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DEMOCRATS ARE ILLITERATE -- Why Woodward's Trump book is being misread by Democrats

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May 25, 2021, 7:35:02 PM5/25/21
If Democrats could read the room half as well as they read
bombshell books, they’d realize voters already saw this Lifetime
Movie in 2016

President Donald Trump has inspired so many dramatically titled,
tell-all books that most days the non-fiction bestseller lists
sound exactly like the Lifetime Movie listings.

If we’re being honest, titles like “The Room Where It Happened,”
“Unhinged,” or “Disloyal” could just as easily be about a lousy
husband who winds up on the business end of a shovel after he
wrongs his good wife one time too many.

This week’s effort to bury the Trump presidency is called “Rage”
and it comes from famed Washington Post Watergate reporter Bob
Woodward, who’s releasing a follow up to his 2018 Trump Tell All
entitled, “Fear.”


Like its made for TV predecessors, “Rage” has a dramatic title
guaranteed to generate big headlines and bigger sales, but I
believe it will ultimately end up doing very little to hurt the
president. Spoiler Alert.

Woodward set the political world on fire Wednesday by releasing
audio-tapes from a March interview in which the president
admitted to publicly downplaying the threat from the
coronavirus, adding, “I still like playing it down, because I
don't want to create a panic."

A sane person might recognize the value of promoting societal
calm in the face of a once-in-a-century global pandemic, but
when it comes to Trump, the media treats sanity the way House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to treat hair salon closures --
something for other people to adhere to but not her.

Within minutes of the release of the news from Woodward’s book
the same CNN reporters who’ve spent four years accusing Trump of
fear-mongering were seemingly accusing him of hope-mongering.

The hashtag #TrumpResignNow quickly began trending on Twitter.
Even the political groundhog himself, Punxatawney Joe Biden,
made a rare journey outside his burrow to accuse the president
of a “life and death betrayal of the American people” that was
“almost criminal.”

(And let’s face it, if anybody knows about something being
“almost criminal,” it’s the guy whose son had a top-shelf gig
with a Ukrainian power company while he was vice president of a
country they wanted to do business with)

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases, then shot down claims Trump misled the
public, telling Fox News’ “The Daily Briefing,” “I didn't get
any sense that he was distorting anything. I mean in my
discussions with him, they were always straightforward about the
concerns that we had. We related that to him. And when he would
go out, I'd hear him discussing the same sort of things.”

Fauci’s fact check aside, the bigger reason the revelations from
Woodward’s “Rage” is going nowhere is that the same Democrats
who claim Trump waited too long to act waited much longer than
he did.

Trump banned incoming flights from China on January 27, yet on
February 24 Nancy Pelosi was seen in a video, since deleted from
her Twitter account, encouraging people to visit San Francisco’s
Chinatown for a New Year’s Celebration. No masks, no social
distancing, no regard for the virus she now claims the president
should have been doing something about at the very moment she
stood in a crowd.

Biden initially characterized Trump’s January 27 flight ban as
“racist” and “xenophobic” and despite his own insistence the
president should have acted sooner, Biden attended a public
rally in Michigan on March 9 in which no one was wearing masks.


The Biden campaign later defended photos from the event by
accurately pointing out the rally took place weeks before the
CDC recommended all people wear masks in public.

Which brings us to Trump’s alleged “refusal to act sooner.”

Democrats love to talk about “following the science,” but the
reality is, despite what the president may have known in January
and February, the science behind social distancing and mask-
wearing wasn’t being pushed at the time.

The World Health Organization declared the virus a global
pandemic on March 11, and the president responded the next day
by banning incoming flights from 26 European nations in an
effort to slow the spread. Within a week we were all locked at
home watching “Tiger King,” as part of a 15-day initiative to
flatten the curve, give or take 180 days.

And herein lies the biggest problem for Democrats between now
and November 3.

The Democratic Party and its allies in the media are so blinded
by their hatred for this president their emotions are denying
them the self-awareness that would otherwise tell them how
grossly out of touch they are with voters.

At a time when millions of Americans are struggling to piece
their lives back together, Democrats are pushing sensationalist
headlines that disparage the president but offer zero
deliverables to help people get back on their feet.

The average voter doesn’t have the luxury of obsessing over what
happened then, as they’re too consumed by what needs to be done

For all of his angry teleprompter reading of late, Biden still
hasn’t articulated how he’d do anything differently when it
comes to COVID-19 than President Trump, aside from promising a
national mask mandate that he’s since had to walk back because
it was unconstitutional.


History will record the Woodward book as one of a million
character assassinations waged against the president between now
and Election Day.

If Democrats could read the room half as well as they read
bombshell books, they’d realize voters already saw this Lifetime
Movie in 2016 and it does not have a happy ending for them.

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