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You guys are all fools

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Jesus's Warrior

Mar 8, 2002, 10:46:22 PM3/8/02
Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,
humanity is responsible for it. If religion is not used to brutalize people
then some ideology is used such as the Communists (who were atheists) and
the fascists (who were trying to create a new humanistic religion based on
sudo-science and propaganda), no Hitler was not a Christian, he wanted the
Nazi ideology to become a sudo/humanistic religion/ideology. All these
problems we have are not caused by religion, they are character flaws in the
human race and would exist with/or without religion, these flaws in humanity
will always find some outlet, some excuse to manifest themselves. My point
is that blaming religion is just a scape goat, because we are all the same,
Albert Einstein said it best when he said "Madame, people are all the same."
I am not a Christian, I never attend church, nor do I prostalatize my
beliefs, but I do have a belief in Christ, I think he was real, and I think
he was a great man. And the U.S. is not a Christian nation, it is a secular
nation (meaning free from being run by religion), although people are free
to practice any religion, and the majority of Americans are Christian, it is
not a Christian nation. The U.S. is not planning a genocide against the Arab
world, or against Islam, it simply wishes to route out those 'extreme'
Islamics that would spread terror throughout the world, like the did to the
U.S. You people are being just as bad as the self-rightous, zealous
Cristians/Islamics, you are every bit the same as them, but from the other
side, get it? You have abnocious Religious zealots, and then you have you,
abnocious atheists and/or abnocious people from differing religions, you are
all part of the problem, stop using scape goats and accept your share of
responcibility for humanitys problems.

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." --Mark Twain

"Madame, people are all the same." --Albert Einstein

"Absence of proof is not proof of absence." --Michael Chrichton

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon

"We are not retreating - we are advancing in another Direction." - General
Oliver Smith

David J. Vorous

Mar 8, 2002, 10:52:16 PM3/8/02
Jesus's Warrior wrote:

> Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,

> humanity is responsible for it....

Then why bother with religions at all? They CLAIM the moral
high ground yet they never attain it. If religions were gone
there would be one less tool for use against ourselves.

> I am not a Christian, I never attend church, nor do I prostalatize my
> beliefs, but I do have a belief in Christ, I think he was real, and I think

> he was a great man....

Based on what evidence? There is absolutely no evidence that
the Jesus of the bible ever existed.

David J. Vorous
Yosemite Llama Ranch

UDP for WebTV

Rev. yowie

Mar 9, 2002, 12:59:13 AM3/9/02
Jesus's Warrior scribbled:


> The U.S. is not planning a genocide against the Arab world,
> or against Islam,

Earlier you said:

"Soon the great Christian army of the United Stated Empire is going to march
across this globe and obliterate all the heathens with a fury not yet seen
by man! We will stomp out the wicked religion of Lucifer himself (Islam)"

Looks like your medication is affecting your short term memory.

Ordained March 2000 - Funerals, schisms, heretic burnings.
"The voice is there for all. Sorry you don't hear it, but you can.
The medical treatment may very well impede the process."
-Jim Upchurch

Dr. Smartass

Mar 9, 2002, 3:14:21 AM3/9/02
"Jesus's Warrior" <> wrote in

>Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,

No. You meant to say this:

Christianity is responsible for man's inhumanity to man

>You have abnocious Religious zealots, and then you have you,
>abnocious atheists and/or abnocious people from differing religions, you
>are all part of the problem, stop using scape goats and accept your share
>of responcibility for humanitys problems.

Considering your spelling, are you sure you're in California? I'd have
placed you in Florida, as uneducated as you are.

Oh, can give a fucker AT&T Broadband, but you can't make him
think. Oh, and Outlook Express, too. How very...quaint.
Dr. Smartass, pissing on--er, off--the Religious Right

Brought to you by The Catholic Church (tm); "We can't separate the men from
the boys, but we apologized for Galileo!"

"Silly Vicar! Kids aren't for priests!"


Mar 9, 2002, 5:57:49 AM3/9/02
"David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Jesus's Warrior wrote:
> > Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,
> > humanity is responsible for it....
> Then why bother with religions at all? They CLAIM the moral
> high ground yet they never attain it. If religions were gone
> there would be one less tool for use against ourselves.
Why bother with Science, then? Or Philosophy? Or Rationalism? Why
bother with Ethics? Or Government? Or Economics? Or kitchen
utensils? All of these things have been used as tools against
"ourselves", including "tools" like yourself. It's nice to join a
herd as you have done in your 'thinking' but thinking for yourself has
some wonderful benefits Dave, and if you ever try it out you'll
probably be impressed. That's assuming you have such a capacity.
Please, don't insult 'freethinkers' again by calling yourself one. I
begin to doubt that 'freethinkers' exist, especially when examining
those presented as examples of "freethinkers" (for example, yourself).
There is as much evidence of Jesus' existence as there is mankind's
ability to think freely. You're obviously just another cow that runs
around popular culture and considers yourself an individual by simply
doing so, and an example of what the word "freethinker" is not
according to Webster's.

> > I am not a Christian, I never attend church, nor do I prostalatize my
> > beliefs, but I do have a belief in Christ, I think he was real, and I think
> > he was a great man....
> Based on what evidence? There is absolutely no evidence that
> the Jesus of the bible ever existed.

Hence the word 'belief' that was used. English lessons perhaps in
order? I think there are many things, BTW, which could be considered
as "evidence", depending on your use of the word.
ev搏搞ence n. A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or
"It is to the man who rules over minds by the power of truth, not to
those who enslave men by violence, it is to the man who understands
the universe and not ot those who disfigure it, that we owe our
respect." VOLTAIRE

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 9, 2002, 6:46:25 AM3/9/02

"Jesus's Warrior" <> wrote in message

> Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,
> humanity is responsible for it.

Then so are you.

> If religion is not used to brutalize people
> then some ideology is used such as the Communists (who were atheists) and
> the fascists (who were trying to create a new humanistic religion based on
> sudo-science and propaganda),

<grin> Hitler was said to have preferred Islam,
as it was cleaner, stricter, culturally more
advanced than Xianism.

> no Hitler was not a Christian,

He was a Catholic, you idiot, catholics are Xian.

Do you have some sort of emotional problem with that ?
You seem to share WakWak's idea that Xians are not bad,
and when they are bad, they do not represent Xianity ?

> he wanted the Nazi ideology to become a sudo/humanistic religion/ideology.

Like "new born Xians", "masons" and "mormons" ?

> All these
> problems we have are not caused by religion, they are character flaws in
> human race

Yeah, that's why aboriginees, american indians and
pygmees cuase so much trouble.

Face it, fuckhead, scarcity is the root of all evil,
and religion is the tree that sprung from it.

> and would exist with/or without religion, these flaws in humanity
> will always find some outlet, some excuse to manifest themselves. My point
> is that blaming religion is just a scape goat,

It is not the religion that kills, it is the religious.

Catholics have killed an estimated 200 mln. people in 2000 yrs,
that's 100.000 each year. That would qualify them as sociopaths imho.

> because we are all the same,
> Albert Einstein said it best when he said "Madame, people are all the

I can quote hundreds of people using that phrase.

"All Xians have assholes,
so assholes are an important part of Xian culture."

> I am not a Christian, I never attend church, nor do I prostalatize my
> beliefs, but I do have a belief in Christ, I think he was real, and I
> he was a great man.

Hey, you just said people are all the same, then I am also a great man!

> And the U.S. is not a Christian nation, it is a secular
> nation (meaning free from being run by religion),

<grin> GWBush, born again Xian, against the Axis of EEEEEEEEEvul.
No, no religion there.

> although people are free
> to practice any religion, and the majority of Americans are Christian, it
> not a Christian nation. The U.S. is not planning a genocide against the
> world, or against Islam,

Wanna bet ?

> it simply wishes to route out those 'extreme'
> Islamics that would spread terror throughout the world, like the did to
> U.S.

You seem to forget the common link between the bombing of Iraq,
Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

Like Slayer so eloquently put it : "payback's a bitch, motherfucker!"

> You people are being just as bad as the self-rightous, zealous
> Cristians/Islamics, you are every bit the same as them, but from the other
> side, get it?

Ehr... no, enlighten me.

When did we burn witches or blow up statues ?


> You have abnocious Religious zealots, and then you have you,
> abnocious atheists and/or abnocious people from differing religions,

Well, if we are all the same, you, too,
are an obnoxious atheist from differing religions and a religious zealot.

You are basically just a dumb narcissistic piece of shit. Einstein was a
very wise man, and just by quoting him, you do not inherit his wisdom. The
same goes for 'christians' quoting the bible.
Actualy, Einstein would roll over in his grave if he knew idiots like you
were quoting him. Fuckwit.

> you are
> all part of the problem, stop using scape goats and accept your share of
> responcibility for humanitys problems.

Yeah, like you.

You have solved many problems, thank you.


David J. Vorous

Mar 9, 2002, 7:34:45 AM3/9/02

> "David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message news:<>...
>>Jesus's Warrior wrote:
>>>Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,
>>>humanity is responsible for it....
>>Then why bother with religions at all? They CLAIM the moral
>>high ground yet they never attain it. If religions were gone
>>there would be one less tool for use against ourselves.
> Why bother with Science, then? Or Philosophy? Or Rationalism? Why
> bother with Ethics? Or Government? Or Economics? Or kitchen

> utensils? ...

None of them claim to be the sole source of morals.

Any other silly questions?


Mar 9, 2002, 4:23:49 PM3/9/02
"David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> > "David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> >
> >>Jesus's Warrior wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,
> >>>humanity is responsible for it....
> >>>
> >>
> >>Then why bother with religions at all? They CLAIM the moral
> >>high ground yet they never attain it. If religions were gone
> >>there would be one less tool for use against ourselves.
> >>
> >>
> > Why bother with Science, then? Or Philosophy? Or Rationalism? Why
> > bother with Ethics? Or Government? Or Economics? Or kitchen
> > utensils? ...
> None of them claim to be the sole source of morals.
There is nothing in the word "religion" that infers to be the sole
source of morals, and you might consider that Communism, certain
philosophies and Ethics systems certainly DO claim such (as Rand's
Objectivism or Nietzche's system, not to mention Freethinkers like
yourself claiming a King-Of-The-Hill mentality). It could be said
that Nazism claimed a moral high ground, and the high-ground science
doesn't claim is claimed by idiots that don't see it as a useful
expression towards our understanding of the Universe.
Regardless, these still are tools we use against ourselves--so which
do you object to, tools we use against ourselves or a claim to moral
high ground? Would it be less disappointing to you to be shot by
someone who claimed no moral high ground? Bully for you.

> Any other silly questions?

Certainly nothing more idiotic than your answer. I just pointed out
how stupid your question was. Are you going to continue being a
"Save me from the people who would save me from myself. They've got
muscle for brains." GANG OF FOUR

David J. Vorous

Mar 9, 2002, 5:46:29 PM3/9/02

> "David J. Vorous" <> wrote:

>>>"David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
>>>>Jesus's Warrior wrote:
>>>>>Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,
>>>>>humanity is responsible for it....
>>>>Then why bother with religions at all? They CLAIM the moral
>>>>high ground yet they never attain it. If religions were gone
>>>>there would be one less tool for use against ourselves.
>>>Why bother with Science, then? Or Philosophy? Or Rationalism? Why
>>>bother with Ethics? Or Government? Or Economics? Or kitchen
>>>utensils? ...
>>None of them claim to be the sole source of morals.
> There is nothing in the word "religion" that infers to be the sole

> source of morals,....

No one ever said there was. Please try to do better next time.

Anything else?


Mar 9, 2002, 10:36:12 PM3/9/02
"David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> > "David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
> >>
> >>>"David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>Jesus's Warrior wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,
> >>>>>humanity is responsible for it....
> >>>>>> >>>>high ground yet they never attain it. If religions were gone
> >>>>there would be one less tool for use against ourselves.
> >>>>Then why bother with religions at all? They CLAIM the moral

> >>>>
> >>>Why bother with Science, then? Or Philosophy? Or Rationalism? Why
> >>>bother with Ethics? Or Government? Or Economics? Or kitchen
> >>>utensils? ...
> >>
> >>None of them claim to be the sole source of morals.
> >>
> > There is nothing in the word "religion" that infers to be the sole
> > source of morals,....
> No one ever said there was. Please try to do better next time.

However, along with other erronious claims, you DID claim of the above
listed items that "None of them claim to be the sole source of
morals". Also, by infering the word 'religions', you infer that
there is something inherent in the words and actions of ALL people who
consider themselves religious (i.e Scientific Pantheists, Buddhists,
Christians, Unitarians, Zorastrians, Pagans, etc.), and if you were
correct, it ought not be surprising to find such an intriguing
addition and important to the definition of the word.
Also, Davey, I see that you eliminated a large part of the post to
point out what YOU considered erroniously a weak point, as it seems to
be your lot in life to act the part of the weak coward and the
unthinking stupid cow. I see you only disagree with things that you
think are easily dismissed-a sign of weak mental faculty on your part.
I'll repost my original message so you can answer the rest of it.

There is nothing in the word "religion" that infers to be the sole

source of morals, and you might consider that Communism, certain
philosophies and Ethics systems certainly DO claim such (as Rand's
Objectivism or Nietzche's system, not to mention Freethinkers like
yourself claiming a King-Of-The-Hill mentality). It could be said
that Nazism claimed a moral high ground, and the high-ground science
doesn't claim is claimed by idiots that don't see it as a useful
expression towards our understanding of the Universe.
Regardless, these still are tools we use against ourselves--so which
do you object to, tools we use against ourselves or a claim to moral
high ground? Would it be less disappointing to you to be shot by
someone who claimed no moral high ground? Bully for you.


> Anything else?

Nothing a simpleton like yourself could understand or would be willing
to face, obviously. BCNU
"Any scientist will verify that, if religion has been displaced by
people's consciousness, it has certainly not been replaced by rational

Mar 9, 2002, 10:57:24 PM3/9/02


Care to expound on that last statement?
I've always found Dave's responses to be lucid, measured, and rational.

Your response, however, is typical of the Christian apologists that pop in
from time to time.

> I see you only disagree with things that you
>think are easily dismissed-a sign of weak mental faculty on your part.
>I'll repost my original message so you can answer the rest of it.
>There is nothing in the word "religion" that infers to be the sole
>source of morals, and you might consider that Communism, certain
>philosophies and Ethics systems certainly DO claim such (as Rand's
>Objectivism or Nietzche's system, not to mention Freethinkers like
>yourself claiming a King-Of-The-Hill mentality). It could be said
>that Nazism claimed a moral high ground, and the high-ground science
>doesn't claim is claimed by idiots that don't see it as a useful
>expression towards our understanding of the Universe.
>Regardless, these still are tools we use against ourselves--so which
>do you object to, tools we use against ourselves or a claim to moral
>high ground? Would it be less disappointing to you to be shot by
>someone who claimed no moral high ground? Bully for you.
>> Anything else?
>Nothing a simpleton like yourself could understand or would be willing
>to face, obviously. BCNU

"And lo, Jesus did say unto the soldiers 'Not the OTHER hand.
Ow shit, that hurts! You assholes!' "
[2 Kinison 3:45]

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 9, 2002, 11:03:47 PM3/9/02
"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message

> "David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message

<puffs of smoke rising from monitor>

Dave, I think you hurt her feelings.

David J. Vorous

Mar 10, 2002, 4:02:05 AM3/10/02

> "David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message news:<>...
>>>"David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
>>>>>"David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
>>>>>>Jesus's Warrior wrote:
>>>>>>>Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,
>>>>>>>humanity is responsible for it....
>>>>>>>>>>>>high ground yet they never attain it. If religions were gone
>>>>>>there would be one less tool for use against ourselves.
>>>>>>Then why bother with religions at all? They CLAIM the moral
>>>>>Why bother with Science, then? Or Philosophy? Or Rationalism? Why
>>>>>bother with Ethics? Or Government? Or Economics? Or kitchen
>>>>>utensils? ...
>>>>None of them claim to be the sole source of morals.
>>>There is nothing in the word "religion" that infers to be the sole
>>>source of morals,....
>>No one ever said there was. Please try to do better next time.

> However, along with other erronious claims....

You made the erroneous claims, I just pointed them out to you.

{mindless, unread, drivel snipped]

David J. Vorous

Mar 10, 2002, 4:04:53 AM3/10/02
to wrote:

> ...

> Care to expound on that last statement?
> I've always found Dave's responses to be lucid, measured, and rational.


> Your response, however, is typical of the Christian apologists that pop in
> from time to time.

Which is why I snip, without reading, most of his posts. I'm
tired of arguing with people that just don't get it.

David J. Vorous

Mar 10, 2002, 4:07:58 AM3/10/02
Rev. Juust E.S. Out wrote:

> ...

> <puffs of smoke rising from monitor>
> Dave, I think you hurt her feelings.

Her? If so, she hurt herself by making herself upset at what I
said, or didn't say. Maybe if he/she would try a rational
approach instead of a idiotic approach, he/she might get a
response other than a blanket dismissal.


Mar 10, 2002, 5:49:58 PM3/10/02
to wrote in message news:<>...
You're probably just a pal of his from his non-recovery days. You
might need to get off the crack and stop diddling Llamas. Obviously,
you think asking for 'evidence' of what someone 'believes' isn't
stupid Lucid and measured? Who cares how YOU'VE found them, you're
obviously neither lucid, measured or rational yourself. Just another
of the herd animals that wander around in a blind stupor.

> Your response, however, is typical of the Christian apologists that pop in
> from time to time.

Typical, maybe. Who cares? Is 'typical' what you consider a valid
counterpoint? Indeed, I find YOUR and Davey boys comments TYPICAL of
unthinking herd animals-definitely TYPICAL of people who claim to be
'freethinkers' (which I've still never met one). Christian apologist,
not at all. I think people who considered and called themselves
Christians (or other religions) have done a great deal of damage,
meanwhile I think there have been more that have done great good.
Where were the Freethinkers when Las Casas (albeit a little backwards)
fought for Natives Rights or Wesley first started fighting for freedom
of the slaves? I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND
Atheists play. You want to put an end to killing, put an end to your
own stupidity. It's not a football game and there's only one team,
"This firm belief bound up with deep feeling, in a superior mind that
itself in the world of experience, represents my conception of God."
Albert Einstein


Mar 10, 2002, 5:52:15 PM3/10/02
"David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> wrote:
> > ...
> > Care to expound on that last statement?
> > I've always found Dave's responses to be lucid, measured, and rational.
> Thanks.
> > Your response, however, is typical of the Christian apologists that pop in
> > from time to time.
> Which is why I snip, without reading, most of his posts. I'm
> tired of arguing with people that just don't get it.

You claim to be a 'freethinker' and we're tired of you who 'just
doesn't get it'. You might need to start mind altering substances
again, Davey. Then, maybe your llamas might find you more interesting
in bed.

David J. Vorous

Mar 10, 2002, 6:16:43 PM3/10/02

> "David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message news:<>...
>> wrote:
>>>Care to expound on that last statement?
>>>I've always found Dave's responses to be lucid, measured, and rational.
>>>Your response, however, is typical of the Christian apologists that pop in
>>>from time to time.
>>Which is why I snip, without reading, most of his posts. I'm
>>tired of arguing with people that just don't get it.
> You claim to be a 'freethinker'

Where did I make that claim?


Mar 10, 2002, 6:32:17 PM3/10/02
In article <>, says...

Well, there's a nice picture of the spanish civil war, where a bunch of communists "execute" a
statue of Jesus with their rifles. Are communists to be considered communist atheists, or just
After all, atheists are individuals, and are grouped in a bunch only by theists.


Moron of Ignorance & Servant of the Brownie Satan,
According to Dore, Christ Mk II
(DbD, #Primo in Italia)

King James Bibles Repaired
ICQ UIN 24875529
"Now what would a lying, ignorant demon of darkness KNOW about truth and
-Dore Williamson taking a stab at my "true nature"

David J. Vorous

Mar 10, 2002, 6:42:26 PM3/10/02
Maeljin wrote:

> ...

> Well, there's a nice picture of the spanish civil war, where a bunch of communists "execute" a
> statue of Jesus with their rifles. Are communists to be considered communist atheists, or just
> communists?
> After all, atheists are individuals, and are grouped in a bunch only by theists.

Communism, as represented in several totalitarian regimes, is
a religion itself. It has it's gods, holy texts, and it can't
stand the presence of other religions. The people were forced
into Atheism only because the state didn't want any
competition for control of the people.

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 10, 2002, 7:08:24 PM3/10/02

"David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message

> Maeljin wrote:
> > ...
> > Well, there's a nice picture of the spanish civil war, where a bunch of
communists "execute" a
> > statue of Jesus with their rifles. Are communists to be considered
communist atheists, or just
> > communists?
> > After all, atheists are individuals, and are grouped in a bunch only by
> Communism, as represented in several totalitarian regimes, is
> a religion itself. It has it's gods, holy texts, and it can't
> stand the presence of other religions. The people were forced
> into Atheism only because the state didn't want any
> competition for control of the people.

There must still be millions of portaits of Lenin, Stalin, Fidel hanging
around, museums full of books, leaflets, pictures of parades. National
socialism has it's own icons and idols again these days, we have a chap
called Pim Fortuyn in Holland who could be Hitler's lovechild with Fidel. We
could always ask the communists to crucify and shoot him, might give some
nice footage for Faces of Death 9 : Dore's Dreams.

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 10, 2002, 7:34:40 PM3/10/02

"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> wrote in message

> > On 9 Mar 2002 14:36:12 -0800, (NEtRENCHERPRIME)
> > >"David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message

Ah, so you have a mind of your own ? You mean that 15% of active
consciousness you apply leaving the other 85% to steer and control you
subconsiously whilst still only having developed the left side functions,
leaving you with a grand total of 7% active braincapacity ?

That's probably why you feel special, Corky.

> Christian apologist,
> not at all. I think people who considered and called themselves
> Christians (or other religions) have done a great deal of damage,
> meanwhile I think there have been more that have done great good.

Well, with that 7% active brain capacity (ABC, want me to spell it for
you?), you have just come up with a nice opinion.

Ted Bundy did nice things, so did Charles Manson. In fact, most sociopaths
and psychopaths have their good days. Someday, we will discover an upside to
your idiotic rantings, too.

> Where were the Freethinkers when Las Casas (albeit a little backwards)
> fought for Natives Rights or Wesley first started fighting for freedom
> of the slaves?

> I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND Atheists play.

Do you feel sick ? Then mind your own business and you won't be sick all the

Get on your high moral horsey and ride off in the sunset, boycow!

> You want to put an end to killing, put an end to your
> own stupidity.

Can we kill you first ? It helps, I promise, you will never feel sick again.

>It's not a football game and there's only one team,
> mankind.

...and all you can come up with is blaming Xians and atheist.
Well done, mrs. Narcissus.
Your mind is freewheeling, not freethinking, comatose cunt.

Mar 10, 2002, 9:07:34 PM3/10/02

I'd ask you to translate this, but you probably haven't a clue as to what you
said yourself.

> Who cares how YOU'VE found them, you're
>obviously neither lucid, measured or rational yourself. Just another
>of the herd animals that wander around in a blind stupor.

A godbot calling an atheist a herd animal. There goes my last clean pair of

>> Your response, however, is typical of the Christian apologists that pop in
>> from time to time.
>Typical, maybe. Who cares? Is 'typical' what you consider a valid

Yep, I shoulda countered with a crack smoking/fucking llamas tack, but I left
the door open and you used it.



Mar 10, 2002, 10:27:00 PM3/10/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...
I don't recall, saying anything about a 'mind of my own'. I think I
own the contents therein, if that's what you mean. All people are
(and should be) influenced by what they are fed information-wise, but
cautiously and aware that all information is given to errors in
perception and interpretation. As to the left side functions, this is
probably more difficult for a right-hander.

> That's probably why you feel special, Corky.

> > Christian apologist,
> > not at all. I think people who considered and called themselves
> > Christians (or other religions) have done a great deal of damage,
> > meanwhile I think there have been more that have done great good.
> Well, with that 7% active brain capacity (ABC, want me to spell it for
> you?), you have just come up with a nice opinion.

A long standing opinion.

> Ted Bundy did nice things, so did Charles Manson. In fact, most sociopaths
> and psychopaths have their good days. Someday, we will discover an upside to
> your idiotic rantings, too.

Mainly, the fact that it pushes your buttons is the upside. As to
idiotic rantings, certainly not more idiot than your own.

> > Where were the Freethinkers when Las Casas (albeit a little backwards)
> > fought for Natives Rights or Wesley first started fighting for freedom
> > of the slaves?
> > I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND Atheists play.
> Do you feel sick ? Then mind your own business and you won't be sick all the
> time.

I am minding my own business. It's morons like you that want to pay
consciousness for people who are like yourself, but have other

> Get on your high moral horsey and ride off in the sunset, boycow!

Wow, I've seen you say this before in a conversation with someone
else. I'll bet you've just written down your ten best lines, and used
them over and over again. Your best come-ons, like your mind, are of
the weakest kind known to man.

> > You want to put an end to killing, put an end to your
> > own stupidity.
> Can we kill you first ? It helps, I promise, you will never feel sick again.

You can kill me second, just kill yourself first.

> >It's not a football game and there's only one team,
> > mankind.
> ...and all you can come up with is blaming Xians and atheist.
> Well done, mrs. Narcissus.

Of course, I never blamed Christians or Atheists of anything. Thgat
is my point, but it is too tough a concept to be grasped by someone
who has no grasp of being awake at all. What an imbecile you are.

> Your mind is freewheeling, not freethinking, comatose cunt.

What ac idiot you are. Where did I ever claim I was a freethinker?
You really nare a moron. Go back and take some reading lessons. Or
was this you talking to yourself in a drug-induced stupor? If so, I'd
agree that YOU are not freethinking. If you were, you'd do more than
sit there and dribble on yourself. Thank you for showing your
intellectual impotency. It was very amusing.
"I'm so glad, I'm better than you."--SWANS


Mar 10, 2002, 10:38:51 PM3/10/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...

Nice of you to show that you think I might me insulted by being called
a female. Actually, there are thousands of women that that are far
better people than either of us, and if I were born a woman, I'd be
amongst admirable company. You're just a misogynist who has deep,
Freudian fears of the opposite sex.
"I'm so glad, I'm better than you." SWANS


Mar 10, 2002, 10:56:23 PM3/10/02
Not reading it, you obviously are a moron to make a judge and unfit to
judge anything as "mindless" or "drivel", however having examined your
unoriginal, unimaginative and downright stupid thoughts I chose to not
delete because every word of yours proves I am right and you are a
drug-addled moron. Your claims are still erronious, no matter how you
try to avoid it like a llama avoids getting molested by you. You
never did point anything out to me, you made imbecilic assertions with
no backing whatsover.
"and you're lazy, so there's nothing that can stop you now, from
sleeping. And you're beathing in a silence that will drug you so
completel, that you're drowning in a liquid that is glowing..." A.O.L.

Wonder of Wonders

Mar 10, 2002, 10:41:27 PM3/10/02
In article <>, says...
> You're probably just a pal of his from his non-recovery days. You
> might need to get off the crack and stop diddling Llamas. Obviously,
> you think asking for 'evidence' of what someone 'believes' isn't
> stupid Lucid and measured? Who cares how YOU'VE found them, you're
> obviously neither lucid, measured or rational yourself. Just another
> of the herd animals that wander around in a blind stupor.

And yet they call you jeezy lovin' dimwits his 'flock' and 'sheep'. The
only herd instinct I've ever seen in this group has been exhibited by
morons like you with your us and them mentality.


Mar 10, 2002, 11:28:11 PM3/10/02
"David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Rev. Juust eOut wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > <puffs of smoke rising from monitor>
> >
> > Dave, I think you hurt her feelings.
> Her? If so, she hurt herself by making herself upset at what I
> said, or didn't say. Maybe if he/she would try a rational
> approach instead of a idiotic approach, he/she might get a
> response other than a blanket dismissal.

Not so. I'm not hurt at all, I think it's funny. E.S. just has a
deep rooted hatred and fear of women. I'm not a woman, but I do
prefer them as partners to people of the same sex or llamas.
As far as the idiotic approach, I'm just attempting to communicate
with you on your own level; i.e. idiocy. I don't mind lowering myself
to your irrational mindset to communicate with you. As far as blanket
dismissal, I'd be surprised if you have the mental capacity of
answering your own phone, since I've seen your irrational, idiotic
answers before (i.e. 'blanket dismissal', how irrational and idiotic
is that?).
"The drunken man is a stupid, self-deluded fallacy."--A.O.L.


Mar 10, 2002, 11:42:05 PM3/10/02
"David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Maeljin wrote:
> > ...
> > Well, there's a nice picture of the spanish civil war, where a bunch of communists "execute" a
> > statue of Jesus with their rifles. Are communists to be considered communist atheists, or just
> > communists?
> > After all, atheists are individuals, and are grouped in a bunch only by theists.
> Communism, as represented in several totalitarian regimes, is
> a religion itself. It has it's gods, holy texts, and it can't
> stand the presence of other religions. The people were forced
> into Atheism only because the state didn't want any
> competition for control of the people.

I will speak slowly so you can understand: Communism-is-a-government.
It is also a rationalist philosophy. Read a book, I'm sure you'll
find some reality. The attribution of religion to Communism is just
the attempted denial of some atheists of Communism (of course, SOME
recovered drug addicts would attest to it that mental denial is a bad
thing). It has no basis in fact and no rational or proven evidence
that "Communism, as represented in several totalitarian regimes, is a
religion itself." Don't just say it, prove it!
com·mu·nism Pronunciation Key (kmy-nzm)
A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective
ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common
advantage of all members.
A system of government in which the state plans and controls the
economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming
to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are
equally shared by the people.
The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the
overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.
"The drunken man is a stupid, self-deluded fallacy."--ANGELS OF LIGHT


Mar 11, 2002, 2:02:48 AM3/11/02
to wrote in message news:<>...

> On 10 Mar 2002 09:49:58 -0800, (NEtRENCHERPRIME) wrote:
> >>
> >> Care to expound on that last statement?
> >> I've always found Dave's responses to be lucid, measured, and rational.
> >>
> >You're probably just a pal of his from his non-recovery days. You
> >might need to get off the crack and stop diddling Llamas. Obviously,
> >you think asking for 'evidence' of what someone 'believes' isn't
> >stupid Lucid and measured?
> I'd ask you to translate this, but you probably haven't a clue as to what you
> said yourself.
> > Who cares how YOU'VE found them, you're
> >obviously neither lucid, measured or rational yourself. Just another
> >of the herd animals that wander around in a blind stupor.
> A godbot calling an atheist a herd animal. There goes my last clean pair of
> Jockeys...

It's not unlike a cow like yourself to assume you've got me understood
when I haven't mentioned anything about my personal religious
beliefs--which apparently you are far from understanding. It didn't
even occur to you that I might be arguing a 'typical' conclusion from
a different standpoint than is 'typical'. Not to mention you go with
the most obvious rethoric and the most typical conclusion you could
muster. You definitely are a sheep to buy into the stereotypical
attitude. It's pretty typical of you to assume that, but typical is
not a valid criticism, as already explained.

> >> Your response, however, is typical of the Christian apologists that pop in
> >> from time to time.
> >>
> >Typical, maybe. Who cares? Is 'typical' what you consider a valid
> >counterpoint?
> Yep, I shoulda countered with a crack smoking/fucking llamas tack, but I left
> the door open and you used it.

Who wouldn't use it? It's pretty funny, and might even be true. If
it is true, then I'll find it even more amusing, so please let me
know. Your response is always typical and to be expected from an
unthinking herd animal.
"I am now rising up from, our shiny pool of human plastic, pollution,
and scum."


Mar 11, 2002, 2:10:00 AM3/11/02
Wonder of Wonders <breakinballs69@*> wrote in message news:<>...

That's exactly what I'm talking about YOUR US AND THEM mentality, not
mine. It's obvious that you're the one with such a mentality, and
childish enough to assume I'm one of your "jeezy lovin' dimwits"-only
because you're an imbecile. You certainly are a member of the herd
mentality, and you certainly display the 'us and them mentality' as
well as anyone might expect from the most devout religious psychopath.
If you'd bothered to read anything before you spoke, you mightn't
look like such a cow.
"I am the revenant black saint." ANGELS OF LIGHT


Mar 11, 2002, 6:07:29 AM3/11/02
In article <>, says...

> I will speak slowly so you can understand: Communism-is-a-government.

Wrong. It's an economic theory.

> ***********
> com·mu·nism Pronunciation Key (kmy-nzm)
> n.
> A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective
> ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common
> advantage of all members.

Hey, look, you even posted the definition. Too bad you didn't actually
read it before your comment that preceded it. Idiot. Now go back to
alt.satanism where you came from, and resume jacking off to the latest
reviews of Maryln Manson's so-called music.

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 11, 2002, 7:54:27 AM3/11/02

"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > "David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message
> > > > NEtRENCHERPRIME wrote:
> > > > > "David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
> > > > >>NEtRENCHERPRIME wrote:
> > > > >>>"David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
> > > > >>>>Jesus's Warrior wrote:
> > > > >>>>

> > >
> > > Nothing a simpleton like yourself could understand or would be willing
> > > to face, obviously. BCNU
> > > --
> > > "Any scientist will verify that, if religion has been displaced by
> > > people's consciousness, it has certainly not been replaced by rational
> > > thought."
> >
> >
> > <puffs of smoke rising from monitor>
> >
> > Dave, I think you hurt her feelings.
> Nice of you to show that you think I might me insulted by being called
> a female. Actually, there are thousands of women that that are far
> better people than either of us, and if I were born a woman, I'd be
> amongst admirable company. You're just a misogynist who has deep,
> Freudian fears of the opposite sex.

<grin> you did a summer course psychology ? Nietzsche, Freud etc. etc. You
probably have a sister, and you couldn't stand how you father swore and
yelled at her, and now you are projecting your own frustration and anfger on
every male that brings up the subject of women.
Your adolescent mind is looking for dragons to slay, and you came here
looking for biggots and badguys. Get over it, Oedipus Apologetic, your
buttons are showing and I've only just started to push them. Delusional
instable weakminded nefesh scatbabe.

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 11, 2002, 7:47:55 AM3/11/02

"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message

> "David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message
> > Rev. Juust eOut wrote:
> > > <puffs of smoke rising from monitor>
> > >
> > > Dave, I think you hurt her feelings.
> >
> > Her? If so, she hurt herself by making herself upset at what I
> > said, or didn't say. Maybe if he/she would try a rational
> > approach instead of a idiotic approach, he/she might get a
> > response other than a blanket dismissal.
> Not so. I'm not hurt at all, I think it's funny. E.S. just has a
> deep rooted hatred and fear of women.

<grins> ha ha ha sure, baby, whatever you want to think.

> I'm not a woman,

Doesn't matter, afaic you are a 5"6 DD blonde. You nag and moan, fits the

> but I do
> prefer them as partners to people of the same sex or llamas.
> As far as the idiotic approach, I'm just attempting to communicate
> with you on your own level; i.e. idiocy.

Idiocy is in the eye of the beholder, it takes one to perceive one.

> I don't mind lowering myself
> to your irrational mindset to communicate with you. As far as blanket
> dismissal, I'd be surprised if you have the mental capacity of
> answering your own phone, since I've seen your irrational, idiotic
> answers before (i.e. 'blanket dismissal', how irrational and idiotic
> is that?).

<grin> you are so funny.

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 11, 2002, 8:06:02 AM3/11/02

"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > On 9 Mar 2002 14:36:12 -0800,

And you will feed them, no doubt. You really are a babe in the woods of
life, eh ? Little Red Riding Hood, looking for the big bad wolf.

> but
> cautiously and aware that all information is given to errors in
> perception and interpretation. As to the left side functions, this is
> probably more difficult for a right-hander.

<grin> I am left and right sided. It works better, especially when
encountering ignorant delusional monkeys like you.

> > That's probably why you feel special, Corky.
> > > Christian apologist,
> > > not at all. I think people who considered and called themselves
> > > Christians (or other religions) have done a great deal of damage,
> > > meanwhile I think there have been more that have done great good.
> >
> > Well, with that 7% active brain capacity (ABC, want me to spell it for
> > you?), you have just come up with a nice opinion.
> >
> A long standing opinion.

Get rid of it. Opinions rot like food, and in the end all they do is stink
up the place.

> > Ted Bundy did nice things, so did Charles Manson. In fact, most
> > and psychopaths have their good days. Someday, we will discover an
upside to
> > your idiotic rantings, too.
> >
> Mainly, the fact that it pushes your buttons is the upside. As to
> idiotic rantings, certainly not more idiot than your own.

<grins> I'm just holding up a mirror so you can be blinded
by your own brilliant enlightened appearance

> > > Where were the Freethinkers when Las Casas (albeit a little backwards)
> > > fought for Natives Rights or Wesley first started fighting for freedom
> > > of the slaves?
> >
> > > I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND Atheists play.
> >
> > Do you feel sick ? Then mind your own business and you won't be sick all
> > time.
> >
> I am minding my own business. It's morons like you that want to pay
> consciousness for people who are like yourself, but have other
> opinions.

pay consciousness ?

<grin> I wonder if you even know what 'conscioussness' means.

> > Get on your high moral horsey and ride off in the sunset, boycow!
> >
> Wow, I've seen you say this before in a conversation with someone
> else. I'll bet you've just written down your ten best lines, and used
> them over and over again. Your best come-ons, like your mind, are of
> the weakest kind known to man.

<grin> there is more to life than using your brain, kid.

> > > You want to put an end to killing, put an end to your
> > > own stupidity.
> >
> > Can we kill you first ? It helps, I promise, you will never feel sick
> >
> You can kill me second, just kill yourself first.

<grins> I am already dead. Sometimes they do come back...

> > >It's not a football game and there's only one team,
> > > mankind.
> >
> > ...and all you can come up with is blaming Xians and atheist.
> > Well done, mrs. Narcissus.
> Of course, I never blamed Christians or Atheists of anything. Thgat
> is my point, but it is too tough a concept to be grasped by someone
> who has no grasp of being awake at all.

Ah! You have become Arhat ? Or did you just wake up this morning, got out of
bed and remained in your delusional nefesh state of being 'alive' and
'intelligent' ?

> What an imbecile you are.

<grin> If that is what you wish to think, then go right ahead.

> > Your mind is freewheeling, not freethinking, comatose cunt.
> >
> What ac idiot you are. Where did I ever claim I was a freethinker?
> You really nare a moron. Go back and take some reading lessons. Or
> was this you talking to yourself in a drug-induced stupor? If so, I'd
> agree that YOU are not freethinking. If you were, you'd do more than
> sit there and dribble on yourself. Thank you for showing your
> intellectual impotency.

<grin> intellect, you mean your kind of intelligence ? I prefer da'ad, it
just clears all these deceptive clouds of illusions that hinder the self
from perceiving itself.

> It was very amusing.

Glad to be of service during your campaign of making an ass off yourself in


Mar 11, 2002, 4:14:47 PM3/11/02
In article <>,

Oh, don't be too hard on him. He's obviously some little Goth boy who
has been rejected by his alt.satanism pals for being a supremely boring
wanker, and he's decided to hang out in afjc for a few days in order to
try to boost his poor little ego. Pretty soon, now, he'll feel well
enough to jack off to some eeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiil pictures of Maryln
Manson and then trot back to his Goth/Satanist pals to convince them that
he really is a fun guy to have around.


Mar 11, 2002, 2:14:34 PM3/11/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > On 9 Mar 2002 14:36:12 -0800,

> but
> > cautiously and aware that all information is given to errors in
> > perception and interpretation. As to the left side functions, this is
> > probably more difficult for a right-hander.
> <grin> I am left and right sided. It works better, especially when
> encountering ignorant delusional monkeys like you.
Just don't fall over chewing your cud, all your brain is busy in just
the act of standing up. Don't worry, your delusions will stay with
you for a long time and I'm not one of your delusions.


> A long standing opinion.
> Get rid of it. Opinions rot like food, and in the end all they do is stink
> up the place.
I'm still of the opinion you should avoid getting hit in the head with
a hammer, and I'll never give that opinion up, either. Of course,
you're welcome to.

> > > Ted Bundy did nice things, so did Charles Manson. In fact, most
> sociopaths
> > > and psychopaths have their good days. Someday, we will discover an
> upside to
> > > your idiotic rantings, too.
> > >
> > Mainly, the fact that it pushes your buttons is the upside. As to
> > idiotic rantings, certainly not more idiot than your own.
> <grins> I'm just holding up a mirror so you can be blinded
> by your own brilliant enlightened appearance
It's always funny to see a cow grin. This is typical when they start
getting angry and leaking milk.

> > > > Where were the Freethinkers when Las Casas (albeit a little backwards)
> > > > fought for Natives Rights or Wesley first started fighting for freedom
> > > > of the slaves?
> > > > I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND Atheists play.
> > >
> > > Do you feel sick ? Then mind your own business and you won't be sick all
> the
> > > time.
> > >
> > I am minding my own business. It's morons like you that want to pay
> > consciousness for people who are like yourself, but have other
> > opinions.
> pay consciousness ?
> <grin> I wonder if you even know what 'conscioussness' means.
No worries with you.

> > > Get on your high moral horsey and ride off in the sunset, boycow!
> > >
> > Wow, I've seen you say this before in a conversation with someone
> > else. I'll bet you've just written down your ten best lines, and used
> > them over and over again. Your best come-ons, like your mind, are of
> > the weakest kind known to man.
> <grin> there is more to life than using your brain, kid.
Of course, if you use your brain you can get a lot more of those other
things done. You should try it.

> > > > You want to put an end to killing, put an end to your
> > > > own stupidity.
> > >
> > > Can we kill you first ? It helps, I promise, you will never feel sick
> again.
> > >
> > You can kill me second, just kill yourself first.
> <grins> I am already dead. Sometimes they do come back...
You'd better fall under a train, just to make sure.

> > > >It's not a football game and there's only one team,
> > > > mankind.
> > >
> > > ...and all you can come up with is blaming Xians and atheist.
> > > Well done, mrs. Narcissus.
> >
> > Of course, I never blamed Christians or Atheists of anything. Thgat
> > is my point, but it is too tough a concept to be grasped by someone
> > who has no grasp of being awake at all.
> Ah! You have become Arhat ? Or did you just wake up this morning, got out of
> bed and remained in your delusional nefesh state of being 'alive' and
> 'intelligent' ?

I prefer Rammohun Roy, despite Gandhi's criticisms, and I have no
interest in becoming anyone other than myself. I also enjoy the Guru
Nanak. I find it typical of small-minded people to try to find
comfort in 'different', but Jainism and it's teachings are only an
even part of all the teachings. I woke up long ago, yet you appear
miles away from being.

> > What an imbecile you are.
> <grin> If that is what you wish to think, then go right ahead.
> > > Your mind is freewheeling, not freethinking, comatose cunt.
> > >
> > What ac idiot you are. Where did I ever claim I was a freethinker?
> > You really nare a moron. Go back and take some reading lessons. Or
> > was this you talking to yourself in a drug-induced stupor? If so, I'd
> > agree that YOU are not freethinking. If you were, you'd do more than
> > sit there and dribble on yourself. Thank you for showing your
> > intellectual impotency.
> <grin> intellect, you mean your kind of intelligence ? I prefer da'ad, it
> just clears all these deceptive clouds of illusions that hinder the self
> from perceiving itself.

Good for you. Of course, using fire just replaces your clouds with
thick, black smoke.

> > It was very amusing.
> Glad to be of service during your campaign of making an ass off yourself in
> public.

Someday, I may achieve your state of asshood, oh master of the
"By whom his own self is known as "so 'ham" (i.e. I am that World
Soul), he
believes in the secret of the word."--Trumpp 84


Mar 11, 2002, 2:20:00 PM3/11/02
Gummy <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message news:<>...

> In article <>,
> says...
> >
> > I will speak slowly so you can understand: Communism-is-a-government.
> Wrong. It's an economic theory.
> > ***********
> > com·mu·nism Pronunciation Key (kmy-nzm)
> > n.
> > A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective
> > ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common
> > advantage of all members.
> Hey, look, you even posted the definition. Too bad you didn't actually
> read it before your comment that preceded it.

Why should I read it when I've read the "Communist Manifesto"? Of
course, you didn't read it yourself, did you? What a Moron.

Now go back to
> alt.satanism where you came from, and resume jacking off to the latest
> reviews of Maryln Manson's so-called music.

Who cares about satanism, and who's Maryln Manson and why would I
participate in your favorite activity?
"rise up from the river, rise up in your grave. Rise up in your
prison cell, rise up inside your rage."--ANGELS OF LIGHT

Rev Phylter

Mar 11, 2002, 2:07:08 PM3/11/02
to (NEtRENCHERPRIME) wrote in

Look, fuck off, ratbag, just fuck off, you boorish twat.

Rev Phylter
ULC Ordained minister
Denizen of Darkness #44
AFJC Antipodean Attaché
Pray. To ask the laws of the universe to be
annulled on behalf of a single petitioner
confessedly unworthy.
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)


Mar 11, 2002, 2:33:02 PM3/11/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > "David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message
> > > > > NEtRENCHERPRIME wrote:
> > > > > > "David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
> > > > > >>NEtRENCHERPRIME wrote:
> > > > > >>>"David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
> > > > > >>>>Jesus's Warrior wrote:
> > > > > >>>>
> <snip>

> > > Dave, I think you hurt her feelings.
> >
> > Nice of you to show that you think I might me insulted by being called
> > a female. Actually, there are thousands of women that that are far
> > better people than either of us, and if I were born a woman, I'd be
> > amongst admirable company. You're just a misogynist who has deep,
> > Freudian fears of the opposite sex.
> <grin> you did a summer course psychology ? Nietzsche, Freud etc. etc. You
> probably have a sister, and you couldn't stand how you father swore and
> yelled at her, and now you are projecting your own frustration and anfger on
> every male that brings up the subject of women.

Wow, your powers of deep perception are fascinating. Very
enlightening how far off base one person can be.

> Your adolescent mind is looking for dragons to slay, and you came here
> looking for biggots and badguys. Get over it, Oedipus Apologetic, your
> buttons are showing and I've only just started to push them. Delusional
> instable weakminded nefesh scatbabe.

Wow, so much Eastern wisdom you spew, and so little use or
understanding of it. Just because you read something, you still have
to comprehend it, which you obviously have not. I think all of your
buttons have been pushed already, to come up with such a long winded
and completely erronious attempt to insult. You need to go read your
Gershem Scholem again to catch up, and this time, try understanding
what you read.


Mar 11, 2002, 3:21:58 PM3/11/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message

> > Not so. I'm not hurt at all, I think it's funny. E.S. just has a
> > deep rooted hatred and fear of women.
> <grins> ha ha ha sure, baby, whatever you want to think.
Baby? I hope you're not showing your pedophiliac leanings. You can
stop hitting on me now, I'll never go out with you.

> > I'm not a woman,
> Doesn't matter, afaic you are a 5"6 DD blonde. You nag and moan, fits the
> picture.
So if you bellow and chew cud, you fit the picture. Therefore, you
are a cow.

> > but I do
> > prefer them as partners to people of the same sex or llamas.
> > As far as the idiotic approach, I'm just attempting to communicate
> > with you on your own level; i.e. idiocy.
> Idiocy is in the eye of the beholder, it takes one to perceive one.

I doubt it. I can recognize a woman, which you can't, but I'm not
one. Your perception is your delusion.

> > I don't mind lowering myself
> > to your irrational mindset to communicate with you. As far as blanket
> > dismissal, I'd be surprised if you have the mental capacity of
> > answering your own phone, since I've seen your irrational, idiotic
> > answers before (i.e. 'blanket dismissal', how irrational and idiotic
> > is that?).
> <grin> you are so funny.

If your amused, it's only in addition to my own amusement.


Mar 11, 2002, 7:13:53 PM3/11/02
Gummy <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message news:<>...

What obviates itself you to is merely a delusion. You are so far off,
it's not even funny. Manson's as much of an idiot as you are.
"God made our world just yesterday. Our silver tongue inscribes his


Mar 11, 2002, 7:18:26 PM3/11/02
Rev Phylter <> wrote in message news:<Xns91CEE4DB41FB7ph...@>...
Speaking of Boorish...
1998 ULC ordained minisster
"In other living creatures ignorance of self is nature; in man it is a vice."
"bore-a person who talks when you wish him to listen." Ambrose Bierce

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 11, 2002, 6:57:21 PM3/11/02
"Gummy" <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message
> > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > "David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message

I once saw one of these kids, crawling around the floor of a coffeeshop on a
leash of some punkrock dude. Masochist, probably from a defective home
situation, looking for abuse and deemed to docile by the satanist crew. He
probably likes the abuse in the sense that the friction it causes gives him
the energy needed to face another day. Poor kid, when he grows up he'll get
it eventually. Untill then, he'll be chasing ambulances and hugging granny's
leg a lot.

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 11, 2002, 9:18:18 PM3/11/02
"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > > On 9 Mar 2002 14:36:12 -0800,
> <snip>
> > but
> > > cautiously and aware that all information is given to errors in
> > > perception and interpretation. As to the left side functions, this is
> > > probably more difficult for a right-hander.
> >
> > <grin> I am left and right sided. It works better, especially when
> > encountering ignorant delusional monkeys like you.
> >
> Just don't fall over chewing your cud, all your brain is busy in just
> the act of standing up. Don't worry, your delusions will stay with
> you for a long time and I'm not one of your delusions.

<yawn> if you were, I'd have deleted you or transmogrified yo in a tiny
little godzilla.

> <snip>
> > A long standing opinion.
> >
> > Get rid of it. Opinions rot like food, and in the end all they do is
> > up the place.
> >
> I'm still of the opinion you should avoid getting hit in the head with
> a hammer, and I'll never give that opinion up, either. Of course,
> you're welcome to.

I like electrocuting myself and being run over a lot better.

> > > > Ted Bundy did nice things, so did Charles Manson. In fact, most
> > sociopaths
> > > > and psychopaths have their good days. Someday, we will discover an
> > upside to
> > > > your idiotic rantings, too.
> > > >
> > > Mainly, the fact that it pushes your buttons is the upside. As to
> > > idiotic rantings, certainly not more idiot than your own.
> >
> > <grins> I'm just holding up a mirror so you can be blinded
> > by your own brilliant enlightened appearance
> >
> It's always funny to see a cow grin. This is typical when they start
> getting angry and leaking milk.

Wow! The mirror works!

> > > > > Where were the Freethinkers when Las Casas (albeit a little
> > > > > fought for Natives Rights or Wesley first started fighting for
> > > > > of the slaves?
> >
> > > > > I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND Atheists
> > > >
> > > > Do you feel sick ? Then mind your own business and you won't be sick
> > > > the time.
> > > >
> > > I am minding my own business. It's morons like you that want to pay
> > > consciousness for people who are like yourself, but have other
> > > opinions.
> >
> > pay consciousness ?
> >
> > <grin> I wonder if you even know what 'conscioussness' means.
> >
> No worries with you.
> > > > Get on your high moral horsey and ride off in the sunset, boycow!
> > > >
> > > Wow, I've seen you say this before in a conversation with someone
> > > else. I'll bet you've just written down your ten best lines, and used
> > > them over and over again. Your best come-ons, like your mind, are of
> > > the weakest kind known to man.
> >
> > <grin> there is more to life than using your brain, kid.
> >
> Of course, if you use your brain you can get a lot more of those other
> things done. You should try it.

There are so many ways of getting things done,
other than with the application of one's mind.

> > > > > You want to put an end to killing, put an end to your
> > > > > own stupidity.
> > > >
> > > > Can we kill you first ? It helps, I promise, you will never feel
> > again.
> > > >
> > > You can kill me second, just kill yourself first.
> >
> > <grins> I am already dead. Sometimes they do come back...
> >
> You'd better fall under a train, just to make sure.

<grin> I tried suffocating, but it didn't help. After electrocution,
sufficating and being run over, I decided to accept the fate I was dealt,
having to witness your bottomless senselessness. It's a dirty job, but
someone has to do it.

> > > > >It's not a football game and there's only one team,
> > > > > mankind.
> > > >
> > > > ...and all you can come up with is blaming Xians and atheist.
> > > > Well done, mrs. Narcissus.
> > >
> > > Of course, I never blamed Christians or Atheists of anything. Thgat
> > > is my point, but it is too tough a concept to be grasped by someone
> > > who has no grasp of being awake at all.

"I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND Atheists play."


> > Ah! You have become Arhat ? Or did you just wake up this morning, got
out of
> > bed and remained in your delusional nefesh state of being 'alive' and
> > 'intelligent' ?
> I prefer Rammohun Roy, despite Gandhi's criticisms, and I have no
> interest in becoming anyone other than myself. I also enjoy the Guru
> Nanak. I find it typical of small-minded people to try to find
> comfort in 'different', but Jainism and it's teachings are only an
> even part of all the teachings. I woke up long ago, yet you appear
> miles away from being.

I am just enjoying the show, watching history unfold.

I awoke 8 months ago, roughly, and I do not care for your teachings about
peace and love and brotherhood as yet.

It came to my attention that 30 enlightened monks aided a certain mystic
group here in Europe from mid thirties onwards. That was a serious error in
judgement, as this group was the Thule group, that used the techniques and
tools handed to them for occult practices and mastering techniques that were
well beyond their capabilities and well beyond anything Europe was ready
for. You twisted fucks used Europe as a testingground.

You fucks have influenced the course of European history in a very dumb and
irresponsible way, planting the very seeds of discrimination and hatred and
empowering a dark and corrupted group that you should have been able to see
through from the very start. Eventually, even a certain celestial group had
to intervene to prevent the corruption and abuse of power to further disrupt
the unfolding of history.

So, awakened and enlightened one, fuck you and your disdain.

Now that there is a threat of war in *your* hometown area, we all have to
get in line and help you ? Do you actually, seriously believe for one minute
that we do not have a clue as to how we got into this whole fucking mess ?
Karma, asshole, what goes around, comes around, you 'enlightened' idiots
created this mess, you clean it up or you will pay for it.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, whining piece of enlightened

> > > What an imbecile you are.
> >
> > <grin> If that is what you wish to think, then go right ahead.
> >
> > > > Your mind is freewheeling, not freethinking, comatose cunt.
> > > >
> > > What ac idiot you are. Where did I ever claim I was a freethinker?
> > > You really nare a moron. Go back and take some reading lessons. Or
> > > was this you talking to yourself in a drug-induced stupor? If so, I'd
> > > agree that YOU are not freethinking. If you were, you'd do more than
> > > sit there and dribble on yourself. Thank you for showing your
> > > intellectual impotency.
> >
> > <grin> intellect, you mean your kind of intelligence ? I prefer da'ad,
> > just clears all these deceptive clouds of illusions that hinder the self
> > from perceiving itself.
> >
> Good for you. Of course, using fire just replaces your clouds with
> thick, black smoke.

Muslims tend to perceive man as a lamp, filled with sacred oil. The fire of
Allah sets it alight, yet does not burn it, and as the fire grows, man sees
the presence of Allah in the world, layer after layer. Another instance of
Fire is found in the story of Birgit/Bridget/Bride, of whom it was said that
when she was born, a flame burst out of her forehead, from earth straight up
to heaven. The muslims have wonderfull tales about the continual sacrifice
and resurrection of the heart, old european stories are filled with stories
of passion, destruction, creation and love.

You do not have the guts, character, capacity for pain, stamina, power of
will and passion to do anything with your abundance of light than sit there
like an old lamp doing the same old dances, singing the same old songs, and
collect dust, preparing for your next incarnation. Poor enlightened
creature, you suffer the affliction of many of the enlightened and awakened,
you have cultivated the light, but you cannot relate to normal people

> > > It was very amusing.
> >
> > Glad to be of service during your campaign of making an ass off yourself
> > public.
> Someday, I may achieve your state of asshood, oh master of the
> hindquarters.

Bye bye buttboy. There's Hell to pay soon, don't forget to duck when they
nuke your precious hometown. Tell them about 56 million dead people send you
their universal undifferentiated love. Payback is a bitch, ain't it ?

> --
> "By whom his own self is known as "so 'ham" (i.e. I am that World
> Soul), he
> believes in the secret of the word."--Trumpp 84

"Circle of beliefs
secrets never keep"

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 11, 2002, 9:57:35 PM3/11/02
"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > "David J. Vorous" <> wrote in message
> > > > > > NEtRENCHERPRIME wrote:
> > > > > > > "David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
> > > > > > >>NEtRENCHERPRIME wrote:
> > > > > > >>>"David J. Vorous" <> wrote:
> > > > > > >>>>Jesus's Warrior wrote:
> <SNIP>
> > > > Dave, I think you hurt her feelings.
> > >
> > > Nice of you to show that you think I might me insulted by being called
> > > a female. Actually, there are thousands of women that that are far
> > > better people than either of us, and if I were born a woman, I'd be
> > > amongst admirable company. You're just a misogynist who has deep,
> > > Freudian fears of the opposite sex.
> >
> > <grin> you did a summer course psychology ? Nietzsche, Freud etc. etc.
> > You probably have a sister, and you couldn't stand how you father swore
> > and yelled at her, and now you are projecting your own frustration and
> > anfger on every male that brings up the subject of women.
> Wow, your powers of deep perception are fascinating. Very
> enlightening how far off base one person can be.

<grin> It's a flame group, my dear delusional monkeyman.

Your shrink will help you, I don't do online therapy.

> > Your adolescent mind is looking for dragons to slay, and you came here
> > looking for biggots and badguys. Get over it, Oedipus Apologetic, your
> > buttons are showing and I've only just started to push them. Delusional
> > instable weakminded nefesh scatbabe.
> Wow, so much Eastern wisdom you spew, and so little use or
> understanding of it. Just because you read something, you still have
> to comprehend it, which you obviously have not.

I don't read Freud and Nietzsche, I tend to view people as normal people in
stead of clusters of sexrelated fears and anxieties. I do however wonder why
an enlightened being as yourself would view this sort of primitive treatment
as a viable alternative to reiki, rebirthing or more soul oriented
techniques of healing.

> I think all of your
> buttons have been pushed already,

My buttons are easy to push, I know where they are.

> to come up with such a long winded
> and completely erronious attempt to insult. You need to go read your
> Gershem Scholem again to catch up, and this time, try understanding
> what you read.

<grins> Never heard of that crap. Kaballah is much more fun, I can make you
a Golem in stead of a Scholem, do you want one ? I can even make him talk
dumb shit like you, I just switch the anus with the mouth. Rerout a few
intestins, and then it is done.


Mar 12, 2002, 2:14:55 AM3/12/02
> Who cares about satanism,

You do.

> and who's Maryln Manson

The man you wank to on a regular basis.

> and why would I
> participate in your favorite activity?

Nobody said you did. I did say that you're a boring little wanker,


Mar 12, 2002, 2:17:06 AM3/12/02

Shouldn't you be adjusting your make-up, or something, so that mommy will
be extra-shocked when she sees how eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiiil you are?


Mar 12, 2002, 2:20:58 AM3/12/02

As that your amusement from fawning over pictures of your Goth heroes,
amusement from listening to "music" created by banging gongs and
torturing small animals, or amusement from the look of shock on daddy's
face when he sees your cool left-hand-path-inspired clothing and how
utterly eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiil it makes you look? Just curious.


Mar 12, 2002, 2:22:49 AM3/12/02
> Someday, I may achieve your state of asshood, oh master of the
> hindquarters.

Is that the secret goal of all lonely, teenage Goth losers such as
yourself? Just wondering.

Wonder of Wonders

Mar 12, 2002, 12:03:58 AM3/12/02
You stupid twat. Sorry to inform you, there is no herd here. We're
individuals. I couldn't give to shits about "us" or "them". It's psuedo-
intellectual assholes like you that I come in here mouthing off that I
enjoy deriding.

Mar 12, 2002, 1:34:50 AM3/12/02
Nicely said, and I call sig.


Frank 'Mouss' Gervais

"Nationalism is just a convenient excuse for xenophobia, racism and hate."

"Then why bother with religions at all? They CLAIM the moral high ground yet

they never attain it. If religions were gone there would be one less tool
for use against ourselves."

David J. Vorous, Fri, 08 Mar 2002 14:52:16 -0800

"David J. Vorous" <> a écrit dans le message news:

> Jesus's Warrior wrote:
> > Christianity, or no religion is responsible for mans inhumanity to man,
> > humanity is responsible for it....

> Then why bother with religions at all? They CLAIM the moral
> high ground yet they never attain it. If religions were gone
> there would be one less tool for use against ourselves.

> > I am not a Christian, I never attend church, nor do I prostalatize my
> > beliefs, but I do have a belief in Christ, I think he was real, and I
> > he was a great man....
> Based on what evidence? There is absolutely no evidence that
> the Jesus of the bible ever existed.
> --
> David J. Vorous
> Yosemite Llama Ranch
> UDP for WebTV


Mar 12, 2002, 5:03:04 AM3/12/02
Gummy <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message news:<>...

Don't bother wondering, it's not a goal of mine at all. It can't be
your goal either, since your already achieved it. Go munch your cud
some more, stupid llama.


Mar 12, 2002, 5:15:04 AM3/12/02
Gummy <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message news:<>...

> In article <>,
> says...
> > Gummy <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message news:<>...
> > > In article <>,
> > > says...
> > > >
> > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
rd on him. He's obviously some little Goth boy who
> > > has been rejected by his alt.satanism pals for being a supremely boring
> > > wanker, and he's decided to hang out in afjc for a few days in order to
> > > try to boost his poor little ego. Pretty soon, now, he'll feel well
> > > enough to jack off to some eeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiil pictures of Maryln
> > > Manson and then trot back to his Goth/Satanist pals to convince them that
> > > he really is a fun guy to have around.
> >
> > What obviates itself you to is merely a delusion. You are so far off,
> > it's not even funny. Manson's as much of an idiot as you are.
> Shouldn't you be adjusting your make-up, or something, so that mommy will
> be extra-shocked when she sees how eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiiil you are?

You seem to have a lot of knowledge about being a teenage goth loser,
I can only assume you are one.
"People hardly ever make use of the freedom which they have, for
example, freedom of thought; instead they demand freedom of speech as


Mar 12, 2002, 5:31:43 AM3/12/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message

> > Wow, your powers of deep perception are fascinating. Very
> > enlightening how far off base one person can be.
> <grin> It's a flame group, my dear delusional monkeyman.

Speaking of delusional, you seem to have thought I was here to do
something else? Stupid llama.

> Your shrink will help you, I don't do online therapy.

Psychologists are morons, and company you'd probably enjoy.

> > > Your adolescent mind is looking for dragons to slay, and you came here
> > > looking for biggots and badguys. Get over it, Oedipus Apologetic, your
> > > buttons are showing and I've only just started to push them. Delusional
> > > instable weakminded nefesh scatbabe.
> >
> > Wow, so much Eastern wisdom you spew, and so little use or
> > understanding of it. Just because you read something, you still have
> > to comprehend it, which you obviously have not.
> I don't read Freud and Nietzsche, I tend to view people as normal people in
> stead of clusters of sexrelated fears and anxieties. I do however wonder why
> an enlightened being as yourself would view this sort of primitive treatment
> as a viable alternative to reiki, rebirthing or more soul oriented
> techniques of healing.

I read Freud once (or Fraud as is proper, and Nietzsche, (or
Natzschie). What about them? Idiots screwed in the head is all.

> > I think all of your
> > buttons have been pushed already,
> My buttons are easy to push, I know where they are.
> > to come up with such a long winded
> > and completely erronious attempt to insult. You need to go read your
> > Gershem Scholem again to catch up, and this time, try understanding
> > what you read.
> <grins> Never heard of that crap. Kaballah is much more fun, I can make you
> a Golem in stead of a Scholem, do you want one ? I can even make him talk
> dumb shit like you, I just switch the anus with the mouth. Rerout a few
> intestins, and then it is done.

Concerning the Kaballah, I'm going to stop our (or my, if you prefer)
idiocy for a moment. You really ought know that Scholem is a top
scholar on the subject. Look him up, don't pass him off. Even if you
don't like him, you should be able to take away something from it. I
find sometimes I get more out of what I disagree with than what I
disagree with.

"The central plan of Creation originates in the lights which shine in
refraction from the eyes of Adam Kadmon." Gershom Scholem

He might have some things to say. The Zohar is a fine book.
"Having realized his own self as the Self, a man becomes selfless; and
virtue of selflessness he is to be conceived as unconditioned. This
is the
highest mystery, betokening emancipation; through selflessness he has
no part
in pleasure or pain, but attains absoluteness."--Maitryana Upinshad


Mar 12, 2002, 5:34:39 AM3/12/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "Gummy" <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message
> > In article <>,
> > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message

> > Oh, don't be too hard on him. He's obviously some little Goth boy who

> > has been rejected by his alt.satanism pals for being a supremely boring
> > wanker, and he's decided to hang out in afjc for a few days in order to
> > try to boost his poor little ego. Pretty soon, now, he'll feel well
> > enough to jack off to some eeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiil pictures of Maryln
> > Manson and then trot back to his Goth/Satanist pals to convince them that
> > he really is a fun guy to have around.
> I once saw one of these kids, crawling around the floor of a coffeeshop on a
> leash of some punkrock dude. Masochist, probably from a defective home
> situation, looking for abuse and deemed to docile by the satanist crew. He
> probably likes the abuse in the sense that the friction it causes gives him
> the energy needed to face another day. Poor kid, when he grows up he'll get
> it eventually. Untill then, he'll be chasing ambulances and hugging granny's
> leg a lot.

Hey, whatever flips the guys' trigger. That's what coffee does to
people, and why I don't drink it.


Mar 12, 2002, 5:37:35 AM3/12/02
Gummy <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message news:<>...

I think you're projecting. You're the one with the party suggestions.
Sounds like they're more suited to their author and a little too
stupid for my tastes.


Mar 12, 2002, 6:12:16 AM3/12/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > > > On 9 Mar 2002 14:36:12 -0800,
> <snip>
> > > but
> > > > cautiously and aware that all information is given to errors in
> > > > perception and interpretation. As to the left side functions, this is
> > > > probably more difficult for a right-hander.
> > >
> > > <grin> I am left and right sided. It works better, especially when
> > > encountering ignorant delusional monkeys like you.
> > >
> > Just don't fall over chewing your cud, all your brain is busy in just
> > the act of standing up. Don't worry, your delusions will stay with
> > you for a long time and I'm not one of your delusions.
> <yawn> if you were, I'd have deleted you or transmogrified yo in a tiny
> little godzilla.
What do you do with the rest of your delusions?

> > <snip>
> > > A long standing opinion.
> > >
> > > Get rid of it. Opinions rot like food, and in the end all they do is
> stink
> > > up the place.
> > >
> > I'm still of the opinion you should avoid getting hit in the head with
> > a hammer, and I'll never give that opinion up, either. Of course,
> > you're welcome to.
> I like electrocuting myself and being run over a lot better.
> > > > > Ted Bundy did nice things, so did Charles Manson. In fact, most
> sociopaths
> > > > > and psychopaths have their good days. Someday, we will discover an
> upside to
> > > > > your idiotic rantings, too.
> > > > >
> > > > Mainly, the fact that it pushes your buttons is the upside. As to
> > > > idiotic rantings, certainly not more idiot than your own.
> > >
> > > <grins> I'm just holding up a mirror so you can be blinded
> > > by your own brilliant enlightened appearance
> > >
> > It's always funny to see a cow grin. This is typical when they start
> > getting angry and leaking milk.
> Wow! The mirror works!

No, you're supposed to try to aim at me, not yourself stupid!


> > > <grin> there is more to life than using your brain, kid.
> > >
> > Of course, if you use your brain you can get a lot more of those other
> > things done. You should try it.
> There are so many ways of getting things done,
> other than with the application of one's mind.

I think a healthy balance between the two works nicely. You should

> > > > > > You want to put an end to killing, put an end to your
> > > > > > own stupidity.
> > > > >
> > > > > Can we kill you first ? It helps, I promise, you will never feel
> sick
> again.
> > > > >
> > > > You can kill me second, just kill yourself first.
> > >
> > > <grins> I am already dead. Sometimes they do come back...
> > >
> > You'd better fall under a train, just to make sure.
> <grin> I tried suffocating, but it didn't help. After electrocution,
> sufficating and being run over, I decided to accept the fate I was dealt,
> having to witness your bottomless senselessness. It's a dirty job, but
> someone has to do it.

The pay's crap and the hours are long. Have you tried homemade bombs

> > > > Of course, I never blamed Christians or Atheists of anything. Thgat
> > > > is my point, but it is too tough a concept to be grasped by someone
> > > > who has no grasp of being awake at all.
> "I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND Atheists play."
> Liar.

What did I blame them of? Having bad opinions? I only blame people
for the actions they produce. If anything, I 'blame' the 'blame game'
in the previous sentence.

> > > Ah! You have become Arhat ? Or did you just wake up this morning, got
> out of
> > > bed and remained in your delusional nefesh state of being 'alive' and
> > > 'intelligent' ?
> >
> > I prefer Rammohun Roy, despite Gandhi's criticisms, and I have no
> > interest in becoming anyone other than myself. I also enjoy the Guru
> > Nanak. I find it typical of small-minded people to try to find
> > comfort in 'different', but Jainism and it's teachings are only an
> > even part of all the teachings. I woke up long ago, yet you appear
> > miles away from being.
> I am just enjoying the show, watching history unfold.

History doesn't unfold, it distorts.

> I awoke 8 months ago, roughly, and I do not care for your teachings about
> peace and love and brotherhood as yet.

I'm an eclecticist; meaning I take what I like from wherever I like.
As to teachings, I'm not a teacher, only an observer.

> It came to my attention that 30 enlightened monks aided a certain mystic
> group here in Europe from mid thirties onwards. That was a serious error in
> judgement, as this group was the Thule group, that used the techniques and
> tools handed to them for occult practices and mastering techniques that were
> well beyond their capabilities and well beyond anything Europe was ready
> for. You twisted fucks used Europe as a testingground.

The Thules? Lots of Nazi members in that. Occult practices have no
power or effect. Except placebo. You got it wrong, the Thules did
nothing, because their tools and techniques were impotent.

> You fucks have influenced the course of European history in a very dumb and
> irresponsible way, planting the very seeds of discrimination and hatred and
> empowering a dark and corrupted group that you should have been able to see
> through from the very start. Eventually, even a certain celestial group had
> to intervene to prevent the corruption and abuse of power to further disrupt
> the unfolding of history.

Now I wonder who is *placing blame*. History does not unfold, it

> So, awakened and enlightened one, fuck you and your disdain.

My disdain for what?

> Now that there is a threat of war in *your* hometown area, we all have to
> get in line and help you ? Do you actually, seriously believe for one minute
> that we do not have a clue as to how we got into this whole fucking mess ?
> Karma, asshole, what goes around, comes around, you 'enlightened' idiots
> created this mess, you clean it up or you will pay for it.
> If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, whining piece of enlightened
> shit.

I could give a crap if *you* help *us*. If you'd like to understand
how you got to where you are, look at your own words. That's why
you're a cow. You're opinions are exactly the same as those you hate.
You're planting the seeds of discrimination and racism right now, if
you're not smart enough to take note.

> > Good for you. Of course, using fire just replaces your clouds with
> > thick, black smoke.
> Muslims tend to perceive man as a lamp, filled with sacred oil. The fire of
> Allah sets it alight, yet does not burn it, and as the fire grows, man sees
> the presence of Allah in the world, layer after layer. Another instance of
> Fire is found in the story of Birgit/Bridget/Bride, of whom it was said that
> when she was born, a flame burst out of her forehead, from earth straight up
> to heaven. The muslims have wonderfull tales about the continual sacrifice
> and resurrection of the heart, old european stories are filled with stories
> of passion, destruction, creation and love.
> You do not have the guts, character, capacity for pain, stamina, power of
> will and passion to do anything with your abundance of light than sit there
> like an old lamp doing the same old dances, singing the same old songs, and
> collect dust, preparing for your next incarnation. Poor enlightened
> creature, you suffer the affliction of many of the enlightened and awakened,
> you have cultivated the light, but you cannot relate to normal people
> anymore.

> > Someday, I may achieve your state of asshood, oh master of the
> > hindquarters.
> Bye bye buttboy. There's Hell to pay soon, don't forget to duck when they
> nuke your precious hometown. Tell them about 56 million dead people send you
> their universal undifferentiated love. Payback is a bitch, ain't it ?

ROFTLMAO! If this was your best attempt at insulting and shocking me,
you might as well give it up. You're obviously over-wrought with
anger, but who cares? You don't know me, and obviously know even less
about me than when we started. I tried to tell you, but you just
can't control your emotions and pretended you didn't understand.


Mar 12, 2002, 6:14:57 AM3/12/02
Gummy <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message news:<>...

I'm sorry, what were you saying? Your stupidity bores me.

"In other living creatures ignorance of self is nature; in man it is a vice."


Presbyter Coxcomb

Mar 12, 2002, 6:26:14 AM3/12/02
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, NEtRENCHERPRIME said:

> I'm <snip>

You're still here? Fuck off, you clown.

Presbyter Coxcomb
Denizen of Darkness Member #69

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 12, 2002, 5:58:43 AM3/12/02
"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message

Coffee + morning paper + toilet = Nirvana.

Hell, I'm just about ready for a cup.
Heard half of the active ingredients
cause cancer with labrats.

Must mean I'm a sewer rat.
With a morning paper.

Off to Nirvana now, I'll think of you when I flush.

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 12, 2002, 6:33:54 AM3/12/02

"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> <SNIP>
> > > Wow, your powers of deep perception are fascinating. Very
> > > enlightening how far off base one person can be.
> >
> > <grin> It's a flame group, my dear delusional monkeyman.
> >
> Speaking of delusional, you seem to have thought I was here to do
> something else? Stupid llama.

Flame the flamers.

Sir Arthur has sent us a knight of the round kitchentable, aren't we the
lucky ones.

> > Your shrink will help you, I don't do online therapy.
> >
> Psychologists are morons, and company you'd probably enjoy.
> > > > Your adolescent mind is looking for dragons to slay, and you came
> > > > looking for biggots and badguys. Get over it, Oedipus Apologetic,
> > > > buttons are showing and I've only just started to push them.
> > > > instable weakminded nefesh scatbabe.
> > >
> > > Wow, so much Eastern wisdom you spew, and so little use or
> > > understanding of it. Just because you read something, you still have
> > > to comprehend it, which you obviously have not.
> >
> > I don't read Freud and Nietzsche, I tend to view people as normal people
> > stead of clusters of sexrelated fears and anxieties. I do however wonder
> > an enlightened being as yourself would view this sort of primitive
> > as a viable alternative to reiki, rebirthing or more soul oriented
> > techniques of healing.
> >
> I read Freud once (or Fraud as is proper, and Nietzsche, (or
> Natzschie). What about them? Idiots screwed in the head is all.

well, my dear Watson, that's what happens when people don't see
the distortions in their own perception.

> > > I think all of your
> > > buttons have been pushed already,
> >
> > My buttons are easy to push, I know where they are.
> >
> > > to come up with such a long winded
> > > and completely erronious attempt to insult. You need to go read your
> > > Gershem Scholem again to catch up, and this time, try understanding
> > > what you read.
> >
> > <grins> Never heard of that crap. Kaballah is much more fun, I can make
> > a Golem in stead of a Scholem, do you want one ? I can even make him
> > dumb shit like you, I just switch the anus with the mouth. Rerout a few
> > intestins, and then it is done.
> Concerning the Kaballah, I'm going to stop our (or my, if you prefer)
> idiocy for a moment.

Oh please don't. I was just starting to enjoy this.

> You really ought know that Scholem is a top
> scholar on the subject. Look him up, don't pass him off. Even if you
> don't like him, you should be able to take away something from it. I
> find sometimes I get more out of what I disagree with than what I
> disagree with.

"It's the evil spirit that arms the tiger with claws."

Let's see : the sign of Christ is Chi Rho, Chi for energy, Rho for
resistance, there are other interpretations, but this one will do.

In order to maximize the throughput of Chi you have to minimize the Rho. Rho
is here the energy spent on anticipating, preempting, handling and reacting
to any events happening within the reach of your conscious perception, and
the measures you take to prevent and block influences outside your

The resistance to an idea/action indicates a value of Rho, you mentally
acknowledge it's possible validity and assert it's percepted value. This
dimishes your focus and hinders the free flow of your chi.

By paying no mind and focussing on the unhindered throughput of chi, the
body and its senses become the tool for the spirit, when spirit controls a
pure and trained body and the mind is unhindered by the urge to respond, the
maximum throughput and control of the own Chi is realized.

The main advantage is that the spirit itself exists independent of time and
will detect and counter any action even before it emanates in the
material/physical plane. It's basically handing over control of the
ego/mind/body self to the more experienced and skilled spirit/mind/body

> "The central plan of Creation originates in the lights which shine in
> strange
> refraction from the eyes of Adam Kadmon." Gershom Scholem
> He might have some things to say. The Zohar is a fine book.

Thanks, monkey. In time, I will come across Scholem.

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 12, 2002, 7:29:57 AM3/12/02

"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > > > > On 9 Mar 2002 14:36:12 -0800,
> > <snip>
> > > > but
> > > > > cautiously and aware that all information is given to errors in
> > > > > perception and interpretation. As to the left side functions,
this is
> > > > > probably more difficult for a right-hander.
> > > >
> > > > <grin> I am left and right sided. It works better, especially when
> > > > encountering ignorant delusional monkeys like you.
> > > >
> > > Just don't fall over chewing your cud, all your brain is busy in just
> > > the act of standing up. Don't worry, your delusions will stay with
> > > you for a long time and I'm not one of your delusions.
> >
> > <yawn> if you were, I'd have deleted you or transmogrified yo in a tiny
> > little godzilla.
> >
> What do you do with the rest of your delusions?

I call it life, and enjoy it while it lasts.

> > > <snip>
> > > > A long standing opinion.
> > > >
> > > > Get rid of it. Opinions rot like food, and in the end all they do is
> > stink
> > > > up the place.
> > > >
> > > I'm still of the opinion you should avoid getting hit in the head with
> > > a hammer, and I'll never give that opinion up, either. Of course,
> > > you're welcome to.
> >
> > I like electrocuting myself and being run over a lot better.
> >
> > > > > > Ted Bundy did nice things, so did Charles Manson. In fact, most
> > sociopaths
> > > > > > and psychopaths have their good days. Someday, we will discover
> > upside to
> > > > > > your idiotic rantings, too.
> > > > > >
> > > > > Mainly, the fact that it pushes your buttons is the upside. As to
> > > > > idiotic rantings, certainly not more idiot than your own.
> > > >
> > > > <grins> I'm just holding up a mirror so you can be blinded
> > > > by your own brilliant enlightened appearance
> > > >
> > > It's always funny to see a cow grin. This is typical when they start
> > > getting angry and leaking milk.
> >
> > Wow! The mirror works!
> >
> No, you're supposed to try to aim at me, not yourself stupid!

<grins> You definitely walked straight into that one.

> <SNIP>
> > > > <grin> there is more to life than using your brain, kid.
> > > >
> > > Of course, if you use your brain you can get a lot more of those other
> > > things done. You should try it.
> >
> > There are so many ways of getting things done,
> > other than with the application of one's mind.
> >
> I think a healthy balance between the two works nicely. You should
> try.


I started working on the chakra's, when that's done,
I'll reinitiate the usual thought patterns.

> > > > > > > You want to put an end to killing, put an end to your
> > > > > > > own stupidity.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Can we kill you first ? It helps, I promise, you will never feel
> > sick again.
> > > > > >
> > > > > You can kill me second, just kill yourself first.
> > > >
> > > > <grins> I am already dead. Sometimes they do come back...
> > > >
> > > You'd better fall under a train, just to make sure.
> >
> > <grin> I tried suffocating, but it didn't help. After electrocution,
> > sufficating and being run over, I decided to accept the fate I was
> > having to witness your bottomless senselessness. It's a dirty job, but
> > someone has to do it.
> >
> The pay's crap and the hours are long. Have you tried homemade bombs
> yet?

My last venture was the ritual burning of my Holy Cow (tm), it was quite
fun, but rather expensive and the neighbors complained. I'll be visiting a
muslim country next week, that should create some lovely opportunities to
get into some real deep shit.

> > > > > Of course, I never blamed Christians or Atheists of anything.
> > > > > is my point, but it is too tough a concept to be grasped by
> > > > > who has no grasp of being awake at all.
> >
> > "I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND Atheists play."
> >
> > Liar.
> >
> What did I blame them of? Having bad opinions? I only blame people
> for the actions they produce. If anything, I 'blame' the 'blame game'
> in the previous sentence.

<grins> blame game...

We simply offer an opportunity for Xians to strengthen their faith by
encountering stiff resistance to their limited perception of truth. In
exchange for our services, we get to swear at them. If they 'win', their
faith is strengthened, if they 'loose' they might actually have learned
something. What is your problem with that ?

> > > > Ah! You have become Arhat ? Or did you just wake up this morning,
> > out of
> > > > bed and remained in your delusional nefesh state of being 'alive'
> > > > 'intelligent' ?
> > >
> > > I prefer Rammohun Roy, despite Gandhi's criticisms, and I have no
> > > interest in becoming anyone other than myself. I also enjoy the Guru
> > > Nanak. I find it typical of small-minded people to try to find
> > > comfort in 'different', but Jainism and it's teachings are only an
> > > even part of all the teachings. I woke up long ago, yet you appear
> > > miles away from being.
> >
> > I am just enjoying the show, watching history unfold.
> >
> History doesn't unfold, it distorts.

Love distortion, there's nothing more soothing
than the sound of a distorted 12 string guitar
blasting it's ways through the boundaries of Hell.

> > I awoke 8 months ago, roughly, and I do not care for your teachings
> > peace and love and brotherhood as yet.
> >
> I'm an eclecticist; meaning I take what I like from wherever I like.
> As to teachings, I'm not a teacher, only an observer.

A true Unitarian Universalist(tm).

> > It came to my attention that 30 enlightened monks aided a certain mystic
> > group here in Europe from mid thirties onwards. That was a serious error
> > judgement, as this group was the Thule group, that used the techniques
> > tools handed to them for occult practices and mastering techniques that
> > well beyond their capabilities and well beyond anything Europe was ready
> > for. You twisted fucks used Europe as a testingground.
> >
> The Thules? Lots of Nazi members in that. Occult practices have no
> power or effect. Except placebo. You got it wrong, the Thules did
> nothing, because their tools and techniques were impotent.

I wsa curious about some trouble concerning 1932/38, I'm just using you to
see if the shit sticks when I throw it at you. Although I'm fairly sure you
caught on to that idea.

> > You fucks have influenced the course of European history in a very dumb
> > irresponsible way, planting the very seeds of discrimination and hatred
> > empowering a dark and corrupted group that you should have been able to
> > through from the very start. Eventually, even a certain celestial group
> > to intervene to prevent the corruption and abuse of power to further
> > the unfolding of history.
> >
> Now I wonder who is *placing blame*.

I am, how nice of you to notice.

The fiction of opposition sometimes gets people to take a stand and shoot
their mouth off.

> History does not unfold, it
> distorts.
> > So, awakened and enlightened one, fuck you and your disdain.
> >
> My disdain for what?

Poor unenlightened delusional Xian and atheist monkeys.

> > Now that there is a threat of war in *your* hometown area, we all have
> > get in line and help you ? Do you actually, seriously believe for one
> > that we do not have a clue as to how we got into this whole fucking mess
> > Karma, asshole, what goes around, comes around, you 'enlightened' idiots
> > created this mess, you clean it up or you will pay for it.
> >
> > If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, whining piece of
> > shit.
> >
> I could give a crap if *you* help *us*.

Thanks, I like my rest and quiet, and I don't like *you*.

> If you'd like to understand
> how you got to where you are, look at your own words. That's why
> you're a cow.

Moooooh aw... you make my udders itch.

> You're opinions are exactly the same as those you hate.

Opinions are like toiletpaper, you use them, then flush them along with the
other crap.

> You're planting the seeds of discrimination and racism right now, if
> you're not smart enough to take note.

I know, and frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Just playing around, boycow, make sure you don't do the Pyrrhus dance. I
trust your biggest shock is having to shave and look in the mirror, you do
not need me for that.

> You're obviously over-wrought with
> anger, but who cares?

Anger is the worst advisor, apart from you.

> You don't know me, and obviously know even less
> about me than when we started. I tried to tell you, but you just
> can't control your emotions and pretended you didn't understand.

Not listening to what people say helps a lot, specially when encountering


Mar 12, 2002, 9:26:04 AM3/12/02
In article <>, g...@m.mmy says...
> > I will speak slowly so you can understand: Communism-is-a-government.
> Wrong. It's an economic theory.
> > ***********
> > com·mu·nism Pronunciation Key (kmy-nzm)
> > n.
> > A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective
> > ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common
> > advantage of all members.
> Hey, look, you even posted the definition. Too bad you didn't actually
> read it before your comment that preceded it. Idiot. Now go back to
> alt.satanism where you came from, and resume jacking off to the latest
> reviews of Maryln Manson's so-called music.
And, to add to this, you probably don't live in a country where communism was a true force in the
society. *I* did. The RCC and Communism went on for the better part of 3 generations quibbling on
exactly the same points, arguing par to par. Also, communism responded to dangers and
unconsistencies in the damn same way as a religion.
Communist Example: Stalin. When he was alive, he was hailed as a sort of Defensor Fidei, and anyone
in the party who objected, was thrown out (such is the case of a couple of Red politicians who
argued that they would defend the National borders against ANY foreign invasors, Soviets included,
or some others who argued that Russian Trotzkists kind of... disappeared). I'm talking about Italy,
not about a country *inside* the Iron Courtain, mind. When he died, and the world reckoned he was a
bloody tyrant with about 23 millions dead under his belt, the commies, well, ignored him, and hid
his memory.
Catholic Example: Torquemada. It mirrors the above nicely. "We ain't like that anymore. Sorry."

That, in my reckoning, is as religious as you can get.

Moron of Ignorance & Servant of the Brownie Satan,
According to Dore, Christ Mk II
(DbD, #Primo in Italia)

King James Bibles Repaired
ICQ UIN 24875529
"Now what would a lying, ignorant demon of darkness KNOW about truth and
-Dore Williamson taking a stab at my "true nature"


Mar 12, 2002, 9:26:08 AM3/12/02
> Wonder of Wonders <breakinballs69@*> wrote in message news:<>...
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> > <snip>
> > >
> > > You're probably just a pal of his from his non-recovery days. You
> > > might need to get off the crack and stop diddling Llamas. Obviously,
> > > you think asking for 'evidence' of what someone 'believes' isn't
> > > stupid Lucid and measured? Who cares how YOU'VE found them, you're
> > > obviously neither lucid, measured or rational yourself. Just another
> > > of the herd animals that wander around in a blind stupor.
> > >
> >
> > And yet they call you jeezy lovin' dimwits his 'flock' and 'sheep'. The
> > only herd instinct I've ever seen in this group has been exhibited by
> > morons like you with your us and them mentality.
> That's exactly what I'm talking about YOUR US AND THEM mentality, not
> mine. It's obvious that you're the one with such a mentality, and
> childish enough to assume I'm one of your "jeezy lovin' dimwits"-only
> because you're an imbecile. You certainly are a member of the herd
> mentality, and you certainly display the 'us and them mentality' as
> well as anyone might expect from the most devout religious psychopath.
> If you'd bothered to read anything before you spoke, you mightn't
> look like such a cow.
> --
> "I am the revenant black saint." ANGELS OF LIGHT
> --
Oh, oh, cat's bitin' his own tail.
He's one of THOSE. You know, everyone's saying he's a cretin, so he's making US a HERD, as if we
were flinging rocks like the proverbial unthinking mob, ATTACKING him just because everyone else is
doing the same. And he, the misunderstood hero, proud of his opinions, in an "eppur si muove"-like


It will never cross his mind that everyone is flaming him because he is ACTUALLY a cretin.
Or that everyone is flaming him because he's posting to a fuckin' FLAME GROUP.

Rev Phylter

Mar 12, 2002, 9:13:15 AM3/12/02

Oh yeah??? IKWYABWAI?

Rev Phylter
ULC Ordained minister
Denizen of Darkness #44
AFJC Antipodean Attaché
Pray. To ask the laws of the universe to be
annulled on behalf of a single petitioner
confessedly unworthy.
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)


Mar 12, 2002, 1:02:12 PM3/12/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > <SNIP>
> >
> > > > Wow, your powers of deep perception are fascinating. Very
> > > > enlightening how far off base one person can be.
> > >
> > > <grin> It's a flame group, my dear delusional monkeyman.
> > >
> > Speaking of delusional, you seem to have thought I was here to do
> > something else? Stupid llama.
> Flame the flamers.
> Sir Arthur has sent us a knight of the round kitchentable, aren't we the
> lucky ones.
No, you're the cow.


> > I read Freud once (or Fraud as is proper, and Nietzsche, (or
> > Natzschie). What about them? Idiots screwed in the head is all.
> <grins>
> well, my dear Watson, that's what happens when people don't see
> the distortions in their own perception.

I have to defer to your expertise on distortions of perception, since
you hallucinate so well.

> > > <grins> Never heard of that crap. Kaballah is much more fun, I can make
> you
> > > a Golem in stead of a Scholem, do you want one ? I can even make him
> talk
> > > dumb shit like you, I just switch the anus with the mouth. Rerout a few
> > > intestins, and then it is done.
> >
> > Concerning the Kaballah, I'm going to stop our (or my, if you prefer)
> > idiocy for a moment.
> Oh please don't. I was just starting to enjoy this.

I've been enjoying it for days. Nice of you to catch up.

Wow. Like I cared. It's funny how Eastern mysticism attracts like
moths those who dislike Western mysticism--but aside from a few
changes in words, they are still one side of the coin-flip it over and

> > "The central plan of Creation originates in the lights which shine in
> > strange
> > refraction from the eyes of Adam Kadmon." Gershom Scholem
> >
> > He might have some things to say. The Zohar is a fine book.
> Thanks, monkey. In time, I will come across Scholem.

Anytime, cow.
"..When a man who qua physical being is always turned towards the
outside, thinking that his happiness lies outside him, finally turns
inward and discovers that the source is within him."--Kierkegaard


Mar 12, 2002, 1:09:47 PM3/12/02
Presbyter Coxcomb <> wrote in message news:<>...

> In alt.flame.jesus.christ, NEtRENCHERPRIME said:
> > I'm <snip>
> You're still here? Fuck off, you clown.

Which cow are you in the herd? I can't tell, all this mooing sounds
the same to me. I think I'll try to go to alt.winnie.the.pooh. The
four-year olds have more brains than any of you morons being
mendicants for alfalfa. Then again, it's always good for a larff to
watch pigs wallow in their own feces.
"Boredom is the root of all evil."-KIERKEGAARD


Mar 12, 2002, 1:16:56 PM3/12/02
Wonder of Wonders <breakinballs69@*> wrote in message news:<>...

This is your brain talking to itself===> "You stupid twat."

This is your brain on drugs===>"Sorry to inform you, there is no herd

> individuals.

ROTFLOL! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard! If you're all
individuals, how come all you do is moo in unison?

>I couldn't give to shits about "us" or "them".

Me too.

> It's psuedo-
> intellectual assholes like you that I come in here mouthing off that I
> enjoy deriding.

Well, you'd better get started. I don't think you could 'deride' if
you had a horse under you, stupid cow.
"Any scientist will verify that, if religion has been displaced by
people's consciousness, it has certainly not been replaced by rational
Paul Davies


Mar 12, 2002, 4:04:05 PM3/12/02
In article <>, says...
> Gummy <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message news:<>...
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> > >
> > > Who cares about satanism,
> >
> > You do.
> >
> > > and who's Maryln Manson
> >
> > The man you wank to on a regular basis.
> >
> > > and why would I
> > > participate in your favorite activity?
> >
> > Nobody said you did. I did say that you're a boring little wanker,
> > though.
> I think you're projecting.

Oh, look, Peewee Herman has gone Goth.


Mar 12, 2002, 4:23:11 PM3/12/02
> Presbyter Coxcomb <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > In alt.flame.jesus.christ, NEtRENCHERPRIME said:
> >
> > > I'm <snip>
> >
> > You're still here? Fuck off, you clown.
> I love it when you talk tough. It gives me a boner.



Mar 12, 2002, 1:37:33 PM3/12/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message

> > >
> > What do you do with the rest of your delusions?
> I call it life, and enjoy it while it lasts.
How is this different from anyone else?

> > <snip>

> > > > > <grins> I'm just holding up a mirror so you can be blinded
> > > > > by your own brilliant enlightened appearance
> > > > >
> > > > It's always funny to see a cow grin. This is typical when they start
> > > > getting angry and leaking milk.
> > >
> > > Wow! The mirror works!
> > >
> > No, you're supposed to try to aim at me, not yourself stupid!
> <grins> You definitely walked straight into that one.

If you're going to walk, it might as well be straight, and not like a
wobbling goat.


> > > There are so many ways of getting things done,
> > > other than with the application of one's mind.
> > >
> > I think a healthy balance between the two works nicely. You should
> > try.
> Tao.

Yeah, there a word. My brother's a Taoist, some cool stuff.

> I started working on the chakra's, when that's done,
> I'll reinitiate the usual thought patterns.

You'd have to have had thought patterns in the first place to
reinstate them.

> > The pay's crap and the hours are long. Have you tried homemade bombs
> > yet?
> My last venture was the ritual burning of my Holy Cow (tm), it was quite
> fun, but rather expensive and the neighbors complained. I'll be visiting a
> muslim country next week, that should create some lovely opportunities to
> get into some real deep shit.

Why do people always think it's a geographical location?

> > > > > > Of course, I never blamed Christians or Atheists of anything.
> Thgat
> > > > > > is my point, but it is too tough a concept to be grasped by
> someone
> > > > > > who has no grasp of being awake at all.
> > >
> > > "I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND Atheists play."
> > >
> > > Liar.
> > >
> > What did I blame them of? Having bad opinions? I only blame people
> > for the actions they produce. If anything, I 'blame' the 'blame game'
> > in the previous sentence.
> <grins> blame game...
> We simply offer an opportunity for Xians to strengthen their faith by
> encountering stiff resistance to their limited perception of truth. In
> exchange for our services, we get to swear at them. If they 'win', their
> faith is strengthened, if they 'loose' they might actually have learned
> something. What is your problem with that ?

My problem, for one, is with the Fulon Gong persecution in China.
Granted, this all temporal, but people should be able to do what they
like with their time here.

> > > > > Ah! You have become Arhat ? Or did you just wake up this morning,
> got
> out of
> > > > > bed and remained in your delusional nefesh state of being 'alive'
> and
> > > > > 'intelligent' ?
> > > >
> > > > I prefer Rammohun Roy, despite Gandhi's criticisms, and I have no
> > > > interest in becoming anyone other than myself. I also enjoy the Guru
> > > > Nanak. I find it typical of small-minded people to try to find
> > > > comfort in 'different', but Jainism and it's teachings are only an
> > > > even part of all the teachings. I woke up long ago, yet you appear
> > > > miles away from being.
> > >
> > > I am just enjoying the show, watching history unfold.
> > >
> > History doesn't unfold, it distorts.
> Love distortion, there's nothing more soothing
> than the sound of a distorted 12 string guitar
> blasting it's ways through the boundaries of Hell.

At least you know where Hell is-12 strings are alright.

> > > I awoke 8 months ago, roughly, and I do not care for your teachings
> about
> > > peace and love and brotherhood as yet.
> > >
> > I'm an eclecticist; meaning I take what I like from wherever I like.
> > As to teachings, I'm not a teacher, only an observer.
> A true Unitarian Universalist(tm).

I certainly don't take that as an insult.

Not at all. I don't walk other people's paths, so I don't judge their

> > > Now that there is a threat of war in *your* hometown area, we all have
> to
> > > get in line and help you ? Do you actually, seriously believe for one
> minute
> > > that we do not have a clue as to how we got into this whole fucking mess
> ?
> > > Karma, asshole, what goes around, comes around, you 'enlightened' idiots
> > > created this mess, you clean it up or you will pay for it.
> > >
> > > If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, whining piece of
> enlightened
> > > shit.
> > >
> > I could give a crap if *you* help *us*.
> Thanks, I like my rest and quiet, and I don't like *you*.

There is no *you*.

> > If you'd like to understand
> > how you got to where you are, look at your own words. That's why
> > you're a cow.
> Moooooh aw... you make my udders itch.


> > You're opinions are exactly the same as those you hate.
> Opinions are like toiletpaper, you use them, then flush them along with the
> other crap.

Nice idea, but I doubt *you* have the plumbing to do it.

I don't advise, so I am not a good advisor.

> > You don't know me, and obviously know even less
> > about me than when we started. I tried to tell you, but you just
> > can't control your emotions and pretended you didn't understand.
> Not listening to what people say helps a lot, specially when encountering
> idiots.

That's what I've been thinking this entire thread. It's why I don't
get angry at what is said here. Too many cows, that think they're
"The idea of superiority and inferiority has to be

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 12, 2002, 3:13:26 PM3/12/02
"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message

> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > <SNIP>
> > >
> > > > > Wow, your powers of deep perception are fascinating. Very
> > > > > enlightening how far off base one person can be.
> > > >
> > > > <grin> It's a flame group, my dear delusional monkeyman.
> > > >
> > > Speaking of delusional, you seem to have thought I was here to do
> > > something else? Stupid llama.
> >
> > Flame the flamers.
> >
> > Sir Arthur has sent us a knight of the round kitchentable, aren't we the
> > lucky ones.
> >
> No, you're the cow.

Oxen, actually.

> <SNIP>
> > > I read Freud once (or Fraud as is proper, and Nietzsche, (or
> > > Natzschie). What about them? Idiots screwed in the head is all.
> >
> > <grins>
> > well, my dear Watson, that's what happens when people don't see
> > the distortions in their own perception.
> >
> I have to defer to your expertise on distortions of perception, since
> you hallucinate so well.

I created lovely hallucinations in the past, one about a dungeon filled with
little skeletons, all working their asses off, floor after floor after
floor, and somewhere down there in the pit a monstrous big mouth breathing
fire, now and then a skeleton falling down and all, getting burnt to a
crisp, work, work, work all day all night, quite a wonderfull hallucination.
Shame it had no audio, Rammstein would have sounded great with that. It
could have used some dragons and stuff, and spiders iwth eight glaring red

> > > > <grins> Never heard of that crap. Kaballah is much more fun, I can
> > you
> > > > a Golem in stead of a Scholem, do you want one ? I can even make him
> > talk
> > > > dumb shit like you, I just switch the anus with the mouth. Rerout a
> > > > intestins, and then it is done.
> > >
> > > Concerning the Kaballah, I'm going to stop our (or my, if you prefer)
> > > idiocy for a moment.
> >
> > Oh please don't. I was just starting to enjoy this.
> >
> I've been enjoying it for days. Nice of you to catch up.

<grin> you must love yourself very much, which is good,
everybody needs somebody to love them.

<grin> why doesn't that surprise me ?

> It's funny how Eastern mysticism attracts like
> moths those who dislike Western mysticism--


I basically like every form of mysticism, myth, religion,
yet, I still do not like *you*.

> but aside from a few
> changes in words, they are still one side of the coin-flip it over and
> see.

<grins> the dark side... there is only darkness inside, monkey man.

Presbyter Coxcomb

Mar 12, 2002, 3:37:46 PM3/12/02
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, NEtRENCHERPRIME said:

> feces.

Yes, your posts certainly are great steaming piles of it. Now, do kindly fuck

Presbyter Coxcomb

Mar 12, 2002, 3:55:02 PM3/12/02
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, NEtRENCHERPRIME said:

> herd
> moo
> cow

If you're going to share your bovidaphilic fantasies with others, I suggest you
point your news browser over to:

AFJC doesn't want to hear about that sort of thing. Now kindly fuck off.

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 12, 2002, 4:40:01 PM3/12/02
"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in > > > > > "Rev.

Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> <SNIP>
> > > >
> > > What do you do with the rest of your delusions?
> >
> > I call it life, and enjoy it while it lasts.
> >
> How is this different from anyone else?

It had more beer, drugs, speedmetal, dirt, and nowadays, more peace and
quiet, mysticism, and mucho more whacko's to laugh at.

Ain't life great ?

> > > <snip>
> <SNIP>
> > > > > > <grins> I'm just holding up a mirror so you can be blinded
> > > > > > by your own brilliant enlightened appearance
> > > > > >
> > > > > It's always funny to see a cow grin. This is typical when they
> > > > > getting angry and leaking milk.
> > > >
> > > > Wow! The mirror works!
> > > >
> > > No, you're supposed to try to aim at me, not yourself stupid!
> >
> > <grins> You definitely walked straight into that one.
> >
> If you're going to walk, it might as well be straight, and not like a
> wobbling goat.

<grin> Walk this Way, talk this Way... if in your mind I wobble, I wobble in
your mind, and do not care.

> <SNIP>
> > > > There are so many ways of getting things done,
> > > > other than with the application of one's mind.
> > > >
> > > I think a healthy balance between the two works nicely. You should
> > > try.
> >
> > Tao.
> >
> Yeah, there a word. My brother's a Taoist,

Oh I am very sorry to hear that, honestly.

> some cool stuff.
Yeah, I like the idea of balance and flow.
Is there something like taoist mysticism ?

> > I started working on the chakra's, when that's done,
> > I'll reinitiate the usual thought patterns.
> >
> You'd have to have had thought patterns in the first place to
> reinstate them.

<grins> you are so funny!

> > > The pay's crap and the hours are long. Have you tried homemade bombs
> >
> > My last venture was the ritual burning of my Holy Cow (tm), it was quite
fun, but rather expensive and the neighbors complained. I'll be visiting a
muslim country next week, that should create some lovely opportunities to
> > get into some real deep shit.
> >
> Why do people always think it's a geographical location?

It's not the location, it's the opportunity. Wouldn't it be great to make
the frontpages all over the world for having your head cut off for trying to
convert muslims to Xians ? A martyr for Christ ! Goddamn I'd get to heaven
anyway, that would really piss Dore off.

> > > > > > > Of course, I never blamed Christians or Atheists of anything.
> > Thgat
> > > > > > > is my point, but it is too tough a concept to be grasped by
> > someone
> > > > > > > who has no grasp of being awake at all.
> > > >
> > > > "I'm sick of the 'blame game' that BOTH Christians AND Atheists
> > > >
> > > > Liar.
> > > >
> > > What did I blame them of? Having bad opinions? I only blame people
> > > for the actions they produce. If anything, I 'blame' the 'blame game'
> > > in the previous sentence.
> >
> > <grins> blame game...
> >
> > We simply offer an opportunity for Xians to strengthen their faith by
> > encountering stiff resistance to their limited perception of truth. In
> > exchange for our services, we get to swear at them. If they 'win', their
> > faith is strengthened, if they 'loose' they might actually have learned
> > something. What is your problem with that ?
> >
> My problem, for one, is with the Fulon Gong persecution in China.

They'll reincarnate anyway. Blessed are those that die in the Lord's name.
The problem would mainly be the poor soldiers that have to whoop them, all
this bad karma they get from following orders. They do not have the same
conscious chioce in the matter.

> Granted, this all temporal, but people should be able to do what they
> like with their time here.

Aw... well, God doesn't seem to agree to that.

> > > > > > Ah! You have become Arhat ? Or did you just wake up this > > > >
> morning, got out of bed and remained in your delusional nefesh > > > >
> state of being 'alive' and 'intelligent' ?
> > > > >
> > > > > I prefer Rammohun Roy, despite Gandhi's criticisms, and I have no
> > > > > interest in becoming anyone other than myself. I also enjoy the
> > > > > Nanak. I find it typical of small-minded people to try to find
> > > > > comfort in 'different', but Jainism and it's teachings are only an
> > > > > even part of all the teachings. I woke up long ago, yet you
> > > > > miles away from being.
> > > >
> > > > I am just enjoying the show, watching history unfold.
> > > >
> > > History doesn't unfold, it distorts.
> >
> > Love distortion, there's nothing more soothing
> > than the sound of a distorted 12 string guitar
> > blasting it's ways through the boundaries of Hell.
> >
> At least you know where Hell is-12 strings are alright.

<grin> hell ain't a bad place to be, I kinda like it there, may make some
VeryDumb(tm) Golems to play Hendrix and Vaughn, just to keep me company

> > > > I awoke 8 months ago, roughly, and I do not care for your teachings
about peace and love and brotherhood as yet.
> > > >
> > > I'm an eclecticist; meaning I take what I like from wherever I like.
> > > As to teachings, I'm not a teacher, only an observer.
> >
> > A true Unitarian Universalist(tm).
> >
> I certainly don't take that as an insult.

It wasn't meant as one.


> > > My disdain for what?
> >
> > Poor unenlightened delusional Xian and atheist monkeys.
> >
> Not at all. I don't walk other people's paths, so I don't judge their
> paths.

You are full of it, don't kid your self.


> > > I could give a crap if *you* help *us*.
> >
> > Thanks, I like my rest and quiet, and I don't like *you*.
> >
> There is no *you*.

There's me, myself, and I, the unholy trinity.

> > > If you'd like to understand
> > > how you got to where you are, look at your own words. That's why
> > > you're a cow.
> >
> > Moooooh aw... you make my udders itch.
> >
> LOL.


> > > You're opinions are exactly the same as those you hate.
> >
> > Opinions are like toiletpaper, you use them, then flush them along with
> > other crap.
> >
> Nice idea, but I doubt *you* have the plumbing to do it.

Just then you claimed there was no *me*. Again, you stumble and fall over
your own words. Do your knees hurt yet ?

Ah, you watch ! However, for an observant you make lots of strange noises
you claim are produced by your intelligence, which I sincerely doubt.

> > > You don't know me, and obviously know even less
> > > about me than when we started. I tried to tell you, but you just
> > > can't control your emotions and pretended you didn't understand.
> >
> > Not listening to what people say helps a lot, specially when
> > idiots.
> That's what I've been thinking this entire thread. It's why I don't
> get angry at what is said here. Too many cows, that think they're
> individuals.

<grin> You could probably stick your head in a beehive, get stung a few
times and say "I won't get mad at the bees". Good for you, poor lost little
ray of light, prolong your ficxtion of suffering if it makes you feel
We here at the farm don't do suffering, we just fry Xians.


Mar 12, 2002, 5:55:19 PM3/12/02
Maeljin <> wrote in message news:<>...

> In article <>, g...@m.mmy says...
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> > >
> > > I will speak slowly so you can understand: Communism-is-a-government.
> >
> > Wrong. It's an economic theory.
> >
> > > ***********
> > > com·mu·nism Pronunciation Key (kmy-nzm)
> > > n.
> > > A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective
> > > ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common
> > > advantage of all members.
> >
> > Hey, look, you even posted the definition. Too bad you didn't actually
> > read it before your comment that preceded it. Idiot. Now go back to
> > alt.satanism where you came from, and resume jacking off to the latest
> > reviews of Maryln Manson's so-called music.
> >
> And, to add to this, you probably don't live in a country where communism was a true force in the
> society. *I* did.

I live in a country where I think for myself. Not much practiced up
on it yet, I see. You'd like to blame religion, but religion is not
at fault. You need to be honest. What if Communists are Atheists?
It doesn't mean a thing concerning atheists. Communism is still a
government-AND an economic system, something I never said it wasn't.

>The RCC and Communism went on for the better part of 3 generations
quibbling on
> exactly the same points, arguing par to par. Also, communism responded to dangers and
> unconsistencies in the damn same way as a religion.

That 'same damn way' still doesn't make it a religion. 99% of all
governments that have existed have had their dangers and
'unconsistencies' in the 'same damn way'. Corporations and grocery
stores have these difficulties, too. It only goes to prove that
'unconsistencies' are inherent to humans.

> Communist Example: Stalin. When he was alive, he was hailed as a sort of Defensor Fidei, and anyone
> in the party who objected, was thrown out (such is the case of a couple of Red politicians who
> argued that they would defend the National borders against ANY foreign invasors, Soviets included,
> or some others who argued that Russian Trotzkists kind of... disappeared).

That's what you get when you let a 'rationalist' government in
control. Mind you, to say 'rationalist' is not to say 'rational',
something I doubt human beings are capable of on the grand scales that
have been purported.

I'm talking about Italy,
> not about a country *inside* the Iron Courtain, mind. When he died, and the world reckoned he was a
> bloody tyrant with about 23 millions dead under his belt, the commies, well, ignored him, and hid
> his memory.

It's not surprising to get 23 million dead from a 'rationalist'
society. We got #'s like that from the 'rationalist' and
'freethinking' Nazis and Fascists. Indeed, people worship human
rationalism like it is a god, but there is no evidence or proof of its

> Catholic Example: Torquemada. It mirrors the above nicely. "We ain't like that anymore. Sorry."

Who's apologizing for Torquemada? It was what it was and is typical
of Government too. In fact, Torquemada was under a government which
did nothing to stop him. Granted, it was run by the church, but
before that it was run by the ("Pagan") Romans, and they acted the
same way.

> That, in my reckoning, is as religious as you can get.

That, in my reckoning, is what you can expect from so-called


Mar 12, 2002, 5:57:12 PM3/12/02
Rev Phylter <> wrote in message news:<Xns91CFB30CF4809ph...@>...
You are a grey-haired dolt who uses his motorcycle handles for
anything he can except riding.


Mar 12, 2002, 6:03:32 PM3/12/02
Maeljin <> wrote in message news:<>...
> In article <>, says...

> > --
> >
> Oh, oh, cat's bitin' his own tail.
> He's one of THOSE. You know, everyone's saying he's a cretin, so he's making US a HERD, as if we
> were flinging rocks like the proverbial unthinking mob, ATTACKING him just because everyone else is
> doing the same. And he, the misunderstood hero, proud of his opinions, in an "eppur si muove"-like
> stand.
Actually, you're the only one to use the racial slur of 'cretin'. It
shows what a dipweed you are. Indeed, you are not flinging rocks, but
rather marshmallows-but you're right about you being a member of the
unthinking mob that wallows in its own filth around here.

> Shitfelcher.
> It will never cross his mind that everyone is flaming him because he is ACTUALLY a cretin.

What has crossed my mind is that everyone is flaming me because they
are all cretins and cows like yourself.

> Or that everyone is flaming him because he's posting to a fuckin' FLAME GROUP.

Duh! You just figured out this is a flame group, you llama's ass?
What DID you think I've been doing all this time?

"People hardly ever make use of the freedom which they have, for
example, freedom of thought; instead they demand freedom of speech as

a compensation."--Kierkegaard


Mar 12, 2002, 6:29:00 PM3/12/02
Presbyter Coxcomb <> wrote in message news:<>...

> In alt.flame.jesus.christ, NEtRENCHERPRIME said:
> > herd
> > moo
> > cow
> If you're going to share your bovidaphilic fantasies with others, I suggest you
> point your news browser over to:
> AFJC doesn't want to hear about that sort of thing. Now kindly fuck off.

I apoligize for talking about what is so mundane to so many people on
this board, and I'm not surprised to see you know where to go for
people like you who like to molest animals. You're a wellspring of
information on the subject, as only a true beastialite could be. Not
for me, though, thanks. I have no need to share your world. If you
weren't such a loser and a milk-cow yourself, you might be able to get
it on with someone other than your own species.


Mar 12, 2002, 6:33:02 PM3/12/02
Presbyter Coxcomb <> wrote in message news:<>...

> In alt.flame.jesus.christ, NEtRENCHERPRIME said:
> > feces.
> Yes, your posts certainly are great steaming piles of it. Now, do kindly fuck
> off.

It's only because I don't snip the people that I'm replying to. Now
I'll let you get back to your great steaming piles of it. Your
soaking in it now.


Mar 12, 2002, 6:35:06 PM3/12/02
Gummy <g...@m.ymm> wrote in message news:<>...
> In article <>,
> Gummy <g...@m.ymm> says...

> > Presbyter Coxcomb <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > > In alt.flame.jesus.christ, NEtRENCHERPRIME said:
> > >
> > > > I'm <snip>
> > >
> > > You're still here? Fuck off, you clown.
> >
> > I love it when you talk tough. It gives me a boner.
> Fag.

Wow, you two make a cute couple.


Mar 12, 2002, 6:37:57 PM3/12/02
Gummy <g...@m.yy> wrote in message news:<>...

> In article <>,
> says...
> > Gummy <g...@m.mmy> wrote in message news:<>...
> > > In article <>,
> > > says...
> > > >
> > > > Who cares about satanism,
> > >
> > > You do.
> > >
> > > > and who's Maryln Manson
> > >
> > > The man you wank to on a regular basis.
> > >
> > > > and why would I
> > > > participate in your favorite activity?
> > >
> > > Nobody said you did. I did say that you're a boring little wanker,
> > > though.
> >
> > I think you're projecting.
> Oh, look, Peewee Herman has gone Goth.

When did you go goth? I'm looking at you, but all I see is a loser
who can't even manage to insult me. Come on, I'm very emotional,
there must be SOMETHING you can say that will bother me, stupid cow.


Mar 12, 2002, 8:44:50 AM3/12/02
to said:


Pretty, ain't it.


Mar 13, 2002, 2:25:58 AM3/13/02
In article <MPG.16f7204c...@>, yo...@thepub.nomore

> said:
> Plonk.
> Pretty, ain't it.

Here, have a complete copy of everything he's going to post from now on:


You're welcome.


Mar 12, 2002, 11:39:29 PM3/12/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in > > > > > "Rev.
> Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> <SNIP>
> > > > >
> > > > What do you do with the rest of your delusions?
> > >
> > > I call it life, and enjoy it while it lasts.
> > >
> > How is this different from anyone else?
> It had more beer, drugs, speedmetal, dirt, and nowadays, more peace and
> quiet, mysticism, and mucho more whacko's to laugh at.
Close for me--punk was more to my taste. In my country, illicit drugs
are just a government plan to sedate the populace into liking stupid

> Ain't life great ?

I thought you were dead.

> <SNIP>

> > If you're going to walk, it might as well be straight, and not like a
> > wobbling goat.
> <grin> Walk this Way, talk this Way... if in your mind I wobble, I wobble in
> your mind, and do not care.

You don't do anything in my mind. You are a non-entity to me.

> > <SNIP>
> > > > > There are so many ways of getting things done,
> > > > > other than with the application of one's mind.
> > > > >
> > > > I think a healthy balance between the two works nicely. You should
> > > > try.
> > >
> > > Tao.
> > >
> > Yeah, there a word. My brother's a Taoist,
> Oh I am very sorry to hear that, honestly.
> > some cool stuff.
> Yeah, I like the idea of balance and flow.
> Is there something like taoist mysticism ?

I'll have to ask him. I'm reading the Upanishads now-someday back to
the Tao.


> > > My last venture was the ritual burning of my Holy Cow (tm), it was quite
> fun, but rather expensive and the neighbors complained. I'll be visiting a
> muslim country next week, that should create some lovely opportunities to
> > > get into some real deep shit.
> > >
> > Why do people always think it's a geographical location?
> It's not the location, it's the opportunity. Wouldn't it be great to make
> the frontpages all over the world for having your head cut off for trying to
> convert muslims to Xians ? A martyr for Christ ! Goddamn I'd get to heaven
> anyway, that would really piss Dore off.

You have a good time.


> > My problem, for one, is with the Fulon Gong persecution in China.
> They'll reincarnate anyway.

Not if they did it right.

> Blessed are those that die in the Lord's name.
> The problem would mainly be the poor soldiers that have to whoop them, all
> this bad karma they get from following orders. They do not have the same
> conscious chioce in the matter.
> > Granted, this all temporal, but people should be able to do what they
> > like with their time here.
> Aw... well, God doesn't seem to agree to that.


> > > Love distortion, there's nothing more soothing
> > > than the sound of a distorted 12 string guitar
> > > blasting it's ways through the boundaries of Hell.
> > >
> > At least you know where Hell is-12 strings are alright.
> <grin> hell ain't a bad place to be, I kinda like it there, may make some
> VeryDumb(tm) Golems to play Hendrix and Vaughn, just to keep me company
> there.
> > > > > I awoke 8 months ago, roughly, and I do not care for your teachings
> about peace and love and brotherhood as yet.
> > > > >
> > > > I'm an eclecticist; meaning I take what I like from wherever I like.
> > > > As to teachings, I'm not a teacher, only an observer.
> > >
> > > A true Unitarian Universalist(tm).
> > >
> > I certainly don't take that as an insult.
> It wasn't meant as one.
> <snip>


> > Nice idea, but I doubt *you* have the plumbing to do it.
> Just then you claimed there was no *me*. Again, you stumble and fall over
> your own words. Do your knees hurt yet ?

I claimed there was no *you*, I didn't say anything about *me*. *You*
might think there is a *you*, and I don't mind working from that


> > That's what I've been thinking this entire thread. It's why I don't
> > get angry at what is said here. Too many cows, that think they're
> > individuals.
> <grin> You could probably stick your head in a beehive, get stung a few
> times and say "I won't get mad at the bees". Good for you, poor lost little
> ray of light, prolong your ficxtion of suffering if it makes you feel
> better.
> We here at the farm don't do suffering, we just fry Xians.

Bees can wound you physically, words are like magic-they're only
potent if you believe in them.
"We must remember that at bottom the generalisations of science or, in
common parlance, the laws of nature are merely hypotheses devised to
explain the ever-shifting phantasmagoria of thought which we dignify
with the high-sounding names of the world and the universe."--SIR

David J. Vorous

Mar 13, 2002, 12:00:29 AM3/13/02
yowie wrote:

Like the topic says; you guys are all fools. Fools for trying
to have an intelligent conversation with a troll.
David J. Vorous
Yosemite Llama Ranch

UDP for WebTV

Wonder of Wonders

Mar 13, 2002, 12:34:25 AM3/13/02
That really hurt my feelings farmboy. Isn't it time for you to get back
to mucking the stalls?

You've reached critical boring mass. FOAD, Cunt.


Presbyter Coxcomb

Mar 13, 2002, 4:12:54 AM3/13/02
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, NEtRENCHERPRIME said:

> > > herd
> > > moo
> > > cow
> >
> > If you're going to share your bovidaphilic fantasies with others, I suggest you
> > point your news browser over to:
> >
> >
> >
> > AFJC doesn't want to hear about that sort of thing. Now kindly fuck off.
> I apoligize for talking about what is so mundane to so many people on
> this board, and I'm not surprised to see you know where to go for
> people like you who like to molest animals.

Wow, another IKWYABWAI overweening cum-dumpster.

A P-L-O-N-K for you, fucktard.

Presbyter Coxcomb

Mar 13, 2002, 4:17:46 AM3/13/02
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, David J. Vorous said:

> > Plonk.
> >
> > Pretty, ain't it.
> Like the topic says; you guys are all fools. Fools for trying
> to have an intelligent conversation with a troll.

The skidmark is now a permanent resident of my bozo-bin, along with 80,000 Ed-
clone aliases and 200,000,000 Daedra sockpuppets/aliases.


Mar 13, 2002, 9:55:11 AM3/13/02
In article <>, says...
> Maeljin <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > In article <>, g...@m.mmy says...
> > > In article <>,
> > > says...
> > > >
> > > > I will speak slowly so you can understand: Communism-is-a-government.
> > >
> > > Wrong. It's an economic theory.
> > >
> > > > ***********
> > > > com·mu·nism Pronunciation Key (kmy-nzm)
> > > > n.
> > > > A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective
> > > > ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common
> > > > advantage of all members.
> > >
> > > Hey, look, you even posted the definition. Too bad you didn't actually
> > > read it before your comment that preceded it. Idiot. Now go back to
> > > alt.satanism where you came from, and resume jacking off to the latest
> > > reviews of Maryln Manson's so-called music.
> > >
> > And, to add to this, you probably don't live in a country where communism was a true force in the
> > society. *I* did.
> I live in a country where I think for myself. Not much practiced up
> on it yet, I see.

Such a loner hero.

> You'd like to blame religion, but religion is not
> at fault. You need to be honest. What if Communists are Atheists?
> It doesn't mean a thing concerning atheists. Communism is still a
> government-AND an economic system, something I never said it wasn't.

They were in a way. So what? Communism wasn't *Atheism*, it used atheism the same way the Catholic
Church used "good" to get rich and fat, and at other's expenses. The same way Nazionalsocialism used
Germany's national pride.
And both were used to substitute faith in religion, because european mentality is born from the
state/religion dualism, and conquering both worlds you control the masses.
And that is twisting to further an end, not embodying (sp).

> >The RCC and Communism went on for the better part of 3 generations
> quibbling on
> > exactly the same points, arguing par to par. Also, communism responded to dangers and
> > unconsistencies in the damn same way as a religion.
> That 'same damn way' still doesn't make it a religion. 99% of all
> governments that have existed have had their dangers and
> 'unconsistencies' in the 'same damn way'.

No. Soviet linked communism invented a way of propaganda that superseded and rivalled the religious
one. It wasn't JUST politics, I assure you. It invented a whole new moral/belief system to fight the
priests, and had sometimes startling success.

> Corporations and grocery
> stores have these difficulties, too. It only goes to prove that
> 'unconsistencies' are inherent to humans.
> > Communist Example: Stalin. When he was alive, he was hailed as a sort of Defensor Fidei, and anyone
> > in the party who objected, was thrown out (such is the case of a couple of Red politicians who
> > argued that they would defend the National borders against ANY foreign invasors, Soviets included,
> > or some others who argued that Russian Trotzkists kind of... disappeared).
> That's what you get when you let a 'rationalist' government in
> control. Mind you, to say 'rationalist' is not to say 'rational',
> something I doubt human beings are capable of on the grand scales that
> have been purported.

That government worked the way it worked because it was absolutist, not because it was communist.
The old Real-Communism vs Philosophical Communism debate.

> I'm talking about Italy,
> > not about a country *inside* the Iron Courtain, mind. When he died, and the world reckoned he was a
> > bloody tyrant with about 23 millions dead under his belt, the commies, well, ignored him, and hid
> > his memory.
> It's not surprising to get 23 million dead from a 'rationalist'
> society.

That's just a mythical, ultimately pointless word invented to refer to Communist government, and
mutuated from philosphy. A platonic idea with very little real power. If you are using it to link
communism to atheism, the link is quite ephemeral, and only in your mind.

> We got #'s like that from the 'rationalist' and
> 'freethinking' Nazis and Fascists. Indeed, people worship human
> rationalism like it is a god, but there is no evidence or proof of its
> existence.

Fascism was "freethinking" in propaganda, not certainly in the facts. THIS word is used with the
same tone a fundy would use for "righteous". And since when Fascism did worship human "rationalism"?
It was a reactionary movement born to face Bolscevism and preserve order in a sick country, and to
win back what was lost in WWI and had strong ties with the Catholic Church.
Except with the ties with the RCC, Nazism wasn't very different. Strong ties to the military,
irredentist sentiments, blame projection on the jews, deep search into the masses need of stability.
Where does "rationalism" come in?

> > Catholic Example: Torquemada. It mirrors the above nicely. "We ain't like that anymore. Sorry."
> >
> Who's apologizing for Torquemada?

The Pope.

> It was what it was and is typical
> of Government too. In fact, Torquemada was under a government which
> did nothing to stop him.

Which was, in fact in his paws. He offed the Spanish king's brother just to drive in the point.

> Granted, it was run by the church, but
> before that it was run by the ("Pagan") Romans, and they acted the
> same way.

Huh? What? You surely aren't talking about Spain anymore.
And, religious repression on the Romans' part? They repressed anyone who wouldn't pay and bend their
knee. Deeply juridical people romans. Couldn't abide religious fanatics, since they did not
understand the whole lot. They should have killed more of them, be them druids or jews. The world
would be better off.

> > That, in my reckoning, is as religious as you can get.
> >
> That, in my reckoning, is what you can expect from so-called
> 'rationalists'.

Or fundamentalists. Islamic, christian, communist, hindu. The whole lot.

> --
> "People hardly ever make use of the freedom which they have, for
> example, freedom of thought; instead they demand freedom of speech as
> a compensation."
> -Kierkegaard

Yeah, thank you to embody THIS one at least.


Moron of Ignorance & Servant of the Brownie Satan,
According to Dore, Christ Mk II
(DbD, #Primo in Italia)

King James Bibles Repaired
ICQ UIN 24875529
"Now what would a lying, ignorant demon of darkness KNOW about truth and
-Dore Williamson taking a stab at my "true nature"

Rev Phylter

Mar 13, 2002, 9:50:42 AM3/13/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in

>> >
>> > Love distortion, there's nothing more soothing
>> > than the sound of a distorted 12 string guitar
>> > blasting it's ways through the boundaries of Hell.
>> >
>> At least you know where Hell is-12 strings are alright.
> <grin> hell ain't a bad place to be, I kinda like it there, may make
> some VeryDumb(tm) Golems to play Hendrix and Vaughn, just to keep me
> company there.

Wouldn't that be something? Jimi and Stevie Ray, together on stage!!!
Pass the cheeba bro.

Rev Phylter
ULC Ordained minister
Denizen of Darkness #44
AFJC Antipodean Attaché
Pray. To ask the laws of the universe to be
annulled on behalf of a single petitioner
confessedly unworthy.
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 13, 2002, 10:37:33 AM3/13/02

"Rev Phylter" <> wrote in message

> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in
> >> >
> >> > Love distortion, there's nothing more soothing
> >> > than the sound of a distorted 12 string guitar
> >> > blasting it's ways through the boundaries of Hell.
> >> >
> >> At least you know where Hell is-12 strings are alright.
> >
> > <grin> hell ain't a bad place to be, I kinda like it there, may make
> > some VeryDumb(tm) Golems to play Hendrix and Vaughn, just to keep me
> > company there.
> Wouldn't that be something? Jimi and Stevie Ray, together on stage!!!
> Pass the cheeba bro.

Would be totally excellent to hear 'em play Little Wing, Hurricane and
Riviera Paradise together, bottle of whiskey and wine, cigars, kick back,
relax, boots on the table... mary had a little lamb...

Rev Phylter

Mar 13, 2002, 10:33:10 AM3/13/02
"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in

I'd love to hear a "call and answer" version of "Scuttle-Buttin'"
<sniff> ain't gonna happen tho'

Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 13, 2002, 1:57:45 PM3/13/02
"Rev Phylter" <> wrote in message
> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in
> > "Rev Phylter" <> wrote in message
> >> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in
> >> >> > Love distortion, there's nothing more soothing
> >> >> > than the sound of a distorted 12 string guitar
> >> >> > blasting it's ways through the boundaries of Hell.
> >> >> >
> >> >> At least you know where Hell is-12 strings are alright.
> >> >
> >> > <grin> hell ain't a bad place to be, I kinda like it there, may make
> >> > some VeryDumb(tm) Golems to play Hendrix and Vaughn, just to keep me
> >> > company there.
> >>
> >> Wouldn't that be something? Jimi and Stevie Ray, together on stage!!!
> >> Pass the cheeba bro.
> >
> > Would be totally excellent to hear 'em play Little Wing, Hurricane and
> > Riviera Paradise together, bottle of whiskey and wine, cigars, kick
> > relax, boots on the table... mary had a little lamb...
> I'd love to hear a "call and answer" version of "Scuttle-Buttin'"
> <sniff> ain't gonna happen tho'

<grins> Faith, Reverend, I read that friend Electric Jezus said : you are
all SonsOfGod(tm) and part of God, so I don't really buy into that deat and
damnation crap. The Xians expect and may therefore get the Torture/Afterglow
thing, I decided I'll just party my ass off in that big ole blasting shining
bright Music ValHella (copyright 2002 J.E.S. Out) with the more lively
people that sing, dance, play music, make noise, fart, eat sausages, drink
whiskey, and laugh their asses off in the nice spring sun, 25 degrees
celsius, light breeze, and on Sundays a nice strong breeze, beach and
surfboards included, free food and drinks, *no* sheep. And from the Akashic
earth records I'll just pull them old performances of Hendrix and Vaughn,
maybe they'll drop by from wherever the Hell(copyright 0 God) they are.


Mar 13, 2002, 2:29:40 PM3/13/02
On 12 Mar 2002 10:37:57 -0800, (NEtRENCHERPRIME)

What is this wankstain? What does it want? Does it have enough grey
cells to understand the concept "want"? Why does it keep repeating its
third-grade insults toward the people poking it with sharp sticks and
having fun with it? When are the sticks going to penetrate its slimy
hide, spilling its stinking reptile guts for all to marvel and jump up
and down at?

What I want to know here is: When is it going to go completely South
Park and shout "TIMMY! TIMMY!"?

Haven't you figured it out yet? Netrencherprime is retarded. He has
nothing to do in this world but sitting in his electrified wheelchair
all day, a horrid mirror-version of Carl Sagan, occasionally bonking
his bloated head against the screen as he desperately tries to
communicate with the world without shorting out his keyboard with the

Recently he's picked up that being pale and interesting and emotional
is by his fellow retards considered "cool", so he shat his pants until
his mom got him the black clothes and dyes and makeup. Too bad the
piercings are getting hammered like surgical steel nails into his
cranium when he bangs his head on hard things.

This is my first theory of Netrencherprime, taking all the recorded
facts into consideration. Further studies are underway.


Rev. Juust E.S. Out

Mar 13, 2002, 2:42:49 PM3/13/02
"NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
> > > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > > > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in > > > > >
> > Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
> > <SNIP>
> > > > > What do you do with the rest of your delusions?
> > > > I call it life, and enjoy it while it lasts.
> > > How is this different from anyone else?
> > It had more beer, drugs, speedmetal, dirt, and nowadays, more peace and
> > quiet, mysticism, and mucho more whacko's to laugh at.
> >
> Close for me--punk was more to my taste. In my country, illicit drugs
> are just a government plan to sedate the populace into liking stupid
> things.

So ? What else is there to like, the rest of it is even more mindnumbingly
boring than drugs, so whatever way you look at it, you loose, or you get
brownie points in a world full of shit.

> > Ain't life great ?
> I thought you were dead.

"death has a dignity of it's own"

All fucked up and dead to the world, just as it should be,
experiencing the rest and quiet dead people get to enjoy.

> > > If you're going to walk, it might as well be straight, and not like a
> > > wobbling goat.
> >
> > <grin> Walk this Way, talk this Way... if in your mind I wobble, I
wobble in
> > your mind, and do not care.
> >
> You don't do anything in my mind. You are a non-entity to me.

That sounds so familiar!

Actually, I am glad about that, I would consider it very bothersome to
actually have to be an entity in your tiny little crapfilled dark spungy
brain. And maybe get squashed by a crumbling thought construct at the frayed
ends of your sanity when you stop being able to connect the dots.

> > > <SNIP>
> > > > > > There are so many ways of getting things done,
> > > > > > other than with the application of one's mind.
> > > > > >
> > > > > I think a healthy balance between the two works nicely. You
> > > > > try.
> > > >
> > > > Tao.
> > > >
> > > Yeah, there a word. My brother's a Taoist,
> > Oh I am very sorry to hear that, honestly.
> >
> > > some cool stuff.
> > Yeah, I like the idea of balance and flow.
> > Is there something like taoist mysticism ?
> >
> I'll have to ask him. I'm reading the Upanishads now-someday back to
> the Tao.

The I Ching would be a candidate I guess.

> <SNIP>
> > > > My last venture was the ritual burning of my Holy Cow (tm), it was
> > fun, but rather expensive and the neighbors complained. I'll be visiting
> > muslim country next week, that should create some lovely opportunities
> > > > get into some real deep shit.
> > > >
> > > Why do people always think it's a geographical location?
> >
> > It's not the location, it's the opportunity. Wouldn't it be great to
> > the frontpages all over the world for having your head cut off for
trying to
> > convert muslims to Xians ? A martyr for Christ ! Goddamn I'd get to
> > anyway, that would really piss Dore off.
> >
> You have a good time.

Thnx, I will. Actually, there is a sufi monastery around somewhere, I was
hoping they'd teach me about the spirit winds. A wiccan is coming with me,
very gifted, I hope she will learn a lot.

Hey did you ever perform any rituals with Syrian Rue (ruh- breath/spirit)?
There's supposed to be a Rig Veda chant/ritual connected to it to
potentialise(!?) it, change it's working so it works like manna, ahoma
(A-Ohm-ah, dead giveaway), do you know which one ?

> <SNIP>
> > > My problem, for one, is with the Fulon Gong persecution in China.
> > They'll reincarnate anyway.
> Not if they did it right.

Don't loose your head ?


> > > Nice idea, but I doubt *you* have the plumbing to do it.
> >
> > Just then you claimed there was no *me*. Again, you stumble and fall
> > your own words. Do your knees hurt yet ?
> >
> I claimed there was no *you*, I didn't say anything about *me*. *You*
> might think there is a *you*, and I don't mind working from that
> level.

You don't work, you observe. And without *me* you don't have a working
scale, do re *me* fa etc. Without *you* I'll sing bless in stead of blues,
so in fact, *I* would be better of without *you*. Same as in IOU, without
*you*, I don't owe anybody anything.

> <SNIP>
> > > That's what I've been thinking this entire thread. It's why I don't
> > > get angry at what is said here. Too many cows, that think they're
> > > individuals.
> >
> > <grin> You could probably stick your head in a beehive, get stung a few
> > times and say "I won't get mad at the bees". Good for you, poor lost
> > ray of light, prolong your ficxtion of suffering if it makes you feel
> > better.
> > We here at the farm don't do suffering, we just fry Xians.
> Bees can wound you physically, words are like magic-they're only
> potent if you believe in them.

It's the thought that counts! Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee...
here comes the pain...

> --
> "We must remember

Yeah right, I've got better dreams to remember.


Mar 13, 2002, 3:21:13 PM3/13/02
Maeljin <> wrote in message news:<>...<SNIP>


Mar 13, 2002, 3:52:22 PM3/13/02
Maeljin <> wrote in message news:<>...<SNIP>

> > I live in a country where I think for myself. Not much practiced up
> > on it yet, I see.
> Such a loner hero.
> > You'd like to blame religion, but religion is not
> > at fault. You need to be honest. What if Communists are Atheists?
> > It doesn't mean a thing concerning atheists. Communism is still a
> > government-AND an economic system, something I never said it wasn't.
> They were in a way. So what? Communism wasn't *Atheism*, it used atheism

No, it wasn't atheism-it's founders were atheists and its politics
showed such a leaning.

> the same way the Catholic
> Church used "good" to get rich and fat, and at other's expenses. The same way Nazionalsocialism used
> Germany's national pride.
> And both were used to substitute faith in religion, because european mentality is born from the
> state/religion dualism, and conquering both worlds you control the masses.
> And that is twisting to further an end, not embodying (sp).

Of course, you'd like to think atheists are beyond using tactics to
get rich and fat at other people's expense. They are no less prone to
abusing power than anybody else.

> > >The RCC and Communism went on for the better part of 3 generations
> quibbling on
> > > exactly the same points, arguing par to par. Also, communism responded to dangers and
> > > unconsistencies in the damn same way as a religion.
> >
> > That 'same damn way' still doesn't make it a religion. 99% of all
> > governments that have existed have had their dangers and
> > 'unconsistencies' in the 'same damn way'.
> No. Soviet linked communism invented a way of propaganda that superseded and rivalled the religious
> one. It wasn't JUST politics, I assure you. It invented a whole new moral/belief system to fight the
> priests, and had sometimes startling success.

Propaganda has been used in governments for 1,000's of years. Where
do you think the RCC got theirs? From the Romans, who got theirs from
the Greeks, and theirs in turn from the Minoans, and so on. The
applied Communist government, which was far from Communism, was
nothing new at all. Neither was Nazism. Nietzsche just helped them
refine their methods of government.

> > Corporations and grocery
> > stores have these difficulties, too. It only goes to prove that
> > 'unconsistencies' are inherent to humans.
> >
> > > Communist Example: Stalin. When he was alive, he was hailed as a sort of Defensor Fidei, and anyone
> > > in the party who objected, was thrown out (such is the case of a couple of Red politicians who
> > > argued that they would defend the National borders against ANY foreign invasors, Soviets included,
> > > or some others who argued that Russian Trotzkists kind of... disappeared).
> >
> > That's what you get when you let a 'rationalist' government in
> > control. Mind you, to say 'rationalist' is not to say 'rational',
> > something I doubt human beings are capable of on the grand scales that
> > have been purported.
> That government worked the way it worked because it was absolutist, not because it was communist.
> The old Real-Communism vs Philosophical Communism debate.

Absolutist? What do you think atheism is? What do you think
philosophy is? Any philosopher comes off as an 'absolutist'.

>> > It's not surprising to get 23 million dead from a 'rationalist'
> > society.
> That's just a mythical, ultimately pointless word invented to refer to Communist government, and
> mutuated from philosphy. A platonic idea with very little real power. If you are using it to link
> communism to atheism, the link is quite ephemeral, and only in your mind.

Actually, atheism and communism are different, but the link is very
real. Read about Tibet sometime. You seem to think atheists can't be
Communists or Nazis.
Why would someone with no necessarily intrinsic beliefs aside from not
believing in a supernatural "god" be immune to Communist or Nazi
propaganda? Atheists can even believe in centaurs and pixies and
still be atheists. The communist government was based on a
'rationalist' philosophy and I have very little doubt that Stalin,
Mao, and Pol Pot thought that they were acting under a 'rationalist'
ideal. None of this is to say that they were rational people.

> > We got #'s like that from the 'rationalist' and
> > 'freethinking' Nazis and Fascists. Indeed, people worship human
> > rationalism like it is a god, but there is no evidence or proof of its
> > existence.
> Fascism was "freethinking" in propaganda, not certainly in the facts.

What's the difference? If you feed someone the propaganda that
they're 'freethinking', that's probably as close as they'll ever get;
like the people on this message board.

THIS word is used with the
> same tone a fundy would use for "righteous". And since when Fascism did worship human "rationalism"?
> It was a reactionary movement born to face Bolscevism and preserve order in a sick country, and to
> win back what was lost in WWI and had strong ties with the Catholic Church.
> Except with the ties with the RCC, Nazism wasn't very different. Strong ties to the military,
> irredentist sentiments, blame projection on the jews, deep search into the masses need of stability.
> Where does "rationalism" come in?

"Rationalism" came in with Nietzsche, 'rational' never came in. Why
do you assume that "rationalism" equates with 'rational'? They are
two seperate items; one thinks it's rational, and the other is (if
such a concept can be achieved by humans) is a state that would be
scientifically verifiable (if it exists at all).

> > > Catholic Example: Torquemada. It mirrors the above nicely. "We ain't like that anymore. Sorry."
> > >
> > Who's apologizing for Torquemada?
> The Pope.
> > It was what it was and is typical
> > of Government too. In fact, Torquemada was under a government which
> > did nothing to stop him.
> Which was, in fact in his paws. He offed the Spanish king's brother just to drive in the point.
> > Granted, it was run by the church, but
> > before that it was run by the ("Pagan") Romans, and they acted the
> > same way.
> Huh? What? You surely aren't talking about Spain anymore.

Why do you still refer to it as the RCC? The "Holy Roman Church"?
The church controlled Spain, the Roman controlled the church.

> And, religious repression on the Romans' part? They repressed anyone who wouldn't pay and bend their
> knee.

And the Spanish didn't? Who are you kidding?

Deeply juridical people romans. Couldn't abide religious fanatics,
since they did not
> understand the whole lot. They should have killed more of them, be them druids or jews. The world
> would be better off.

Now, this is the kind of "rationalist" Communist I was talking about.
Bravo! If they'd just left them alone (except in defense of land),
they would probably have all gone away.

> > > That, in my reckoning, is as religious as you can get.
> > >
> > That, in my reckoning, is what you can expect from so-called
> > 'rationalists'.
> Or fundamentalists. Islamic, christian, communist, hindu. The whole lot.

We're agreed absolutely on that point. Fundamentalism isn't just in
religion, it permeates all philosophies, governments, and what not.

Pope Rudraigh

Mar 13, 2002, 6:29:20 PM3/13/02
On 12 Mar 2002 15:39:29 -0800, (NEtRENCHERPRIME)

>"Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message news:<>...
>> "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
>> > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
>> > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in message
>> > > > "Rev. Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
>> > > > > "NEtRENCHERPRIME" <> wrote in > > > > > "Rev.
>> Juust E.S. Out" <> wrote in message
>> <SNIP>

>> <SNIP>
>> > <SNIP>
>> <snip>

Well, *there* now! This conversation is finally getting interesting


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