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Burger Chef's "Big Chef" Secret Sauce Wanted ! ! ! !

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Jul 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM7/1/98

Is there anyone out there like me from the 60's to 70's who fondly
remembers Burger Chef's double deck burger the "Big Chef"? It was their
answer to the "Big Mac". Like the Mac, It had a 3-piece bun, 2-patties,
cheese, lettuce and a delicious tarter sauce that had a very strong
onion-dill pickle flavor with a hint of garlic. If anyone knows if that
sauce is made commercially or has the recipe that Burger Chef used for
that marvelous sauce please E-mail me. By the way, Burger Chef
corporate headquarters was based in Indianapolis, IN and I believe was
owned by General Foods. One of their advertising props was a birdhouse
built in the shape of their white-orange-teal green trimmed resturants.
As you travel the two-lane highways of the mid-west I guarantee you will
see them.


Jul 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM7/2/98

Seems to me I read somewhere (in the last month or so) that the sauce
contained Thousand Island dressing... Would THAT make any sense? (I don't
eat salads.)

Oh, and about seeing those signs...I'd LOVE to see one... I'm still looking
for any photographs of any Burger Chefs anyone might have... MISS that place
very much...


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Apr 20, 2017, 5:20:22 PM4/20/17
Dill relish
Dehydrated onion
Mix and let sit a couple hours
Miracle whip
Couple drops of hot sauce
Mix to your taste

Klaus Schadenfreude

Apr 20, 2017, 11:50:21 PM4/20/17
On Thu, 20 Apr 2017 10:20:21 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>Dill relish
>Dehydrated onion
>Mix and let sit a couple hours
>Miracle whip

Jan 1, 2020, 8:42:59 PM1/1/20
On Wednesday, July 1, 1998 at 2:00:00 AM UTC-5, RLS wrote:
> Is there anyone out there like me from the 60's to 70's who fondly
> remembers Burger Chef's double deck burger the "Big Chef"? It was their
> answer to the "Big Mac". Like the Mac, It had a 3-piece bun, 2-patties,
> cheese, lettuce and a delicious tarter sauce that had a very strong
> onion-dill pickle flavor with a hint of garlic. If anyone knows if that
> sauce is made commercially or has the recipe that Burger Chef used for
> that marvelous sauce please E-mail me. By the way, Burger Chef
> corporate headquarters was based in Indianapolis, IN and I believe was
> owned by General Foods. One of their advertising props was a birdhouse
> built in the shape of their white-orange-teal green trimmed resturants.
> As you travel the two-lane highways of the mid-west I guarantee you will
> see them.

I'm pretty late to answering your question about Burger Chef. I worked at one for about nine months. As far as I can remember it tated just like thousand island salad dressing to me. Marc's, Bob's and Mike's Big Boy burgers used the same thing. The Big Boy, Big Mac & Top Shelf were all pretty much te same things. Big Boy's and Burger Chef I also believe used a much better quality of buns too.I hope your still out there to read this reply. 21 years later almost.


Jan 1, 2020, 9:46:25 PM1/1/20
I found this:

level 1
6 points
3 years ago
Years ago, the number 2 US hamburger chain behind McDonald's was
Burger Chef. Through a bad series of buyouts, the chain was ruined.
However, a former manager of a Burger Chef released the simple recipe
of their special locally-made "Big Shef" sauce.

Dill relish (not sweet relish)
Dehydrated onions
Salad dressing (Miracle Whip will do)
Louisiana Hot Sauce

Add the dehydrated onions to the dill relish. Let it sit for a couple
of hours for the onions to soak up the juice from the relish. Then add
that mix to the salad dressing. Add a little hot sauce to bring out
the flavor, but not too much.

Insides of bun sections should be lightly sprayed with coconut oil and
toasted. Meat patties should be grilled.

Big Shef assembly (in order) - Bun heel, small slice of American
cheese, salted & peppered small meat patty, bun center, second meat
patty. Big Shef sauce, shredded lettuce, Bun top.

In its day, it was almost as popular as the McDonald's Big Mac.

May 13, 2020, 1:10:17 AM5/13/20
I worked for Burger Chef who was then bought out by Hardee’s for 23 years from 1976 until 1999. I remember taking a 5 gallon pail of salad dressing, adding a gallon jug of dill relish, a courtesy cup ( small cups we would give to customers when they didn’t buy a drink) and an amount of dehydrated onions that I don’t remember. This was our Big Chef Sauce and tarter sauce! Wow, those were the days!!!

Debby Taube

Aug 23, 2020, 5:51:46 PM8/23/20
My family owned a burger chef franchise is the 60s and 70s. I can sure you, there were no dehydrated onions in that operation. The chopping machine was like a very shallow but large bowl. After peeling and removing the ends the onions were tossed in to chop. Bag after bag after bag. Tears ensued.

But the salad dressing and dill relish are correct. Don’t get grossed out because all items were for food use only but we mixed up an entire trash can full everyday. Stirred it with an axe handle. And whoever said it up sauce. Not so much you knew you were eating hot sauce but enough that you knew something else was in there.

This was all pre frozen potatoes as well. Once the onions were done it was onto the potato peeling machine, potato cutting machine, and washing and washing and washing of the potatoes. Then a blanch.

We also had intensely concentrated mustard, ketchup, orange drink, and root beer base that had to be cut to the right consistency.

Looking back that sure was a lot of work. But some of my best memories. A fish sandwich, fries and a orange drink. Darn good meal.

K. M.

Oct 20, 2020, 11:27:04 AM10/20/20
On Wednesday, July 1, 1998 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, RLS wrote:
> Is there anyone out there like me from the 60's to 70's who fondly
> remembers Burger Chef's double deck burger the "Big Chef"? It was their
> answer to the "Big Mac". Like the Mac, It had a 3-piece bun, 2-patties,
> cheese, lettuce and a delicious tarter sauce that had a very strong
> onion-dill pickle flavor with a hint of garlic. If anyone knows if that
> sauce is made commercially or has the recipe that Burger Chef used for
> that marvelous sauce please E-mail me. By the way, Burger Chef
> corporate headquarters was based in Indianapolis, IN and I believe was
> owned by General Foods. One of their advertising props was a birdhouse
> built in the shape of their white-orange-teal green trimmed resturants.
> As you travel the two-lane highways of the mid-west I guarantee you will
> see them.
I worked for Burger Chef in Oak Park, Michigan as a teenager. The sauce used is Tartar sauce--Simple. Enjoy

Debbie Weikart

Nov 7, 2020, 4:32:59 PM11/7/20

Sandra Phillips

Dec 6, 2021, 6:21:36 PM12/6/21
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