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3 years ago
Years ago, the number 2 US hamburger chain behind McDonald's was
Burger Chef. Through a bad series of buyouts, the chain was ruined.
However, a former manager of a Burger Chef released the simple recipe
of their special locally-made "Big Shef" sauce.
Dill relish (not sweet relish)
Dehydrated onions
Salad dressing (Miracle Whip will do)
Louisiana Hot Sauce
Add the dehydrated onions to the dill relish. Let it sit for a couple
of hours for the onions to soak up the juice from the relish. Then add
that mix to the salad dressing. Add a little hot sauce to bring out
the flavor, but not too much.
Insides of bun sections should be lightly sprayed with coconut oil and
toasted. Meat patties should be grilled.
Big Shef assembly (in order) - Bun heel, small slice of American
cheese, salted & peppered small meat patty, bun center, second meat
patty. Big Shef sauce, shredded lettuce, Bun top.
In its day, it was almost as popular as the McDonald's Big Mac.