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Q about Villa incongnito mysetery character

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Sep 16, 2009, 7:44:13 PM9/16/09
I am giving myself a headache trying to re-read the book for hints as
to the who the character of the polygamist "freelancer" (refered to
auspiciously, but never actually appearing in the book) might be.

I've read TR's catalog inside and out, up and down, over and uver,
many times over (with the exceptoin of Still Life, which I only read
once). And I can't believe Tom would drop in such specific and
promisng references to a character and not have left hints (probably
very carefully hidden) as to the character's Identity. (Actually, I
was VERY surprised and bit dissapointed that the character's identity
wasn't revealed within the story. I thought for sure it would be.
When it wasn't I then thought it might be Xing (Dickie's Lao Border
guide who found him at the Elvisuit performance), Xing had dissapered
as a characer early in the novel, but was then mentioned briefly in
the final pages. I thought that might be a clue, and am now
the book for all mentions of Xing,

Anyone have thoughts on this?

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