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A note about W"f"W

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Keith M Ellis

May 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/25/97

I've been occasionaly reading some of the articles posted by Word
"freedom" Warrior, mostly being amused by the obsessive incantation of
"Inaccurate/inapplicable; fallacious regardless". However, I thought it'd
be interesting to do a DejaNews search on her, and see what it turned up.
The results are interesting and revealing.

First of all, before Sheila started disguising her identity, she posted as
"". Here's what a search through the "old" DejaNews
database reveals:

9935 unique articles posted.
Number of articles posted to individual newsgroups
(slightly skewed by cross-postings):
1478 rec.equestrian
966 alt.child-support
621 alt.conspiracy
396 alt.current-events.usa
306 alt.evil
226 alt.rhode_island

...and so on. The earliest post under this email address is only around
Februray of last year.

Anyone who thinks that they can effectively argue with someone who is
posting at least five-thousand articles a year is quixotic. Give it up.
She is an excellent example of a USENET nut and someone who has far more
time to write meaningless "rebuttals" than you do.

Secondly, I noticed that her earlier articles tended to make more sense
than what we've seen here recently. Either she's going insane (not
unlikely), or she is intentionaly being obtuse and annoying. In either
case, there's no point in arguing with her.

Thirdly, given that she's now disguising her email address, I'd like to
quote a surpisingly lucid post of hers from a while back in another

Word Warrior ( wrote:
: Your cowardice in refusing to use your real name
: isn't quite exceeded by your pretense in those
: pseudonyms you happen to choose instead.
: Then again, someone as error-prone, incompetent,
: and misguided as you should be afraid to use your
: real name, as well as eager to pretend to a power
: starkly contrasting your genuine impotence.

...which nicely applies to herself.

By the way, from many of the posts of hers I read, I seem to generally
have little to disagree with her about her politics. So what? She's
annoying as hell once her act has gone stale (it has). The best way to
get her out of afu is to killfile or completely ignore her.


-Keith Ellis

[1] Quote found in article:

Re: Ethnocentric Trash
From: (Word Warrior)
Date: 1996/06/21
Message-Id: <4qf8fa$>

May 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/25/97

Keith M Ellis wrote:
> I've been occasionaly reading some of the articles posted by Word
> "freedom" Warrior,

> Secondly, I noticed that her earlier articles tended to make more sense
> than what we've seen here recently.

> By the way, from many of the posts of hers I read, I seem to generally
> have little to disagree with her about her politics. So what? She's
> annoying as hell once her act has gone stale (it has).

I've also been going through this excercise, much more thoroughly than I
care to admit, including reading through reams of postings.
Sheila's early postings of 2 years ago, primarily in rec.equestrian,
revealed at least some expertise in *that* subject, though pretty
over-bearing then. There too she has degenerated into the WFW. The
devolution of her postings reminded me of an article I read many years
ago about the life of an artist's descent into madness, illustrated by
his changing style of paintings. I wondered at the time if his art was a
reflection of his madness or his way of dealing with it. The same
question could be asked about Sheila. Maybe she'll show up one day in an
'e-mail saved my life' UL.

It was the discoveries about that were even more disturbing
than this one woman's prolific if senseless output. ROM's purpose in
Usenet seems to be to interfere with the operations of as many other
newsgroups as possible, frequently using Sheila as their major disruptive
weapon. The same people who posted to AFU 'apologizing' for her and
suggesting we simply ignore her - after 2 weeks of flaming, mind you -
seem to spend their lives in that same pointless name-calling. Their
posts 'on topic' tend to be more sarcastic putdowns and inciting
flamewars among various newsgroups. They don't bother to edit, Sheila's
grating style is endemic to the group itself, not peculiar to her.

I say watch out for *any* additions of ROM to the crossposting.


-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

David McFarlane

May 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/26/97

Keith M Ellis <> wrote:
>Secondly, I noticed that her earlier articles tended to make more sense
>than what we've seen here recently. Either she's going insane (not

No shame in that (although it is annoying to the sane), I just hope she
ignores the stigma and gets needed medical attention. My sister is insane
(schizophrenia), but then she doesn't bother people on Usenet <g>.

-- David McFarlane
"Of what use is a philosopher who doesn't hurt anybody's feelings?"
- Diogenes of Sinope (The Cynic) -

Sarra Wright

May 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/27/97

On 25 May 1997 23:02:46 GMT, Keith M Ellis <> wrote:

>I've been occasionaly reading some of the articles posted by Word

>"freedom" Warrior, mostly being amused by the obsessive incantation of
>"Inaccurate/inapplicable; fallacious regardless". However, I thought it'd
>be interesting to do a DejaNews search on her, and see what it turned up.
>The results are interesting and revealing.

Not to mention that if you actually read her current outbursts, you'll
notice where she's talking to herself and doesn't even realize it. So
if we tiptoe quietly out of the room and shut the door, I bet she
won't even realize we've gone.

(Cite from Deja News below)

Sarra "Shhhhh" Wright

Subject: Re: Justice Is Our Obligation
From: ~eat...@regular.mealtimes~ (--->Word "Freedom"
Date: 1997/05/23
Message-Id: <5m4lgm$h4n$>
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban,
[More Headers]

> (Ian A. York) wrote:

>Sheila's more of an

You are in no way shape or form remotely qualified to speak
with any accuracy of or for me, and you can't even tell that
it's entirely immaterial no matter what.

Subject: Re: Justice Is Our Obligation
From: ~eat...@regular.mealtimes~ (--->Word "Freedom"
Date: 1997/05/25
Message-Id: <5ma1un$3ou$>
[More Headers]

>> "Rick N." <> wrote:

>You are in no way shape or form remotely qualified to speak
>with any accuracy of or for me,

I hadn't done so. Read for comprehension.

May 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/30/97

In article <5mafun$adj$>,

Keith M Ellis <> wrote:

> Thirdly, given that she's now disguising her email address, I'd like to
> quote a surpisingly lucid post of hers from a while back in another
> newsgroup[1]:
> Word Warrior ( wrote:
> : Your cowardice in refusing to use your real name
> : isn't quite exceeded by your pretense in those
> : pseudonyms you happen to choose instead.
> : Then again, someone as error-prone, incompetent,
> : and misguided as you should be afraid to use your
> : real name, as well as eager to pretend to a power
> : starkly contrasting your genuine impotence.

> ...which nicely applies to herself.

If you had sufficient brains you'd have observed that her name is
within the first line of her sig. But then it is clear from your
diatribe that neither observation or reading are of your better skills.

> -Keith Ellis


Keith M Ellis

May 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/30/97
to spake thusly:

> If you had sufficient brains you'd have observed that her name is
> within the first line of her sig. But then it is clear from your
> diatribe that neither observation or reading are of your better skills.

I read quite well, thank you very much. I have to admit, however, that I
have had some difficulty with wfw's posts - possibly because she is one of
the most pitifuly inadequate writers I have had the misfortune to read.
She'd do better to stick to monosyllabic prose until she manages to make
some sense with it, and only then move on to those polysyllabic words she
now harnesses like sedated elephants into a circle. Anyway, her tortured,
somnambulant prose must have clouded my mind because - whad'ya know? -
her new email address *is* right there in her .sig, just as you say. I am
so relieved to know I can email her and ask for clarification.

As for my observation skills, I notice that you would be better to try
asyllabic prose for a while. You might make more friends that way,
providing you also shower and stop drooling on yourself.

-Keith "Word 'slavery' Warrior: fighting to keep English shackled in the
service of communication" Ellis

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