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Mark Brady

Dec 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/30/96

Craig Stewart <> wrote:

>-- I just finished checking the CIA sight... I was wondering about a
>article I read about a new piece or artwork out side the builing. It was
>called "Cryptos" and was a wavy wall with letters "punched" through it.
>The only clue was one letter turned crooked. Supposedly only the artist,
>head of the CIA and the Pres knows what it says....
>Ever Hear of this and if so the cryted message could be what Urban
>Legends are made of!

>Craig " Were here to help" Stewart

There was a story about in the Washington Post about it. I think that it
was spelled Kryptos and was unveiled in October of 1990. It cost us US
taxpayers lots of money and AFAIK, no one has solved it yet.

Mark Brady
Phoenix, AZ

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