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Why flame boards suck, even more than alt.flame

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The Grand Wombat

Feb 23, 2004, 9:37:51 PM2/23/04
Yes, I've been slumming. But for the curious, this is the
best the denizens of a certain Brawl Hall can offer an
experienced alt.flamer.

FBI is our own Fox Mulder - Evil Blood is the most pheared
flamer on Brawl Hall, and very full of himself as you'll see.
Further along, I administer the coup de grace.


Evil Blood wrote:
A weak, one line faglame - what a novel approach.


It puts him on top of the food chain with most BH regs.


Evil Blood -

A post hump? Another novel approach from Feeb.


Evil Blood wrote:
A post hump? Another novel approach from Feeb.



Like a bloated carcass floating down a river, you manage to land on the
shores of just about every fucken thread in here EB.

Then you have the unmitigated gaul to blurt out "Post hump" like some stiff
legged zombie bellowing for "brains"


Evil Blood -

This happens to be my home forum - what's YOUR excuse?


Evil Blood wrote:
This happens to be my home forum - what's YOUR excuse?


This is your fucking life, sir!!

If ever a person could actually manage to live online in a cyber reality,
it is you.

This is like the fucking SIMS in your mind, complete with an anatomically
correct, CGI mini representation of yourself that can interact and move
about the forum as if it was a real person.

EDITORIAL NOTE - (LOL! Pretty funny, Fox!)

Evil Blood -

Oooh, he;s moved from post humps to a "get a life lame". Fox, the fact
that, in two consecutive posts that you made to different people you
specifically mentioned my name speaks volumes about YOUR psyche and the
fact that you're completely owned by me. You obsess over me, you can't bear
to be parted from me and, if forced to make a post to somebody else, you
feel a desperate need to add my name simply to sate your craving to feel me
close by. What a fucking loser you are.

EDITORIAL NOTE - (At this point I move in for the kill)

Evil Blood wrote:
Oooh, he;s moved from post humps to a "get a life lame". Fox, the fact
that, in two consecutive posts that you made to different people you
specifically mentioned my name speaks volumes about YOUR psyche and the
fact that you're completely owned by me. You obsess over me, you can't bear
to be parted from me and, if forced to make a post to somebody else, you
feel a desperate need to add my name simply to sate your craving to feel me
close by. What a fucking loser you are.

The Grand Wombat -

Yeah, you've made 8000+ posts, run the board, own the board, act like
Godzilla crunching Tokyo all over it and then complain that people talk
about you all the time.

You love the attention, don't you? It makes up for all those years you were
locked in the closet with a Daleks doll for company.

EDITORIAL NOTE - (this is by no means a killer flame, is it?
But I do believe I touched a nerve.)

Evil Blood -

Oh dear, I seem to have attracted another of the usenet morons, desperate
to have a plonking just so he can wander back to whatever little hove; it
was that he was forcibly ejected from.

Let's see....what have you served up so far - a number of posts autolame.
That's it is it? That's the limit of what Wombat the uberdork can come up
with? Out of those 8,000+ posts you mention...there sheer volume is it???
Ooooohhhhh...with fearsome wordsmiths like you stalking it, I can't
possibly see how usenet is a colony of braindead imbeciles locked in a
cycle of talentless bullshit and remeniscence..must be simple bad luck, I
suppose. How can it be a dead community with people such as yourself and
Feeb posting there?

For your information, I have stalkers following me to other boards simply
to bask in my glory. There are idiots here who come running in to hump a
post where I'm spanking somebody else simply for the joy of getting spanked
upside the head for their idiocy and lack of manners (that would be you
amongst others). I have worshippers who, even when trying to flame other
people, can't stop mentioning my name because they obsess about me so much.
When you're idolised to this extent, THEN you can come back and try to
analyse my psyche...until then, you're simply a worthless little nobody
suffering from some form of Evil Blood penis envy and are summarily
dismissed. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


EDITORIAL NOTE - (PLONK? Is he kidding? No ...)

Evil Blood wrote:
Oh dear, I seem to have attracted another of the usenet morons, desperate
to have a plonking just so he can wander back to whatever little hove; it
was that he was forcibly ejected from.

The Grand Wombat -

It's like I said - you thrive on the attention, the homage, that the lame
and crippled give you as they come to you to be put out of their misery.

Evil Blood:

Let's see....what have you served up so far - a number of posts autolame.

The Grand Wombat -

META-flaming - the oldest trick in the book.

Evil Blood:

That's it is it? That's the limit of what Wombat the uberdork can come up

The Grand Wombat -

In a mere two line post? Were you expecting Rememberance of Flames Past?
I'm sorry if I've failed to feed your monumental ego, but you have plenty
of substanance elsewhere.

Evil Blood:

Out of those 8,000+ posts you mention...there sheer volume is it???
Ooooohhhhh...with fearsome wordsmiths like you stalking it, I can't
possibly see how usenet is a colony of braindead imbeciles locked in a
cycle of talentless bullshit and remeniscence..must be simple bad luck, I
suppose. How can it be a dead community with people such as yourself and
Feeb posting there?

The Grand Wombat -

You're not trying to tell me that your inability to use a newsreader makes
you superior, are you? But as Sturgeon's Law stated so long ago, 90% of
everything is crap.

Evil Blood:

For your information, I have stalkers following me to other boards simply
to bask in my glory.

The Grand Wombat -

And a more listless set of mediocrities would be hard to find. Makes me
wonder why they find you fit to follow around.

Evil Blood:

There are idiots here who come running in to hump a post where I'm spanking
somebody else simply for the joy of getting spanked upside the head for
their idiocy and lack of manners (that would be you amongst others).

The Grand Wombat -

Lack of manners? On a flame board? The horror! Why, the next thing that
might happen is that people could take shots at one another in a free for
all and act like rabid assholes all over the place, which would defeat the
whole purpose and spirit of your nice little tea club.

Oh, no, it's better that we have a person like you to keep us in line and
stop us from posting and replying where we want. That way there'll be only
one pretentious fuckwit to deal with - you.

Evil Blood:

I have worshippers who, even when trying to flame other people, can't stop
mentioning my name because they obsess about me so much.

The Grand Wombat -

I'm a bit of an atheist when it comes to Superflam3rz like you.

Evil Blood:

When you're idolised to this extent, THEN you can come back and try to
analyse my psyche

The Grand Wombat -

I can anyway - you're not the first person ever to think of this schtick.
You've spend more time talking about yourself than me.

Now that's something I should really phear - a blowhard that's so stuck on
himself he can barely remember that there's someone out there he's trying
to put down.

Evil Blood:

...until then, you're simply a worthless little nobody suffering from some
form of Evil Blood penis envy and are summarily dismissed.

The Grand Wombat -

Now why would I be jealous of an ape who thumps his chest with a salami
crazyglued to his 1/4 inch microdick?

Evil Blood:

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


The Grand Wombat -

You're plonking me? After one, somewhat witty, but by no means outstanding
flame by yours truly? (shrugs) Have it your way, kid.

But I know the real reason - you know in your heart that I'm not ever going
to be one of those lameass lackwit spankpuppies that follow you around
obsessively. I come and go as I please, as it amuses me.

I'm feeling distinctly unamused. The worst part of that is that now that
you've plonked me, you can't even make a reply to this without being owned.
That is, if I could be arsed to own you.

Guess what - I can't.


No reply as of yet. He can hardly make one without making a further ass
out of himself. I will be making a public farewell thread and
I will be leaving.

I was expecting a bit more fight than that. Sad, isn't it?

And that is why flame boards suck, even more than alt.flame.

The Grand Wombat - maker of the 100,000,000th post to Usenet!!
mhm 20x10
meow -- wombats r us


Feb 23, 2004, 10:38:58 PM2/23/04
"The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message

[takes a dump on Egan stupid troll.]

subRoutine <>

The Grand Wombat

Feb 24, 2004, 5:59:17 AM2/24/04
"subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in news:bBz_b.7484$253.600282

> "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9498DC0B8E666...@
> [takes a dump on Egan stupid troll.]

[wipes his ass with Koput's comic strip]

Adrian Smith

Feb 24, 2004, 6:33:57 AM2/24/04
"subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in message news:<bBz_b.7484$>...

> "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9498DC0B8E666...@
> [takes a dump on Egan stupid troll.]

"Egan's". Ain't no one going to notice yer cyberdumps, James.
Profoundly insubstantial is what they are.

Adrian Smith


Feb 24, 2004, 8:24:41 AM2/24/04
"The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message

> "subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in news:bBz_b.7484$253.600282
> > "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
> > news:Xns9498DC0B8E666...@
> >
> > [takes a dump on Egan's stupid troll.]

> [wipes his ass with Koput's comic strip]
How nice of you to wipe my ass, slurper.


Feb 24, 2004, 8:29:42 AM2/24/04
"Adrian Smith" <> wrote in message

> "subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in message
> > "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
> > news:Xns9498DC0B8E666...@
> >
> > [takes a dump on Egan stupid troll.]
[takes a dump on Adrian]


Feb 24, 2004, 12:56:11 PM2/24/04
Normally I wouldn't bother gracing you slimeballs with my presence,
but it's been a while since i've been here and considering Tomcat
claims this thread is being preserved for all of eternity, it's only
fitting that the entire truth is posted.

The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message news:<Xns9498DC0B8E666...@>...

> Yes, I've been slumming. But for the curious, this is the
> best the denizens of a certain Brawl Hall can offer an
> experienced alt.flamer.
> FBI is our own Fox Mulder - Evil Blood is the most pheared
> flamer on Brawl Hall, and very full of himself as you'll see.
> Further along, I administer the coup de grace.

> </snip>

> No reply as of yet. He can hardly make one without making a further ass
> out of himself. I will be making a public farewell thread and
> I will be leaving.
> I was expecting a bit more fight than that. Sad, isn't it?
> And that is why flame boards suck, even more than alt.flame.

Nice revisison of history, too bad for you one link is all that there
is needed to put you in your place.

Here's the thread in question...

This was my reply at the time(Pardon the leftover BBcode):


You said you were leaving and giving us your farewells and yet you
felt the need to return in-order to defend your non-existent

Oh wait.... you *had* to return once in-order to complete the back-end
of your transparent attention troll. Too bad you screwed up, EB didn't
"identify himself." Calliope had already mentioned him by name. You
really are a fuck-up, you know that?

> [quote="The Grand Wombat"][quote="Evil
> Blood"]What I find so funny in all this
> is the amount of asholes that come in
> here, spout the same tired and lame
> bullshit that all my other fluffy flame
> groupies utter and think this makes them
> something special and deserving of my
> undivided attention. Not a bit of it -
> it simply makes them sad little wannabes
> who try to hang with the toughest kid on
> the block in the hope that some of HIS
> credibility rubs off on them. Why does
> he whine about a plonk when plonk he
> asked for, plonk he deserved and plonk
> he got? To cap it all and to prove my
> point, the fool is even spell laming me.
> What a fucking amateur - another one
> bites the dust.[/quote]
> Mr. Blood - at least you had balls
> enough to identify yourself and take
> your spank publically. The truth? You
> cut and run rather than face someone
> who's more experienced at this than
> you are.[/quote]

Once again I ask.... who are you again?

I've seen nothing from you but a shit-load of monotonous babble, chest
pumping, and cries for attention.

You have adapted the usenet characteristic that comes from posting
year after year in a forum where you have to compete with spam and
hundreds of nick-switchers/trolls who posses a dozen different active
handles. You are an attention whore of the highest caliber and you
have shown to have a tendency to whine like a four year old when
anyone doesn't give you said attention.

For someone so "experienced" you certainly managed to quickly jump
head-first into the standard newbie pitfall of arriving into a forum,
immediately assuming you're top shit and everyone is going to roll out
the red carpet, only to realize that you're nothing but an
insignificant nobody.

> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]Bluster all
> you want about how tough you are, how
> clever you are and how I desperately
> "need" your "credibility", but you're a
> net.coward. You know it and I know it.
> You and your tragic little band of
> followers hide out in a relatively
> obscure part of the net and ply your
> mediocre game in safety while people
> like me do it in public, where anyone
> who knows how to use a newsreader or use
> can see how we're
> doing and what we're doing.[/quote]

Stay away from tossing around cliched cyber-lames such as "yer a
coward!" when you obviously don't understand the concept of the term.
Being ignored by someone who doesn't give a shit who you are doesn't
make them a coward, it just makes you insignificant.

Anyone with a newsreader may be able to access the hovel of mediocrity
and spam that is alt.flame, but anyone with a BROWSER is capable of
accessing Brawl-Hall. (The Google Groups isn't a competent

You're hardly doing anything in public considering you hide behind the
safety of the usenet walls where kill-files are the norm, spam and
mass x-posting are 90% of the content, and where nobodies with bloated
ego's boast of victories in the pussy-cat wars of 1985 and create vanity sites archiving their post in-order to stroke
their cocks because no-one else will.

Listen here, no-one cares that you have been terrorizing
since 1997 and certainly no-one cares that you were the catalyst who
ignited the epic x-post battle of 2001. Where some old lady from
alt.pets accidentally replied to an x-posted thread that was also
submitted to alt.flame and she was typo lamed into delirium.

> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]I am a Meower.
> Go to wikipedia and look up "flaming".
> See that the "Meow War" is listed
> there.[/quote]

Do you hear the crickets chirking?

That's what everyone here thinks about your precious "Meow Wars."

You sound awfully defensive. You're really trying hard to prove
yourself. What was that you were saying about not needing anyone elses

Go to and see also that blow-hard is defined
there. See that it has your profile under it. You Sir, are my new

> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]See that it
> has its own entry and see that my
> comrade, J. Raoul Xemblinosky III is
> mentioned. See also under my old nic of
> Clueless Newbie that I am listed in the
> rolls of Bungmunch University on his web
> page.[/quote]

See also you're one pitiful gimp who instead of proving himself in a
flame thread and actually becoming someone who deserved instead cite nonsense that no-one cares about in a
desperate last ditch plea of trying to prove yourself.

Are you REALLY this delusional or or this some elaborate troll? Surely
no-one can be so ignorant.

Usenet is dead. Get over it.

> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]See also that
> there's no mention of Evil Blood
> anywhere in any of that. You're nobody.
> I am a part of a net.legend.[/quote]

I did see Evil Bloods name in alt.flame last night as you added
yourself to a huge list of disgruntled Brawl-Hall posters who got
their feelings hurt and than had to run home to where it was safe and
start threads crying about us.

Sorry to burst your bubble, Tomcat, but you're really not as important
as you think.

Consider that your daily dose of vitamin reality check. Thanks for

The Grand Wombat

Feb 24, 2004, 3:32:14 PM2/24/04
"subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in news:eaI_b.4278$ee3.262565

> "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns94993CEB6AD66...@
>> "subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in news:bBz_b.7484$253.600282
>> > "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
>> > news:Xns9498DC0B8E666...@
>> >
>> > [takes a dump on Egan's stupid troll.]
>> [wipes his ass with Koput's comic strip]
> How nice of you to wipe my ass, slurper.

Oh. I thought it was your face. (cymbal crash)

This thread sucks - do better, will you?

03:15:38 GMT

Feb 24, 2004, 4:01:07 PM2/24/04
to (Doomsday) did this:

> Normally I wouldn't bother gracing you slimeballs with my presence,
> but it's been a while since i've been here

As you're here now, Mr Doomsday (*giggle*), I have a question for you.
Somehow I've gotten the impression from the previous times you Brawl
Hall kids have advertised your website on alt.flame that you have
something to do with WebTV. There are certainly a fair few
similarities: Lil' Jimmy Kirk is apparently involved; you all seem to
have adopted 'cool', infantile posting handles---e.g. "Doomsday" and
"Evil Blood"; the level of literacy is rather low over there. Is there
anything to this? Are you WebTV dweebs or just regular dweebs?

> and considering Tomcat claims this thread is being preserved for all
> of eternity, it's only fitting that the entire truth is posted.

He's more or less right about that---Google Groups has archives dating
back to the early '80s---but you shouldn't worry about what posterity
will think of you. I can assure you that they won't think about you at

> The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message news:<Xns9498DC0B8E666...@>...

[...] (Embarrassing chest-beating from some web forum 'tards and Egan
snipped throughout.)

> You have adapted the usenet characteristic that comes from posting
> year after year in a forum where you have to compete with spam and
> hundreds of nick-switchers/trolls who posses a dozen different active
> handles.

Another question: what's an "active handle"?

> You are an attention whore of the highest caliber and you
> have shown to have a tendency to whine like a four year old when
> anyone doesn't give you said attention.

You guys really know how to play rough. The awesome destructive power
of ignoring should never be underestimated. I remember how devastated
I was when this dude said he was going to ignore me. I felt a little
better when he kept talking about me, but it was nevertheless an
experience I wouldn't wish even on enemies---which is probably why
I've never threatened to ignore any of them. I know they couldn't take

> Stay away from tossing around cliched cyber-lames such as "yer a
> coward!" when you obviously don't understand the concept of the term.
> Being ignored by someone who doesn't give a shit who you are doesn't
> make them a coward, it just makes you insignificant.

If only your hero would ignore Egan's silly bragging, but he doesn't
do that. According to the link you posted, he still talks about our
lad, even after "plonking" him. It seems to me that he doesn't want to
respond to Egan directly, for the obvious reason.


*bwaak, bwaak, bwaak*

> Anyone with a newsreader may be able to access the hovel of mediocrity
> and spam that is alt.flame, but anyone with a BROWSER is capable of
> accessing Brawl-Hall. (The Google Groups isn't a competent
> newsreader.)

One wonders why you bothered to point out this distinction. Reading a
discussion group with the newsreader of one's choice is much nicer
than using any web board interface I've ever seen.

> You're hardly doing anything in public considering you hide behind the
> safety of the usenet walls where kill-files are the norm,

...says he, defending some kid who "plonked" Egan after _one_ post
(which wasn't even any good).

> spam and mass x-posting are 90% of the content,

Massive crossposting is the good stuff.

> and where nobodies with bloated ego's boast of victories in the
> pussy-cat wars of 1985 and create vanity sites archiving
> their post in-order to stroke their cocks because no-one else will.

Google Groups---you're posting through it. Fucking idiot.

> > [quote="The Grand Wombat"]I am a Meower.
> > Go to wikipedia and look up "flaming".
> > See that the "Meow War" is listed
> > there.[/quote]
> Do you hear the crickets chirking?

He saw "Evil Blood" shirking.

("Evil Blood"... Was the nick "Spotty Teenager" already taken?)

> > [quote="The Grand Wombat"]See that it
> > has its own entry and see that my
> > comrade, J. Raoul Xemblinosky III is
> > mentioned. See also under my old nic of
> > Clueless Newbie that I am listed in the
> > rolls of Bungmunch University on his web
> > page.[/quote]
> See also you're one pitiful gimp who instead of proving himself in a
> flame thread and actually becoming someone who deserved
> instead cite nonsense that no-one cares about in a
> desperate last ditch plea of trying to prove yourself.

The dweeb has a point here, Wombster. This "Don't you know who I am? I
know important people!" routine is pretty damn sad.

> Usenet is dead.

This conversation isn't taking place.

Ari <>

The Grand Wombat

Feb 24, 2004, 4:28:05 PM2/24/04
to (Doomsday) wrote in

> Normally I wouldn't bother gracing you slimeballs with my presence,
> but it's been a while since i've been here and considering Tomcat
> claims this thread is being preserved for all of eternity, it's only
> fitting that the entire truth is posted.

And you are one of Evil Dud's minions, here to "finish" a fight
the Big Wuss^H^H^H^H^H Man isn't willing to fight himself?

> The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message
> news:<Xns9498DC0B8E666...@>...
>> Yes, I've been slumming. But for the curious, this is the
>> best the denizens of a certain Brawl Hall can offer an
>> experienced alt.flamer.
>> FBI is our own Fox Mulder - Evil Blood is the most pheared
>> flamer on Brawl Hall, and very full of himself as you'll see.
>> Further along, I administer the coup de grace.
>> </snip>
>> No reply as of yet. He can hardly make one without making a further
>> ass out of himself. I will be making a public farewell thread and
>> I will be leaving.
>> I was expecting a bit more fight than that. Sad, isn't it?
>> And that is why flame boards suck, even more than alt.flame.
> Nice revisison of history, too bad for you one link is all that there
> is needed to put you in your place.

No revision at all - as you well know, the thread was posted verbatim

> Here's the thread in question...

No, that was the thread that was started by me a few hours later.
Obviously, you're too dumb to navigate your own home forum.

> This was my reply at the time(Pardon the leftover BBcode):
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> You said you were leaving and giving us your farewells and yet you
> felt the need to return in-order to defend your non-existent
> credibility.

Wrong! You are replying to the very posts in which I was saying my

> Oh wait.... you *had* to return once in-order to complete the back-end
> of your transparent attention troll. Too bad you screwed up, EB didn't
> "identify himself."

He most certainly did. Why isn't he here to defend himself against the
accusations of cowardice?

> Calliope had already mentioned him by name. You
> really are a fuck-up, you know that?

At least I don't walk and talk at someone else's orders like a will-less
sock puppet. I just love how you fuckmonkeys have to cover for one

Some of us are perfectly capable of handling themselves, but that's
something neither you or Weasel Dud will understand.

> Once again I ask.... who are you again?

I'm the guy who your boss ordered to alt.flame to "take me out"
because he's too fucking afraid to do it himself. And while we're
at it, you little self-felching webboard assgoblin, who the fuck
are you?

> I've seen nothing from you but a shit-load of monotonous babble, chest
> pumping, and cries for attention.

I've seen nothing from you but a bunch of unsubstantiated lies.

> You have adapted the usenet characteristic that comes from posting
> year after year in a forum where you have to compete with spam and
> hundreds of nick-switchers/trolls who posses a dozen different active
> handles.

Yeah, it's called having the wits and balls to survive in a real insane
asylum, not some nancy boy circle jerk web board where everyone is so
afraid of the main fuckhead that they slurp him constantly, boost his
already helium inflated ego and then come scampering down like attack
poodles to alt.flame to "handle" flamers that he didn't have the balls
to handle himself.

> You are an attention whore of the highest caliber

Aren't we all?

> and you
> have shown to have a tendency to whine like a four year old when
> anyone doesn't give you said attention.

Bullshit - I shamed your boss big time - actually, he shamed himself
by being so thin skinned he had to PLONK me after one little flame.

> For someone so "experienced" you certainly managed to quickly jump
> head-first into the standard newbie pitfall of arriving into a forum,
> immediately assuming you're top shit and everyone is going to roll out
> the red carpet, only to realize that you're nothing but an
> insignificant nobody.

No, I simply zeroed in your top guy, pricked his ego and got him to
PLONK me with one fucking post.

You could never in a million years deliver a bitchslap like that.

>> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]Bluster all
>> you want about how tough you are, how
>> clever you are and how I desperately
>> "need" your "credibility", but you're a
>> net.coward. You know it and I know it.
>> You and your tragic little band of
>> followers hide out in a relatively
>> obscure part of the net and ply your
>> mediocre game in safety while people
>> like me do it in public, where anyone
>> who knows how to use a newsreader or use
>> can see how we're
>> doing and what we're doing.[/quote]
> Stay away from tossing around cliched cyber-lames such as "yer a
> coward!"

Does PLONK ring a bell?

> when you obviously don't understand the concept of the term.

Does PLONK ring a bell?

> Being ignored by someone who doesn't give a shit who you are doesn't
> make them a coward, it just makes you insignificant.

He not only gives a shit, I'm pretty sure he looked me up. That's
why he ran like a scalded dog.

He doesn't want to deal with me - proof of that is that he sent your
sorry suck-up ass to do what he should be doing himself.

> Anyone with a newsreader may be able to access the hovel of mediocrity
> and spam that is alt.flame, but anyone with a BROWSER is capable of
> accessing Brawl-Hall. (The Google Groups isn't a competent
> newsreader.)

It's a very competent usenet researcher - as any one who's ever used
it knows. Like Dweevil Fud.

> You're hardly doing anything in public considering you hide behind the
> safety of the usenet walls where kill-files are the norm,

Read the alt.flame FAQ, buddy, we don't use killfiles here - and I never
use a killfile anywhere as the best killfile is one's mind and

Not having either, you wouldn't know about that.

(bunch of ignorant garbage snipped)

>> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]I am a Meower.
>> Go to wikipedia and look up "flaming".
>> See that the "Meow War" is listed
>> there.[/quote]
> Do you hear the crickets chirking?

I'm replying to one right now.

> That's what everyone here thinks about your precious "Meow Wars."

I could give a rat's ass less about what all you tea club, "Hortense,
might I give you a flame?", limp-wristed, country club flamers think
about anything.

I love the part where Feeble Cud called me impolite for flaming him.
That has got to be the godawfullyist, dumbest thing I've EVER heard
in my 6 1/2 years of flaming and trolling.

> You sound awfully defensive.

Says the guy that's trying so hard to defend his boss and his forum's
rep by posting in a place he thinks is a sewer of mediocrity.

Sure, guy. If you were really confident of all that, you wouldn't have

> You're really trying hard to prove
> yourself.

Actually, it's been effortless.

> What was that you were saying about not needing anyone elses
> credibility?

I don't. I fucked your boss over and now it's your turn, seeing as
he doesn't have the balls to do it himself.

> Go to and see also that blow-hard is defined
> there. See that it has your profile under it. You Sir, are my new
> e-Hero!

I doubt that very much. You guys seem to rely on dictionaries a lot
up there, you know?

>> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]See that it
>> has its own entry and see that my
>> comrade, J. Raoul Xemblinosky III is
>> mentioned. See also under my old nic of
>> Clueless Newbie that I am listed in the
>> rolls of Bungmunch University on his web
>> page.[/quote]
> See also you're one pitiful gimp who instead of proving himself in a
> flame thread

What flame thread? The flame thread your boss PLONKED me in and ran
away whimpering about my impoliteness?

Yeah, right.

> and actually becoming someone who deserved
> instead cite nonsense that no-one cares about in a
> desperate last ditch plea of trying to prove yourself.

I'm simply telling you what chumps you are to your face. And now
I'm through with it. His having to have you net.assassinate me on
alt.flame simply proves his lameness - especially seeing as you're
shooting blanks.

> Are you REALLY this delusional or or this some elaborate troll? Surely
> no-one can be so ignorant.

Well, I'm not delusional so ...

> Usenet is dead. Get over it.

Right, that's why you're chasing me around down here.

>> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]See also that
>> there's no mention of Evil Blood
>> anywhere in any of that. You're nobody.
>> I am a part of a net.legend.[/quote]
> I did see Evil Bloods name in alt.flame last night

Only because I put it there. And unless he develops a sudden case
of backboneitus it's the only way it's ever going to be there.

He's net.dead after this thread here.

> as you added
> yourself to a huge list of disgruntled Brawl-Hall posters who got
> their feelings hurt and than had to run home to where it was safe and
> start threads crying about us.

As I exposed the imbecility and lameness of your boss and his simple
inability to take on someone he knew had been around longer than the
two years he's been jacking off on the web as an 3|i+3 w3b b0ard flam3r.

> Sorry to burst your bubble, Tomcat, but you're really not as important
> as you think.

Which is why you've been assigned the duty of telling me that. If it
wasn't important, to you and your thin-skinned, weak-kneed boss, you
wouldn't have bothered.

> Consider that your daily dose of vitamin reality check. Thanks for
> playing.

And thank you for all the dry-humping posts in my honor on your webboard.
Free clue - you pussies wouldn't protest so damned much if what I was
saying wasn't true.

Oh, one more thing - tell Dribble Cup that when Brawl Hall's residing
in /dev/null, Google will still offer proof of my spanking him and your
outraged denial of it.

It's the only rep he'll ever keep and the only one he deserves.

Fox Mulder

Feb 24, 2004, 4:48:56 PM2/24/04
On 24 Feb 2004 09:56:11 -0800, (Doomsday)

>Normally I wouldn't bother gracing you slimeballs with my presence,
>but it's been a while since i've been here and considering Tomcat
>claims this thread is being preserved for all of eternity, it's only
>fitting that the entire truth is posted.

Normally I would not stick my beautifull mind into another persons
thread but I shall make an exception today.

More people know the initials EB as Electronics Botique the online and
offline PC/video game store than they do as an uber flamer.

Who are you?

And what's with the DOOM names, Tim did you start this trend?

>I've seen nothing from you but a shit-load of monotonous babble, chest
>pumping, and cries for attention.


>You have adapted the usenet characteristic that comes from posting
>year after year in a forum where you have to compete with spam and
>hundreds of nick-switchers/trolls who posses a dozen different active
>handles. You are an attention whore of the highest caliber and you
>have shown to have a tendency to whine like a four year old when
>anyone doesn't give you said attention.

over 3,000 fucking members in the premier flame forum Brawl hall, and
only around 20 or so actually post, making the rest either nick
switchers or <shudder> people Evil Blood plonked

>For someone so "experienced" you certainly managed to quickly jump
>head-first into the standard newbie pitfall of arriving into a forum,
>immediately assuming you're top shit and everyone is going to roll out
>the red carpet, only to realize that you're nothing but an
>insignificant nobody.

He warranted enough attention for you to show up here.


>> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]Bluster all
>> you want about how tough you are, how
>> clever you are and how I desperately
>> "need" your "credibility", but you're a
>> net.coward. You know it and I know it.
>> You and your tragic little band of
>> followers hide out in a relatively
>> obscure part of the net and ply your
>> mediocre game in safety while people
>> like me do it in public, where anyone
>> who knows how to use a newsreader or use
>> can see how we're
>> doing and what we're doing.[/quote]
>Stay away from tossing around cliched cyber-lames such as "yer a
>coward!" when you obviously don't understand the concept of the term.
>Being ignored by someone who doesn't give a shit who you are doesn't
>make them a coward, it just makes you insignificant.

Yep, sounds about right, the purpose of a flaming board is to ignore
all those who actually flame.

>Anyone with a newsreader may be able to access the hovel of mediocrity
>and spam that is alt.flame, but anyone with a BROWSER is capable of
>accessing Brawl-Hall. (The Google Groups isn't a competent

So you cater to the webtv crowd and people too stupid to operate a
newreader yet still have less people posting than here.

>You're hardly doing anything in public considering you hide behind the
>safety of the usenet walls where kill-files are the norm, spam and
>mass x-posting are 90% of the content, and where nobodies with bloated
>ego's boast of victories in the pussy-cat wars of 1985 and create
> vanity sites archiving their post in-order to stroke
>their cocks because no-one else will.

PKB Have you even looked at your own fucking board recently, it's one
huge ego trip complete with your own brand of killfiles ie. moving
posts to the nebulous BROOM CLOSET or even worse THE GARBAGE BIN, when
that fails you change gears and say "well that poster was not worth
our time in the first place.

Spam, I have one pop up blocked each time I go to the BH, never mind
all the fucken porn that gets posted as flames, complete with URL's
from the site they swiped them from still attached.

>Listen here, no-one cares that you have been terrorizing
>since 1997 and certainly no-one cares that you were the catalyst who
>ignited the epic x-post battle of 2001. Where some old lady from
>alt.pets accidentally replied to an x-posted thread that was also
>submitted to alt.flame and she was typo lamed into delirium.

Then why retort.-FuCkenJerK

>> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]I am a Meower.
>> Go to wikipedia and look up "flaming".
>> See that the "Meow War" is listed
>> there.[/quote]
>Do you hear the crickets chirking?

Only when Ari posts.

>You sound awfully defensive. You're really trying hard to prove
>yourself. What was that you were saying about not needing anyone elses
>Go to and see also that blow-hard is defined
>there. See that it has your profile under it. You Sir, are my new

Grats to Wombat!

>> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]See that it
>> has its own entry and see that my
>> comrade, J. Raoul Xemblinosky III is
>> mentioned. See also under my old nic of
>> Clueless Newbie that I am listed in the
>> rolls of Bungmunch University on his web
>> page.[/quote]
>See also you're one pitiful gimp who instead of proving himself in a
>flame thread and actually becoming someone who deserved
> instead cite nonsense that no-one cares about in a
>desperate last ditch plea of trying to prove yourself.

He doth protest too much

>Usenet is dead. Get over it.

Forum boards are only 9.95 a month, get one today and self respect and
fame shall soon be yours.

Tired of being pushed around, now you can push back by moving hurtfull
posts into the "garbage bin"

Don't know how to combat a well thought out argument, well don't, just
post a picture of a man shitting on a womans face!

No one seems to notice how brilliant your posts are, no problem, just
make up another nic and compliment yourself. Self love is a great

Is a especially mean poster getting under your skin, ban the fucker!!
Out of site, out of mind!

Not enough people posting on your board, just offer them membership in
your Premeir flame group, put together a cheap animated giff and let
them use it in their sig, in no time you will be the biggest bad ass
of them all.

>> [quote="The Grand Wombat"]See also that
>> there's no mention of Evil Blood
>> anywhere in any of that. You're nobody.
>> I am a part of a net.legend.[/quote]
>I did see Evil Bloods name in alt.flame last night as you added
>yourself to a huge list of disgruntled Brawl-Hall posters who got
>their feelings hurt and than had to run home to where it was safe and
>start threads crying about us.
>Sorry to burst your bubble, Tomcat, but you're really not as important
>as you think.
>Consider that your daily dose of vitamin reality check.

Same can be said about you, run back to your walled in forum board and
pretend to be premeir flamers amongst yourselves since hardly any
newbies bother to stick around for more than a week.

> Thanks for playing.

Het Tim, isnt that your line??

The Grand Wombat

Feb 24, 2004, 5:12:28 PM2/24/04
"03:15:38 GMT" <> wrote in

> The dweeb has a point here, Wombster. This "Don't you know who I am? I
> know important people!" routine is pretty damn sad.

I wouldn't do it here, I don't have to.

I'm just trying to educate some little WebTV dweebs who discovered
the Napster flame boards, shout out Shawn Fanning's name as if they
know him and think they helped Al Gore invent the internet.

See, if I had a JPG of a blue skull in flames posted with every
post I make, I wouldn't need to tell people who I am. (snicker)
Makes Teething Crud look like he's been sniffing glue until all the
skin fell off his slack-jawed, slopey face.

>> Usenet is dead.
> This conversation isn't taking place.

We are ghoooooooostssss. Are we scared yet?


Feb 24, 2004, 5:23:07 PM2/24/04
"03:15:38 GMT" <> wrote in message
> (Doomsday) did this:
[...] Ari picking on a poor defenseless teenager.

> ("Evil Blood"... Was the nick "Spotty Teenager" already taken?)

Figures you would go after children half your age.


Feb 24, 2004, 5:26:01 PM2/24/04
"The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message

> "subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in news:eaI_b.4278$ee3.262565
> > "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
> > news:Xns94993CEB6AD66...@
> >> "subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in news:bBz_b.7484$253.600282
> >>
> >>
> >> > "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
> >> > news:Xns9498DC0B8E666...@
> >> >
> >> > [takes a dump on Egan's stupid troll.]
> >>
> >> [wipes his ass with Koput's comic strip]
> >>
> > How nice of you to wipe my ass, slurper.
> Oh. I thought it was your face. (cymbal crash)


> This thread sucks - do better, will you?

[*thread plonk*]

The Grand Wombat

Feb 24, 2004, 5:54:21 PM2/24/04
"subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in

> "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns94999E120F019...@
>> "subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in
>> news:eaI_b.4278$ee3.262565
>> > "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
>> > news:Xns94993CEB6AD66...@
>> >> "subRoutine@W2mm" <> wrote in
>> >> news:bBz_b.7484$253.600282
>> >>
>> >> > "The Grand Wombat" <> wrote in message
>> >> > news:Xns9498DC0B8E666...@
>> >> >
>> >> > [takes a dump on Egan's stupid troll.]
>> >>
>> >> [wipes his ass with Koput's comic strip]
>> >>
>> > How nice of you to wipe my ass, slurper.
>> Oh. I thought it was your face. (cymbal crash)
> IKY.


>> This thread sucks - do better, will you?
> [*thread plonk*]


Fox Mulder

Feb 24, 2004, 5:53:44 PM2/24/04
On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 02:37:51 -0000, The Grand Wombat
<> wrote:

FBi has just avoided the callout...again.. I even gave him the choice
of location and he backed out.

To cut your post short, feeb, all you've done is ignored my answers
and repeated your same drivel again.

Given the fact that you've had the opportunity to call me out 3 times
now and, this last time you've turned tail and run like a craven
coward, thereby admitting that I'm better than you and trashing most
of your argument...


,'re too lame to bother with, chicken shit.


Poor EB has stumbled while carrying his heavy cross, but not before
uttering yet another *plonk*

The Grand Wombat

Feb 24, 2004, 6:16:11 PM2/24/04
Fox Mulder <Jame...@Enterprise.Com> wrote in

> On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 02:37:51 -0000, The Grand Wombat
> <> wrote:

Dribble Cup -

> FBi has just avoided the callout...again.. I even gave him the choice
> of location and he backed out.
> To cut your post short, feeb, all you've done is ignored my answers
> and repeated your same drivel again.
> Given the fact that you've had the opportunity to call me out 3 times
> now and, this last time you've turned tail and run like a craven
> coward, thereby admitting that I'm better than you and trashing most
> of your argument...
> ,'re too lame to bother with, chicken shit.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------
> Poor EB has stumbled while carrying his heavy cross, but not before
> uttering yet another *plonk*

Well, you could see that coming from a mile away, couldn't you? And I
love how he claims you refused to "call him out" someplace, when you were
bitchslapping him and his lame Bowel Hole board right there. Funny, when
Takho showed up to challenge him to a one on one on "Flame Champs",
Dribble Cup insisted that "Takho, it's right here, right now and you got
0\/\/n3d", refusing to go to FC to fight. But it's different now -

YOU have to call him out somewhere, "right here, right now" doesn't work

What a two-faced, hypocritical Hindenberg-sized balloon of a buffoon
he is, crashing in flames on his own fucking web board.

"Oh, the inanity!"

That makes TWO spankings from alt.flame regulars, and yours, I will
admit, was much better earned than mine.


The Phantom Menace

Feb 24, 2004, 6:21:40 PM2/24/04
There Be No Shelter Here for The Grand Wombat <>:

[Egan razzing some illiterate Neoflamenetter from Teen Chat or somesuch]

>> For someone so "experienced" you certainly managed to quickly jump
>> head-first into the standard newbie pitfall of arriving into a forum,
>> immediately assuming you're top shit and everyone is going to roll out
>> the red carpet, only to realize that you're nothing but an
>> insignificant nobody.
>No, I simply zeroed in your top guy, pricked his ego and got him to
>PLONK me with one fucking post.

Ah. Squeamish, playground-dirt-chomping pussies-behind-the-curtain have
installed blinking "BEWARE! I MEAN IT!" signs on the web forums *too*. I
get it.

I'd finish off the little mononeuronite with a crafty Shakespeare reference
if I were you.


golfing_oj at yahoo dot com
mhm 27x15
And other rotten things

The Grand Wombat

Feb 24, 2004, 6:45:38 PM2/24/04
to (The Phantom Menace) wrote in


"But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed'st thy light'st flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel."

Fox Mulder

Feb 24, 2004, 7:10:27 PM2/24/04
On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 23:16:11 -0000, The Grand Wombat
<> wrote:

See, it's people like Evil Blood that make me nostaligic for Big Daddy

(hold up a slice of grilled cheese in remebrance)

The Grand Wombat

Feb 24, 2004, 7:23:26 PM2/24/04
Fox Mulder <Jame...@Enterprise.Com> wrote in

> See, it's people like Evil Blood that make me nostaligic for Big Daddy
> Zeus
> (hold up a slice of grilled cheese in remebrance)

At least he had some fight in him.

Here he is, agreeing that they all should regard me net.dead,
which is a high compliment coming from them. A spank of a
whole damned


Evil Blood wrote:
Sounds good to me - anybody disagree?

The Grand Wombat -

I call you out to alt.flame. Do it or lose. Again.


We'll see if he has the balls to show up here. Oh, and if Doomsday
doesn't answer my post in a week, I'm going to claim a spank on him,

The Grand Wombat

Feb 24, 2004, 10:58:15 PM2/24/04
Fox Mulder <Jame...@Enterprise.Com> wrote in


BumSpud wrote:
I think we're all vastly overestimating this tardlette's ability.

Wombat -

I think you're all blowing a lot of hot air trying to blow the deflated
ego of Crippled Dud back up.

He came in, he jumped on my leg like a rabid Jack Russell.

Wombat -

... bit it off and proceeded to shove it through one side of your empty
head to the other.

I spanked him, and he even called ownership on the fact that I deemed him
too shit to waste my good stuff on.

Wombat -

Kiddo, you fucked up.

Anyways, after he dropped the thread

Wombat -

I do not drop threads - I terminate them with extreme prejudice. Your
stunned feeble reply was mere avoidenceo of that fact.

I say we skip the Last Rites and proclaim the nugget NETDEAD.

Wombat -

Translation - "PLONK"

Congratulations, moron, that's your SECOND spank from me.

Exit Bumspud

ladr wrote:
Never mind win.

I quit.

Your victory.

I would hate myself for taking advantage of somebody as clueless as you.

Wombat -

And with that, I do believe I can rack up another SPANK!

Let's see Evil Blood, BumSpud (twice), Doomsday (unless he chooses to
answer me on alt.flame), and now ladr, my "coach" and "mentor". 4, and
possibly 5 spanks in one week.

Pretentious fuckwits all. And everyone one of them killed off.

I'll let the rest of you lackwits go. You're making this TOO goddamned

(brawl hall breathes a collective sigh of relief)

By the way, Fox, you really ought to post "the Stations of the Cross"

Fox Mulder

Feb 25, 2004, 1:50:27 PM2/25/04
On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 23:01:07 +0200, "03:15:38 GMT" <>

> (Doomsday) did this:
>> Normally I wouldn't bother gracing you slimeballs with my presence,
>> but it's been a while since i've been here
>As you're here now, Mr Doomsday (*giggle*), I have a question for you.
>Somehow I've gotten the impression from the previous times you Brawl
>Hall kids have advertised your website on alt.flame that you have
>something to do with WebTV. There are certainly a fair few
>similarities: Lil' Jimmy Kirk is apparently involved; you all seem to
>have adopted 'cool', infantile posting handles---e.g. "Doomsday" and
>"Evil Blood"; the level of literacy is rather low over there. Is there
>anything to this? Are you WebTV dweebs or just regular dweebs?

Brawl Hall is like the lord of the flies island, filled with roving
kids ruled over by an Evil pig on a stick. They won't come here, you
must go there, if you do you will be the only adult and probably be as
shocked as when that guy finally found all those nuts at the end of
the book (or movie version)


Go ahead, sign up ari, they have lots of porn!!


Feb 26, 2004, 4:04:25 PM2/26/04
The Grand Wombat <> wrote:


Very good. Report back when you have some more. You are dismissed.

03:15:38 GMT

Feb 26, 2004, 4:07:33 PM2/26/04
"subRoutine@W2mm" <> did this:

> "03:15:38 GMT" <> wrote in message
> news:403bbb16$0$3181$
> > (Doomsday) did this:
> [...] Ari picking on a poor defenseless teenager.

It makes a change from the usual fare, eh, you poor defenseless
middle-aged bastard?

> > ("Evil Blood"... Was the nick "Spotty Teenager" already taken?)
> Figures you would go after children half your age.

I don't think they're quite that young. Half your age should be closer
to the mark.

Ari <>

Fox Mulder

Feb 26, 2004, 4:17:22 PM2/26/04

I bet a haughty, UK Brit would go over well in Brawl Hall. Can you go
run HIPCRIME in there and give them a real scare!!

Evil Blood

Feb 26, 2004, 4:56:29 PM2/26/04
The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message news:<Xns9499A789CE0A7...@>...

> (Doomsday) wrote in
> > Normally I wouldn't bother gracing you slimeballs with my presence,
> > but it's been a while since i've been here and considering Tomcat
> > claims this thread is being preserved for all of eternity, it's only
> > fitting that the entire truth is posted.
> And you are one of Evil Dud's minions, here to "finish" a fight
> the Big Wuss^H^H^H^H^H Man isn't willing to fight himself?

I'm here fucktard, read to slap the shit out of your empty little
You should have known to shutup take your assbeating and phear me as
the net.god
i am and shutup when I PLONK you.

> No revision at all - as you well know, the thread was posted verbatim

And proved beyond a doubt what a lame nobody you are. Doomsday
already ripped your nads off (RACK! Doomsday) and you still squeak in
your high pitched voice that you want some so I'll just have to rip
your little worm off and fuck your nose with it.

> >
> > Here's the thread in question...
> >
> >
> No, that was the thread that was started by me a few hours later.
> Obviously, you're too dumb to navigate your own home forum.

Obviously, you're too fucking afraid to reproduce or address the post
in question.

> Wrong! You are replying to the very posts in which I was saying my
> farewell.

In other words you tripped over your lying tongue on the way out and
had to blurt some more before you got evicted. Way to go, 'tard.

> >
> > Oh wait.... you *had* to return once in-order to complete the back-end
> > of your transparent attention troll. Too bad you screwed up, EB didn't
> > "identify himself."
> He most certainly did. Why isn't he here to defend himself against the
> accusations of cowardice?

Now what do you say?

> > Calliope had already mentioned him by name. You
> > really are a fuck-up, you know that?
> At least I don't walk and talk at someone else's orders like a will-less
> sock puppet. I just love how you fuckmonkeys have to cover for one
> another.

Let's cut this dumb moronic cuntbreathed rant of yours off before
Usenet becomes more unusuable than it already is shitstain. The thing
that little nobodys like you don't get is that you're nobody. You
come tugging on my apron string for my attention and get kicked in the
face. You post some fucking moronic autolaming brain fart about my
having lasted longer in this forum longer than you've had hair on you
rat sized balls and whine a long tired whine about how I plonked your
inferior red ass and instead of crawling off into a corner and die
holding your hamburger meat you just got grinded, you have the lack of
honor and brains to actually call me out like a fucking nerdy sadist
looking for another kick? Look tardlet when I plonk somebody I'm
being merciful like the great net God I am allowing you to worship my
greatness and grandure from a safe distance so I can fuck with the
lamers on Flame Gimps who are actually worthy of me. And you have the
fucking nerve to interupt my valuable time and pester me and write
lies and bullshit to your dumb little flame web page that doesn't even
have a fucking decent interface or avatars or any of the things that
make us the great stylist of flame and masters of little tardbuckets
like you?

Well I'm here fuckface - what do you got for me?

Evil Blood

################# ############################### ########
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## ##### ### ### # # ############# # ##### ####
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## # # # # # # # ######################### # ### # # # # ###
### ##### ####################################### # ### ####
## # # # ########################################### # # ###

The Face of Internet Terrorism

The Grand Wombat

Feb 26, 2004, 5:05:51 PM2/26/04
Skippy <> wrote in

> The Grand Wombat <> wrote:
> [...]
> Very good. Report back when you have some more. You are dismissed.

You sound pleased - they're YOUR kind of people, Thorne.

The 2-Belo

Feb 26, 2004, 9:02:41 PM2/26/04
Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad

>Let's cut this dumb moronic cuntbreathed rant of yours off before

I forget about *my* dumb moronic cuntbreathed rant, and ensure that

>Usenet becomes more unusuable than it already is shitstain. The thing

that is barely visible between my legs distracts me from my blubbering

>that little nobodys like you don't get is that you're nobody. You

whip my ass nine ways to next Tuesday and even scare my goats who

>come tugging on my apron string for my attention and get kicked in the

asses because I've already whacked off that day and fist them instead to save

>face. You post some fucking moronic autolaming brain fart about my

penis that's so small you need a radiotelescope to detect it; but my blabbering,

>having lasted longer in this forum longer than you've had hair on you

, is so shrill and irritating that I cause massive hemhorraging in my own

>rat sized balls and whine a long tired whine about how I plonked your

picture on my altar and worship it with my pet howler monkey, staring at its

>inferior red ass and instead of crawling off into a corner and die

after banging my vacuous skull against the wallpaper and

>holding your hamburger meat you just got grinded, you have the lack of

listening to me scream and yell about nothing in particular, and you have the

>honor and brains to actually call me out like a fucking nerdy sadist

jesus christ I write the longest unpunctuated sentences ever, but am I

>looking for another kick? Look tardlet when I plonk somebody I'm

usually standing butt nekkid on the chair thanking God that the gerbil is

>being merciful like the great net God I am allowing you to worship my

stuffed parrot doll with the tell-tale split in the crotch seam. Watch the

>greatness and grandure from a safe distance so I can fuck with the

rest of my plushie minions without having to deal with the anime furry

>lamers on Flame Gimps who are actually worthy of me. And you have the

enjoyment of watching me net.die on two forms of media but I still retain the

>fucking nerve to interupt my valuable time and pester me and write

completely incoherent mumbledyfuck and quite thoroughly insane

>lies and bullshit to your dumb little flame web page that doesn't even

spew server errors every 17 seconds like mine does. I know Usenet doesn't

>have a fucking decent interface or avatars or any of the things that

web-reliant fanbois like myself rely on rather than text but I know you can

>make us the great stylist of flame and masters of little tardbuckets

who were using internet technology several years before I was even born,
>like you?

The 2-Belo
news:alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk (mhm21x20) (Meow.) (God Hates Janks!)

"C'mon, c'mon... Jesus needs a new pair of shoes!"
-- God, playing dice

The Grand Wombat

Feb 26, 2004, 9:25:38 PM2/26/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in

Sir, your ideas interest me greatly. I would like to subscribe to your


Feb 26, 2004, 9:50:54 PM2/26/04
On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 23:07:33 +0200, in alt.flame "03:15:38 GMT" <>

:"subRoutine@W2mm" <> did this:

:> "03:15:38 GMT" <> wrote in message
:> news:403bbb16$0$3181$
:> > (Doomsday) did this:
:> [...] Ari picking on a poor defenseless teenager.
:It makes a change from the usual fare,

Too bad beggars like you always wind up short.

:eh, you poor defenseless middle-aged bastard?
Learn to properly speak English before borrowing from the Canadian Lexicon.

:> > ("Evil Blood"... Was the nick "Spotty Teenager" already taken?)

:> Figures you would go after children half your age.
:I don't think they're quite that young. Half your age should be closer
:to the mark.

The dreaded IKY. I see you haven't changed.

Overunity Energy Mechanism

The Grand Wombat

Feb 26, 2004, 10:17:09 PM2/26/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in

(excuse me 2, my newsserver burped the parent post)

Evil Blood in some damn article or other finally made his sorry
ass to alt.flame -

>The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message news:
>> (Doomsday) wrote in
>> > Normally I wouldn't bother gracing you slimeballs with my presence,
>> > but it's been a while since i've been here and considering Tomcat
>> > claims this thread is being preserved for all of eternity, it's only
>> > fitting that the entire truth is posted.
>> And you are one of Evil Dud's minions, here to "finish" a fight
>> the Big Wuss^H^H^H^H^H Man isn't willing to fight himself?

>I'm here fucktard, read to slap the shit out of your empty little
>You should have known to shutup take your assbeating and phear me as
>the net.god
>i am and shutup when I PLONK you.

I thought you weren't talking to me anymore. You've been endlessly
whining about my lack of honor and fair play and all that Marquis of
Queensbury rules flame club shit, all because I insisted on trash talking
you after you plonked me.

If you really had plonked me, it wouldn't have bothered you so much.

>> No revision at all - as you well know, the thread was posted verbatim

>And proved beyond a doubt what a lame nobody you are. Doomsday
>already ripped your nads off (RACK! Doomsday) and you still squeak in
>your high pitched voice that you want some so I'll just have to rip
>your little worm off and fuck your nose with it.

Christ, I'm being humped by a munchkin and a sex pervert.

>> >
>> > Here's the thread in question...
>> >
>> >
>> No, that was the thread that was started by me a few hours later.
>> Obviously, you're too dumb to navigate your own home forum.

>Obviously, you're too fucking afraid to reproduce or address the post
>in question.

I'm not going to inflict such stupidity and mass illiteracy on alt.flame,
I've done enough as it is, trolling you flamekiddies over.

>> Wrong! You are replying to the very posts in which I was saying my
>> farewell.

>In other words you tripped over your lying tongue on the way out and
>had to blurt some more before you got evicted. Way to go, 'tard.

I left because I don't belong on a web site full of meth-addled teenagers
who think they're evil because they spraypaint pentagrams on roadkill and
"offer" them to Satan.

>> >
>> > Oh wait.... you *had* to return once in-order to complete the back

>> > of your transparent attention troll. Too bad you screwed up, EB
> > "identify himself."
>> He most certainly did. Why isn't he here to defend himself against
>> accusations of cowardice?

>Now what do you say?

Welcome to alt.flame, fuckhead. We look forward to the entertainment you
will be providing us - that is your purpose and your ONLY purpose here -
to amuse us.

>> > Calliope had already mentioned him by name. You
>> > really are a fuck-up, you know that?
>> At least I don't walk and talk at someone else's orders like a will-
>> sock puppet. I just love how you fuckmonkeys have to cover for one
>> another.

>Let's cut this dumb moronic cuntbreathed rant

Good idea. By the way - don't you ever go down on your woman? Or don't
you have one?

> You come tugging on my apron string for my attention and get kicked
>in the face.

Who do you think you are, Joan Crawford?

> You post some fucking moronic autolaming brain fart about my

>having lasted longer in this forum longer than you've had hair on you

>rat sized balls

Rat sized balls? Those would be big enough, thank you. English isn't
your strong point is it?

> you have the lack of

>honor and brains to actually call me out like a fucking nerdy sadist

>looking for another kick?

Masochist, dumbfuck, masochist - like you. Obviously.

> Look tardlet when I plonk somebody I'm

>being merciful like the great net God I am allowing you to worship my

>greatness and grandure from a safe distance so I can fuck with the

>lamers on Flame Gimps who are actually worthy of me.

Oh, Evil Fudd has risen from the dead after the Grand Wombat killed him!
Praise to Evil Fudd!! H3's s0 |33+.

> And you have the

>fucking nerve to interupt my valuable time and pester me and write

>lies and bullshit to your dumb little flame web page that doesn't even

>have a fucking decent interface or avatars or any of the things that

>make us the great stylist of flame and masters of little tardbuckets

>like you?

Go FAQ yourself, please.

>Well I'm here fuckface - what do you got for me?

Hell's Flame Wars needs a few new members - I bet I could get Thorne to
recruit you.

Raoul P. Xemblinosky

Feb 27, 2004, 9:02:19 AM2/27/04

All our newsletters are belong to him.

The Grand Wombat

Feb 27, 2004, 3:47:29 PM2/27/04
Raoul P. Xemblinosky <> wrote in

We are on the way to destruction.

Evil Blood

Feb 27, 2004, 4:24:25 PM2/27/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<403ea53c$0$3179$>...

> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
> combination:

Wonderful, another Usenet retard post humper post edits my flames into
his autobiography.

I see imbeciles like you all the time on Yahoo Groups, where I troll and
flame them into submission. You're a moronic Yorkshire Terrier overdosing
on methadrine, fuck off.

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Brawl Hall

Evil Blood

Feb 27, 2004, 4:32:57 PM2/27/04
Raoul P. Xemblinosky <> wrote in message news:<>...

For fuck's sake.

Another moronic leg humper - no, it's you Wombat, continuing
your dishonorable lying ways by nic switching and making up this
Raoul P. Xemblinosky character just to disguise that you were lying
about him and the whole Meow wars bullshit you were bragging about, like
someone would care about some stupidly named Polack tard or his
stupid tard cat or a bunch of morons tapping out messages with rocks
on Usenet when they could be using something real like BBcode.

0WN3D again, Wombat, you're OWNED by your FLAME GOD MASTER, you lying
flatulant tard nobody.

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## # # # # # # # ######################### # ### # # # # ###
### ##### ####################################### # ### ####
## # # # ########################################### # # ###

Brawl Hall

Fox Mulder

Feb 27, 2004, 4:31:45 PM2/27/04
On 27 Feb 2004 13:24:25 -0800, (Evil Blood)

Is that your flaming skull turned into ASCII?

How many Evil Bloods are there?

Evil Blood

Feb 27, 2004, 4:59:22 PM2/27/04
The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message news:<Xns949BE2B822EBF...@>...

> The 2-Belo <> wrote in
> news:403ea53c$0$3179$
> (excuse me 2, my newsserver burped the parent post)

You stupid assmunching crapulent excuse for a human sperm bank,
people dont' fuck around with feeble communication devices like usenet
this is why. The fact that you post here proves the fact that you're
stupid to fry ice cream in hell.

> I thought you weren't talking to me anymore. You've been endlessly
> whining about my lack of honor and fair play and all that Marquis of
> Queensbury rules flame club shit, all because I insisted on trash talking
> you after you plonked me.
> If you really had plonked me, it wouldn't have bothered you so much.

I've decided to teach you a fucking lesson, tardlet. You don't piss
all over
my web board like you did here

run off like a cowardly little piss artist and expect to get away with
it so easily. You're a fucking n00b piece of shit and I'm the hand
that's going to
flush you, got it?

> >> No revision at all - as you well know, the thread was posted verbatim
> >And proved beyond a doubt what a lame nobody you are. Doomsday
> >already ripped your nads off (RACK! Doomsday) and you still squeak in
> >your high pitched voice that you want some so I'll just have to rip
> >your little worm off and fuck your nose with it.
> Christ, I'm being humped

You plagaristic fuck, quit stealing our lines.

> I'm not going to inflict such stupidity and mass illiteracy on alt.flame,
> I've done enough as it is, trolling you flamekiddies over.

What the fuck difference would it make? Even your newsgroups sound
like they
were invented by a 5 year twatface with menstral problems - what the
hell is an alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk? What kind of mental
drooling fuckwit on the short bus would be a fan of Karl Malden's nose
and why the flying fuck are you crossposting me there?

See, we have REAL names on The Flamer's Hall.
Hell's Kitchen. The Salon. The Bedroom. The Broom Closet. And for
you and the rest
of the spamming post humpers and burpers the Dumpster.

See the difference? That's how serious, adult flamers fashion
themselves with real menace and real style - flaming blue skulls and
animated flames and tough bite my ass names like Evil Blood and
Doomsday and Danger and Dark Queen and Bumspud, not something fucking
stupid like Fox Mulder or the Grand Wombat or something fucking
ridicouls like the 2-belo or Raoul Whatthefucksky.

> I left because

I kicked your ass silly with one fucking post and plonked your dead
ass when I was done. Think of it as a Christian burial, fcuktard.
You should have had
brains and honor enough to crawl away with yoru tail between your legs
hiding your crushed balls but you didn't and now I'm going to
redecorate alt.flame with your fucking blood.

You have one last chance to run before the bloodletting takes place.

Evil Blood
The web's best fucking flamer

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Brawl Hall

The Grand Wombat

Feb 27, 2004, 5:04:35 PM2/27/04
Fox Mulder <Jame...@Enterprise.Com> wrote in

H3 is omnipresent and all p0w3rful - there are as many as there
needs to be, yet only one.

It's a mystery, Fox. Get Scully and investigate it.

The Grand Wombat

Feb 27, 2004, 5:05:57 PM2/27/04
to (Evil Blood) wrote in

> Raoul P. Xemblinosky <> wrote in message
> news:<>...
> For fuck's sake.
> Another moronic leg humper - no, it's you Wombat, continuing
> your dishonorable lying ways by nic switching and making up this
> Raoul P. Xemblinosky character just to disguise that you were lying
> about him and the whole Meow wars bullshit you were bragging about,
> like someone would care about some stupidly named Polack tard or his
> stupid tard cat or a bunch of morons tapping out messages with rocks
> on Usenet when they could be using something real like BBcode.
> 0WN3D again, Wombat, you're OWNED by your FLAME GOD MASTER, you lying
> flatulant tard nobody.

Raoul is a real person. I'm beginning to have my doubts about you, though.

The Grand Wombat

Feb 27, 2004, 5:16:24 PM2/27/04

> The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message

> news:<Xns949BE2B822EBF...@>...
>> The 2-Belo <> wrote in
>> news:403ea53c$0$3179$
>> (excuse me 2, my newsserver burped the parent post)
> You stupid assmunching crapulent excuse for a human sperm bank,

What was that long speech you were giving about faglames on your

> intelligent
> people dont' fuck around with feeble communication devices like usenet
> and
> this is why.

How would you know what intelligent people do? You don't say anything
intelligent, you don't have any intelligent flame buddies and the little
snots you're used to beating up on Brawl Hall have all the spirit, brains
and readability of a bowl of alphabet soup in a blender.

> The fact that you post here proves the fact that you're
> too
> stupid to fry ice cream in hell.

And you're not posting here?

> I've decided to teach you a fucking lesson, tardlet. You don't piss
> all over
> my web board like you did here
> run off like a cowardly little piss artist and expect to get away with
> it so easily.

Ooooooh, what are you going to do, PLONK me again?

(the Nose lives - what do you know?)

>> I left because
> I kicked your ass silly with one fucking post and plonked your dead
> ass when I was done. Think of it as a Christian burial, fcuktard.
> You should have had
> brains and honor enough to crawl away with yoru tail between your legs
> hiding your crushed balls but you didn't and now I'm going to
> redecorate alt.flame with your fucking blood.

No, you should redecorate alt.evil with your fucking blood. It would
match perfectly, right?

> You have one last chance to run before the bloodletting takes place.

You're a poor loser, spanky. You just go ahead with that little
bloodletting of yours - it'll take awhile, seeing as they don't let you
play with anything sharper than a rubber ball or your wits.

> Evil Blood
> The web's best fucking flamer
> ################# ############################### ########
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> ## # # # # # ### # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### # # # # # # # ### ### ##### # # # ### ### # ### # # ####
> ## # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### ### ##### # ### ### ### ### ### ####### # # ### ### ####
> ## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ## # ### # # # # # # # # # ### ##### # # # # # ### ### ####
> ## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### ### # # ### # # ### ### ### # ### ### # # # ### ### ####
> ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### # # # ### # ### # # ############# ### # # # # # # # # ##
> ## # # # # # # # ######################### # ### # # # # ###
> ### ##### ####################################### # ### ####
> ## # # # ########################################### # # ###
> ############################################################
> ############################################################

That looks like a representation of a firecracker exploding in
the man's asshole.

Try again.

Fox Mulder

Feb 27, 2004, 5:23:51 PM2/27/04
On 27 Feb 2004 13:59:22 -0800, (Evil Blood)


>See, we have REAL names on The Flamer's Hall.
>Hell's Kitchen. The Salon. The Bedroom. The Broom Closet. And for
>you and the rest
>of the spamming post humpers and burpers the Dumpster.
>See the difference? That's how serious, adult flamers fashion
>themselves with real menace and real style - flaming blue skulls and
>animated flames and tough bite my ass names like Evil Blood and
>Doomsday and Danger and Dark Queen and Bumspud, not something fucking
>stupid like Fox Mulder or the Grand Wombat or something fucking
>ridicouls like the 2-belo or Raoul Whatthefucksky.

This has to be sarcasm, or I'll eat my hat!!!

Rebecca Ore

Feb 27, 2004, 7:52:29 PM2/27/04
Fox Mulder <Jame...@Enterprise.Com> writes:

Who's gone missing lately?

Rebecca Ore

Raoul P. Xemblinosky

Feb 27, 2004, 9:48:37 PM2/27/04
On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 22:05:57 -0000, The Grand Wombat
<> wrote:

> (Evil Blood) wrote in
>> Raoul P. Xemblinosky <> wrote in message
>> news:<>...
>> For fuck's sake.
>> Another moronic leg humper - no, it's you Wombat, continuing
>> your dishonorable lying ways by nic switching and making up this
>> Raoul P. Xemblinosky character just to disguise that you were lying
>> about him and the whole Meow wars bullshit you were bragging about,
>> like someone would care about some stupidly named Polack tard or his
>> stupid tard cat or a bunch of morons tapping out messages with rocks
>> on Usenet when they could be using something real like BBcode.
>> 0WN3D again, Wombat, you're OWNED by your FLAME GOD MASTER, you lying
>> flatulant tard nobody.
>Raoul is a real person. I'm beginning to have my doubts about you, though.

I have never, as you know, denied that I am also you. But no way in
hell am I also going to be that so-called 31337 FLAME GOD MASTUR.

Raoul P. Xemblinosky

Feb 27, 2004, 9:57:26 PM2/27/04

Not me. I'm just ridicouls.

The 2-Belo

Feb 27, 2004, 10:54:39 PM2/27/04
Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad

>The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<403ea53c$0$3179$>...
>> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>> combination:
>Wonderful, another Usenet retard

Look, nothing screams "I AM TEH BIGEST HIPACRIT IN THE GALIXY" at 120 decibels
more than barging into Usenet spewing unto all and sundry about how much you
hate Usenet. Seeing as I would rather walk on my lips through a sludge tank than
post to web-based romper rooms, I don't really give a toss what you think about
the media I choose, so be a nice turdslice and go stick your fingers in a
toaster or something, unkay?

>I see imbeciles like you all the time on Yahoo Groups, where I troll and
>flame them into submission.

Then you've found your niche. Only your own boundless stupidity is preventing
you from staying in it.

The 2-Belo

Feb 27, 2004, 11:00:17 PM2/27/04
Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad

>You stupid assmunching crapulent excuse for a human sperm bank,

>people dont' fuck around with feeble communication devices like usenet
>this is why. The fact that you post here proves the fact that you're
>stupid to fry ice cream in hell.


The 2-Belo

Feb 27, 2004, 11:01:51 PM2/27/04
Raoul P. Xemblinosky and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad

>On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 00:52:29 GMT, Rebecca Ore

No, you're Raoul Whatthefucksky. *I'm* ridicouls.*

* Could Evile Bluud be from France?

The Grand Wombat

Feb 27, 2004, 11:47:16 PM2/27/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in news:4040124b$0$3177

> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
> combination:
>>You stupid assmunching crapulent excuse for a human sperm bank,
>>people dont' fuck around with feeble communication devices like usenet
>>this is why. The fact that you post here proves the fact that you're
>>stupid to fry ice cream in hell.

No, he runs out of fingers and toes at 23 or 34.

The Grand Wombat

Feb 27, 2004, 11:55:33 PM2/27/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in

> The Grand Wombat and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a
> baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>>Raoul P. Xemblinosky <> wrote in


>>You do not have to be that so-called 31337 FLAME GOD MASTUR. I
>>believe someone else has already performed this important
> Apparently you all have forgotten that each and every one of you is
> Hausmann, the original 500p3R 3133+ f143M GOD d00D.
Yes, I did forget I was Hausmann and I am the original F!AM3 G^WD

Raoul P. Xemblinosky

Feb 28, 2004, 12:17:48 AM2/28/04
On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 13:01:51 +0900, The 2-Belo
<> wrote:

>Raoul P. Xemblinosky and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>>On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 00:52:29 GMT, Rebecca Ore
>><> wrote:
>>>Fox Mulder <Jame...@Enterprise.Com> writes:
>>>> On 27 Feb 2004 13:59:22 -0800, (Evil Blood)
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>See, we have REAL names on The Flamer's Hall.
>>>>>Hell's Kitchen. The Salon. The Bedroom. The Broom Closet. And for
>>>>>you and the rest
>>>>>of the spamming post humpers and burpers the Dumpster.
>>>>>See the difference? That's how serious, adult flamers fashion
>>>>>themselves with real menace and real style - flaming blue skulls and
>>>>>animated flames and tough bite my ass names like Evil Blood and
>>>>>Doomsday and Danger and Dark Queen and Bumspud, not something fucking
>>>>>stupid like Fox Mulder or the Grand Wombat or something fucking
>>>>>ridicouls like the 2-belo or Raoul Whatthefucksky.
>>>> This has to be sarcasm, or I'll eat my hat!!!
>>>Who's gone missing lately?
>>Not me. I'm just ridicouls.
>No, you're Raoul Whatthefucksky. *I'm* ridicouls.*
>* Could Evile Bluud be from France?

Could he be as strong as an Ochs?

Raoul P. Xemblinosky

Feb 28, 2004, 12:20:00 AM2/28/04
On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 13:00:17 +0900, The 2-Belo
<> wrote:

>Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>>You stupid assmunching crapulent excuse for a human sperm bank,
>>people dont' fuck around with feeble communication devices like usenet
>>this is why. The fact that you post here proves the fact that you're
>>stupid to fry ice cream in hell.

No, but I'm sure he sniffs the reeking buns of Angel.

The 2-Belo

Feb 28, 2004, 2:26:01 AM2/28/04

And about as smart?

Evil Blood

Feb 28, 2004, 8:23:50 AM2/28/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<4040124b$0$3177$>...

> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
> combination:
> >You stupid assmunching crapulent excuse for a human sperm bank,
> >intelligent
> >people dont' fuck around with feeble communication devices like usenet
> >and
> >this is why. The fact that you post here proves the fact that you're
> >too
> >stupid to fry ice cream in hell.

Another Spam Kitten humps my leg for attention with some incomprehensable

Evil Blood

Feb 28, 2004, 8:27:05 AM2/28/04
Fox Mulder <Jame...@Enterprise.Com> wrote in message news:<>...

You asked for it, 'tard, you got it. *PLONK*. And quit following me
around like a lost puppy in Brawl Hall.

Evil Blood
The web's best fucking flamer

################# ############################### ########

Evil Blood

Feb 28, 2004, 8:30:08 AM2/28/04
The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message news:<Xns949CADFA28B25...@>...
> >
> > 0WN3D again, Wombat, you're OWNED by your FLAME GOD MASTER, you lying
> > flatulant tard nobody.
> Raoul is a real person. I'm beginning to have my doubts about you, though.

None of you little turdy tards have any fight in you at all. No wonder you're
getting your ass kicked here, you one line leg humping chewawa.

Evil Blood
The web's best fucking flamer

################# ############################### ########

Evil Blood

Feb 28, 2004, 8:39:20 AM2/28/04
The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message news:<Xns949CAFC039DC6...@>...

> (Evil Blood) wrote in
> > The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message
> > news:<Xns949BE2B822EBF...@>...
> >> The 2-Belo <> wrote in
> >> news:403ea53c$0$3179$
> >>
> >> (excuse me 2, my newsserver burped the parent post)
> >
> > You stupid assmunching crapulent excuse for a human sperm bank,
> What was that long speech you were giving about faglames on your
> webboard?

Another faglame autolame from the master of autolaming. As anyone but
a rank
n00b like you could tell when I do it it's masterly flaming not the "U
cock and R G@Y" lames you churn out like butter.

> > intelligent
> > people dont' fuck around with feeble communication devices like usenet
> > and
> > this is why.
> How would you know what intelligent people do?

I'll tell you what they don't do. they don't post some one line
retarded posthump and then whine about it all over MY board and run
when they get their asses handed to them to disprespect me on this
stupid, technologicaly backwards
web board you're posting on.

Why don't you fucktards get the admin to install BBcode here? Shit,
but this
crap wiht the arrows on one side is lame and stupid. Nobody but a
moron would
>because you can't
>read it
>you moron.

> You don't say anything
> intelligent, you don't have any intelligent flame buddies and the little
> snots you're used to beating up on Brawl Hall have all the spirit, brains
> and readability of a bowl of alphabet soup in a blender.

The only thing in a blender here is your ass, tard.

> >
> > You have one last chance to run before the bloodletting takes place.
> You're a poor loser, spanky. You just go ahead with that little
> bloodletting of yours - it'll take awhile, seeing as they don't let you
> play with anything sharper than a rubber ball or your wits.

I'm going to kill you with thousands of sharp little usenet webboard

Brawl Hall

Evil Blood

Feb 28, 2004, 8:53:19 AM2/28/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<404010f9$0$3177$>...

> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
> combination:
> >The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<403ea53c$0$3179$>...
> >> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
> >> combination:
> >
> >Wonderful, another Usenet retard
> Look, nothing screams "I AM TEH BIGEST HIPACRIT IN THE GALIXY" at 120 decibels
> more than barging into Usenet spewing unto all and sundry about how much you
> hate Usenet.

Nothing screams like a usenet webboard Meow Spam Kitten when I tell
him that
he's bottom feeding in a sewer that only little kids that can't figure
out BBcode
would use.

> Seeing as I would rather walk on my lips through a sludge tank

Isn't that what posting here is doing? I can stand it as the
nick in my great and glorious web flaming legend will soon be polished
the way I drive you all off this flame board you call Usenet.

I've never seen such a sorry collection of uberdweebs in my life.

> than
> post to web-based romper rooms, I don't really give a toss what you think about
> the media I choose, so be a nice turdslice and go stick your fingers in a
> toaster or something, unkay?

You're a little spot of baby diharrea on the vast diaper of this
ubertardlet hell you call Google Groups.

I don't know why so many imbeciles post here. I had no idea there
were this
many retarded people in the world with web access.

Evil Blood
The web's best fucking flamer

################# ############################### ########

Evil Blood

Feb 28, 2004, 9:04:08 AM2/28/04
Rebecca Ore <> wrote in message news:<m3eksgg...@pyrophore.ogo.invalid>...

> Who's gone missing lately?

Your brains have. I can't believe this. Is this your real
name? ARE YOU STUPID? Son of Sam could find you and you're
posting with your real name on this webboard.

That's amazing. Astounding. I can't even think of an analog
for such reckless brain dead tardation. You're either a dead
shot like Billy the Kid or one of the dumbest people on the planet.

The 2-Belo

Feb 28, 2004, 10:18:11 AM2/28/04
Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad

[snip preliminary tripe]

>nick in my great and glorious web flaming legend will soon be polished by
>the way I drive you all off this flame board you call Usenet.


>You're a little spot of baby diharrea on the vast diaper of this
>ubertardlet hell you call Google Groups.


>I don't know why so many imbeciles post here. I had no idea there were this
>many retarded people in the world with web access.

So you're seriously sitting there and telling me Usenet is the name of a Google
Groups web forum?


Any belief I harbored, however infinitesimal it may have been, that this thread
had a ghost of a chance of being remotely interesting just flew right out the
fucking window. You don't even know where the hell you are, you think all the
world's a web page, and on top of that, you have a hokey fake-evil name.

Sirrusly, now, dude, bugger off up a telephone pole and stay there.

Raoul P. Xemblinosky

Feb 28, 2004, 10:03:23 AM2/28/04
On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 16:26:01 +0900, The 2-Belo
<> wrote:

And precisely as virile?

The 2-Belo

Feb 28, 2004, 10:25:14 AM2/28/04
Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad

>Evil Blood

I think this is what they label HIV-tainted donations.

>The web's best fucking flamer

And this is akin to saying "the cellblock's loosest bitch", as if such a thing
were a source of pride. Oh well. That's up to you, I guess, if you want to be
proud of being in HTMHell.

03:15:38 GMT

Feb 28, 2004, 10:34:01 AM2/28/04
The 2-Belo <> did this:

> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
> combination:

> >I see imbeciles like you all the time on Yahoo Groups, where I troll and

> >flame them into submission.
> Then you've found your niche. Only your own boundless stupidity is preventing
> you from staying in it.

Would this be a good time to point out that it's a troller? The guy
being parodied is really posting as "
(Horseman of The Apocalypse - PESTILENCE)"---no, seriously---on

Ari <>

The Grand Wombat

Feb 28, 2004, 10:51:38 AM2/28/04

> The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message
> news:<Xns949CADFA28B25...@>...
>> (Evil Blood) wrote in
> .
>> >
>> > 0WN3D again, Wombat, you're OWNED by your FLAME GOD MASTER, you
>> > lying flatulant tard nobody.
>> Raoul is a real person. I'm beginning to have my doubts about you,
>> though.
> None of you little turdy tards have any fight in you at all. No
> wonder you're getting your ass kicked here, you one line leg humping
> chewawa.

Yo no queira Brawla Halla, hijo de la puta. Chinga tu madre, Woody.


Feb 28, 2004, 10:55:54 AM2/28/04
On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 17:34:01 +0200, in alt.flame "03:15:38 GMT" <>

:The 2-Belo <> did this:

The following can be easily fine tuned to simulate the Apocalypse on someone's
webboard as long as they have the "HTML" switch turned on for posting. This one
is for a CGI board. I'm certain modifications can be made to suit php, asp and
cfm boards.

<form method=POST action="http://www.[or domain name path to serverside
include].pl"<input type=hidden name="followup"
type=hidden name="origname" value="KaBoom"><input type=hidden name="origsubject"
value="KaBoom"><input type=hidden name="origdate" value="[today's date and
time]"><input type=hidden name="name" size=50 value="[your name]"><input
type=hidden name="email" value="[your email]"size=50><input type=hidden
name="subject" value="Web Board Atomizer" size=50><textarea name="body" COLS=50
ROWS=10>Hello Evil Blood</textarea><br><input type=submit value="To Fuck up Web

subRoutine <>
Overunity Energy Mechanism

The Grand Wombat

Feb 28, 2004, 10:57:37 AM2/28/04

> The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message
> news:<Xns949CAFC039DC6...@>...
>> (Evil Blood) wrote in
>> > The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message
>> > news:<Xns949BE2B822EBF...@>...
>> >> The 2-Belo <> wrote in
>> >> news:403ea53c$0$3179$
>> >>
>> >> (excuse me 2, my newsserver burped the parent post)
>> >
>> > You stupid assmunching crapulent excuse for a human sperm bank,
>> What was that long speech you were giving about faglames on your
>> webboard?
> Another faglame autolame from the master of autolaming. As anyone but
> a rank
> n00b like you could tell when I do it it's masterly flaming not the "U
> suck
> cock and R G@Y" lames you churn out like butter.

The only thing churning is my stomach as I watch what you do to the
English language.

> I'll tell you what they don't do. they don't post some one line
> retarded posthump and then whine about it all over MY board and run
> when they get their asses handed to them to disprespect me on this
> stupid, technologicaly backwards
> web board you're posting on.

But you're so disrespectable, Woody. By the way, your jockstrap's

> Why don't you fucktards get the admin to install BBcode here? Shit,
> but this
> crap wiht the arrows on one side is lame and stupid. Nobody but a
> moron would
>>because you can't
>>read it
>>you moron.

You can't fucking read anything more complicated than "RACK!! OOH,

>> You don't say anything
>> intelligent, you don't have any intelligent flame buddies and the
>> little snots you're used to beating up on Brawl Hall have all the
>> spirit, brains and readability of a bowl of alphabet soup in a
>> blender.
> The only thing in a blender here is your ass, tard.

Wow. What an awesome turn-around that was.

>> >
>> > You have one last chance to run before the bloodletting takes
>> > place.
>> You're a poor loser, spanky. You just go ahead with that little
>> bloodletting of yours - it'll take awhile, seeing as they don't let
>> you play with anything sharper than a rubber ball or your wits.
> I'm going to kill you with thousands of sharp little usenet webboard
> arrows.

What are you going to do? Fire them off your face with your jockstrap,

The Grand Wombat

Feb 28, 2004, 10:59:40 AM2/28/04
Raoul P. Xemblinosky <> wrote in

He's got a nose for trouble.

Fox Mulder

Feb 28, 2004, 11:53:00 AM2/28/04
On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 17:34:01 +0200, "03:15:38 GMT" <>

>The 2-Belo <> did this:


Buffy the vampire SLAY ME!!!

The Grand Wombat

Feb 28, 2004, 12:04:10 PM2/28/04
"subRoutine.W2@mm" <s!0.0^7ii.s...@mmx.CICS.mvs> wrote in

> On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 17:34:01 +0200, in alt.flame "03:15:38 GMT"
> <> wrote:
>:The 2-Belo <> did this:
>:> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a
>:> baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>:> >I see imbeciles like you all the time on Yahoo Groups, where I
>:> >troll and flame them into submission.
>:> Then you've found your niche. Only your own boundless stupidity is
>:> preventing you from staying in it.
>:Would this be a good time to point out that it's a troller?

You're a master of the obvious, James - after a couple of days.

> The guy
>:being parodied is really posting as "
>:(Horseman of The Apocalypse - PESTILENCE)"---no, seriously---on

See, there ARE people lamer than you.

> The following can be easily fine tuned to simulate the Apocalypse


>value="To Fuck up Web Board"></form>

Almost. Once a script kiddie always a script kiddie.

Raoul P. Xemblinosky

Feb 28, 2004, 11:41:20 AM2/28/04
On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 17:34:01 +0200, "03:15:38 GMT" <>

>The 2-Belo <> did this:

Dammit, Butt-head, why do you have to take everything cool and make it

Raoul P. Xemblinosky

Feb 28, 2004, 11:40:29 AM2/28/04

Hell, my puppy dog has that.


Feb 28, 2004, 12:20:16 PM2/28/04
On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 17:04:10 -0000, in alt.flame The Grand Wombat
<> wrote:

:"subRoutine.W2@mm" <s!0.0^7ii.s...@mmx.CICS.mvs> wrote in
:> On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 17:34:01 +0200, in alt.flame "03:15:38 GMT"
:> <> wrote:
:>:The 2-Belo <> did this:
:>:> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a
:>:> baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
:>:> >I see imbeciles like you all the time on Yahoo Groups, where I
:>:> >troll and flame them into submission.
:>:> Then you've found your niche. Only your own boundless stupidity is
:>:> preventing you from staying in it.

:>:Would this be a good time to point out that it's a troller?*<--
: |
:You're a master of the obvious, James - after a couple of days. |
From: "03:15:38 GMT" <>--------------------------------
Message-ID: <4040b468$0$3180$>

Follow the attribs, moron.

This .sig is meant for educational purposes only. Send no money now. Ask
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Does not come with any other figures. Any resemblance to real persons,
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Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. All rights reserved. List
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Use only as directed. Parental discretion advised. No other warranty
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Postage will be paid by addressee. In case of eye contact, flush with
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One size fits all. Do not leave funds without collecting a receipt. Many
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Prices subject to change without notice. Do not write below this line. Time
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Storage temperature: -30 C (-22 F) to 40 C (104 F). Employees and their
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some questions before the show. No purchase necessary. Limited time offer,
call now to ensure prompt delivery. You must be present to win. No passes
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Accessories sold separately. Booths for two or more. Check here if tax
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Price does not include taxes. Hard hat area. Prerecorded for this time
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Call toll free before deciding. Driver does not carry cash. Some of the
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only. Record additional transactions on back of previous stub. This
supersedes all previous notices. Tag not to be removed under penalty of

The 2-Belo

Feb 28, 2004, 12:22:08 PM2/28/04
03:15:38 GMT and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad

>The 2-Belo <> did this:
>> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
>> combination:
>> >I see imbeciles like you all the time on Yahoo Groups, where I troll and
>> >flame them into submission.
>> Then you've found your niche. Only your own boundless stupidity is preventing
>> you from staying in it.
>Would this be a good time to point out that it's a troller?

This is assuming I would ever consider yet another dumbfuck with an HFWesque
posting name to be anything else.

>The guy being parodied

Parody involves blatantly obvious exaggeration of the target's qualities for
humorous effect. At this moment, I can discern no appreciable difference, which
means you either have caught an exceptionally dense fucker this time, or the
troll isn't really that funny.

In such cases it's usually the latter. Who am I to give a toss?

The Grand Wombat

Feb 28, 2004, 12:27:13 PM2/28/04
"subRoutine.W2@mm" <s!0.0^7ii.s...@mmx.CICS.mvs> wrote in

Flaming me by warning labels? Good Lord, what drug induced
brain fart caused that?

The Grand Wombat

Feb 28, 2004, 12:30:00 PM2/28/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in

> 03:15:38 GMT and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a
> baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>The 2-Belo <> did this:
>>> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a
>>> baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>> >I see imbeciles like you all the time on Yahoo Groups, where I
>>> >troll and flame them into submission.
>>> Then you've found your niche. Only your own boundless stupidity is
>>> preventing you from staying in it.
>>Would this be a good time to point out that it's a troller?
> This is assuming I would ever consider yet another dumbfuck with an
> HFWesque posting name to be anything else.
>>The guy being parodied
> Parody involves blatantly obvious exaggeration of the target's
> qualities for humorous effect. At this moment, I can discern no
> appreciable difference, which means you either have caught an
> exceptionally dense fucker this time, or the troll isn't really that
> funny.
> In such cases it's usually the latter. Who am I to give a toss?

The War Geese have inhaled helium to honk.

Rebecca Ore

Feb 28, 2004, 5:09:53 PM2/28/04
to (Evil Dustbunny) writes:

> Fox Mulder <Jame...@Enterprise.Com> wrote in message
> news:<>...
> You asked for it, 'tard, you got it. *PLONK*. And quit following me
> around like a lost puppy in Brawl Hall.
> Evil Blood
> The web's best fucking flamer

I'd like a ovarimonial from the girl friends (or testimonial from the
boyfriends, whichever).

> Brawl Hall
> The Face of Internet Terrorism

Spank to Mr. Mulder.

Rebecca Ore

Rebecca Ore

Feb 28, 2004, 5:22:23 PM2/28/04
to (Evil Blood) writes:

> Rebecca Ore <> wrote in message
> news:<m3eksgg...@pyrophore.ogo.invalid>...
>> Who's gone missing lately?
> Your brains have. I can't believe this. Is this your real
> name? ARE YOU STUPID? Son of Sam could find you and you're
> posting with your real name on this webboard.

No, stupid, it's not my real name. My real name is Rebecca Brown.

> That's amazing. Astounding. I can't even think of an analog
> for such reckless brain dead tardation. You're either a dead
> shot like Billy the Kid or one of the dumbest people on the planet.

I got about three gunsfull in the lethal zone when I had my first
NRA-approved lesson.

But I don't own a gun any more.

The horrors of Usenet have been greatly exaggerated, dear. And I live
in a tight neighborhood in Philly. Mess with me and you'll have a
hospice nurse beating you over the head with a morphine pump.

> Brawl Hall
> The Face of Internet Terrorism

Rebecca Ore

Evil Blood

Feb 28, 2004, 5:30:04 PM2/28/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<4040b2d4$0$3178$>...

Two fag autolames noted. Is there anyone here capable of
dropping their cocks long enough to flame me?

Evil Blood

The Web's Best Fucking Flamer

Evil Blood

Feb 28, 2004, 5:41:22 PM2/28/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<4040b12d$0$3178$>...

> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
> combination:
> [snip preliminary tripe]
> >nick in my great and glorious web flaming legend will soon be polished by
> >the way I drive you all off this flame board you call Usenet.
> [and]
> >You're a little spot of baby diharrea on the vast diaper of this
> >ubertardlet hell you call Google Groups.
> [and]
> >I don't know why so many imbeciles post here. I had no idea there were this
> >many retarded people in the world with web access.
> So you're seriously sitting there and telling me Usenet is the name of a Google
> Groups web forum?

I'm seriously sitting here and telling you that you suck beyond
all possibility of being saved from your suckitude. I note that
you don't try to argue, you don't try to flame, you don't do anything
but drone on and on about how you're some special-ed tardlet that
posts in Usenet.

You're nothing but a brain damaged Meow Spam Kitten. Lamers better
you come to my web board to get kicked around and learn flame lesson
their God of flaming, they worship me, they measure themselves as to
long they can last against my awesome and immortal powers and you just
sit there and mew about your special flame by email Usenet. As my
flamer, That Dastardly Man just explained on BRAWL HALL

"As for browser versus newsreader flaming. The only people still
engaged in that debate are newsreader users. The Internet will always
be here and Flaming will always be a part of the Internet. One day,
it'll be art and 100 years from now, it'll be the history of the thing
that it started here. Pioneer, though a grand term, is apt."

Do you hear that, little Meow Spam Kitten. It started on Brawl Hall.

Put that in your litter box and smoke it.

Evil Blood

Feb 28, 2004, 5:49:44 PM2/28/04
The Grand Wombat <> wrote in message news:<Xns949D6F8D6DB94...@>...

Write a flame asshole, or I'll PLONK you as being unworthy.

And here's something Doomsday wrote that explains why he
won't bother with your assleaking flames on alt.lame -

He was talking to Reb -

"Reb, my old emotionally disturbed pal, the status of "bitter rejected
loser" is very appropriate in your case. You're a damn whiner crying
because 2 years ago you BEGGED Danger and myself to return to the
newsgroups. Your exact words were, "You two need to come back to alt
because flame is dying and the newsgroups are going to shit. We ALL
need to play our parts to save it."
We laughed in your face and told you that the newsgroups were a
fucking joke and we would never go back. It was old news and not worth
contributing to. When we refused to go back with him, poor Reb got his
feelings hurt. (Awww)
Now all of a sudden you're whining that we were chased out. Suuuure,
Those tedious newsgroups you're so obsessed with get a oh-so-not
impressive grand total of something like 200 post a month by the same
twats posting the same garbage year after year for the last 5 years.
And a small amount of that cast has now gathered on the MSN
communities and formed one of the most pathetic spam filled message
boards i've _ever_ seen."

Put that in your litter box and smoke it.

Evil Blood

Rebecca Ore

Feb 28, 2004, 5:52:31 PM2/28/04
to (Evil Dustbunny) writes:

> I'm seriously sitting here and telling you that you suck beyond
> all possibility of being saved from your suckitude. I note that
> you don't try to argue, you don't try to flame, you don't do anything
> but drone on and on about how you're some special-ed tardlet that
> posts in Usenet.

I notice that you're plagarizing Stain, probably without noticing it.

> You're nothing but a brain damaged Meow Spam Kitten. Lamers better
> than you come to my web board to get kicked around and learn flame
> lesson from their God of flaming, they worship me, they measure
> themselves as to how long they can last against my awesome and
> immortal powers and you just sit there and mew about your special
> flame by email Usenet. As my fellow flamer, That Dastardly Man just
> explained on BRAWL HALL

Ooo, lots of words, no substance. D+.

"Flame by email Usenet" does not make any sense.

> "As for browser versus newsreader flaming. The only people still
> engaged in that debate are newsreader users. The Internet will always
> be here and Flaming will always be a part of the Internet. One day,
> it'll be art and 100 years from now, it'll be the history of the thing
> that it started here. Pioneer, though a grand term, is apt."

That's nice. Usenet has been here, is still here, and has a better
format for discussions than anything threadless (I haven't looked at
Bawl Hall, but most web forums have terrible threading and terrible
marking of what's been read). If you're reading through Google
Groups, you might want to try downloading Free Agent and using that.
Or Slrn for Windows. (I use Linux and Gns because I'm an ex-geek).

> Do you hear that, little Meow Spam Kitten. It started on Brawl Hall.

Not hardly, dear. It started on GEnie and Delphi.

> Put that in your litter box and smoke it.
> Evil Blood
> The web's best fucking flamer

Post proof or stuff.

The 2-Belo

Feb 28, 2004, 10:58:18 PM2/28/04
Evil Blood and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<4040b2d4$0$3178$>...
>Two fag autolames noted.

Which is followed immediately by:

>Is there anyone here capable of dropping their cocks

You could power a subdivision with the hypocrisy.

Peter J Ross

Feb 29, 2004, 12:24:27 AM2/29/04
On 28 Feb 2004, The Grand Wombat <> wrote

The War Badgers can squeak threateningly without such artificial
PJR :-)

(Remove NOSPAM to reply)

Peter J Ross

Feb 29, 2004, 12:26:06 AM2/29/04
On 28 Feb 2004, Rebecca Ore <> wrote in

> Spank to Mr. Mulder.


But Kirk still ought to fuck off.


Feb 29, 2004, 4:21:37 AM2/29/04

He's an asshole that way.


/ \
/ \ /-----\
| (@) | | SnuH |
| (O) | \_ ___/
| / | ||
| \ /_ / //
\ \____/ / /
\ /

03:15:38 GMT

Feb 29, 2004, 9:57:43 AM2/29/04
The 2-Belo <> did this:

> 03:15:38 GMT and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
> combination:
> >The 2-Belo <> did this:
> >
> >> Evil Blood and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a baaaaaaaaaaad
> >> combination:

> >Would this be a good time to point out that it's a troller?

> This is assuming I would ever consider yet another dumbfuck with an HFWesque
> posting name to be anything else.

I've seen plenty of dumbfucks with HFWesque posting names who weren't
trollers. Hell (no pun intended), the web board from where this little
brouhaha originated is chockablock with dumbfucks sporting HFWesque
posting names who aren't trolling. Never underestimate the human
capacity for being a dumbfuck---and for picking an HFWesque posting
name to efficiently let others know about it.

> >The guy being parodied
> Parody involves blatantly obvious exaggeration of the target's qualities for
> humorous effect. At this moment, I can discern no appreciable difference, which
> means you either have caught an exceptionally dense fucker this time, or the
> troll isn't really that funny.
> In such cases it's usually the latter. Who am I to give a toss?

Oh, piffle. The exaggeration isn't particularly obvious, but that's
understandable; the target could already pass for a member of Devil's
Henchmen. There are plenty of not very subtle hints, nevertheless. As
far as humour goes, this...

| See, we have REAL names on The Flamer's Hall.
| Hell's Kitchen. The Salon. The Bedroom. The Broom Closet. And for
| you and the rest
| of the spamming post humpers and burpers the Dumpster.
| See the difference? That's how serious, adult flamers fashion
| themselves with real menace and real style - flaming blue skulls and
| animated flames and tough bite my ass names like Evil Blood and
| Doomsday and Danger and Dark Queen and Bumspud, not something fucking
| stupid like Fox Mulder or the Grand Wombat or something fucking
| ridicouls like the 2-belo or Raoul Whatthefucksky. amusing. This...

| Evil Blood
| The web's best fucking flamer

| ################# ############################### ########
| ######## # # # # # # ###################### # # #######
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| ## # # # # # ### # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
| ### # # # # # # # ### ### ##### # # # ### ### # ### # # ####
| ## # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
| ### ### ##### # ### ### ### ### ### ####### # # ### ### ####
| ## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
| ## # ### # # # # # # # # # ### ##### # # # # # ### ### ####
| ## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
| ### ### # # ### # # ### ### ### # ### ### # # # ### ### ####
| ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # ###
| ### # # # ### # ### # # ############# ### # # # # # # # # ##
| ## # # # # # # # ######################### # ### # # # # ###
| ### ##### ####################################### # ### ####
| ## # # # ########################################### # # ###
| ############################################################
| ############################################################
| Brawl Hall
| The Face of Internet Terrorism funnier still, especially to those familiar with Evil Blood's
Brawl Hall signature.

Ari <>

Raoul P. Xemblinosky

Feb 29, 2004, 9:48:33 AM2/29/04
On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 22:22:23 GMT, Rebecca Ore
<> wrote:

> (Evil Blood) writes:
>> Rebecca Ore <> wrote in message
>> news:<m3eksgg...@pyrophore.ogo.invalid>...
>>> Who's gone missing lately?
>> Your brains have. I can't believe this. Is this your real
>> name? ARE YOU STUPID? Son of Sam could find you and you're
>> posting with your real name on this webboard.
>No, stupid, it's not my real name. My real name is Rebecca Brown.

Score one for the Troll Mom!!!1!

Evil Blood

Feb 29, 2004, 10:50:27 AM2/29/04
Rebecca Ore <> wrote in message news:<m3fzcus...@pyrophore.ogo.invalid>...

> The horrors of Usenet have been greatly exaggerated, dear.

There's no way to exaggerate the horror of having to read the doddering
doodles of demented dogs dumping their dicks on Usenet, like the
Meow Spam Kittens they are.

> And I live
> in a tight neighborhood in Philly. Mess with me and you'll have a
> hospice nurse beating you over the head with a morphine pump.

She already got you with the stupid pump, didn't she?

Evil Blood
The web's best fucking flamer

################# ############################### ########
######## # # # # # # ###################### # # #######
## ##### ### ### # # ############# # ##### ####
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
### ##### # ####### ### ### ### ### ## ### ####### ### ####
## # # # # # ### # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
### # # # # # # # ### ### ##### # # # ### ### # ### # # ####
## # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
### ### ##### # ### ### ### ### ### ####### # # ### ### ####
## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
## # ### # # # # # # # # # ### ##### # # # # # ### ### ####
## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
### ### # # ### # # ### ### ### # ### ### # # # ### ### ####
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # ###
### # # # ### # ### # # ############# ### # # # # # # # # ##
## # # # # # # # ######################### # ### # # # # ###
### ##### ####################################### # ### ####
## # # # ########################################### # # ###

Brawl Hall

Evil Blood

Feb 29, 2004, 10:54:09 AM2/29/04
The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<40416353$0$3175$>...

> Evil Blood and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
> >The 2-Belo <> wrote in message news:<4040b2d4$0$3178$>...
> >
> >Two fag autolames noted.
> Which is followed immediately by:
> >Is there anyone here capable of dropping their cocks
> You could power a subdivision with the hypocrisy.

You could power a flea's fart with the power of your flames.
Is there any one in this group of feebs and fuckwits capable
of contenting with a Master Flamer like me?

We INVENTED FLAMEING ON THE WEB! You people are just copying

Evil Blood
The web's best fucking flamer

################# ############################### ########

Evil Blood

Feb 29, 2004, 11:14:21 AM2/29/04
Rebecca Ore <> wrote in message news:<m3brnis...@pyrophore.ogo.invalid>...

> (Evil Dustbunny) writes:
> > I'm seriously sitting here and telling you that you suck beyond
> > all possibility of being saved from your suckitude. I note that
> > you don't try to argue, you don't try to flame, you don't do anything
> > but drone on and on about how you're some special-ed tardlet that
> > posts in Usenet.
> I notice that you're plagarizing Stain, probably without noticing it.

You have plagarized every short bus rider drawing "special" pictures
in the "Special Debate Club".

Example -

1 - "Your a fag"
1 - "I'M PWNED, ########"
2 - "And your a fag to"
3 - "I know nurses in Philly that will beat you up with their drugs."

What a bunch of retarded circle jerking dogs and MEOW SPAM KITTENS.

> "Flame by email Usenet" does not make any sense.

What do you know? The little tardette starts to see the wisdom
of what I've been trying to tell this group of nursury rejects
from the beginning. Soon you will realize that you have no game
at all and will beg Drill Sgt. ladr for flaming lessons in Hell's

> That's nice. Usenet has been here, is still here, and has a better
> format for discussions than anything threadless

And look at the discussions you have -


A bunch of retarded dogs, monkeys and half-brained spam meow kittens wrote -


>I just picked up my cat's litter box and I want to share.

Don't do that or my nurse in PH1llY will PWN U.


>(I haven't looked at
> Bawl Hall,

That is because you are afraid and unworthy of our grateness.
You know that we will spank you off of your board if you try to
flame and of course when you start your one lining post humping
dog loving Meow Spam Kitten lames you will be sent to the Dumpster.

> (I use Linux and Gns because I'm an ex-geek).

You are an ex-geek because even elf-fuckers and trekkies considered
you too lame to keep up.

> >
> > Do you hear that, little Meow Spam Kitten. It started on Brawl Hall.
> Not hardly, dear. It started on GEnie and Delphi.

We are not talking about people calling each other hobbit-muncher and

> > Put that in your litter box and smoke it.
> >
> > Evil Blood
> > The web's best fucking flamer
> Post proof or stuff.

The proof is in every post I write and our glorious, unmatchable webborad.

Evil Blood
The web's best fucking flamer

################# ############################### ########

Evil Blood

Feb 29, 2004, 11:25:21 AM2/29/04
Raoul P. Xemblinosky <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Dammit, Butt-head, why do you have to take everything cool and make it

Your admission that you are no brighter than Beavis, Whatthefuckshy, is
noted. Maybe Brawl Hall should invade the beavis and butthead board and write
like human beings and great flamers and refuse to speak like the tarddets
who watch that show do.

This could result in some interesting ownage.

Rebecca Ore

Feb 29, 2004, 2:37:26 PM2/29/04
to (Evil Blood) writes:

> Rebecca Ore <> wrote in message
> news:<m3fzcus...@pyrophore.ogo.invalid>...
>> The horrors of Usenet have been greatly exaggerated, dear.
> There's no way to exaggerate the horror of having to read the doddering
> doodles of demented dogs dumping their dicks on Usenet, like the
> Meow Spam Kittens they are.

Well, then take the spank and fuck off.

>> And I live
>> in a tight neighborhood in Philly. Mess with me and you'll have a
>> hospice nurse beating you over the head with a morphine pump.
> She already got you with the stupid pump, didn't she?

No, she drove me and my cat to my cat's last vet appointment and said
it was so much easier with animals.

> Evil Blood
> The web's best fucking flamer

Yeah, but who are you?

> ################# ############################### ########
> ######## # # # # # # ###################### # # #######
> ## ##### ### ### # # ############# # ##### ####
> ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### ##### # ####### ### ### ### ### ## ### ####### ### ####
> ## # # # # # ### # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### # # # # # # # ### ### ##### # # # ### ### # ### # # ####
> ## # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### ### ##### # ### ### ### ### ### ####### # # ### ### ####
> ## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ## # ### # # # # # # # # # ### ##### # # # # # ### ### ####
> ## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### ### # # ### # # ### ### ### # ### ### # # # ### ### ####
> ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### # # # ### # ### # # ############# ### # # # # # # # # ##
> ## # # # # # # # ######################### # ### # # # # ###
> ### ##### ####################################### # ### ####
> ## # # # ########################################### # # ###
> ############################################################
> ############################################################
> Brawl Hall
> The Face of Internet Terrorism

Rebecca Ore

Rebecca Ore

Feb 29, 2004, 2:47:29 PM2/29/04
to (Evil Dustbunny) writes:

> Rebecca Ore <> wrote in message
> news:<m3brnis...@pyrophore.ogo.invalid>...
>> (Evil Dustbunny) writes:
>> > I'm seriously sitting here and telling you that you suck beyond
>> > all possibility of being saved from your suckitude. I note that
>> > you don't try to argue, you don't try to flame, you don't do anything
>> > but drone on and on about how you're some special-ed tardlet that
>> > posts in Usenet.
>> I notice that you're plagarizing Stain, probably without noticing it.
> You have plagarized every short bus rider drawing "special" pictures
> in the "Special Debate Club".
> Example -
> 1 - "Your a fag"

Never used it, silly boy.


Je ne suis pas Meower.

> 1 - "I'M PWNED, ########"

*I* don't use capital letters beyond initial caps in proper nouns and
beginnings of sentences.

> 2 - "And your a fag to"
> 3 - "I know nurses in Philly that will beat you up with their drugs."

I know a nurse who could whack you with a morphine pump. I doubt
she'd waste good morphine on you.

> What a bunch of retarded circle jerking dogs and MEOW SPAM KITTENS.
>> "Flame by email Usenet" does not make any sense.
> What do you know? The little tardette starts to see the wisdom
> of what I've been trying to tell this group of nursury rejects
> from the beginning. Soon you will realize that you have no game
> at all and will beg Drill Sgt. ladr for flaming lessons in Hell's
> Kitchen.

I seriously doubt it.

>> That's nice. Usenet has been here, is still here, and has a better
>> format for discussions than anything threadless
> And look at the discussions you have -
> [Quote]
> A bunch of retarded dogs, monkeys and half-brained spam meow kittens wrote -
>>I just picked up my cat's litter box and I want to share.
> Don't do that or my nurse in PH1llY will PWN U.
> [/quote]
>>(I haven't looked at
>> Bawl Hall,
> That is because you are afraid and unworthy of our grateness.

I have since looked at your forum. <Giggle>

> You know that we will spank you off of your board if you try to
> flame and of course when you start your one lining post humping
> dog loving Meow Spam Kitten lames you will be sent to the Dumpster.

You confuse me for the Meowers. I'm the Cabalista who is the Cabal's
ex-expert on Meow. I used to flame with Buchanan, who wrote the
Boursy Challenge. He could out-flame with his little finger people
who had dedicated their hobby time to flaming. Just ask Tim Thorne.

>> (I use Linux and Gns because I'm an ex-geek).
> You are an ex-geek because even elf-fuckers and trekkies considered
> you too lame to keep up.

I'm an ex-geek because I'm now a BAFH.

>> >
>> > Do you hear that, little Meow Spam Kitten. It started on Brawl Hall.
>> Not hardly, dear. It started on GEnie and Delphi.
> We are not talking about people calling each other hobbit-muncher and
> Klingon-fucker.

It probably started before GEnie and Delphi, come to think of it, but
you're no Jerry Pournelle or Bruce Sterling, either.

>> > Put that in your litter box and smoke it.
>> >
>> > Evil Blood
>> > The web's best fucking flamer
>> Post proof or stuff.
> The proof is in every post I write and our glorious, unmatchable webborad.

I haven't seen a word from your fucking partner(s) yet.

> Evil Blood
> The web's best fucking flamer

I forget. You don't fuck. You flame better than anyone on your

> ################# ############################### ########
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> ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### ##### # ####### ### ### ### ### ## ### ####### ### ####
> ## # # # # # ### # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### # # # # # # # ### ### ##### # # # ### ### # ### # # ####
> ## # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### ### ##### # ### ### ### ### ### ####### # # ### ### ####
> ## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ## # ### # # # # # # # # # ### ##### # # # # # ### ### ####
> ## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### ### # # ### # # ### ### ### # ### ### # # # ### ### ####
> ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # ###
> ### # # # ### # ### # # ############# ### # # # # # # # # ##
> ## # # # # # # # ######################### # ### # # # # ###
> ### ##### ####################################### # ### ####
> ## # # # ########################################### # # ###
> ############################################################
> ############################################################
> Brawl Hall
> The Face of Internet Terrorism

Rebecca Ore

Raoul P. Xemblinosky

Feb 29, 2004, 3:19:41 PM2/29/04

Admit it, Rebecca. If the Flame Mastur says you're a fag, you're a

Rebecca Ore

Feb 29, 2004, 4:50:59 PM2/29/04

It takes balls to be a fag. I don't have any.


Feb 29, 2004, 5:04:58 PM2/29/04
Ultimate Doom wrote:

> (Evil Blood) wrote:
> <SLAP!>
> Bitch, get back to your fuckin shitty web-based gaggle of fuckin
> retards. You have fuckin customers to service, Ho.

not bad....
Known forces of Evil:
Chas Sockpuppet Army
The Witches
The Pest Horde
Spinics United
The Speilberg Conspiracy
Brandon hex's filthy mouth
Alex Cain's obsession
Allan Connor's illegal cable hookup

The Grand Wombat

Feb 29, 2004, 5:13:05 PM2/29/04
to (Skippy) wrote in news:40766122.27451673

> The Grand Wombat <> wrote:
>>Skippy <> wrote:
>>> The Grand Wombat <> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> Very good. Report back when you have some more. You are dismissed.
>>You sound pleased - they're YOUR kind of people, Thorne.
> Yanks are not my kind of people, oh dumpster dweller of Michigan.
Your kind of people suck, oh bowl of Yorkshire pudding.

King Turd

Feb 29, 2004, 5:39:15 PM2/29/04

"> >## # # # ########################################### # # ###
> >############################################################
> >############################################################
> I know, its a picture of the Holy Grail on its side.

Bzzt, wrong answer. Its morse code for "I'm a choad smoker".

The 2-Belo

Feb 29, 2004, 8:27:59 PM2/29/04
03:15:38 GMT and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:


>As far as humour goes, this...
>| See, we have REAL names on The Flamer's Hall.
>| Hell's Kitchen. The Salon. The Bedroom. The Broom Closet. And for
>| you and the rest
>| of the spamming post humpers and burpers the Dumpster.
>| See the difference? That's how serious, adult flamers fashion
>| themselves with real menace and real style - flaming blue skulls and
>| animated flames and tough bite my ass names like Evil Blood and
>| Doomsday and Danger and Dark Queen and Bumspud, not something fucking
>| stupid like Fox Mulder or the Grand Wombat or something fucking
>| ridicouls like the 2-belo or Raoul Whatthefucksky.
> amusing.

Well, okay. I'm not hunched over on the floor laughing so hard that blood is
spurting out my ears or anything, but okay, I get it.

>| Evil Blood
>| The web's best fucking flamer
>| ################# ############################### ########
>| ######## # # # # # # ###################### # # #######
>| ## ##### ### ### # # ############# # ##### ####
>| ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
>| ### ##### # ####### ### ### ### ### ## ### ####### ### ####
>| ## # # # # # ### # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
>| ### # # # # # # # ### ### ##### # # # ### ### # ### # # ####
>| ## # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###

I don't even know what the hell this is supposed to represent. I guess this is
supposed to be the joke.

>| ### ### ##### # ### ### ### ### ### ####### # # ### ### ####
>| ## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
>| ## # ### # # # # # # # # # ### ##### # # # # # ### ### ####
>| ## # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
>| ### ### # # ### # # ### ### ### # ### ### # # # ### ### ####
>| ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # ###
>| ### # # # ### # ### # # ############# ### # # # # # # # # ##
>| ## # # # # # # # ######################### # ### # # # # ###
>| ### ##### ####################################### # ### ####
>| ## # # # ########################################### # # ###
>| ############################################################
>| ############################################################
>| Brawl Hall
>| The Face of Internet Terrorism
> funnier still, especially to those familiar with Evil Blood's
>Brawl Hall signature.

I, however, amn't. I don't suppose you could be arsed to gimme an URL to this
wonderful web board of Satan(tm)?

The 2-Belo

Feb 29, 2004, 8:28:57 PM2/29/04
Evil Blood and alt.flame is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:

>You could power a flea's fart

Fleas don't fart, since they don't eat beans! HAH! I

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