I bought my first Halloween outfits this year. The store had a great price
on some decent quality outfits, so I bought two. Check them out if your
interested, and let me know which one you like better. (They are on Page 2
of my site.)
All are fine.
Just you look lone as a woman :)
I am not alone, because I love myself whatever I am.
I agree with you...I think that the black outfit looks better. You
look very nice in both, however.
Sarah Grae (remove the .nospam part) wrote:
Today at work many people dressed up. I chickened out and simply went as
Captain Picard from Star Trek Next Generation. But I did hint to my
coworkers that I had planned on coming as a woman and simply chickened out -
which is pretty close to the truth. lol Some thought it would be no big
deal, but a few others were making fun of the idea. I will see how my
courage is next year.
It is a terrible shame that you are not a TS and attracted to men, because
you my dear make a darling woman and you would give men serious hottie
fever. You could xdress 100% of the time and look amazing, and you have
nothing to be ashamed about appearance-wise. In short, Sarah Grae, you're
a stone cold fox! You look sexy and sweet. Is your wife jealous of your
Thanks Alison. But trust me, social standards aside, I wouldn't want to
wear feminine clothes all the time (including makeup, heels.) It's a lot of
work to get it right, and not all that comfortable. But it is a lot of fun
to do once in a while.
I really appreciate the compliment though. Nothing puts a bigger smile on
my face. :)
Very impressive!! I post very little here, but Wow!
Thank you kindly Melanie. I'm blushing.
Sarah as you know I yield to no-one in my admiration and envy of the
way you look.
But you do look much better in a top and skirt than you do in a dress.
I think we all do. I think it's something to do with the way a dress
hangs on a male figure, even with proper foundation garments.
My favourite photo of you is the one on (I think) page 7 of your
website when you're wearing a simple pink top and black skirt.
Love from
Sarah as you know I yield to no-one in my admiration and envy of the
Yep, I concur. One piece dresses are hard to wear - but I keep trying as
long as it's on sale!
The picture you mention happens to be one of my better photos taken when I
first started crossdressing. I keep a copy of it in my wallet for the
occassional encounter with someone that has never seen me en femme and is
curious to see.