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James G Keegan Jr

Jun 25, 1992, 5:20:19 PM6/25/92
to (Ronald Bense) writes:
-> In talk.abortion, (James G Keegan Jr) writes:
-> > (Ronald Bense) writes:
-> >-> Do you have this much time on your hands?
-> >how much time is "this much," mr. bense? perhaps you'd
-> >rephrase your contribution?
-> Just that lately you've only posted net.cop articles or
-> vendetta-flavored articles. Thought someone should point that
-> out to you, that's all.

why thank you, mr. bense. i would never have known! perhaps
someone broke into my account and posted these things. do post
some examples of each so i can begin to track down the culprit.
there are those who believe that such crimes should not go
unpunished, you know.

this task you seem to have taken on, mr. bense, must be quite
overwhelming. i'll bet that if you develop and post a listing of
those types of posts which should be pointed out to the people
who originally posted them, you'd find that others, like mr.
darcy, would offer their assistance.

charter member ... T.S.A.K.C.

Ron Bense

Jun 29, 1992, 8:01:21 AM6/29/92
In talk.abortion, (James G Keegan Jr) writes:

>this task you seem to have taken on, mr. bense, must be quite

No task. Goodbye, mr keegan.


"I'm not saying we don't know this is going on; we don't not know either."

- OPM spokesman claiming "OPM isn't totally clueless."

James G Keegan Jr

Jun 29, 1992, 9:30:03 PM6/29/92
to (Ronald Bense) writes:
-> (James G Keegan Jr) writes:
-> >this task you seem to have taken on, mr. bense, must be quite
-> >overwhelming. i'll bet that if you develop and post a listing
-> >of those types of posts which should be pointed out to the
-> >people who originally posted them, you'd find that others,
-> >like mr. darcy, would offer their assistance.
-> No task. Goodbye, mr keegan.

wow! still another twit bails out.

Hot Young Star

Jul 1, 1992, 4:34:11 PM7/1/92
In article <>

james g keegan jr <> writes:

> (Ronald Bense) writes:

>-> Goodbye, mr keegan.

>wow! still another twit bails out.

Maybe that should tell you something,'re not worth arguing with.

Beats me why you and Darcy bother with your rants...

James G Keegan Jr

Jul 5, 1992, 2:52:43 PM7/5/92
to (Hot Young Star) writes:
-> james g keegan jr <> writes:
-> >-> Goodbye, mr keegan.
-> >wow! still another twit bails out.
-> Maybe that should tell you something

it does, boy/man kane.

-> Beats me why you and Darcy bother with your rants...

yes. i thought it might.

tell me, boy/man kane, why is it that you now refer to yourself
as "Hot Young Star?"

Hot Young Star

Jul 5, 1992, 5:35:40 PM7/5/92
In article <>

james g keegan jr <> writes:

> (Hot Young Star) writes:

>-> Beats me why you and Darcy bother with your rants...

>yes. i thought it might.

Your next step is to examine yourself. You're doing so well so far!

>tell me, boy/man kane, why is it that you now refer to yourself
>as "Hot Young Star?"

If the shoe fits, wear it!

kane@{buast7,astro} (Hot Young Star) Astronomy Dept, Boston University,
Boston, MA 02215.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

James G Keegan Jr

Jul 5, 1992, 9:32:29 PM7/5/92
to (Hot Young Star) writes:
-> james g keegan jr <> writes:
-> > (Hot Young Star) writes:
-> >-> Beats me why you and Darcy bother with your rants...
-> >yes. i thought it might.
-> Your next step is to examine yourself. You're doing so well so
-> far!

of course i am! the sad reality is that little can be done to
help you, boy/man kane without restructuring the net and adding
"teen" to each newsgroup. for the time being, it seems that
you'll have to struggle along as best you can with the adult
newsgroups. perhaps the passage of time will make things easier
for you.

-> >tell me, boy/man kane, why is it that you now refer to
-> >yourself as "Hot Young Star?"
-> If the shoe fits, wear it!

i see i should have written "the passage of several years ..."

Hot Young Star

Jul 6, 1992, 11:15:21 AM7/6/92
In article <>

james g keegan jr <> writes:

> (Hot Young Star) writes:

>-> Your next step is to examine yourself.

>the sad reality is that little can be done to help you

>for the time being, it seems that you'll have to struggle
>along as best you can with the adult newsgroups. perhaps
>the passage of time will make things easier for you.

This is deja seem to dredge up the same patent answers
to anyone who comments on your shortcomings...

>-> >why is it that you now refer to yourself as "Hot Young Star?"

>-> If the shoe fits, wear it!

>i see i should have written "the passage of several years ..."

Time has no meaning.

James G Keegan Jr

Jul 6, 1992, 5:11:05 PM7/6/92
to (Hot Young Star) writes:
-> james g keegan jr <> writes:
-> >the sad reality is that little can be done to help you for
-> >the time being, it seems that you'll have to struggle along
-> >as best you can with the adult newsgroups. perhaps the
-> >passage of time will make things easier for you.
-> This is deja vu.

i'm not surprised that you seem to have run into this before.
perhaps you should pay attention to what people say to you,
boy/man kane.

-> >-> >why is it that you now refer to yourself as "Hot Young
-> >-> >Star?"
-> >-> If the shoe fits, wear it!
-> >i see i should have written "the passage of several years ..."
-> Time has no meaning.

it will, boy/man kane, it will.

Hot Young Star

Jul 7, 1992, 10:36:40 AM7/7/92
In article <>

james g keegan jr <> writes:

> (Hot Young Star) writes:

>-> james g keegan jr <> writes:

>-> >the passage of time will make things easier for you.

>-> This is deja vu.

>perhaps you should pay attention to what people say to you

I do, when it's important

>-> >i see i should have written "the passage of several years ..."

>-> Time has no meaning.

>it will, boy/man kane, it will.

If that's what you want to believe, go ahead...

James G Keegan Jr

Jul 7, 1992, 2:11:44 PM7/7/92
to (Hot Young Star) writes:
-> james g keegan jr <> writes:
-> >-> >the passage of time will make things easier for you.
-> >-> This is deja vu.
-> >perhaps you should pay attention to what people say to you
-> I do

then you'll soon learn to comprehend boy/man kane. the teenage years
are the toughest, so they say. it's probably all those

Hot Young Star

Jul 7, 1992, 2:26:19 PM7/7/92
In article <>

james g keegan jr <> writes:

>the teenage years are the toughest, so they say. it's probably all those

Never had a pimple when I was a wee teen. You should check out the
current Robert Smith article in _Pulse_. He said "all my blemishes
were on the inside".

I'll let you go now. You have much more important things to do,
like calling Siren, Nora, and Kevin liars. That's all you seem to
do, save a sometime swipe at Suzanne.

James G Keegan Jr

Jul 7, 1992, 5:57:25 PM7/7/92
to (Hot Young Star) writes:
-> james g keegan jr <> writes:
-> >the teenage years are the toughest, so they say. it's
-> >probably all those pimples.......
-> Never had a pimple ...

give it a few years, boy/man kane.

-> I'll let you go now. You have much more important things to do

that's nice of you, boy/man kane. brush your teeth before you go
to bed.

Hot Young Star

Jul 8, 1992, 9:04:48 AM7/8/92
In article <>

james g keegan jr <> writes:

>that's nice of you, boy/man kane. brush your teeth before you go to bed.

I'll think of your pettiness while I'm doing so.

James G Keegan Jr

Jul 8, 1992, 9:59:17 AM7/8/92
to (Hot Young Star) writes:
-> james g keegan jr <> writes:
-> >that's nice of you, boy/man kane. brush your teeth before you
-> >go to bed.
-> I'll think of your pettiness while I'm doing so.

give it up, boy/man kane. thinking about me each night when you
go to bed simply won't work.

Hot Young Star

Jul 8, 1992, 10:28:42 AM7/8/92
In article <>

james g keegan jr <> writes:

> (Hot Young Star) writes:

>-> I'll think of your pettiness while I'm doing so.

>thinking about me each night when you go to bed simply won't work. and your faux-mosexuality!

James G Keegan Jr

Jul 8, 1992, 3:54:08 PM7/8/92
to (Hot Young Star) writes:
-> james g keegan jr <> writes:
-> >thinking about me each night when you go to bed simply won't
-> >work.
-> and your faux-mosexuality!

and you, hugging your pillow, sucking your thumb, thinking about

Hot Young Star

Jul 8, 1992, 4:12:53 PM7/8/92
In article <>

james g keegan jr <> writes:

> (Hot Young Star) writes:

>-> and your faux-mosexuality!

>and you, hugging your pillow, sucking your thumb, thinking about

Faux-mosexuals aren't very modest, are they?

James G Keegan Jr

Jul 8, 1992, 6:53:46 PM7/8/92
to (Hot Young Star) writes:
-> james g keegan jr <> writes:
-> >and you, hugging your pillow, sucking your thumb, thinking
-> >about me.....
-> Faux-mosexuals aren't very modest, are they?

dunno. you're not suggesting that there's something immodest
about my believing you, are you?

Barry Schwartz

Jul 19, 1992, 6:35:00 PM7/19/92
In article <> (Hot Young Star) writes:

]Time has no meaning.

This is an interesting statement when the Organization field says
"Astronomy Department". I guess all those users of equatoral mounts
are fools. In fact, according to Man Kane the rotation of the earth
is meaningless.

Barry Schwartz

Barry Schwartz

Jul 19, 1992, 6:35:00 PM7/19/92
In article <> (Hot Young Star) writes:

]Beats me why you [Keegan] and Darcy bother with your rants...

Oh, you're just upset they don't bother with your pants. Such a
jealous man you are.

Barry Schwartz

Barry Schwartz

Jul 19, 1992, 6:35:00 PM7/19/92
In article <> (Hot Young Star) writes:

]In article <>

]james g keegan jr <> writes:
]> (Hot Young Star) writes:

]>-> Time has no meaning.

]>it will, boy/man kane, it will.
]If that's what you want to believe, go ahead...

One day you will look up from the banana you are gumming and tell a
white-clad nursing assistant, "Time has no meaning."

The nursing assistant will tie you to your chair.

Barry Schwartz

Hot Young Star

Jul 20, 1992, 12:12:23 PM7/20/92
In article <> (Barry Schwartz) writes:

>In article <>
> (Hot Young Star) writes:

>]Time has no meaning.

>This is an interesting statement when the Organization field says
>"Astronomy Department". I guess all those users of equatoral mounts
>are fools. In fact, according to Man Kane the rotation of the earth
>is meaningless.

Correction: Keegan Time has no meaning.

In horologiorum caelestorum veritas.

Hot Young Star

Jul 20, 1992, 12:14:28 PM7/20/92
In article <> (Barry Schwartz) writes:

>Oh, you're just upset [Darcy and his cohort Keegan] don't bother with

>your pants. Such a jealous man you are.

Like I said to Jimmy, faux-mosexuality does nothing for me. You should
be looking for woman-dates instead of mandates.

Barry Schwartz

Jul 22, 1992, 11:31:00 PM7/22/92
In article <> (Hot Young Star) writes:

]Time has no meaning.

Actually, now that I think about it, this is true--so long as you are
referring to the magazine.

Barry Schwartz

Barry Schwartz

Jul 22, 1992, 11:31:00 PM7/22/92
In article <> (Hot Young Star) writes:

]In article <>
] (Barry Schwartz) writes:
]>Oh, you're just upset [they] don't bother with

]>your pants. Such a jealous man you are.
]Like I said to Jimmy, faux-mosexuality does nothing for me. You should
]be looking for woman-dates instead of mandates.

No way--I'm monogamous.

Barry Schwartz

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