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LotR Movie---seriously

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David Salo

Jan 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/30/97

In article <5cquk1$r6s$>, (joey jo-jo) wrote:

> Premise: A darkness has swept the lands of Middle Earth: a troop of
> 'dark riders' destroy everything in their path. To stop
> their advance, a group of adventuring humans and Hobbits must find a
> powerful ring. But to wield the ring means surrendering
> to its evil...

Criminy. This could be as good as the "please send me a
paper"-pleaders' trap, if not so elaborate.


P.S. Please let this be a joke.

joey jo-jo

Jan 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/30/97

this was found on a site that deals with upcoming movies, premise is
a little of but is probably just the site, please post comments

The Lord of the Rings

Genre: Fantasy/Adventure.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Unknown. Peter Jackson is the frontrunner for
director. Based upon the J.R.R. Tolkien book The Lord of
the Rings.

Premise: A darkness has swept the lands of Middle Earth: a troop of
'dark riders' destroy everything in their path. To stop
their advance, a group of adventuring humans and Hobbits must find a
powerful ring. But to wield the ring means surrendering
to its evil...

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: To call Tolkien's classic work an epic adventure is to
understate it. Judged by many in literature to be the greatest
modern work of fantasy, Tolkien populated his Middle Earth with an
assortment of remarkable beings and terrifying evils. An
animated feature by Ralph Bakshi was released in the late '70s; with
the advances in computer generated imagery, we expect
that the developers will make extensive use of this technology to
realize Bilbo Baggins and his world.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

January 27, 1997... Saul Zaents owns the film and merchandising rights
to all of Tolkien's works. Recently the producer has
been approached by DreamWorks SKG, Miramax and Universal Pictures, all
interested in developing the property; of the
three, Miramax is said to be in serious discussions with Zaents.
Rumors also have Peter Jackson as the frontrunner to helm any
adaptation. [Scoop supplied by 'Rittenhouse'; additional reporting
done by 'Hodgson'.]

Last updated: January 28, 1997.
Copyright © 1997 Corona Productions.

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