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Richard Stallman as Seen via the BBS Scene

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Citadel BBS History

Feb 15, 2023, 6:23:02 AM2/15/23
"This document makes reference to the terms "Linux" and "open source"
without hesitation. Our official position is that the phrase "GNU/Linux"
is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute little
more than noise and friction to the open source community."

Citadel: a storied history

TLDR; Richard Stallman is a dishwatery pinko commie neanderthal.


Feb 15, 2023, 6:34:29 AM2/15/23
I would disagree. He is a non-group thinker.

where is our money gone, Dude?

Oh So Gross!

Feb 15, 2023, 8:56:29 AM2/15/23
He tells us what he thinks about. Richard Stallman Quotes:

"I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children.
The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't
voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the
idea that their little baby is maturing."

"There is little evidence to justify the widespread assumption that
willing participation in pedophilia hurts children. Granted, children
may not dare say no to an older relative, or may not realize they could
say no; in that case, even if they do not overtly object, the
relationship may still feel imposed to them. That's not willing
participation, it's imposed participation, a different issue."

"Prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child
pornography, and even incest and pedophilia ... should be legal as long
as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and

"I've read that male dolphins try to have sex with humans, and female
apes solicit sex from humans. What is wrong with giving them what they
want, if that's what turns you on, or even just to gratify them?"

"Many years ago I posted that I could not see anything wrong about sex
between an adult and a child, if the child accepted it," Stallman wrote.
"Through personal conversations in recent years, I've learned to
understand how sex with a child can harm per psychologically. This
changed my mind about the matter: I think adults should not do that. I
am grateful for the conversations that enabled me to understand why."

Peter Flass

Feb 15, 2023, 9:24:59 AM2/15/23
Oh So Gross! <o...@so.gross> wrote:

> "I've read that male dolphins try to have sex with humans, and female
> apes solicit sex from humans. What is wrong with giving them what they
> want, if that's what turns you on, or even just to gratify them?"

And this, children, is where mermaids come from.

Stallman has made real, significant contributions, including
re-invigorating the idea of open source for the post-unbundling era, but
he’s much too full of himself, and has failed to realize that things have
moved on.


Ben Collver

Feb 15, 2023, 11:02:04 AM2/15/23
On 2023-02-15, Citadel BBS History <cit...@bbs.history> wrote:
> "This document makes reference to the terms "Linux" and "open source"
> without hesitation. Our official position is that the phrase "GNU/Linux"
> is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute little
> more than noise and friction to the open source community."

Loving the ad hominem and false dichotomy here. If you aren't with us,
you're against us.


Feb 15, 2023, 2:35:08 PM2/15/23
I believe that there are recordings of him singing!. I am a vim person myself.


Feb 15, 2023, 6:05:43 PM2/15/23
On 2/15/23 06:25, Citadel BBS History wrote:
> "This document makes reference to the terms "Linux" and "open source"
> without hesitation. Our official position is that the phrase "GNU/Linux"
> is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute little
> more than noise and friction to the open source community."

​When you use the term "communist" against someone derogatorily, do you
use it with the literal definition term in mind, or do you use it as a
generic insult, regardless of its literal definition?

⚗︎ | /blu.mɛin.dʰak/ | shortens to "Hawk" | he/him/his/himself/Mr.
Bitches stole my whole ass ␔🭖᷿᪳𝼗᷍⏧𒒫𐻾ࣛ↉�⃣ quoted-printable, can't
have shit in Thunderbird 😩

John Levine

Feb 15, 2023, 9:33:49 PM2/15/23
According to Blue-Maned_Hawk <>:
>> is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute little
>> more than noise and friction to the open source community."
>​When you use the term "communist" against someone derogatorily, do you
>use it with the literal definition term in mind, or do you use it as a
>generic insult, regardless of its literal definition?

Stallman is the guy behind the Gnu Public License, which is intended
to force software to be freely sharable rather than sold so in that
sense I suppose you might argue that he's opposed to private property.
But as far as I know, that's just about software. As anyone familiar
with the history of computing knows, nobody even attempted to
copyright software until the mid 1960s, and the computer business did
just fine in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.

So in this case I think it's "communist" in the sense of "poopyhead".
John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

Vir Campestris

Feb 16, 2023, 7:23:32 AM2/16/23
On 16/02/2023 02:33, John Levine wrote:
> As anyone familiar
> with the history of computing knows, nobody even attempted to
> copyright software until the mid 1960s, and the computer business did
> just fine in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.

Back in those days there was no portable software.

IAC software was just a way to help sell the hardware.


Jim Jackson

Feb 16, 2023, 4:59:02 PM2/16/23
On 2023-02-16, John Levine <> wrote:
> According to Blue-Maned_Hawk <>:
>>> is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute little
>>> more than noise and friction to the open source community."
>>???When you use the term "communist" against someone derogatorily, do you
>>use it with the literal definition term in mind, or do you use it as a
>>generic insult, regardless of its literal definition?
> Stallman is the guy behind the Gnu Public License, which is intended
> to force software to be freely sharable rather than sold ...

Not quite. You can sell it. From the GPL 2, second paragraph ...

"When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things."

> .... so in that

John Levine

Feb 16, 2023, 5:26:22 PM2/16/23
According to Vir Campestris <>:
>On 16/02/2023 02:33, John Levine wrote:
>> As anyone familiar
>> with the history of computing knows, nobody even attempted to
>> copyright software until the mid 1960s, and the computer business did
>> just fine in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.
>Back in those days there was no portable software.

Um, the entire point of COBOL was to be portable, and people were
certainly moving Fortran programs from one kind of machine to another
by 1960. You might want to brush up on your history.

Hint: the CO stands for COmmon.


Feb 16, 2023, 6:26:50 PM2/16/23
On 2023-02-15, Citadel BBS History <cit...@bbs.history> wrote:
Eh, GuixSD it's far more revolutionary than these old-fashioned dickheads.
And Emacs interface for the blind, Emacspeak, it's far ahead of everything.


Feb 16, 2023, 7:57:14 PM2/16/23
On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:56:29 AM UTC-7, Oh So Gross! quoted, in part:

> "I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children.

Even if there is some truth to that position in the _abstract_, in the
real world, this is a non-issue because legalizing this imaginary
unicorn of voluntary pedophilia would only make it harder to convict
those who are guilty of the _real_ serious problem of involuntary

Presumably, the most charitable explanation of what has prompted
him to make a remark likely to get him tarred and feathered would be
an autism spectrum disorder.

John Savard

Charlie Gibbs

Feb 16, 2023, 8:13:26 PM2/16/23
On 2023-02-16, John Levine <> wrote:

> According to Vir Campestris <>:
>> On 16/02/2023 02:33, John Levine wrote:
>>> As anyone familiar
>>> with the history of computing knows, nobody even attempted to
>>> copyright software until the mid 1960s, and the computer business
>>> did just fine in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.
>> Back in those days there was no portable software.
> Um, the entire point of COBOL was to be portable, and people were
> certainly moving Fortran programs from one kind of machine to another
> by 1960. You might want to brush up on your history.
> Hint: the CO stands for COmmon.

Still, as with everything else, IBM did its best to add proprietary
extensions to lock people in. (Yes, that's one more "innovation"
that Microsoft didn't invent.) But if you were careful you could
write in a fairly portable dialect.

/~\ Charlie Gibbs | Microsoft is a dictatorship.
\ / <cgi...@kltpzyxm.invalid> | Apple is a cult.
X I'm really at ac.dekanfrus | Linux is anarchy.
/ \ if you read it the right way. | Pick your poison.

Ahem A Rivet's Shot

Feb 17, 2023, 12:30:06 AM2/17/23
On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 16:57:13 -0800 (PST)
Quadibloc <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:56:29 AM UTC-7, Oh So Gross! quoted,
> in part:
> > "I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms
> > children.
> Even if there is some truth to that position in the _abstract_, in the
> real world, this is a non-issue because legalizing this imaginary
> unicorn of voluntary pedophilia would only make it harder to convict
> those who are guilty of the _real_ serious problem of involuntary
> pedophilia.

Quite so - and the equally (perhaps more) serious problem of
grooming which looks like voluntary until you see the persuasion.

> Presumably, the most charitable explanation of what has prompted
> him to make a remark likely to get him tarred and feathered would be
> an autism spectrum disorder.

Perhaps - or maybe he was thinking of the fairly common edge case
of the slightly underage horny teenager who doesn't care to wait for the
law. Depending on the legal age the window for that can be quite wide.

I recall trying to be that teenager from the age of 14, and I doubt
that success would have harmed me. As it was at 16 I was legal in the
jurisdiction I grew up in but in the one I currently live in my partner (a
few months older and just 17) could have been in trouble. In some
jurisdictions we would both still have been underage. As it is there's a
certain Meatloaf lyric that always triggers happy memories.

One teenage friend of mine at 16 went and snagged herself a 30 year
old boyfriend quite deliberately - I actually heard her say something
like "I fancy him" and watched her go off with seduction in mind to return
with him in tow, They lasted about six months. That was legal there and
then, in many places it would have been the unicorn you mention.

One of the more ridiculous legal errors in this area in some
jurisdictions is not providing an exception for the case when *both* parties
are underage or nearly so. There's a case where two 15 year olds got
themselves on the sex offenders register by being caught kissing!

Steve O'Hara-Smith
Odds and Ends at


Feb 17, 2023, 2:09:40 AM2/17/23
Well, I have good news for those who are anti-Communist!

It hasn't reached beta yet, even, but a version of Linux is making progress
that is compiled with LLVM instead of GCC, and which uses stuff from
BSD in order to make itself completely GNU-free!

John Savard

Mike Spencer

Feb 17, 2023, 2:27:51 AM2/17/23

Quadibloc <> writes:

> On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:56:29 AM UTC-7, Oh So Gross! quoted, in part:
>> "I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children.
> Even if there is some truth to that position in the _abstract_, in the
> real world, this is a non-issue because legalizing this imaginary
> unicorn of voluntary pedophilia would only make it harder to convict
> those who are guilty of the _real_ serious problem of involuntary
> pedophilia.

Just so. We have an understanding that children aren't knowledgeable
enough to make life-altering decisions for themselves. Age thresholds
for drinking, driving, marriage, statutory rape, and consensual sexual
relations inter alia are justifiable but essentially arbitrary. The
current political mare's nest over whether a boy or girl can
legitimately consent to life-altering pharmaceuticals or other
treatment to become, respectively, a girl or boy has the same
intrinsic problem.

At what age can consent for a life-altering action be regarded as

There's a good movie -- I forget the title -- about a girl of perhaps
13 or 14 who arranges with a scumbag to have her father killed because
he won't let her get a tattoo. The desired small tattoo would likely
do her no harm. OTOH, the father was reasonable in his judgment that
she was too young to make such a decision, evinced by her immature
judgment that she could have him whacked.

> Presumably, the most charitable explanation of what has prompted
> him to make a remark likely to get him tarred and feathered would be
> an autism spectrum disorder.

Good inference.

Mike Spencer Nova Scotia, Canada


Feb 17, 2023, 2:57:53 AM2/17/23
he's a hard man to understand, but most people are.

Niklas Karlsson

Feb 17, 2023, 3:39:04 AM2/17/23
On 2023-02-17, Quadibloc <> wrote:
The Linux kernel is still licensed under the GNU GPLv2, though, so you
aren't completely getting away from the "communism". You'd better just
run a BSD.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet?

Ben Collver

Feb 17, 2023, 10:30:40 AM2/17/23
On 2023-02-17, Quadibloc <> wrote:
> Even if there is some truth to that position in the _abstract_, in the
> real world, this is a non-issue because legalizing this imaginary
> unicorn of voluntary pedophilia would only make it harder to convict
> those who are guilty of the _real_ serious problem of involuntary
> pedophilia.

I was told that legally speaking, pedophilia is attraction to
children. Adults who have this condition tend to be survivors of
child abuse. The attraction isn't illegal. Acting on it is.

I'd think that people who like to mince words and legalities would use
more nuance. Especially considering all the "Curb stomp your local
pedophile" bumper stickers and t-shirts i've been seeing.


Feb 17, 2023, 2:53:40 PM2/17/23

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with this. There are
multiple non-GNU Linuxes available. I don't see what communism has to
do with this. (Also, i wouldn't consider building a software with GCC
to automatically make that software GNU software.)


Feb 17, 2023, 2:56:42 PM2/17/23
On 2/17/23 03:39, Niklas Karlsson wrote:
> The Linux kernel is still licensed under the GNU GPLv2, though, […]

I don't think it makes sense to consider something GNU software just
because it's licensed under a GNU-made license. Separate the art from
the artist and all that.

Dan Cross

Feb 17, 2023, 5:53:01 PM2/17/23
In article <tsifaj$2o79$>,
Citadel BBS History <cit...@bbs.history> wrote:
>[snip drivel]
> "Richard Stallman as Seen via the BBS Scene"?

I'm no Stallman fan, but... Who cares what the
"BBS Scene" thinks of him?

- Dan C.

Niklas Karlsson

Feb 21, 2023, 4:49:16 AM2/21/23
On 2023-02-17, Blue-Maned_Hawk <> wrote:
> On 2/17/23 03:39, Niklas Karlsson wrote:
>> The Linux kernel is still licensed under the GNU GPLv2, though, […]
> I don't think it makes sense to consider something GNU software just
> because it's licensed under a GNU-made license. Separate the art from
> the artist and all that.

Oh, it isn't GNU software. I didn't say it was.

But if you want away from GNU because it's "communist" then surely the
GPL is a core part of that? As opposed to the more moderate approach
taken by the BSD and MIT licenses, say. So I'd think you'd want to get
away from other GPLed software as well.

(I am not personally opposed to the GPL, but I could in a way understand
such a perspective.)

"In my experience, the QA folks now how the system/application is supposed to
work. The programmers only know how the code is supposed to run."
-- Pygar


Feb 21, 2023, 4:03:44 PM2/21/23
On Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 2:49:16 AM UTC-7, Niklas Karlsson wrote:
> As opposed to the more moderate approach
> taken by the BSD and MIT licenses, say.

Ah, yes, then the software is no longer a virus that could contaminate
commercial software, imperiling the integrity of its copyright and
its proprietary nature. Instead, it can be used with abandon, thus making
a constructive contribution to programs like Microsoft Windows.

John Savard

Ahem A Rivet's Shot

Feb 22, 2023, 2:30:03 AM2/22/23
On Tue, 21 Feb 2023 13:03:42 -0800 (PST)
Quadibloc <> wrote:

> Ah, yes, then the software is no longer a virus that could contaminate
> commercial software, imperiling the integrity of its copyright and
> its proprietary nature. Instead, it can be used with abandon, thus making
> a constructive contribution to programs like Microsoft Windows.

I suspect Microsoft Windows would be even more buggy if it weren't
for the BSD code in it. At a different level I doubt Isilon's OneFS would
have existed without a BSD licensed OS to build it on top of.

Dan Crawford

Feb 22, 2023, 8:09:00 AM2/22/23
I was sexually abused and assaulted as a child. The thought of raping
someone or having sex with a child never occurred to me. Never have I
looked at a young person and thought, "Gee, I'd like to ram my throbbing
cock up into that."

Then I read Richard Stallman's thoughts. If I could meet him in person I
would like to give him some sex education. I hope he has a fist fetish.

When I was a teenager a girl younger than me lied to me about her age.
They lie about their age for one reason, and one reason only: cock trap,
which usually amounts to a pregnancy trap, and eventually getting
charged with the crime of "assault with a friendly weapon."

Thinking she was seventeen and not fifteen, I had kissed her while out
around town with her. Something felt very wrong and off. I started
noticing really immature behavior. Eventually I got her to admit her
real age to me. After I figured out that she lied to me about her age,
and she admitted it, I was furious! I told her to fuck off and I never
spoke to her again. The thought of getting up in her grundle never
crossed my mind, even though she was trolling for my dick.

Once when I was nineteen a fifteen-year-old community cat slut tried to
seduce me while I was working on a project with her brother. I was
viscerally repulsed by her advances and pushed her away from me. I asked
her, what would your dad think about your behavior? This ENRAGED her.

She was only fifteen and was already a female sexual predator. Her dad
was a Democrat bureaucrat working in a government agency. He could have
cared less. I learned this young whore had been greedily fucking several
older men around town. A woman who isn't sick would be angry about such
men preying after her. She went preying upon them. Yuk!

There is no excuse for sexually abusing children. I don't care how much
you were raped as a youth. If you rape a child, you should die. Our
society should put groomers, rapists and kid fuckers to death as soon as
possible. There was a time we did this, and it was usually done
extra-judicially. We buried pederasts alive in swamps in wicker cages.
Zero tolerance! This would cure most of the trauma-based mind control
that the government uses to rule over the masses. The Catholic Church
would collapse like a dodo bird, so people would be free from the
religious trauma brainwashing as well.

Anyone who defends a piece of bourgeois garbage like Richard Stallman is
a sub-human stain with no spine. The sick fucker made comments in
defense of child rape and grooming. That's not something that happens by

I'm all for curb-stomping every entitled bourgeois and illuminist poop
stain that either preys on children, or enables such sickness to
continue. Kill them all and let God sort 'em out.

If you molest my kids, you will be getting killed. I would not report
the rape to the police until after I get the pervert's confession and
execution on video tape. Then I would turn myself and the tape in to the
police in open court and dare them to charge me for killing the bastard.

Death to chomos, rapos, and kid fuckers is the only way to go.

Ben Collver

Feb 22, 2023, 11:09:53 AM2/22/23
On 2023-02-22, Dan Crawford <> wrote:

> [A bunch of angry stuff.]

I assume that you are human and not some chat bot. You assume that
you would know when your kids were molested. If you walked around
like an angry time bomb apt to go off uncontrollably, they likely
wouldn't feel safe to tell you anything. I don't know whether this
is helpful but you should know that you are not alone.

Niklas Karlsson

Feb 22, 2023, 3:16:20 PM2/22/23
I'm a little unsure of what tone to read your post in. Personally I
don't much mind, say, Steve's example of BSD code being used in Windows.
There was a time when I might have, but I'm too old and tired (even
though I'm a mere whippersnapper by a.f.c standards) and jaded from
having to get work done in the Real World to be that idealistic anymore.

One developer I worked with pronounced SQL as "squirrel" and PL/SQL as
"peeled squirrel". This was the guy with several squirrel skulls on the
top of his monitor. I inherited those when he was fired for punching
someone fairly senior in management. -- John Burnham

Charlie Gibbs

Feb 22, 2023, 4:42:43 PM2/22/23
On 2023-02-22, Niklas Karlsson <> wrote:

> On 2023-02-21, Quadibloc <> wrote:
>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 2:49:16 AM UTC-7, Niklas Karlsson wrote:
>>> As opposed to the more moderate approach
>>> taken by the BSD and MIT licenses, say.
>> Ah, yes, then the software is no longer a virus that could contaminate
>> commercial software, imperiling the integrity of its copyright and
>> its proprietary nature. Instead, it can be used with abandon, thus making
>> a constructive contribution to programs like Microsoft Windows.
> I'm a little unsure of what tone to read your post in. Personally I
> don't much mind, say, Steve's example of BSD code being used in Windows.
> There was a time when I might have, but I'm too old and tired (even
> though I'm a mere whippersnapper by a.f.c standards) and jaded from
> having to get work done in the Real World to be that idealistic anymore.

As an idealist trying to get by in the Real World, my compromise
is to try to minimize my contact with Evil Monopolies (Microsoft,
Google, etc.) while recognizing that I'll never be 100% successful.
I set a high priority on giving those bastards as little as possible
that might benefit them.

> One developer I worked with pronounced SQL as "squirrel" and PL/SQL as
> "peeled squirrel". This was the guy with several squirrel skulls on the
> top of his monitor. I inherited those when he was fired for punching
> someone fairly senior in management. -- John Burnham

I've always pronounced SQL as "squeal", which allows me
to impart sufficient violence to things like SQL*Forms
(pronounced "squeal splat forms").

Peter Flass

Feb 22, 2023, 5:55:22 PM2/22/23
You seem a tad misogynistic, among other things.


Dan Espen

Feb 22, 2023, 6:14:56 PM2/22/23
Charlie Gibbs <cgi...@kltpzyxm.invalid> writes:

> On 2023-02-22, Niklas Karlsson <> wrote:
>> On 2023-02-21, Quadibloc <> wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 2:49:16 AM UTC-7, Niklas Karlsson wrote:
>>>> As opposed to the more moderate approach
>>>> taken by the BSD and MIT licenses, say.
>>> Ah, yes, then the software is no longer a virus that could contaminate
>>> commercial software, imperiling the integrity of its copyright and
>>> its proprietary nature. Instead, it can be used with abandon, thus making
>>> a constructive contribution to programs like Microsoft Windows.
>> I'm a little unsure of what tone to read your post in. Personally I
>> don't much mind, say, Steve's example of BSD code being used in Windows.
>> There was a time when I might have, but I'm too old and tired (even
>> though I'm a mere whippersnapper by a.f.c standards) and jaded from
>> having to get work done in the Real World to be that idealistic anymore.
> As an idealist trying to get by in the Real World, my compromise
> is to try to minimize my contact with Evil Monopolies (Microsoft,
> Google, etc.) while recognizing that I'll never be 100% successful.
> I set a high priority on giving those bastards as little as possible
> that might benefit them.

Thanks for reminding me to visit

Every morning xscreensaver presents me with some new image or animation.
I have it kick in after a few hours of idle.
The variety of images and effects is just amazing.

Dan Espen

Kurt Weiske

Feb 23, 2023, 10:15:55 AM2/23/23
To: Dan Espen
-=> Dan Espen wrote to alt.folklore.computers <=-


DE> Thanks for reminding me to visit

My fixation with green text on black background web sites started with
jwz's page - I think he started out on LiveJournal?

kurt weiske | kweiske at realitycheckbbs dot org
| 1:218/700@fidonet

... Discover your formulas and abandon them
--- MultiMail/Win v0.52
--- Synchronet 3.20a-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
* realitycheckBBS - Aptos, CA - telnet://

Dan Espen

Feb 23, 2023, 10:29:18 AM2/23/23
"Kurt Weiske" <> writes:

> To: Dan Espen
> -=> Dan Espen wrote to alt.folklore.computers <=-
> >
> DE> Thanks for reminding me to visit
> My fixation with green text on black background web sites started with
> jwz's page - I think he started out on LiveJournal?

Don't know, but I'm writing this reply in Emacs with a black background
and a chartreuse foreground.

Dan Espen

Scott Lurndal

Feb 23, 2023, 10:57:02 AM2/23/23
Personally, I'd rather put the monitor in power-saving mode.

Dan Espen

Feb 23, 2023, 1:00:46 PM2/23/23
A reasonable choice.

Even though I'm using a 27" 5K monitor, I don't think it's using much
power to stay on all night. The same with the RGB keyboard and mouse.
The USB C hubs bother me more.
So far I haven't found one that doesn't get quite warm.

Dan Espen

Scott Lurndal

Feb 23, 2023, 2:22:17 PM2/23/23
Dan Espen <> writes:
> (Scott Lurndal) writes:

>>>Every morning xscreensaver presents me with some new image or animation.
>>>I have it kick in after a few hours of idle.
>>>The variety of images and effects is just amazing.
>> Personally, I'd rather put the monitor in power-saving mode.
>A reasonable choice.
>Even though I'm using a 27" 5K monitor, I don't think it's using much
>power to stay on all night. The same with the RGB keyboard and mouse.
>The USB C hubs bother me more.
>So far I haven't found one that doesn't get quite warm.

My monitors are older (2x 24" ASUS ProArt PA248), which claim
less than or equal to 45 watts when operating, so that's about 90 w for the two
monitors when on.

Charlie Gibbs

Feb 23, 2023, 6:44:13 PM2/23/23
On 2023-02-23, Scott Lurndal <> wrote:

> Dan Espen <> writes:
>> (Scott Lurndal) writes:
>>>> Every morning xscreensaver presents me with some new image
>>>> or animation. I have it kick in after a few hours of idle.
>>>> The variety of images and effects is just amazing.

Yup. Mine kicks in after 10 minutes. I like the way that
it puts up two separate animations on a two-monitor machine.

>>> Personally, I'd rather put the monitor in power-saving mode.
>> A reasonable choice.
>> Even though I'm using a 27" 5K monitor, I don't think it's using much
>> power to stay on all night. The same with the RGB keyboard and mouse.
>> The USB C hubs bother me more.
>> So far I haven't found one that doesn't get quite warm.
> My monitors are older (2x 24" ASUS ProArt PA248), which claim
> less than or equal to 45 watts when operating, so that's about
> 90 w for the two monitors when on.

I just switch my monitors off when I'm not using them,
although I leave the computer running so I can get at
it via the network if I wish (e.g. ssh -X from my laptop).

Kurt Weiske

Feb 23, 2023, 10:17:12 PM2/23/23
To: Dan Espen
Re: Re: Richard Stallman as Seen via the BBS Scene
By: Dan Espen to alt.folklore.computers on Thu Feb 23 2023 10:29 am

DE> Don't know, but I'm writing this reply in Emacs with a black background
DE> and a chartreuse foreground.

I once had a BBS sysop break into chat while I was dialed in and ask me about my color scheme on his BBS. Wanted to know what I was thinking...

It turned out, I had a Hercules "green-scale" monochrome monitor that showed several shades of green and had shaded it to look good on my monitor. I never did find out what it looked like on his end.

kurt weiske | kweiske at realitycheckbbs dot org
| 1:218/700@fidonet


Feb 24, 2023, 5:25:00 PM2/24/23
On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 1:16:20 PM UTC-7, Niklas Karlsson wrote:
> On 2023-02-21, Quadibloc <> wrote:
> > On Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 2:49:16 AM UTC-7, Niklas Karlsson wrote:
> >> As opposed to the more moderate approach
> >> taken by the BSD and MIT licenses, say.
> >
> > Ah, yes, then the software is no longer a virus that could contaminate
> > commercial software, imperiling the integrity of its copyright and
> > its proprietary nature. Instead, it can be used with abandon, thus making
> > a constructive contribution to programs like Microsoft Windows.
> I'm a little unsure of what tone to read your post in. Personally I
> don't much mind, say, Steve's example of BSD code being used in Windows.
> There was a time when I might have, but I'm too old and tired (even
> though I'm a mere whippersnapper by a.f.c standards) and jaded from
> having to get work done in the Real World to be that idealistic anymore.

There was a famous quote where somebody at Microsoft compared
the GNU license to a computer virus.

I was referencing that, not agreeing with the attitude.

John Savard

Simp Busters

Mar 1, 2023, 3:16:54 AM3/1/23
On 2/22/23 16:55, Peter Flass wrote:
> You seem a tad misogynistic, among other things.

Simpin' for the female predos ...


Mar 1, 2023, 4:02:57 PM3/1/23

danny burstein

Mar 1, 2023, 4:23:32 PM3/1/23
In <ttoeef$22hj$> Blue-Maned_Hawk <> writes:

[snip... of a umbassday Base 64 posting which included
earlier material, a stupid sig, and... one word of
new stuff, namely]:


Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]

David Lesher

Mar 23, 2023, 2:43:12 PM3/23/23
John Levine <> writes:

>So in this case I think it's "communist" in the sense of "poopyhead".

I had a face to face confrontation with Stallman on the
'GNU/Linux' issue. I told him that if and when Linus, Bob Young,
and Marc Ewing called it that, I would as well. He stomped off.
A host is a host from coast to
& no one will talk to a host that's close..........................
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433

Marco Moock

Mar 27, 2023, 4:04:54 AM3/27/23
Am 15.02.2023 um 05:25:22 Uhr schrieb Citadel BBS History:

> Our official position is that the phrase "GNU/Linux"
> is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute
> little more than noise and friction to the open source community."

This is BS - RMS stands for freedom in software development and usage -
communism isn't freedom at all.

Nobody is forced to use or develop free software.


Mar 27, 2023, 12:59:32 PM3/27/23
["Followup-To:" header set to alt.folklore.computers.]
well said, that man

Arschraub Bosartig

Mar 27, 2023, 10:17:40 PM3/27/23
On 3/27/23 03:04, Marco Moock wrote:
> Am 15.02.2023 um 05:25:22 Uhr schrieb Citadel BBS History:
>> Our official position is that the phrase "GNU/Linux"
>> is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute
>> little more than noise and friction to the open source community."
> This is BS - RMS stands for freedom in software development and usage -
> communism isn't freedom at all.

Nein. RMS is a pinko. RMS stands for the freedom of big companies and
his pinko hacker friends to use your free software, make mountains of
money, and pay you nothing for it. That's what the GPL is really about.
It is about their freedom to use you, not your freedom as a creator.

> Nobody is forced to use or develop free software.

If you don't have a free software repository online you will not have an
easy time finding a job in the stack monkey market. You are forced
create free software if you want to be considered for jobs. Most
employers I know of want to see your public github repo. So RMS and his
GPL have millions of programmers donating free code to Microsoft's
GitHub, the biggest proprietary, non-free software maker in the world.

His "free software" movement has myriads of programmers writing software
for free that the corporations use to make money. Free software ideology
is basically a free-of-charge labor racket dressed up in slogans. That's

Others with a brain realize this as well:

"RMS wants all software to be GPL, which not only requires source code
and permits modification but also permits redistribution. So basically
it allows others "pirate your product", at least compared to commercial
licenses. So you're gonna be dependent on donations, which (if anything)
keep you at the bare minimum for the project to survive, 99% of the
time. De facto, he is against making money from software (as well as
online services, btw)." --k0defix (reddit)

Then others without a brain blurt insanity like this:

"No, because if he was a Communist, he would not insist that people can
package free software and sell it." --johncate73 (reddit)

But he insists that the original author must permit anyone else to
package and sell his creation, without compensation. That's communism.

Arschraub Bosartig


Ahem A Rivet's Shot

Mar 28, 2023, 3:30:03 AM3/28/23
On Tue, 28 Mar 2023 02:17:38 -0000 (UTC)
Arschraub Bosartig <schlies...@einbrecher.invalid> wrote:

> If you don't have a free software repository online you will not have an
> easy time finding a job in the stack monkey market. You are forced
> create free software if you want to be considered for jobs.

This is not true, I have been continuously employed as a software
developer since 1982, always moving upwards, never having trouble getting
employment and at 63 I regularly get messages from recruiters (I've been
turning down Google, Amazon and Facebook/Meta for years). I have never
published any free software other than small contribution to existing
projects, I certainly don't have a github repo.

Jim Jackson

Mar 28, 2023, 7:51:11 AM3/28/23
["Followup-To:" header set to alt.folklore.computers.]
On 2023-03-28, Arschraub Bosartig <schlies...@einbrecher.invalid> wrote:
> His "free software" movement has myriads of programmers writing software
> for free that the corporations use to make money. Free software ideology
> is basically a free-of-charge labor racket dressed up in slogans. That's
> communism.

Wow that's communism is it. When is it time for your meds?

> "No, because if he was a Communist, he would not insist that people can
> package free software and sell it." --johncate73 (reddit)
> But he insists that the original author must permit anyone else to
> package and sell his creation, without compensation. That's communism.

He doesn't _insist_ . As a writer of software you can choose
any license you fancy - from propriety ones to a miriad of open source

I assume you are equally down on all other open source licenses????

Jeeze you are brain dead.

Jim Jackson

Mar 28, 2023, 7:52:30 AM3/28/23
Like everything else he says - it doesn't make sense.


Mar 28, 2023, 4:40:18 PM3/28/23
I think he is just a troll you are replying to.


Mar 29, 2023, 12:57:28 AM3/29/23

where is our money gone, Dude?

Marco Moock

Apr 1, 2023, 1:17:06 PM4/1/23
Am 28.03.2023 um 02:17:38 Uhr schrieb Arschraub Bosartig:

> "RMS wants all software to be GPL, which not only requires source
> code and permits modification but also permits redistribution. So
> basically it allows others "pirate your product", at least compared
> to commercial licenses. So you're gonna be dependent on donations,
> which (if anything) keep you at the bare minimum for the project to
> survive, 99% of the time. De facto, he is against making money from
> software (as well as online services, btw)." --k0defix (reddit)

That is BS - GPL does not restrict users to sell it.
Many companies like RedHat do that and give additional support for


Apr 8, 2023, 3:10:39 AM4/8/23
But the point is that while they can charge money for the additional
services, they're limited in what they can charge for copies of the
software because the GPL lets others give away the _same_ software,
*including any new contributions by the seller* for free.

It's the BSD license that could be criticized as a welfare program for
Microsoft and Apple, not the GPL.

John Savard


Apr 8, 2023, 3:12:21 AM4/8/23
On Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 5:51:11 AM UTC-6, Jim Jackson wrote:

> Wow that's communism is it. When is it time for your meds?

While a lot of what he was saying was nonsense - BSD, not GPL, is
what lets companies get rich off of free software - Communism,
although it *pretended* to be on the side of workers, really exploited
and enslaved them once it tricked them into putting the Communists
in power.

John Savard

Marco Moock

Apr 8, 2023, 3:51:48 AM4/8/23
Am 08.04.2023 um 00:10:38 Uhr schrieb Quadibloc:

> On Saturday, April 1, 2023 at 11:17:06 AM UTC-6, Marco Moock wrote:
> > Am 28.03.2023 um 02:17:38 Uhr schrieb Arschraub Bosartig:
> > > "RMS wants all software to be GPL, which not only requires source
> > > code and permits modification but also permits redistribution. So
> > > basically it allows others "pirate your product", at least
> > > compared to commercial licenses. So you're gonna be dependent on
> > > donations, which (if anything) keep you at the bare minimum for
> > > the project to survive, 99% of the time. De facto, he is against
> > > making money from software (as well as online services, btw)."
> > > --k0defix (reddit)
> > That is BS - GPL does not restrict users to sell it.
> > Many companies like RedHat do that and give additional support for
> > money.
> But the point is that while they can charge money for the additional
> services, they're limited in what they can charge for copies of the
> software because the GPL lets others give away the _same_ software,
> *including any new contributions by the seller* for free.

True, but that is intended by the publisher. If the publisher does not
want this, he shouldn't release it under such a license.


Apr 8, 2023, 4:23:34 AM4/8/23
On the other hand, why should people be paid over and over again for the
same piece of work? Most people get paid by the hour for their
work. Copyright laws allow people to be paid even when they are
dead. Where is the sense in that?

And imagine if you had to pay for every bit of knowledge you ever
acquired because there was a copyright on it?

Jim Jackson

Apr 8, 2023, 5:34:47 AM4/8/23
On 2023-04-08, Quadibloc <> wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 5:51:11???AM UTC-6, Jim Jackson wrote:
>> Wow that's communism is it. When is it time for your meds?
> While a lot of what he was saying was nonsense - BSD, not GPL, is
> what lets companies get rich off of free software - Communism,

I simply fail to see what all this has to do with communism.

....irrelevance snipped....

Apr 8, 2023, 7:45:40 AM4/8/23


Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, I smell the stench of an Influencer.
Where is our money gone, Dude?

Louis Krupp

Apr 9, 2023, 9:13:03 PM4/9/23
On 2/16/2023 6:13 PM, Charlie Gibbs wrote:
> On 2023-02-16, John Levine <> wrote:
>> According to Vir Campestris <>:
>>> On 16/02/2023 02:33, John Levine wrote:
>>>> As anyone familiar
>>>> with the history of computing knows, nobody even attempted to
>>>> copyright software until the mid 1960s, and the computer business
>>>> did just fine in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.
>>> Back in those days there was no portable software.
>> Um, the entire point of COBOL was to be portable, and people were
>> certainly moving Fortran programs from one kind of machine to another
>> by 1960. You might want to brush up on your history.
>> Hint: the CO stands for COmmon.
> Still, as with everything else, IBM did its best to add proprietary
> extensions to lock people in. (Yes, that's one more "innovation"
> that Microsoft didn't invent.) But if you were careful you could
> write in a fairly portable dialect.

Portability, like autism, has historically been on a scale. Many years
ago, I helped convert a bunch of programs from Burroughs B5500 COBOL to
Burroughs B6700 COBOL. One system used 6-bit BCL ("Burroughs Common
Language") characters, and the other EBCDIC. Both had 48-bit words, but
one packed eight characters per word, and the other only six. One batch
of B5500 programs used a B5500 intrinsic called "COMMUNICATE" to
implement coroutines; fortunately, B6700 COBOL had extensions for
interprocess communication, so that conversion was easy. Everything else
was slow and tedious.

Then there was a FORTRAN plotter program called PUREJOY that ran on CDC
machines. It was basically portable, but some of the output was weird
because the program stored flags in the low-order bits of floating point
numbers. The CDC always normalized these, so the low-order bits didn't
matter, but the target machine (a Burroughs B6700) sometimes had to be
told to normalize numbers (I think B6700 FORTRAN had a proprietary
intrinsic equivalent to "NORMALIZE" in Unisys ALGOL). With that solved,
everything was OK.


Jorgen Grahn

Apr 10, 2023, 6:06:54 AM4/10/23
On Sat, 2023-04-08, Quadibloc wrote:

> It's the BSD license that could be criticized as a welfare program for
> Microsoft and Apple, not the GPL.

Or Apache, MIT or Mozilla, or whatever is trendy these days. I don't
see straight BSD licenses that often nowadays. (I agree with you,
though: these licenses all share some properties and the GPL family


// Jorgen Grahn <grahn@ Oo o. . .
\X/> O o .

Ahem A Rivet's Shot

Apr 10, 2023, 3:30:08 PM4/10/23
On Sat, 8 Apr 2023 00:12:19 -0700 (PDT)
Quadibloc <> wrote:

> While a lot of what he was saying was nonsense - BSD, not GPL, is
> what lets companies get rich off of free software

This is oversimplified.

It is certainly true that the BSD style licenses allow you to
incorporate code freely without making any requirements on how you license
your own code while the GPL style requires any code integrated with it to
be licensed under the same license.

This has allowed companies to base products on a BSD licensed OS
and choose how much to share - there are very profitable products that
would not exist without this Isilon OneFS (now Dell PowerScale) for example
because of their tight integration with the OS code. The FreeBSD netgraph
system was once proprietary code built on a customised version of FreeBSD
for a commercial product (in the mid 1990s) and later contributed back,
without the commercial incentive it would probably never have existed.
There are many more examples to show how beneficial to business the BSD
license style can be.

However companies are also getting rich using GPL based products,
Kubernetes/Docker/Linux runs most of the scalable web but even ignoring
that it usually isn't hard to achieve the required degree of separation
between proprietary code and a GPL OS and toolchain. There are lawyers
specialising in this area and mostly employed by companies making their
fortune with products based GPL software.

My finger in the air guess is that (ignoring outliers at the top
of which there are too few for statistics) for every business making a
fortune out of BSD style licensed software there are ten making similar
fortunes from GPL style licensed software (despite spending vastly more on


May 12, 2023, 2:41:54 PM5/12/23
On 2/15/23 13:25, Citadel BBS History wrote:
> "This document makes reference to the terms "Linux" and "open source"
> without hesitation. Our official position is that the phrase "GNU/Linux"
> is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute little
> more than noise and friction to the open source community."
> Citadel: a storied history
> TLDR; Richard Stallman is a dishwatery pinko commie neanderthal.

Why don't you say "Linux" when you are talking about Android?

bozo user

Jul 6, 2023, 11:59:15 AM7/6/23
Long ago I paid 20 euro (~$20) for 3 DVD release of Debian plus a
quick manual.
Yes, very "communist" that...

Seriously, I tought the BBS guys were more cultured...

Deposite Pirate

Aug 30, 2023, 1:02:47 PM8/30/23
On 2/15/23 12:25, Citadel BBS History wrote:
> TLDR; Richard Stallman is a dishwatery pinko commie neanderthal.

Hey buster, go easy on the hamburgers and coca cola. You're going to
have a heart attack.


Aug 30, 2023, 5:01:15 PM8/30/23
Wouldn't it be cool if, just once, someone who said "That's communism"
know what the hell communism was?



Aug 31, 2023, 9:21:57 AM8/31/23
Is communism what communists claim it to be? Or is communism defined by
what we have experienced and witnessed it to be? What communists claim,
and then what communists do, are polar opposites. All of history is
laid before us proving this--that communism is pretty drapes on slavery.

The people who define communism contrary to how communists define it,
are defining communism based on their experience of communism in action
rather than the claims of communist ideologues. "Your actions speak so
loudly that I can not hear what you are saying."

It's like religious cult leaders and Roman inquisitors who ran around
shouting about the love of Jesus while mass-murdering anyone who they
consider "unloving." Is Roman Catholicism defined by what the Roman
Catholics say it is, or is it defined by the trail of bloodstained
countries and millions of mutilated and immolated bodies they left

If we look at actual historical experience, communism is defined quite
differently from its actions and produce, than how its apparatchiks
define it in word. Communism in deed, is very differently defined from
communism in word.

In fine, communism was a new label slapped on ancient Roman
imperialism. Marx did not have any new ideas. He just re-packaged the
hermetecism of the ancient nobility to help it compete against the
rising ideas of liberty born from the American revolution. The two
world wars were instigated to reverse what Americanism had done for
human progress and secure power to the same old black nobility as

Now the communists are devouring America from inside her guts.

Ahem A Rivet's Shot

Aug 31, 2023, 10:00:04 AM8/31/23
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 16:01:12 -0500
rdh <> wrote:

Would that be Communism as defined by Marx or communism as was
practised in kibbutzim ?

Steve O'Hara-Smith
Odds and Ends at
Host: Beautiful Theory meet Inconvenient Fact
Obit: Beautiful Theory died today of factual inconsistency

Scott Lurndal

Aug 31, 2023, 10:36:27 AM8/31/23
pinky <pi...@brain.example> writes:
>On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 16:01:12 -0500
>rdh <> wrote:
>> Wouldn't it be cool if, just once, someone who said "That's
>> communism" know what the hell communism was?
>Is communism what communists claim it to be? Or is communism defined by
>what we have experienced and witnessed it to be?

Clearly the former. One author once wrote that Russia was communist
for only about 30 days in 1917.


Aug 31, 2023, 2:00:02 PM8/31/23
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 14:42:40 +0100
Ahem A Rivet's Shot <> wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 16:01:12 -0500
> rdh <> wrote:
> > Wouldn't it be cool if, just once, someone who said "That's
> > communism" know what the hell communism was?
> Would that be Communism as defined by Marx or communism as was
> practised in kibbutzim ?

communism := transarchy

transarchy := rapist pedo thieves owning all property and humans

:= basically the way the world was ruled from 3500 B.C. onward until
the American revolution.

Interestingly Richard Stallman is a long-time apologist for pedophilia.
Is this mere coincidence?

"I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms
children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases
which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are
horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing." [RMS]

This abhorrent statement is proof of extreme mental derangement.
Minimizing child rape, and insulting a parent for being outraged over
their child being raped by a predator, is the sign of a very sick mind.

I knew how wrong pedophilia was by the time I was ten years old. No
middle-aged man can claim ignorance of such predatory behavior being
harmful to youths. It would be like claiming you didn't know that
murdering someone was really harmful to them and their family.

But this is how communists think. Modern communists think it is just
dandy and "gender-affirming" to castrate pre-pubescent boys. This
"gender-affirming" "care" is a vicious and violent crime against
humanity. As with the pinko monsters of a century past, every monstrous
crime of the modern communist is dressed up in Orwellian newspeak.

Cutting a boy's dick off is no longer criminal mutilation. It is "care"
that is "gender-affirming." You have to be sick to believe and agree
with such criminal insanity.

Moral degenerates gravitate toward communist ideology because of the
promise of "equality" which means free reign to rape and plunder
without resistance from the victims.


Aug 31, 2023, 2:52:50 PM8/31/23
This is a troll; ignore

Where is our money gone:?.
Death to all Influencers, Dude!

Ilya Dubinsky

Sep 3, 2023, 4:47:39 AM9/3/23
On 31/08/2023 17:36, Scott Lurndal wrote:

>> Is communism what communists claim it to be? Or is communism defined by
>> what we have experienced and witnessed it to be?
> Clearly the former. One author once wrote that Russia was communist
> for only about 30 days in 1917.

Which is very - how shall I say - curious, since laws that nationalized
the means of production were only passed in 1918.

Certainly doesn't add to the credibility of the author.

Communism is Feudalism

Sep 3, 2023, 8:31:41 AM9/3/23
On Sun, 3 Sep 2023 11:47:36 +0300
Ilya Dubinsky <> wrote:

> On 31/08/2023 17:36, Scott Lurndal wrote:
> >>
> >> Is communism what communists claim it to be? Or is communism
> >> defined by what we have experienced and witnessed it to be?
> >
> > Clearly the former. One author once wrote that Russia was communist
> > for only about 30 days in 1917.

Statements like this are how the pinko tards in our midst try to
justify communism, an ideology that killed roughly 160 million people
in the last century.

> Which is very - how shall I say - curious, since laws that
> nationalized the means of production were only passed in 1918.
> Certainly doesn't add to the credibility of the author.

Communism never had any credibility. Whatever name you call it, whether
woke, or social justice, or equity, or anti-racism, it is the same
ideology of mass murdering Christians and establishing a feudal system
with the party as the aristocracy, ruled by a bunch of kabbalist
perverts. That is all communism ever was or will be until we finally
stamp it out.

Nazism was a sister ideology to communism, from the Roman school, using
the same kabbalist formulas as Marx, but based around declarations of
racial justice instead of economic justice. Under the hood both worked
the same way, and the main target of both movements was the elimination
of independent Christians.

It's called a ruse. If you want to mass-murder Christians, call them
kulaks or call them Jews. Then kill some real kulaks and real Jews in
the mix so people don't realize your aims. Meanwhile kill ten or twenty
Christians for each Jew or Kulak you murder--Christians by the tens of
millions. Later make up a story about how Jews were the main
target (they weren't). That was the ruse. Many times more Christians
were killed by the Nazis and Communists as were Jews. They thought so
little of the Jews that they used them as a convenient scapegoat and
smokescreen, depending on which propaganda outlet you consult. The
Zionists fell for the trap, and even to this day talk constantly about
the holocaust of six million while never saying a word about the 114
million Christians and 40+ million Asians (many also Christian) mass
murdered at the same time period.

Western dolts need to get their heads unstuck from their rectums and
see what has really been behind all the evil in the world.


Sep 3, 2023, 4:09:10 PM9/3/23
On Sat, 2 Sep 2023 05:36:50 -0700, Communism is Feudalism
<comm...@example.invalid> wrote:
>On Sun, 3 Sep 2023 11:47:36 +0300
>Ilya Dubinsky <> wrote:
>> On 31/08/2023 17:36, Scott Lurndal wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Is communism what communists claim it to be? Or is communism
>> >> defined by what we have experienced and witnessed it to be?
>> >
>> > Clearly the former. One author once wrote that Russia was communist
>> > for only about 30 days in 1917.
>Statements like this are how the pinko tards in our midst try to
>justify communism, an ideology that killed roughly 160 million people
>in the last century.

So did nazism.

>> Which is very - how shall I say - curious, since laws that
>> nationalized the means of production were only passed in 1918.
>> Certainly doesn't add to the credibility of the author.
>Communism never had any credibility. Whatever name you call it, whether
>woke, or social justice, or equity, or anti-racism, it is the same
>ideology of mass murdering Christians and establishing a feudal system
>with the party as the aristocracy, ruled by a bunch of kabbalist
>perverts. That is all communism ever was or will be until we finally
>stamp it out.

You are a troll. Woke means recognize that racism and slavery existed.

>Western dolts need to get their heads unstuck from their rectums and
>see what has really been behind all the evil in the world.

Your lies don't help.
0 new messages