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Shadow People Theories

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Jun 10, 2001, 4:46:27 AM6/10/01
Did anyone catch Friday's Art Bell show? Art was plugging that his
guest would be revealing what shadow people are for the first couple
hours of his show...

His guest was one Major Ed Dames, who uses a technique called "Remote
Viewing" to solve problems.... you can check Art's website for more
info... anyway....

I was disappointed, after waiting two hours while Art plugged that Mr.
Dames had the answer to shadow people, that he simply said it was the
shadow of ghosts....

This is one of the first theories that I had, when I saw my first
"shadow person"... but after seeing them more, I ruled that out....
Mr. Dames said that what you are seeing is the shadow of something in
between the light source and the wall... namely a ghost..... I've
seen them while standing IN THE PATH of the light source and the
shadow... so that's ruled out, in my opinion.... then again, maybe
I've seen something other than "shadow people"... but all the
descriptions from other accounts fit with mine....

regardless, just wondering what you all thought of that.



Jun 10, 2001, 11:20:13 AM6/10/01
I think that shadow people ARE the spirits, not just the shadow of
ghosts...what Ed Dames said about them being just the shadow of ghosts
doesn't sound right to me either...for one thing, the shadow people we've
seen have at times been more than just one dimensional, which shadows appear
to be.


"Jamie" <> wrote in message


Jun 10, 2001, 2:38:46 PM6/10/01

On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 10:20:13 -0500, "Sheryl7" <>

>I think that shadow people ARE the spirits, not just the shadow of
>ghosts...what Ed Dames said about them being just the shadow of ghosts
>doesn't sound right to me either...for one thing, the shadow people we've
>seen have at times been more than just one dimensional, which shadows appear
>to be.
>"Jamie" <> wrote in message

>> I was disappointed, after waiting two hours while Art plugged that Mr.

>> Dames had the answer to shadow people, that he simply said it was the
>> shadow of ghosts....

>> Mr. Dames said that what you are seeing is the shadow of something in

>> between the light source and the wall... namely a ghost..... I've
>> seen them while standing IN THE PATH of the light source and the
>> shadow... so that's ruled out, in my opinion.... then again, maybe
>> I've seen something other than "shadow people"... but all the
>> descriptions from other accounts fit with mine....

>> Jamie

I saw a shadowperson that was clearly between the closet door of my
room and the light source, plus three-dimensional to boot. There was
no mistaking that.

It would have been pretty hard for me to sit through 2 hours of mostly
advertisements just to hear the opinion of Ed Dames.

Wish I could have heard that particular Art Bell program
though.......but they don't broadcast it in my area. Bummer.

email: remove NOSPAMOrama in my email addy
Krickette of the undernet

Join us in the #Ghosts channel on the undernet
*..*^^* tHiNgS tHaT gO bUmP iN tHe nIgHt *^^*..*


Jun 10, 2001, 5:34:20 PM6/10/01
>I saw a shadowperson that was clearly between the closet door of my
>room and the light source, plus three-dimensional to boot. There was
>no mistaking that.
>It would have been pretty hard for me to sit through 2 hours of mostly
>advertisements just to hear the opinion of Ed Dames.
>Wish I could have heard that particular Art Bell program
>though.......but they don't broadcast it in my area. Bummer.
>email: remove NOSPAMOrama in my email addy
>Krickette of the undernet
>Join us in the #Ghosts channel on the undernet
>*..*^^* tHiNgS tHaT gO bUmP iN tHe nIgHt *^^*..*

Art Bell's programs are archived, and you can stream them from the
Internet. Check 'em out here:



Jun 10, 2001, 6:34:58 PM6/10/01
I went to that page and then followed a link from there to another page
which I got this excerpt from. There was a question about why people weren't
believed when they tried to tell others about their experiences:

Exerpts From Shadow Beings - REALity Unveiled
by Dr. Morgan Spence and Dr. C. A. Reed

Why doesn't anyone believe me? This is a question I'm frequently asked by
subjects I've interviewed. Part of the problem is that humans tend to assume
that if they haven't experienced something that sounds this strange, it
can't possibly be real. Not everyone experiences childbirth firsthand, and
yet we accept that childbirth does occur because it is quite common.
Unfortunately, the less common something is, the more difficult it is for
those who have not experienced it to accept it as reality. Indeed, the only
reason this phenomenon is looked upon as "strange" at present is because it
hasn't been all that common until now. (Or at least it hasn't been commonly
discussed until now.) Therefore, it is imperative that we overcome our fear
of judgment and find others with which it is safe to discuss this
phenomenon, which will tend to be others who have encountered similar
experiences to our own.

Scientific delusions abound. Dr. C. A. Reed of the International Research
Academy states: "The truth is, it is absolutely absurd to assume that
elements isolated in an unnatural environment behave with any reliable
consistency in the same way they behave when existing in their natural
environment, which is frequently a world full of (literally) infinite
variables. Because of the tendency of many lower-level thinkers (whether
scientists or members of the general population) to accept the delusion that
one can trust the information gleaned in a laboratory with any measure of
certainty, it also follows that we have accepted that if it isn't 'provable'
by our primitive scientific standards that it does not exist. Ironically, it
is the most delusional members of our society who surround themselves with
artificial (laboratory) circumstances which are labeling those who
experience things in a natural setting as ' victims of mass delusions'.
Clearly, it is time for our scientific community to grow up, wise up, and
catch up to the more sophisticated thinking processes required by our
current reality."


"Jamie" <> wrote in message


Jun 10, 2001, 6:37:17 PM6/10/01
On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 18:38:46 GMT,
(Krickette) wrote:

>Wish I could have heard that particular Art Bell program
>though.......but they don't broadcast it in my area. Bummer.

If you go to Art Bell's site you might be able to download the program
to RealPlayer and listen to it. The problem with RealPlayer and
Microsoft's Window's Media Player is that you can't "capture" a
broadcast and in effect save it to your hard drive or ZIP disk.
Anybody know of any multimedia programs that can do that?
Justice does exist in the world, whether people choose to practice it or
not. The men of ability are being avenged. The avenger is reality. Its
weapon is slow, silent, invisible, and men perceive it only by its
consequences - by the gutted ruins and the moans of agony it leaves in
its wake. The name of the weapon is: inflation.
-- Ayn Rand, "Egalitarianism And Inflation," Philosophy: Who Needs It


Jun 10, 2001, 8:46:40 PM6/10/01
You can use TotalRecorder 3.2

You have to make sure the settings are set up right first after you download
it in order for it to work correctly (they suggest reading the tutorial),
but I've recorded audio several times using total recorder. I paid for the
program so that I could record without a limited time frame being imposed
(only 40 seconds if you don't buy it), but it's very inexpensive if you do
decide to buy it. They say $11.95 on the following page:,10615,41623,00.html


"Taliesin2" <> wrote in message


Jun 11, 2001, 5:09:42 PM6/11/01
>There was a question about why people weren't
>believed when they tried to tell others about their experiences:

ya know, as much trouble as weve had with them, and 3 of 4 of my girls plus
myself seeingthem, my husband still says,,,:i believe they are real to
YOU" pisses me off, iv asked him, what do you think, mass hysteria??
geesh,,his argument is, if weve all seen them, why not him.


Jun 11, 2001, 5:26:56 PM6/11/01
On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 19:46:40 -0500, "Sheryl7" <>

Thanks for the heads up. Um, which formats does it record in? Thanks.


Jun 11, 2001, 8:36:40 PM6/11/01
actually you _can_ *capture* the clips. after they load and play on your
comp, go to c/windows/temporary internet files and just drop click them to a
folder you want to save them in.
sometimes there are so many files stored there it is easiest to *view* by
date that way you can locate the file faster since it is the last you used
on the 'net.

Watch your thoughts, They become words.
Watch your words, They become actions.
Watch your actions, They become habits.,
Watch your habits, They become character.
Watch your character, It becomes your destiny.
---Profeta Yogensha,
aka The Prophet

"Taliesin2" <> wrote in message


Jun 12, 2001, 2:27:51 AM6/12/01
Well most people form a basic concept of their universe even if that concept is
very local and slight. In short everybody forms concepts with "cosmic"
implications - "paradigms" if you will. If anything runs contrar yto their
paradigms then people are less likely to accept them - the greater allegiance
to their ideas fostering a greater resistance to change of mind.

If comfort or repeated incidents reinforce that allegiance well then you get
the picture. Look at it from hubbies point of veiw. It is nothing he has ever
seen or most people he deals with have ever seen. He lives in a world dedicated
to rationalism or possibly religious exclusivity(via Christianity). And the
very notion of such entities being real is in and of itself quite disruptive.
He is comfortable in his notion that they do not exist for him. Indeed his
willingness to bend as much as to develop a limited theory of spiritual
relativism could be seen as a testament of his personal devotion to you.


Jun 12, 2001, 9:52:45 AM6/12/01

Maybe your kids picked up the ability to experience these things from


Beyond the gate of experience flows the Way,
Which is ever greater and more subtle than the world.
Lao Tzu

Useful as it is under everyday circumstances to say
that the world exists "out there" independent of us,
that view can no longer be upheld. There is a strange
sense in which this is a "participatory universe."
John Wheeler


Jun 12, 2001, 2:24:28 PM6/12/01
Yeah I know exactly what you mean! My husband rarely has anything like that
happen to him either, although there have been a few things that have
happened around him that were things that have made him wonder a little, but
my daughters and I have seen and heard so many things around here that it's
hard for us to believe that he escapes so much of it. In some ways I'm sort
of glad that he hasn't had the same stuff happen to him, but in another way
I'd like for him to know for sure that it's really true. The reason I have
mixed feelings about that is because sometimes we've felt harrassed by the
spirits, and so even though I'd like people to know that it's really true, I
also don't want them to have to go through the same type of harrassment. I
guess I want him to know it's real without him having to live with it all
the time like we've had to.


"Whisper2i" <> wrote in message


Jun 12, 2001, 2:30:15 PM6/12/01
The site says this:

"It can convert different sound formats to WAV format"


"Taliesin2" <> wrote in message


Jun 12, 2001, 2:49:42 PM6/12/01
Whenever I've wanted to get music or whatever from cassette tapes or old lps
to my hard drive so that I could burn them to cd and listen to them on my cd
player, I've found that total recorder seems to have much better sound
quality than the other recorders I've tried to use though....just my own


"veil" <> wrote in message


Jun 12, 2001, 5:45:31 PM6/12/01
> Look at it from hubbies point of veiw. It is nothing he has ever
>seen or most people he deals with have ever seen.

i agree with you, to a point. I think that must be the difference between
women and men. When 3 of my kids reported seeing those creatures, i believed
it, and believed their existance, BEFORE i witnessed them myself.
But, i have to admit, when my little ones first said they saw them, i thought
it was an over active imagination, until my other dauther saw them too.


Jun 12, 2001, 5:47:28 PM6/12/01
> In some ways I'm sort
>of glad that he hasn't had the same stuff happen to him

haha, not me, id love for him to experience the terror we have, then hed have
some appreciation for what we have to go through.


Jun 12, 2001, 6:14:29 PM6/12/01
to (Whisper2i) wrote in

Are your kids retarded or anything?

Sweet, cockeyed, and muscle-bound Molly Malone


Jun 13, 2001, 8:56:31 AM6/13/01
I can't say that I blame you! *S* My husband told me a couple of times in
the past that if things were that bad then we should move, but I told him
that I didn't think moving would really help since spirits are everywhere
anyway. Can't seem to escape them...*lol*


"Whisper2i" <> wrote in message


Jun 13, 2001, 2:22:12 PM6/13/01
to Whisper2i
I expect it's because he's not capable of seeing them; not everyone sees
ghosts. I think that many people are capable of perceiving either ghosts, or
shadow people or other occult phenomena, but not necessarily all entities.

In attempts to scientifically monitor various occult phenomena, it's been noted
that the presence of sceptics often interferes with the phenomenon. A sceptic
can say to you "you're seeing what you want to see", but it can equally be said
that the sceptic fails to see what he doesn't believe in.

Way Of The Ray

Jun 13, 2001, 4:00:57 PM6/13/01
Those sceptics all belong in sceptic tanks.


Jun 13, 2001, 6:24:02 PM6/13/01
>> I expect it's because he's not capable of seeing them; not everyone sees
>> ghosts. I think that many people are capable of perceiving either ghosts,
>> shadow people or other occult phenomena, but not necessarily all entities.

Just curious, do any of you actually want to see these things, or would you
rather have them invisible to you, still knowing that they might be there?

Random Liegh&

Jun 13, 2001, 7:42:43 PM6/13/01
Hi, CapnFantasy
My "off the cuff" answer is *Niether* :p.
Given the either-or choice though; I think I would have to say I'd rather
*see* them. Rational or not, I think that half of what I would fear is not
only is there a strange being/energy/whatever, but that I don't know
*exactly* where it is. If you can at least see it's location; that cuts down
at least some of the terror. (IMHO, of course)


Jun 14, 2001, 11:55:30 AM6/14/01
We've sometimes seen (and heard) them, and I think I'd rather not if given a
choice. It's a little easier to ignore (for me) if I don't actually see


"CapnFntasy" <> wrote in message


Jun 14, 2001, 8:23:02 PM6/14/01
>Just curious, do any of you actually want to see these things, or would you
>rather have them invisible to you, still knowing that they might be there?

id rather not see or feel them, sometimes ignorance is bliss., lol

Jun 18, 2001, 12:00:31 AM6/18/01
In the house I grew up in we used to see a shadow move across a doorway
with nothing behind it to reflect a shadow. It always moved in the same
direction - from the bathroom, across the doorway to...MY BEDROOM!



Jun 18, 2001, 9:50:27 AM6/18/01
Were there any other events that happened at the house besides the shadow


<> wrote in message

Jun 19, 2001, 10:23:41 PM6/19/01
Actually, whenever the shadow would pass, the temperature in the hallway
would make a significant drop (the hall was actually comprised of the
open doorway that led to the living room, 3 bedroom doors and a bathroom
door, all of which had heat registers over them, making the hall the
warmest place in the house) and we were able to smell a faint, but
definite smell of roses. (My mother said it smelled like lavender, but
the but rest of us smelled roses.) Our dog used to lay in the hall
(because it WAS usually warm) but sometimes he'd suddenly jump up and
RUN out to lay in the living room for awhile, even though none of us had
seen the shadow pass. We were the first owners of the house -
previously it had been farmland. I live there for the first 26 years of
my life and experienced the phenomenom countless times, as did most of
the members of my famiy.


Jun 20, 2001, 9:07:32 AM6/20/01
We are also the first owners of this house, and we've had a lot of ghost
experiences here too. Guess it just goes to show that a house doesn't
necessarily have to have a history to be haunted.


<> wrote in message

Jun 22, 2001, 10:44:07 PM6/22/01
Of course, I believe that ghosts, more than anything, are emotional.
They almost always manifest in areas where there has been a great
emotional trauma or extreme emotional connection of some kind. We know
that the land our house sat on was farmland in 1830, but who knows who
lived on it prior to that? What tribe of what people? And could it be
that something happened on the exact spot our house was built? I wish
I had asked the farmer who sold the land to city to begin with if he had
any stories to tell. I have since talked with the elderly lady who now
owns it and even she has felt that she is not alone in the house. (Even
though she actually does live by herself.) She put a statue of the
Virgin Mary outside by the front door as protection. I told her that I
didn't think she needed to worry about protection - none of us EVER felt
threatened by it at all!

It was just...



Jun 23, 2001, 8:25:09 AM6/23/01
I've wondered before too what may have happened on the land in the past that
this housing subdivision where we live is built on...


<> wrote in message

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