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pet food good enough for people?

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Dec 10, 2006, 11:06:29 PM12/10/06
housepets sometimes get to eat table scraps - in all fairness,
shouldn't this be a two way street?

In the USA, commercially-produced petfoods are certainly at sufficient
levels of sanitation.

But what about the gourmet considerations? Nominations for products
that you'd eat yourself?

I start by nominating "Milkbones"

Dec 10, 2006, 11:37:57 PM12/10/06
to wrote:
> snip>

> I start by nominating "Milkbones"

Good choice, barkadas. Milk Bones really nothing more than a
high-protein cracker, and I like the taste, too. (I thought I was the
only one.) I'll bet they're actually more nutritious than people
crackers, too. Bow wow!

Dec 10, 2006, 11:39:21 PM12/10/06

Oops. I meant to say Milk Bones ARE nothing more...


Dec 11, 2006, 2:01:08 PM12/11/06

> Good choice, barkadas. Milk Bones really nothing more than a
> high-protein cracker, and I like the taste, too. (I thought I was the
> only one.) I'll bet they're actually more nutritious than people
> crackers, too. Bow wow!

Ever read Nutritional statements on foods? There's hardly any vitamins or
nutrients in MOST foods! Why don't the food manufacturers put ingredients
that have vitamins and minerals in their food? Especially since
vitamin/mineral supplements have been found to be fairly useless in terms
of actually having the vitamins/minerals be absorbed by the body. Vitamins
are out of favor this week, who knows, next week there might be a study
saying the initial studies were incorrect and that vitamin supplements do,
in fact, work.

But in terms of vitamins/minerals, we have to ask the food manufacturers:
"where's the beef?" It might cost a tiny bit more to include more
vitamins/minerals, but this cost would be negligable compared to the
healthcare savings (that we as a society have to pay for when people get
cancer and other ailments).

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Rod Speed

Dec 11, 2006, 3:00:38 PM12/11/06
Grappletech <> wrote:

> Ever read Nutritional statements on foods?


> There's hardly any vitamins or nutrients in MOST foods!

Mindlessly silly with the nutrients particularly.

> Why don't the food manufacturers put ingredients
> that have vitamins and minerals in their food?

They do.

> Especially since vitamin/mineral supplements have been found to be fairly useless
> in terms of actually having the vitamins/minerals be absorbed by the body.

Pig ignorant lie.

> Vitamins are out of favor this week,

Because anyone with a clue realises that almost everyone gets enough of
those in their diet and the only ones who dont are those with a bizarre diet.

> who knows, next week there might be a study saying the initial studies
> were incorrect and that vitamin supplements do, in fact, work.

Mindlessly silly stuff. You cant list even a single example of that happening.

> But in terms of vitamins/minerals, we have to
> ask the food manufacturers: "where's the beef?"

Nope, I know how to get real beef if I want that.

> It might cost a tiny bit more to include more vitamins/minerals, but
> this cost would be negligable compared to the healthcare savings

You dont know that last either.

The primary health care costs are due to gross over consumption of all food.

> (that we as a society have to pay for when people get cancer and other ailments).

No you dont if you dont bother with health insurance.

Mike Williams

Dec 11, 2006, 3:27:52 PM12/11/06
Wasn't it Grappletech who wrote:
>Ever read Nutritional statements on foods? There's hardly any vitamins or
>nutrients in MOST foods! Why don't the food manufacturers put ingredients
>that have vitamins and minerals in their food? Especially since
>vitamin/mineral supplements have been found to be fairly useless in terms
>of actually having the vitamins/minerals be absorbed by the body. Vitamins
>are out of favor this week, who knows, next week there might be a study
>saying the initial studies were incorrect and that vitamin supplements do,
>in fact, work.

In certain highly litigious countries, the food manufacturers might be
afraid of being sued for causing vitamin poisoning if they added
significant quantities of vitamins.

Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure


Dec 12, 2006, 9:13:24 AM12/12/06
It has long been an open secret that Milkbone makes (according to some
people) a better teething biscuit that most teething biscuits.

I worked with a woman who had temped with a dogfood manufacturer. Her
words, "I wish I were certain that the food I eat was handled that


Dec 16, 2006, 6:43:55 PM12/16/06

pet food is more expensive then human food, so what is the point

Rod Speed

Dec 16, 2006, 9:26:42 PM12/16/06
to wrote
> wrote

Nope, in spades with those big sacks of dried dog food.

> so what is the point

The saving, stupid.

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