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Twelve days of Christmas -- again.

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Dec 6, 2010, 4:29:14 PM12/6/10

Any inspiration THIS year? ;-)

Öjevind Lång

Dec 6, 2010, 6:09:50 PM12/6/10
"rasqual" skrev i meddelandet

>Any inspiration THIS year? ;-)

1. A long tall ship called Sally?

(Sorry. It's late here.)


Tamf Moo

Dec 7, 2010, 4:22:43 AM12/7/10
On 06/12/10 21:29, rasqual wrote:
> Any inspiration THIS year? ;-)

okay, a complete new start, and trying to get it to scan somewhat.

# On the first day of Christmas, a Hobbit gave to me,
# A riddle of mystery!


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Glenn Holliday

Dec 7, 2010, 10:23:31 AM12/7/10
On 12/7/2010 8:52 AM, Raven wrote:
> "Tamf Moo" <> skrev i meddelelsen
> 2.
> #On the second day of Christmas, a hobbit gave to me,
> #Two shoes he needs not,
> #And a riddle of mystery!
#Three Elven kin,
#Two shoes he needs not,
#And a riddle of mystery!

(It's tempting to say 3 Elvish Rings,
but that would make Five more difficult.)

Glenn Holliday

Troels Forchhammer

Dec 7, 2010, 3:42:12 PM12/7/10
In message <news:idljho$aua$> Glenn Holliday
<> spoke these staves:

> On 12/7/2010 8:52 AM, Raven wrote:
>> "Tamf Moo" <> skrev i meddelelsen
>>> okay, a complete new start, and trying to get it to scan somewhat.
>>> 1.
>>> # On the first day of Christmas, a Hobbit gave to me,
>>> # A riddle of mystery!
>> 2.
>> #On the second day of Christmas, a hobbit gave to me,
>> #Two shoes he needs not,
>> #And a riddle of mystery!
> #Three Elven kin,
> #Two shoes he needs not,
> #And a riddle of mystery!
> (It's tempting to say 3 Elvish Rings,
> but that would make Five more difficult.)

I still think that both numbers and items should have a close
connection to the books -- it's more challenging that way, but it
should be possible.

On the first day of Christmas, the Valar gave to me
1: A good king from the Great Sea
2: Two fallen lamps
3: Three Elf-kins
4: Four Free Peoples
5: Five Istari
6: Six Dwarf mothers
7: Seven Stones a-seeing
8: Eight fellows fleeing
9: Nine Wraiths a-riding
10: Ten Noldor knighting
11: Eleven Houses housing
12: Twelve guards a-guarding

some of these may not be entirely obvious, so explanation follows:

1: May refer to either Elendil or Elessar -- a good king from the
people that came out of the Belegaer.
2: The Two Lamps, Iluin and Ormal
3: Vanyar, Noldor and Sindar
4: From the long list of the Ents: Elves, Dwarves, Ents and Men
5: The five Wizards . . .
6: According to the legend Durin, the eldest of the Dwarven Fathers
was not put to sleep with a spouse.
7: From a rhyme of lore ;-)
8: The eight members of the Fellowship that fled Moria
9: . . . ;-)
10: The ten companions, Felagund's most faithful knights, that went
with Finrod Felagund to help Beren.
11: The Eleven Houses of Gondolin that housed its population
12: The guards, 'knights both of Rohan and Gondor', that guarded the
bed of state of Théoden King in the Hall of the Tower before the
throne of Gondor after the Battle of the Pelennor.

Troels Forchhammer <troelsfo(a)>
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