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Stamp Insider for May-June 2013 Online

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Apr 27, 2013, 5:00:50 PM4/27/13
Stamp Insider for May–June 2013

The May–June issue of the Stamp Insider, journal of the Federation of New York Philatelic Societies, is online and is available for free download in PDF format or viewing online with Flash page turning.

The lead article by is “Sede Vacante: Vatican City Interregnum Stamps.” James C. Hamilton. associate editor of the Vatican Philatelic Society’s journal, provides great insight into Vatican stamp issues during a papal vacancy Sede Vacante (literally “vacant seat.”)

Other articles include “V-Mail Solved A Weighty Problem,” explaining how millions of letters were reduced to microfilm for overseas transport during World War II; reviews of ASDA’s American Stamp Dealer & Collector magazine, a book giving a comprehensive history of Vermont’s Participation in the 1938 National Air Mail Week, and an online project to digitize USPOD bulletins from 1880–1971.

The Stamp Insider is available in both PDF and Flash format at:

The featured video — Stamp Story, 1955, provided by the Industry Film Archive, is a vintage National Association of Manufacturers’ film providing rare views of Manhattan’s multitude of stamp shops in the mid-twentieth century, including those on Nassau Street. It also includes scenes of the Collectors Club expertizing committee, a H. R. Harmer auction, and Scott Publications’ offices.

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