Merry Christmas, C= and Ami aficionados!
The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 2:30+ p.m., Sunday, Dec. 17, at
Panera Bread Restaurant
3590 W. Shaw Ave. (corner of W. Shaw Ave. and Marty Ave.)
Fresno, CA 93711
(559) 271-0104
For discussion, we'll have elections and talk about club plans for 2024.
On the presentation side, we look at the latest C64 games and demos, including Briley Witch Chronicles 2, Tetris Recoded, Santa's Workout III, and the Stranded Cats game demo. On the Commodore 128, we'll try out the latest TRIANGULAR microOS, now at v1.36. On the Amiga side, THEA500 Mini returns with the Aminimiga distro; let's see if we can find James Pond 2 which has Christmasy things going for it. And I will bring the mini 7" HDMI monitor (just right for right traveling with THEA500 Mini!). For the VIC-20 with 24K RAM, we look at Pentateuch, the first books of the Bible, running with a 40-column screen. For the Plus/4, we look at some Christmas demos.
Keeping in the holiday spirit,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
P.S. Perhaps v.p. Roger will run that AEA Ham Radio Computer Patch Interface box for the C64 that I loaned him at the last club meeting!