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Eric Langlois Greystoke

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Mar 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/13/00
Does anyone know what happened to Eric Langlois, the French Canadian
actor who played Tarzan, aged 12 in the 1984 film Greystoke: The Legend
of Tarzan Lord of the Apes?

Since this kid's entire fifteen minutes in the spotlight consisted of
running around COMPLETELY NAKED with no dialogue, one would have
thought that, in taking a role like this, Eric would have hoped to have
gotten his foot in the door to more significant roles.

Why else would a twelve year old kid take a role that required getting
on a plane and flying off to a jungle on another continent (I believe
the film was made somewhere in Central or South America) to do nothing
but take his clothes off, get filmed completely naked (including shots
of frontal nudity)and then return home?

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Before you buy.

Mar 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/13/00
On Mon, 13 Mar 2000 03:35:22 GMT, posted:

> Why else would a twelve year old kid take a role that required getting
> on a plane and flying off to a jungle on another continent (I believe
> the film was made somewhere in Central or South America) to do nothing
> but take his clothes off, get filmed completely naked (including shots
> of frontal nudity)and then return home?

Most kids who have been raised properly have no problem running around
naked. It's only after all the catcalling, the "OooOoOOOooOOo's" and
parents that kids become self-conscious and ashamed of their bodies.

I remember a couple whose twin boys were five, going on six. They had
just come out of the bath and they ran into the living room stark naked.

<baring my all>
Hell, I can't even stand to be naked when I'm alone in the room with the
door shut and locked. I was laughed at as a kid when I took my shirt
off and ran through the living room covering my "cookies" which was
slang for what I later learned were pectoral muscles. Though I know
intellectually the source of my disdain for exposure of my own body, my
heart hasn't healed from the experiences of childhood. I took it all
personally, but I can't help that. I feel happy when I see kids who can
run around in speedos without a second thought.

My mom tells me that when I was a kid, it took her forever to get me
into shorts for the summer, then once I started wearing them, it took
her just as long to get me back into pants for the winter. <g>

I rarely go anywhere without "getting dressed" first. I can't remember
the last time I went out to eat in knee-length shorts. I can guarantee
you that it was probably before I was 12 years old. I'm 29 now. I go
nowhere without long pants. I never wear tank tops anywhere, even at
home. I guess it's a complex, but I don't know what to call it.

I think it's the lack of nudity that turns people into perverts. If we
saw nudity in every direction, there would be no fascination with it.
</baring my all>


Mar 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/15/00
>Why else would a twelve year old kid take a
>role that required getting on a plane and flying
>off to a jungle on another continent (I believe
>the film was made somewhere in Central or
>South America) to do nothing but take his
>clothes off, get filmed completely naked
>(including shots of frontal nudity)and then return

Well, since he is French Canadian, he is probably more "French"in his
sensibilities regarding the human body. Here in North America there is a
sense of shock if someone under 18 does a nude scene, yet it is
relatively common in European, Asian, and Australian Cinema (and even
TV). In those parts of the world they have a rather wholesome outlook
regarding nudity, whereas here in America prudishness reigns supreme,
in the name of "morality"...



Mar 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/24/00
On Mon, 13 Mar 2000 03:35:22 GMT, posted:

> Does anyone know what happened to Eric Langlois, the French Canadian

> actor who played Tarzan, aged 12 in the 1984 film Greystoke: The Legend
> of Tarzan Lord of the Apes?

Well, I did a search on and found a few messages in some French
newsgroups by an Eric Langlois. One was in response to a sug

There's an Eric Langlois in some kind of band and there's also a
producer of French movies by the name of Eric Langlois. If he was
around 12 in 1984 when Greystoke was made, he would have been 23 years
old when a 1995 was produced as mentioned in this usenet message: Of course, Brock Pierce produced a
web show, so don't let me designate age ranges that one may be a
producer. :-)

Another film in which Eric Langlois is a producer is found here...

...of course keeping in mind that it might be a different one
altogether, though if he was French, it would explain the title of this
film, _Le comptoir de Marie_ or _Marie's counter_.

Also messages were posted in news:fr.rec.cuisine by an author named Eric
Langlois. I won't mention what he was trying to find out how to cook
because it's too painful for my "pizza and cheeseburgers" mindset.
Maybe the translator I used was inaccurate.

There's an Eric Langlois of a death metal band from Montreal. A very
small picture is here...

...and there's another one here that's had some special effects on it,
but I do see one possibility--the second person from the right...

...except I don't know if that's really "the" Eric. I only know that
"an" Eric Langlois plays bass.

Here are some more images I found...

The neoblast site server sucks. It's incredibly slow. Other images are

This site lists him as an architect:

> Since this kid's entire fifteen minutes in the spotlight consisted of
> running around COMPLETELY NAKED with no dialogue, one would have
> thought that, in taking a role like this, Eric would have hoped to have
> gotten his foot in the door to more significant roles.

I dunno. Maybe it was just something he did for the fun of it. That
girl who played Jan Brady on _The Brady Bunch_ said that to her, being
on the show was just a job. She came across on an interview as if it's
something in her past she wants to just leave in the past. It's been a
while since I've seen the interview so my comments might be inaccurate.

Anyway, Eric's interests were obviously pulled in a different direction.
I'm often amazed when I hear popular and successful young actors saying
that they want to go to school to be doctors, lawyers or veterinarians.
But that's my perspective. I've never been a successful actor, nor much
of an actor at all for that matter aside from a few acting classes back
in 1994 and a skit I was in in the Webelos Scouts, whatever that is. I
just never pursued acting. I didn't have the confidence, even though an
acting coach I had said, after I asked for her honest opinion, that I
could probably do well on auditions and maybe get a few call-backs. But
I never pursued it with any real gusto, so of course, nothing ever fell
in my lap and I eventually lost interest in trying.

Oddly enough, I think I could probably be quite a good actor now that
I've been through a nice round of schizophrenia. I definitely know how
to feel after all that, whereas before, even in real-life situations I
had to calculate my reactions to be societally normal lest I come across
as an unfeeling, uncaring, unhuman thing. I felt fake and perhaps
that's why I lacked the confidence to pursue acting. Now I'm more
comfortable reacting to everyday life instead of stiffening up at the
slightest change in atmosphere.

> Why else would a twelve year old kid take a role that required getting
> on a plane and flying off to a jungle on another continent (I believe
> the film was made somewhere in Central or South America) to do nothing
> but take his clothes off, get filmed completely naked (including shots
> of frontal nudity)and then return home?

I think I commented on this before. I'll leave it at that, whatever I


Steven Little

Nov 30, 2021, 10:13:50 PM11/30/21
The interesting things is if you look at IMDB Daniel Potts who was Tarzan age 5 appears to have been about 12 to 15 which unless he was extremely small seems odd. I could find nothing definitive on Langlois either. I was curious as to what his age was during filming. Not that any of it is particularly important I guess other than curiosity after re-watching the film recently. The ape costumes are obviously that, but mostly shot well enough to allow the suspension of disbelief. All and all a good film and Christopher Lambert and the entire cast is very good. Definitely a different treatment of the subject than most cinematic endeavors into the material. If you find anything about the young actors of Potts and Langlois please let us know. I simply wondered if they ever gave any interviews with insight into the experience. Also, I am curious if the Potts age reported was correct or if he was closer to the age he was playing etc.
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