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Good Florida Tix 4 Sale!!!! PIT!!

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Jul 16, 2004, 7:35:32 PM7/16/04
Does anyone need a single ticket to either West Palm Beach
or Tampa show? My brother, and then a friend was going to
drive down to Florida with me, just backed out last night.
So now I have to go alone and have an extra ticket for each

The WPB ticket is in Section 1, Row Q, seat 15. So its in
the middle of the row, and about half way back in the front
right section. Here is the Seating Chart:

The Tampa ticket is a General Admission PIT ticket.

I'm trying to sell these on ebay, but doubt i'll be able to,
with how soon the shows are. I have the starting bid for the
WPB ticket at $10
and the starting bid for the Tampa ticket at $20
These auctions end Sunday July 18 a little after midnight
Eastern Daylight Time.

At this point, i'm just hoping I don't have a total loss for
those tickets.


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