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IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?

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Eric Smith

Mar 25, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/25/99
I'm searching for articles (or books) on the implementation of the IBM
System/32 and System/34 minicomputers, or any other small IBM systems
from the early to mid-70s. I'm specifically interested in details of
the semiconductor technology, degree of integration, and processor or
system architecture.

So far I'm not turning up a lot. I had hoped to find some articles in
the IBM Journal of R&D, or the IBM Systems Journal, but the bibliography
database at the University of Utah doesn't show anything promising.

There is brief mention of some of this stuff in _IBM's 360 and Early 370
Systems_ by Pugh, Johnson, and Palmer, but of course it is really
outside the scope of that book. If there were a similar book that
covered small systems, it would be very useful to me.

Any ideas?



[If for some reason you want to send me a private reply, you'll have to
remove the obvious anti-spam cruft from my email address. Otherwise,
I'm perfectly happy to watch for followups in this newsgroup.]

Del Cecchi

Mar 26, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/26/99
to Eric Smith
In article <>,

What do you want to know? I and several of my friends who are still around here
designed the things.

Del Cecchi

Del Cecchi

Mar 30, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/30/99
Larry Whitley wrote:
> The first systems I worked on were the '32 and '34. That was a long
> (very long) time ago.

You must be REALLY OLD.
> The circuit technology for both machines was an IBM bipolar technology
> that had 100 to 120 circuits per chip. Ok for it's time. It's
> internal code name was Dutchess.

It had 134 gates, 60 three way NAND, 40 4Way NAND and 34 2way nor off
chip drivers. Gate delay was about 10 ns.
> The processor on the '32 was a 16 bit register based machine that is
> philosophically similar to RISC. All logical and arithmetic
> operations are performed with register to register operations (16
> 16bit registers). Branches used the side effects of the register to
> register operations or tested registers directly. Memory operations
> only load data to registers or store data from registers. Memory was
> logically divided into an instruction space and a data space (aka
> control store and main store). On the '32 the two spaces were
> physically implemented as one. There was no cacheint, branch
> prediction, etc. The internal name of the processor was the CSP
> (Control Store Processor).
> The kernal and I/O processing of the '32 was implemented in the native
> instruction set of the CSP. The upper levels of the operating system
> and application code were in the System/3 instruction set. The '32's
> RISCish processor implemented an emulator of the S/3 instruction set
> to run the code.
> The S/3 instruction set is almost diametrically opposed to the '32
> instruction set. It is very memory to memory oriented with very few
> registers. All logical and arithmetic operations in the S/3
> instruction set are performed on memory to memory operations. The few
> (2) registers were used to index addresses to memory.
> All of this emulation was ok for one user, but pretty slow is you
> wanted to run multiple users. So the '34 took the emulator out of
> software and put it into hardware (Dutchess technology).
> This processor was called the MSP (Main Store Processor). To be
> clear, the '34 had two processors in its "CPU". The original CSP from
> it's System/32 heritage and the MSP. Neither processor supported
> virtual memory.
> The I/O was also interesting on the '34 since it introduced the IOP
> (I/O Processor to the mix). But that's another story.
> Larry
> PS: Don't know of any books on the subject. We were all too busy.
> :-)
Sheeit, we were all too paranoid that someone would steal all our
> In article <>, Eric Smith

> <> wrote:
> >I'm searching for articles (or books) on the implementation of the IBM
> >System/32 and System/34 minicomputers, or any other small IBM systems
> >from the early to mid-70s. I'm specifically interested in details of
> >the semiconductor technology, degree of integration, and processor or
> >system architecture.

I offered to help and heard nothing. I figure he is sitting in front of
his email waiting for stuff to fall from the sky.

> >
> >So far I'm not turning up a lot. I had hoped to find some articles in
> >the IBM Journal of R&D, or the IBM Systems Journal, but the bibliography
> >database at the University of Utah doesn't show anything promising.
> >
> >There is brief mention of some of this stuff in _IBM's 360 and Early 370
> >Systems_ by Pugh, Johnson, and Palmer, but of course it is really
> >outside the scope of that book. If there were a similar book that
> >covered small systems, it would be very useful to me.
> >
> >Any ideas?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >Eric
> >
> >[If for some reason you want to send me a private reply, you'll have to
> >remove the obvious anti-spam cruft from my email address. Otherwise,
> >I'm perfectly happy to watch for followups in this newsgroup.]

> ---------------------------------------------------------
> IBM Server Group - Architecture, Performance and Design
> home: ldwhit -at-
> work: ldw -at-
> (Note the address modifications to reduce the spam load.)

del cecchi

Larry Whitley

Mar 31, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/31/99
The first systems I worked on were the '32 and '34. That was a long
(very long) time ago.

The circuit technology for both machines was an IBM bipolar technology

that had 100 to 120 circuits per chip. Ok for it's time. It's
internal code name was Dutchess.

The processor on the '32 was a 16 bit register based machine that is


In article <>, Eric Smith

<> wrote:
>I'm searching for articles (or books) on the implementation of the IBM
>System/32 and System/34 minicomputers, or any other small IBM systems
>from the early to mid-70s. I'm specifically interested in details of
>the semiconductor technology, degree of integration, and processor or
>system architecture.

Eric Smith

Mar 31, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/31/99
In response to my query about System/32 and System/34 implementation

technology, Del Cecchi <> wrote:
> I offered to help and heard nothing. I figure he is sitting in front of
> his email waiting for stuff to fall from the sky.

And I appreciate your offer to help. But since I know very little about
the machines to start with, I don't even have very specific questions.
That's why I was hoping someone had written a book or at least published
some papers in technical journals.

I'm interested in these systems for two reasons:

(1) I may have an opportunity to acquire a System/34, but I won't get
manuals and software with it. I was wondering if I would be able to make it
do anything. At the moment the answer appears to be "no".

(2) You had previously mentioned that the 5100 hardware used similar
components to System/32 and System/34. So it seems logical that if I can
find published material on the latter, it might help explain the former.

Was the "Dutchess" bipolar logic technology based on non-saturating circuits
(like TTL), or saturating (like ECL)? Was it electrically compatible with
an industry-standard logic family, such as 74xx TTL or 10K ECL? Since my
5100 only has the minimum RAM configuration (16 Kbytes), it would be nice to
build a new RAM card for it.

Speaking of which, are the module connectors that IBM used in those products
still being used today? Are they available as a standard product from
connector companies (such as AMP), or are they unique to IBM?

The PALM ("Put All Logic in Microcode") processor used in the 5100 sounds
similar to Larry Whitley's description of the System/32 CSP. Is there in fact
a close relation? Was the PALM designed to be the processor for a low end
System/32 machine? Was PALM used in any other products?

And what were the UC.5 and UC1 processors? What machines used them?

Paul DeMone

Mar 31, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/31/99
Eric Smith wrote:

> Was the "Dutchess" bipolar logic technology based on non-saturating circuits
> (like TTL), or saturating (like ECL)?

Ooops you have that backwards. Saturating a BJT is bad for fast logic
because it greatly increased charge storage and slows it down.

BTW, the IBM stuff doesn't sound like ECL because 10 ns prop times
is way too high.

Paul W. DeMone The 801 experiment SPARCed an ARMs race of EPIC
Kanata, Ontario proportions to put more PRECISION and POWER into architectures with MIPSed results but ALPHA's well that ends well.

Del Cecchi

Mar 31, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/31/99
Eric Smith wrote:
> In response to my query about System/32 and System/34 implementation
> technology, Del Cecchi <> wrote:
> > I offered to help and heard nothing. I figure he is sitting in front of
> > his email waiting for stuff to fall from the sky.
> And I appreciate your offer to help. But since I know very little about
> the machines to start with, I don't even have very specific questions.
> That's why I was hoping someone had written a book or at least published
> some papers in technical journals.

I think you are out of luck, sorry. A bunch of IBM Manuals but they are

> I'm interested in these systems for two reasons:
> (1) I may have an opportunity to acquire a System/34, but I won't get
> manuals and software with it. I was wondering if I would be able to make it
> do anything. At the moment the answer appears to be "no".

I think that is correct unless somebody has something laying around
their cabinet somewhere.

> (2) You had previously mentioned that the 5100 hardware used similar
> components to System/32 and System/34. So it seems logical that if I can
> find published material on the latter, it might help explain the former.

The logic was a "masterslice" or gate array as it is called now.

> Was the "Dutchess" bipolar logic technology based on non-saturating circuits

> (like TTL), or saturating (like ECL)? Was it electrically compatible with
> an industry-standard logic family, such as 74xx TTL or 10K ECL? Since my
> 5100 only has the minimum RAM configuration (16 Kbytes), it would be nice to
> build a new RAM card for it.

It was shottky ttl, ran off 5 volts and is 74xx compatable.

> Speaking of which, are the module connectors that IBM used in those products
> still being used today?


Are they available as a standard product from
> connector companies (such as AMP), or are they unique to IBM?

I think they are unique. How many do you need?

> The PALM ("Put All Logic in Microcode") processor used in the 5100 sounds
> similar to Larry Whitley's description of the System/32 CSP. Is there in fact
> a close relation? Was the PALM designed to be the processor for a low end
> System/32 machine? Was PALM used in any other products?

No No No (other than 5110 and 5120)

> And what were the UC.5 and UC1 processors? What machines used them?

Other IBM microprocessors UC==Universal Controller

Various controllers primarily used with mainframes like 3081.

del cecchi

Julian Thomas

Apr 1, 1999, 8:00:00 AM4/1/99
In <>, on 03/31/99
at 10:36 PM, Del Cecchi <> said:

>Other IBM microprocessors UC==Universal Controller

>Various controllers primarily used with mainframes like 3081.

Then there was the infamous 5 bit engine used in the 303x consoles!

Julian Thomas: jt 5555 at epix dot net
remove numerics for email
Boardmember of - Phoenix OS/2 Society, Inc
In the beautiful Finger Lakes Wine Country of New York State!
-- --
To a cat, "NO!" means "Not while I'm looking."

Eric Smith

Apr 1, 1999, 8:00:00 AM4/1/99
I wrote:
> Was the "Dutchess" bipolar logic technology based on non-saturating circuits
> (like TTL), or saturating (like ECL)?

Paul DeMone <> writes:
> oops you have that backwards. Saturating a BJT is bad for fast logic
> because it greatly increased charge storage and slows it down.

You're right, of course. I guess I need to proofread my postings a little
better against "thinkos".

> BTW, the IBM stuff doesn't sound like ECL because 10 ns prop times
> is way too high.

Good point.

Frank A. Adrian

Apr 1, 1999, 8:00:00 AM4/1/99

Eric Smith wrote in message ...
+AD4APg- BTW, the IBM stuff doesn't sound like ECL because 10 ns prop times
+AD4APg- is way too high.
+AD4-Good point.

But there were other non-saturating logics around at the time. At least one
I'm familiar with looked like the front end of an ECL circuit, but didn't
have the emitter followers on the output (just some diodes for level
shifting). It had extremely limited fanout (as you could well imagine) and
in most cases went slower than ECL. It also took about the same amount of
power. So why was it used? Those were the days when bipolar transistors
(and the resistors for the emitter follower stage) were large. Lower
component count +AD0APg- smaller chip size. I think it was called DCL (for Direct
Coupled Logic). In addition, it may have been a hold-over from discrete
circuitry days. But. to be honest, this is from so far back, all of this is
fuzzy. Maybe one of the digital cognoscenti could fill us in on what the
other non-saturating logic families were.


S. L. Wellborn

Apr 2, 1999, 8:00:00 AM4/2/99

Eric Smith wrote in message ...
>I'm interested in these systems for two reasons:
>(1) I may have an opportunity to acquire a System/34, but I won't get
>manuals and software with it. I was wondering if I would be able to make
>do anything. At the moment the answer appears to be "no".
>(2) You had previously mentioned that the 5100 hardware used similar
>components to System/32 and System/34. So it seems logical that if I can
>find published material on the latter, it might help explain the former.

If I'm remembering right, I've got several large odd sized binders of
System/32 info
taking up space in a storage shed (schematics & maintenance stuff I think)
anyone is interested in it let me know and I'll dig it out.


Paul DeMone

Apr 2, 1999, 8:00:00 AM4/2/99
Frank A. Adrian wrote:
> Eric Smith wrote in message ...
> +AD4APg- BTW, the IBM stuff doesn't sound like ECL because 10 ns prop times
> +AD4APg- is way too high.
> +AD4-
> +AD4-Good point.
> But there were other non-saturating logics around at the time. At least one
> I'm familiar with looked like the front end of an ECL circuit, but didn't
> have the emitter followers on the output (just some diodes for level
> shifting). It had extremely limited fanout (as you could well imagine) and
> in most cases went slower than ECL. It also took about the same amount of
> power. So why was it used? Those were the days when bipolar transistors
> (and the resistors for the emitter follower stage) were large. Lower
> component count +AD0APg- smaller chip size. I think it was called DCL (for Direct
> Coupled Logic).

I think it was more commonly called Current Mode Logic or CML. IIRC Honeywell
used it extensively in their large systems. Whether or not it was slower
depended on fanout and loading. It was possible to combine both ECL and CML
to optimize speed vs area vs power.

> In addition, it may have been a hold-over from discrete
> circuitry days. But. to be honest, this is from so far back, all of this is
> fuzzy. Maybe one of the digital cognoscenti could fill us in on what the
> other non-saturating logic families were.

Schottky clamped TTL was a popular non-saturating bipolar logic family. These
circuits looked a lot like a conventional TTL with the multi emitter fround
end (actually DTL in low power Schottky) and totem pole output stage. The
difference was that a Schottky barrier diode was connected between the base
and collector of the pulldown BJT in the totem pole. The Schottky diode is
a junction between a metal contact and lightly n doped silicon. The diode
conducts current if the output falls much below the base voltage and thus
keeps the BJT out of deep saturation. The Schottky diode is quite easy to
implement on an IC, just make a contact to n diffused area without placing
an n+ contact plug.

Del Cecchi

Apr 2, 1999, 8:00:00 AM4/2/99
Paul DeMone wrote:

> keeps the BJT out of deep saturation. The Schottky diode is quite easy to
> implement on an IC, just make a contact to n diffused area without placing
> an n+ contact plug.

except the metalurgy has to be right to get the diode drop small enough
to clamp and not too small to destroy the noise tolerance by wrecking
the down level. Especially in Dutchess that didn't have the phase
splitter but just a resistor pull up.

Del Cecchi

Apr 2, 1999, 8:00:00 AM4/2/99
Frank A. Adrian wrote:
> Eric Smith wrote in message ...
> +AD4APg- BTW, the IBM stuff doesn't sound like ECL because 10 ns prop times
> +AD4APg- is way too high.
> +AD4-
> +AD4-Good point.
> But there were other non-saturating logics around at the time. At least one
> I'm familiar with looked like the front end of an ECL circuit, but didn't
> have the emitter followers on the output (just some diodes for level
> shifting). It had extremely limited fanout (as you could well imagine) and
> in most cases went slower than ECL. It also took about the same amount of
> power. So why was it used? Those were the days when bipolar transistors
> (and the resistors for the emitter follower stage) were large. Lower
> component count +AD0APg- smaller chip size. I think it was called DCL (for Direct
> Coupled Logic). In addition, it may have been a hold-over from discrete

> circuitry days. But. to be honest, this is from so far back, all of this is
> fuzzy. Maybe one of the digital cognoscenti could fill us in on what the
> other non-saturating logic families were.
> faa

The first IBM monolithic ICs were CSEF current switch emitter follower
called MST, monolithic systems technology. Used in 370 and system 3.

Followed by dutchess, ttl. Followed by Golf, DTL and Tango (bizarre
dtl) and Granite CML.

Keith R. Williams

Apr 3, 1999, 8:00:00 AM4/3/99
On Fri, 2 Apr 1999 05:59:20, "Frank A. Adrian"
<> wrote:

> Eric Smith wrote in message ...
> +AD4APg- BTW, the IBM stuff doesn't sound like ECL because 10 ns prop times
> +AD4APg- is way too high.
> +AD4-
> +AD4-Good point.
> But there were other non-saturating logics around at the time. At least one
> I'm familiar with looked like the front end of an ECL circuit, but didn't
> have the emitter followers on the output (just some diodes for level
> shifting).

Diodes are better than emitter-followers at level-shifting?

I don't remember any non-saturating IBM logic other than CSEF
(Current-Switch-Emitter-Follower - ECL to "outsiders" ;-). Sure
they used cascaded logic for such things, but they were all ECL
based AFAIK.

There were some strange beasts, but Dutchess and it's follow-ons,
"Golf" and "Tango" were decidedly TTL, or more accurately SDTL. I
believe the S38 was all Tango. Tango was indeed an interesting

> It had extremely limited fanout (as you could well imagine) and
> in most cases went slower than ECL.

"Some" cases? The ECL of the time was MST4 (made by TI) or HPCL
(made by IBM). In that timeframe it may have even been HPCL-F
(MS-255 IIRC). There is no way that any TTL of the time could
catch MST4/HPCL. The 308x was a TTL machine and used a strange
variant of TTL (ground-down to minus 1.5V), but that was an
exception. BTW, it also had a variant with an emitter-follower
after the TTL driver. The open-collector driver was known as the
"long-line" driver for rather obvious reasons.

> It also took about the same amount of
> power. So why was it used?

I'm not sure what technology you're talking about here. I think
you may be confusing many.

> Those were the days when bipolar transistors
> (and the resistors for the emitter follower stage) were large. Lower
> component count +AD0APg- smaller chip size. I think it was called DCL (for Direct
> Coupled Logic). In addition, it may have been a hold-over from discrete
> circuitry days. But. to be honest, this is from so far back, all of this is
> fuzzy. Maybe one of the digital cognoscenti could fill us in on what the
> other non-saturating logic families were.

I haven't seen any other non-saturating logic other than ECL
(CSEF) that made it into production. The real problem is that the
current-switch dissipaes power in either state. TTL only in one
(though it has a huge dI/dT), but it doesn't matter much.
They're both too power hungry for the densities of today. CMOS
only dissipates power when switching and has knocked all that
archaic bipolar stuff into history.


Del Cecchi

Apr 3, 1999, 8:00:00 AM4/3/99
Keith R. Williams wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Apr 1999 05:59:20, "Frank A. Adrian"
> <> wrote:

> I don't remember any non-saturating IBM logic other than CSEF
> (Current-Switch-Emitter-Follower - ECL to "outsiders" ;-). Sure
> they used cascaded logic for such things, but they were all ECL
> based AFAIK.
> There were some strange beasts, but Dutchess and it's follow-ons,
> "Golf" and "Tango" were decidedly TTL, or more accurately SDTL. I
> believe the S38 was all Tango. Tango was indeed an interesting
> technology.
System/38 was pre-tango, it was "Low Power Wicoppee" or Purdue as it was
later called, MS-381 with a follow on in MS-431. It was similar to the
MS-359 used in the 3081 only in single chip air cooled modules.

Tango was interesting all right. Goofy might be more like it.

> > It had extremely limited fanout (as you could well imagine) and
> > in most cases went slower than ECL.
> "Some" cases? The ECL of the time was MST4 (made by TI) or HPCL
> (made by IBM). In that timeframe it may have even been HPCL-F
> (MS-255 IIRC). There is no way that any TTL of the time could
> catch MST4/HPCL. The 308x was a TTL machine and used a strange
> variant of TTL (ground-down to minus 1.5V), but that was an
> exception. BTW, it also had a variant with an emitter-follower
> after the TTL driver. The open-collector driver was known as the
> "long-line" driver for rather obvious reasons.

The off chip drivers for Purdue were Emitter followers mostly except for
the long line drivers. MS255 was used on the 3033 which was done on a
very short schedule due to Gene Amdahl. IBM sold many more than they
thought they would.

> > It also took about the same amount of
> > power. So why was it used?
> I'm not sure what technology you're talking about here. I think
> you may be confusing many.
> > Those were the days when bipolar transistors
> > (and the resistors for the emitter follower stage) were large. Lower


> ----
> Keith

Ron Nicholson

Apr 8, 1999, 7:00:00 AM4/8/99
In article <>, Del Cecchi <> wrote:
>It had 134 gates, 60 three way NAND, 40 4Way NAND and 34 2way nor off
>chip drivers. Gate delay was about 10 ns.

What was the CPU cycle time (if synchronous) and/or the approximate
micro and macro instruction dispatch rate? How about the memory cycle
time? Do any System/32 benchmarks still exist that could be translated
to run in some form on current hardware (a WorkPad for instance)?

Ron Nicholson
#include <canonical.disclaimer> // only my own opinions, etc.

Apr 28, 2015, 1:56:05 PM4/28/15
I know this post is from a very long time ago, but I just came across it this morning.

If any of you worked on System 32 at the IBM location in Rochester, MN, I would love to hear about your experience with the project. My father, Nicholas Mitrofanoff, played a major role in the design of this system, but I don't know very much about it. Over the past few years, I have been searching online for information about the project, but as you may have noticed, very little has been posted.

From what I have gathered, it seems as if System 32 was the first computer that was accessible for small businesses. I would assume, then, that this project made computers available to a multitude more people than had ever had access previously. I may be biased, but I would think that this project should be considered a milestone in computer history.

That being said, I would be honored to hear from anyone who played a part in the creation or design of System 32.

Al Kossow

Apr 28, 2015, 2:43:23 PM4/28/15
On 4/28/15 6:56 AM, wrote:

> From what I have gathered, it seems as if System 32 was the first computer that was accessible for small businesses.

It was an early system that IBM targeted to that market. Other vendors had been in that market for a while.
System 3 was actually the first system out of Rochester.

There is a history of the 3x series in the back of one of the books on S38. I'm blanking on which one right now. I'm
not thinking of "Fortress Rochester"

Peter Flass

Apr 28, 2015, 3:34:11 PM4/28/15
<> wrote:
> I know this post is from a very long time ago, but I just came across it this morning.
> If any of you worked on System 32 at the IBM location in Rochester, MN, I
> would love to hear about your experience with the project. My father,
> Nicholas Mitrofanoff, played a major role in the design of this system,
> but I don't know very much about it. Over the past few years, I have
> been searching online for information about the project, but as you may
> have noticed, very little has been posted.
> From what I have gathered, it seems as if System 32 was the first
> computer that was accessible for small businesses.

It was a milestone, but probably there are other candidates for that role.
I would say within the IBM line either the 1130 or the 360/20 fit that
niche also, although it depends on your definition of "small business".

I'd be interested in finding out more about the System 32, good luck with
your search.

I would assume, then, that this project made computers available to a
multitude more people than had ever had access previously. I may be
biased, but I would think that this project should be considered a
milestone in computer history.
> That being said, I would be honored to hear from anyone who played a part
> in the creation or design of System 32.


John Levine

Apr 28, 2015, 4:26:50 PM4/28/15
>From what I have gathered, it seems as if System 32 was the first computer
>that was accessible for small businesses.

It was arguably IBM's first computer specifically aimed at small
businesses, but there were plenty of computers from other vendors in
that market. DEC had offerings based on PDP-8 and PDP-11, Data
General had Nova and Supernova systems, and so forth.

Dan Espen

Apr 28, 2015, 5:42:23 PM4/28/15
Most of my experience was System 34.
The 32 was a small system built like a desk.
Each time IBM made a smaller unit, smaller businesses got to get their computer.

There were other small systems from IBM around, like the mod 20 and the
Series 1.

The 32 was smaller and I would guess cheaper than a 20.

I don't know what the story with the System 3x software is.
Lynn has mentioned some relation to the FS project but I think
that showed up first in the 38.

I can say that the System 34 was unlike any IBM software I had
encountered up until then. It was pretty good.
I was particularly surprised by the control language.
I was used to JCL and the CL beat JCL to death for ease of use
and power.

Dan Espen

Shmuel Metz

Apr 29, 2015, 12:27:25 AM4/29/15
on 04/28/2015
at 03:33 PM, Peter Flass <> said:

>It was a milestone, but probably there are other candidates for that
>role. I would say within the IBM line either the 1130 or the 360/20
>fit that niche also, although it depends on your definition of "small

All of 305, 650, 1401, S/1, S/7 were marketted as small business
machines at various times.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT <>

Unsolicited bulk E-mail subject to legal action. I reserve the
right to publicly post or ridicule any abusive E-mail. Reply to
domain Patriot dot net user shmuel+news to contact me. Do not
reply to

Apr 29, 2015, 1:17:33 AM4/29/15
On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 12:26:50 PM UTC-4, John Levine wrote:
> >From what I have gathered, it seems as if System 32 was the first computer
> >that was accessible for small businesses.

> It was arguably IBM's first computer specifically aimed at small
> businesses, but there were plenty of computers from other vendors in
> that market.

I thought the IBM System/3 was IBM's first computer for small business, and the S/3x series were just later improved models.

> DEC had offerings based on PDP-8 and PDP-11, Data
> General had Nova and Supernova systems, and so forth.

Did a lot of businesses acquire the PDP-8 to do things like payroll and accounting? The DEC PDP-8 brochure says "scientific, engineering, process control, data acquisition, quality control (circuit testing), and educational applications". Not a word about any business applications. The brochure touts the floating point point package and mathematical function routines. It offered FORTRAN but not COBOL. It did not appear to offer disk. The tape at 200 bpi seemed weak for 1965.

Dan Espen

Apr 29, 2015, 1:34:10 AM4/29/15
to writes:

> On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 12:26:50 PM UTC-4, John Levine wrote:
>> >From what I have gathered, it seems as if System 32 was the first computer
>> >that was accessible for small businesses.
>> It was arguably IBM's first computer specifically aimed at small
>> businesses, but there were plenty of computers from other vendors in
>> that market.
> I thought the IBM System/3 was IBM's first computer for small
> business, and the S/3x series were just later improved models.

That's right.
(Just looked it up.)

Since I never saw or worked on a S/3 my memory of it is poor.
I guess what made the biggest impression at the time
was the 96 character card.

It was normally configured like a S/360 20.
Including another version of the MFCM.
(Very slick card reader/punch which sometimes mangled cards.)

The Wikipedia article mentions that the S/3 used OCL too.
I still wonder why the software on that line was so much
more inspired than on S/360.

I remember reading some technical stuff from IBM for S/34
and the book was full of HIPO charts.

Dan Espen

John Levine

Apr 29, 2015, 3:53:27 AM4/29/15
>I thought the IBM System/3 was IBM's first computer for small business, and
>the S/3x series were just later improved models.

The S/3x were quite different internally from the S/3, although they apparently
did software emulation for backward compatibility.

>> DEC had offerings based on PDP-8 and PDP-11, Data
>> General had Nova and Supernova systems, and so forth.
>Did a lot of businesses acquire the PDP-8 to do things like payroll and
>accounting? The DEC PDP-8 brochure says "scientific, engineering, process
>control, data acquisition, quality control (circuit testing), and
>educational applications". Not a word about any business applications.
>The brochure touts the floating point point package and mathematical
>function routines. It offered FORTRAN but not COBOL. It did not appear to
>offer disk. The tape at 200 bpi seemed weak for 1965.

People definitely attached disks to PDP-8's; I used them. There was
even a small timesharing system that gave each user a fairly close
approximation of a bare machine with the usual peripherals and a disk.

DEC invented a business language called DIBOL in 1970 originally for
the PDP-8, eventually ported to many other machines and defined in an
ANSI standard. It's still in use, and it's easy to find online help
wanted ads looking for DIBOL programmers. Another famous PDP-8
business application was newspaper typesetting, see

Then there's MUMPS, a database system originally implemented in 1966
on a PDP-7 at Mass General Hospital (that's what the first M stands for),
later widely used as Digital Standard MUMPS (DSM, the standard was
ANSI X11.1) on PDP-11s and Vaxen. It's still widely used in the
healthcare and financial industries because it's fast, it works, and
they have ginormous databases hosted in it. One of our neighbors
makes good money as a MUMPS programmer.


Apr 29, 2015, 8:06:24 PM4/29/15
This won't help to answer your specific question, but I was reading a brochure on
the IBM 9370 from Al Kossow's web site the other day.

This machine was from the early 1980s, as the original IBM PC was contemporary
with it.

The brochure noted that it was implemented with RAM chips that contained one million bits each, and had a 1.2 micron feature size. But the internal logic was bipolar, on chips that only had 4,000 gates or so each.

John Savard

Charles Richmond

Apr 29, 2015, 8:10:05 PM4/29/15
<> wrote in message
>On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 12:26:50 PM UTC-4, John Levine wrote:
>> [snip...] [snip...]
>> [snip...]
>> DEC had offerings based on PDP-8 and PDP-11, Data
>> General had Nova and Supernova systems, and so forth.
>Did a lot of businesses acquire the PDP-8 to do things like payroll and
>accounting? The DEC PDP-8 >brochure says "scientific, engineering, process
>control, data acquisition, quality control (circuit testing), >and
>educational applications". Not a word about any business applications.
>The brochure touts the >floating point point package and mathematical
>function routines. It offered FORTRAN but not >COBOL. It did not appear
>to offer disk. The tape at 200 bpi seemed weak for 1965.

A Wikipedia article says there was a business-oriented language for the

"The original version, DIBOL-8, was produced for PDP-8, PDP-11 and DIBOL-32
VAX/VMS systems, though it can also be run on other systems through


numerist at aquaporin4 dot com


Apr 29, 2015, 8:21:58 PM4/29/15
On Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 2:00:00 AM UTC-6, Eric Smith wrote:

> (1) I may have an opportunity to acquire a System/34, but I won't get
> manuals and software with it.

This lets me narrow down my Google search. According to Wikipedia, the System/34 was announced in April, 1977.

No real answers here, but someone got one of those beasts running:

Couldn't find an ad brochure, but there are FE manuals for it on Bitsavers.

John Savard

Charles Richmond

Apr 29, 2015, 9:05:21 PM4/29/15
"Dan Espen" <> wrote in message
> writes:
>> On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 12:26:50 PM UTC-4, John Levine wrote:
>>> >From what I have gathered, it seems as if System 32 was the first
>>> >computer
>>> >that was accessible for small businesses.
>>> It was arguably IBM's first computer specifically aimed at small
>>> businesses, but there were plenty of computers from other vendors in
>>> that market.
>> I thought the IBM System/3 was IBM's first computer for small
>> business, and the S/3x series were just later improved models.
> That's right.
> (Just looked it up.)
> Since I never saw or worked on a S/3 my memory of it is poor.
> I guess what made the biggest impression at the time
> was the 96 character card.

Note that there were three rows of punches on the 96 column cardand the
holes punched were circular. Each character was represented by holes that
encoded the ASCII value of the character... similar to the way paper tape
was punched.

See a picture of the IBM 96 column card here:

Charles Richmond

Apr 29, 2015, 9:13:58 PM4/29/15
"John Levine" <> wrote in message
NCR had a business-oriented language for their small (medium size) business
systems called NEAT. I remember seeing ads in the classified section of the
newspaper for NEAT programmers. Is NEAT still in use???

> Then there's MUMPS, a database system originally implemented in 1966
> on a PDP-7 at Mass General Hospital (that's what the first M stands for),
> later widely used as Digital Standard MUMPS (DSM, the standard was
> ANSI X11.1) on PDP-11s and Vaxen. It's still widely used in the
> healthcare and financial industries because it's fast, it works, and
> they have ginormous databases hosted in it. One of our neighbors
> makes good money as a MUMPS programmer.

ISTM that the MUMPS language is now sometimes called M:


Apr 30, 2015, 12:28:32 AM4/30/15
The IBM 3033 also came out in 1977. So, as their top-of-the-line product, I felt that perhaps more information would be available about its technology - the System/34 might not have embodied any fundamental innovations of its own, but instead used the same general kind of chip.

From the 3033 announcement, it is noted that this computer used chips that were twice as dense as, and significantly faster than, those on the Model 168-3.

John Savard


Apr 30, 2015, 12:32:08 AM4/30/15
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 3:05:21 PM UTC-6, Charles Richmond wrote:

> Note that there were three rows of punches on the 96 column cardand the
> holes punched were circular. Each character was represented by holes that
> encoded the ASCII value of the character... similar to the way paper tape
> was punched.

You're close. The holes encoded the EBCDIC value of the character, with some bits modified so that a space, rather than the null control character, would equal no punches, just like on a regular punched card.

John Savard


Apr 30, 2015, 12:32:34 AM4/30/15
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 3:05:21 PM UTC-6, Charles Richmond wrote:

> Note that there were three rows of punches on the 96 column cardand the
> holes punched were circular. Each character was represented by holes that
> encoded the ASCII value of the character... similar to the way paper tape
> was punched.

Dan Espen

Apr 30, 2015, 1:13:10 AM4/30/15
Based on the picture, that's BCD.
BA8421 is 6 bit BCD.
A "Z" as A81 is BCD.

Dan Espen

Apr 30, 2015, 1:48:32 AM4/30/15
On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 9:34:10 PM UTC-4, D_J_E wrote:

> Since I never saw or worked on a S/3 my memory of it is poor.
> I guess what made the biggest impression at the time
> was the 96 character card.

I never worked on the S/3, but I remember it was a big deal when it was announced. The 96 column card was a big deal since it was half the size, yet held more information. The S/3 supposedly, IIRC, supported BASIC, making it easier to program.

I did see a few, and they were physically small. Actually, that was partly how IBM saved money on them since they used less metal.

The S/3 lncluded an offline card sorter, the last pure "tab" (punched card) unit ever built.

> The Wikipedia article mentions that the S/3 used OCL too.
> I still wonder why the software on that line was so much
> more inspired than on S/360.

IBM S/360 history has some info about S/3.

Fred Brooks, developer of OS/360, said himself it stunk. My guess is that they were in a rush to get OS/360 out the door, plus, initially had to squeeze it down to run on low-end machines.

For System/3, IBM had to break with policy and develop a non-compatible machine. Keeping costs down were the prime objective, so the machine would be attractive to small businesses which until now didn't have the data volume to justify a real computer.

They took RPG from the 1401 and enhanced it to become RPG-II.

AFAIK, System/3 was a big success in the marketplace, as were its successors.

I think after the AS/400, IBM came out with the "i series" to replace it, but I don't know where that stands. That is, if someone had an AS/400 with lots of software written for it, what would they be using today?

John Levine

Apr 30, 2015, 2:23:35 AM4/30/15
>Fred Brooks, developer of OS/360, said himself it stunk. My guess is that they were in a
>rush to get OS/360 out the door, plus, initially had to squeeze it down to run on low-end

No guess, it's well documented. See The Mythical Man Month.

>I think after the AS/400, IBM came out with the "i series" to replace it, but I don't know
>where that stands. That is, if someone had an AS/400 with lots of software written for it,
>what would they be using today?

IBM Power Systems. The S/38 had a virtual instruction set that's been
carried forward through many generations of hardware. The virtual
instructions have never been physically implemented; instead each
machine had a translator to the native instruction set. The
translators are good enough that you can do instruction level virtual
machine debugging. You can buy a Power System with an OS to run as a
S/38 style machine, or on the same hardware you can run AIX or Linux.

Dan Espen

Apr 30, 2015, 2:41:42 AM4/30/15
to writes:

> On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 9:34:10 PM UTC-4, D_J_E wrote:
>> The Wikipedia article mentions that the S/3 used OCL too.
>> I still wonder why the software on that line was so much
>> more inspired than on S/360.
> IBM S/360 history has some info about S/3.
> Fred Brooks, developer of OS/360, said himself it stunk. My guess is
> that they were in a rush to get OS/360 out the door, plus, initially
> had to squeeze it down to run on low-end machines.
> For System/3, IBM had to break with policy and develop a
> non-compatible machine. Keeping costs down were the prime objective,
> so the machine would be attractive to small businesses which until now
> didn't have the data volume to justify a real computer.
> They took RPG from the 1401 and enhanced it to become RPG-II.

I never encountered 1401 RPG.
One place I worked asked me if it would useful
so I read the books and said no.

I did a bit of real RPG on S/360 DOS and model 20s.
RPG-II was a welcome redesign of RPG.
So, RPG went from

no way
this hurts
no problem boss.

> AFAIK, System/3 was a big success in the marketplace, as were its successors.
> I think after the AS/400, IBM came out with the "i series" to replace
> it, but I don't know where that stands. That is, if someone had an
> AS/400 with lots of software written for it, what would they be using
> today?

Now I'm sorry I looked:

In April 2008, IBM announced its integration with the System p
platform. The unified product line is called IBM Power Systems and
features support for the IBM i (previously known as i5/OS or OS/400),
AIX and GNU/Linux operating systems.

So you get an IBM Power System with IBM i support.

Dan Espen


Apr 30, 2015, 3:33:57 AM4/30/15
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 7:13:10 PM UTC-6, D_J_E wrote:

> Based on the picture, that's BCD.

ITYM BCDIC. BCD is a four-bit coding of decimal digits.

However, the 96-column card could handle EBCDIC. For the other characters in the 8-bit code, the card could no longer be interpreted, since the two extra hole positions were where the printing was.

John Savard

Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Apr 30, 2015, 3:55:54 AM4/30/15
to writes:
> I think after the AS/400, IBM came out with the "i series" to replace
> it, but I don't know where that stands. That is, if someone had an
> AS/400 with lots of software written for it, what would they be using
> today?

FS had some bluesky ideas that hadn't been very well thought out from
performance standpoint. object-like instructions with lots of data
indirection for every instruction ... simulation showed that a FS
machine made out of 370/195 level technology would have throughput of
370/145 (something like 30times slowdown). The single-level store was
good from ease of use ... but terrible from throughput standpoint
(because of the synchronous page faults crippling any sort of
asynchronous high-throughput techniques). That and lots of other issues
contributed to its failure

some additional discussion here
past posts

folklore is that some number of FS retreated to rochester did
significantly simplified FS as S/38 ... in marketplace where ease-of-use
significantly dominated throughput and performance issues.

Part of S/38 single-level-store was it treated all physical disks as
common space pool with scattere allocation. As a result, the complete
system had to be backed up as single filesystem entity. At the time,
single disk failures were relatively common ... but because of S/38
characteristic ... whenever there was a single disk falure, the disk had
to be replaced and then the complete system had to be restored ... which
could take 24hrs or more.

The move to as/400 was to be a combination S/36 & S/38 ... that included
eliminating some of the S/38 FS features.

from above:

The IBM System i, then known as the AS/400, was the continuation of the
System/38 database machine architecture (announced by IBM in October
1978 and delivered in August 1979). The AS/400 removed capability-based
addressing.[3] The AS/400 added source compatibility with the System/36
combining the two primary computers manufactured by the IBM Rochester
plant. The System/36 was IBM's most successful mini-computer but the
architecture had reached its limit. The first AS/400 systems (known by
the development code names Silverlake and Olympic) were delivered in
1988 under the tag line "Best of Both Worlds" and the product line has
been refreshed continually since then. Guy Dehond from Inventive
Designers was one of the beta-testers of Silverlake. The programmers who
worked on OS/400, the operating system of the AS/400, did not have a
UNIX background. Dr Frank Soltis, the chief architect, says that this is
the main difference between this and any other operating system.

... snip ...

In that timeframe (late 70s & early 80s) there was an effort to convert
wide variety of corporate microprocessors to 801/risc (low & mid-range
370s, as/400, embedded controller microprocessors, etc). For emulation
there was a flavor of 801/risc chips called Iliad that had some
extensions for architecture emulation. However for various reasons, all
the efforts floundered and reverted to custom CISC chips (and in the
early 80s, some number of 801/risc engineers leave and show up at other
vendors working on risc efforts). some past 801/risc posts

A different OPD (office products) / Research 801/risc effort was ROMP as
a displaywriter followon. When this project got canceled they looked
around and decided on retargeting to the workstation market and got the
company that had done AT&T unix port for the IBM/PC (PC/IX) to do one
for ROMP ... which becomes PC/RT & AIX. The followon is RIOS for

A single chip effort is then done as joint project with Apple, IBM,
and Motorola (AIM)
for power/pc

Rochester works with power/pc group for 801/risc chip for as/400 ... a
decade after as/400 had abandoned 801/risc and went with CISC.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Apr 30, 2015, 4:09:35 AM4/30/15
3033 was Q&D effort after FS imploded (in parallel with 3081) started
out mapping 168-3 logic to 20% faster chips from FS ... some detail
past FS posts

however the chips has had ten times the circuits of those used in 168-3
... initially going unused. there was some logic optimization to take
advantage of onchip circuits .... getting 3033 to 50% faster than 168-3
(4.5mips up from 3mips).

303x used 158-3 integrated channels as external channel box. a 3031 was
then 158-3 engine with 370 microcode and w/o the integrated channel
microcode and a 2nd 158-3 engine with the integrated channel microcode
(and w/o the 370 microcode). a 3032 was 168-3 with 303x "channel
director" (in place of 168-3 external channels). A 3033 would have 1-3
channel directors. (aka up to three 158-3 engines running integrated
channel microcode). Note that the 158-3 integrated channels were slower
than the (native) 168-3 external channels ... so for some I/O things, a
3032 might have lower throughput than real 168-3 (with its real hardware
external channels).

recent posts mentioning 3033 a bit of hope? What was old is new again OS/360 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits ou sont les VAXen d'antan, was Variable-Length Instructions that aren't ou sont les VAXen d'antan, was Variable-Length Instructions that aren't IBM Z13 Virtual Memory Management John Titor was right? IBM 5100 The Stack Depth Critique of System/360, 1967

Dan Espen

Apr 30, 2015, 4:13:57 AM4/30/15
Quadibloc <> writes:

> On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 7:13:10 PM UTC-6, D_J_E wrote:
>> Based on the picture, that's BCD.
> ITYM BCDIC. BCD is a four-bit coding of decimal digits.

The 1401 BA8421 configuration was called BCD.

> However, the 96-column card could handle EBCDIC. For the other
> characters in the 8-bit code, the card could no longer be interpreted,
> since the two extra hole positions were where the printing was.

I fail so see how EBCDIC is going to fit into BA8421.
I think the card comes up 2 bits short.

Maybe it had a binary mode.

Dan Espen


Apr 30, 2015, 9:58:38 AM4/30/15
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 9:55:54 PM UTC-6, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> simulation showed that a FS
> machine made out of 370/195 level technology would have throughput of
> 370/145 (something like 30times slowdown).

And yet that didn't stop IBM from coming out with the AS/400 later on...

> folklore is that some number of FS retreated to rochester did
> significantly simplified FS as S/38 ... in marketplace where ease-of-use
> significantly dominated throughput and performance issues.

> The move to as/400 was to be a combination S/36 & S/38 ... that included
> eliminating some of the S/38 FS features.

And the S/34 was a combination S/3 and S/32... so the pattern continued.

> The IBM System i, then known as the AS/400, was the continuation of the
> System/38 database machine architecture (announced by IBM in October
> 1978 and delivered in August 1979). The AS/400 removed capability-based
> addressing.[3]

Hmm. So capability-based addressing tends to be expensive to implement, I

> In that timeframe (late 70s & early 80s) there was an effort to convert
> wide variety of corporate microprocessors to 801/risc (low & mid-range
> 370s, as/400, embedded controller microprocessors, etc). For emulation
> there was a flavor of 801/risc chips called Iliad that had some
> extensions for architecture emulation. However for various reasons, all
> the efforts floundered and reverted to custom CISC chips (and in the
> early 80s, some number of 801/risc engineers leave and show up at other
> vendors working on risc efforts).

And now that the technology of just-in-time compilation has advanced, things became ripe for using the PowerPC to implement System i. But not for everything else.

John Savard


Apr 30, 2015, 10:00:00 AM4/30/15
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 10:13:57 PM UTC-6, D_J_E wrote:
> Quadibloc <> writes:

> > However, the 96-column card could handle EBCDIC. For the other
> > characters in the 8-bit code, the card could no longer be interpreted,
> > since the two extra hole positions were where the printing was.
> I fail so see how EBCDIC is going to fit into BA8421.
> I think the card comes up 2 bits short.

I told you where the extra 2 bits - or, more precisely, the extra 2 holes -
went. The place on top of the card where the printing normally goes.

John Savard

Dan Espen

Apr 30, 2015, 1:01:17 PM4/30/15
See it now. Sorry and thanks.

Dan Espen

Peter Flass

Apr 30, 2015, 2:30:23 PM4/30/15
Quadibloc <> wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 9:55:54 PM UTC-6, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
>> simulation showed that a FS
>> machine made out of 370/195 level technology would have throughput of
>> 370/145 (something like 30times slowdown).
> And yet that didn't stop IBM from coming out with the AS/400 later on...
>> folklore is that some number of FS retreated to rochester did
>> significantly simplified FS as S/38 ... in marketplace where ease-of-use
>> significantly dominated throughput and performance issues.
>> The move to as/400 was to be a combination S/36 & S/38 ... that included
>> eliminating some of the S/38 FS features.
> And the S/34 was a combination S/3 and S/32... so the pattern continued.
>> The IBM System i, then known as the AS/400, was the continuation of the
>> System/38 database machine architecture (announced by IBM in October
>> 1978 and delivered in August 1979). The AS/400 removed capability-based
>> addressing.[3]
> Hmm. So capability-based addressing tends to be expensive to implement, I
> presume.

With all the chip real estate available today I'd like to see someone
implement it today with a big cache of capability data to see what kind of
performance could be achieved with current hardware.


Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Apr 30, 2015, 3:38:37 PM4/30/15
Quadibloc <> writes:
> And now that the technology of just-in-time compilation has advanced,
> things became ripe for using the PowerPC to implement System i. But
> not for everything else.

re: IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology? IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?

claim is that for a couple decades, i86 has been risc core with
hardware layer that translates i86 instructions into risc microops.

in the late 70s when 801/risc/iliad was targeted to become of the core
for everything ... including low-end & mid-range 370s ... the
state-of-the art was sequential microcode implementing/decoding 370
instructions ... sort of like modern day hercules

... that avg. 10 native instructions for each 370 instruction. these
had been cisc microprocessors and 801/risc iliad would just replace that
... but using same approach (although circa 1980, I got sucked into some
discussion with the efforts about doing just-in-time conversion) ... a
one mip 370 implementation required a ten mip native cisc engine.

earlier in 1975, I had been involved in project that moved 6kbytes of
high useage kernel 370 instructions into 6kbytes of native
microprocessor instructions (static compilation) that showed a 10:1
performance improvement ... old post with some details of that effort: 370 ECPS VM microcode assist 370 ECPS VM microcode assist 370 ECPS VM microcode assist

the current implementation for i86 to risc micro-ops isn't serialized
but pipelined ... so to get 1 mip 370 doesn't require 10mip native
... it just requires more circuits that are running concurrently ... the
latency for the pipeline is longer (but current pipelines tend to many
stages and relatively long latency) ... each instruction pipeline stage
is handled sequentially, but there are several instructions going on
concurrently in parallel.

as a result, the throughput difference of risc & i86 cisc has largely
been mitigated. i86 has larger install base so they can devote more $$$
to newer generations of chips that run faster, cheaper, better, lower
power, etc

the claim has been the apple switch from power/pc to i86 was that
power/pc efforts weren't keeping up with low-power chips for laptops and

posts mentioning 801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, aim, somerset, power,
power/pc, etc

Charlie Gibbs

Apr 30, 2015, 6:19:32 PM4/30/15
Nope. There was enough unpunched space at the top of the card for all three
tiers to be interpreted. For an example, see

which shows column numbers where the punch or interpreter would print all
96 columns' data. In fact, if you look closely you'll see a fourth row
in the printing area, with numbers from 97 through 128; it was possible
to print up to 128 characters on a fully-punched 96-column card (if you
had a machine smart enough to do so).

For an example of a fully-interpreted card with all three tiers punched, see

/~\ cgi...@kltpzyxm.invalid (Charlie Gibbs)
\ / I'm really at ac.dekanfrus if you read it the right way.
X Top-posted messages will probably be ignored. See RFC1855.
/ \ HTML will DEFINITELY be ignored. Join the ASCII ribbon campaign!

Charlie Gibbs

Apr 30, 2015, 6:19:32 PM4/30/15
On 2015-04-30, Quadibloc <> wrote:

Since the cards only contained 6 rows per character, it wasn't a complete
EBCDIC coding either, although the low-order 4 bits corresponded exactly.
It was the other two rows, corresponding to the zone bits, that underwent
fiddling similar to what happened with 80-column cards.

Charlie Gibbs

Apr 30, 2015, 6:20:32 PM4/30/15
On 2015-04-30, Dan Espen <> wrote:

> writes:
>> They took RPG from the 1401 and enhanced it to become RPG-II.
> I never encountered 1401 RPG.
> One place I worked asked me if it would useful
> so I read the books and said no.
> I did a bit of real RPG on S/360 DOS and model 20s.
> RPG-II was a welcome redesign of RPG.
> So, RPG went from
> no way
> to
> this hurts
> to
> no problem boss.

Our rule of thumb was that if it was easy to do in RPG, do so;
otherwise write it in assembly language. RPG was good for the
job for which it was designed: generating report programs.
The trouble began when someone at IBM forgot what RPG stood
for, and hacked it to do things like interactive programming.
I once modified a 3000-line S/3x interactive RPG program to
run under Univac's equivalent of CICS. I think I re-wrote
it in COBOL, although my memory is hazy - painful experiences
are like that.

Apr 30, 2015, 7:23:25 PM4/30/15
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 11:55:54 PM UTC-4, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:

> ... The single-level store was
> good from ease of use ... but terrible from throughput standpoint
> (because of the synchronous page faults crippling any sort of
> asynchronous high-throughput techniques).

In my humble opinion, the single level store, as implemented on the AS/400, was not easy to use. (Perhaps I was prejudiced being used to MVS).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Apr 30, 2015, 7:41:26 PM4/30/15
to writes:
> In my humble opinion, the single level store, as implemented on the
> AS/400, was not easy to use. (Perhaps I was prejudiced being used to
> MVS).

re: IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology? IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology? IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?

OS/360 and MVS had filesystem mapped to drive ... so had all the issues
with managing large number of drives. single level store obfuscated all
that treating all disk space as one large pool (but enormously
complicating recovery from single drive failure).

MVS eventually gets SMS/DFSMS that automates a lot of the issues
managing multiple disks

DFSMS/MVS announced in May 1992, integrates and expands the storage and
program management functions previously available in MVS/DFP V3, DFHSM
and DFDSS. A new feature, Removable Media Manager, was also
added. DFSMSrmm allows tapes, both automated and manual libraries, to
have the full automated management support provided by DFSMS.

... snip ...

system/38 single drive failure recovery issues were so bad that it
becomes early RAID adopter (as way of masking single drive failures and
elminating excessive downtime during recovery).

... past refs S/38 RAID refs: "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer" Remembering the CDC 6600 Architectural Diversity Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening? Interesting presentation Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd IBM Future System If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company Multiple Virtual Memory Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary Delay between idea and implementation DRAM is the new Bulk Core Something to Think About - Optimal PDS Blocking Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola assembler IBM Programmer Aptitude Test IBM Programmer Aptitude Test Mill Computing talk in Estonia on 12/10/2104

... past posts mentioning original RAID patent Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is) Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer cheaper low quality drives Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer" The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core? Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening? Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL IBM Future System Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Delay between idea and implementation The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software DRAM is the new Bulk Core Something to Think About - Optimal PDS Blocking Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola assembler non-IBM: SONY new tape storage - 185 Terabytes on a tape IBM Programmer Aptitude Test Mill Computing talk in Estonia on 12/10/2104

trivia ... while at SJR and got to play disk engineering over in
bldg. 14&15, I had opportunity to work with the person that got the raid

Charles Richmond

Apr 30, 2015, 8:21:28 PM4/30/15
"Quadibloc" <> wrote in message
Oh, yeah... EBCDIC!!! What was I thinking!!! Would you believe that the
first assembly language I learned... was for the IBM 370???

But it *was* a character code that was punched and *not* some odd-ball,
separatedly defined punch code.

Dan Espen

Apr 30, 2015, 8:28:33 PM4/30/15
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:

> writes:
>> In my humble opinion, the single level store, as implemented on the
>> AS/400, was not easy to use. (Perhaps I was prejudiced being used to
>> MVS).

From my S/34 perspective,
I felt the same way.
I never had to use a 38 or above, but it looked like a lot
of complication solving a problem that didn't exist.

> OS/360 and MVS had filesystem mapped to drive ... so had all the issues
> with managing large number of drives. single level store obfuscated all
> that treating all disk space as one large pool (but enormously
> complicating recovery from single drive failure).

Seems to me, they could have dealt with that using hierarchical names
and maps that indicate which names go where.

Dan Espen

Charles Richmond

Apr 30, 2015, 9:10:20 PM4/30/15
"Charlie Gibbs" <cgi...@kltpzyxm.invalid> wrote in message
> On 2015-04-30, Quadibloc <> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 3:05:21 PM UTC-6, Charles Richmond wrote:
>>> Note that there were three rows of punches on the 96 column cardand the
>>> holes punched were circular. Each character was represented by holes
>>> that
>>> encoded the ASCII value of the character... similar to the way paper
>>> tape
>>> was punched.
>> You're close. The holes encoded the EBCDIC value of the character, with
>> some bits modified so that a space, rather than the null control
>> character,
>> would equal no punches, just like on a regular punched card.
> <nit>
> Since the cards only contained 6 rows per character, it wasn't a complete
> EBCDIC coding either, although the low-order 4 bits corresponded exactly.
> It was the other two rows, corresponding to the zone bits, that underwent
> fiddling similar to what happened with 80-column cards.
> </nit>

Hey, Charlie! You're right!!! Somehow I did *not* look closely enough and
thought that all 8 bits were represented on the 96-column card. Hmmm...
That's disappointing!

A cow-orker at a PPoE told me that these 96-column cards were difficult to
get to read correctly. I have *no* experience with them myself, except:
this guy gave me one of the cards as a curiosity. He had a large box of
left-over unpunched 96-column cards that he used as note cards.

Charles Richmond

Apr 30, 2015, 9:13:27 PM4/30/15
"Quadibloc" <> wrote in message
Do you mean just under the printing... where the digits "1 2 3 4 5 ...
" are located??? There are three rows of these digits with enough room under
each to handle two more punch holes.

Now why would the cards separate the punchs like this???


Apr 30, 2015, 10:12:30 PM4/30/15
On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 9:38:37 AM UTC-6, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:

> claim is that for a couple decades, i86 has been risc core with
> hardware layer that translates i86 instructions into risc microops.

My understanding is that this claim came from some oversimplified articles in the
technical press.

The Pentium II, and contemporary chips from AMD and Cyrix (their 6x86) were
noted as having a "decoupled microarchitecture". That term was apparently
wrongly defined in articles about the chips to imply that x86 instructions were
being translated on-the-fly into RISC instructions for an (undisclosed)
RISC-style ISA.

If one looks up the term "decoupled architecture", though, one can find out
what was _really_ happening.

The chips were taking the x86 code and making it more RISC-like in *one*
respect. When feeding the things the instructions were calling for to their
out-of-order execution engine, they split off the "fetch" part from the "do
arithmetic" part of memory-reference arithmetic instructions.

That allowed the fetch to be scheduled to a time earlier than when the other
operand for the arithmetic would be available in a register.

And that was it. There was really no implication that x86 code was translated
to some RISC-like intermediate code, although it may well be that micro-ops
were moved around as sequences of bits as opposed to operations being specified
as signals on individual wires. But even if that were done, the micro-ops
wouldn't look much like the ISA of any RISC processor.

John Savard

Peter Flass

Apr 30, 2015, 10:13:44 PM4/30/15
Which, of course, is DFSMS.


Dan Espen

May 1, 2015, 12:10:21 AM5/1/15
That's what I concluded.

> Now why would the cards separate the punchs like this???

One reason:

For "normal" data entry cards, the top area of the card would be
unpunched leaving the print unobscured.

Only object decks (assuming they contain literal program text)
would need punches in the top area.

Dan Espen

Dan Espen

May 1, 2015, 12:58:17 AM5/1/15
Gee, I hope not.


Instead of managing files, this would assign volumes to fields when on disk.
Lot's of fields.

Dan Espen

Charlie Gibbs

May 1, 2015, 2:42:18 AM5/1/15
On 2015-04-30, Charles Richmond <> wrote:

> "Charlie Gibbs" <cgi...@kltpzyxm.invalid> wrote in message
>> <nit>
>> Since the cards only contained 6 rows per character, it wasn't a complete
>> EBCDIC coding either, although the low-order 4 bits corresponded exactly.
>> It was the other two rows, corresponding to the zone bits, that underwent
>> fiddling similar to what happened with 80-column cards.
>> </nit>
> Hey, Charlie! You're right!!! Somehow I did *not* look closely enough and
> thought that all 8 bits were represented on the 96-column card. Hmmm...
> That's disappointing!

As ever, you gotta make compromises when you make things small.

> A cow-orker at a PPoE told me that these 96-column cards were difficult to
> get to read correctly. I have *no* experience with them myself, except:
> this guy gave me one of the cards as a curiosity. He had a large box of
> left-over unpunched 96-column cards that he used as note cards.

I suppose those tiny holes would be quite sensitive to dust build-up in
card readers. Heck, the operators in some of the 80-column shops I worked
in didn't vacuum the card reader and punch until they started getting errors.

I used to tell people, "Here's my card," and hand them a 96-column card
into which I had punched characters such that the holes spelled out MY CARD.
I still have a few around somewhere.

May 1, 2015, 5:17:11 AM5/1/15
On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 5:10:20 PM UTC-4, Charles Richmond wrote:

> A cow-orker at a PPoE told me that these 96-column cards were difficult to
> get to read correctly. I have *no* experience with them myself, except:
> this guy gave me one of the cards as a curiosity. He had a large box of
> left-over unpunched 96-column cards that he used as note cards.

Did the System/3 support an 80 column card reader for customers having decks of such cards?

The IBM S/360 says the S/3 was targeted toward the remaining IBM tab machine shops that were too small to cost-justify a S/360.

Would anyone know if the 96 column card was continued onto the System/3x (34, 36, 38) line? I don't think it was.

Bitsavers had manuals on the System/3, including an intro on the low-end machine. IIRC, it wasn't too powerful, almost more like a low-end 1401, serving as a "super tabulator" in a card based environment.

Scott Lurndal

May 1, 2015, 2:10:11 PM5/1/15
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
> writes:
>> In my humble opinion, the single level store, as implemented on the
>> AS/400, was not easy to use. (Perhaps I was prejudiced being used to
>> MVS).
> IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
> IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
> IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
>OS/360 and MVS had filesystem mapped to drive ... so had all the issues
>with managing large number of drives. single level store obfuscated all
>that treating all disk space as one large pool (but enormously
>complicating recovery from single drive failure).

The burroughs medium systems had disk and pack pooling from
the start. An individual drive configured for 100-byte sectors
(called DISK) would be part of one of up to 8 "Disk Subsystems" (the
subsystem number selected the allocation pool to use). One of the
disk subsystems was reserved for the MCP and associated data files;
one was typically marked default (for use by applications that didn't
explicitly specify which subsystem to use for allocation).

A bit later, 180-byte sector media was also supported. This was called
PACK. One or more packs could be concatenated (like modern RAID-0) into
a multi-pack "Family". An application would specify the family name
and the MCP would handle allocation across the set of units in that
family. One could configure a "resource" family that would be selected
when the family name was blank or the generic "PACK".

A file could have up to 100 "areas" allocated on a family or
subsystem. The size of the area depended on the record size,
blocking factor and blocks-per-area parameters specified when
the file was created.

Given that the size of an area will differ from file to file,
checkerboarding was a problem. The SQUASH utility would be
run if fragementation got too bad and would move areas around
to create larger units of free-space. The PACK SQUASH utility
was written in COBOL :-)


alexander george

Mar 7, 2022, 7:35:36 AM3/7/22

alexander george

Mar 7, 2022, 7:36:14 AM3/7/22
On Friday, May 1, 2015 at 7:40:11 PM UTC+5:30, Scott Lurndal wrote:

Michael Trew

Mar 8, 2022, 7:19:21 AM3/8/22
On 3/7/2022 2:35, alexander george wrote:
> On Friday, May 1, 2015 at 7:40:11 PM UTC+5:30, Scott Lurndal wrote:
>> Anne& Lynn Wheeler<> writes:
>>> writes:
>>>> In my humble opinion, the single level store, as implemented on the
>>>> AS/400, was not easy to use. (Perhaps I was prejudiced being used to
>>>> MVS).
>>> re:
>>> IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
>>> IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
>>> IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?

I still have an IBM System/23 in my cellar. It operates, as far as I
know. Numbers come up on the screen when booted. It has it's original
dot-matrix style printer as well. All of the documentation seems to be
there, but I never learned to use the thing.
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