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Colonal Sanders daughter and John W. Gacy???

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Drew Lawson

Nov 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/27/00
In article <8vumc4$dm2$>
Sidhedevil <> writes:

>"Colonel" Harland Sanders's daughter Margaret wrote a book about her
>family, published in 1996--here's a cite from a blurb in People magazine
>about it:
>I remember reading it at the time, and it was not exactly discreet, so I
>think she would have mentioned if Gacy was her husband (or brother in
>law, though I seem to recall she was an only child). BTW, Margaret
>Sanders was born in 1909, so she would have been a bit old for Gacy.

re: only child
I've had a bit more trouble than I'd expected finding any
family/biography web pages about the Colonal. However I did find
one page that described a picture of him as having his *two*
daughters in the background.

Drew "why did the chicken . . ." Lawson
|Drew Lawson | If you're not part of the solution |
| | you're part of the precipitate. |
| | |

Charles Wm. Dimmick

Nov 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/27/00
Pjkorman wrote:

> There's a woman at work who swears she "knows" that
> one of Colonal Sanders' daughters was once married to
> John Wayne Gacy. She also claims that when the
> whole Gacy thing came down she moved to Canada. ANYBODY??????

Colonel Sanders had one daughter, Margaret. As far as
I know she never married. However, at age 87 she did
write a book, entitled: "The Colonel's Secret: Eleven
Herbs and a Spicy Daughter." She is now 90, having
been born in 1910, when her father was but 20.

Charles Wm. Dimmick

Brian B. Rodenborn

Nov 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/27/00
In article <8vukmt$cbn$>, <> wrote:
>In article <>,
> (Pjkorman) wrote:
>> Hi

>> There's a woman at work who swears she "knows" that one of
>Colonal Sanders'
>> daughters was once married to John Wayne Gacy. She also claims that
>when the
>> whole Gacy thing came down she moved to Canada. ANYBODY??????
>Gacy was married twice, to a Marlynn Myres in 1964 and a Carol Hoff in
>1972. I have found nothing on several Gacy sites suggesting that
>either of these women was a chicken heiress, which one would certainly
>expect to have been mentioned had it been true.

One source on the web gives:

In September 1964, Gacy met and married a co-worker named
Marlynn Myers whose parents owned a string of Kentucky Fried
Chicken fast food restaurant franchises in Waterloo, Iowa.
Fred W. Myers, Gacy's new father-in-law, offered him a position
with one of his franchises. Soon after that Gacy and his new wife
moved to Iowa.

Next we can discuss what type of person puts their hate mail in their
.SIG file for everyone to see. That could get interesting.
- RATBoy (to me on


Nov 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/27/00
There's a woman at work who swears she "knows" that one of Colonal Sanders'
daughters was once married to John Wayne Gacy. She also claims that when the
whole Gacy thing came down she moved to Canada. ANYBODY??????


Charles Wm. Dimmick

Nov 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/27/00
Drew Lawson wrote:
> In article <8vumc4$dm2$>
> Sidhedevil <> writes:
> >"Colonel" Harland Sanders's daughter Margaret wrote a book about her
> >family, published in 1996--here's a cite from a blurb in People magazine
> >about it:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >I remember reading it at the time, and it was not exactly discreet, so I
> >think she would have mentioned if Gacy was her husband (or brother in
> >law, though I seem to recall she was an only child). BTW, Margaret
> >Sanders was born in 1909, so she would have been a bit old for Gacy.
> re: only child
> I've had a bit more trouble than I'd expected finding any
> family/biography web pages about the Colonal. However I did find
> one page that described a picture of him as having his *two*
> daughters in the background.

I stand corrected. I only knew of one daughter. However,
following your lead, I found the following:
"GERALD: "Colonel Sanders, did you know him very well? did
you meet with him very much or did you know him
personally or anything like that? BOYCE: "Oh Yeah, yeah
when the Colonel sold out he had two daughters and he
gave one of them the State of Florida before he sold out.
She had all the Franchises in Florida. and the other one he
sold out Canada for two- million dollars and put it in
trust funds for cripple children. She administrated the trust.
That was her job, to administrate that trust. "

Charles Wm. Dimmick

Nov 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/27/00
In article <>, (Pjkorman) wrote:

Gacy was married twice, to a Marlynn Myres in 1964 and a Carol Hoff in

1972. I have found nothing on several Gacy sites suggesting that
either of these women was a chicken heiress, which one would certainly
expect to have been mentioned had it been true.

A little polite persistent questioning of your friend concerning the
source of this very oid-y factoid might prove interesting.

Alan "Of course, in chicken circles there's this theory about the
Colonel and John Wayne Gacy...." Follett

Sent via
Before you buy.


Nov 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/27/00
In article <>, (Pjkorman) wrote:
> Hi
> There's a woman at work who swears she "knows" that one of Colonal
> daughters was once married to John Wayne Gacy. She also claims that
when the
> whole Gacy thing came down she moved to Canada. ANYBODY??????
> Pat

"Colonel" Harland Sanders's daughter Margaret wrote a book about her
family, published in 1996--here's a cite from a blurb in People magazine
about it:

I remember reading it at the time, and it was not exactly discreet, so I
think she would have mentioned if Gacy was her husband (or brother in
law, though I seem to recall she was an only child). BTW, Margaret
Sanders was born in 1909, so she would have been a bit old for Gacy.

Sidhedevil "now that KFC and Taco Bell have merged, I am terrified by
the unholy union of Bell and Fry" the She-Devil

Nov 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/27/00
In article <8vumkt$>, (Brian B. Rodenborn) wrote:
> In article <8vukmt$cbn$>, <> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > (Pjkorman) wrote:
> >> Hi
> >> There's a woman at work who swears she "knows" that one of
> >Colonal Sanders'
> >> daughters was once married to John Wayne Gacy. She also claims
> >when the
> >> whole Gacy thing came down she moved to Canada. ANYBODY??????
> >>
> >
> >Gacy was married twice, to a Marlynn Myres in 1964 and a Carol Hoff
> >1972. I have found nothing on several Gacy sites suggesting that
> >either of these women was a chicken heiress, which one would
> >expect to have been mentioned had it been true.
> One source on the web gives:
> In September 1964, Gacy met and married a co-worker named
> Marlynn Myers whose parents owned a string of Kentucky Fried
> Chicken fast food restaurant franchises in Waterloo, Iowa.
> Fred W. Myers, Gacy's new father-in-law, offered him a position
> with one of his franchises. Soon after that Gacy and his new wife
> moved to Iowa.
Good heavens, how did I miss that one? Yes, that has to be the source
of the story, allowing for slight betterment in transmission. Thanks!

Alan "furthermore, the Taco Bell chihuahua once belonged to Ted Bundy"

Drew Lawson

Nov 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/28/00
In article <> (Kerikturd) writes:

>> There's a woman at work who swears she "knows" that one of Colonal
>> daughters was once married to John Wayne Gacy. She also claims that when the
>>whole Gacy thing came down she moved to Canada. ANYBODY??????

>Let's see a Southern Belle moves north to the windy city, doubtful unless she
>was into "The Blues"

I'm guessing here that you've never actually been to Kentucky, and
probably never looked at where it is on the map.

Drew "thet's what the 'K' is, ya' see" Lawson
|Drew Lawson | Mrs. Tweedy! |
| | The chickens are revolting! |
| | |


Nov 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/28/00


> There's a woman at work who swears she "knows" that one of Colonal
> daughters was once married to John Wayne Gacy. She also claims that when the
>whole Gacy thing came down she moved to Canada. ANYBODY??????
Yeahhhhhh, She really liked being eaten.

Let's see a Southern Belle moves north to the windy city, doubtful unless she
was into "The Blues"
then plays chicken with cereal killer, he gives her "real good head" she keeps
moving north.
Nahhhhhhhhh I say bullsnuh!!

Wolfman Morehead
Ubangi, Ubetcha


Nov 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/28/00
>Sidhedevil "now that KFC and Taco Bell have merged, I am terrified by
>the unholy union of Bell and Fry" the She-Devil

Could the new mascot be a bat?

Lee Rudolph

Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00
to writes:

> (Pjkorman) wrote:
>> Hi
>> There's a woman at work who swears she "knows" that one of
>Colonal Sanders'
>> daughters was once married to John Wayne Gacy. She also claims that
>when the
>> whole Gacy thing came down she moved to Canada. ANYBODY??????

>Gacy was married twice, to a Marlynn Myres in 1964 and a Carol Hoff in
>1972. I have found nothing on several Gacy sites suggesting that
>either of these women was a chicken heiress

Maybe she was a secret-spices heiress.

Lee "with a Rubensesque spicebox" Rudolph

Sep 22, 2016, 11:15:06 AM9/22/16
No he wasn't married to the colonal'so daughter, but however Marilyn'so in laws owned a chain of Kentucky Fried Chicken stores. That's how that rumor got started.

Jack Benard

May 11, 2020, 2:00:43 PM5/11/20
On Monday, 27 November 2000 08:00:00 UTC, Pjkorman wrote:
> Hi
> There's a woman at work who swears she "knows" that one of Colonal Sanders'
> daughters was once married to John Wayne Gacy. She also claims that when the
> whole Gacy thing came down she moved to Canada. ANYBODY??????
> Pat

Old Comment There I Think Yes According To Goggle John Wayne Gacy Was Married To Colonal Sanders I Could Be Wrong But I Think Yes
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