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[MST] Sonic Fights Robotnik

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Alex Weitzman

2000年10月15日 03:00:002000/10/15
Yeah, I know it's been done, but I wanted to do it with Mike and the bots.

Alex Weitzman Studios Presents.....


MST3K copyright someone. Who cares as long as Crow is in it.
Sonic Hedgehog and related characters copyright Sega Enterprises, though these
are admittedly poor representations.

[Interior of SoL. Crow and Tom are playing Chinese Checkers........kinda.]

CROW: And I'll jump here and here and......KING ME!
TOM: Okay, but you're going to have to be careful. The checker on top could
slide off at any second 'cause of these darn wok hats. Are you sure this is how
you play Chinese Checkers?
CROW: Why? How do you play it?
TOM: I always thought they involved big drums and pulling down your cheek with
your middle finger.
CROW: That's JAPANESE Checkers.
TOM: Oh. [keeps playing]

[Mike walks in the room with a taco.]

MIKE: Hey, guys! I'm having some pizza. You want a slice?
BOTS: [look at each other]
TOM: Mike, exactly how long has it been since we've been away from Earth?
MIKE: Seems like decades. Why?
TOM: Nothing. Just keeping tabs.

[Monitor comes on with Pearl's face - a remarkably large Pearl's face. She's
very close to the camera.]

PEARL: [obviously looking at her reflection in the lens] I get more beautiful
every minute. BOBO! [backs away to reveal Bobo and an Observer behind her]
BOBO: Yes, mistress?
PEARL: Why didn't my application for Miss America go through?!
BOBO: Apparently you have to win a more local version before qualifying.
PEARL: But I told you to sabotage it for me! I even set you up in the contest
so you'd get me in!
OBSERVER: You didn't watch the ceremonies, did you?
PEARL: [taken aback] No........why?
OBSERVER: Dr. Zaius here won.
PEARL: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
BOBO: [embarassed] know.........
PEARL: [steam coming out of ears]!!!!!!
BOBO: Hey!

[Observer and Bobo run in various directions before actually leaving. Mike and
the bots, in the meanwhile, have been gleefully enjoying the scene.]

MIKE: Well, Pearl, you can't win 'em all. At all.
CROW: I thought Miss Hawaii became Miss America.
TOM: I always wondered what Bobo looked like under all that fur.
PEARL: [rounding on them] YOU! Have I got something for you! I was just going
to give you some recent movie called Bats, but now I'm upping the ante! I'm
giving you SONIC FIGHTS ROBOTNIK!!!!!!!!!!!

[A long silence.]

MIKE: Whuh?
PEARL: [grinds her teeth] A really bad Sonic fic!
TOM: Oh! A Gonterman fic!
PEARL: Noooooooo........
CROW: Not a Gonterman fic?
PEARL: Yes...........
MIKE: Couldn't be THAT bad, then. Try us.
PEARL: [chuckles] Good. And no breaks, either!

MIKE: Why the yell? We knew it was coming.
TOM: Thought she was bluffing. [pouts]


>ATTENTION: This is a good story so no bad coments

ALL: [laugh really hard]
CROW: It's already a laugh riot!

>Author's notes..

TOM: What, now we have to be subject to this guy's preliminary thoughts?
CROW: [the preliminary thoughts] mak storee gud......huh huh.......

>Lord of PEZ is awsome!

MIKE: "Awsome"? Sounds like it's cute.
TOM: Lookit da cute little Lord of Pez!
CROW: Candy and a funny-shaped plastic head. Of course it's cute!

>Vote NO on Ken Penders!

MIKE&CROW: [look at each other nervously]
MIKE: He's not.....running for any office, is he?
TOM: No.
CROW: Whew. Almost kicked the bucket of Chinese Checkers.
TOM: Wha?

>End of Author's notes.

CROW: Waitaminute, waitaminute, waitaminute. THOSE were his preliminary
thoughts for the story?
TOM: I'm seeing a long uphill read for us.

>Now onto the stroy!

MIKE: [eats his taco] Could use more mozzarella.


ALL: [applaud]
CROW: What a title!
MIKE: Superb!
TOM: Original!
CROW: Artistically daring!
MIKE: Aesthetically pleasing!
MIKE: Oh, so we're going with truth now?


CROW: Must like Mario.

>Sonics best adventure yet!

TOM: I think that's for us to decide, Mister Apostrophe-Deficient Disorder.

>It was a brite midday morning in KnotHole Forrest.

BOTS: [stare at the carnage]
MIKE: I don't think I'm going to make it.
CROW: Hold me, Mike.

>The animals were doing things like they usually do.

TOM: Creatures of habit, huh?
CROW: Just throw a couple of fur mites in there and see what develops.

>Rotor was cleaning up the sprokets.

TOM: That's basically all he does. Except the occasional handy-dandy invention.
MIKE: [Mr. Spacely] I'm suing you for copyright infringeme~ oh, wait. It's
spelled wrong. Shoot.

>Bunny was repainting the huts

MIKE: Aha! There IS copyright infringement! Call the WB! Their lead rabbit's
been snatched!
CROW: Isn't that supposed to be the sexpot Southerner?
MIKE: Who cares?! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
TOM: Pray tell, what was in that taco?
MIKE: What taco?

>and Tails wasx fighting stuffed bots with kung-fu.

CROW: Wasx. I like it. "You blasted wasx!"
TOM: Tails doesn't know kung-fu or whatever. It's TAIL KWON DO!

>Sonic was in his hut drinking a Mountian Due and watching TV.

CROW: Like the lazy bum he is. Never gets up or does anything. Fatso.

>Furry Beavis and Butthead was on. "It's like beavis and butthead but beavis is
a rat and >butthead is a dog" Sonic says to the reader.

MIKE:'s exactly the same then?
TOM: Ohmigod, ohmigod, Sonic talked to ME! Wow! I'll never clean these ears
CROW: You don't have ears. Hell, you don't have eyes or a nose either.
TOM: [raspberry]

>Antoinee was in his house jamming to Greenday.

TOM: The Antoinee is the person that you Antoine. Thus making you the Antoiner.
CROW: So far, this is the worst mischaracterization yet.
MIKE: Boy, you really know how to jinx us, don't you?
CROW: It's my trade secret!

>Just out of nowhere rotor jumps into the room!

CROW: [narrator] .......of Sally's hut where she's dressing.
MIKE: I smell vicariousness.

>Sonic looked around his hut. "Sonic!@" saidrotor.

TOM: Hold it. How'd we get back to Sonic's hut?
MIKE: The big plot hole in the wall.
TOM: Whew. For a sec I thought I had to pay the driver.
CROW: You're paying with your soul here.

>"Look out a SWAT-missel is going to hit you!"
>Sonic said "WHA?" and loooked out the window. A swat missel was going to hit

MIKE: Wow! I could not have predicted this!
TOM: Eh, it'll miss. That's why they're called "missels".

>He jumped out of the hut and ran around the missel.

CROW: Impressive abandonment of both setting and physics. This guy's a guru of
bad writing.
MIKE: We may be witnessing the work of a master.
ALL: [like the Toy Story aliens] Ooooooh.....

>Soon it smashed into a tree and blew into a million peices.

TOM: And I was so worried, too.

>"Woah close one dude but I made it ok" he said (sonic)

CROW: [Rotor] Damn.
TOM: Hey, that could have been Rotor anyway. Apparently, it's only Sonic in

>ROtor said "Bye" and left.

MIKE: A walrus of infinite emotion, he is.
CROW: [Sonic] Yeah, I was worried about you too, fat fisher!


TOM: Wow. Now that's just entrancing.
CROW: I...... am....... under......... SONICFAN's........ power..........
must........ destroy......... Sega's............ dignity............

>"THis is your fault!" he said

MIKE: [Regis] Let's play Who Spoke That Line!!!!
CROW: [applause in background]
MIKE: [Regis] Okay, our first guest is Mr. Tom Servo!
TOM: Thank you, Mr. Gifford.
MIKE: [Regis] Shut up. Anyway, the question is....who spoke that line!!!
CROW: [applause in background]
TOM: Okay....that's a tough one......but I'm going to have to go
MIKE: [Regis] And he's.........right!


CROW: The suspense is killing me. Well, maybe not, but I wish it would.


MIKE: Poo. I thought it'd be Janice Karman.

>"no no sir!" he replied!

CROW: [Snively] Sir, are you talking to your computer again? It's not alive.
TOM: [Robotnik] Damn your "it"s! She's my wife!!!!

>"Yes sir?"
>"Kill sonic because snively is too dumb to be able too!"
>"Yes sir"
>"What a fat" said snively, under his voice.

CROW: To botch a Snively mutterance is the sign of an absent intellect.
MIKE: Socrates?
CROW: Drazen.
MIKE: I like Socrates better.


TOM: So many doors to choose from!
CROW: I'll take Door #8!
TOM: And you get.....some more bad characterization!

>3 or four days later back at knothole
>Sonic is chatting with Sally on IRC

CROW: What a crappy prize.

><Sonic> I luv u sal ;)
><Sally> Awww ;)
><Sonic> lets have sex :)
><Sally> no ;p

TOM: Man, does she blow hot and cold.
CROW: Aren't we posting this on AFSH? Watch your mouth, Mike.
TOM: Crow, did YOU just reprimand someone for language?
CROW: Uh.......

><Sanoic> you are buetiful
><Sally> ok we ave cybersex

TOM: This is an important lesson, children. Tell girls they're beautiful and
they'll bang you.

>*MachHedge sets mode +b *!*@*
><MachHedge> Muhahahahahahahaha!!!!!
><Sally> Hey! Who set you Op?
>*MachHedge sets mode +b *!*@*

MIKE: Oh, no, not that Mach guy.
CROW: AFSH, dummy!
MIKE: Oops.

><Beavis> I'm furry... Huhuhuhuhuh...

ALL: [silence]


TOM: That frickin' walrus really needs to learn some manners.
MIKE: If he hooks up with Bunnie like he's supposed to, maybe she'll teach him
some Southern manners.
CROW: Like seceding and slavery?
MIKE: Right.

>Rotor: Sonic look out we are under attack by 1000000 SWAT BOTS!

CROW: [goes up and draws two commas]
MIKE: Ohhhh, a million.
CROW: Now fork over the dough. One per.
MIKE: [gives Crow a million dollars]
TOM: Wasn't that supposed to be per comma?
CROW: Shut up!

>Sonic: Ok i got it covered
>Sonic runs to the bots "Yo dudes whats up?"
>Sonic said "You drone alot bots"

TOM: [in tears] But they didn't say anything!!!!!!
MIKE: Calm down. We're going to make it through this.

>Just then Sonic spinned around and around killing half
>the bots.

CROW: Quite a spin, given that he's never actually taken out more than 6 at a

>The other half tried to shoot him but sonic pulled out a power ring and turned
into super >sonic easily killing the rest with no effort.

MIKE: Must ALSO be a master of the games, then.

>"well" said sonic "looks like 0 to me hmmmm your counting is bad Rote"

TOM: [Rotor] No, you're just using plot holes.
MIKE: [Rotor] And your spelling sucks.
CROW: [Rotor] And you're ugly.

>Sonic goes back to watching TV
>Robotik appears on the TV!

MIKE: Quick, everybody! Home Alone Culkin Time!
ALL: [splash aftershave on and scream]

>"Hello my name is Dr. Robotnik

TOM: [Robotnik] And I'm here with Ron Popeil to offer you this marvelous little
pasta maker! Don't go to a restaurant; make your own crappy pasta!

>I have taken over the TV station no one can stop me ha ha ha ha."

CROW: that what yu think ha ha ha ha
MIKE: yu telll him cro
TOM: cro? yu frum that old caveman cartune?

>"No way Fatnick! Let's get ready to rock!" said sonic

CROW: Must be one of those people who thinks talking at the screen can actually
affect what you see.

>Sonic was talking to Sally "We gotta stop Robotnuk!"
>Tails says "Can I go too Sally?"
>Sally said "No you are too little robotnik and his bots would kill you or
robotosize you"

TOM: [Sally] And I want that honor myself.

>-----WARNING if you are offended you should not read this neck part----------

MIKE: [covers eyes]
CROW: Bring it on!
TOM: Necks have never offended me. Go ahead.

>"FOCK YOU SALLY!!!!!!!!!!!" SCREMED tails

CROW: OOOOOO! New word! Fockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfock...
TOM: Ah, it always pleases me to see the immature happy...

>--------Ok kids you can look now :)----------

CROW: Fockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfock...
TOM: How would they know?
MIKE: Can I look now?
TOM: Do you really want to?
MIKE: [listens to Crow] I'd better. Sounds like one of us is already out of

>Sally kicked Tails "BAd Tails don't say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

MIKE: So violence against children is okay, but badly spelled profanities
CROW: Fockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfockfock...

>Sally Kicks Tails. (Banned)

TOM: I wouldn't worry too much about it. Sally got banned because of it.
CROW: Fockfockfockfockfockfockfockfock.....okay, I'm done for now.
TOM: Good. Now it's my turn. Fockfockfockfockfockfo~
MIKE: [interrupting] Don't even.

>Tails said "I am mad now I hate you!"

CROW: Boo. Hoo.

>Sonic said "oh no but we have to stop Robotnick's TV plan! Let's go!!!!!!"

TOM: Now that's a hedgehog with priorities.
MIKE: Lousy ones, but still priorities.

>Sonic was at the Tv station fighting bots that were
>jumping off the antenna.
>Tank-bot attacked towards sonic.

CROW: It'd be pretty sad if he attacked away.

>Sonic jumped flipped
>and spun in the air but
>tank bot was too fast.
>Just then sonic ran up the wall
>and tank bot hit the
>SOnic laughted at the funniness of this.

MIKE: Lemme guess: "ha ha ha ha"?

>Then he went into the tv station
>Robotnick was there doing the robotnik show
>"Dooo doo doo this is tnhe robotnick show we will be
>pack arfter the messages

TOM: Sounds like it's better than most sitcoms.
CROW: [checks arm] This is a pretty short story, and yet my tolerance levels
are really reaching. I could blow into pure madness any minute.
MIKE: I thought you already did.
CROW: Mikey, Mikey, haven't TRULY seen me mad.
MIKE: [hands him a taco] Here. Have some pizza.
CROW: Grrrr..... [boils]

>doo doo doo BUY KEN PENDERS

TOM: No.

>now back to the show doo do
>doo its the robotnick
>show our guest today is

MIKE: Sounds like the reaction one gets when seeing someone you know in drag
for the first time.
CROW: [Sonic in drag] I'm Tiara B.!
TOM: Now THERE'S an obscure Sonic reference.

>"Yes" said Sonic
>snively shot at sonic but
>sonic beat him good.

TOM: Y'know, Snively is the right size to be spanked by Sonic.
CROW: BAD image, Servo.

>Next was packbell. He shot rockets
>at sonic but sonic
>jumped out of the way and kicked him down anyways.

MIKE: Even with all the overuse of Packbell, I know there's more to the
character than that. I think MY tolerance levels are reaching.
CROW: [mouth begins to froth]

>THen Robotnick hit the button.

MIKE: [singing low] The button.....
TOM: [singing normal] The button....
CROW: [singing high] The button.....
ALL: [singing in unison] THE BUTTON!!!

>The lasers were aimed at the blue blur. They
>would kill him and his
>friends! What will happen next!


>Stay tuned for PART 2!
>Just kidding but sirousley tit's time fro a commerical

CROW: I.....can't.......take it........any.......more..........
MIKE: [sticks the taco in his mouth]
CROW: [eats it] Thanks, Mike. I needed that.
MIKE: Well, I have Domino's number, if needed.

>Wheel be right back (I hope)

TOM: But not me. [tries to leave when he sees Pearl watching them] [goes
sheepishly back to seat]
MIKE: I will get her for this. Something really rotten.
CROW: Maybe YOU should win Miss America.
MIKE: Hmmm......

>Ken: Hello this is ken penders i hate sonic because i
>draw his comics.

TOM: There's logic for you.

>I really suck why dont i just kill sally BANG

CROW: There's a modest man if ever I did see one.
MIKE: You haven't.
CROW: Exactly.

>she died now i'll
>do a crossover of sonic
>and mR rogers ha ha ha ha ha i am evil.

TOM: Oh, no! Ken Penders and SONICFAN are speaking with the same voice!

>No back to the show,
>Sonic escaped a stickey situaton

MIKE: On the count of three, gentlemen. One, two, three!

>but there was more in store for our hero.
>RObotnick produced a bomb from his sleave. "Ha ha ha" said he.

CROW: Pain pain pain, says me.

>Sonic kicked robotnick knocking him out the window.
>The lardish doctor fell 5000 story's to his death.
>But as Tails later noted he was not really dead.

MIKE: [narrator] As the slovenly doctor had mastered the art of SONICFAN plot
hole placement.

>Sonic ran out of the building just in time. The bombs
>fuse ended and....

CROW: I'm sick of all these Froot Loops commercials.
MIKE: Isn't that...
TOM: [interrupting] Shhh! Don't contradict him in such a fragile state!
MIKE: Crow's not fragile. He's moronic.
TOM: So?

>There goes our tv shows said sonc

MIKE: [Sonic] Don't tell me I'm going to have to get up and run places!

>Sonic and friends had to blow up the robotik crystal mine.

TOM: I'm getting really sick of all this crap. JUST END THE STORY!

>"Y'all." said Bunny

TOM: [cries like Sailor Moon]
CROW: Wow, there's a condensation of everything Bunnie says.

>"these is soem weird crystals some of em are blue and
>some of em are red
>and some of em are green and some of em are purple and
>some of em are yellow.
>Some are squaree, otrhers are triangle.
>Heck all y'all some of em arent even crystals at all!"

MIKE: I think SONICFAN is actually Dr. Seuss after a debilitating stroke.
TOM: That would explain a lot.

>Just then they all gasped in horror.
>The biggest bot in the world suddenly appeared with its guns aimed at the
freedom >fighters.

CROW: A challenge! [puffs up his chest] I'M the biggest bot! Try me!

>Antoinee quipped "Ze bot es BEEEEG!"

TOM: This is a quip?
MIKE: WE quip. THEY spout and prattle.
CROW: [starts banging his chest] Big bot! Big bot! Big bot!

>SOnic and Sally attacked the bot. The bot blew up taking the mine with it.

CROW: Ha! I win by default!
MIKE: Helpful bot to take the mine with it.
TOM: Couldn't have been much threat if it never left the mine.

>Robotnik was watching this on camera.
>"That hedgehog is a walking contradiction"

MIKE: Man, even the badness is bad. Couldn't he have been a little moron and
said "I hate that hedgehog" or something a tad more contextical?
TOM: Is that a new word?
MIKE: Yeah, it's mine. Contextical.
TOM: Good one...

>he said.
>Snively said nothing, neither did packbell andthen
>They all sing "Walking Contradiction" by Greenday

TOM: I don't think we even have to parody that.
CROW: Naah. Leave it as is.

>[[[[[[[[[[5 years later]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
>It was the last battle with robotnick.

MIKE: Sounds like we missed something.

>All of mobiuses
>freedom fighters had
>gathered at Kothole to discuss the plan.
>"Here is the plan" said Princess Sally "We sneek into
>Robotropolis and sonic
>you fight the bots while we blow up the death egg"

CROW: [Sally] We will have to be careful as it has been recently hard-boiled,
thus becoming much harder to get through.

>Sonic walked thrugh the woods with sally.
>"Umm sall what about that cybersex"

TOM: [Sally] The million Swats kinda ruined the atmosphere.
CROW: Whatever happened to the final plan?
MIKE: Is it really worth asking?
CROW: Bleh.

>[[[[[disco music]]]]]]

ALL: [hide under seats]

>Tails: Funky! (dances) disco fever! (sees sonic and
>sally) OoOopS!!! sorry

TOM: MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!

>The troupe arrived at robotopobis. They stormed the
>death egg.
>It was and exciting battle

ALL: [return to seats]
CROW: [SONICFAN] Which, as Supreme God of Bad Writing, I will not let you hear

>but the freedom fighters won
>in the end.
>Back at Knothole celebration was in order. They
>discussed how to fix the
>TV station
>and antoinne danced and Chis Petrucii sang
>the song of the Death
>Egg battle

MIKE: And there was much rejoicing.
BOTS: [low voices] Yay...

>Sonic was on a mission dark
>to defeat the evil doctor
>but he beat him
>like he did
>and no one was asunder

TOM: I'm really glad there's no music to this.
CROW: Personally, I think the thunder was just thrown in to match the asunder
that was just thrown in.

>he is the hero of our day
>let's all say hooray
>lats all say hooray

MIKE: This fungus can't even spell correctly after spelling an identical
sentence right! I need another slice of pizza. [grabs an ice cream cone]
TOM: [decides not to say anything]

>Bookshire wept at the heartstrung plucking of the guitar.

ALL: [yawn]

>Tails made up with sally and gave her a hug.

CROW: [Tails] [whispered] Bitch.
TOM: [Sally] [whispered] Freak.

>was A-OK.
>Just then 50 million missels, a million swat bots and
>the entre robo brigade
>were attacking Knothole.

MIKE: There's a tone change for ya.

>RObotnick showed up, holding
>the off button.
>he had the power to stop the attack. Sonic put on his

TOM: And the other FF laughed when he went to that Tron auction.
CROW: What's Tron?
MIKE: You don't wanna know.

>Robotnik walked
>into rotors invention hut
>sonic followed behind him.
>They were both in the
>hut sonic attacked with fists of fury!

CROW: Hitting Rotor as well!
MIKE: For being a jerk earlier!
TOM: And also for being fat!


MIKE: Hmmm, we seem to be getting a mix of the Batman show with Rambo.
TOM: Sounds much more enjoyable.

>"I hope you had the time of your liiiiiiiiife" sang Greenday.

CROW: Nope, we didn't. And neither did you guys, judging by your careers.

>Hope you liked my story! Sorry about any spelling

MIKE: Sorry SERIOUSLY doesn't cut it.

[Interior of SoL]

PEARL: I hope I've broken them down. [sees Mike and the bots] Hey there.

[They walk right by, flipping her off.]

PEARL: Maybe it wasn't so successful. Oh, well. Back to the pizza. [picks up
her taco]


Alex Weitzman
NOTICE: "Y'all" is now the contained writer's catchword. Y'all.


2000年10月15日 03:00:002000/10/15

Alex Weitzman <> wrote in message

> >*MachHedge sets mode +b *!*@*
> ><MachHedge> Muhahahahahahahaha!!!!!
> ><Sally> Hey! Who set you Op?
> >*MachHedge sets mode +b *!*@*
> MIKE: Oh, no, not that Mach guy.
> CROW: AFSH, dummy!
> MIKE: Oops.
> ><Beavis> I'm furry... Huhuhuhuhuh...

It seems somebody's taken my MST and Re-MSTed it.
Because that's something from my MST, not the original Sonic Fights
Niccolo MACHiavelli
Being better than you, one day at a time.
Owner of AFSH, friend of Newbies, overly egotistical prick.
Mach Hedgehog!
A computer he did get!
Mach Hedgehog!
The Internet he did hit!
Mach was just a stupid, annoying AOLer,
But all that came to a crashing end!
Mach Hedgehog!
He can throw you for a loop!
Mach Hedgehog!
He's got his own Newsgroup!
Crusin' through the Internet, having lots of fun!
He comes Mach Hedgehog, you know he's a mighty one-
Despite his Voodoo3 and his really bad puns,
Mach is still a human, but then he's the only one
with a super ego to make him really super strong,
Mach can be a winner if he isn't too far wrong,
Mach Hedgehog!
We think he's really fine!
Mach Hedgehog!
A hero for all time!
Mach, Mach, Mach, Mach Hedgehog!
Hoo-ray for him!

Alex Weitzman

2000年10月15日 03:00:002000/10/15
>It seems somebody's taken my MST and Re-MSTed it.
>Because that's something from my MST, not the original Sonic Fights

It's true; I didn't get this in pure form. I cut all the stuff I knew was the
original MiSTer's, but your stuff must've gotten in there, too. Oh, well. Hey,
you got mentioned by Mike.

Alex Weitzman
NOTICE: The contained writer's little sister says, "Um, hello. It's me, Sammi.
Alex. Alex again is doing it. No, erase the again. No, erase the again! Erase
that!" We don't know what that means.


2000年10月15日 20:24:492000/10/15
The Hive Mind detected the following irregular thought patterns from
cycle <>, a thought entity
that refers to itself as Alex Weitzman:

>CROW: Aren't we posting this on AFSH? Watch your mouth, Mike.

[claims his 5 cents]

Not bad at all. It's difficult to make a really good MiST when the original
work is so close to parody when it starts, but you did a fine job ;)

+ Official Member of the AFSH Elite Council of Pointless
+ The Scribbling Member of SiA
+ Wearer of the Bucket of we!T and the Pants of Melodrama

"5 is describing what the guardian that Void was doing (describing 4 as
it pertains to 3 only as related to 1)"
-The Chaos Emerald

Alex Weitzman

2000年10月15日 20:32:132000/10/15
>Not bad at all. It's difficult to make a really good MiST when the original
>work is so close to parody when it starts, but you did a fine job ;)

[Homer Simpson-like] WOO-HOO!!!

Much thanks.

Alex Weitzman
NOTICE: The contained writer has found himself stuck in a roboticizer, of all
things. For some reason, Robotnik cannot bring himself to push the button.
We're about to do it for him.

2000年10月16日 03:00:002000/10/16
In article <>, (Alex Weitzman) wrote:
> Yeah, I know it's been done, but I wanted to do it with Mike and the
> Alex Weitzman Studios Presents.....

Wow! You sure got that done quick! Haven't had a chance to read the
whole thing yet, but it looks pretty good in the beginning. I'll have
to save it to disk and read it later.
--Jesse Shearer

Sent via
Before you buy.

2000年10月16日 20:40:242000/10/16
In article <>,

"Mach" <> wrote:
> Alex Weitzman <> wrote in message
> > >*MachHedge sets mode +b *!*@*
> > ><MachHedge> Muhahahahahahahaha!!!!!
> > ><Sally> Hey! Who set you Op?
> > >*MachHedge sets mode +b *!*@*
> >
> > MIKE: Oh, no, not that Mach guy.
> > CROW: AFSH, dummy!
> > MIKE: Oops.
> >
> > ><Beavis> I'm furry... Huhuhuhuhuh...
> It seems somebody's taken my MST and Re-MSTed it.
> Because that's something from my MST, not the original Sonic Fights
> Robotnik.

Well, hey, if anyone out there happens to have a copy of the original,
I'd like to read it, just to see if it's really as bad as everyone makes
it sound. I probably won't MST it since I know it's been done at least
twice now and I happen to have a fairly full plate as is right now,
anyway. But if you happen to have a copy of the original, please send
it to Thanks.
--Jesse Shearer

PS: Yes, I truly am insane, in case anyone's wondering.

James Coyote Calhoun

2000年10月16日 20:49:262000/10/16
When asked about the escalating hostility in the corporation
nation-state of, White House Press Secretary
Ronald Cheesewaller told CoyoteNet reporter :

>In article <>,
> "Mach" <> wrote:
>> Alex Weitzman <> wrote in message
>> > >*MachHedge sets mode +b *!*@*
>> > ><MachHedge> Muhahahahahahahaha!!!!!
>> > ><Sally> Hey! Who set you Op?
>> > >*MachHedge sets mode +b *!*@*
>> >
>> > MIKE: Oh, no, not that Mach guy.
>> > CROW: AFSH, dummy!
>> > MIKE: Oops.
>> >
>> > ><Beavis> I'm furry... Huhuhuhuhuh...
>> It seems somebody's taken my MST and Re-MSTed it.
>> Because that's something from my MST, not the original Sonic
>> Fights Robotnik.
>Well, hey, if anyone out there happens to have a copy of the
>original, I'd like to read it, just to see if it's really as bad as
>everyone makes it sound. I probably won't MST it since I know it's
>been done at least twice now and I happen to have a fairly full
>plate as is right now, anyway. But if you happen to have a copy of
>the original, please send it to

Howzabout I give you the URL to the den of inequity itself?

(Yeah, NBC bought Xoom. Thus making Jay Leno host of The Tonight Show the
*second* dumbest thing they've ever done.)

________________________________________________ CoyoteNet, Inc. ___________
_. | <James "Coyote" Calhoun> | Can we film the operation? Is the head
)'' | | dead yet? You know the boys in the
/ | | ICQ: (E-mail me for it) | newsroom got a running bet/Get the widow
_f_)\. | | on the set! We need dirty laundry!
This newsgroup is: ( )

2000年10月18日 21:15:532000/10/18
In article <8FCFD3401C...@>, (James "Coyote" Calhoun)

> Howzabout I give you the URL to the den of inequity itself?
> (Yeah, NBC bought Xoom. Thus making Jay Leno host of The Tonight Show
> *second* dumbest thing they've ever done.)
> --

Thanks, man. Next time I feel like committing a crime against all I
hold dear in the literary world, I'll go there. I looked at one of his
"stories," and if that one got "acclaim" on the NG he posted it to, I
shutter to think what the others on that group are like, let alone the
rest of his.
--Jesse Shearer

Random Quote: "It's about your future." --Al Gore, presidential debate,


2000年10月19日 03:00:002000/10/19
>> (Yeah, NBC bought Xoom. Thus making Jay Leno host of The Tonight Show
>> *second* dumbest thing they've ever done.)

I like Jay. ;)

But Conan's wayyy better. *hugs Co*


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