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[POLL] Identification

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Apr 20, 2003, 9:45:03 PM4/20/03
Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...

1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
that character's reason...

2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
assume he can be :), or Shiori?

5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or

6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
flat-out using her for free room and board?

7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
so, to do what and for how long?


Jiras Corrino

Apr 20, 2003, 11:38:25 PM4/20/03
>From: Scortia
>Date: Sun, Apr 20, 2003 9:45 PM
>Message-id: <>

> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...

*burns incense to the poll goddess*

>1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
>were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
>that character's reason...

I hate to say it, but I think Mikage... since I have just as much trouble
interacting with people as he does. Plus, he's a fellow scientist.

>2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Touga. He's slick, he's athletic, he's popular, he's everything I'm not...

>3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

I'm too agressive to be a rose bride, so I'd be a duellist. And being a
duellist, my colors would be grey with gold piping and silver epaulets... those
are the colors of a Corrino Sardaukar, after all... ^^|/

>4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
>assume he can be :), or Shiori?

That depends on which Shiori you're talking about... Miki would beat out
pre-Ruka Shiori, but not post-Ruka Shiori.

>5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or

Akio. Until that very last scene, when Anthy takes control of and for herself.

>6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
>flat-out using her for free room and board?

He was honest. It was only just that he also honestly wanted back into Ohtori
and back on the Council.

>7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

*Fruba reference* It just means that Kyou is 'practicing' in the forest
again... "Gotta beat Yuki, grrr" */Fruba reference*

>8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
>so, to do what and for how long?

It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there...

Jiras Corrino aka Olo Moss of Lake-by-Downs
afu no Chuchu
afu no Mikage's Elevator
Proud Member, Wakaba Genki Preservation Society!
Pro-Shiorist and PROUD!


Apr 21, 2003, 12:12:35 AM4/21/03
>1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
>were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
>that character's reason...


>2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Either kiryuu.

>3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Grey, or olive.

>4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
>assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Miki, except she's a lesbian.

>5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or


>6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
>flat-out using her for free room and board?

The latter.

>7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

I did. I set shaped charges in the base.

>8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
>so, to do what and for how long?

Just long enough to find a way to kill akio and take his power.


Apr 21, 2003, 9:34:25 AM4/21/03
Duuuude... my newsgroup service already deleted my original post... sorry Jiras,
I'm copying and pasting into this one. :P

Jiras Corrino wrote:

> >From: Scortia
> >Date: Sun, Apr 20, 2003 9:45 PM
> >Message-id: <>
> >
> > Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
> *burns incense to the poll goddess*

Mwahahaha... *does a little pagan dance*

> >1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
> >were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> >that character's reason...

Hmmm.... I'm possibly most like Miki in that way. I'm looking for the spark for my
music, art, and writing, and it brings me down when I feel that I really really
suck and will never find it. ^^;; Of course, his more involves having a person and
I don't. But it's funny, because as it is that Kozue was never the reason that he
had his "shining thing" to begin with, most good artists become good artists when
they get rid of all external influences. ^.^

> >2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Touga.... skank. :P I can't understand stereotypically-noble and playboy types.
Also Juri because her sour attitude on life is something that I don't have.

> >3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Hmmmm... Amber, White, and Navy for a dark trim.

> >4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> >assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Hmmmm... I'm obviously not gonna say Shiori. :P I flip back and forth between Ruka
and Miki. It would depend upon their circumstances I guess. Miki is sort of the
happy, naive person who Juri would need in her life, but then, I also just melt
over how much Ruka loves her and how they talk together.

> >5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or
> >Akio?

Anthy... I sort of view the series from the standpoint that perhaps EVERYTHING is
under Anthy's control. The problem is that she is subconsciously a masochist.

> >6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
> >flat-out using her for free room and board?

He was being honest and was grateful. Ya see, I think he was an example of someone
partially out of Ohtori's grasp. And then, Mikage tempted him back. I don't think
he was really craving a chance to go back otherwise, after he sliced Touga... I
think that sort of killed his aspirations and thus he was freed a bit.

> >7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

*shrugs* Yeah, that was a dumb question.

> >8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> >so, to do what and for how long?

I know it is being controlled, but I'd have fun there... I'd harass those bitchy,
stupid schoolgirls. I'd give Saionji some much-needed conversation time... poor
thing, everyone just ignores him. I'd go looking for Mikage so that I could hang
out and then maybe become a black rose duelist...sure, I may have some deep reason
to be one... (pick me, I have angst) Anyway, most black rose duelists do better to
go through the experience... plus I get to be a duelist. ^o^ ;; I'd get in some
fencing lessons and play The Sunlit Garden (be proud Miki, I played it for the
Talent Show in high school. :) I'd give Touga a chance to hit on me and BEAT HIM
DOWN! ^o^


David Paul

Apr 21, 2003, 11:42:17 AM4/21/03

Well, I guess this is as good a time as any to delurk. Hi, everybody!

> 1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
> were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> that character's reason...

As a couple of people have said already... Nemuro. Let's face it -- he's
the stereotypical antisocial nerd, and I fit that description a leetle too
well. : p

> 2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Touga. I don't hate him, but he's such a cypher. I can't believe his
motivations are as shallow as power and sex, but I can't figure out what
they really are.

> 3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Umm... probably green and black, with silver trim.

> 4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Miki is a nice guy, but way too repressed. Besides, I doubt Juri would
think of him in that way. Ruka is a ruthless, sadistic bastard -- he's
ruthless and sadistic in a good cause, but he's still ruthless and sadistic.
Shiori... maybe, if she can get over her inferiority complex. (Actually,
I'm not sure Ruka's interference helped with that at all -- it certainly
wasn't his intent.)

> 5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or
> Akio?

Neither, really. I don't think either of them have any more power than they
can convince others to give them. Akio is better at that, but he himself is
so dominated by his desire to recapture the past that he can't really be
said to be "in control" of anything, least of all himself.

> 6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
> flat-out using her for free room and board?

Both. I think he genuinely enjoyed being with her, but only because he'd
given up all hope of outdoing Touga. When Mikage offered him a second
chance, he couldn't really help himself, the poor bastard....

> 7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Chu Chu. He ate through the trunk, like a beaver.

> 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> so, to do what and for how long?

Not for long. I'd probably see if they had anything interesting in the
library. Then I'd kick Akio in the balls and run.

> --Scortia

-- David

Tak Loufer

Apr 21, 2003, 3:43:01 PM4/21/03
>Subject: [POLL] Identification
>From: Scortia
>Date: 4/20/2003 8:45 PM Central Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...

Sure, why not.

>1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
>were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
>that character's reason...

Hmm. I think I'm most like a cross between Professor Nemuro and Shiori. In
High School I was sort of a parasitic nerd who had trouble showing emotion.

>2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Touga. He's just too cool and popular, and I can't relate.

>3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Black, Grey, Red. With oversized epaulets like Nanami's

>4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
>assume he can be :), or Shiori?


>5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or

Akio at first, but only because Anthy let him. At the end it was Anthy.

>6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
>flat-out using her for free room and board?

Both. He felt grateful to Wakaba, but also felt ashamed that he was being
supported by her. He took up Mikage's offer as a second chance to regain his
former glory.

>7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Whatever came out of Nanami's egg.

>8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
>so, to do what and for how long?

I'd stay there....forever probably. I don't like change. I'd be a mysterious
phantom like Mikage. Reading a microfische machine and have my own shady

-ur pal
-tak L


Apr 21, 2003, 6:34:00 PM4/21/03
Scortia wrote:
> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...

Of course you may! All hail...

> 1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
> were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> that character's reason...

Sort of a combination of Mikage and Keiko. Definitely a nerd girl, but
also looking for worth as someone else's shadow. At least, when I was
that age.

> 2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Akio and Anthy. They are both powerful in their own way, and are both
master manipulators each in their own way. I'm neither.

> 3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Dark red, gold and ivory trim.

> 4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Miki. I'd say Ruka, but in his desperation to help her, he also
terminally damaged his relationship with her. As for Shiori, I see no
evidence that she'd *want* that kind of relationship with Juri, so that
wouldn't be a very good deal for Juri.

> 5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or
> Akio?

Akio at the beginning, Anthy towards the end.

> 6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
> flat-out using her for free room and board?

He was being honest. Unfortunately, he (like everyone else there) has
his fatal flaw of pride, which allowed him to be lured back into the

> 7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Dios. I dunno, chopped it down with his sword?

> 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> so, to do what and for how long?

As I am now, I think I would stay for a while. At least long enough to
just *talk* with some of them, like Saionji, Mikage and Nanami. The ones
that I think could benefit by talking with someone sympathetic. Of
course, there'd be the trick of escaping Anthy's wrath for interfering
with her toys.

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper


Apr 21, 2003, 8:45:58 PM4/21/03
On Sun, 20 Apr 2003 20:45:03 -0500, Scortia <>

> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...

Sure, why not. :)

>1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
>were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
>that character's reason...

Definitely Juri for me.

>2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Certainly neither Touga nor Nanami. Oddly enough, I don't really
identify with Utena, the genuinely nice, popular, athletic girl, all
that much either.

>3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Dark blue, white and black.

>4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
>assume he can be :), or Shiori?

I think I have to go with Shiori, mostly because that's who Juri
clearly wants. Miki is just too naive and I don't think she thinks of
him that way (in the series at least). Ruka is just too ruthless.

>5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or

I think they were both equally in control.

>6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
>flat-out using her for free room and board?

Both, for the same reasons others have stated.

>7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Maybe Nanami the cow tipped it over?

>8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
>so, to do what and for how long?

I'd stay there for a little while at least, just for the fun of it
all. I'm not entirely sure what I'd do though other than hang out.


romana at mindspring dot com

Jiras Corrino

Apr 21, 2003, 11:08:30 PM4/21/03
>From: Scortia
>Date: Mon, Apr 21, 2003 9:34 AM
>Message-id: <>

>Duuuude... my newsgroup service already deleted my original post... sorry
>I'm copying and pasting into this one. :P
>Jiras Corrino wrote:

D'oh! ^^ Hey, no problemo... ^^|/



Apr 21, 2003, 11:08:51 PM4/21/03
> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
Well, okay. But first the pope, now a goddess...
These polls are taking over ALL RELIGIONS!


>1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
>were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
>that character's reason...

I'm a Shadow Girl.
I babble about off-topic stuff.

>2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Ms. Tenjou, but only because she's a great-looking cross-dresser.

>3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

A dark gray kilt with silver pinstripes and a silver crushed velvet
fez with a red tassle and chartreuse fuzzy dice.
Oh, and definitely the rosebride.

>4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
>assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Definitely Mamoru-chan.

>5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or

Yep. That one.

>6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
>flat-out using her for free room and board?

Used, abused and confused her.

>7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

If I'm driving at light speed and flip on my headlights, will they do

>8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
>so, to do what and for how long?

I'll have my MLA in another eighteen months.
Do they need a librarian?

Which reminds me, just out of curiosity, is anyone else here much past
their teens? For the record, I'll be 32 in July. And yes, I really
am "just curious" (married eight years on May 20th).


Apr 21, 2003, 11:16:54 PM4/21/03
"Scortia" <> wrote in message

> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...

Yes - you *have* to be - damn you & your polls ^_^ - couldn't resist coming
out from the shadows and post . . .

> 1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
> were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> that character's reason...

Touga or Utena. There's a certain loneliness with both of them that I
identify with. Also, they're both naive in their own ways. And they need
someone or someones to believe in them and give them strength. We all want
to be good and noble (yet don't comprehend our failings) - a Prince - I know
I'd yield to Akio, for many reasons, just like they did ^__^ I also am
like them both in that I'm swayed by others. Touga by Akio, and to some
degree Miki and Utena. Utena, by just about everyone. And, like Touga &
Utena, I go where "angels fear to tread." And, when lost/defeated, they,
and I, take it very much to heart.

Touga - mostly I identify with him - he's a flirt, he craves attention, he's
a good friend but does things "for the good" of others without thinking it
through; he keeps others' secrets; he's rather protective and he loves
adventure. He wants to "save" - to be the hero. We want the answers - he &
I have to know the how and why. And he broods - something I'm very good at.
^^ Oh - and we both adore kitties! ^^ He's a cynic yet he cares. And we
both have the potential for "attitude." And I identify with his playfulness
and naughtiness. He has a sense of humor - which I identify with.

Utena - she stands up for what she believes in and who she believes in.
She's a steadfast friend and she's so wonderfully outspoken yet naive. Her
sense of "you are who you are" is very much like me. And her temper - I
can really identify with. And she wants to believe in people's good sides,
gets her heart broken, then does it all over again. Oh yeah - I definitely
understand that.

> 2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Anthy. She's too quietly manipulative - I couldn't sit there and not warn
those I care about - on the duels, about Akio, etc. I couldn't let Saionji
or Juri hit me and just accept it. Being forced into a role is very much
not me. Abusing a trust is beyond me. Miki adores her, Utena trusts her,
Saionji "loves" her and Anthy breaks their hearts - I couldn't cause that
kind of pain.

and Nanami - she's just too possessive, too demanding, too cruel at times.
Her treatment of Anthy is unacceptable and mean - I couldn't do that. And
the kitty thing . . . well . . . no more be said.

> 3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Dark royal purple dress, gold over white lace, white feathers, gold crown.
All white suit with purple diagonal lapel thingy edged in gold with gold
braid, maybe purple pants instead of white. Oh and my hair flows prettily
like Touga's. ^^

> 4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> assume he can be :), or Shiori?

For her? Miki. For Miki? No. Miki's very gentle & sweet - she'd be good
around him but I think she'd never really understand his gentle soul and
she'd have affairs. Ruka would be better for her passionate and physical
self. But they'd never lead a fully peaceful life.

> 5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or
> Akio?

Anthy. She sits back quietly and says nothing. She has the power of
knowledge and she doesn't share it.

> 6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
> flat-out using her for free room and board?

At first - the latter. Then I think he realized she wasn't like others -
she was sweet and genuine and he came to honestly appreciate her. But the
cad! The chance to be back in Touga's shadow and to retake the power he
once had as a member of Student Council won over the honest feelings Wakaba
had to offer. Cad, cad, cad!!!

> 7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Me and Akio . . . . . H___H Um, where was I? Oh. Mikage - doing some
more of his damnable experiments.

> 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> so, to do what and for how long?

Yes. Stay for as long as I could (especially if I never age).
Sex with Akio, sex with Touga, sex with Mikage - well, okay conversation
with Mikage. I'd love to help them all believe in their own innermost
Miki is strong on his own; he's a good person, he needs to believe in
Juri needs to accept and relish the feelings she had for Shiori, weep over
them, mourn them, accept that there's no future, then find another and she'd
see there are others.
Saionji needs to see he's a wonderful, beautiful, sexy young man - he
doesn't need to prove anything to Touga. He is Touga's equal. Create his
own secrets and life outside of Touga. Come out of the closet Saio!
Touga - after sleeping with him numerous times - needs to understand he's
already a Prince - he has a good heart - there's no shame in being good or
kind or in love. There's the strength and nobility. Plus I'd love to just
*watch* him.
Akio - well, okay, just lots of sex with Akio. If I know what he's like - I
doubt I could convince him he has the potential to be a Prince if he'd just
open that door himself.
And Mikage - sweet nerdy Mikage - I would just love to adore him for all
that he is - bring him into the light again - believe in him, trust him, let
him know he's loveable and sexy and funny and sweet. I would love to earn
his trust. *huggles Mikage* Then I'd sleep with him. ^__^
And I'd like to be Shiori's friend to help her see she's worth more than
just her current beau and that being "different" is okay.
Also, I'd like to help Tatsuya and Wakaba get together and I'd like to be
Wakaba's friend. And let her know what a wonderful, and great friend she

Now, I shall creep back to my shadows. Thanks Scortia - that was fun!

AFU no Touga - Keeper of his Sexuality
~Mikage's Prince
~~(also)Touga's Prince and Akio's Prince(as needed)

Proud Member, Wakaba Genki Preservation Society

UtenaCode(1.1)U:6 F:To+++Ak++:pBR D:Sa<Na- - -> X:**:a[BR++]
M:f "Poison" "Akio Car" Mikage's Hits, "Toki Ni Ai Wa"
Anyone who truly believes he has friends is a fool. ~Touga Kiryuu


Apr 22, 2003, 11:52:33 AM4/22/03

sephigirl wrote:

> "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> > Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
> Yes - you *have* to be - damn you & your polls ^_^ - couldn't resist coming
> out from the shadows and post . . .

Mwahahaha... no one can resist the power of polls... Mwahahahah ^o^



I'm just laughing my butt off because you were saying how you identify with
Utena and her naivety and her goodness, and then we get to this part and you're
like "I'll sleep with him, then him, and then the other guy again... " :P I
must admit that I sort of identify with Utena as well though, the whole being
yourself concept and idealism is something I have... but I'm more like the
fallen prince-version (Mikage) because while I hope the best from people, I do
realize that humans are some sick bastards. ^^;; Growing up suuuuuucks. :P

> And I'd like to be Shiori's friend to help her see she's worth more than
> just her current beau and that being "different" is okay.
> Also, I'd like to help Tatsuya and Wakaba get together and I'd like to be
> Wakaba's friend. And let her know what a wonderful, and great friend she
> is.

Just out of curiosity, any plans to go into psychology? ^_~ I think if I went
there I'd start listening to some characters and yelling at others for being
total dumbasses. When it comes to sex, burst in on Akio and Touga... and then
we go joy riding and pick up the rest of the guys... who all sit in the back
seat with me. Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after Saionji,
Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece of fanart. *_*

> Now, I shall creep back to my shadows. Thanks Scortia - that was fun!



Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Apr 22, 2003, 3:36:24 PM4/22/03
Scortia <> wrote:

> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
>1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
>were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
>that character's reason...

Can't answer on the grounds it would probably incriminate me somehow.

>2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

The Music Teacher. ^o^

I'm not that blatantly suicidal. I don't think ANYONE can be THAT blatantly
suicidal and still be alive unless they have no arms and legs.

Like I'm sure the music teacher may well end up ^.~

Touching Miki like that is just grounds for getting fscking greased ^.~

>3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Mmmm grey and maybe blue ~.~v

ObAFU: Now... which outfit?

Can I go to henshin dynamics?

OPAFU: Where?

Male uniform then <.<

>4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
>assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Well as I slap Nanami and Miki together (though the house would be like the
Masaki residence pretty fast. "Kozue! Nanami-darling stop fighting ^^;"), that
leaves Ruka and Shiori. Ruka seems to bring out the worst in Juri alot of the
time... so... Shiori. Sure they might "just be friends" forever but I think Juri
can accept that.

>5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or

The Projector. ^-^

>6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
>flat-out using her for free room and board?

Honest ^^ because he could.

>7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Saionji. Cooking Incident. He wrote about it later in his new Exchange Diary.
Cute little pictures too. Anthy put little bird nests all over the place and a
flying elephant in the tree that was invisible. ^^v

>8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
>so, to do what and for how long?

Akio: Don't you mean who *leer*

Out of my usenet message <.< *glare*

Anyfey... it might be fun to tour the campus... look out over the campus -even
with my fear that the giant phallic object might fall over at any time- and then
get the hell out of dodge. If I stayed longer than that I might not get out.

ObEliza: What do you mean might not get out?

Well I might see some student having trouble with a subject I actually know... or
being bullied... and try to help out. At which point you've interacted with "the
experiment" and are probably now part of it.

Kinda like I personally think a student could know OF the dueling game and manage
to stay out of it for a while... but they'd have to be very careful. I imagine it
similar to having an Angel on one side of you and a Devil on the other. Both
trying to entreat you to listen to them and not the other. If you tell only one
to shut up the other by default might well win because you made a choice. So IMO
a person would have walk a very fine edge. To help one is to hinder the other...
to hinder one is to help the other.

NOT that there are enough "factions" to make you have to really worry... well
save in part of my ongoing fanfic @.@ *holds up a "If you don't know you don't
WANNA know." sign*

So... pie anyone?

Wakaba: Hai :9

Akio: Hai!

I said pie not Pai.

Akio: Oh. *think* give me one anyway.

<.<;;;;;;; *hands over* I do NOT want to know.

Akio: *smile*


[I really need to get some free time and write it seems @.@]
Eldrick Tobin
"Welcome to Ohtori. Here's your teal uniform and your straight jacket. >:)" - Death Quaker

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Apr 22, 2003, 3:46:19 PM4/22/03
"David Paul" <> wrote:

>Well, I guess this is as good a time as any to delurk. Hi, everybody!

Hi Doctor Paul!

>> 5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or
>> Akio?
>Neither, really. I don't think either of them have any more power than they
>can convince others to give them. Akio is better at that, but he himself is
>so dominated by his desire to recapture the past that he can't really be
>said to be "in control" of anything, least of all himself.


>> 7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?
>Chu Chu. He ate through the trunk, like a beaver.

This answer I like ^^

>> 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
>> so, to do what and for how long?
>Not for long. I'd probably see if they had anything interesting in the
>library. Then I'd kick Akio in the balls and run.


So welcome. Standard meeting with the Chairman waived considering what you'd
DO... so... don't bring a toy, and don't come by his place on Thursday.

Wow cue card 2 doesn't get read alot... it's dusty. Get me a shop vac stat!

C-ko: Hai!

Rob Kelly

Apr 22, 2003, 4:57:03 PM4/22/03
On Sun, 20 Apr 2003 20:45:03 -0500, Scortia <>

> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...

>1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
>were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
>that character's reason...

Uh... Saionji, because I'n hot headed, impatient and don't like being
in control of my life? And I can get violent if someone pisses me off,
though not a people like Anthy. And that I'm searching for something I
might never find...

*Dyes his hair green*

>2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Touga. He just seems to have "jerk" and "lecher" written all about him
to me. Especially as he seems to be coming off like Akio's Mini-mee.

>3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Red, black and blue.

>4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
>assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Miki. He's the only one who'll genuinely care for Juri in the long
run, it seems

>5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or

Hard question. Maybe they have just as much power as each other.

>6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
>flat-out using her for free room and board?

He's probably as much honest with Wakaba as I have seen episodes for
Utena(has only seen the first seven and a bit of the BR arc).

>7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Shadow Play Girl C-ko. Her capture claw missed and caught the tree.

>8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
>so, to do what and for how long?

I'd keep from being manipulated and just go and date a girl. I wonder
if Wakaba's availible?

Rob Kelly: preloading for a better tomorrow
ICQ: 46075720
"I am the dead, and their land"

Adam Jones

Apr 22, 2003, 4:02:03 PM4/22/03
In a futile gesture against entropy, Scortia wrote:
> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
> 1. Which character do you identify with the most?

I'd have to say Anthy. She's held prisoner by her own fear (of change,
of the world, of being vulnerable) and is, for most of the series,
very much alone.

Also, she's clever, quiet, a little vindictive, and has a delightfully
evil sense of humour.

> 2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Saionji. He always struck me as just a little too unbalanced and
stalker-y for comfort.

> 3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Something inconspicuous.

> 4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Assuming Juri were magically to become straight, I'd have to say Miki
out of that lot. Ruka is just wrong for her in /so/ many ways, and
Shiori has enough problems of her own to make any relationship
between them into a disaster-zone. Miki is the closest of them to
actually /understanding/ Juri.

> 5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or
> Akio?

For the most part, Akio. Anthy thinks that she is, but she's fooling
herself, and Akio gets away with using her. Only at the very end does
Anthy finally gain control.

> 6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
> flat-out using her for free room and board?

He might've had a tiny bit of a thing for her, perhaps, but I think
in the end he was just too obsessed to notice.

> 7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

The shadow-play girls on a drinking binge.

> 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> so, to do what and for how long?

Knowing what I know about Ohtori, I'd say that all of us have been there
at some point in our lives. It's whether or not we've left it that's
the interesting question.
Adam Jones (
.oO("add it to the cmooand line" )
PGP public key: - The Fanfic Revolution

Apr 22, 2003, 7:02:13 PM4/22/03
Scortia wrote:
> sephigirl wrote:
> > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
> >
> > Yes - you *have* to be - damn you & your polls ^_^ - couldn't resist coming
> > out from the shadows and post . . .
> Mwahahaha... no one can resist the power of polls... Mwahahahah ^o^

No one indeed. Look how quickly this thread has expanded.

> >
> <snippity>

> >
> > And I'd like to be Shiori's friend to help her see she's worth more than
> > just her current beau and that being "different" is okay.
> > Also, I'd like to help Tatsuya and Wakaba get together and I'd like to be
> > Wakaba's friend. And let her know what a wonderful, and great friend she
> > is.
> Just out of curiosity, any plans to go into psychology? ^_~ I think if I went
> there I'd start listening to some characters and yelling at others for being
> total dumbasses. When it comes to sex, burst in on Akio and Touga... and then
> we go joy riding and pick up the rest of the guys... who all sit in the back
> seat with me. Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after Saionji,
> Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece of fanart. *_*

Hmmmm. What do you look like, Scortia?

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper

-- Ohtori Academy Portraitist


Apr 22, 2003, 8:18:21 PM4/22/03
to wrote:

> Scortia wrote:
> >
> > sephigirl wrote:
> >
> > > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > > Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
> > >
> > > Yes - you *have* to be - damn you & your polls ^_^ - couldn't resist coming
> > > out from the shadows and post . . .
> >
> > Mwahahaha... no one can resist the power of polls... Mwahahahah ^o^
> No one indeed. Look how quickly this thread has expanded.


> >
> > >
> >
> > <snippity>
> >
> > >
> > > And I'd like to be Shiori's friend to help her see she's worth more than
> > > just her current beau and that being "different" is okay.
> > > Also, I'd like to help Tatsuya and Wakaba get together and I'd like to be
> > > Wakaba's friend. And let her know what a wonderful, and great friend she
> > > is.
> >
> > Just out of curiosity, any plans to go into psychology? ^_~ I think if I went
> > there I'd start listening to some characters and yelling at others for being
> > total dumbasses. When it comes to sex, burst in on Akio and Touga... and then
> > we go joy riding and pick up the rest of the guys... who all sit in the back
> > seat with me. Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after Saionji,
> > Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece of fanart. *_*

*sigh* With all the art I'm preparing to sell, there's no time to make happy,
self-serving fanart. ^^;;

> >
> Hmmmm. What do you look like, Scortia?

I sound like a seiyuu doing a stats list.... but: Caucasian, 5'8", average to skinny
weight, long, straight dirty blonde hair (until I slash it all off! :)

After thinking of that... it somehow made me think to ask... anyone going to A-kon
next month? It'd be cool to meet up with afu'ers.



Apr 22, 2003, 8:27:53 PM4/22/03

Adam Jones wrote:

> In a futile gesture against entropy, Scortia wrote:
> > Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
> >


> > 4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> > assume he can be :), or Shiori?
> Assuming Juri were magically to become straight, I'd have to say Miki
> out of that lot. Ruka is just wrong for her in /so/ many ways, and
> Shiori has enough problems of her own to make any relationship
> between them into a disaster-zone. Miki is the closest of them to
> actually /understanding/ Juri.

A lot of people had a similar response to this and it actually caught me off
guard. As much as the dislike for Ruka is upsetting (the poor dude was
shaking Juri out of her obsession... well, trying to at least ^^;;), something
surprises me more. Even though Juri is in love with Shiori, I've never really
felt that she's just necessarily a lesbian, end-of-story. I always found her
love for Shiori as not genuine, but more cloudy and misunderstood... maybe
because Juri was always in the lead, dominant, and intimidating to others.
Anyway, in anime in general, I think it's always a bit difficult to label this
person as gay and that one is straight... love is more a universal thing, it's
just whoever you love, such as when characters fall in love with their
teachers and then with someone totally different. Bleh... my brain is off...
I'm going. :P



Apr 22, 2003, 9:20:19 PM4/22/03
"Scortia" <> wrote in message

> sephigirl wrote:
> > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
> >
> > Yes - you *have* to be - damn you & your polls ^_^ - couldn't resist
> > out from the shadows and post . . .
> Mwahahaha... no one can resist the power of polls... Mwahahahah ^o^
damn you woman! ^^ I really can't either. I think I've answered every
poll put out on afu, not to mention put a few out myself.

And that is why I say I'm more like Touga first! //^__^\\ He & Utena are
actually similar but he's just . . . so much more naughtier. He enjoys
*all* of life. But don't forget Utena was with Akio (lol thank Dios I
re-read this - I had first written Mikage! ^o^ - oh the wrongness, the
wrongness) and might've been with Touga if he had been a little more clever
(or maybe they were - depending on how we want to read that night scene on
the platform). So . . . Plus there's good, and there's *good* ~_^
Naivete is not simply non-sexual - one can be sexually active and still be
naive - like Touga, and Utena. And me - for Dios' sake - trust me on that
one. ^__^

>I must admit that I sort of identify with Utena as well though, the whole
> yourself concept and idealism is something I have... but I'm more like the
> fallen prince-version (Mikage) because while I hope the best from people,
I do
> realize that humans are some sick bastards. ^^;; Growing up suuuuuucks.

Oh I don't hope for the best. I believe the best in everyone - then crush
them when they believe in themselves. Only joking! Only joking! Wow - is
that not Touga of me, or what? the games, the games . . .

> >
> > And I'd like to be Shiori's friend to help her see she's worth more than
> > just her current beau and that being "different" is okay.
> > Also, I'd like to help Tatsuya and Wakaba get together and I'd like to
> > Wakaba's friend. And let her know what a wonderful, and great friend
> > is.
> Just out of curiosity, any plans to go into psychology? ^_~

I was a horrible psych student (I liked Jung but that was all) - but my
dream is to someday end up back in Human Resources & help folks find their
potential. I have a soft spot for good people with broken dreams and hearts
who just need a little love and support to be the special person they really
are. Then when they're really happy - I really *crush* them. ^__^ Joking,

> if I went
> there I'd start listening to some characters and yelling at others for
> total dumbasses. When it comes to sex, burst in on Akio and Touga... and
> we go joy riding and pick up the rest of the guys... who all sit in the
> seat with me. Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after
> Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece of fanart.

Green, blue, blue, pink - well, it's very Easter-y I must say. ^^ Spring -
that special time of year when a young bishi's fancy turns to Scortia. ^__^

> >
> > Now, I shall creep back to my shadows. Thanks Scortia - that was fun!
> *bows*

See? This is why I'm trying to stay away! I am supposed to be re-working
my query letter to the publisher and what am I doing? Having a hell of a
lot of fun with your poll!

Apr 22, 2003, 9:39:22 PM4/22/03
Scortia wrote:
> wrote:
> > Scortia wrote:
> > >
> > > sephigirl wrote:
> > >
> > > > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> > > >
> > >
> > > <snippity>
> > >
> > > >
> > > > And I'd like to be Shiori's friend to help her see she's worth more than
> > > > just her current beau and that being "different" is okay.
> > > > Also, I'd like to help Tatsuya and Wakaba get together and I'd like to be
> > > > Wakaba's friend. And let her know what a wonderful, and great friend she
> > > > is.
> > >
> > > Just out of curiosity, any plans to go into psychology? ^_~ I think if I went
> > > there I'd start listening to some characters and yelling at others for being
> > > total dumbasses. When it comes to sex, burst in on Akio and Touga... and then
> > > we go joy riding and pick up the rest of the guys... who all sit in the back
> > > seat with me. Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after Saionji,
> > > Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece of fanart. *_*
> *sigh* With all the art I'm preparing to sell, there's no time to make happy,
> self-serving fanart. ^^;;

Ah, but since I write software for a living, I can take time to make
happy, self-serving fanart. ^____^ Not meaning to brag--I think it's
great that you are going to be selling your artwork. At a con, since you
mention one below?

> >
> > >
> >
> > Hmmmm. What do you look like, Scortia?
> I sound like a seiyuu doing a stats list.... but: Caucasian, 5'8", average to > skinny
> weight, long, straight dirty blonde hair (until I slash it all off! :)

Skinny fits right in with the Ohtori-tachi. Heh heh.

> After thinking of that... it somehow made me think to ask... anyone going to A-kon
> next month? It'd be cool to meet up with afu'ers.

Nope, sorry.

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper <-- new Utena art up, and redecorated for

Apr 22, 2003, 9:43:47 PM4/22/03

I completely agree about Juri's probably orientation. In fact, I've been
wondering if there maybe hadn't been something actually romantic in
nature between Juri and Ruka before he took ill, which was one reason
things were so difficult for them when he came back. Just a hypothesis.
I'm still working it out.

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper <-- new Utena art, and redecorated for

Death Quaker

Apr 22, 2003, 10:59:17 PM4/22/03
*crawls out from underneath her huge pile of still-unfinished Web site
updates* What have we here?

Scortia <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P

Yes! Except your powers are so great that not only have you lured cool
people like Katherine into the joy of answering your polls, despite
the vast time-suck powers of AFU, you have lured the likes of _me_ as
well... ^-^

> 1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
> were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> that character's reason...

Well, IF I were still the age of the Utena characters, probably Jury,
as I did a good deal of brooding over a petite, sweet-but-manipulative
young woman--and I was in total denial about the whole thing--and
yeah, at that age, I'd definitely duel for her.

These days... well, my big dreams currently involve getting a real job
in my actual field and owning a big garden with lots of roses and
honeysuckle. But I don't think even Anthy really wanted a garden, so
I'm alone in that...

I identify a lot with Utena as far as the desire to protect friends
goes, although I have at this point learned (the hard way) that
unasked-for meddling can often do more harm than good. I think I kinda
do want to be someone's hero sometimes, so yeah... we'll go with

> 2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Nanami. Although I love the character, even _I_ have never been that
obsessive--or possessive--at least not in that way. And I've never in
my life had the resources or personality type to be able to aquire
henchwenches of my own.

> 3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Crayola Tempera Paint Blue.

Although actually, for a duel I'd just wear my usual jeans and t-shirt
with the big red Dios cape.

> 4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Well, Miki needs to finish going through puberty before he can be
considered a serious candidate, but even then I think Jury needs
someone with a little more of a spine. They're better off staying in
the sempai-kohai relationship they have, IMO. Ruka is too much the
other way around, too ruthless... I think he'd end up angering her
again, pushing her too far. He might still be fine as a mentor in some
ways though. Shiori... if Shiori got over her self-esteem issues, AND
she and Jury learned to communicate their feelings, they _might_
actually work out... when Shiori is direct with Jury, she's good at
calling Jury on her usual BS, which Jury needs...

I could be entirely biased though. I have this cute picture taken from
an art book on my computer desktop, of Jury and Shiori in their
fencing uniforms, and Shiori's all looking up admiringly at Jury, and
they just look so damn _cute_ together. So yeah, biased, most

More abstractly though... if not Shiori, I'd actually vote for none of
the above.

> 5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or
> Akio?


Anthy. Anthy has more control of herself, first of all. And there are
a couple hints that sometimes things happen that were perhaps
influenced by Anthy that Akio wasn't expecting. Akio "controlled"
Anthy because she let him... but as soon as she decides to leave, it's
clear from the lost look on his face on who relied on whom.

> 6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
> flat-out using her for free room and board?

I think Saionji truly appreciated Wakaba's efforts to help him, but as
others have said, his ambitions to rejoin the council ultimately
overplayed his debt to Wakaba. I think he was clueless about her
feelings for him--he probably didn't even realize she was the girl who
used to write him those "charming" letters. He probably figured the
girl was sensitive to his plight and was doing a good deed.

> 7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Mitsuru. Yet another attempt to "endanger" his Nanami-sama.

> 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> so, to do what and for how long?

Depends... are they hiring people with MAs in English, and what's the
pay and benefits? ^^

Oh, I don't know, given that one of my secret weaknesses is roses, I'd
probably stick around awhile just to take in the beauty of the
greenhouse. Heck, I'll take over caring for the roses after Anthy
leaves (just as long as it involves none of that cockamamie "Rose
Bride" stuff). I'll just be the weird American girl who spends all day
in the hothouse, deadheading to her heart's content...

Of course, it would be neat to meet the various characters and talk to
them. Get fencing lessons from Jury, jam with Miki... maybe I could be
the girls' RA or something. As for the more serious issues of
Ohtori... I've spent a good long time and a lot of hard work learning
how to learn from my past while not living in it. I'd _hope_, as
anyone would, that its traps would not be a long-lasting danger to
me... it'd be interesting if frightening to be put to the test.

Death Quaker
Shiori's Prince


Apr 22, 2003, 11:14:43 PM4/22/03

sephigirl wrote:

> "Scortia" <> wrote in message

> >


> I was a horrible psych student (I liked Jung but that was all) - but my
> dream is to someday end up back in Human Resources & help folks find their
> potential. I have a soft spot for good people with broken dreams and hearts
> who just need a little love and support to be the special person they really
> are. Then when they're really happy - I really *crush* them. ^__^ Joking,
> joking!!!

<makes a note never to piss Katherine off ^^;;>

> > if I went
> > there I'd start listening to some characters and yelling at others for
> being
> > total dumbasses. When it comes to sex, burst in on Akio and Touga... and
> then
> > we go joy riding and pick up the rest of the guys... who all sit in the
> back
> > seat with me. Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after
> Saionji,
> > Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece of fanart.
> *_*
> >
> Green, blue, blue, pink - well, it's very Easter-y I must say. ^^ Spring -
> that special time of year when a young bishi's fancy turns to Scortia. ^__^

*_* Don't crush my dreams. ;_; Sadly, I'm rather sure that when I cosplay I'll
only get the fancy of the ladies, since I shall be the bishounen. ^^;; I'd love
to find a real-life Saionji or something along those lines. I love
misunderstood assholes. I suppose I really love people who need a little love
and listening too. ^.^

> > >
> > > Now, I shall creep back to my shadows. Thanks Scortia - that was fun!
> >
> > *bows*
> >
> See? This is why I'm trying to stay away! I am supposed to be re-working
> my query letter to the publisher and what am I doing? Having a hell of a
> lot of fun with your poll!

All a part of my eeeevil plan. ^o^ Publisher? If you have writer connections
I'm gonna steal them... gotta finish my novel and short stories first though.
^^ Yeah, I have a huge ass painting just waiting in my room, all full of fumes
and in need of being finished too. ^^;;



Apr 22, 2003, 11:17:13 PM4/22/03
to wrote:

> Scortia wrote:
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Scortia wrote:
> > > >
> > > > sephigirl wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > <snippity>
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > And I'd like to be Shiori's friend to help her see she's worth more than
> > > > > just her current beau and that being "different" is okay.
> > > > > Also, I'd like to help Tatsuya and Wakaba get together and I'd like to be
> > > > > Wakaba's friend. And let her know what a wonderful, and great friend she
> > > > > is.
> > > >
> > > > Just out of curiosity, any plans to go into psychology? ^_~ I think if I went
> > > > there I'd start listening to some characters and yelling at others for being
> > > > total dumbasses. When it comes to sex, burst in on Akio and Touga... and then
> > > > we go joy riding and pick up the rest of the guys... who all sit in the back
> > > > seat with me. Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after Saionji,
> > > > Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece of fanart. *_*
> >
> > *sigh* With all the art I'm preparing to sell, there's no time to make happy,
> > self-serving fanart. ^^;;
> Ah, but since I write software for a living, I can take time to make
> happy, self-serving fanart. ^____^ Not meaning to brag--I think it's
> great that you are going to be selling your artwork.

You should brag... almost all the guys in our digital art department came from computer
science majors... they gave up and chose the easier route. :P

> At a con, since you
> mention one below?

Yep, A-kon's art show is my first attempt at selling anime fanart somewhere aside from
online... I just want to earn enough to cover the hotel room. ^^;

> >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > Hmmmm. What do you look like, Scortia?
> >
> > I sound like a seiyuu doing a stats list.... but: Caucasian, 5'8", average to > skinny
> > weight, long, straight dirty blonde hair (until I slash it all off! :)
> Skinny fits right in with the Ohtori-tachi. Heh heh.

^o^ Well, I will be cosplaying Akio soon... I FINALLY found one cosplayer do his red
shirt... kudos to him.

> >
> > After thinking of that... it somehow made me think to ask... anyone going to A-kon
> > next month? It'd be cool to meet up with afu'ers.
> Nope, sorry.

Grrr... ،_،


Alessandra Picchetti

Apr 23, 2003, 12:42:26 AM4/23/03

"Scortia" <> wrote in message
> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
> 1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
> were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> that character's reason...

Errr... It really depends on what you think the character's reason *is*...

Probably... er...
I think I've adjusted myself well enough to actually say no one.
*cough* Perhaps Nanami, because I have a volatile temper ^^;; or Touga and
Utena, for similar reasons to Katherine's (well... except the being swayed).

> 2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Least? Heh... Umm... I'll go with... Saionji. Yes.

> 3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Navy blue with gold trim/epaulettes as a duelist; as a Rose Bride, similar,
but if I'm in Slytherin mode (ooh ooh ooh... can I have Draco Wizard-Duel
for me? ...I feel a crossover coming on... duck!) black dress with green
trim and black ruffles. (Hey... I look good in black, OK?) Silver
accessories, of course.

> 4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Erg... Miki, but in a non-sexual sense. They've got a kind of protective
brother/sister thing going on there. (Or maybe, "We're the only ones on this
council not being royally screwed from the top directly... let's stay
low-profile together.")

> 5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or
> Akio?

Akio. Anthy is manipulated into doing what she does for that 'impossible'
dream of being freed from her role.

> 6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
> flat-out using her for free room and board?

I think he was honest. I mean, he's callous, but he's not that manipulative.

> 7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Saionji cut it down in a blind rage.
That, or Chuchu's beaver-horse ate it.

> 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> so, to do what and for how long?

Yes, I think I would. And I'd try and get close to the important people and
counsel them, because... I like talking to people about their problems. ^^

(yeah, that's a Psych major I'm headed for... what? You're surprised?)
AFU no Ikuhara

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Apr 23, 2003, 11:10:35 AM4/23/03
Ben <> wrote:

>Which reminds me, just out of curiosity, is anyone else here much past
>their teens? For the record, I'll be 32 in July. And yes, I really
>am "just curious" (married eight years on May 20th).

27 if you carbon date me ^^

(if the results were higher I think I'd be worried.)

"But you can only carbon date inanimate matter"

It was a joke. A Joke I like to use. One that says "I'm older than I act most of
the time." A Joke. [Just that kinda day so far. Nothing to do with here.]

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Apr 23, 2003, 11:25:13 AM4/23/03
Scortia <> wrote:

Oh you were making plenty of sense and you know it ^-^v


Apr 23, 2003, 1:57:41 PM4/23/03
Scortia <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
> 1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
> were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> that character's reason...
I had to go look up my results from Slithy's SelectSmart Utena
character selector -

I was Akio! ^__^ then Mikage! then nanami (????) then Touga

I may have to take that again just out of curiousity. But, it's like
Manipulator/Bad Boy to High Nerd to Bitch to Playboy. I'm like this
dangerous, sometimes naughty, nerd. o.O *sigh* I can see where they
have things in common but . . . it's much scary. Dios - I hope I'm
not like the common factors these four have.


Apr 23, 2003, 6:30:51 PM4/23/03
In article <nTlpa.37700$>,
"sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> writes:


>> if I went
>> there I'd start listening to some characters and yelling at others for
>> total dumbasses. When it comes to sex, burst in on Akio and Touga... and
>> we go joy riding and pick up the rest of the guys... who all sit in the
>> seat with me. Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after
>> Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece of fanart.
>Green, blue, blue, pink - well, it's very Easter-y I must say. ^^ Spring -
>that special time of year when a young bishi's fancy turns to Scortia. ^__^

Hehe, yeah. And we missed the inevitable Easter lemon this year. ;_;

And you never got back to me re: the musical. ;_; *nowuv*

Mark. 8)
- proud member of the WGPS and the SDA!
-UtenaCode(1.1) U:6 F:Wa+++Ju++ D:Ak->Sh- X:*** a:39++ M:f ZUM(w/Banyuu


Apr 23, 2003, 6:30:50 PM4/23/03
In article <>, Scortia <>

> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...

I guess. *shrug*

>1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
>were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
>that character's reason...

I dunno. Probably just J. Random Student. ^^;

>2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Touga and Akio: Sorry, Katherine -- bishounen or not, they're still scumbags.

>3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P

Black, bay-bee. >D

>4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
>assume he can be :), or Shiori?

Not Ruka. And I don't know if Shiori *really* swings that way, so I'd have to
go with Miki.

>5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or

I'd say Anthy more than Akio, if only subconsciously.

>6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
>flat-out using her for free room and board?

I'd like to think the former, but you never know.

>7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Iraqi Minister of Information: No trees tipped over in the dueling forest. And
the infidel Americans are *not* in Baghdad,

Sorry. Couldn't resist. ^^;

>8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
>so, to do what and for how long?

Yes, but only long enough to mack on Juri and Wakaba, smack Saionji upside the
head for treating Wakaba like poo, send Nanami to a therapist, set Touga on
fire, and kick Akio's teeth in. Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
where we'd try to eat each other under the table.

I'm kidding on the pizza thing. ^^;

Apr 23, 2003, 7:01:38 PM4/23/03
Scortia wrote:
> sephigirl wrote:
> > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >
> <snippity>
> > I was a horrible psych student (I liked Jung but that was all) - but my
> > dream is to someday end up back in Human Resources & help folks find their
> > potential. I have a soft spot for good people with broken dreams and hearts
> > who just need a little love and support to be the special person they really
> > are. Then when they're really happy - I really *crush* them. ^__^ Joking,
> > joking!!!
> >
> <makes a note never to piss Katherine off ^^;;>

Thought you already knew this...

> >
> > > if I went
> > > there I'd start listening to some characters and yelling at others for
> > being
> > > total dumbasses. When it comes to sex, burst in on Akio and Touga... and
> > then
> > > we go joy riding and pick up the rest of the guys... who all sit in the
> > back
> > > seat with me. Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after
> > Saionji,
> > > Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece of fanart.
> > *_*
> > >
> > Green, blue, blue, pink - well, it's very Easter-y I must say. ^^ Spring -
> > that special time of year when a young bishi's fancy turns to Scortia. ^__^
> *_* Don't crush my dreams. ;_; Sadly, I'm rather sure that when I cosplay I'll
> only get the fancy of the ladies, since I shall be the bishounen. ^^;; I'd love
> to find a real-life Saionji or something along those lines. I love
> misunderstood assholes. I suppose I really love people who need a little love
> and listening too. ^.^

I guess it's a safe bet then that you and Katherine won't be clashing
over the same man. Unless it's a Mikage clone.

> >
> > > >
> > > > Now, I shall creep back to my shadows. Thanks Scortia - that was fun!
> > >
> > > *bows*
> > >
> > See? This is why I'm trying to stay away! I am supposed to be re-working
> > my query letter to the publisher and what am I doing? Having a hell of a
> > lot of fun with your poll!
> All a part of my eeeevil plan. ^o^ Publisher? If you have writer connections
> I'm gonna steal them... gotta finish my novel and short stories first though.
> ^^ Yeah, I have a huge ass painting just waiting in my room, all full of fumes
> and in need of being finished too. ^^;;

Which is a major reason why most of my work is done digitally these
days. I love oils, but even with the water-based oil paints, they can't
compare to digital for convenience and lack of clean-up. Add the fact
that I've learned to manipulate Painter so that I can produce works that
look an awful lot like they'd look if I used oils on canvas. I'm working
on a portrait of an RPG character right now. I'm sure the requester will
let me include the finished work at my web site too.


Apr 23, 2003, 7:33:49 PM4/23/03
Scortia <> wrote in message news:<>...
I'm not sure that Ruka's was just trying to shake Juri's obsession
though that was probably part of his movie. It seemed to me as if he
was using Shiori to get at Juri to be able to use her soul sword to
fight Utena. If Ruka really had a pure unselfish love for Juri, he
would have stayed away from Shiori as she asked him to. It seems to
me he got a letter from Akio telling him about Juri and Shiori and
partly out of jealousy (I have no doubt that he at least wanted Juri)
and partly for the miracle power (to cure his illness he came back to
duel. Akio kept Shiori around to be used as a tool to get at Juri.
Mikage admits as in the Black Rose saga.

As to Juri's sexual orientation, there's no way to know for sure but
I'd say that she's gay. My main criteria for thinking that is that
during the series she only showed an attraction towards 2 people:
Shiori and Utena. I got the feeling that Ruka was attracted to Juri
but no the other way around even in the flashbacks.


Apr 23, 2003, 8:21:27 PM4/23/03
Ben <> wrote:
>Which reminds me, just out of curiosity, is anyone else here much past
>their teens? For the record, I'll be 32 in July. And yes, I really
>am "just curious" (married eight years on May 20th).

38 in June.


romana at mindspring dot com


Apr 23, 2003, 9:47:19 PM4/23/03
"OnsenMark" <locu...@aol.combatrock> wrote in message

> In article <>, Scortia <>
> writes:

> >2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?
> >
> Touga and Akio: Sorry, Katherine -- bishounen or not, they're still
> -_-
They posess incredible inner nobility - they don't need to wear it on their
breasts, which are so beautiful and smooth, and oh so drooly . . . um
where was I?


> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.

And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different way


Apr 23, 2003, 10:00:21 PM4/23/03
"Death Quaker" <> wrote in message

> *crawls out from underneath her huge pile of still-unfinished Web site
> updates* What have we here?

see? see? It's like the call of the Lorelei!!

> Scortia <> wrote in message
> > Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P
> Yes! Except your powers are so great that not only have you lured cool
> people like Katherine into the joy of answering your polls, despite
> the vast time-suck powers of AFU, you have lured the likes of _me_ as
> well... ^-^

*poses, hair fluffs prettily* I'm cool? Oh, wait, self-assured smirk in
place. I'm cool. Wow, that made my day. Thank you. *pat pat* I empathize
with the luring . . .

> > 1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
> > were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> > that character's reason...
> Well, IF I were still the age of the Utena characters, probably Jury,
> as I did a good deal of brooding over a petite, sweet-but-manipulative
> young woman--and I was in total denial about the whole thing--and
> yeah, at that age, I'd definitely duel for her.

You know if we went with the "us at *that* age" - I would have been fully
Wakaba and Akio. Yes, it is scary. I always claim I'm Wakabakio when I was
in HS. Genki, virginal, romantic, manipulative, and very much a tease and
naughty. I smoked with the crowd and lunched with the drama kids.

>And I've never in my life had the resources or personality type to be able
to aquire henchwenches of my own.

*teasing* Are you sounding wistful?


> > 7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?
> Mitsuru. Yet another attempt to "endanger" his Nanami-sama.

LOLOLOLOL!! ROFLw/M(ikage) - your answer, and Alex's were my favorites.
Both were absolutely apropos.

> > 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> > so, to do what and for how long?
> Depends... are they hiring people with MAs in English, and what's the
> pay and benefits? ^^

Oh hell! You win. You have an MA in English? I worship you. *bow,
scrape, bow* I was only a Lit undergrad. Guess I'll go pack my bags and
move in with Mikage. oh, the suffering. ^^


Apr 23, 2003, 10:08:28 PM4/23/03
"Scortia" <> wrote in message

> sephigirl wrote:
> > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >
> <snippity>
> > I was a horrible psych student (I liked Jung but that was all) - but my
> > dream is to someday end up back in Human Resources & help folks find
> > potential. I have a soft spot for good people with broken dreams and
> > who just need a little love and support to be the special person they
> > are. Then when they're really happy - I really *crush* them. ^__^
> > joking!!!
> >
> <makes a note never to piss Katherine off ^^;;>

As Laurie mentioned, thought you knew that. Oh, I'm fine. Just like
Touga - take me on a ride in a cool car, seduce me - I'm all good. ^___^

Saio would be a lot of work. Btw - my ex-friend Diane will be hitting
A-kon - exactly who should she look for?

> > > >
> > > > Now, I shall creep back to my shadows. Thanks Scortia - that was
> > >
> > > *bows*
> > >
> > See? This is why I'm trying to stay away! I am supposed to be
> > my query letter to the publisher and what am I doing? Having a hell of
> > lot of fun with your poll!
> All a part of my eeeevil plan. ^o^ Publisher? If you have writer
> I'm gonna steal them... gotta finish my novel and short stories first
> ^^ Yeah, I have a huge ass painting just waiting in my room, all full of
> and in need of being finished too. ^^;;

Just do it my friend. Make your book, your art, etc. your Saionji and, just
like Saio would expect, love it intensely above all things. ^__^ That's
what I had to do with this last book. Well, not Saionji but it had to
become my center. Plus, with all the bad news in my life - I *needed* to
write to get my mind off all the bad. Yeah, well, okay, just like I am with
theatre - I tend to be a tad intense. *tip toes away*


Apr 23, 2003, 10:11:54 PM4/23/03
<> wrote in message

> Scortia wrote:
> >
> > sephigirl wrote:
> >
> > > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > >
> >
> > <snippity>
> >
> > > I was a horrible psych student (I liked Jung but that was all) - but
> > > dream is to someday end up back in Human Resources & help folks find
> > > potential. I have a soft spot for good people with broken dreams and
> > > who just need a little love and support to be the special person they
> > > are. Then when they're really happy - I really *crush* them. ^__^
> > > joking!!!
> > >
> >
> > <makes a note never to piss Katherine off ^^;;>
> Thought you already knew this...
Seriously! With the way Jiras and I have dueled sometime . . . But, see,
I *like* Scortia and she scares me too. ^o^ Scortia was in afu before me so
she gets the special, "don't mess with those that came before" treatment.
Not that it applies to Jiras . . .
Don't give him any ideas!!!!!!
> >
> > >
> > > > >
<snip> I'm working

> on a portrait of an RPG character right now. I'm sure the requester will
> let me include the finished work at my web site too.
I hope so too!!! Can I ask who?


Apr 23, 2003, 10:14:57 PM4/23/03
"OnsenMark" <locu...@aol.combatrock> wrote in message

> In article <nTlpa.37700$>,
> "sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> writes:
> <snip>
> >> if I went
> >> there I'd start listening to some characters and yelling at others for
> >being
> >> total dumbasses. When it comes to sex, burst in on Akio and Touga...
> >then
> >> we go joy riding and pick up the rest of the guys... who all sit in the
> >back
> >> seat with me. Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after
> >Saionji,
> >> Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece of
> >*_*
> >>
> >Green, blue, blue, pink - well, it's very Easter-y I must say. ^^
Spring -
> >that special time of year when a young bishi's fancy turns to Scortia.
> Hehe, yeah. And we missed the inevitable Easter lemon this year. ;_;
see my reply to your other post on this thread. ~__^

> And you never got back to me re: the musical. ;_; *nowuv*

Oh bay-bee - the kinda' love I could give you . . . *looks for the couch*
I know, I know. This is the first real sign of me coming out of the
shadows - is playing here on this thread. I have a few e-mails to take care
of. I'm still in semi-hiding from the world.


Apr 23, 2003, 10:15:48 PM4/23/03
"Tak Loufer" <> wrote in message
> >Subject: [POLL] Identification
> >From: Scortia
> >Date: 4/20/2003 8:45 PM Central Standard Time
> >Message-id: <>
> >

>8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> >so, to do what and for how long?
> >
> I'd stay there....forever probably. I don't like change. I'd be a
> phantom like Mikage. Reading a microfische machine and have my own shady
> seminar.
I *like* you! ^__^


Apr 23, 2003, 10:17:02 PM4/23/03
"Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion" <> wrote in
> "David Paul" <> wrote:
> >
> So welcome. Standard meeting with the Chairman waived considering what
> DO... so... don't bring a toy, and don't come by his place on Thursday.
Eld, my love, are you stealing my pick up lines?

Apr 23, 2003, 11:26:14 PM4/23/03

Hm. I don't, as you were in AFU before me. But I can be scary too.

Oops! Sorry! I forgot he might take that seriously.

> > >
> > > >
> > > > > >
> <snip> I'm working
> > on a portrait of an RPG character right now. I'm sure the requester will
> > let me include the finished work at my web site too.
> >
> I hope so too!!! Can I ask who?

One of the owners of OekakiCentral. He gave me a great, detailed
description of the character. It's being lots of fun to work on. And I
get to try working for print, as he asked for something to become

Adam Jones

Apr 24, 2003, 2:41:12 AM4/24/03
In a futile gesture against entropy, Scortia wrote:
> Adam Jones wrote:
>> In a futile gesture against entropy, Scortia wrote:

>> > 4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
>> > assume he can be :), or Shiori?

>> Assuming Juri were magically to become straight, I'd have to say Miki

> Even though Juri is in love with Shiori, I've never really

> felt that she's just necessarily a lesbian, end-of-story. I always found her
> love for Shiori as not genuine, but more cloudy and misunderstood... maybe
> because Juri was always in the lead, dominant, and intimidating to others.
> Anyway, in anime in general, I think it's always a bit difficult to label this
> person as gay and that one is straight... love is more a universal thing, it's
> just whoever you love

Well, isn't that almost entirely one of the major points of SKU? That
you can't choose who you love, and that you shouldn't be afraid of
finding out. (At least, that's a very significant part of the way /I/
interpret the ending. YMMV.)

Of course, it may just be that I've been hanging around the YuriCon
crowd for too long... ;)
Adam Jones (
.oO("JAVA ???????? Thank YOu ." )
PGP public key: - The Fanfic Revolution


Apr 24, 2003, 10:52:05 AM4/24/03

Scole wrote:

There's always at least 2 ways to view each character... I'm probably just taking the more
sympathetic view of Ruka, because your argument is sound as well. To me, he seemed like
someone who did totally get out of Ohtori mind and body (by means of the illness or
whatever) but wanted to pry Juri from her painful love for Shiori... and to do that
heeasily turned Shiori into his love slave to show Juri that Shiori would never want her,
and then hurt Shiori to show that she really is a pissy bitch afterall. (Yeah, I'm not
pro-Shiori at all)... I never got the feeling that he wanted to heal his illness... I
don't think he actually had a motive when he duelled aside from an excuse to dump Shiori.
After Juri loses it feels like he just wanted her to fight to break her free of Shiori,
win or lose... and when the locket shatters, Juri chooses to keep her pain instead and
Ruka just fades away again. *shrugs*



Apr 24, 2003, 10:54:58 AM4/24/03

sephigirl wrote:

> "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> > sephigirl wrote:
> >
> > > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > >
> >
> > <snippity>
> >
> > > I was a horrible psych student (I liked Jung but that was all) - but my
> > > dream is to someday end up back in Human Resources & help folks find
> their
> > > potential. I have a soft spot for good people with broken dreams and
> hearts
> > > who just need a little love and support to be the special person they
> really
> > > are. Then when they're really happy - I really *crush* them. ^__^
> Joking,
> > > joking!!!
> > >
> >
> > <makes a note never to piss Katherine off ^^;;>
> As Laurie mentioned, thought you knew that. Oh, I'm fine. Just like
> Touga - take me on a ride in a cool car, seduce me - I'm all good. ^___^

Yeah... well... o.O

heh... Hatsuharu (we're doing a huuuuuge Furuba skit) or Konzen, Roushi (Houshin
Engi), or Sakura (Hyper Police)

> > > > >
> > > > > Now, I shall creep back to my shadows. Thanks Scortia - that was
> fun!
> > > >
> > > > *bows*
> > > >
> > > See? This is why I'm trying to stay away! I am supposed to be
> re-working
> > > my query letter to the publisher and what am I doing? Having a hell of
> a
> > > lot of fun with your poll!
> >
> > All a part of my eeeevil plan. ^o^ Publisher? If you have writer
> connections
> > I'm gonna steal them... gotta finish my novel and short stories first
> though.
> > ^^ Yeah, I have a huge ass painting just waiting in my room, all full of
> fumes
> > and in need of being finished too. ^^;;
> >
> Just do it my friend. Make your book, your art, etc. your Saionji and, just
> like Saio would expect, love it intensely above all things. ^__^ That's
> what I had to do with this last book. Well, not Saionji but it had to
> become my center. Plus, with all the bad news in my life - I *needed* to
> write to get my mind off all the bad. Yeah, well, okay, just like I am with
> theatre - I tend to be a tad intense. *tip toes away*

*pat pat*... so how much writing have you done? Where are your books
available? What sort of stuff do you write? I'm all interested now. *_*


Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Apr 24, 2003, 5:57:55 PM4/24/03
"sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> wrote:

>"Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion" <> wrote in
>> "David Paul" <> wrote:
>> >
>> So welcome. Standard meeting with the Chairman waived considering what
>> DO... so... don't bring a toy, and don't come by his place on Thursday.
>Eld, my love, are you stealing my pick up lines?

No Just welcoming. I'm just trying to fill in. Since you were on sabbatical. But
since he'd do unhappy things to your Chairman... I figured the opposite message
would be in order.

I'm more likely to invite someone to Henshin Dynamics than YOUR couch. So don't
worry ^^ Besides they're still free for you to try to pick up yet. Worry not ^^

/Henshin Dynamics... cause everyone should be able to be as many people as they
want *madness cackle*


Apr 24, 2003, 6:28:38 PM4/24/03
In article <BMHpa.37702$>,
"sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> writes:

I did. It's still PAST wrong. x.x

>> And you never got back to me re: the musical. ;_; *nowuv*
>Oh bay-bee - the kinda' love I could give you . . . *looks for the couch*
>I know, I know. This is the first real sign of me coming out of the
>shadows - is playing here on this thread. I have a few e-mails to take care
>of. I'm still in semi-hiding from the world.

K. Just wated to know. BTW, you don't have a Mac, do ya? Because then I could
burn MAD stuffs for you in return for yon musical. ^^;


Apr 24, 2003, 6:28:41 PM4/24/03
In article <HmHpa.37645$>,
"sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> writes:

>"OnsenMark" <locu...@aol.combatrock> wrote in message
>> In article <>, Scortia <>
>> writes:
>> >2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?
>> >
>> Touga and Akio: Sorry, Katherine -- bishounen or not, they're still
>> -_-
>They posess incredible inner nobility - they don't need to wear it on their
>breasts, which are so beautiful and smooth, and oh so drooly . . . um
>where was I?

Fangirl. ~_O

>> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
>> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
>And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different way

Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP


Apr 24, 2003, 9:40:50 PM4/24/03
<> wrote in message

Oh I know - which is why I *never* mess with you. Hell, I get nervous when
I pick on Saionji . . . ^^;;;

> > > >
> > > > >
Akio and Touga are my eye candy, but I'm really after
> > > > > Saionji,
> > > > > > Miki, Ruka, and Mikage. *nosebleed* That would be a fun piece
> > fanart.
> > > > > *_*
> > > > > >
> > > > > Green, blue, blue, pink - well, it's very Easter-y I must say. ^^
> > Spring -
> > > > > that special time of year when a young bishi's fancy turns to
> > ^__^
> > > >
> > > > *_* Don't crush my dreams. ;_; Sadly, I'm rather sure that when I
> > cosplay I'll
> > > > only get the fancy of the ladies, since I shall be the bishounen.
> > I'd love
> > > > to find a real-life Saionji or something along those lines. I love
> > > > misunderstood assholes. I suppose I really love people who need a
> > little love
> > > > and listening too. ^.^
> > >
> > > I guess it's a safe bet then that you and Katherine won't be clashing
> > > over the same man. Unless it's a Mikage clone.
> > >
> > Don't give him any ideas!!!!!!
> Oops! Sorry! I forgot he might take that seriously.

That's all I need when I return . . .

> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > <snip> I'm working
> > > on a portrait of an RPG character right now. I'm sure the requester
> > > let me include the finished work at my web site too.
> > >
> > I hope so too!!! Can I ask who?
> >
> One of the owners of OekakiCentral. He gave me a great, detailed
> description of the character. It's being lots of fun to work on. And I
> get to try working for print, as he asked for something to become
> hardcopy.

And the character? Is it an original character you're creating? Male or
female? Yeah, I can wait 'n' see if you can put them up on your site if I
have to.

Apr 24, 2003, 10:03:37 PM4/24/03
sephigirl wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > sephigirl wrote:
> > >
> > > <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > > Scortia wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > sephigirl wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > <snippity>
> > > > >
> > > > > Then when they're really happy - I really *crush* them.
> > > > > ^__^ Joking, joking!!!
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > <makes a note never to piss Katherine off ^^;;>
> > > >
> > > > Thought you already knew this...
> > > >
> > > Seriously! With the way Jiras and I have dueled sometime . . . But,
> see,
> > > I *like* Scortia and she scares me too. ^o^ Scortia was in afu before
> me so
> > > she gets the special, "don't mess with those that came before"
> treatment.
> > > Not that it applies to Jiras . . .
> >
> > Hm. I don't, as you were in AFU before me. But I can be scary too.
> Oh I know - which is why I *never* mess with you. Hell, I get nervous when
> I pick on Saionji . . . ^^;;;

Why do you think he behaves so well for me? Heh, heh.

> >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > *_* Don't crush my dreams. ;_; Sadly, I'm rather sure that when I
> > > > > cosplay I'll
> > > > > only get the fancy of the ladies, since I shall be the bishounen.
> > > > > ^^;;
> > > > > I'd love
> > > > > to find a real-life Saionji or something along those lines. I love
> > > > > misunderstood assholes. I suppose I really love people who need a
> > > > > little love and listening too. ^.^
> > > >
> > > > I guess it's a safe bet then that you and Katherine won't be clashing
> > > > over the same man. Unless it's a Mikage clone.
> > > >
> > > Don't give him any ideas!!!!!!
> >
> > Oops! Sorry! I forgot he might take that seriously.
> That's all I need when I return . . .

Yeah, I remember what happened the last time he did it. Ooops! I just
remembered something. I was so anxious to get Saionji home after he got
put back together that I neglected to dismantle Mikage's equipment. Did
you clean up after we left? If he's been feeling lonely ...

> >
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > <snip> I'm working
> > > > on a portrait of an RPG character right now. I'm sure the requester
> > > > will let me include the finished work at my web site too.
> > > >
> > > I hope so too!!! Can I ask who?
> > >
> >
> > One of the owners of OekakiCentral. He gave me a great, detailed
> > description of the character. It's being lots of fun to work on. And I
> > get to try working for print, as he asked for something to become
> > hardcopy.
> >
> And the character? Is it an original character you're creating? Male or
> female? Yeah, I can wait 'n' see if you can put them up on your site if I
> have to.

Oh, it's his character, a warrior he's been playing in D&D for a number
of years. Being very successful in his field, the warrior has acquired a
beautiful suit of plate armor, and a glowing magical sword. The rest of
the details I better leave until the owner gives me leave to post the
picture. But you can see just from this where there's a lot of fun stuff
to paint.


Apr 24, 2003, 10:12:16 PM4/24/03
"Scortia" <> wrote in message
Oh, I meant to add - have Akio take me on a ride in a cool car . . . heh

> >
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > All a part of my eeeevil plan. ^o^ Publisher? If you have writer
> > connections
> > > I'm gonna steal them... gotta finish my novel and short stories first
> > though.
> > > ^^ Yeah, I have a huge ass painting just waiting in my room, all full
> > fumes
> > > and in need of being finished too. ^^;;
> > >
> > Just do it my friend. Make your book, your art, etc. your Saionji and,
> > like Saio would expect, love it intensely above all things. ^__^
> > what I had to do with this last book. Well, not Saionji but it had to
> > become my center. Plus, with all the bad news in my life - I *needed*
> > write to get my mind off all the bad. Yeah, well, okay, just like I am
> > theatre - I tend to be a tad intense. *tip toes away*
> *pat pat*... so how much writing have you done? Where are your books
> available? What sort of stuff do you write? I'm all interested now. *_*
:( Not published yet. I'm in that "trying to get published" mode right
now. And I've not been very aggressive about it yet. So, need to get my
act together. I'm looking forward to collecting my first set of rejection
letters! ^__^ But I've finished a 500 pg novel set in ancient Rome during
the reign of Tiberius (never again will I do a historical - all that damned
research). This one I just did was an all out fluff romance set in 1980's
Germany. And I'm starting a romance/fantasy. But - all my books have
anime, and most especially, Utena references (even the ancient Rome one)

Btw Scortia - thanks to you writing La-Li-Ho on the Gravitation disc it
stuck in my head! I finally put that up as my screen saver on my work
computer! I watched an episode every lunch period at work - finally! I've
seen it all!


Apr 24, 2003, 10:16:41 PM4/24/03
"OnsenMark" <locu...@aol.combatrock> wrote in message

> In article <HmHpa.37645$>,
> "sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> writes:
> >"OnsenMark" <locu...@aol.combatrock> wrote in message
> >
> >> In article <>, Scortia
> >> writes:
> >>
> ><snip>
> >> >2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?
> >> >
> >>
> >> Touga and Akio: Sorry, Katherine -- bishounen or not, they're still
> >scumbags.
> >> -_-
> >>
> >They posess incredible inner nobility - they don't need to wear it on
> >breasts, which are so beautiful and smooth, and oh so drooly . . . um
> >where was I?
> >
> Fangirl. ~_O

heh. You know - re-reading that - I really shouldn't use breasts when I'm
talking about guys . . . I meant that in an old fashioned sense but . . .

> ><snip>
> >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
> >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
> >>
> >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different way
> >~___^)
> >
> Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP

*snicker* Yes. Yes it is.

Apr 24, 2003, 10:22:17 PM4/24/03
sephigirl wrote:
> "OnsenMark" <locu...@aol.combatrock> wrote in message
> > In article <HmHpa.37645$>,
> > "sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> writes:
> >
> > >"OnsenMark" <locu...@aol.combatrock> wrote in message
> > >
> > >> In article <>, Scortia
> <>
> > >> writes:
> > >>
> > ><snip>
> > >> >2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >> Touga and Akio: Sorry, Katherine -- bishounen or not, they're still
> > >scumbags.
> > >> -_-
> > >>
> > >They posess incredible inner nobility - they don't need to wear it on
> their
> > >breasts, which are so beautiful and smooth, and oh so drooly . . . um
> > >where was I?
> > >
> >
> > Fangirl. ~_O
> heh. You know - re-reading that - I really shouldn't use breasts when I'm
> talking about guys . . . I meant that in an old fashioned sense but . . .

*sigh* And I was willing to read it using the old fashioned sense but
then *you* have to go and remind us all of the current conotations.
*visions of cross-dressing dance through Laurie's head*

> >
> > ><snip>
> > >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
> > >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
> > >>
> > >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different way
> > >~___^)
> > >
> >
> > Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP
> >
> *snicker* Yes. Yes it is.

This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)


Apr 24, 2003, 10:29:10 PM4/24/03

sephigirl wrote:

I want the Akio Car... when I make my Akio costumes, I'm gonna look out for red
sports cars and taxis so that I can take pictures of myself fondling the cars.
And then... the owners will appear. ^^;;

Waiiiiii! I really wanna read the Tiberius one. Is there shounen ai goodness,
given that Tiberius had his lil' boy brothel? :P````````` *loves the "Twelve

> Btw Scortia - thanks to you writing La-Li-Ho on the Gravitation disc it
> stuck in my head! I finally put that up as my screen saver on my work
> computer! I watched an episode every lunch period at work - finally! I've
> seen it all!

mwahahahha! Gravitation's mangaka was on crack when she thought of that
phrase... hell, she had to be on crack, have you seen what the manga looked like
when it first came out?! O.o Who is your fave character, by-the-way? I swear,
I hate frills, but I have to make Ryuichi's concert outfit just because I love
him and that scene so much. ^.^



Apr 24, 2003, 11:08:23 PM4/24/03
"Scortia" <> wrote in message

That's what I dread. My ex-friend Kelly had a cherry red Neon sport that I
was always dying to have pics of me "loving" it but she didn't have that
sense of humor.

Yep - my first and favorite book. A sort of "National Enquirer" of ancient
Rome. ^^ There is *yaoi* goodness (as well as yaoi badness) but not with
Tiberius, least not that I can remember. Ti gets to fondle, and other
things ,with girls and then slaps the females about. He's a very rough
lover. I *love* him, just *love* him. He's sort of "the other love
interest" of my lead female. There is a main homosexual couple - the
villain whose looks are fashioned after Pierce Brosnan and his lover - a
genki little blond boy who is just adorable and naughty. I had once written
a college paper refuting Suetonius' writings on Tiberius from the Twelve
Caesars. My God! The research - I took a week off work and literally spent
6-8 hrs a day in the library buried in books and articles on Tiberius and
his lot. And the novel grew from that. But, I kept some of Tiberius that
Suetonius wrote about. But most of Ti comes from the other authors and
research. This is a book of very not-likeable people, even the heroine and
hero at some level. Which is why I call it a historical and not a romance
as the romance side is barely there. And the heroine and hero are very
non-typical. Oh, and Tiberius *is* fashioned after Peter O'Toole (not from
his very scary role as Tiberius in Caligula, but from his role as General
Flavius in Masada).

Actually, in my current "fluff romance" - there is a shounen-ai couple - a
bi-sexual male and a genki blond boy whose adorable and naughty! Can't
resist those genki blond, gay, naughty boys. ^__^ I knew one in real life
& he was just so loveable. So, I tend to use him as a model in my books.

> >
> >
> > Btw Scortia - thanks to you writing La-Li-Ho on the Gravitation disc it
> > stuck in my head! I finally put that up as my screen saver on my work
> > computer! I watched an episode every lunch period at work - finally!
> > seen it all!
> mwahahahha! Gravitation's mangaka was on crack when she thought of that
> phrase... hell, she had to be on crack, have you seen what the manga
looked like
> when it first came out?! O.o Who is your fave character, by-the-way? I
> I hate frills, but I have to make Ryuichi's concert outfit just because I
> him and that scene so much. ^.^

It's *always* been Hiro . . . *sigh* Then maybe . . . Touma! ^__^
Ryuichi's concert outfit just *works* for him. He's scary and interesting
and adorable! Shuuichi irritates me; Yuki - erg, just . . . erg! I think
K is totally hot, but he's married and he's scary. No, I've not looked at
any other images outside the anime.


Apr 24, 2003, 11:12:40 PM4/24/03
<> wrote in message

I know, I know. Hell the ghost boys behave for you. And Akio and sometimes

> > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > *_* Don't crush my dreams. ;_; Sadly, I'm rather sure that
when I
> > > > > > cosplay I'll
> > > > > > only get the fancy of the ladies, since I shall be the
> > > > > > ^^;;
> > > > > > I'd love
> > > > > > to find a real-life Saionji or something along those lines. I
> > > > > > misunderstood assholes. I suppose I really love people who need
> > > > > > little love and listening too. ^.^
> > > > >
> > > > > I guess it's a safe bet then that you and Katherine won't be
> > > > > over the same man. Unless it's a Mikage clone.
> > > > >
> > > > Don't give him any ideas!!!!!!
> > >
> > > Oops! Sorry! I forgot he might take that seriously.
> >
> > That's all I need when I return . . .
> Yeah, I remember what happened the last time he did it. Ooops! I just
> remembered something. I was so anxious to get Saionji home after he got
> put back together that I neglected to dismantle Mikage's equipment. Did
> you clean up after we left? If he's been feeling lonely ...

I told Mamiya to. So, hopefully, when I get back . . .

> > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > <snip> I'm working
> > > > > on a portrait of an RPG character right now. I'm sure the
> > > > > will let me include the finished work at my web site too.
> > > > >
> > > > I hope so too!!! Can I ask who?
> > > >
> > >
> > > One of the owners of OekakiCentral. He gave me a great, detailed
> > > description of the character. It's being lots of fun to work on. And I
> > > get to try working for print, as he asked for something to become
> > > hardcopy.
> > >
> > And the character? Is it an original character you're creating? Male
> > female? Yeah, I can wait 'n' see if you can put them up on your site if
> > have to.
> >
> Oh, it's his character, a warrior he's been playing in D&D for a number
> of years. Being very successful in his field, the warrior has acquired a
> beautiful suit of plate armor, and a glowing magical sword. The rest of
> the details I better leave until the owner gives me leave to post the
> picture. But you can see just from this where there's a lot of fun stuff
> to paint.

Sounds very pretty (well, in my imagination) ^__^ I think it's just so
cool - you're such a good artist that he came to you.


Apr 24, 2003, 11:27:27 PM4/24/03

sephigirl wrote:

lmao! Well, these outfits are going to make me go against myself... a real
experiment. Because I would normally not even consider doing such things... I'm
so sexually-uptight that I should be a nun. ^^;; But, as Akio I'll be forced to
be a lecherous, pimping, horn-dog. And I will get so much fangirl loving that
I'll probably get mauled... unless my tan makeup just looks silly as hell and I
merely get made fun of. ^^;;

*nods in interest* I'm glad that you did thoroughly research... these days,
people just make crap out of something in history. While The Illiad obviously
isn't fact, have you seen how horrible USA Network's "Helen of Troy" is?! My
God,... bloody horrible... >_< Out of the 12 Caesars, Tiberius is probably my
second fave... I must admit, Caligula holds a squishy place in my heart... the
sick bastard.

> Actually, in my current "fluff romance" - there is a shounen-ai couple - a
> bi-sexual male and a genki blond boy whose adorable and naughty! Can't
> resist those genki blond, gay, naughty boys. ^__^ I knew one in real life
> & he was just so loveable. So, I tend to use him as a model in my books.

Awwww. ^.^

> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Btw Scortia - thanks to you writing La-Li-Ho on the Gravitation disc it
> > > stuck in my head! I finally put that up as my screen saver on my work
> > > computer! I watched an episode every lunch period at work - finally!
> I've
> > > seen it all!
> >
> > mwahahahha! Gravitation's mangaka was on crack when she thought of that
> > phrase... hell, she had to be on crack, have you seen what the manga
> looked like
> > when it first came out?! O.o Who is your fave character, by-the-way? I
> swear,
> > I hate frills, but I have to make Ryuichi's concert outfit just because I
> love
> > him and that scene so much. ^.^
> >
> It's *always* been Hiro . . . *sigh*

That's nice... Hiro is often overlooked... in the corner tuning his guitar all
the time. ^^;;

> Then maybe . . . Touma! ^__^
> Ryuichi's concert outfit just *works* for him.

Yeah, I hope I do it justice... I've seen way too many girls NOT make it work.

> He's scary and interesting
> and adorable!

^o^ I want to find a guy who is nuts like that.

> Shuuichi irritates me; Yuki - erg, just . . . erg!

Awww... but Yuki has angst... .ANGST!! ^^;; I can't say I really hate any of
the main characters.. well, Tohma's nephew gets a bit annoying because all he
gets to do is complain. Not that I blame him, he is a real go-getter and
Shuichi is so wishy washy. ^^;; I'm not a big fan of Shuichi, he's the standard,
stupid and love-filled character. Bleh.

> I think
> K is totally hot, but he's married and he's scary.

Ha, so is Tohma! XP His poor wife. ^^;;

> No, I've not looked at
> any other images outside the anime.

God, you have to see the early manga... Shuichi is so very not the cute, big
eyed boy. Tohma looks like a linebacker... everyone is like 3 times uglier
too... I'm glad her subordinates sort of pushed her into the style that we see
in the anime.

All yaoi manga should be pretty like Earthian and Seimaden. ^.^


Apr 24, 2003, 11:36:16 PM4/24/03

"Scortia" <> wrote in message

> Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
Survey says: Approved!

> 1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you

> were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> that character's reason...
Sho-i Tanaka: Been there, done that.

Ack - down, alter ego, down! I have a hard time identifying with any of
the characters, to be perfectly honest. As far as personality goes, I
have a hard time deciding between Juri (aloof, keeps it all inside)
and Mikage (secretive, well-intentioned) because I really don't fit
either character very well.

> 2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?

Akio and Touga.

> 3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P
Black and tan.

> 4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> assume he can be :), or Shiori?

As a friend, Miki. As a soulmate, none of them. I feel for Shiori,
but there's just too many issues with those two.

> 5. Who is more in control in your perception of the series: Anthy or
> Akio?
It's Akio's game to the end, baby.

> 6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
> flat-out using her for free room and board?
I think they both misunderstood each other badly. Saionji didn't
really understand that Wakaba loved him, and she didn't realize
that she wasn't the one he was in love with.

> 7. If a tree falls in the dueling forest, who tipped it over and how?

Dueling forest? You mean that light show in Chairman Ohtori's
apartmrntt? What tree?

> 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> so, to do what and for how long?

Not for all the yen in Japan. I'm way too old to want to live
that dangerously.

Yeah, I'm no fun at all tonight...

Kevin the Redneck Otaku,
AFU no Groundskeeper #2
Keeper of Juri's Rarely Seen Femme Side
UtenaCode: U:4- F:Ut+Ju++>:pBR D:Sa-Na- X:*:a: 1-22, 26-39,[AM]
Mf: "Truth", "Virtual Star Embryology" d: "A Distillation Time"

"Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you." - Souji Mikage


Apr 24, 2003, 11:48:57 PM4/24/03

"Posthumandude" <posthu...@aol.comremove> wrote in message

> >4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> >assume he can be :), or Shiori?
> Miki, except she's a lesbian.

Everybody says that, but where's the proof?
Just because she has the good taste not to shtup Akio and Touga, guys...


Apr 24, 2003, 11:52:13 PM4/24/03
"Posthumandude" <posthu...@aol.comremove> wrote in message
> >
> >
> >4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> >assume he can be :), or Shiori?
> Miki, except she's a lesbian.
*teasing* Miki's a lesbian???? o.O *teasing*


Apr 24, 2003, 11:57:52 PM4/24/03

"Ben" <> wrote in message

> >8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> >so, to do what and for how long?
> I'll have my MLA in another eighteen months.
> Do they need a librarian?
> Which reminds me, just out of curiosity, is anyone else here much past
> their teens? For the record, I'll be 32 in July. And yes, I really
> am "just curious" (married eight years on May 20th).

So, I used to be the answer, but I got over it and moved on. :)


Apr 25, 2003, 12:05:39 AM4/25/03
"Ben" <> wrote in message
> >8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> >so, to do what and for how long?
> I'll have my MLA in another eighteen months.
> Do they need a librarian?

*pat pat* Your MLA? School library? You think they'll pay you anything?
Maybe Mikage has the past 10 years worth of pocket parts to be tipped into
the law books . . . ^__^

> Which reminds me, just out of curiosity, is anyone else here much past
> their teens? For the record, I'll be 32 in July. And yes, I really
> am "just curious" (married eight years on May 20th).

I'm out of my teens; I choose to act like I'm still in my teens. I don't
discuss my age - I'm an actress, therefore I'm ageless, like Akio (tho' he's
not an actress). ^___^

Rob Kelly

Apr 25, 2003, 8:05:26 AM4/25/03
On Fri, 25 Apr 2003 03:52:13 GMT, "sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv>

>"Posthumandude" <posthu...@aol.comremove> wrote in message
>> >
>> >
>> >4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
>> >assume he can be :), or Shiori?
>> Miki, except she's a lesbian.
>*teasing* Miki's a lesbian???? o.O *teasing*

Well, he does have a girlishly high voice...

Rob Kelly: preloading for a better tomorrow
ICQ: 46075720
"I am the dead, and their land"

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Apr 25, 2003, 1:16:58 PM4/25/03
"sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> wrote:

>"Ben" <> wrote in message
>> >8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
>> >so, to do what and for how long?
>> I'll have my MLA in another eighteen months.
>> Do they need a librarian?
>*pat pat* Your MLA? School library? You think they'll pay you anything?
>Maybe Mikage has the past 10 years worth of pocket parts to be tipped into
>the law books . . . ^__^

Hell I wonder if they pay the faculty.

>> Which reminds me, just out of curiosity, is anyone else here much past
>> their teens? For the record, I'll be 32 in July. And yes, I really
>> am "just curious" (married eight years on May 20th).
>I'm out of my teens; I choose to act like I'm still in my teens. I don't
>discuss my age - I'm an actress, therefore I'm ageless, like Akio (tho' he's
>not an actress). ^___^

Yeah... unless he's doing things one the side without telling anyone.

Akio: Gotta love this projector ^^


Akio: Don't worry I don't go on camera... just into the dressing rooms.

<.<;;;;;;;;;;;; who are you and what did you do with Akio?

Akio: Nani?

You're telling us your plans.

Akio: *smirk* Actually... I don't do that.

I see.

Akio: Ikuni-kun does.


Touga: I'll say it.

Akio: Go ahead.

Touga: Just kidding ^.~

Akio: *leering at Touga*

Touga: *leering back*

*leering into the wastebasket in tecnicolor*

Touga: A-ko now's our chance to change out of these costumes.

Akio: I agree B-ko.

Chii: *hanging from light fixture* Gogai

Akio: Wrong series!

*this insanity brought to you by... 15 hours after taking benadryl and having it
still disconcerting you*

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Apr 25, 2003, 1:33:49 PM4/25/03
Scortia <> wrote:



<Torgo>CAuSe i'M SuRe SoMeoNeS LooKiNG To YaWN iN TeCHNiCoLoR oVeR THe iMaGeS i'M
aBouT To BRiNG uP.</Torgo>

>All yaoi manga should be pretty like Earthian and Seimaden. ^.^

And the ugly ones can go work in bad horrible the worst (insert "-" in there all
over the place) kind of h that even the authors who do the stuff deny ever having
done... and then LEFT TO ROT ^-^v So they get to have lives... just not where
anyone has to see... and they can take the weird crowds of naughty ugly gang
bangers with them...

All that is so I can make the addenudum to your ruling... of "and yuri, shoujo
ai, shoujo, shounen ai, and shounen, etc. Creepy Amagasaki look-worse-thans out
out out."

afterall when the protagonist runs to someone less ugly than their rapist(s)/gang
bangers just to remove the situation from themselves with ANOTHER physical act...
you know... "dhey wuz uglie, j0"

Though I suppose... it could go toooo much this way and you end up like Marvel
comics where everyone looks like they go to Bally's every second the comic isn't
being drawn.

"Oh no!" "What?" "I gained 0.000000000000(monotonous isn't it)0000001% more body
fat!" "Quick to the gym!"

Death Quaker

Apr 25, 2003, 1:34:37 PM4/25/03
"sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> wrote in message news:<VyHpa.37677$>...
> "Death Quaker" <> wrote in message

> > Yes! Except your powers are so great that not only have you lured cool
> > people like Katherine into the joy of answering your polls, despite
> > the vast time-suck powers of AFU, you have lured the likes of _me_ as
> > well... ^-^
> *poses, hair fluffs prettily* I'm cool? Oh, wait, self-assured smirk in
> place. I'm cool. Wow, that made my day. Thank you. *pat pat*

^-^ Always happy to make someone's day.

> > > 1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
> > > were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> > > that character's reason...
> >

> > Well, IF I were still the age of the Utena characters, probably Jury,
> > as I did a good deal of brooding over a petite, sweet-but-manipulative
> > young woman--and I was in total denial about the whole thing--and
> > yeah, at that age, I'd definitely duel for her.
> You know if we went with the "us at *that* age" - I would have been fully
> Wakaba and Akio. Yes, it is scary. I always claim I'm Wakabakio

Wakabakio. Say that ten times fast.

> when I was
> in HS. Genki, virginal, romantic, manipulative, and very much a tease and
> naughty. I smoked with the crowd and lunched with the drama kids.

Sounds like fun. I was more of the weirdo-geek-lurking-in-the-corner.
I liked to vascillate between being very perky and silly and being
quiet, dark and moody.

> >And I've never in my life had the resources or personality type to be able
> to aquire henchwenches of my own.
> *teasing* Are you sounding wistful?

*l* Well, not intentionally... but come to think of it, it would be
cool to have henches... ^^

> > Mitsuru. Yet another attempt to "endanger" his Nanami-sama.
> LOLOLOLOL!! ROFLw/M(ikage) - your answer, and Alex's were my favorites.
> Both were absolutely apropos.

Well thank you. Call it divine inspiration. I read the question and
just suddenly pictured a short silhouette lurking behind a tree stump.

> > > 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there? If
> > > so, to do what and for how long?
> >

> > Depends... are they hiring people with MAs in English, and what's the
> > pay and benefits? ^^
> >
> Oh hell! You win. You have an MA in English? I worship you. *bow,
> scrape, bow*

*in her best Princess Ayeka impression* Call me Mistress! Oh ho ho ho

No seriously, I was one of those weirdos who just really likes lit.
Decided it would be better to get the degree sooner than later. The
program was great.... unfortuately graduating into a plummeting
economy was not... *sigh* I _will_ get a job in my field, I _will_ get
a job in my field, I _will get a job in my field....

> I was only a Lit undergrad.

Hey, no onlys. That's still hard work and lots of writing!

> Guess I'll go pack my bags and
> move in with Mikage. oh, the suffering. ^^

Oh yes, I can tell you're suffering. Hear you suffering, even. And is
that _really_ what they call suffering these days? ^^

Death Quaker!
Shiori's Prince

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Apr 25, 2003, 1:42:36 PM4/25/03
to wrote:

And I imagine the Utena Musical is in there too...

>> > ><snip>
>> > >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
>> > >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
>> > >>
>> > >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different way
>> > >~___^)
>> > >
>> >
>> > Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP
>> >
>> *snicker* Yes. Yes it is.
>This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)

Well if Ikuni can do it...


Apr 25, 2003, 11:16:18 PM4/25/03

"Death Quaker" <> wrote in message

> > > > 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there?
> > > > so, to do what and for how long?
> > >
> > > Depends... are they hiring people with MAs in English, and what's the
> > > pay and benefits? ^^
> > >
> > Oh hell! You win. You have an MA in English? I worship you. *bow,
> > scrape, bow*
> *in her best Princess Ayeka impression* Call me Mistress! Oh ho ho ho
> ho! (j/k)
> No seriously, I was one of those weirdos who just really likes lit.
> Decided it would be better to get the degree sooner than later. The
> program was great.... unfortuately graduating into a plummeting
> economy was not... *sigh* I _will_ get a job in my field, I _will_ get
> a job in my field, I _will get a job in my field....
There's always teaching, if you don't mind pounding an education
into the young skulls full o' mush. Programs to retread liberal arts
majors as education majors are all over the place, and I understand
lobotomy techniques have significantly improved of late...*ducks*

> > I was only a Lit undergrad.
> Hey, no onlys. That's still hard work and lots of writing!
> > Guess I'll go pack my bags and
> > move in with Mikage. oh, the suffering. ^^
> Oh yes, I can tell you're suffering. Hear you suffering, even. And is
> that _really_ what they call suffering these days? ^^

Touga: It's cruel to be kind, bay-bee.


Apr 25, 2003, 11:26:32 PM4/25/03
Replying to my own post for purposes of clarification...

"Kevin TRAINOR Jr" <> wrote in message
<header snipped>

> > Can I be deemed the poll goddess? :P Anyway...
> >
> Survey says: Approved!


> > 2. On that train of thought, who do you identify with the least?
> >
> Akio and Touga.

As others on the list have said of themselves, I have nothing in common
with these two - they're a type of guy I'd shoot on sight if there were no
laws agin' it, more so now that I have a daughter.

> > 3. What are your dueling/rosebride colors? :P
> >
> Black and tan.

Those would be dueling colors. I ain't nobody's Rose Bride,
and I have the pictures to prove it...think John Candy dressed]
out for the role of Anthy. Now go wash your brain off.

> > 4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> > assume he can be :), or Shiori?
> >
> As a friend, Miki. As a soulmate, none of them. I feel for Shiori,
> but there's just too many issues with those two.

Maybe if Shiori and Juri were trapped in the same dorm room for
the weekend with a five-gallon box of sangria so they'd have to
talk honestly with each other and get matters all straightened out
it would work, but I dunno...and I've come around to Blade's
POV that the gals ain't necessarily bent. Sorry to rain on yer
parade there, fanboys.


> > 6. Do you think that Saionji was being honest with Wakaba or just
> > flat-out using her for free room and board?
> >
> I think they both misunderstood each other badly. Saionji didn't
> really understand that Wakaba loved him, and she didn't realize
> that she wasn't the one he was in love with.

And as others have said, his pride drove him back into the arms of
Sekai no Hate - he wanted back on the Student Council where he
could get another shot at Anthy. The poor fool.



Apr 25, 2003, 11:27:59 PM4/25/03

"sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> wrote in message

> <snip>
> > >
> > >4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> > >assume he can be :), or Shiori?
> >
> > Miki, except she's a lesbian.
> >
> *teasing* Miki's a lesbian???? o.O *teasing*
*nods emphatically* Him and Tuxedo Mask.
Dreiser said so, so it must be true. ;)


Apr 25, 2003, 11:29:14 PM4/25/03

"Rob Kelly" <> wrote in message

> ><snip>
> >> >
> >> >4. Juri - who is best suited to be with her: Miki, Ruka (well, let's
> >> >assume he can be :), or Shiori?
> >>
> >> Miki, except she's a lesbian.
> >>
> >*teasing* Miki's a lesbian???? o.O *teasing*
> Well, he does have a girlishly high voice...
He's actually a transvestite demon hunter by the name of Yohko Mano.
</obscure seiyuu joke>


Apr 25, 2003, 11:31:53 PM4/25/03

"Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion" <> wrote in

> ><snip>
> >> >8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there?
> >> >so, to do what and for how long?
> >> I'll have my MLA in another eighteen months.
> >> Do they need a librarian?
> >
> >*pat pat* Your MLA? School library? You think they'll pay you
> >Maybe Mikage has the past 10 years worth of pocket parts to be tipped
> >the law books . . . ^__^
> Hell I wonder if they pay the faculty.
Sho-i T: No, but I had an open tab at the Faculty Lounge in addition to my
Army pay.
It's a wonder I have a liver left after sixty years in that place.

Apr 26, 2003, 11:48:50 AM4/26/03

It is now...

> >> > ><snip>
> >> > >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
> >> > >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
> >> > >>
> >> > >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different way
> >> > >~___^)
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> > Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP
> >> >
> >> *snicker* Yes. Yes it is.
> >
> >This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)
> Well if Ikuni can do it...

I don't understand the reference. What did Ikuhara do?

Apr 26, 2003, 11:58:12 AM4/26/03
Ben wrote:
> Which reminds me, just out of curiosity, is anyone else here much past
> their teens? For the record, I'll be 32 in July. And yes, I really
> am "just curious" (married eight years on May 20th).

I'm well past my teens. But I think I'll follow Katherine's lead and not
date myself any further. And I'm not even an actress.


Apr 26, 2003, 3:22:43 PM4/26/03
"Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion" <> wrote in

> "sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> wrote:
> >"Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion" <> wrote in
> >message
> >> "David Paul" <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> So welcome. Standard meeting with the Chairman waived considering what
> >you'd
> >> DO... so... don't bring a toy, and don't come by his place on Thursday.
> >>
> >>
> >Eld, my love, are you stealing my pick up lines?
> No Just welcoming. I'm just trying to fill in. Since you were on
sabbatical. But
> since he'd do unhappy things to your Chairman... I figured the opposite
> would be in order.

ah. too true. too true. *huggles Akio* Hey, stop that Mr. Chairman! or
maybe not . . . ^^
> I'm more likely to invite someone to Henshin Dynamics than YOUR couch. So
> worry ^^ Besides they're still free for you to try to pick up yet. Worry
not ^^

Is theres something the matter with my couch? It's a fun couch; Anj drew it
comfy. ^__^


Apr 26, 2003, 3:46:41 PM4/26/03
"Scortia" <> wrote in message

> sephigirl wrote:
> > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > sephigirl wrote:
> > >
> > > > > > > <snippity>

> > >
> > > I want the Akio Car... when I make my Akio costumes, I'm gonna look
> > for red
> > > sports cars and taxis so that I can take pictures of myself fondling
> > cars.
> > > And then... the owners will appear. ^^;;
> >
> > That's what I dread. My ex-friend Kelly had a cherry red Neon sport
that I
> > was always dying to have pics of me "loving" it but she didn't have that
> > sense of humor.
> lmao! Well, these outfits are going to make me go against myself... a
> experiment. Because I would normally not even consider doing such
things... I'm
> so sexually-uptight that I should be a nun. ^^;; But, as Akio I'll be
forced to
> be a lecherous, pimping, horn-dog. And I will get so much fangirl loving
> I'll probably get mauled... unless my tan makeup just looks silly as hell
and I
> merely get made fun of. ^^;;

Trust me, you'll be fangirled to death - I know I'd be fangirling you like
crazy. ^__^ Now, if we can get a pic of you with a Touga and/or a Saio. .
. . I'm really looking forward to the fan album

I be poor - only have basic cable. I wanted to see Helen of Troy & was
curious if it would be good or Hollywood-ized. Sounds like the latter. Did
they even use good actors? Yes - research - I strongly believe in it.
You're lucky you don't live near me - you were spared my tangent on
Gladiator . . . ^__^ Plus, I hate reading a work of fiction and the
author puts in information on a timeperiod that is just *so* painfully
wrong. Obscure stuff - I allow - though I did find out some obscure stuff
for my book - like Tiberius' family's favorite wine and that cats, back
then, were never one solid color - that's a mutation. Cats are a humorous
side story as the hero loves kitties and throughout the book, keeps
acquiring them. ^__^ And, luckily, I kept/keep doing research, as I found
out, about a few years back, while I was almost done with my Tiberius book
that a necessary "real person" would've been dead by the setting of my book!
wail!! But - Caligula does make an appearance or two (and is naughty/scary)
as does Claudius (sweet yet dirty old man). ^__^ Oh, that Caligula - he
really was a twisted little pup.

> >
> > > >
> > > > Btw Scortia - thanks to you writing La-Li-Ho on the Gravitation disc
> > > > stuck in my head! I finally put that up as my screen saver on my
> > > > computer! I watched an episode every lunch period at work -
> > I've
> > > > seen it all!
> > >
> > > mwahahahha! Gravitation's mangaka was on crack when she thought of
> > > phrase... hell, she had to be on crack, have you seen what the manga
> > looked like
> > > when it first came out?! O.o Who is your fave character, by-the-way?
> > swear,
> > > I hate frills, but I have to make Ryuichi's concert outfit just
because I
> > love
> > > him and that scene so much. ^.^
> > >
> > It's *always* been Hiro . . . *sigh*
> That's nice... Hiro is often overlooked... in the corner tuning his guitar
> the time. ^^;;

I can't see why. Long red hair, protective, sweet tempered, good friend . .
. and so . . . nice. I wanna' do karaoke with him all night!

> > Then maybe . . . Touma! ^__^
> > Ryuichi's concert outfit just *works* for him.
> Yeah, I hope I do it justice... I've seen way too many girls NOT make it
> ^^;;

Oh . . . no . . . o.O I've been spared so far.

> > He's scary and interesting
> > and adorable!
> ^o^ I want to find a guy who is nuts like that.
> > Shuuichi irritates me; Yuki - erg, just . . . erg!
> Awww... but Yuki has angst... .ANGST!! ^^;; I can't say I really hate any
> the main characters.. well, Tohma's nephew gets a bit annoying because all
> gets to do is complain. Not that I blame him, he is a real go-getter and
> Shuichi is so wishy washy. ^^;; I'm not a big fan of Shuichi, he's the
> stupid and love-filled character. Bleh.

Yuki - "I brood" "I will sex you up" "I don't like you" "I brood" "I
will sex you up" "Go away" "I love you" "Go away" "I brood" "I will sex
you up"
Shuichi - give that boy a valium! It would be interesting to see what
happens when he grows up . . . if he ever comes down to earth.
Touma's nephew grew on me - I think it was because he *was* indeed serious
about the band

> > I think
> > K is totally hot, but he's married and he's scary.
> Ha, so is Tohma! XP His poor wife. ^^;;

I know - she's a looker too. But I like Touma - and I don't go for the
girly, blond ones. I think it's because he's intelligent and has that great
dangerous edge to him.

> > No, I've not looked at
> > any other images outside the anime.
> God, you have to see the early manga... Shuichi is so very not the cute,
> eyed boy. Tohma looks like a linebacker... everyone is like 3 times
> too... I'm glad her subordinates sort of pushed her into the style that we
> in the anime.
> --Scortia
> All yaoi manga should be pretty like Earthian and Seimaden. ^.^

I may have to try and get a gander at those . . . . My yaoi doujinshi I
have are very pretty but I don't care for the ones that show one character
like a little boy and the other one is very much an adult. I have a Weiss
one & a Saiyuki one like that - squicky. I have a FF8 one where Squall is
so feminine - it's scary!!!


Apr 26, 2003, 4:02:10 PM4/26/03
"Death Quaker" <> wrote in message

> "sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv> wrote in message
> > "Death Quaker" <> wrote in message
> >
> <snip>
> > > > 1. Which character do you identify with the most?... such as, if you
> > > > were being kept at Ohtori for some reason, it'd be pretty similar to
> > > > that character's reason...
> > >
> > > Well, IF I were still the age of the Utena characters, probably Jury,
> > > as I did a good deal of brooding over a petite, sweet-but-manipulative
> > > young woman--and I was in total denial about the whole thing--and
> > > yeah, at that age, I'd definitely duel for her.
> >
> > You know if we went with the "us at *that* age" - I would have been
> > Wakaba and Akio. Yes, it is scary. I always claim I'm Wakabakio
> Wakabakio. Say that ten times fast.
> > when I was
> > in HS. Genki, virginal, romantic, manipulative, and very much a tease
> > naughty. I smoked with the crowd and lunched with the drama kids.
> Sounds like fun. I was more of the weirdo-geek-lurking-in-the-corner.
> I liked to vascillate between being very perky and silly and being
> quiet, dark and moody.

And I'll bet people thought you were intriguing. Never knowing. I mean, in
HS - I would've loved your changes - and you would've killed me. "What the
hell is with this Katherine chick? Hide, hide." ^__^ I really liked
people who kept me guessing. Like Touga - I have always loved a
challenge/chase (with love interests or regular friends). I still do but
now I'm more likely to say, "ah hell with it." So, did you write angsty
stuff while in HS? I know I did. Oh, the dark, angsty, no one will ever
love me poetry I used to write. ^__^

> > >And I've never in my life had the resources or personality type to be
> > to aquire henchwenches of my own.
> >
> > *teasing* Are you sounding wistful?
> *l* Well, not intentionally... but come to think of it, it would be
> cool to have henches... ^^

I know. Just to stand by, tell you you're cool, and look ominous beside

> > > Mitsuru. Yet another attempt to "endanger" his Nanami-sama.
> >
> > LOLOLOLOL!! ROFLw/M(ikage) - your answer, and Alex's were my favorites.
> > Both were absolutely apropos.
> Well thank you. Call it divine inspiration. I read the question and
> just suddenly pictured a short silhouette lurking behind a tree stump.
> > > > 8. Knowing what you know about Ohtori, would you want to stay there?
> > > > so, to do what and for how long?
> > >
> > > Depends... are they hiring people with MAs in English, and what's the
> > > pay and benefits? ^^
> > >
> > Oh hell! You win. You have an MA in English? I worship you. *bow,
> > scrape, bow*
> *in her best Princess Ayeka impression* Call me Mistress! Oh ho ho ho
> ho!
> (j/k)

Yes Mistress, yes. ^__^

> No seriously, I was one of those weirdos who just really likes lit.
> Decided it would be better to get the degree sooner than later. The
> program was great.... unfortuately graduating into a plummeting
> economy was not... *sigh* I _will_ get a job in my field, I _will_ get
> a job in my field, I _will get a job in my field....

Yes you will. I went the secretarial route. Tho' I actually enjoy being a
secretary and I get to apply all my knowledge to that. My dad, who's never
one to give a compliment, has always told me he'd've hired me because of my
gooder skills. ^^

> > I was only a Lit undergrad.
> Hey, no onlys. That's still hard work and lots of writing!

And realizing how much I detest Hemingway . . . ^___^

> > Guess I'll go pack my bags and
> > move in with Mikage. oh, the suffering. ^^
> >
> Oh yes, I can tell you're suffering. Hear you suffering, even. And is
> that _really_ what they call suffering these days? ^^

LOLOLOL!!!!!!! ^o^


Apr 26, 2003, 4:05:06 PM4/26/03
<> wrote in message

heh. ingratiating grin. But - then, who drew that wonderful panel cartoon?

> > >
> > > ><snip>
> > > >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
> > > >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
> > > >>
> > > >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different
> > > >~___^)
> > > >
> > >
> > > Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP
> > >
> > *snicker* Yes. Yes it is.
> This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)

You did. But, then, dont' forget - Wonky had him "reincarnated" into
Pamela Anderson look-a-like so . . . .

Akio: Come on girls! Let's do our stuff. *sings Cover Girl*

Apr 26, 2003, 4:39:12 PM4/26/03

And the illustration for "Glompophilia". I must own up to what I've
done. But do you really want to encourage me to draw more like that? Or
should I go back to, say, that "Boys of Ohtori" series I've been doing

> >
> > > >
> > > > ><snip>
> > > > >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
> > > > >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
> > > > >>
> > > > >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different
> way
> > > > >~___^)
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP
> > > >
> > > *snicker* Yes. Yes it is.
> >
> > This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)
> >
> You did. But, then, dont' forget - Wonky had him "reincarnated" into
> Pamela Anderson look-a-like so . . . .

I didn't know about this. Honest.

> Akio: Come on girls! Let's do our stuff. *sings Cover Girl*

*erk* *Vainly tries to stop hand as it creeps towards a pencil...*

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper <-- new Utena art, and redecorated for


Apr 26, 2003, 4:45:18 PM4/26/03

sephigirl wrote:

Mwahahaha... yes, I certainly hope that there'll be one around for either
convention. They will be so "toyed" with. Hell, I love the opportunity to
flirt and act all seme-ish. ^o^ Heck, as Hatsuharu at A-kon, I'm gonna be
hitting on Yuki in the skit. ^.^;;


<snippity snippity snip snip>

> >
> > *nods in interest* I'm glad that you did thoroughly research... these
> days,
> > people just make crap out of something in history. While The Illiad
> obviously
> > isn't fact, have you seen how horrible USA Network's "Helen of Troy" is?!
> My
> > God,... bloody horrible... >_< Out of the 12 Caesars, Tiberius is
> probably my
> > second fave... I must admit, Caligula holds a squishy place in my heart...
> the
> > sick bastard.
> >
> I be poor - only have basic cable. I wanted to see Helen of Troy & was
> curious if it would be good or Hollywood-ized. Sounds like the latter. Did
> they even use good actors?

Oh God, before it even started my father started yelling "They're going to use
weak-ass little girly actors for this... it's so wrong, these guys were large,
Herculean heroes!" ^^

Well, it was VERY Hollywood-ized... Menelaus was treating Helen bad (it was
Greek attitude to treat women like scum, but not Troy's), she falls in love with
the "chivalrous and brave" Paris (who didn't even realize he was the son of
Priam), they flee back to Troy, Priam tells the Greeks that she will stay with
them (knowing that Agamemnon killed his daughter for victory already, meaning
that they would fight even if Helen did return), Agamemnon laces a weapon with
poison to make Paris lose to Menelaus in battle, but Menelaus is like the lone
noble Greek, so they end the fight early, then this big bald brute Achilles
(lol, I thought he was big Ajax at first, it's funny because I just hate
Achilles a whole bunch) kills Hector when Hector chooses not to kill Achilles
from behind (Achilles then just acts like an ass and says that he does kill from
behind and then does the whole "dragging" sequence) ... I sort of stopped from
there, but I caught the end where Helen is crying through Troy and Menelaus asks
if she could love him and she said she'd "Follow him"... basically it's a big
Romeo and Juliet scenario, making Paris and Helen these sad, tragic lovers who
are very good people... I was like screaming at the screen.... and to my
knowledge, there was NO DIOMEDES. I love Diomedes, the bastards... ~_~;;

> Yes - research - I strongly believe in it.
> You're lucky you don't live near me - you were spared my tangent on
> Gladiator . . . ^__^ Plus, I hate reading a work of fiction and the
> author puts in information on a timeperiod that is just *so* painfully
> wrong. Obscure stuff - I allow - though I did find out some obscure stuff
> for my book - like Tiberius' family's favorite wine and that cats, back
> then, were never one solid color - that's a mutation. Cats are a humorous
> side story as the hero loves kitties and throughout the book, keeps
> acquiring them. ^__^

Aww *_*

Well, you know, he is one of the plainest dressers, and he's attracted to that
annoying fiancee that everyone hates, and he is very subdued by characters who
crossdress, have big guns, and bunnies. ^^;;

> >
> > > Then maybe . . . Touma! ^__^
> > > Ryuichi's concert outfit just *works* for him.
> >
> > Yeah, I hope I do it justice... I've seen way too many girls NOT make it
> work.
> > ^^;;
> Oh . . . no . . . o.O I've been spared so far.

Spared from seeing them? Look up some conventions, there are TONS of them.
This is like my only costume that I have seen done more than 3 times.

> >
> > > He's scary and interesting
> > > and adorable!
> >
> > ^o^ I want to find a guy who is nuts like that.
> >
> > > Shuuichi irritates me; Yuki - erg, just . . . erg!
> >
> > Awww... but Yuki has angst... .ANGST!! ^^;; I can't say I really hate any
> of
> > the main characters.. well, Tohma's nephew gets a bit annoying because all
> he
> > gets to do is complain. Not that I blame him, he is a real go-getter and
> > Shuichi is so wishy washy. ^^;; I'm not a big fan of Shuichi, he's the
> standard,
> > stupid and love-filled character. Bleh.
> Yuki - "I brood" "I will sex you up" "I don't like you" "I brood" "I
> will sex you up" "Go away" "I love you" "Go away" "I brood" "I will sex
> you up"

You have just summarized the entire 13 episodes! *applause*

> Shuichi - give that boy a valium! It would be interesting to see what
> happens when he grows up . . . if he ever comes down to earth.
> Touma's nephew grew on me - I think it was because he *was* indeed serious
> about the band

When I first saw him I was like "this is going to be my favorite character, he's
talented, inspired, and well, the young one". But then, they barely developed
anything aside from him just complaining over everything.

> >
> > > I think
> > > K is totally hot, but he's married and he's scary.
> >
> > Ha, so is Tohma! XP His poor wife. ^^;;
> I know - she's a looker too. But I like Touma - and I don't go for the
> girly, blond ones. I think it's because he's intelligent and has that great
> dangerous edge to him.

I wanna push people into traffic. ^o^ I swear, I saw that scene and was like..

> >
> > > No, I've not looked at
> > > any other images outside the anime.
> >
> > God, you have to see the early manga... Shuichi is so very not the cute,
> big
> > eyed boy. Tohma looks like a linebacker... everyone is like 3 times
> uglier
> > too... I'm glad her subordinates sort of pushed her into the style that we
> see
> > in the anime.
> >
> > --Scortia
> > All yaoi manga should be pretty like Earthian and Seimaden. ^.^
> >
> I may have to try and get a gander at those . . . . My yaoi doujinshi I
> have are very pretty but I don't care for the ones that show one character
> like a little boy and the other one is very much an adult.

Earthian is a little like that, but I don't think Chihayu is all that incredibly
boyish. Seimaden is all about men, baby... and one stupid ass girl, but
otherwise... ^^;; The art for both are just ... wow.

> I have a Weiss
> one & a Saiyuki one like that - squicky. I have a FF8 one where Squall is
> so feminine - it's scary!!!

Awwww... *_*


Rob Kelly

Apr 26, 2003, 9:03:10 PM4/26/03

Boys of Ohtori? Where is this series? It interests me...

>> >
>> > > >
>> > > > ><snip>
>> > > > >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
>> > > > >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
>> > > > >>
>> > > > >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different
>> way
>> > > > >~___^)
>> > > > >
>> > > >
>> > > > Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP
>> > > >
>> > > *snicker* Yes. Yes it is.
>> >
>> > This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)
>> >
>> You did. But, then, dont' forget - Wonky had him "reincarnated" into
>> Pamela Anderson look-a-like so . . . .
>I didn't know about this. Honest.
>> Akio: Come on girls! Let's do our stuff. *sings Cover Girl*
>*erk* *Vainly tries to stop hand as it creeps towards a pencil...*

The scariest thing is, I know the song is actually called "Supermodel"
popular novelty record, I heard, made RuPaul a one hit wonder... And
Akio the drag queen just... Erk.

Apr 26, 2003, 9:34:14 PM4/26/03

The three that are done so far are at my Utena page. The main URL is
below in my sig.

> >> >
> >> > > >
> >> > > > ><snip>
> >> > > > >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
> >> > > > >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
> >> > > > >>
> >> > > > >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different
> >> way
> >> > > > >~___^)
> >> > > > >
> >> > > >
> >> > > > Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP
> >> > > >
> >> > > *snicker* Yes. Yes it is.
> >> >
> >> > This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)
> >> >
> >> You did. But, then, dont' forget - Wonky had him "reincarnated" into
> >> Pamela Anderson look-a-like so . . . .
> >
> >I didn't know about this. Honest.
> >
> >>
> >> Akio: Come on girls! Let's do our stuff. *sings Cover Girl*
> >>
> >
> >*erk* *Vainly tries to stop hand as it creeps towards a pencil...*
> The scariest thing is, I know the song is actually called "Supermodel"
> popular novelty record, I heard, made RuPaul a one hit wonder... And
> Akio the drag queen just... Erk.

Agh! Akio in a slinky, sparkly evening gown.... arrrrrgh!


Apr 26, 2003, 10:15:26 PM4/26/03
"Scortia" <> wrote in message

> sephigirl wrote:
> > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > sephigirl wrote:
> > >
> > > > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > sephigirl wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > > > > <snippity>
> > > > >
> > >
> > > lmao! Well, these outfits are going to make me go against myself... a
> > real
> > > experiment. Because I would normally not even consider doing such
> > things... I'm
> > > so sexually-uptight that I should be a nun. ^^;; But, as Akio I'll be
> > forced to
> > > be a lecherous, pimping, horn-dog. And I will get so much fangirl
> > that
> > > I'll probably get mauled... unless my tan makeup just looks silly as
> > and I
> > > merely get made fun of. ^^;;
> >
> > Trust me, you'll be fangirled to death - I know I'd be fangirling you
> > crazy. ^__^ Now, if we can get a pic of you with a Touga and/or a
Saio. .
> > . . I'm really looking forward to the fan album
> Mwahahaha... yes, I certainly hope that there'll be one around for either
> convention. They will be so "toyed" with. Hell, I love the opportunity
> flirt and act all seme-ish. ^o^ Heck, as Hatsuharu at A-kon, I'm gonna be
> hitting on Yuki in the skit. ^.^;;

Noooo! *jumps in front of Yuki* Leave my precious, poor, beautiful, sweet,
sexy little rat-boy alone!!! My ex-friend and her crowd will *adore* you as
Hatsuharu. This I know. ^__^ Side note - I was telling Anj that you were
going as Hatsu but instead of saying Hatsu, I said Hakyru - and she was
like, "She's going like a dragon?" ^o^

> >
> <snippity snippity snip snip>
> >
> > >
> > > *nods in interest* I'm glad that you did thoroughly research... these
> > days,
> > > people just make crap out of something in history. While The Illiad
> > obviously
> > > isn't fact, have you seen how horrible USA Network's "Helen of Troy"
> > My
> > > God,... bloody horrible... >_< Out of the 12 Caesars, Tiberius is
> > probably my
> > > second fave... I must admit, Caligula holds a squishy place in my
> > the
> > > sick bastard.
> > >
> > I be poor - only have basic cable. I wanted to see Helen of Troy & was
> > curious if it would be good or Hollywood-ized. Sounds like the latter.
> > they even use good actors?
> Oh God, before it even started my father started yelling "They're going to
> weak-ass little girly actors for this... it's so wrong, these guys were
> Herculean heroes!" ^^

I *like* your dad! ^__^
<snip the description of a *wrong* Helen of Troy>

He's so *normal* - his little jeans and t-shirts and kind of bad hair . . .
I didn't mind the fiancee because I hated Yuki so much. She was a nice girl
in some ways. Yep, all the drama can just happen whilst I lock the door and
be with Hiro. ^^

> >
> > >
> > > > Then maybe . . . Touma! ^__^
> > > > Ryuichi's concert outfit just *works* for him.
> > >
> > > Yeah, I hope I do it justice... I've seen way too many girls NOT make
> > work.
> > > ^^;;
> >
> > Oh . . . no . . . o.O I've been spared so far.
> Spared from seeing them? Look up some conventions, there are TONS of
> This is like my only costume that I have seen done more than 3 times.

No, I've not seen any. Either that or I didn't realize it. Well go look
later tonight.

> >
> > >
> > > > He's scary and interesting
> > > > and adorable!
> > >
> > > ^o^ I want to find a guy who is nuts like that.
> > >
> > > > Shuuichi irritates me; Yuki - erg, just . . . erg!
> > >
> > > Awww... but Yuki has angst... .ANGST!! ^^;; I can't say I really hate
> > of
> > > the main characters.. well, Tohma's nephew gets a bit annoying because
> > he
> > > gets to do is complain. Not that I blame him, he is a real go-getter
> > > Shuichi is so wishy washy. ^^;; I'm not a big fan of Shuichi, he's the
> > standard,
> > > stupid and love-filled character. Bleh.
> >
> > Yuki - "I brood" "I will sex you up" "I don't like you" "I brood" "I
> > will sex you up" "Go away" "I love you" "Go away" "I brood" "I will
> > you up"
> You have just summarized the entire 13 episodes! *applause*

LOL!!!! This Yuki would even be a challenge for Tohru.

> >
> > Shuichi - give that boy a valium! It would be interesting to see what
> > happens when he grows up . . . if he ever comes down to earth.
> > Touma's nephew grew on me - I think it was because he *was* indeed
> > about the band
> When I first saw him I was like "this is going to be my favorite
character, he's
> talented, inspired, and well, the young one". But then, they barely
> anything aside from him just complaining over everything.
> >
> > >
> > > > I think
> > > > K is totally hot, but he's married and he's scary.
> > >
> > > Ha, so is Tohma! XP His poor wife. ^^;;
> >
> > I know - she's a looker too. But I like Touma - and I don't go for the
> > girly, blond ones. I think it's because he's intelligent and has that
> > dangerous edge to him.
> I wanna push people into traffic. ^o^ I swear, I saw that scene and was
> O______O

I know, I know! That's why I like him. Tho' it broke my heart that
Shin'ichirou voiced such a bastard like . . . argh, went blank.

heh. Squall should not be so pretty . . . ^__^ I have a FFVII one
that's awfully cute, romantic and hilarious - wish I could read more than
Ku-rou-do. ^__^


Apr 26, 2003, 10:30:58 PM4/26/03
<> wrote in message
OMIGAWD! Akio is to drool for. . . . I still like the Touga one best but
. . . *swoon* for Akio. Not sure what you were thinking when you wrote
this, but in my mind - there's this whole "leaving someone's apartment in
the morning" look about him. Well, at least in my dreams. ^__^ The black
& green study of Saio is very, very, very pretty. ^__^
> > > > >
> > > > > ><snip>

> > >
> > > This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)
> > >
> > You did. But, then, dont' forget - Wonky had him "reincarnated" into
> > Pamela Anderson look-a-like so . . . .
> I didn't know about this. Honest.

In his last fanfic he had been posting before he went AWOL - I'm rather sure
I have it. It was a post-Utena fic and was very intriguing.

> >
> > Akio: Come on girls! Let's do our stuff. *sings Cover Girl*
> >
> *erk* *Vainly tries to stop hand as it creeps towards a pencil...*

No, don't. Not to my poor Akio. I see Rob corrected me on the song title -
which is sorta' scary ^___^

> <-- new Utena art, and redecorated for

Very pretty. And *pretty* . . . *goes back to drool on Akio and Touga* Not
sure I like the way Mikage looks at Kodachi tho' . . . . ^____^


Apr 26, 2003, 11:07:12 PM4/26/03

sephigirl wrote:

> "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> > sephigirl wrote:
> >
> > > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > sephigirl wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >

> > Mwahahaha... yes, I certainly hope that there'll be one around for either
> > convention. They will be so "toyed" with. Hell, I love the opportunity
> to
> > flirt and act all seme-ish. ^o^ Heck, as Hatsuharu at A-kon, I'm gonna be
> > hitting on Yuki in the skit. ^.^;;
> Noooo! *jumps in front of Yuki* Leave my precious, poor, beautiful, sweet,
> sexy little rat-boy alone!!! My ex-friend and her crowd will *adore* you as
> Hatsuharu. This I know. ^__^

Because Hatsuharu is the man... you talk about a sweet character... he is so
nice... I'd say out of the Sohma clan, perhaps only Momiji has more
unconditional love for other people than Haru. *_*

> Side note - I was telling Anj that you were
> going as Hatsu but instead of saying Hatsu, I said Hakyru - and she was
> like, "She's going like a dragon?" ^o^

lol! Wow, I found someone who actually likes Yuki... amazing. :P I actually
have an original dragon costume in the works for December, but I'll be blue,
not white. :P

> >
> > Oh God, before it even started my father started yelling "They're going to
> use
> > weak-ass little girly actors for this... it's so wrong, these guys were
> large,
> > Herculean heroes!" ^^
> I *like* your dad! ^__^

*nod nod*

> >
> <snip the description of a *wrong* Helen of Troy>

*nod nod* ~_~;; Helen was a bitch... kill her! I remember my English 121 class
reading Helen's first words in The Illiad and making many many insults about
her. ^^;; I usually like taking stories and twisting them (if I publish a book,
mine will be an alternate view of very loose biblical stories through fiction)
but when it's a P.C. or very cliche change, I hate it. ^^;;

Poor Yuki. ^^;; I like asshole characters usually... except some like Aoshi who
is just a method of entertainment. He's so much cuter in the manga... when they
go to N.Y.C, he starts wearing his hair wavy and Shuichi puts bows in it. ^^;;

Hahaha, unless she can somehow parallel her life and lessons to childhood rape.
She couldn't even do that for her Yuki... she had to take on Akito head-to-head,
and that was more of an issue about Kyo's problems.

> >
> >
> > I wanna push people into traffic. ^o^ I swear, I saw that scene and was
> like..
> > O______O
> >
> I know, I know! That's why I like him. Tho' it broke my heart that
> Shin'ichirou voiced such a bastard like . . . argh, went blank.

Oh, no one needs to know his name, that guy was such a sick jerk.

lol... my doujinshi are there for the awwwwwww factor. I love to look at them
but they cost so much... and then I get collections like Battou Romance that
have the sweet shounen ai that I like, but also some really sick yaoi. ~_~;;
But, I love my MikagexMamiya book.... all cute, even with paper dolls and such.


Apr 26, 2003, 11:15:07 PM4/26/03

One of the other people who saw that one said he looked like he was on
the runway. Akio as a male fashion model... well, I suppose he's got the
build and the looks for it. I don't think that person was familiar with
the Utena story.

> The black
> & green study of Saio is very, very, very pretty. ^__^

It's intended to be. ^__^

> > > > > >
> > > > > > ><snip>
> > > >
> > > > This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)
> > > >
> > > You did. But, then, dont' forget - Wonky had him "reincarnated" into
> > > Pamela Anderson look-a-like so . . . .
> >
> > I didn't know about this. Honest.
> In his last fanfic he had been posting before he went AWOL - I'm rather sure
> I have it. It was a post-Utena fic and was very intriguing.

Ah. No, I didn't ever see any of that.

> >
> > >
> > > Akio: Come on girls! Let's do our stuff. *sings Cover Girl*
> > >
> >
> > *erk* *Vainly tries to stop hand as it creeps towards a pencil...*
> No, don't. Not to my poor Akio. I see Rob corrected me on the song title -
> which is sorta' scary ^___^
> > <-- new Utena art, and redecorated for
> spring
> Very pretty. And *pretty* . . . *goes back to drool on Akio and Touga* Not
> sure I like the way Mikage looks at Kodachi tho' . . . . ^____^

That of course is from "Midnight Rose". I had to draw up a spreadsheet
recently in order to keep track of which characterisations of each
character I was using for each story, and also the mix of relationships
used in each story.


Apr 26, 2003, 11:27:13 PM4/26/03

"Scortia" <> wrote in message

> sephigirl wrote:
> > "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > Mwahahaha... yes, I certainly hope that there'll be one around for
> > > convention. They will be so "toyed" with. Hell, I love the
> > to
> > > flirt and act all seme-ish. ^o^ Heck, as Hatsuharu at A-kon, I'm
gonna be
> > > hitting on Yuki in the skit. ^.^;;
> >
> > Noooo! *jumps in front of Yuki* Leave my precious, poor, beautiful,
> > sexy little rat-boy alone!!! My ex-friend and her crowd will *adore*
you as
> > Hatsuharu. This I know. ^__^
> Because Hatsuharu is the man... you talk about a sweet character... he is
> nice... I'd say out of the Sohma clan, perhaps only Momiji has more
> unconditional love for other people than Haru. *_*

Momiji is damnably sweet - the scene about his mom and keeping memories - I
was also crying like Tohru. Hatsuharu - well I do like him - I am an Ox
myself so . . . I understand him. ^^

> > Side note - I was telling Anj that you were
> > going as Hatsu but instead of saying Hatsu, I said Hakyru - and she was
> > like, "She's going like a dragon?" ^o^
> lol! Wow, I found someone who actually likes Yuki... amazing. :P I
> have an original dragon costume in the works for December, but I'll be
> not white. :P

I *love* Yuki - I'm very much a Tohru & Yuki girl. While I'd do better with
Shigure prolly - I want Yuki - he's so . . . sad and sweet and vulnerable
and thoughtful . . . . *cries and hugs Yuki some more then realizes she's
crushing his little astro self. And well, I think he's just beautiful.
People don't like Yuki? Well . . . cool! He's all mine then!

Any particular dragon?

> >
> > >
> > >
> > <snip the description of a *wrong* Helen of Troy>
> *nod nod* ~_~;; Helen was a bitch... kill her! I remember my English 121
> reading Helen's first words in The Illiad and making many many insults
> her. ^^;; I usually like taking stories and twisting them (if I publish a
> mine will be an alternate view of very loose biblical stories through
> but when it's a P.C. or very cliche change, I hate it. ^^;;

I've never finished the Illiad - so hats off to you. Would your stories
then be based on the books of the bible? Old and New Testament? Sounds

This I'd like to see. Yuki????
<snip>> >

> > LOL!!!! This Yuki would even be a challenge for Tohru.
> Hahaha, unless she can somehow parallel her life and lessons to childhood
> She couldn't even do that for her Yuki... she had to take on Akito
> and that was more of an issue about Kyo's problems.

And I loved her for pushing Akito when he was messing with Yuki. I *like*
Tohru - she's so damn sweet and good. Anj likes Hana-chan and Uo-chan. I
cannot wait for the next DVD to see that *spoiler* that Kyo becomes and why
he does become it. I don't even know the whole story of it so . . . I 'm
ready . . .

> >
> > >
> > >
> > > I wanna push people into traffic. ^o^ I swear, I saw that scene and
> > like..
> > > O______O
> > >
> > I know, I know! That's why I like him. Tho' it broke my heart that
> > Shin'ichirou voiced such a bastard like . . . argh, went blank.
> Oh, no one needs to know his name, that guy was such a sick jerk.

*nods emphatically*
> >
> > > >
> > > > >

> lol... my doujinshi are there for the awwwwwww factor. I love to look at
> but they cost so much... and then I get collections like Battou Romance
> have the sweet shounen ai that I like, but also some really sick yaoi.
> But, I love my MikagexMamiya book.... all cute, even with paper dolls and
> ^.^

Ooooh, like Scarlett O'Hara would say - I'm pea-green with envy. How did
you find that? At a con?


Apr 27, 2003, 5:39:41 AM4/27/03
Thanks to everyone for answering my "age" question.

Incidentally, I realize that posting a question (particularly such a
delicate and intrusive question), then vanishing for several days is
the epitome of rudeness. I'm nauseatingly busy right now, but I
actually have *one* *whole* *day* without either school or work!

Regarding my interest in everyone's age, I stumbled onto anime rather
late in life and only discovered Utena within the last year. I'm
still dealing with a lingering sense of "my god I'm a middle-aged man
watching the cartoon antics of a bunch of sexually ambiguous eighth

I admit to enjoying my "eye candy" anime (Bebop, Noir, and the
ultimate in low-brow guilty pleasures, Love Hina), but Utena is truly

I was already lurking here for the "does Utena ruin other anime"
thread a couple of months back, so I apologize for being redundant,
but Utena certifies anime as a medium rather than a genre. Every
other anime that I've seen has live-action analogues in either
television or movies, but I know of nothing comparable to Utena (if
you know of something, do 'fess up).

If only my wife could understand. Instead, she has to watch her
husband descend into the abyss of shojo anime.

(Oh, and to pile irony on top of hypocrisy, she adores *Ranma* and has
already reserved a copy of season 5, due in two weeks.)


Apr 27, 2003, 9:41:45 AM4/27/03

sephigirl wrote:

^o^ I'm a boar, but I can't say I really understand Kagura aside from the
desire to be a passionate protector of others.

> >
> > > Side note - I was telling Anj that you were
> > > going as Hatsu but instead of saying Hatsu, I said Hakyru - and she was
> > > like, "She's going like a dragon?" ^o^
> >
> > lol! Wow, I found someone who actually likes Yuki... amazing. :P I
> actually
> > have an original dragon costume in the works for December, but I'll be
> blue,
> > not white. :P
> >
> I *love* Yuki - I'm very much a Tohru & Yuki girl. While I'd do better with
> Shigure prolly - I want Yuki - he's so . . . sad and sweet and vulnerable
> and thoughtful . . . . *cries and hugs Yuki some more then realizes she's
> crushing his little astro self. And well, I think he's just beautiful.
> People don't like Yuki? Well . . . cool! He's all mine then!

Most people will choose Kyo... and then since they are mortal enemies...

> Any particular dragon?

Nope, just a random dragon girl... I got tired of the Darkstalkers costumes, and
saw some cute dragon girls from video games and what-not that inspired me...
and, well, I like dragons and I like clothe macheing (wings, tail and horns) so
it'll be fun... yay, I'm gonna paint scales all over myself. ^^;; Hopefully
since it'll be original, perhaps I'll be able to put it in my junior exhibit or

> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > <snip the description of a *wrong* Helen of Troy>
> >
> > *nod nod* ~_~;; Helen was a bitch... kill her! I remember my English 121
> class
> > reading Helen's first words in The Illiad and making many many insults
> about
> > her. ^^;; I usually like taking stories and twisting them (if I publish a
> book,
> > mine will be an alternate view of very loose biblical stories through
> fiction)
> > but when it's a P.C. or very cliche change, I hate it. ^^;;
> >
> I've never finished the Illiad - so hats off to you. Would your stories
> then be based on the books of the bible? Old and New Testament? Sounds
> intriguing.

Mostly Old Testament... those are the most distasteful to me, so I like twisting
around the meanings.

*nod nod* I need to get the manga, but he seems to mellow out a lot more from
what I've seen of it thus far.

> >
> <snip>> >
> > > LOL!!!! This Yuki would even be a challenge for Tohru.
> >
> > Hahaha, unless she can somehow parallel her life and lessons to childhood
> rape.
> > She couldn't even do that for her Yuki... she had to take on Akito
> head-to-head,
> > and that was more of an issue about Kyo's problems.
> And I loved her for pushing Akito when he was messing with Yuki. I *like*
> Tohru - she's so damn sweet and good. Anj likes Hana-chan and Uo-chan.

On almost every personality test I'll get Hana-chan, with Tohru and Akito very
close behind. I love Hana-chan... if her outfit wasn't so plain I'd cosplay

> I
> cannot wait for the next DVD to see that *spoiler* that Kyo becomes and why
> he does become it. I don't even know the whole story of it so . . . I 'm
> ready . . .

Ah, so you haven't seen it all yet? Well, that episode is so dark it's
amazing. I don't think I've ever seen one entire episode so shadowed... creepy.

> > > > >
> > > > > >
> <snip>>
> > lol... my doujinshi are there for the awwwwwww factor. I love to look at
> them
> > but they cost so much... and then I get collections like Battou Romance
> that
> > have the sweet shounen ai that I like, but also some really sick yaoi.
> ~_~;;
> > But, I love my MikagexMamiya book.... all cute, even with paper dolls and
> such.
> > ^.^
> >
> Ooooh, like Scarlett O'Hara would say - I'm pea-green with envy. How did
> you find that? At a con?

eBay a loooong time ago. I just couldn't resist the cover. I'll probably
eventually scan the insides of it. The stories are so cute. And there are
drawings of Mikage and Mamiya as Musketeers. *_*


Apr 27, 2003, 10:17:40 AM4/27/03
Ben wrote:
> Incidentally, I realize that posting a question (particularly such a
> delicate and intrusive question), then vanishing for several days is
> the epitome of rudeness. I'm nauseatingly busy right now, but I
> actually have *one* *whole* *day* without either school or work!
> Unprecedented!
> Regarding my interest in everyone's age, I stumbled onto anime rather
> late in life and only discovered Utena within the last year. I'm
> still dealing with a lingering sense of "my god I'm a middle-aged man
> watching the cartoon antics of a bunch of sexually ambiguous eighth
> graders!"

Let me set your mind at ease, then. We have a number of local friends
that my husband and I watch anime with. Most of them also read manga.
With one exception, all of them are "well beyond high school". We have
at least one advanced degree among us, and we're all professionals. The
exception is a fourteen year-old boy, the son of one of my
anime-watching friends. His favorite story is currently "Evangelion",
but he also is reading through the "Kodocha" manga.

One of our friends, a man in his thirties, went to a new video store and
asked for the anime. He got weird looks from the young clerk and
comments about "middle aged" fans and did he really understand anime? I
don't think he went back to that store.

> If only my wife could understand. Instead, she has to watch her
> husband descend into the abyss of shojo anime.
> (Oh, and to pile irony on top of hypocrisy, she adores *Ranma* and has
> already reserved a copy of season 5, due in two weeks.)

Please don't feel bad about this. Just about all of us in the local
group like shoujo anime, but I've noticed that a number of the men seem
even more inclined towards it than the women. Whereas I love "Sailor
Moon", another of the women can't stand it. And I adore "Ranma" too,
although I've chosen to follow the manga rather than the anime.

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper <-- new Utena art up, redecorated for

Rob Kelly

Apr 27, 2003, 1:15:19 PM4/27/03

Ah, I see. You're an excellent artist, I see.I like what you've done
with Saionji.

>> >> >
>> >> > > >
>> >> > > > ><snip>
>> >> > > > >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
>> >> > > > >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
>> >> > > > >>
>> >> > > > >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different
>> >> way
>> >> > > > >~___^)
>> >> > > > >
>> >> > > >
>> >> > > > Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP
>> >> > > >
>> >> > > *snicker* Yes. Yes it is.
>> >> >
>> >> > This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)
>> >> >
>> >> You did. But, then, dont' forget - Wonky had him "reincarnated" into
>> >> Pamela Anderson look-a-like so . . . .
>> >
>> >I didn't know about this. Honest.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Akio: Come on girls! Let's do our stuff. *sings Cover Girl*
>> >>
>> >
>> >*erk* *Vainly tries to stop hand as it creeps towards a pencil...*
>> The scariest thing is, I know the song is actually called "Supermodel"
>> popular novelty record, I heard, made RuPaul a one hit wonder... And
>> Akio the drag queen just... Erk.
>Agh! Akio in a slinky, sparkly evening gown.... arrrrrgh!

Don't worry, I saw the song on VH1's 100 US One Hit Wonders. Though
I'd have to say, Akio in a slinky sparkly evening gown is suddenly
extremely disturbing to me...

Apr 27, 2003, 1:38:37 PM4/27/03

Thank you! I guess my favoritism for the character shows just a bit in
my drawings.

> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >> > > >
> >> >> > > > ><snip>
> >> >> > > > >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
> >> >> > > > >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
> >> >> > > > >>
> >> >> > > > >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different
> >> >> way
> >> >> > > > >~___^)
> >> >> > > > >
> >> >> > > >
> >> >> > > > Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP
> >> >> > > >
> >> >> > > *snicker* Yes. Yes it is.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)
> >> >> >
> >> >> You did. But, then, dont' forget - Wonky had him "reincarnated" into
> >> >> Pamela Anderson look-a-like so . . . .
> >> >
> >> >I didn't know about this. Honest.
> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >> Akio: Come on girls! Let's do our stuff. *sings Cover Girl*
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >*erk* *Vainly tries to stop hand as it creeps towards a pencil...*
> >>
> >> The scariest thing is, I know the song is actually called "Supermodel"
> >> popular novelty record, I heard, made RuPaul a one hit wonder... And
> >> Akio the drag queen just... Erk.
> >
> >Agh! Akio in a slinky, sparkly evening gown.... arrrrrgh!
> Don't worry, I saw the song on VH1's 100 US One Hit Wonders. Though
> I'd have to say, Akio in a slinky sparkly evening gown is suddenly
> extremely disturbing to me...

Only suddenly? You mean, it wasn't disturbing before? 0.o

Rob Kelly

Apr 27, 2003, 1:57:25 PM4/27/03

It certainly does, but not that much to be noticeable by a casual

>> >>
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > > >
>> >> >> > > > ><snip>
>> >> >> > > > >> Then Chu-chu and I would hit the local Cici's,
>> >> >> > > > >> where we'd try to eat each other under the table.
>> >> >> > > > >>
>> >> >> > > > >And *that* my sweet Mark is your Easter lemon (read it a different
>> >> >> way
>> >> >> > > > >~___^)
>> >> >> > > > >
>> >> >> > > >
>> >> >> > > > Oh, that is PAST wrong. XP
>> >> >> > > >
>> >> >> > > *snicker* Yes. Yes it is.
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > This is worse. Akio as Ru Paul? (if I've spelled that name correctly)
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> You did. But, then, dont' forget - Wonky had him "reincarnated" into
>> >> >> Pamela Anderson look-a-like so . . . .
>> >> >
>> >> >I didn't know about this. Honest.
>> >> >
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Akio: Come on girls! Let's do our stuff. *sings Cover Girl*
>> >> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >*erk* *Vainly tries to stop hand as it creeps towards a pencil...*
>> >>
>> >> The scariest thing is, I know the song is actually called "Supermodel"
>> >> popular novelty record, I heard, made RuPaul a one hit wonder... And
>> >> Akio the drag queen just... Erk.
>> >
>> >Agh! Akio in a slinky, sparkly evening gown.... arrrrrgh!
>> Don't worry, I saw the song on VH1's 100 US One Hit Wonders. Though
>> I'd have to say, Akio in a slinky sparkly evening gown is suddenly
>> extremely disturbing to me...
>Only suddenly? You mean, it wasn't disturbing before? 0.o

I wouldn't say it wasn't disturbing before, but then I never
entertained thoughts of Akio the drag queen in my head... *shudder*
And I certainly don't want to now, unless to inflict it on someone

Rob Kelly: what if the sky falls?


Apr 27, 2003, 3:05:47 PM4/27/03
"Ben" <> wrote in message

> Thanks to everyone for answering my "age" question.
> Incidentally, I realize that posting a question (particularly such a
> delicate and intrusive question), then vanishing for several days is
> the epitome of rudeness. I'm nauseatingly busy right now, but I
> actually have *one* *whole* *day* without either school or work!
> Unprecedented!

As dub Jouichi would say on Yugioh - "No problem. Forgetaboutit."

> Regarding my interest in everyone's age, I stumbled onto anime rather
> late in life and only discovered Utena within the last year. I'm
> still dealing with a lingering sense of "my god I'm a middle-aged man
> watching the cartoon antics of a bunch of sexually ambiguous eighth
> graders!"
> I admit to enjoying my "eye candy" anime (Bebop, Noir, and the
> ultimate in low-brow guilty pleasures, Love Hina), but Utena is truly
> different.

I, too, am a late-comer to anime. I grew up watching Kimba, Speed Racer and
Marine Boy. But as an adult, I practically sneered (no I prolly did sneer)
at anyone who watched anime. It started with a co-worker/friend who told me
I *had* to see Fatal Fury. Okay, stupid, yet pretty boys who beat up on
each other and have jiggly, big-breasted women - I got a glimpse of Andy
Bogard and just *loved* it! Then came Gundam Wing - shoujo mech - which my
one friend *swore* I'd hate because it's mecha but she showed me a picture
of Zechs/Millardo - again, another beautiful broody boy - I watched Gundam
Wing and was hooked. Then (cue music) my friend Anj said I should see
Utena, I'd like it. She talked about flowers spinning in frames, bi-sexual
girls and duels and I was like, "right. sure." Then, like others before
her, she showed me a picture of pretty boys - Touga and Saionji - I said I
liked the red-haired boy which she already knew I would. So I hesistantly
watched Utena and that was it! Anime addiction has been set. ^__^
Granted, I *still* haven't seen alot of anime - but give me broody bishounen
with a good heart and I am there! Bebop - I liked but it was too
depressing. Same with Trigun. Magical girl series - I'm not sure of yet -
I really liked the first season of Magic Knight Rayearth but the 2d season
is hard to watch. And Sailor Moon - I've only seen maybe two full dubbed
episodes and hated it, just plain hated it. I may be the lone person on afu
who has not seen Sailor Moon. ^__^ So if you haven't either - I'd feel
better. ^__^


> If only my wife could understand. Instead, she has to watch her
> husband descend into the abyss of shojo anime.

*pat pat* Wonder what it is about shoujo that men like, tho'. I've seen
this in other men.

> (Oh, and to pile irony on top of hypocrisy, she adores *Ranma* and has
> already reserved a copy of season 5, due in two weeks.)

Ranma - I saw the first episode and was like, "No. Just no." Why does she
like it? Curious.


Apr 27, 2003, 3:16:41 PM4/27/03
"Scortia" <> wrote in message

You don't have the jealous temper she does, eh? ^__^ She's a study - not
sure I could be as understanding as Tohru. Same with Kyo - I'd just
throttle him.

> >
> > >
> > > > Side note - I was telling Anj that you were
> > > > going as Hatsu but instead of saying Hatsu, I said Hakyru - and she
> > > > like, "She's going like a dragon?" ^o^
> > >
> > > lol! Wow, I found someone who actually likes Yuki... amazing. :P I
> > actually
> > > have an original dragon costume in the works for December, but I'll
> > blue,
> > > not white. :P
> > >
> > I *love* Yuki - I'm very much a Tohru & Yuki girl. While I'd do better
> > Shigure prolly - I want Yuki - he's so . . . sad and sweet and
> > and thoughtful . . . . *cries and hugs Yuki some more then realizes
> > crushing his little astro self. And well, I think he's just beautiful.
> > People don't like Yuki? Well . . . cool! He's all mine then!
> Most people will choose Kyo... and then since they are mortal enemies...

Just don't get the Kyo thing . . . He's a very sweet boy but his initial
bristling and insults - no, I'd throttle him. ^^

> >
> >
> > Any particular dragon?
> Nope, just a random dragon girl... I got tired of the Darkstalkers
costumes, and
> saw some cute dragon girls from video games and what-not that inspired
> and, well, I like dragons and I like clothe macheing (wings, tail and
horns) so
> it'll be fun... yay, I'm gonna paint scales all over myself. ^^;;
> since it'll be original, perhaps I'll be able to put it in my junior
exhibit or
> something.

You're going to paint yourself? Oh, that is so cool. If you do this,
please make sure there are pics out there somewhere. This just sounds so
damnably cool.
> >

> On almost every personality test I'll get Hana-chan, with Tohru and Akito
> close behind. I love Hana-chan... if her outfit wasn't so plain I'd
> her...

Anj's friend was looking at the Hana-chan look as well. I need to find a
personality test to see what I'd be. Tho' I just took one last night on
"what anime stereotype would you be" and I was the Anime Slut! ^o^ I'm
sexy, pose and get my way and wear sexy clothes. ^o^

> > I
> > cannot wait for the next DVD to see that *spoiler* that Kyo becomes and
> > he does become it. I don't even know the whole story of it so . . . I
> > ready . . .
> Ah, so you haven't seen it all yet? Well, that episode is so dark it's
> amazing. I don't think I've ever seen one entire episode so shadowed...
> *_*

No, I am very new to FruBa - I rented the first DVD one day on a whim - fell
*IN LOVE* with it, rented the next the next day and then, the third day -
bought the first 3 DVD's! Something I *never* do - drop almost $100 on
DVD's just like that. I have watched 'em over & over.

But - then I'll be easily distracted this week - as my Saiyuki DVD will be
arriving. Gojyo . . . siiiiigh . . . . drool . . .

> > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > <snip>>

> I just couldn't resist the cover. I'll probably
> eventually scan the insides of it. The stories are so cute. And there
> drawings of Mikage and Mamiya as Musketeers. *_*

That sounds scary and cute. ^__^ Are they in puffy shirts?


Apr 27, 2003, 7:27:55 PM4/27/03

sephigirl wrote:

I only have a temper if really provoked by stupidity. Which, unfortunately, is
something that is rampant lately. ~_~ Tohru is just like frighteningly

> >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > > Side note - I was telling Anj that you were
> > > > > going as Hatsu but instead of saying Hatsu, I said Hakyru - and she
> was
> > > > > like, "She's going like a dragon?" ^o^
> > > >
> > > > lol! Wow, I found someone who actually likes Yuki... amazing. :P I
> > > actually
> > > > have an original dragon costume in the works for December, but I'll
> be
> > > blue,
> > > > not white. :P
> > > >
> > > I *love* Yuki - I'm very much a Tohru & Yuki girl. While I'd do better
> with
> > > Shigure prolly - I want Yuki - he's so . . . sad and sweet and
> vulnerable
> > > and thoughtful . . . . *cries and hugs Yuki some more then realizes
> she's
> > > crushing his little astro self. And well, I think he's just beautiful.
> > > People don't like Yuki? Well . . . cool! He's all mine then!
> >
> > Most people will choose Kyo... and then since they are mortal enemies...
> Just don't get the Kyo thing . . . He's a very sweet boy but his initial
> bristling and insults - no, I'd throttle him. ^^

lmao. Most girls want a rough guy who have a need for a woman around. Kyo is
that. Plus, he's loud and a kitty boy, which wins over a lot of other people.

> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Any particular dragon?
> >
> > Nope, just a random dragon girl... I got tired of the Darkstalkers
> costumes, and
> > saw some cute dragon girls from video games and what-not that inspired
> me...
> > and, well, I like dragons and I like clothe macheing (wings, tail and
> horns) so
> > it'll be fun... yay, I'm gonna paint scales all over myself. ^^;;
> Hopefully
> > since it'll be original, perhaps I'll be able to put it in my junior
> exhibit or
> > something.
> You're going to paint yourself? Oh, that is so cool. If you do this,
> please make sure there are pics out there somewhere. This just sounds so
> damnably cool.

*nod nod* I'm getting some stage makeup... well... alot of it for Akio and this
dragon outfit... gonna really work on the makeup and wigs since I've given most
of my attention to the costumes thus far. I have a cosplaylab account, so I'll
get pictures up there months from now when those costumes are finished. But,
within a month or so I will have Haru and Konzen up for viewing. ^.^

> >
> > >
> <snip>
> >
> > On almost every personality test I'll get Hana-chan, with Tohru and Akito
> very
> > close behind. I love Hana-chan... if her outfit wasn't so plain I'd
> cosplay
> > her...
> >
> Anj's friend was looking at the Hana-chan look as well. I need to find a
> personality test to see what I'd be. Tho' I just took one last night on
> "what anime stereotype would you be" and I was the Anime Slut! ^o^ I'm
> sexy, pose and get my way and wear sexy clothes. ^o^

lmao! I usually get the corny hero-type who is full of ideals. I swear, I'm
such a sick combo of Miki, Mikage, and Utena. ~_~

> > > I
> > > cannot wait for the next DVD to see that *spoiler* that Kyo becomes and
> why
> > > he does become it. I don't even know the whole story of it so . . . I
> 'm
> > > ready . . .
> >
> > Ah, so you haven't seen it all yet? Well, that episode is so dark it's
> > amazing. I don't think I've ever seen one entire episode so shadowed...
> creepy.
> > *_*
> >
> No, I am very new to FruBa - I rented the first DVD one day on a whim - fell
> *IN LOVE* with it, rented the next the next day and then, the third day -
> bought the first 3 DVD's! Something I *never* do - drop almost $100 on
> DVD's just like that. I have watched 'em over & over.

And it only gets better, IMHO. Some eps are fluff, but they are entertaining
fluff. ^o^

> But - then I'll be easily distracted this week - as my Saiyuki DVD will be
> arriving. Gojyo . . . siiiiigh . . . . drool . . .


> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > <snip>>
> > I just couldn't resist the cover. I'll probably
> > eventually scan the insides of it. The stories are so cute. And there
> are
> > drawings of Mikage and Mamiya as Musketeers. *_*
> >
> That sounds scary and cute. ^__^ Are they in puffy shirts?

Nah, it's those long drappy coats... I'd make Mikage's outfit if it'd make ANY
sense at a con... but no one would get it. ^^;;



Apr 27, 2003, 9:28:32 PM4/27/03
"Scortia" <> wrote in message

> sephigirl wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > >
> > >
> > > On almost every personality test I'll get Hana-chan, with Tohru and
> > very
> > > close behind. I love Hana-chan... if her outfit wasn't so plain I'd
> > cosplay
> > > her...
> > >

Okay - went and did two different FruBa character selectors - I'm either
Yuki, then Hana-chan, Ayame, Tohru, Hatori (in the top 5), or Hatori,
Momiji, Shigure, Hiro, Kyou (in the top 5). Hm . . . I prefer to be Yuki.
I need to find a third one to be a sort of tie breaker.

BUT! this test - finds the
bad boy bishie that's for you!
I can't believe how dead on it was - because I got, in order (I put
astericks by the ones I don't know - so I can't say if they're also
appropriate) - But the ones I do know *are* my favorites! ^__^ I wasn't
expecting Touga because one of the questions is a sort of Touga question and
I answered it honestly so I thought - "well, I won't be getting Touga"
There's a trend here - they're noble or see themselves as noble, they're
broody as all get out, and a few of them have *one true love above all
others* *__* And they all pout so very sexily. ^__^

1 - Ashram (oh yeah)
2 - Touga ^_^
3 - Zagato
4 - Ghaleon ** (I've heard of him and Lunar but that's all - isn't this the
guy with a dorky hat?)
5 - Seifer
6 - Aoshi ** (haven't got to him to RK, I don't think, yet)
8 - Kurei ** (haven't seen any of FoR yet)
9 - Nakago
10 - Vicious
11 - Akio!!
12 - Taishikater ? ** RG Veda - don't know this one at all


Apr 27, 2003, 10:00:25 PM4/27/03

sephigirl wrote:

> "Scortia" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> > sephigirl wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > > >
> > > >
> > > > On almost every personality test I'll get Hana-chan, with Tohru and
> Akito
> > > very
> > > > close behind. I love Hana-chan... if her outfit wasn't so plain I'd
> > > cosplay
> > > > her...
> > > >
> Okay - went and did two different FruBa character selectors - I'm either
> Yuki, then Hana-chan, Ayame, Tohru, Hatori (in the top 5), or Hatori,
> Momiji, Shigure, Hiro, Kyou (in the top 5). Hm . . . I prefer to be Yuki.
> I need to find a third one to be a sort of tie breaker.
> BUT! this test -
> finds the
> bad boy bishie that's for you!
> I can't believe how dead on it was - because I got, in order (I put
> astericks by the ones I don't know - so I can't say if they're also
> appropriate) - But the ones I do know *are* my favorites! ^__^ I wasn't
> expecting Touga because one of the questions is a sort of Touga question and
> I answered it honestly so I thought - "well, I won't be getting Touga"

lol, the "red roses" one? I despise red roses. ^^;;

> There's a trend here - they're noble or see themselves as noble, they're
> broody as all get out, and a few of them have *one true love above all
> others* *__* And they all pout so very sexily. ^__^
> 1 - Ashram (oh yeah)

mmmm... makes me wanna be Pirotess. ^o^

> 2 - Touga ^_^

Touga is always on my low end. ^^;;

> 3 - Zagato

Ha, he's one of the few bad guys who I don't really like... maybe it's just
because I didn't like the 1st season of MKR.

> 4 - Ghaleon ** (I've heard of him and Lunar but that's all - isn't this the
> guy with a dorky hat?)

*shrugs* *looks* Yep: I
just borrowed the game from my friend this weekend... and after playing borrowed
copies of Final Fantasy VII and IX, it certainly didn't interest me. The really
nasty character designs and horrible dubbing really ruined it. ~_~;;

> 5 - Seifer
> 6 - Aoshi ** (haven't got to him to RK, I don't think, yet)

He's really early on in the series... like... 2 or 3 volumes into it. You see
him a little bit and then he finds Kenshin with his magical "water technique"
^^;; Aoshi is a dork. ^^;; He's cool, and gorgeous, but he's a dork who can
only hold one thought in his head at a time.


Dude, on every bad guy test I get Seph-chan in my top three! ^^;;

> 8 - Kurei ** (haven't seen any of FoR yet)

Kurei is my baby. *_* He's my #2. He wears lipstick, a mask, has gorgeous
black hair, and is super-powerful... and he's just dripping with coolness. *_*
*worships* I've considered making his outfit as well sometimes.

> 9 - Nakago
> 10 - Vicious
> 11 - Akio!!

*huggles Akio* I think the "sister" question was the biggest giveaway of the
selector. ^^;;

> 12 - Taishikater ? ** RG Veda - don't know this one at all

I'm guessing they mean the white haired evil king... well, he's not evil
really. It's spelled a bit different from that.



Apr 27, 2003, 10:04:55 PM4/27/03
On Sun, 27 Apr 2003 19:05:47 GMT, "sephigirl" <seph...@yahoo.comluv>

>"Ben" <> wrote in message

>I, too, am a late-comer to anime. I grew up watching Kimba, Speed Racer and

As a kid, Speed Racer and live-action stuff like Godzilla and
Spectreman may have predisposed me to Japanese entertainment, but I
didn't really "notice" anime until 1994 when I caught the original
(albeit heavily edited) Project A-ko on the Sci-Fi channel. Still, I
didn't watch much anime for the next few years because thirty bucks
for two hours of either sub OR dub on VHS just wasn't worth it. It
took the proliferation of anime on DVD, plus Cartoon Network adding
Bebop to its Adult Swim lineup, to really hook me to anime.

>depressing. Same with Trigun. Magical girl series - I'm not sure of yet -
>I really liked the first season of Magic Knight Rayearth but the 2d season
>is hard to watch. And Sailor Moon - I've only seen maybe two full dubbed
>episodes and hated it, just plain hated it. I may be the lone person on afu
>who has not seen Sailor Moon. ^__^ So if you haven't either - I'd feel
>better. ^__^

Shucks, too late! On a whim, I grabbed the whole series (movies,
specials, all 200 episodes, the entire soundtrack, even a bunch of
truly frightening live-action stuff from Japanese tv) on 10 CDs from
eBay for ten bucks. I'm presently partway through the third season.
Verdict: it's certainly not Utena, but it's definitely the best ten
bucks I've ever spent. It gets pretty repetitive in midseason, and
the shoestring budget shows in some of the animation, but I'm
consistently surprised at the variety and depth of what's going on.

Bear in mind that I'm watching the subbed version. I've only seen
part of one movie dubbed, and that was (shudder) more than enough. I
must say that Utena's dub (even after the whole TenJOO vs. TenJOE
thing) seems pretty solid.

I'm also at the "too early to tell" stage with Magical Girl shoujo. I
liked Shamanic Princess, but I haven't seen Rayearth yet. I'll have
to check out Trigun too. Shoujo mecha, you say? Interesting... What
I've seen of mecha stuff just hasn't done much for me, but I'll give
it a chance.

>Ranma - I saw the first episode and was like, "No. Just no." Why does she
>like it? Curious.

Frankly, I don't really know. I'll admit that I like it, but not
quite as much as she does, and it has definitely declined from season
to season. Still, it's the only anime that she's shown any fondness
for, so I won't complain.

>AFU no Touga - Keeper of his Sexuality
>~Mikage's Prince
>~~(also)Touga's Prince and Akio's Prince(as needed)
>Proud Member, Wakaba Genki Preservation Society
>UtenaCode(1.1)U:6 F:To+++Ak++:pBR D:Sa<Na- - -> X:**:a[BR++]
> M:f "Poison" "Akio Car" Mikage's Hits, "Toki Ni Ai Wa"
>Anyone who truly believes he has friends is a fool. ~Touga Kiryuu

Say, where do I find "instructions" for the Utena code? Thanks.


Apr 27, 2003, 10:12:36 PM4/27/03
On Sun, 27 Apr 2003 09:17:40 -0500, wrote:

>Let me set your mind at ease, then. We have a number of local friends
>that my husband and I watch anime with. Most of them also read manga.

Lucky. My older sister (two hours' drive distant) and her sixteen
year-old son are my sole lifeline. It was they who introduced me to
both Ranma and Utena. They're into the Ranma lady (sorry, forgot her
name, but she does Lum/Urusei Yatsura too). And there's my wife, but
she only likes Ranma. Otherwise, it's me and the remote control (or
the PC, in the case of my barely-viewable BSSM realmedia files).

>One of our friends, a man in his thirties, went to a new video store and
>asked for the anime. He got weird looks from the young clerk and
>comments about "middle aged" fans and did he really understand anime? I
>don't think he went back to that store.

At least that betrays familiarity with anime on the part of the store
clerk. No such luck here (usually).

>Please don't feel bad about this. Just about all of us in the local
>group like shoujo anime, but I've noticed that a number of the men seem
>even more inclined towards it than the women. Whereas I love "Sailor
>Moon", another of the women can't stand it. And I adore "Ranma" too,
>although I've chosen to follow the manga rather than the anime.

Yeah, the manga looks better, but I have this "arrangement" where my
wife and I buy the anime, while big sis and nephew by the manga.

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