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Chipotle just made a big change that’s bound to anger its loyal customers

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Apr 24, 2017, 9:28:01 PM4/24/17
Bad news, Chipotle fans — your burritos are getting more expensive.

The fast casual chain recently raised its menu prices by about five
percent in 440 of its more than 2,200 locations.

According to Business Insider, the price hike comes at the worst time
in the restaurant’s history. Sales-wise, Chipotle has yet to fully
recover from a major E. coli outbreak in late 2015. However, its stock
price has climbed more than 22 percent since the first of the year,
which could mean it’s on the rebound.

Chipotle spokesman Chris Arnold told Business Insider the chain “had
been on record saying that we may raise prices in some of our

“Even with the increase, Chipotle pricing remains very competitive
within the category,” Arnold added.

Dems & the media want Trump to be more like Obama, but then he'd
have to audit liberals & wire tap reporters' phones.

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