christians and nations and that their goal is to
establish a one world government and one world religion over the ashes
of all existing religions and nations?

Did you know that the "Propaganda 2" Lodge was launched in partnership
by the CIA and the Mafia to serve as an intelligence source and control
of European leaders after WWII. Did you know that post WWII many of the
elite of Europe Joined the P2 Lodge? Did you know that Enrico Fermi was
hung under Black Friar's Bridge in a ritual Masonic murder for
violating his blood oath after the P2 Lodge raped the Vatican bank?
Did you know that Piers Compton documents the infiltration and takover
of the Vatican by the "Propaganda 2" Lodge of Freemasonry in his book
"The Broken Cross"?

Did you know that the Mafia was formed from Italian street gangs by
Guiseppe Mazinni as the underworld arm of Freemasonry and that Mazinni
was in direct communication and partnership with General Christopher
Albert Pike who establishe the 33 degree and was the father of the
judicial code of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan?
Did you know that all SHEEP are sheered every year and eventually led
to the slaughter by a Judas Goat that they all believe is "a good ole

Pat Buchanan knows that he will not be nominated and I stated this long
before any Primary. He is the "Judas Goat" and stated his intentions
long ago. He will take the disenchanted patriots and militia away from
any viable candidate and let them believe they have a spokesperson in
the form of Buchanan. When the time comes Buchanan will tell them that
he has made a deal with dole. He will tell his followers to vote for
Dole and most of them, on Buchanan's word will vote for Dole. He said
he would do this long before the Primarys. What's the matter... don't
you believe him? Pat Buchanan is the "Ross Perot" of the 96 campaign.

"Bob Dole has reversed his position on every major decision on
virtually every issue, ranging from taxes to foreign and domestic
policy." Stanley G. Hilton in 'Senator For Sale', unauthorized
biography of Bob Dole, St. Martin's Paperbacks. "Always waits to see
'which way the political wind is blowing.'" Nancy Kassebaum, Kansas
Senator "The self appointed tax collector of the welfare state." Newt
Gingrich, Speaker of the House "A 'maddening figure,' a
'self-destructive' personality." The New York Times, Editorial, June
1994 "If dole is elected president, I'd leave the country." Elliot
Kaplan, former lawyer to conviced Dole aide, David Owen "Almost
Jekyll-Hyde." Joseph Rauh, Washington Civil rights lobbyist "So
unpopular among his peers that he 'couldn't sell beer on a troop
ship.'" Senator William Saxbe, former Ohio Senator "Still doesn't know
if he's a liberal or a conservative, as he didn't know in 1950." John
Woelk, Russell County attorney who recruited Dole to run for the
legislature in 1950 "I was repeatedly struck by the banality and
superficiality of his character and personality.

He liked to communicate with staff via one-page memos and one-liners.
He had little interest in details. He didn't like to read. His only
real concern seemed to be raising money. He had contempt for common
voters. And he believed in nothing. ...I was appalled by his utter lack
of commitment to any ideals or beliefs. Working in his office was like
being aboard a ship piloted by an aloof and mysterious sea captain, who
navigated without a clear or consistent sense of direction" Stanley G.
Hilton, Senate counsel and aide for Bob Dole, 1979 and 1980 "When
special interests contribute money, they want something in return other
than gooe government." Bob Dole Bob Dole is a 33 degree Freemason of
the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. Please take this in the
spirit that it is intended. The truth sometimes hurts but it is the
truth. We must never believe anyone or anything in this day of supreme
deception. What makes a con man great is his ability to convince his
mark that he is totally honest, loyal, and "a good ole boy.." Stop
listening to what Buchanan says and research meticulously his history
and read every column he has written.

Did you know that he is on record as writing that we need a
Constitutional Convention to deal with the fact that the constitution
is outdated? Did you know that Ross Perot is on record saying exactly
the same thing? Did you know that Buchanan was the Chairman of a super
secret Intelligence group named for the number of the room in which the
group met in the White House? Did you know that Buchanan has direct
ties to the CIA? Did you know that William Casey, Director of the CIA
was Knights of Malta? Did you know that Ollie North is Knights of
Malta? Did you know that George Bush is knights of Malta and just
finished a Centra and South American Speaking tour on behalf of the
Knights of Malta?

Did you know that if Pat Buchanan were who he pretends to be the
Marxist media would never have allowed him to be a prominent newspaper
columnist or television personality? If you believe they would allow it
you must also believe that the press is free and is not controlled and
we all know that is not true... the press is NOT free... and it IS
controlled. Did you know that Buchanan IS a socialist? He is... and if
you read all his writings, and especially his book, this fact will jump
off the pages and smite you down.

Have you heard him constantly state that he is the voice of Populism
and the Populist party before it went belly up? Did you ever research
the roots of the Populist movement? Did you know that Populism and the
Populist party grew out of the socialist attempts to unionize the
Kansas farmers during the depression? Did you know that Populism is
Democracy in its most virulent form? Did you know that Lenin said,
"Democracy and Socialism are inseperable." Did you know that Populism
is socialism? Did you know that the Populist party sympathized with
Hitler and the Nazi party before WWII? Did you know that Nazi literally
means "German National SOCIALIST Worker's Party"?

Did you know that the Liberty Lobby, the home of Populism, grew out of
the old Populist party and the American "German Bund?" Did you know
that the Spotlight began as the newsletter for a Marxist youth group
and that fact is documented in the 50's hearings of the Committee on
UnAmerican Activity? Did you know that Joseph McCarthy was absolutely
right and that he was destroyed by the Marxist press and Hollywood
"Fellow Travelers" in order to prevent the end of socialism in America?
Did you know the term "McCarthyism" was coined by the Marxist press and
Hollywood "Fellow Travelers" to prevent anyone else from ever exposing
the Marxist agenda in America? Did you know that after Alan Keyes
(referring to Buchanan and the other so-called Republican Candidates)
said "You all sound like a bunch of socialists." during a debate. That
he has been ignored by the press, television, and has never again been
invited to participate in another debate? He did the forbidden... he
told the truth.

If membership in the Knights of Malta means nothing how come my 30
some-odd inquirys to Pat Buchanan and his people about his membership
have gone unanswered and unacknowledged? I could write for hours on the
subject of Pat Buchanan and his antics but I will leave some for others
on this list whom I know have more information should they desire to
also respond to the above sheople sign. Suffice it to say... my friend
you have been "hoodwinked". Please accept this as a glass of cold water
upon one who is sleeping while rats are nibbling at his feet. The best
advice I can give is... put your heart and emotions in a cabinet for a
while. Take your brain and intellect out of the cupboard and use them
unmercifully. Listen to everyone... read everything... believe NOTHING
unless you can absolutely prove it. You will be amazed at the result.
Now let me ask you a question... In face of all the years that we have
been deceived by everyone in Washington and the media... Why are you
not questioning Buchanan's credentials? He is a Washington insider who
has served within the White House in several administrations and is a
prominent member of the media. When will WE ever learn?

The above is the product of over 25 years of research into these
organizations (and many more) and their agenda for world domination. It
is all out in the open... nothing is hidden but it requires years of
hard work and due dilligence to uncover and understand who is
destroying this country and why. Please feel free to post this far and
wide anywhere you wish with my blessings. William Cooper (Caji)
Publisher 'Veritas' Author 'Behold A Pale Horse'
Host 'The Hour of the Time'
Director Intelligence Service
Director Citizens Agency Joint Intelligence
Father and Husband (The most important)


Feb 13, 2006, 2:02:19 PM2/13/06
Propaganda 2 Lodge - Historic Networks of Freemasonry

Freemasonry - P2 (Propaganda 2) Lodge

Freemasonry and the P2 resurrected - A judge seems to have uncovered a
covert power structure almost identical to the secret freemasonry lodge

The Irish times reported on November 10, 1992, in their CITY EDITION
(Pg. 11), that
the spectre of the P2 network had resurfaced in Italy.

P2, stands for "Propaganda 2" Masonic Lodge. The reporter noted that
the secret freemasonry lodge which formed an occult power base in the
late l970s and early 1980s and which was accused of links with
right-wing terrorist violence such as the bombing of Bologna train
station in August, 1980, which killed 85 people.

Last week, an investigation led by a magistrate, Mr Agostino Cordova,
led to the sequestration (isolation) of membership lists of freemasonry
lodges in almost every corner of Italy, including major cities such as
Rome, Milan, Genoa and Florence.

Mr Cordova also informed the readers of the newspaper, that an unknown
number of freemasons, perhaps as many as 200, have received judicial
notice that their freemasonry activities are under investigation.

For the time being, - the Italian Magistrate - Mr Cordova had refused
to comment on his findings. However, widespread media speculation
suggests that he unveiled a hidden network of Italian power which
involves judges, politicians, senior military' figures, journalists
and, last but not least, the Mafia.

In short, it seems that Mr Cordova has unveiled a covert power
structure almost identical to the shadow power network known in Masonic
circles as P2.

In March, 1981, police raided the Arezzo office of Mr Lucio GelIi, the
"Grand Master" of P2. As a result of the raid, Italian police
discovered a lodge membership list which included four cabinet
ministers, three under-secretaries, 38 MPs or senators, 195 military
officers, politicians from every party except the Communists and
Radicals, as well as industrialists, bankers, diplomats, civil
servants, judges, journalists, secret service officers and police

Mr GelIi - the official Grandmaster of the P2 Masonic Lodge (and a
millionaire) - did not hang around. Instead, he went on the run.
Gelli's contacts included friendships with people as diverse as the
former US president, Mr Ronald Reagan, the Argentine dictator, Mr Juan
Peron, and the Sicilian banker, Michele Sindona, who was convicted of
murder and who allegedly bought Exocet missiles for Argentina to use in
the Falklands (Malvinas) war against Britain.

Mr GelIi fled to Switzerland. For a number of reasons, the authorities
did not act neutrally toward him, and Gelli was eventually arrested -
after which he then escaped to Latin America. Seven years later, he
returned to Italy under a controversial extradition agreement with
Switzerland which virtually guaranteed him exemption from any serious
criminal prosecution.

An Italian parliamentary commission into P2, although largely
inconclusive (because of the politics and the backdoor dealings), did
find that Mr Gelli's lodge had contacts with terrorism and that Mr
Gelli was prepared to stage a coup d'etat in Italy, should the
Communist Party win an overall majority.

Other intriguing accusations made against Mr Gelli and P2, such as
involvement with the Mafia, with the CIA, in international arms dealing
and, above all, in the downfall of the Banco Ambrosiano and the death
of its president, Mr Roberto Calvi, in 1982, all remained unpioven, if
albeit supported by a large body of evidence.

MR GELLI, too, appears to be the key figure in the current
investigation. Last year, Mr Cordova sequestered documents from Mr
GelIi's Arezzo home after coming across his name in the course of
investigations into the Calabrian Mafia, the "N'drangheta".(That alone
raised questions about the supposed demise of the P2 Network).

Furthermore, Italian judiciary circles for some time have been rife
with rumours of renewed activity by Mr GelIi. Ms Tina Anselmi, the
Christian Democrat who headed the parliamentary commission into P2,
confirmed she had received reports of renewed P2 activity.

According to the Italian daily, La, Repubblica Ms Anselmi said : "This
summer, I was alerted. People told me that something along the lines of
P2 was re-emerging, that secret groups were being reconstituted ... you
have to remember that, originally, P2 was a bona fide masonic lodge and
few people knew of its covert dimension. However, when it was
discovered just what P2 was and what a danger it represented, no
serious political initiative was taken to make sure that it could not
happen all over again."

Confirmation, too, that Italian freemasonry has always had links with
the Mafia emerged this week from Antonino Calderone, a prominent Mafia
godfather turned state's witness.

Speaking in a Rome courtroom where, Calderone said "The Mafia has
always had contacts with freemasonry ... I remember, for example, that
Giacomo Vitale, brother in law of Stefano Bontade (Mafia boss) ... was
not a man of honour (mafioso) but rather a Freemason.

This was said in the context of a hearing - ( in Palermo ) into a
series of politically significant Mafia killings from 1979 to 1982 was

"We in Catania, when we had a problem with the judiciary, we would turn
to the local masonic head. We knew that many magistrates were lodge
members and that, thanks to the local chief, we could even interfere
with ongoing criminal proceedings", said Calderone.

This evidence carries all the 'more weight since Calderone was one of
the first mafiosi to break the infamous "omerta", or code of silence,
providing vital information that helped Judge Giovanni Falcone prepare
the state's case in the famous 1986-1987 "maxiprocesso", or super
trial, which ended with prison sentences for more than 300 Mafia

Subsequent Mafia "grasses" have confirmed much of Calderone's evidence,
thus suggesting that his observations about Mafia links to freemasonry
are to be taken seriously.

Furthermore, Judge Falcone, who was killed by the Mafia last May
(1992), also investigated Mafia-freemasonry links, compiling two
lengthy reports which have since mysteriously "disappeared".

However, the current investigation into freemasonry, like the P2 affair
itself, is provoking more questions than answers. Judge Cordova has a
lot of work in front of him.

Based on various reports including those cited / Used under Fair Use

Scandal in Rome has buffeted the [Roman Catholic] church - Italian
political corruption purges
Peter Hebblethwaite

NCR - Mar 26/93 - OXFORD, England - You won't find Tangentopoli on any
map of Italy.

It is a city of the mind, a new word for an old reality. Tangenti are
the kick-backs that Italian politicians routinely pocket on all public
works. "Bribesville" is the best translation for the system that has
ruled Italian political life since the 1980s.

It came to light thanks to the determined efforts of a Milan judge,
Antonio Di Pietro. A computer buff capable of tracking down the most
recondite transactions, Di Pietro has almost single-handedly uncovered
the web of favors, kick-backs and rake-offs that accompanied all public
works in Italy. He has become a national hero. Small boys now dream of
becoming prosecutors.

The statistics are staggering: 830 businessmen and politicians have
been arrested since February 1992; 1,000 others are under suspicion.
More than 50 members of Parliament are under investigation, four
ministers and two party leaders have resigned, and there have been half
a dozen suicides.

If everyone involved were charged, about 60,000 people would have to
pass through the courts. Hence the hastily devised March 5 decree
declaring that those who confess will be given only suspended
sentences, provided they restitute the money and retire from public
life. That, it is claimed, is not an amnesty, merely a way of coping
with judicial overload. But the president has refused to sign it.
Impasse for the moment.

It was hardly likely that scandals so deeply embedded in Italian
society would leave the church unscathed. The brother of Cardinal
Angelo Sodano, secretary of state, was arrested in Turin. That does not
impute any guilt, but it indicates proximity.

The level of church involvement depends on how rigorously one can draw
the distinction between "Catholics" and "the church." So far, with one
notable exception, it is holding up relatively well.

"The suspicions of yesterday," said Rosminian Clemente Riva, auxiliary
bishop of Rome, with wide-eyed astonishment, "have become the realities
of today."

Rome has been badly buffeted by the storm of accusations. Riva has
proposed a collective Lenten penitential liturgy for the concluding
phase of the Synod of the Rome Diocese.

The new Catechism of the Catholic Church, already a best-seller in
Italy, has been pressed into service. "Thou shalt not steal" has
acquired a topicality its authors probably never intended.

But Riva's potential penitents would be largely absent from the liturgy
of reconciliation - and in jail. Already arrested are many members of
the Communion and Liberation movement, especially its political arm,
the Movimento Popolare, which was supposed to act as a ginger group
within the Christian Democratic Party.

Last August, Monsignor Gervasio Gestori, secretary of the Italian
bishops' conference, warned the movement at its annual rally in Rimini
on the Adriatic coast that it should distance itself from politics and
power. With hindsight, this has been regarded as a "prophetic" remark.
Did Gestori know something the judges were about to discover? No

More vituperative was Rocco Buttiglione, the philosophy professor who
frequently lunches with Pope John Paul II. Formerly CL's leading
intellectual, he began to desert the sinking ship last August, alleging
that the Movimento Popolare had come to believe that "the end justifies
the means." Dazzled by the prospect of power, charged Buttiglione, they
were prepared to rob and steal and even kill to achieve their end - a
"Christian" presence in the state understood as a permanent place in
government for the Christian Democrats.

These warnings came too late anyway. The handcuffs are on Luigi
Martinelli, Antonio Simone and Virgilio Sironi, who formed the
CL-sponsored terna in the last elections in Lombardy.

The treasurer of the CL movement in Brianza and bead of a series of
building cooperatives, Natalino Erba, has been arrested. So has Antonio
Brambilla, formerly head of a company called Environmental Services
(actually trash collection). But these were relatively small fries.
Marco Bucarelli, president of the Movimento Popolare in Rome and Lazio,
was taken into custody last week. His was the most distinguished head
to roll in Rome.

After that, it was inevitable that his closest associate, Vittorio
Sbardella, protector and financier of the CL weekly, Il Sabato, should
be arrested. Il Sabato is notoriously even more right-wing than 30
Days, the other CL publication. Instead of attacking "dissident"
theologians, 30 Days has started attacking judges.

Sbardella ran the Christian Democrats of Rome. The full extent of his
activities is not yet clear. But be used Pietro Pelosi as his agent in
the Intermetro project for building the Rome underground: It cost two
billion lire per kilometer to dig through Roman remains.

A proportion of that money ended in the pockets of Sbardella and
Pelosi. They used it to buy - in the name of their wives - the
mega-restaurant Parioli in the fashionable Prati district of Rome.

Though it has kept a lower profile than CL, Opus Dei is also involved.
A warrant is out for the arrest of Giuseppe Garofono, formerly
delegate-manager of Montedison, one of the biggest names in Catholic
finance. Through the group ironically called Ethics and Finance,
Garofano has links with Angelo Cailola, president of the board of IOR -
the Vatican Bank.

But undoubtedly the main blows of "Operation Clean Hands" have fallen
on Communion and Liberation.

Always critical of Italian Catholic Action, which had made "the
religious option" and tried to distance itself from party politics, CL
was riding high in the pontificate of Pope John Paul II.

Indeed, at the 1987 synod on the laity, CL not only claimed to run the
show but was proposed by John Paul as the very model of the "new
movements," which expressed the charismatic nature of the church better
than the old religious orders.

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, archbishop of Milan, pointed out how
dangerous and divisive they were. Martini is one of the few public
figures acknowledged to have "clean hands." From 1984 he has been
speaking of one of the "three plagues" of Milan as "political and
administrative corruption."

Martini's hostility to CL was often attributed to Jesuit "jealousy" of
the new movement. It now appears to be more solidly grounded than that.
Three years ago, CL began to move closer to the Socialist Party of
Bettino Craxi, now resigned and under investigation.

Though sometimes presented as an audacious "opening to the left," it
was nothing of the kind, since Craxi's party was socialist in name
only. The alliance may have had more sinister implications.

As prime minister, Craxi signed the revised concordat with the Holy See
in 1984. One interpretation now is that it marked a veil drawn over
mysterious events such as the death of Roberto Calvi in 1982, the
abandoned investigation of Archbishop Paul Marcinkus and the Vatican
Bank's alleged involvement in the crash of the Banco Ambrosiano.

On the more political level what has been revealed in Milan is that the
kick-backs were not just the result of greedy individuals on the take.
Cash regularly went into the party coffers as a way of purchasing
political influence. Placemen in state companies allotted contracts on
the basis of rigged tenders. The "commission" they expected was usually
5 percent, but it varied from town to town.


Feb 13, 2006, 2:04:20 PM2/13/06
Federal Liberals Connected to the Mafia?
by no surprises anymore Saturday November 20, 2004 at 01:33 AM

The New York Daily News has obtained FBI documents linking former
Liberal cabinet minister Alfonso Gagliano to the Bonanno crime family.

According to the NYDaily News, Gagliano is a "made man" in the
Brooklyn-based organization. His name appears in testimony provided by
Frank Lino, a former capo in the Bonanno family turned FBI informer.

More details are sure to emerge in the coming days and this is
definately going to get interesting. There is a connection between the
BC Liberals and the BC-based federal Liberal organizers and several
outstanding questions regarding their suspected involvement in
cross-border drug smuggling operations.

Stoolie: Canada pol in mob


Alfonso Gagliano has held titles in Canada that include labor minister,
deputy House leader, ambassador to Denmark and minister of public

In New York he held a different kind of title, according to secret FBI
documents obtained by the Daily News: "made" member of the Bonanno
crime family.

Gagliano was identified as a longtime soldier in the Bonanno crime
family by Frank Lino, a former Mafia capo-turned-informer.

Lino is now cooperating with the FBI and federal prosecutors as they
slowly take apart the mob family to which he once swore allegiance.

Gagliano's name surfaced as Lino described the Bonanno family's
operations in Montreal, which has served as an outpost for the
Brooklyn-based group for decades.

He said he and a group of top Bonanno gangsters traveled to Montreal in
the 1990s to let the northern branch office know the family had a new
boss, Joseph Massino.

The group met at a catering hall, and during the meeting, a Bonanno
gangster, Joseph Lopresti, introduced Gagliano to Lino as a made man in
the family, FBI documents state.

Lino made a point of telling the FBI that only actual members of the
Bonanno family were allowed to attend the meeting at the catering hall.
Associates were banned.

Gagliano attorney Pierre Fournier did not return calls seeking comment

For years, Gagliano was a fixture in Canada's national politics, rising
through the ranks of the Liberal Party.

But his most powerful position was undoubtedly Canada's minister of
public works and government services, the office that oversees the
Canadian mint and awards most of Canada's government contracts.

In that capacity, Gagliano found himself embroiled in a growing scandal
over potential corruption in the awarding of contracts for government

In February, he was dismissed as ambassador.

There is an ongoing investigation into allegations that government
funds were funneled to large contributors to the Liberal Party for
no-work contracts.

Lino was shown an array of photographs and identified Gagliano, the FBI
documents state.

When he began cooperating with the FBI, Lino admitted he was involved
in six murders, several attempted murders, loansharking, extortion and

Originally published on November 18, 2004

Gagliano denies Mafia membership
Published report in New York newspaper quotes FBI documents linking
ex-ambassador to the mob


OTTAWA - Former Liberal cabinet minister Alfonso Gagliano is flatly
denying allegations that he had links during the 1990s to the notorious
Bonanno organized crime family in New York.

"They are false," Gagliano said of the claims, reportedly made to the
FBI by a former Mafia boss.

"They are untrue. It's all I can say."

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper raised the matter in the Commons
today, quoting from a New York Daily News report that suggested
Gagliano was a "made man" in the Bonanno crime ring.

"Was the government aware of this information, and when did it become
aware of these allegations?" Harper asked.

Prime Minister Paul Martin said the newspaper report was the first he
had heard of the matter.

He also cautioned Harper not to jump to any conclusions until the facts
are in.

"These are very serious allegations, and everyone should be very
careful about accepting or in fact repeating such allegations," said

Deputy Conservative Leader Peter MacKay, following up on Harper's
questions, put more of the accusations on the public record.

He noted the Daily News had quoted onetime Mafia capo Frank Lino - who
has since turned informer for the FBI - as saying Gagliano was
introduced to him as a member of the Bonanno family during a meeting
with other mob members in Montreal.

MacKay demanded to know whether the RCMP had ever raised questions
about Gagliano's appointment to cabinet.

Public Safety Minister Anne McLellan said she couldn't talk about
police operations and referred further questions to the Mounties, who
were guarded in their comment.

Cpl. Danis Lafond, a spokesman for the force, said the RCMP treats all
information regarding allegations seriously.

"Examinations and investigations are undertaken based on criminal
intelligence as is deemed appropriate."

Lafond would not elaborate on exactly what the Mounties are doing in
the Gagliano matter.

James Margolin, an FBI spokesman in New York, noted that U.S.
authorities have a "longstanding co-operative relationship" with
Canadian police.

But he wouldn't say if Gagliano had been contacted by the FBI or was
otherwise under investigation.

Gagliano, for his part, said he was shocked by the allegations against

"I have never participated to any of those meetings alleged in the
article," he told The Canadian Press. "I'm not a member of the Bonanno
family or any other organized crime family . . . . This is a total

Neither Harper nor MacKay would speak to journalists outside the
Commons, where they do not enjoy legal immunity for their statements.

It's a matter of public record that the RCMP looked into some of the
clients of Gagliano's Montreal accounting firm in the early '90s.

Gagliano admitted at the time that he was "probably" kept out of
then-prime minister Jean Chrétien's first cabinet in 1993 because of
those checks.

When he was finally named to cabinet the next year Chrétien said he
had been "cleared by everybody" after further investigation.

"In January (1994) the clerk of the privy council informed me that
there was absolutely no allegation against the integrity of the
member," Chrétien stated.

The former prime minister repeated that assessment today when he was
reached by RDI, the French all-news channel of the CBC.

"They never mentioned that he had any problem of that nature,"
Chrétien said of the past security checks.

"If there had been, he wouldn't have been named as a cabinet minister."

Gagliano acknowledged in 1994 that he had done accounting work for
companies owned by Agostino Cuntrera - who was later jailed on
conspiracy charges in the slaying of Paolo Violi, a well-known Montreal
mob figure.

Gagliano said it was probably an error in judgment to do work for
Cuntrera's firms. But he denied any wrongdoing or any knowledge of
Cuntrera's crime links.

It was not the only time Gagliano was forced to defend himself on such

In 2001 he bristled at suggestions he had intervened in an immigration
case involving Gaetano Amadeo, a reputed Italian gangster who then
faced deportation from Canada.

An aide in Gagliano's riding office in Montreal, acting after a query
by Amadeo's wife, had sent a letter to the Immigration Department about
the case.

Gagliano said it was a routine letter of the kind MPs often send on
behalf of constituents. He said his staff were unaware of Amadeo's

There was never any proof of impropriety, and some of Gagliano's
political critics later apologized for the allegations they had

More recently, Gagliano has been in hot water over the federal
sponsorship scandal, which saw Ottawa spend $250 million fighting
Quebec separatism.

An estimated $100 million went to Liberal-friendly ad agencies and
other middlemen who often didn't deliver quality work.

Martin killed the program when he became prime minister. He also fired
Gagliano earlier this year as ambassador to Denmark, a post he had been
given by Chrétien.

Gagliano replied with a wrongful dismissal suit, claiming the Martin
government had ruined his reputation.

Gagliano was asked today about the difficult times he's been through.

"Maybe that's my destiny," he told The Canadian Press. "I don't know
what is it but I can tell you one thing and I can look you straight in
the eyes and say that I'm an honest person and I always acted with
integrity and honesty."

add your comments

Feb 14, 2006, 4:43:44 PM2/14/06
YES that ISLAND of MALTA = full of organized crime and Satanism and
they have underground bumkers with HIGH SECURITY there with LAZERS and
ALARMS and automatic machine guns in the walls. Don't ever think of
falling in love with one of their daughters because if you do her daddy
will kill you! But i love them and i want them to repent and even if
they ever do anything to me i will just say; "You can keep hurting me
if you want to but i will still love you and forgive you all!" ---------

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