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Objects that instantly vanish

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Nov 12, 2021, 11:05:54 PM11/12/21
When I was a kid, my mom was a smoker. She went into the kitchen to cook and she left her cigarette lighter on the table. I remember what it looked like too; it was a Bic lighter with 3 butterflies printed down the length of the lighter.

I was staring right at the lighter at close range, and it literally disappeared. As in vanishing in an instant, like I was viewing a jump cut in an old spliced up film. There was no sound or anything else associated with what I saw.

I told my classmates a few years later what happened, but of course they just laughed and said "yeah right".

You are probally thinking that maybe my mom was quick with her hand and just quickly swiped the lighter, but she never came into the room I was in and she was in the kitchen the entire time. There was nobody else inside the house either. I also would've known if she was standing around me taking the lighter away.

40 years later, I am still baffled at what I had witnessed.

I want to add that though my memory is a bit fuzzy in regards to what happened afterward, I think my mom did ask me about the missing lighter.


Nov 14, 2021, 2:46:20 PM11/14/21
Wow, sounds like you were lucky enough to witness a trans-location.

From reading all the stories of people lookinf for things and then giving
up, only to find it in the middle of a table or such next time they go in
the room this is a common trick the ghosties like to play.

Sometimes the lost object is found later in a bizarre location. This would
suggest to me that they can move things, but not 'disappear' them to their
dimension or whatever it is they're stuck in that we can't normally see.

Do a search for "Jim Harold's Campfire" for his weekly podcast of peoples'
ghost stories. (I've been plowing through all the old ones.)
Some great stories, some yawners, some borderline plain co-incidence by my

thanks for your post.

pH in Aptos, CA


Nov 14, 2021, 7:46:34 PM11/14/21
Also known as "apports" and I've had it happen right before my face along with 3 other people.


Nov 21, 2021, 2:03:33 PM11/21/21
Wow! That must have made you take time to think.
Did you eventually start doubting yourself? Did the object eventually show
up? (Hope it wasn't an expensive Scotch!)

pH in Aptos


Nov 21, 2021, 7:14:22 PM11/21/21
It had everyone questioning each other.
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