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Media Call For Independents Versus USA Federal War Criminals

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Kurt Brown

Jul 2, 2008, 11:20:32 AM7/2/08
Below is an email I sent to a young woman doing a casting call for actors.
I am urging her to become involved in government intervention on numerous
fronts. Mobile Alabama is target one, and just as important are the forced
injections proponents in the federal syndicates of war criminals, including
and especially California and Arizona. Beware of the federal government and
anything they touch. We are like Prisoners of War in these damned United
States. This century will be an increasing century of misery and disparity.
If one can not eat, none shall eat.

This post is by Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, of Mobile Audit Club
website fame and Youtube saintrambone videos fame.

Here is a segment of the email sent.

I want to film my ritual attempt at entering the corrupted and closed
government in Mobile Alabama. I have tried since 2001. I will soon
interrogate and investigate Pensacola government, but due to the huge
military presence, it will be through new and different methods. Remember
Rodney King in Los Angeles, I was there at the time.

I have some real beef for you to chew on, not that kiddie pablum pretend
like stuff. I was a federal bank examiner for the federal agency, the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and billions if not trillions
of dollars are involved in financial crimes. A murder of a top regional
FDIC director occurred in San Francisco's FDIC high rise offices during the
Savings and Loan crisis of the late eighties and early nineties. It was
called a suicide, therefore the man was insane per the now ruling regimes
cut throat dictates. I survived the attempt on my life in 2001 after
reporting the obvious money laundering and financial crimes syndicates that
likely murdered the innocent regional director of the FDIC.

The federal government's crimes syndicates hate me for it. The crime goes
to the top. We can not believe what we see in this age of technology,
particularly when the top dollars are involved, the trillions.

How does San Francisco tie into Mobile Alabama you may ask? After an
attempt on my life in February of 2001, I reported it to the federal police
and no one responded. Dead Silent. I had a gun permit and started carrying
my gun in Mobile Alabama. I had filmed the replacement regional director of
the FDIC in San Francisco talking with a man enroute from the subways prior
to the attempt on my life. I let him know I was there, on purpose, to see
if someone would try to kill me. After filming him, a young man, of likely
Italian descent from the stupid side of the group, tried to take my camera.
I had my cane and was dancing with him on Market Street on St. Valentines
day 2001 in San Francisco. That film was later destroyed by federal agents
in Los Angeles, some time on or after 4-23-2001.

I had been terminated and saw that not all was right in the agency. I was
told to drop an EEOC complaint or be terminated. I am listed as a disabled
veteran and thought I would win. The EEOC refused to hear the case.

Because of no response by the FBI or SS (secret service) or Justice
Department to the attack on my life, I went to a Mobile Alabama City Council
meeting around March 3, 2001, to let the public know I had been attacked.
The government took my name and never allowed me in again.

Later, on 4-3-2001, I went again to the city council meeting to report
malnutrition at the county jail of Mobile of longer term inmates, emaciated
to the point of near starvation. It was a request of my mother to do so.

I had let the county jailers know I was coming because I had written an
inmate numerous times about it. They always open the mail. I deliberately
was coaxing out the culprit to stop me, so I could identify the thief.

When I went to the Mobile Alabama City Council meeting on 4-3-2001, Sheriff
Jack Tillman was there to stop me. He was there with 10 to 13 deputies to
stop me before I could even get to the city council meeting gate. I let
the government know I was coming to speak and they told me Jack Tillman
would stop me. Then, I knew it was Jack who was the thief. Jack Tillman
took my gun permit for no reason. I had no gun. Jack Tillman was forced
out and into retirement years later, in 2005 or 2006, for stealing a
reported 350 thousand dollars, likely closer to 750 thousand dollars. He
now receives a tax free pension of over $6,000 a month. The idiot gestapo
types and the American federal war criminal syndicates hold hands just as
the Nazis did in Germany.

I fled Mobile to Los Angeles out of fear and hopes for a new life. I made a
mistake and trusted the Los Angeles Veterans Administration. I had a uhaul
and parked where I thought I was outside the federal fence to park for the
night to save money and get a rental the next day. I was not left alone and
I was arrested for a gun in the vehicle on federal property. That was the
beginning of my fall, my nightmare. I was forcibly injected and made very
sick by the chemicals by a federal agent, likely Secret Service, who are
also part of the bank examination business and specialize allegely in
counterfeit currency. I was given a 1 million dollar bail, that I could not
make. I was visited by Secret Service who called themselves my attornies,
when I knew they weren't, but they did identify themselves as Secret Service
once I met them in visitation. They told me I would do 6 months in Los
Angeles County Jail and three years probation. I was given a felony
and my attorney told me it was a no contest case in Los Angeles. They
ignored the fact that I had been attacked months earlier and did not mention
the contacts I had made to the fed or 911. They said prove it, but I was
not dead, therefore I could not prove it. The felony was dismissed after
the three years of probation and other hardships in between, but it still
shows as a felony. I have applied for citizenship in other nations through
Amnesty International, but I will likely have to
find my own place to live. I may be tagged in some way. I may become a
soldier again, but I doubt it, as it is cheaper to live than to die fighting
a rich machine.

During the probation period I was forced to live in California for part of
it. I was injected again after being harassed by likely National Treasury
Employees Union crime syndicate members, most likely that is who it was, or
simply federally syndicated associates and I reported something I saw on the
road side, a hazmat clean up crew in New Mexico and I had a burn on my neck.
That was in Flagstaff Arizona after I had visited my dieing mother in
Alabama. A law was passed in early 2001 allowing forced injections on the
innocent and compliant in Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, a chapter 36
crazy law clause. They knocked me unconscious with forced injections and I
was put into a cell or room with a man who was very suspicious to me. Many
Arizona crime bosses and the federal governments enemies to our people have
casino ties in Arizona to Nevada. Men are being killed to launder casino
funds skimmed from gambling revenues.

During the Savings and Loan crisis, I was told by a FDIC bank examiner of
high rank who had been there that he would carry sacks of money from
liquidated banks. He said he carried a gun at that time. I would wager
they were liquidating one bank and erecting others with the same funds
without the public knowing it, nor any honest banking regulatory officials.
That is the nature of warfare when billions if not trillions of dollars are
involved. The government lies all the time and they never mention there
atrocities against us or people like us around the world.

Protect your young.

Collusion and technology leave us blind to the attacks. I am called many
things by my many enemies in the USA government and their international
crime syndicates. I am called criminal or insane. All of this started
after FDIC employment and my departure and whistleblowing on federal crimes.
They like to say I am manic depressive, but that is a lie. They injected me
and made me very sick for a while. I often wonder what else they did to me.
I discovered while in L.A. County Jail for the gun possession charge that
the L.A. VA medical center was doing forced experiments on veterans. I may
have suffered a forced medical procedure as they had me lay down on a table
after escorting me in cuffs on the LA federal properties in Westwood. I had
served the military in Long Beach in the early 80's, the USN. After being
released from jail, and the 10 days at the LA VA Westwood federal chamber of
horrors, on 8-12-2001, I went back to Alabama near the end of August.
I later was having nightmares that were unbelievable due to the post
traumatic stress and injections and medical procedures. I even had an
infection in my mouth that reached to the roof of my mouth and
a Dr. in LA said I had an incision there but he could see nothing inside the

I later concluded, theoretically, that through dental implants and bridges
and the coupling to the Central nervous system through some technologies,
that something could be done without even leaving a trace or wire. That is
a theory. I have some physical abnormalities that make me wonder about
genetic engineering. I studied medicine and computer science in addition to
accounting and a Dr. Kovacs does work in the area of coupling neurons to
chips and other technologies at Stanford in California. We are in a
technological war, I assure you. It has likely gone on since before my

So, as you can see, I have a lot to say. I want to try to enter the
government meeting in Alabama but I would like to ask if you might be
interested. It could make some good footage. If I am killed or harmed,
have a second camera remote to the building zoom in. They will likely take
your camera. They arrested me and took mine. I hope to have them arrested
and take their cameras in the event God or a man of God removes them or IT
from power. They know no rules or laws. They are just like Adolf Hitlers
SS crew. I would recommend you send in someone else to the building. The
building is their domain, likely full of traps and I know of snipers in the

Be forewarned that what I tell you is true. If you see my saintrambone
youtube "Videos" section, most of those deal with the Alabama government. I
do not have video of myself being injected in 2001 in Los Angeles or 2004 in
Flagstaff Arizona. I do not have video of the government attacking me on
the highways. I do not have good footage of the government attacking me in
Mobile because I am the camera man and reporter, and yes, I do have a degree
in Mass Communications and loved investigative journalism.

I was placed in harms way on purpose by federal agents at the FDIC who were
likely honest and who saw my temperment as bullheaded and ungiving, muck
like a Sicilian Jew. But this is technological and our best soldiers and
reporters and bank examiners are being taken out of the equation one way or
another. I am not insane. I am not criminal. I am not dead, yet. I am a
humane human being who does not engage in combat, not even when I was
attacked. I hope I never have to engage them or IT in full scale war, and
if so, I want the same or better technologies to confront them than those
technologies they have used against us.

If this is life in America, this century will be a living hell for many
innocent people.

This could be good money and good exposure for you and a great public
service. Have a backup clandestine camera and realize the fed and their
allies will often take your camera and tamper with it. They have
information on us, and we have none on them. If you ever have them come to
your home, do not open the door, unless they have a search warrant. That is
the new way in California by many people.

So call me if you are interested or email. I may still audition for your
project. Will you audition for mine or have some talent assist? It is for
real, it is now, it is happening and will go down many times this year, not
only by myself but others, but we are losing. If they kill me, you win, if
you have footage. Big money, just like the guy who filmed Rodney King in LA
in 1992. That was likely a cover up also. There were other things
happening, like the murder of the FDIC director labeled suicide in San
Francisco, the Savings and Loan crisis, and forced experiments on Children
at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Los Angeles in 1992.

Time to grow up. The pretend stuff is for fun. The for real stuff pays.

Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone

The government also says if you smoke or use pot, you are hallucinating. It
is no wonder they had the children of the 60's and 70's on acid and pot.
America, what a waste land we have become. Adversity breeds opportunity.
Let's make a triangle around the enemy and see what comes up.
Help me to film, and bring an actor if you wish. I am preparing for the

see the first video and the section of "Videos for the history since 2001 of
my experiences at the Mob AL government. Some videos were destroyed by the
federal crime syndicates in 2001.

See my website Mobile Audit Club, and the "continuing problems link". It is
not my website at the continuing problems link. An inmate told me of the
forced experiments at the LA VA after I was transferred to the LA county
jail. I hate the regime in power, those federal criminal types, and their
followers, in the same way that Jewish and Gypsy holocaust camp survivors
hated the SS Germans and Hitler. When Reagan was elected, Bush was in the
wings, waiting, or perhaps he went bad when his mental faculties were
removed. This appears to be a brutal ongoing technological war. Bush Sr.
took power in 88 and left in 92. Was he real? The S&L crisis was real
during his or IT's reign at that time. Is Bush Jr. real? Got gas? They
created a monopoly on oil by taking control of Iraq and Afghanistan. Those
nations did not attack us. The regime attacked them and the regime may have
downed those buildings in NY and D.C., and the attack on Oklahoma City may
have been by the enemy within the federal governmet. I have proof in the
last daily foreword note on the home page of the Mobile Audit Club website.
Hussein sold oil on
the open market below OPEC and Texas prices, and so did Kadafi of
Afghanistan. Wake up kid. It's about the money. Let's take our slice in a
triangle. I got two points set up already. We can get a third.

Mobile Audit Club, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone

It is only a matter of time

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