I've read TR's catalog inside and out, up and down, over and uver,
many times over (with the exceptoin of Still Life, which I only read
once). And I can't believe Tom would drop in such specific and
promisng references to a character and not have left hints (probably
very carefully hidden) as to the character's Identity. (Actually, I
was VERY surprised and bit dissapointed that the character's identity
wasn't revealed within the story. I thought for sure it would be.
When it wasn't I then thought it might be Xing (Dickie's Lao Border
guide who found him at the Elvisuit performance), Xing had dissapered
as a characer early in the novel, but was then mentioned briefly in
the final pages. I thought that might be a clue, and am now
the book for all mentions of Xing,
Anyone have thoughts on this?