Andy Walker <> writes:
>On 29/11/2023 09:44, John Dallman wrote:
>> In article <GAy9N.87597$yvY5....@fx10.iad>, cgi...@kltpzyxm.invalid
>> (Charlie Gibbs) wrote:
>[I wrote:]
>>>> Yes, but how many programmers get to worry about such things? If
>>>> a compiler produces an executable that "doesn't work", it's dealt
>>>> with by the compiler writers rather than by the "higher-level"
>>>> program writers.
>>> Sometimes. On the other hand, if you have a compiler that's
>>> generating bad code in a program that you need yesterday, you
>>> might have to change your code to something equivalent which
>>> compiles successfully. BTDTGTS.
> Well, likewise. But [normally] that's a problem of re-writing
>your program [and/or perhaps, eg, switching off aggressive optimisation]
>rather than delving into the generated assembler. Anything else is even
>more niche than the cases described earlier.
It's much quicker, particularly in a very large application, to
either debug post failure (e.g. SIGSEGV) with a good debugger
in which case knowing the assembler is useful, or to set a breakpoint
and step through the instruction sequence to see exactly what is
happening. I've done this many times over the last four decades
on systems from mainframes to microcontrollers. Most recently,
this morning to debug a SIGSEGV in a C++ application.
>> And if you need to report compiler bugs, being able to point to exactly
>> what's wrong in the generated code means your bugs get fixed /much/
>> faster.
> Yes, but since the 1980s the chances are that the "generated code"
>is C or similar rather than assembler.
I absolutely disagree with this statement. I haven't used a compiler
that generates C since C++2.1/3.0 in the early 1990's. I'm not aware of
any modern compiler (from Ada to Python) that generates intermediate
C code.
And as someone who has extensive experience debugging cfront (the
original C++ compiler which generated C), the resulting C code
is completely unreadable and hardly useful for debugging application
code. I had to debug a register allocation issue with the underlying
C compiler used to compile the output from cfront once, and the
internal expression tree for the failed expression had five levels
with dozens of terms. The issue was that the C compiler (for the
motorola 88100, based on PCC) ran out of temporary registers when generating
code for the expression.