>>I know of no such "ritual" abuse in Masonry. Several things may be at
>>First - abuse has become such an overused word that without any further
>>informattion we can not know what is being accused.
>>Second - Masons are often confused with other "secrete" organizations.
>>Many cults and even religious groups active in the US practice what I
>>consider abuse of thier members.
>>Third - Anti-Masonic BS
>Your reference to the spoor of the bovine species is right on the mark.
There is an excellent video available called "Satanic Ritual Abuse and
Secret Societies." It was done by David Carrico. It is available
from Followers of Jesus Christ Ministries, Box 4174, Evansville,
Indiana 47724-4174. The documentation is solid.
Ritual Abuse by Masons, i.e. Masonic Ritual Abuse is verifiable.
There are a number of persons coming forward stating that they were
abused sexually by Masons in a ritualistic setting. Now, these acts
are not said to be carried out in the 3rd degree or even in the 32nd
degree. Rather they are said to be carried out by Masons, sometimes
using Masonic facilities, at times when the traditional degree work is
not being performed. Hence, few are present.
There is a conference on Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies which will
be held in Indianapolis at the end of March. At least two of the
speakers are former victims of Masonic Ritual Abuse. Information is
available from Followers of Jesus Christ Ministries.
Another organization called S.M.A.R.T. has a newsletter on Masonic
Ritual Abuse. The acronym is Stop Masonic Ritual Abuse Today. (A
couple of letters are transposed with the acronym.) The newsletter
is available from P. O. Box 60577, FLorence, MA 01060. The editor is
a Jewish man who was sexually abused by Masons as a child.
KE...@netins.net (KE3OK) wrote:
>Greetings all,
>I just read this post in another group.
>>I need some help. I'm a therapist and I have a couple clients who were
>>ritually abused by Masons. I had heard there was a newsgroup for
>>survivors of Masonic abuse. Does anyone know about this? My clients
>>would be most helped right now by knowing that they are not alone.
>>PLease send to my email.
Define "Masonic Ritual Abuse".
Provided that you mean by "M.R.A." that akcnowledged masonic authorities,
use their authority to mentaly or physically abuse other human beings,
I don't really believe any such thing exists, and I would like you
to back this up with some proof, since this is _a_very_serious_
accusation, and not something which one repeats lightly.
I would also like to have some proof of where this socalled newsgroup
for "M.R.A.-Survivors" exists.
Take care.
| | |
| Kjetil Fjell | Ullins Vei 42, 7033 Trondheim, Norway |
| Frater V.L. | kfj...@james.avh.unit.no |
| |
| "Every man and every woman is a star" |
| Liber AL vel Legis - I 3 |
I just read this post in another group.
>I need some help. I'm a therapist and I have a couple clients who were
>ritually abused by Masons. I had heard there was a newsgroup for
>survivors of Masonic abuse. Does anyone know about this? My clients
>would be most helped right now by knowing that they are not alone.
>PLease send to my email.
>Pauline Vaughan
I was shocked to read this. Any comments?
Alan Hummel
SW, Evening Star #43
Winterset, IA
I have been a Mason for over 10 years, I have attended lodge in many
states in the U.S. and 4 lodges in The U.K. I have never seen any abuse
of any kind. I am in line in my lodge and can sssure you and any one
else that if ANY abuse were done in that lodge it would not be
performed. There are no Satanic Ritual items in the ritual's I have
seen and I have heard and seen this video, which was presented to me by
a Baptist Minister. Now this video mis-represented the Masonic
faterinity, and our tenent. This minister beleive what this video said
and portrayed. Since several members of the congregation were and are
Masons we enlighted the gentleman that what he was seening and beleiving
were not only false but outright lies.
Faternially Yours
The views expressed here are my own.
Wayne Bucklaew (Buck)
ku...@in.net (LARRY KUNK) wrote:
>There is an excellent video available called "Satanic Ritual Abuse and
>Secret Societies." It was done by David Carrico. It is available
>from Followers of Jesus Christ Ministries, Box 4174, Evansville,
>Indiana 47724-4174. The documentation is solid.
Is it a coincidence that the video is available from something that
is called "Followers of Jesus Christ Ministries". This sort of
fringe christian propoganda, has been available for a very long time.
The fact that this is mentioned in a video about "satanic ritual abuse"
is a pointer to the fact that these do not know what they are talking
about, considering that masonry has not, is not, and probably will
not ever be satanic.
>Ritual Abuse by Masons, i.e. Masonic Ritual Abuse is verifiable.
>There are a number of persons coming forward stating that they were
>abused sexually by Masons in a ritualistic setting. Now, these acts
>are not said to be carried out in the 3rd degree or even in the 32nd
>degree. Rather they are said to be carried out by Masons, sometimes
>using Masonic facilities, at times when the traditional degree work is
>not being performed. Hence, few are present.
That there exist a small number of individuals who just happens to be Masons, and who
have performed gruesome acts I do not doubt. When we consider the numbers they consist,
of, we realise that this is a matter of misused statistical evidence.
If I'm kind and believe that these people are telling the truth, this is still not
proof that there is any organised ritual abuse within the organised Masonic
movement, but rather proof of statistical occurance.
What I want to know, is why Kenneth Lanning, the FBI-Expert on the matters
of Ritual Abuse etc., can't find or even verify the evidence fringe christian
sects tell they have, of any organised _satanic_ ritual abuse. Why should we
then believe the even _less_ credible idea that there exist any organised masonic
ritual abuse, coming from the same persons?
>There is a conference on Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies which will
>be held in Indianapolis at the end of March. At least two of the
>speakers are former victims of Masonic Ritual Abuse. Information is
>available from Followers of Jesus Christ Ministries.
Same persons. Maybe they should get their heads examined.
Other than that, take care.
>LARRY KUNK wrote:
(might note here that I seem to remember hearing this name mentioned
as a purveyor of Anti-Masonry. Spoor of the bovine comes to mind based
on that alone.)
>> pedr...@aol.com (Pedrotti) wrote:
>> Another organization called S.M.A.R.T. has a newsletter on Masonic
>> Ritual Abuse. The acronym is Stop Masonic Ritual Abuse Today. (A
>> couple of letters are transposed with the acronym.) The newsletter
>> is available from P. O. Box 60577, FLorence, MA 01060. The editor is
>> a Jewish man who was sexually abused by Masons as a child.
>> Larry
He spells wonderfully, too. SMRAT is the same as SMART, after all.
>Is this a joke???
>Nobody in their right mind would even consider this a topic for serious
>discussion. I cann't believe that somebody would actually think thab
>this is what Masonry is about. You obviously have no idea what you are
>talking about so beat it.
Just thought I'd pass along the tidbit I had on this. Anyone with a
brain & more info, please pass along any of your info that is
appropriate. It seems that the Anti-Masons, like the mythical vampires
preferred their coffins to the daylight which destroyed them, prefer
to stay under their rocks and hide from the light of truth which will
do them likewise. They come out to prey on the unsuspecting, leave
their mark and go once again to hide.
Anyone got a wooden stake and a mallet?
Sincerely & Fraternally, ~|
Bro. W.B. Alter |o "If I had 2 cents for every time
Albert Pike #1169 o| someone put in their 2 cents worth,
San Antonio, TX | I'd be a rich man!"
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Patrick C. Labbe Blue #142 A.F.M. Dillon SC USA
World Wide Web Site:
Just passing through, my wife read a book some few years ago about the
history of the free masons and the knights Templer and such and
it related that such charges have been going on for some 800+ years.
She does not remember the title.